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1 In a flashback, Keiichi brutally beats Rena and Mion to death with a baseball bat in the night in his room with the lights off while
he screams in terror and blood being splattered everywhere as he keeps beating them. In June 1983, Keiichi Maebara wakes up
and walk to school with Rena and Mion and lives with his friends in the rural village of Hinamizawa. Life is peaceful as Keiichi
and Rena Ryugu visit the town landfill in search for clues. Keiichi learns from Jiro Tomitake about the past murders and the dam
construction proposed by the government five years earlier. The project met with protests and was withdrawn. When Keiichi
asks Rena and Mion Sonozaki about any incidents relating to the project, they refuse to reply, which makes him suspicious. He
gets even more suspicious as he and Rena discover the statue of Kenta, the parody of Colonel Sanders and Rena leaves to find a
machete, he finds a newspaper article about the death of the manager. He learns that one of the killers is still at large.
2 During the annual festival, Keiichi is informed by Tomitake and Miyo Takano, about "Oyashiro's curse". A series of murders and
disappearances has occurred on the night of the festival for the past four years and are all supposedly caused by the curse o f
the village's tutelary deity, Oyashiro. The next day, Keiichi meets Oishi Kurado, and learns that Tomitake committed suicide by
damaging his throat and Takano disappeared. He becomes Oishi's informant. Keiichi notices changes in Rena and Mion's
behavior and suspects them of hiding something from him. He too is accused of keeping secrets because of his ties to Oishi.
Keiichi delves deeper into the history of the curse, and Satoko Hojo's older brother, Satoshi, has been apparently transferred
out of school in Hinamizawa. At that point, Keiichi realizes that Rena has been eavesdropping on him the whole time.
3 Growing increasingly paranoid, Keiichi calls in sick for school to avoid his friends and delve deeper into the case. Oishi tells
Keiichi that all victims of Oyashiro's curse are connected to his group of friends. That night, Keiichi discovers a sewing needle
inside the box of ohagi, which Rena and Mion give. Fearing that they will watch him, Keiichi wields Satoshi's baseball bat, after
returning to school the next day. His friends reveal that like Keiichi, Satoshi had displayed similar paranoid behavior.
4 Rena pays Keiichi a visit and attempts to enter the house, but he becomes paranoid and forces her to leave. Distressed by his
aggressive behavior, Mion attempts to apologize to Keiichi, but he rebuffs her. After seeing Rena with a machete as school
ends, Keiichi demands to know who caused all the murders and disappearances. Rena replies that it is all the work of Oyashiro,
and she could have prevented Satoshi from disappearing before laughing hysterically. Keiichi escapes from Rena, but he is taken
back home by three grey uniformed guards. When Rena and Mion uses the syringe, Keiichi, already past his breaking point kills
them with the bat. He calls and tells Oishi that the murders were caused by Oyashiro. However, Keiichi kills himself by clawing
at his own throat, after knowing that Oyashiro is behind him. The next day, the police remove all evidence from Keiichi's house,
including the syringe and the note hidden in a wall clock.
5 The timeline of the last four episodes has been reset. Keiichi wins a doll in a competitive game at the toy store and gives it to
Rena, implying to Mion that she is too masculine for it. Mion brushes it off but is visibly upset. Keiichi meets Mion's younger
twin sister, Shion at Angel Mort but assumes that's Mion impersonating her. He discovers that the twin sisters are particularly
fond of him; Mion blushing when he talks to her and Shion visits him at home to give him her homemade bento lunch and
rallying with other villagers of Hinamizawa to save him from being beaten up by three delinquents he accidentally angered. He
realizes that Mion really has a twin sister when he and Shion bump into her at the toy store Mion works there part-time.
