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ANRV410-PP61-22 ARI 31 March 2010 16:47

REVIEWS Further Metal Hyperaccumulation
by Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis - School of Medicine - IUPUI on 07/17/12. For personal use only.

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Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2010.61:517-534. Downloaded from

• Our comprehensive search Ruhr University Bochum, Plant Physiology Department, D-44801 Bochum, Germany;

Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2010. 61:517–34 Key Words

First published online as a Review in Advance on natural diversity, adaptation, evolution, heavy metal, metal
February 24, 2010
homeostasis, elemental defense
The Annual Review of Plant Biology is online at Abstract
This article’s doi: During the history of life on Earth, tectonic and climatic change re-
peatedly generated large territories that were virtually devoid of life
Copyright  c 2010 by Annual Reviews. and exhibited harsh environmental conditions. The ability of a few spe-
All rights reserved
cialist pioneer plants to colonize such hostile environments was thus of
1543-5008/10/0602-0517$20.00 paramount ecological importance for the continuous maintenance of
primary production over time. Yet, we know very little about how ex-
treme traits evolve and function in plants. Recent breakthroughs have
given first insights into the molecular basis underlying the complex
extreme model trait of metal hyperaccumulation and associated metal
hypertolerance. This review gives an introduction into the hyperaccu-
mulator research field and its history; provides an overview of hyperac-
cumulator germplasm; describes the state of the art of our understanding
of the physiological, molecular, and genetic basis underlying metal hy-
peraccumulation and its evolution; and highlights future research needs
and opportunities.

ANRV410-PP61-22 ARI 31 March 2010 16:47

In a few plant taxa, the concentrations accu-

Contents mulated in aboveground biomass of the transi-
tion metals or metalloids Ni, Zn, Cd, Se, As,
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
Mn, Co, Cu, Pb, Sb, or Tl are more than one,
and up to four, orders of magnitude higher than
IN THE BRASSICACEAE . . . . . . . . 520
in other adjacent plants (Table 1) (6, 88). Such
a unique extent of accumulation of potentially
MODEL PLANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
toxic trace elements, for which concentrations
Arabidopsis halleri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
by Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis - School of Medicine - IUPUI on 07/17/12. For personal use only.

can approach and even exceed the concentra-

Noccaea caerulescens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
tions of the macronutrient cations K and Ca, has
been reported in a total of approximately 500
HYPERACCUMULATION . . . . . . . 523
plant taxa (∼0.2% of all angiosperms) to date
(6, 88). Inevitably, metal1 hyperaccumulation is
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2010.61:517-534. Downloaded from

associated with a strongly enhanced ability to

HYPERACCUMULATION . . . . . . . 523
detoxify the metal accumulated in aboveground
Membrane Transporters of Metals . . 523
tissues, and thus with metal hypertolerance.
Metal Chelation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
Begining in the 1950s, the first exten-
Antioxidants in Metal
sive studies of the vegetation on metal-
Hypertolerance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
contaminated soils raised some excitement
OUTLOOK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
among ecologists because of the very high se-
lection pressures at these sites and the appar-
ent rapidity of evolution of metal hypertoler-
INTRODUCTION ant races, e.g., of the grasses Festuca ovina and
Every day, we take pleasure in the overwhelm- Agrostis tenuis (1). This led Antonovics et al. (1)
ing diversity of the plants around us—this is as to conclude: “Heavy metal tolerance in plants
much about our aesthetic nature as it is an as- is probably an example of more powerful evo-
sertion of the prerequisites of the survival of the lution in action than industrial melanism in
human species. Plants have evolved a multitude moths” (p. 30). In subsequent years, e.g., indi-
of life forms and, though somewhat less visi- viduals of Silene vulgaris from nontolerant pop-
ble, of physiological realizations. Over the past ulations were compared to individuals collected
20 years, our fundamental molecular and func- from local populations on differently contam-
tional understanding of plants has been revolu- inated soils exhibiting Cu, Ni, Zn, Cd, or Co
tionized, taking advantage of a focus on a few hypertolerance, respectively (96, 97). Hyper-
model plants. Recent advances in sequencing tolerance to one particular metal was found
technologies, bioinformatics, and molecular bi- to have arisen repeatedly in S. vulgaris and
Nickel (Ni), zinc
(Zn), cadmium (Cd): ology are progressively allowing researchers to to be governed by only a few major loci, as
used here to refer to expand their scope into the phylogenetic neigh- in metal-hypertolerant races of several other
oxidation state +II of borhood of the classical model organisms and to species (70). All of these metal-hypertolerant
these elements, which address the adaptive relevance, molecular basis, plants pursue the most widespread metal ex-
is the biologically
and evolution of natural phenotypic diversity. cluder strategy of metal tolerance (5), i.e., phys-
relevant oxidation state
for these transition These developments are likely to bring about iological tolerance mechanisms act to minimize
metals in plants a transformation of our understanding of ecol- metal accumulation in aboveground tissues. Ni
Metal excluder: ogy and evolution in a time characterized by hyperaccumulation, which was first discovered
a plant pursuing the accelerating anthropogenic global change. This in 1948 in Alyssum bertolonii/Brassicaceae (75),
metal tolerance review focuses on naturally selected metal hy- and Zn hyperaccumulation, first discovered in
strategy of restricting peraccumulation and associated hypertolerance
metal movement into
as emerging model traits in this expanding re- 1
For simplicity, the generic term metal here includes the met-
search field. alloids and semimetals As, Se, and Sb.

