Worksheet Present Continuous Tense

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Unit 8 Present Continuous Tense


KD. 3.8 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/ kegiatan/ kejadian yang sedang
dilakukan/berlangsung saat diucapkan, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
(Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan present continuous tense)


 Siswa dapat memahami fungsi social, struktur teks dan unsure kebahasaan
kalimat berbentuk Present Continuous Tense
 Siswa dapat membuat, mendemonstrasikan, menggunakan kalaimat berbentuk
Present Continuous Tense sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya dengan baik dan
benar dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

Present Continuous Tense


to express action or condition that is happening now. It is used to show that an

ongoing action is happening now.


o Intiation (Memulai)
o Response (Menanggapi)


o deklaratif and interogatif sentences in Present Continuous Tense

o Adverbia: now
o Nomina singular and plural with or without a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.
o expressing,word pressing, intonation, ejaan, punctuation, and hand writing

Before we are going to the subject material, for stimulation /warming up, look at the pictures

He is watching TV

They are studying English

Present continuous tense is formed by auxiliary verb “be”, is/am/are – present tense (waktu
sekarang),  and present participle (V-ing).

Is is used on the subject likt singular noun (Tita, book) and third person singular pronoun (like: she,
he, it);

 are is used on plural noun (like: boys, men, books), plural pronoun (like: we, they) and you;

while am is used by I.

it will be clearer when we serve them into a table list below. Every subject has its own to be. Look at
tabel list below!

No subject To be
1. I am
2. You/We/They are

3. He/She/It is

Umumnya tense ini hanya terjadi pada aksi berupa dynamic atau action verb, tidak stative
verb. Mengapa begitu? karena secara umum hanya dynamic verb yang memiliki bentuk continuous.

Here is the pattern how to form Present Continuous Tense Sentences in positive, negative, and
interrogative form.

Read carefully!

(+) Subject + is/am/are + Ving +


(-) Subject + is/am/are + not + Ving +


(?) Is/am/are + subject + Ving +

Here is how to set presnt continuous tense sentences:

Rumus Present Continuous Tense Contoh Present Continuous Tense

The ships are sailing.
kalimat positif (+) (Kapal-kapal itu sedang berlayar.)
He is smiling.
S + be (am/is/are) + present participle (-ing) (Dia sedang tersenyum.)
The ships are not sailing.
kalimat negatif (-) (Kapal-kapal itu tidak sedang berlayar.)
He is not smiling.
S + be (am/is/are) + not + present participle (-ing) (Dia tidak sedang tersenyum.)
Are the ships sailing?
kalimat interogatif (?) (Apakah kapal-kapal itu sedang berlayar?)
Is he smiling?
be (am/is/are) + S + present participle (-ing)? (Apakah dia sedang tersenyum?)

Jenis-jenis dan fungsi present continuous tense

1. Present continuous tense untuk membicarakan suatu aksi yang sedang terjadi sekarang.
 I’m driving a car to Bandung now.
(Saya sedang mengendarai mobil ke Bandung sekarang.)
 I‘m living with my sister at the moment.
(Saya tinggal dengan saudara perempuan saya saat ini.)
 He’s learning English in order to be a great guide.
(Dia sedang mempelajari bahasa Inggris agar menjadi
pemandu wisata yang hebat.)

Time expression (keterangan waktu) yang dapat digunakan antara


- Now
- At the moment
- Over the holidays

2. Present continuous tense untuk membicarakan suatu rencana atau

perpindahan ke suatu tempat/kondisi.
 You can’t call me this night. I’m going to my best friend’s wedding.
(Kamu tidak dapat menghubungi saya malam ini. Saya akan pergi ke pernikahan sahabat
 I’m moving to West Jakarta this month.
(Saya pindah ke Jakarta Barat bulan ini.)
 The buses are arriving in an hour.
(Bus-bus tersebut tiba dalam satu jam.)

Time expression (keterangan waktu) yang dapat digunakan antara lain:

- On Sunday (pada hari minggu)

- Next week/ month (minggu depan/ bulan depan)
- This month (bulan ini)
- At nine o’clock on Sunday (pada pukul Sembilan hari minggu)

3. Present continuous tense untuk mengungkapkan kejengkelan atas aksi yang terjadi berulang kali.
 Why is the wild dog always barking at me?
(Mengapa anjing liar itu selalu menggonggong pada saya?)
 I’m getting sick of you always asking the same questions.
(Saya mulai muak dengan kamu yang selalu menanyakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang



to express action or condition that is happening now. It is used to show that an

ongoing action is happening now.


(+) Subject + is/am/are + Ving + (object+adverb)

(-) Subject + is/am/are + not + Ving + (object+adverb)

(?) Is/am/are + subject + Ving + (object+adverb)


(+) He is reading book

(-) He is not reading book

(?) Is he reading book?

Answer the question below?
1. Mention the text structure of present continuous tense
2. What is the social function of present continuous tense?
3. Mention 3 language feature of present continuous tense
4. Mention 3 kinds of third person singular pronoun!
5. Make sentences about present continuous tense in….

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