6 Keiichi learns about the curse of Hinamizawa when he meets Tomitake and Takano, a nurse at Irie Clinic. During Rika's ritual
performance, Shion and Keiichi meet up with Tomitake and Takano to examine the ritual tool shed and learn about the
significance of the shrine as a torture chamber with its horrific history of removing innards from humans as a sacrifice offering
to Oyashiro-sama. Takano who's interested in the village's history theorizes that the villagers are continuing the tradition of
sacrificing people to Oyashiro-sama. Shion and Keiichi promise not to tell anyone. Keiichi becomes disturbed when he is
questioned both by Mion, and Oishi about the whereabouts of Shion, Tomitake and Takano. Keiichi receives a phone call from
Shion and learns that Takano and Tomitake had already died after the festival. Since they died from the curse, they are needed
to calm Oyashiro. Keiichi reprimands Shion that he was irresponsible and demands to know how she intends to take
responsibility. Shion becomes upset and hangs up the phone
7 At school, Rika shows knowledge of Keiichi's actions and in a metaphorical conversation promises to help the 'little kitty cat who
did something bad' on the night of the festival by making the 'big dogs' aware the 'kitty cat' had no bad intentions and alludes
to the fact that Mion is upset at Shion. She warns Keiichi that if the same 'dog' who bit the village leader tries to bite him, he
should tell her. Keiichi learns that the village leader, Kimiyoshi disappeared. Shion tells him that she confessed to the village
leader about what they did. Shion thinks it is her fault that the Curse got him because he had promised to help them. Keiichi
believes Rika is also in danger. Keiichi, Rena and Mion go to Rika and Satoko's house, only to find them gone. However, Mion
vindictively said that Satoko was the one who made Satoshi 'demoned away' and implied to cause Rika's disappearance too.
Keiichi talks with Oishi; His account of the village leader's activities before disappearing contradicts Shion's claim that she
confessed. Shion disappeared after laughing insanely over the phone after Keiichi confronts her.
8 Keiichi and Rena learn that Rika and Satoko disappeared, and Rena suspects Mion was responsible for it. They confront Mion at
her house because the police do not have enough probable cause for a search warrant. Mion admits that Rika and Satoko
visited the house and she murdered them with her own hands. She asks to have a private talk with Keiichi before the police
arrest her, and she lures Keiichi to a torture chamber. He sees Shion locked up in the dungeon cell who screams at him to run
before Mion incapitates him As Mion prepares to torture Keiichi, she tells him the whole event wouldn't have happened if he
gave the doll to Mion but stops after Keiichi, believing Mion to be possessed by Oyashiro and begging Mion to spare Shion for
the body. Mion asks whether he wants to be spared as well, which Keiichi says is irrelevant compared to Shion's safety. Mion
hears a noise and assumes Rena brought the police and tasers Keiichi unconscious. Keiichi and Shion leave the torture chamber.
A few days later, Mion arrives at Keiichi's house during the night and stabs him in the stomach after he approaches her. At the
hospital, Keiichi learns that Shion fell to her death from her apartment's balcony. Oishi asks Keiichi if he was certain, it was Mion
who attacked him. He confirms it. Oishi reveals the real Mion had already died at the bottom of the well. Then Oishi discusses
about Takano herself, according to the autopsy report, Takano had already died hours before she broke into the ritual tool
shed. After Oishi leaves, Mion ambushes Keiichi.
9 Once again, the timeline of the last four episodes have been reset. A female's mutilated body is suddenly found in a nearby
town flowing down a sewerage canal. Keiichi's parents leave for Tokyo for a few days. Helped by Satoko and Rika, who make
dinner for him, Keiichi gets to know about Satoshi from the former and his whereabouts on the night of last year's festival right
before he 'transferred' (disappeared) a few days later. He decides to act as a surrogate brother to Satoko. At the baseball match
and barbeque, he was invited to by his friends, he meets Kyousuke Irie, the doctor, and the director of the Irie Clinic in
Hinamizawa. they immediately bond over their concerns for Satoko's wellbeing. Irie tells Keiichi it's been three years since
Satoshi and Satoko's parents died after falling into a river from a canyon viewpoint. He also mentions that Satoshi had already
'transferred' last year much to Keiichi's confusion. Shion didn't take well to it when Keiichi asks her about him, and Rena claims
Satoshi was cursed by Oyashiro and Mion does not even know where's Satoshi now.
10 While Satoko is absent from school for a few days, Keiichi discovers that she is abused by her uncle Teppei when he saw bruises
over her body as he pays a visit to her family's residence to check up on her. Irie who also helped drop her off from grocery
shopping notifies Keiichi that Teppei left the village after his wife was killed during the festival last year and came back a few
days ago after his mistress died then stays around to avoid the Yakuza and coerce Satoko to do menial tasks for him. He also
proclaims that Satoko assumed it was her own fault that Satoshi disappeared because she was overdependent on him and vows
to endure Teppei's abuse in hopes that one day he will finally return home. A few days later, Satoko returns to school like
Teppei never existed, but suffers a horrific mental breakdown during lunchtime after Keiichi pats her.