518 Krämer
ANRV410-PP61-22 ARI 31 March 2010 16:47

Table 1 Hyperaccumulation of trace elements in land plants

Hyperaccumulation concentration
criterion (μg g−1 ) Taxa Families
Critical deficiency Critical toxicity
Element level1 (μg g−1 ) level1 (μg g−1 ) To date Newly suggested2 (No.) (No.)
Antimony n. r. <2 >1000 2 2
Arsenic n. r. <2–80 >1000 15 2
Cadmium n. r. 6–10 >100 5 2
by Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis - School of Medicine - IUPUI on 07/17/12. For personal use only.

Cobalt n. r. 0.4–several >1000 >300 (26)3 (11)

Copper 1–5 20–30 >1000 >300 (35) (15)
Lead n. r. 0.6–28 >1000 (14) (7)
Manganese 10–20 200–3500 >10,000 10 6
Nickel 0.002–0.004 10–50 >1000 390 42
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2010.61:517-534. Downloaded from

Selenium n. r. 3–100 >1000 20 7

Thallium n. r. 20 >1000 1 1
Zinc 15–20 100–300 >10,000 >3000 15 6
From (10, 40, 44, 72).
This refers to metal concentrations detected in two or more specimens collected at their natural sites of growth. The adoption of this definition would
require a reassessment of a number of species, including those designated metal hyperaccumulators based on single specimens.
Parentheses indicate that contamination with soil particles or minerals is likely to have resulted in overreporting.
Abbreviation: n. r., no known requirement.
Updated from A. J. M. Baker, personal communication, and from (105).

1865 in Noccaea caerulescens (formerly, Thlaspi molecular mechanisms operating therein, for
caerulescens)/Brassicaceae (8, 88, 93), began to the development of phytoremediation, phyto-
attract increasing attention in the early 1990s mining, or bio-fortification technologies, or
as incidences of the alternative metal accumu- for the improvement of crop nutrient effi-
lator strategy. One reason for this was the very ciency (19). Researchers interested in plant
high level of metal hypertolerance observed metal homeostasis take advantage of metal hy-
in hyperaccumulator species. Because of their peraccumulators to reveal key positions of the
close phylogenetic relationship with Arabidopsis metal homeostasis network that, when altered, a plant accumulating
thaliana, the Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator species lead to major changes in metal accumulation. metals primarily in the
Arabidopsis halleri and N. caerulescens have been Metal hyperaccumulators will be instrumen- shoots and
most successfully used in advancing our molec- tal in the development of systems biology ap- maintaining low metal
concentrations in the
ular understanding of metal hyperaccumulation proaches towards an integrated understanding
and hypertolerance. of plant metal homeostasis.
Metal homeostasis
Metal hyperaccumulation and associated Metal hypertolerance is an example of an ex-
network: the
hypertolerance are naturally selected, extreme, treme abiotic stress resistance trait. However, complex, tightly
complex physiological model traits, which the selective advantage of metal hyperaccumu- controlled functional
are easy to score. In addition, soil metal lation, in excess of physiological needs, has re- network orchestrating
concentrations—a proxy of the primary rele- mained elusive (16). Most likely, metal hyperac- delivery of the correct
amount of the correct
vant selective pressure on metalliferous soils— cumulation acts as an elemental defense against
micronutrient metal to
are comparably persistent over time and quan- herbivory and/or pathogen attack (15, 31). Fu- each metal-requiring
titatively accessible through simple analytical ture research can take advantage of the pro- protein at the correct
techniques. nounced accessibility of links between biotic time while avoiding
A further important motivation fueling re- stresses and metal homeostasis in metal hyper- metal
overaccumulation in
search on metal (hyper)accumulators has been accumulators. These links are likely to be of
sensitive locations
the intention to use these plants, or the broad relevance in plants in general. • Metal Hyperaccumulation in Plants 519

ANRV410-PP61-22 ARI 31 March 2010 16:47

Finally, metals such as Cd and As are known discovery of remedies for the debilitating ef-
as potent toxins and carcinogens in humans fects of metal pollution on human health.
and animals and, as pollutants that accumulate
throughout the food chain, affect rapidly in-
creasing numbers of people (71, 74). A molecu- METAL HYPERACCUMULATORS
lar understanding of the highly effective detox- IN THE BRASSICACEAE
ification machinery that allows the survival Metal hyperaccumulation has evolved multiple
of hyperaccumulators at uniquely high inter- times (Table 1) and is of particularly high oc-
currence in the Brassicaceae family (Figure 1).
by Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis - School of Medicine - IUPUI on 07/17/12. For personal use only.

