.. Gurustotram ..: April 10, 2015

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॥ गोऽम ्

.. gurustotraM ..

April 10, 2015
Document Information

Text title : gurustotram

File name : gurustotram.itx
Location : doc_z_misc_navagraha
Language : Sanskrit
Subject : philosophy/hinduism/religion
Transliterated by : KSR Ramachandran ramachandran_ksr at yahoo.ca
Proofread by : KSR Ramachandran ramachandran_ksr at yahoo.ca
Description-comments : From Grantha/Tamil book Adityadi Navagraha Stotra
Latest update : June 28, 2012
Send corrections to : Sanskrit@cheerful.com
Site access : http://sanskritdocuments.org

॥ गोऽम ्

॥ गोऽम ्

अथ गोऽम ।्

बृहितः सराचाय ् भु लणः ।
दयावान श
लोकऽयगःु ौीमावः सवकोिवदः ॥ १॥
सवशः सवदाऽभीः सविजवपिू जतः ।
ु िपता ॥ २॥
अबोधनो मिु नौेो नीितकता गः
िवाा िवकता च िवयोिनरयोिनजः ।
भूभवु ःसवर
ु च ैव भता च ैव महाबलः ॥ ३॥

पिवंशितनामािन पयािन िनयताना ।
वसता नभवन े िवनु ा कीिततािन वै ॥ ४॥
यः पठे त ू् ाताय ूयतः ससमािहतः
ु ।
ु ॥ ५॥
िवपरीतोऽिप भगवाीतो भवित वै गः

यँणोित गोऽं िचरं जीवे संशयः ।
बृहितकृ ता पीडा न कदािचिवित ॥ ६॥

इित गोऽं सूणम ।्

Encoded and proofread by KSR Ramachandran ramachan-

dran_ksr at yahoo.ca

This text is prepared by volunteers and is to be used for personal study and
research. The file is not to be copied or reposted for promotion of any
website or individuals or for commercial purpose without permission.

Please help to maintain respect for volunteer spirit.

2 ु
॥ गोऽम ्

.. gurustotraM ..
was typeset on April 10, 2015
Please send corrections to sanskrit@cheerful.com

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