11 Keiichi realizes Satoko will be traumatized for life if Teppei keeps on abusing her and resolves to murder him for good. Over the
phone, he asks Mion to take Satoko to the festival. When she asks him why he tells her he has some things to do. Mion
mentions that is exactly what Satoshi said before he disappeare last year. After concluding that Satoshi was possibly the one
who murdered his aunt instead of a drug addict to protect Satoko, Keiichi masterminds his plan to ambush Teppei in the woods
and do the same thing as Satoshi to him using Satoshi's baseball bat then buries the body. While returning home when it's
raining, Keiichi meets Takano driving her car, who picks him up and surprised when she mentions that if he already buried the
12 Keiichi drops off at home by Takano who later drives off and suddenly hears a footstep. The next day, he's disturbed when his
friends tell him that he was at the Watanagashi festival with them all this time. Satoko still protests that Teppei's still abusing
her even though Keiichi was certain he had already killed him. he goes to the Doctor's office, where he confesses the murder to
Irie. Although he promises to help him, he overhears him talking to his assistant with preparations to put sedatives in the tea
they were going to give him. Keiichi goes to the woods to exhume Teppei's body after he's skeptical that he murdered the
wrong person when Oishi shows up and forces him to dig a hole, only to find Teppei's body gone.
13 Keiichi goes to the Hojo residence to ascertain Teppei's status, he also hears footsteps as he's about to leave. At the residence,
he finds Satoko in the bath and in need of medical help. Keiichi takes Satoko to the clinic but overhears the police that Irie
committed suicide with sleeping pills and Oishi has disappeared from the village. Keiichi admits to Satoko that he murdered
Teppei, but she brushed it off. they discover Rika's disemboweled body at the shrine and Satoko believes that Keiichi is
possessed by Oyashiro which was superstitious punishment for having Rika take the blame for vandalizing Oyashiro-sama's
statue inside the ritual shed years ago. Keiichi tries to convince Satoko, but she pushes him off a bridge. The toxic gas from the
swamp of Onigafuchi suddenly emerges and kills everyone in the village except for Keiichi who survived the fall from the bridge
and taken to hospital.
14 Five years ago, during the dam project protest, Mamoru Akasaka investigates the kidnapping of Toshiki Inukai, the grandson of
the dam's construction project manager with the possibility the anti-dam protesters are possibly responsible for it. He meets
Ōishi who tells him about the Dam Project Opposition Committee and three leading families. As the village tourist, he meets
and befriends Rika. But suddenly, her personality suddenly changes to a stern young woman's who warns him to return to
Tokyo but collapses and commences to act normally afterward. A colleague of Ōishi gives intel to Akasaka about the project,
headed by Oryō. He learns that the confidential information regarding the missing child had already leaked out to the public
and Oryō already knows that a novice police investigator was dispatched to the village. She has given orders to take care of him
if he begins to meddle too much into their affairs. The next day, Ōishi informs Akasaka that a wallet with the same name as the
missing child was given to the station as a lost and found item in a deserted village called Takatsudo.
15 On their way to Takatsudo, Akasaka notices Rika staring sadly at the car, Oishi driving in, they find the kidnappers' hideout after
a tip-off from Irie and rescue Toshiki, but Akasaka is shot in a left shoulder by one of them. They discover that their efforts were
in vain because the perpetrators' demands had already been met. Akasaka tries to contact his pregnant wife, Yukie using the
phones at the hospital and out on the streets, but all the cords have been cut by someone. At a particular phone booth, he finds
Rika and asks if she cut the cords. She replies that making a call would make him sad. She takes him to see the festival and an
ominous Rika describes each death starting from 1979 every year and that the last one in 1983 will be her murder. She suggests
he will survive, but also live a happy life. A few years later, Akasaka visits Ōishi at his mother's birthplace in Hokkaido, and
reveals what Rika told him on the night several years ago. He corroborates the story with the events of his pregnant wife, Yukie
died falling down a stairway at the hospital while he was in Hinamizawa but fortunately their child, Miyuki survived. Ōishi tells
him that on the day of the great disaster, Rika was killed after she was incapacitated with chloroform then had her internal
organs horrifically removed from her body. Akasaka reveals that he returned to find the truth about the curse that took Rika's
16 The events from Watanagashi-hen are retold from Shion's point of view. For generations, the Sonozaki family must euthanize
the younger newborn twins to quell misfortunes upon them. Shion was about to die but they instead and unsuccessfully send
her away to St Lucia, but she abandoned the boarding school out of distaste for it. Wanting to live on her own, Shion acts like
Mion and gets a job at their uncle's shop, with her bodyguard, Kasai and Mion supporting the illusion. Shion learns about the
incidents. She meets Satoshi after saving her from delinquents and mistakes her for Mion. Shion takes a liking to Satoshi and
learns that Satoko's parents were victims of the curse who worked at the dam and after that Satoshi and Satoko were taken in
by their aunt and uncle. They resent them because the rest of the village shunned them for their parents' support of the dam.
Shion goes to school in Mion's place and attempts to cheer up Satoshi who ignores her. During lunchtime when Shion beats up
and insults Satoko after the latter drops her lunchbox and calls for him, Satoshi stops her. Shion learns that Satoshi despises the
Sonozaki family for persecuting his own family for their contributions to building the dam.
17 After convincing Shion to care of Satoko, Satoshi kills his aunt with a baseball bat during the festival. Shion while in disguise as
Mion is skeptic that he is the culprit but provides an alibi for him when Oishi questions him. In the process, she reveals that she
is not her sister. The family finds her when Oishi examines her story, and she is taken back to their family estate to answer with
her grandmother for the trouble she has caused. Shion aggressively protests the family and proclaims her love for Satoshi, she
gets by punished by the henchmen and Mion who de-nail three fingers on Shion's hand. A few days later, Oishi tells Shion about
Satoshi had suddenly disappeared and a drug addicts identified as his aunt's murderer.
18 Shion investigates further into the curse and the murders over the past four years. She meets Takano at the library who tells her
more about the dark past. She explains that the villagers used to call Onigafuchi and that, according to the god's sacrifice ritual,
for each victim, there must be an equivalent number of missing people, drowned in the bottomless marsh. This leads Shion to
believe Satoshi has been sacrificed by her family, and she feels her demon awaken. After Shion's encounter with Takano, she is
visited by Mion at her apartment, she attempts to strangle her but learns that Mion de-nailed herself in the same spots Shion
had because she did not want her to take the burden and deter Oryō from taking further actions against Shion and Satoshi
before she left, the story skips one year to the present right before the festival. Keiichi meets Shion and learns about Satoshi. As
he pets her head, Shion remembers Satoshi and feels depressed over missing him but suddenly hears his voice. The story
further skips forward to where Tomitake, Takano, Keiichi and Shion inspect the shrine. Shion is determined to find whoever's
responsible for Satoshi's death but suddenly hears stomping at the same time. After the festival, Shion wakes up from a
hangover overhears Mion and Oryō discussing the events that had transpired over Takano and Tomitake's deaths and the
investigation. Shion attempts to leave in fear of punishment but is caught by Mion.
19 Shion believes that her family is connected to the acts of "spiriting away" pe ople in the village, especially in the case of Satoshi.
She tasers Mion and her grandmother which unintentionally kills the latter and imprisons Mion in the dungeon repeatedly and
accusing her of having been implicit about Satoshi's disappearance. Shion pretends to be Mion the next day and confronts
Keiichi about the previous encounter, which Keiichi denies it. Shion attends a village council meeting and lures the village head
to the estate. She tasers him after he reveals that her "Distinction" (after removing fingernails) was so that Kasai, her uncle, and
Shion herself would not be killed, confirming for the sisters and their grandmother did not have Satoshi 'forgiven'.
20 Shion tortures the village head for information about the previous murders and Satoshi. Shion confronts Rika about the
murders at school, leading to a confrontation between the two. Rika invites herself to the Sonozaki estate where Rika commits
suicide by stabbing herself repeatedly in the head, after Shion injects the syringe on her. Shion then invites Satoko to capture
21 Shion tricks the townspeople into identifying Keiichi as a suspect. She quickly realizes Oishi suspects her instead. She brutally
tortures Satoko for indirectly causing Satoshi's disappearance which she acknowledges and screams in defiance and as
punishment for Mion who looked on horrified and pleads her to stop. She kills Satoko then she remembers the day one of
Satoshi's last requests was to keep Satoko safe. This drives her deeper into madness. The next day, Keiichi, and Rena suspect
Mion as Rika and Satoko's killer. Shion then lures Keiichi to the dungeon and prepares to torture him. Keiichi begs Shion, whom
he believes is Mion possessed by Oyashiro, to spare the sisters, which makes Shion sad, and she tasers Keiichi. Shion frees
Mion, switches clothes with her and takes her to the body disposal well, telling her that Satoshi's body is down there. Mion tells
her that their grandmother approved of her relationship with Satoshi, but Shion refuses to believe her. She then tasers Mion
falling down the well to her death. She and Keiichi are rescued. Following the incident, Shion starts to hallucinate. She visits
Keiichi and gravely wounds him. Shion hastily returns to her apartment and scales the side of the building but falls to her death.
As Shion imagines seeing Satoshi's face in the moon, she apologizes to him for all her unforgivable sins she caused with her own
22 The timeline is reset yet again. The chapter starts off with Rena and Keiichi winning the water-gun competition. Mion, Satoko
and Rika plan to work the day at the Angel Mort Cafe, after losing the game. There, Rena meets Mamiya Rina. Rena recalls the
past about the divorce of her parents, because her mother planned to marry another man. Back home, Rena learns Rina has
helped her dad completely redo the entire living room, discarding properties, including Kenta-kun, the mascot statue of a fast-
food restaurant chain, KCF that she and Keiichi salvaged from the landfill. The next day at a cafe, Rena notices and overhears
Rina and Teppei Hōjō conducting a shady loan deal with two guys and machinates a plan to steal money from her father to save
it for marriage. She learns from Shion and Kasai who also visits the cafe about their badger games; beating up a person to extort
money from them by having Rina involves herself with a man in a seductive relationship while Teppei 'discovers' and harms
23 Rena goes through her father's checkbook and discovers he is overspending the money. After school, Rena returns to the
landfill and blames Rina for planning. When Rina attempts to choke Rena, she kills her by slicing her stomach open with a glass
shard and beating her with a metal pipe. That night, Rena discovers Teppei beating her father outside the house. Rena leads
Teppei to the landfill, where she ambushes and kills him. The next day, Rena cuts their bodies into pieces and wraps them up in
small packages. Her friends who come across her convinces her to accept who she is. They dump the packages into a small cave
in the woods. When Rena leaves, Mion tells the rest of them to forget the incident.
24 While reading Takano's scrapbooks, Rena discovers the truth about Oyashiro and his curse. It was proposed that Oyashiro was a
doctor, and the curse was a virus in the village for which he quarantined the village and used the people who died by the virus
to make a vaccine which was inadvertently interpreted by villagers. Since the altitude and temperature are very specific for the
survival of the virus, the victims start to feel homesick when they leave there. The disease apparently caused all the murder s.
Rena gets hunted down by people who will stop at nothing to keep the information secret.
25 Rena learns that Mion took the packages from where they were hidden, making her lose faith in her friends and causing her
sanity to slip. Keiichi upon learning from Mion about the packages to make sure the forestry service don't find them when they
are going to deforest during the summer goes to the landfill where's Rena hiding and tries to stop her from committing more
crimes as extreme measures but she confronts him with a dark secret from his past that she learnt from Ooishi; Back in his
hometown, Keiichi had used a BB gun to hurt children and his conscience made him turn himself into his parents and was let off
with good behavior probation. Rena lefts him while he is crestfallen. At school, out of guilt, he confesses to the Club members
about his past, but they forgive him as they said that he's a good person now and it wasn't necessary for him to reveal his past.
This ultimately makes him remember the events of the first arc, where his paranoia and insanity caused him to kill Rena and
Mion when he mistakenly believed them to be a threat. Keiichi breaks down in tears, Rika reacts thunderstruck and later tells
him nobody remembers the murders except her, and she forgives him. This strengthens his understanding of Rena's situation,
and he resolves to prevent the tragedy from occurring. He apologizes to Mion, much to her confusion.
26 Rena suddenly appears at school, captures all students, and threatens to kill them by first spreading gallons of gasoline around
the whole classroom and activating a lighter to keep them in line. Keiichi given the task of handing over Takano's scrapbooks to
Ooishi is given an earpiece secretly in return. With Rika and Satoko's help, he escapes Rena's grasp and learns that she also
concocted another plan to use a homemade bomb planted on the school roof as a backup in case her first plan fails but Keiichi
arrives in time to defuse it. As he and Rena fights on the rooftop, she regains her sanity and could not bear to kill Keiichi after he
loses the fight against her. She reconciles with her friends. Though the crisis has been averted, Rika's called by Ooishi to his car
and informs her about Takano and Tomitake's death, she suddenly says she will play with it during the endless June.

1 Mamoru Akasaka, Ōishi and the assistant visit the abandoned village in 2007. They learn about the Great Hinamizawa Disaster
that decimated the town and the connection to Takano's File No. 34. The adult Rena survived the disaster, because she was
detained at the police station during the incident. She shares with them the little knowledge she has about Rika's strange
behavior shortly before the supposed "gas leak". Akasaka recalls the meeting with Rika. The episode is a direct epilogue of
2 Back in 1983, the club participates in a game of "zombie tag". On their way home, they run into Irie, Tomitake and Takano, who
tell Keiichi about the murders. He understands why his friends hid it from him and does not resent them for it. This fails to
reassure Rika, and she grows progressively more depressed as the day of the festival approaches. Satoko utters a phrase spoken
by Keiichi during the previous event.
3 Satoko attempts to help Rika, but she denies that anything is wrong. That night, Satoko discovers Rika arguing with a mysterious
voice and telling her she will die, and that there is nothing that either of them can do.
4 During the festival, Rika fails to warn Tomitake of his imminent death. Satoko is convinced that a mysterious man is following
her and Rika around. Worried of her safety, Satoko sets traps around the house to alert her of any intruders, and when one is
triggered, her fears are confirmed.
5 After discovering Rika's body near the shrine, a traumatized Satoko flees and falls off the bridge. She stumbles back into town in
the aftermath of the Great Hinamizawa Disaster. Satoko suffers mental shock, after witnessing many deaths. Ōishi tries to
interrogate with the catatonic Satoko, relaying a cryptic message left by Rena with the motive behind the suspects. Satoko
regains consciousness and finds a message, but the suspects kill her.
6 Rika begins a new world with Hanyū. She is getting tired of seeing her friends commit the same acts that lead them to her
mistake. Keiichi proves to her that people can change their fate if they want during the game tournament, by requesting to play
a different game other than the card game played in Watanagashi-hen. He gives the doll to Mion instead of Rena, thereby
avoiding hurting her feelings and potentially avoiding the tragedy transpiring in Meakashi-hen. Rika believes the world may be
different and vows to fight one more time.
7 Influenced by Keiichi's encouragement, and the fact her friends are starting to avoid doing the same mistakes by remembering
glimpses of what they could have done, Rika decides to find a way to prevent her own ominous destiny. Notable changes in this
world that Rika notices includes how Rena confided in Mion about the situation, between her dad and Rina rather than bear the
burden of her situation by herself, how Ōishi gets along with the others, and that Akasaka's wife and son survived after Rika
warned the latter.
8 Rika's plan is hindered by the appearance of Teppei, who is abusing Satoko. Keiichi and his friends find a way to release Satoko,
but the government is reluctant to cooperate.
9 The townspeople protest alongside the others to ignite government action in the case. Satoko cannot leave the house while
Teppei is around. This continues to place the action at an impasse. Satoko returns to school and shows the evidence, before
being sent to the clinic. After visiting there, Ōishi advises Keiichi not to overextend the issue, informing them that the household
is having the situation by the Child Counseling Center. During the meeting, Rika realizes that she is having responsibility.
10 Keiichi and his friends visit Oryō. Keiichi struggles to take the council and make an appeal for the government. Citizens from
Okinomiya and Hinamizawa protest in front of the center, calling for action from the director. The government succumbs to the
pressure of everyone, and the phone call is connected to the Hōjō residence. Teppei attempts to steal the bank account book
from the room.
11 Satoko talks to Keiichi and Rika on the phone, revealing the past about the abuse. Teppei is caught and arrested by the police,
while Satoko reunites with Rika. Knowing that Tomitake and Takano will die on the night in all the other worlds she has been in,
Rika enlists the help of Ōishi and her friends to protect the two. Once they arrive safely at the clinic, it is revealed that Takano is
the head of the clinic and Yamainu's security forces, who faked her death and killed Tomitake for the purpose of reigniting the
curse. As the police investigate the case, Takano reflects on how "everything will fall" soon.
12 Rika tells her friends the details of the Hinamizawa Syndrome, regarding how the disease whose symptoms show up when one
tries to leave the village. Rika reveals that the clinic, was an establishment built to research the disease, or more specifically
gather information on how to harness it as a biological weapon, sponsored by various bureaucratic connections collectively
referred to as "Tokyo". The Yamainu are revealed to be a security force tasked with maintaining the secrecy of such an
operation. Irie is revealed to be innocent in the matter and works at the institute, but his actual intentions were to find a cure
for the syndrome rather than developing a biological weapon. Rika revealed that her family lineage has been referred to
"Queen Carrier" that have suppressed the onset of symptoms of the syndrome, and thus she is targeted by the military. Her
friends believe her without hesitation. The police are stationed, at Rika's request, around the residence to give her added
protection. The military forces kill Ōishi and his assistant at the radio tower.
13 Keiichi, Rena, Mion and Shion leave the house to the officers for the night. As Satoko sleeps, Rika talks with Hanyū about Rika's
fate. Meanwhile, the military disables the guards at Rika's house and infiltrate the residence, but Rika and Satoko escape. They
are cornered by the group in the forest at one point, but Mion, Shion, Rena and Keiichi come to rescue them after knowing they
are in danger. The six of them failed to reach the household, after Takano killed the others. She brings and finally kills Rika at
the shrine. The spirits of the group members along with Hanyū, meet and agree that Hanyuu too must have the will to break
the cycle of death. Meanwhile, the villagers die succumbing to the gas, while an ecstatic Takano proclaims her ascension to
14 In a series of flashbacks, Takano's parents were killed in a bus accident and all her relatives died in the war. Dr. Hifumi (Takano's
foster grandfather) and his research piqued her interest in biological parasites when she was young. Takano and the others
suffered verbal and physical abuse at the orphanage. After separating them, Takano escapes from the orphanage headmaster
into the forest. Years later, Takano continues the research, working at the institute as second in command behind Irie. Takano
meets Tomitake. Back in the past, Takano questions the god why she is suffering for her abnormal life. The flashback ends and
Takano wakes up, apparently dreaming the entire time. Takano looks over the village and proclaims that her actions continue
with her grandfather's legacy.
15 Takano manages to contact Hifumi at a phone booth, while escaping from the orphanage and pleading for help before the call
ends. Takano was recaptured and returned to the orphanage, but she was soon taken in by Hifumi. Takano becomes an
assistant for organizing the research on the syndrome in preparation for a presentation among peers of their colleague,
Koizumi. Hifumi's research is rejected and even mocked by the intellectuals during the presentation, fueling young Takano's
determination to continue his research and make her grandfather a "god". Takano later graduated with high honors and joined
an intellectual society which could financially support her research. A few years later, Takano visits the shrine and confronts
Hanyū, who is determined to challenge the fate of the village against the research.
16 The events of the dam incident are shown, including when the Hōjō family antagonized against the Sonozaki family and village
residents. It is revealed that the dam construction manager was killed by employees when he sees them drinking after work and
went on a rampage. Meanwhile, Takano and Irie had been researching the syndrome at the institute, but they needed a live
specimen to prove the linkage between a parasite and the onset of the syndrome. They eventually utilized one of the
construction workers (who were succumbed to psychosis) responsible for killing the construction manager as a live specimen. In
another flashback, Satoshi discusses with Irie regarding how he wants Satoko to stay at the clinic longer than spending time
their aunt, simultaneously lifting a burden off himself. During these events, Hanyū feels helpless and apologetic, but years later
she and Rika eagerly await the arrival of the one person as the key to bring an end to the intention.
17 To save Satoko from being infected, Rika offers herself as a test subject for Irie and Takano's research, since Rika's status as a
"Queen Carrier" and its suppression of the syndrome allows the drugs to be derived from her blood. Takano prepares a plan to
cover up the gassing of Hinamizawa residents as a natural disaster. Ōishi tells Irie that Satoko inadvertently killed her parents by
pushing them off the cliff near the dam. While Rika was at the Institution, her parents objected to the continued use of the
latter, and thus Takano utilized the curse to cover up the death of Rika's parents that year. The clinic faces closure since
treatments had been developed by Irie to combat the syndrome, despite Takano's wishes to continue research for the sake of
her late grandfather. Takano meets Nomura who claims that she can help her attain the goal.
18 Ichiro visits an open plot of land in preparation of moving his family into the village and meets Rika and Hanyū. Rena's mother
abandoned the family. After purchasing a teddy bear, Satoshi succumbs to the syndrome and is sent to the clinic after realizing
he killed his aunt. Keiichi soon enters the school, as Rika and Hanyū look on, proclaiming that all the pieces have united for the
impending struggle against destiny.
19 Hanyū is introduced into the world as a transfer school student. She recalls Takano when she met her and learns that her
military forces are the culprits behind the attack. Hanyu tells this to Rika, who has seemingly lost her memories from
Minagoroshi-hen. Hanyū also discloses her own backstory as a former god of the local land. Akasaka returns to the village to
investigate Rika's clairvoyance and her connection to the curse, and recruits Ōishi. Irie discloses "Emergency Manual #34" to
Rika, which states that the sudden death of the "Queen Carrier" will lead to the gassing of the citizens before they can succumb
to the symptoms. Rika tries to decode the reason why Takano would try to kill her and recruits her friends, by analogizing her
situation to the plot of a manga she is writing. Mion suggests that opposing factions of a secret society may be contending for
power. Meanwhile, Takano becomes the head member of a new research facility and reveals her plan to defeat Koizumi's
20 Rika, Ōishi and Akasaka present Takano as the culprit to Irie and Tomitake, and eventually enlists the help of Tomitake to gather
incriminating evidence in the shadows. Rika asserts to Ōishi that the Sonozaki family is not behind the annual murder mysteries.
She later reveals to her friends the truth of her intended murder, and they manage to boost each other's morale to c onfront
Takano's willpower together. Rika ponders that her experiences in past worlds were used after all, as it seems her friends have
inherently learned from their past mistakes. Keiichi and Satoko devise a plan to save Rika as an effort to debunk the validity of
"Emergency Manual #34". Meanwhile, Irie is still skeptical of Takano's intentions, but his suspicions are confirmed when he
visits Akasaka, who is stationed at Rika's house to appear as if Rika and Satoko are in the residence. Rika and her friends
attempt to enlist the help of Ōishi to make a police announcement, but Ōishi is hesitant at first. Tomitake learns of Takano's
connection with Koizumi, and her monetary connections with the military. Irie and Ōishi are surprised to learn that many village
elders have laid down past conflicts and now preach peace with the Hōjō family. Ōishi enlists the help of his friends to carry out
about Rika.
21 Oblivious of Tomitake and Irie's betrayal, Takano continues with her plan. Ōishi confirms with Rika and her friends that the local
precinct is on board with the announcement of Rika's death, set to be announced at dawn. The grand plan is named "Operation
48 Hours". The next day, Takano's military forces are sent into a scramble over the validity of the report. Meanwhile, Ōishi and
his associates deal with an organization spy, Otaka, who plans to come and investigate Rika's future. Okonogi realizes that they
are being attacked by an organized plan. The group attempts to apprehend Tomitake, who they trace as a source of calls with
the Investigation Bureau, to prevent a leakage of the operation. Otaka arrives at the precinct and claims to have the backing of
the councilor, but he is on-site and dispels such a claim. Meanwhile, Takano learns about Rika, becoming suspicious of Irie and
the group captures Tomitake.
22 When Tomitake is sent to the clinic, Irie escapes from there. As Irie reunites with Shion and Kasai, they inadvertently lead the
group to Rika's hideout, using a transmitter. As the group arrive at the estate and hide in the tunnel, Shion and Kasai pretend to
be unconscious. When the military threatens to drop Shion down there, Rika decides to surrender herself in exchange for their
safety. Before Okonogi breaks the deal, Akasaka saves Rika, impersonating a soldier and driving the others away. While Keiichi
and friends plan for the next counterattack, Irie tells Shion that Satoshi is alive at the clinic.
23 Takano interrogates with Tomitake but is informed about Rika and takes command of the group to capture the others. When
the soldiers arrive at the mountains, Satoko set various traps for them. While Kasai and Akasaka infiltrate the underground
clinic, Shion and Irie find Satoshi at the experimental cell. Despite his health, Irie vows to continue his research to save Satoshi.
Irie convinces Shion to keep their evidence as a secret. The soldiers are sent into a state of disarray, when they hear a god-like
voice over the radio apparently torturing them, revealed to be the impersonating voices of Hanyū and Keiichi. Takano attempts
to rally the soldiers, but Akasaka drives a van near a blockade on the road.
24 Akasaka and Tomitake break through the blockade and make it to the city, where they dispatched the Banken combat unit and
convince the soldiers of Yamainu to surrender. After learning that Nomura used her as a scapegoat, Takano decides to
surrender and is sent to the clinic for treatment. Keiichi and his friends attend the festival. After the credits, Frederica
Bernkastel (the aggregate consciousness of all incarnations of Rika across the "restarts") changes the future by saving Takano's

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