nal metal concentrations may facilitate the

Tribe Genus Species

Cd Camelineae Arabidopsis A. halleri
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2010.61:517-534. Downloaded from

Pachycladon, …
Ni Cardamineae Cardamine C. resedifolia

Alyssum > 48 A. species
Ni Alysseae
Bornmuellera 5 B. species
Ni Cochlearieae Cochlearia 3 C. species

Zn N. caerulescens
Cd Noccaeeae Noccaea & many others
Cd Arabideae Arabis A. paniculata
Ni Thlaspideae Peltaria P. emarginata


As Isatideae Isatis I. capadocica

Ni Streptanthus S. polygaloides
Se Stanleya S. pinnata
As Hesperideae Hesperis H. persica



Figure 1
Occurrence of metal hyperaccumulation at the tribe level in the Brassicaceae family overlaid on the current
hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships. The occurrence of metal hyperaccumulation (7, 88, 100) in distinct
tribes of the Brassicaceae is an estimate of the minimum number of times metal hyperaccumulation has
independently evolved in this family. The tree was redrawn in a much simplified form based on (48). Alyssum
Ni hyperaccumulators are almost exclusively in the section Odontarrhena. N. caerulescens and N. praecox are
the two Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator Noccaea species (88, 106). At least 4 additional Noccaea species are
hyperaccumulators of Zn. N. caerulescens, along with N. goesingense and at least 21 additional Noccaea taxa, are
considered Ni hyperaccumulators. Some of the Noccaea hyperaccumulators may in fact belong to other
genera. Sedum alfredii (Crassulaceae) is the only known Cd hyperaccumulator outside the Brassicaceae (21).

520 Krämer
ANRV410-PP61-22 ARI 31 March 2010 16:47

It will soon become feasible to compare the (As) has so far been reported in only two an-
genomic changes underlying independent in- giosperm species of the Brassicaceae (45), fur-
cidences of the evolution of metal hyperac- ther highlighting the uniqueness of this fam-
cumulation in different Brassicaceae species. ily with respect to metal hyperaccumulation
Thus, metal hyperaccumulators could become (Figure 1). Se hyperaccumulators were first
important models for comparative genomics of identified as the cause of alkali disease in cat-
adaptation. tle in areas of high soil Se contents of geogenic
The prevalence of the hyperaccumulation origin. Se hyperaccumulation has evolved once
by Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis - School of Medicine - IUPUI on 07/17/12. For personal use only.

of Ni (Table 1) coincides with a large num- in the Brassicaceae (Figure 1) (88). Hyperac-
ber of geogenically Ni-enriched ultramafic (ser- cumulators of other metals have been described
pentine) outcrops worldwide and in partic- elsewhere (6, 88, 105).
ular, e.g., in the Mediterranean region and
in New Caledonia. Containing approximately
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2010.61:517-534. Downloaded from

25% of the known Ni hyperaccumulator species

each, the Euphorbiaceae and Brassicaceae fam- MODEL PLANTS
ilies contribute by far the largest number of
Ni hyperaccumulators (A. J. M. Baker, per-
Arabidopsis halleri
sonal communication). Ni hyperaccumulation Arabidopsis halleri (formerly Cardaminopsis hal-
has evolved independently at least six times in leri) is a metal hypertolerant Zn/Cd hyper-
the Brassicaceae (Figure 1), most likely on ul- accumulator and a self-incompatible, peren-
tramafic soils. nial, stoloniferous diploid species, with 2n =
Among the known Zn hyperaccumulators, 16 chromosomes and a genome size of ap-
a majority of nine species belong to the proximately (2C) 0.56 pg, approximately 1.65
Brassicaceae family (Table 1), representing at times that of A. thaliana (82). It diverged from
least three independent incidences of the evo- A. lyrata, its nontolerant nonaccumulator sis-
lution of Zn hyperaccumulation (Figure 1). Zn ter species, between 1.5 and 2 Mya, and from
hyperaccumulator species were identified on A. thaliana—with which it shares on aver-
anthropogenically contaminated soils around age, 94% nucleotide identity within coding
historical and contemporary mine sites. Sev- regions—between approximately 3 and 5.8 Mya
eral Zn hyperaccumulator species were also re- (17). As metal hyperaccumulation and associ-
ported to hyperaccumulate Cd and/or Pb, both ated hypertolerance are common to all known
of which are related to Zn in their chemi- A. halleri subspecies, it is likely that this trait
cal properties. The three metals often occur evolved with the divergence from the A. lyrata
together in minerals, and hyperaccumulation lineage.
and hypertolerance mechanisms of Zn and Cd A. halleri is distributed in and around central
involve overlapping sets of loci (20, 22, 38, and eastern Europe (subspecies halleri), with
110). Zn/Cd hyperaccumulation might have ssp. ovirensis in the Eastern Alps, and ssp. gem-
evolved in rare and small areas of calamine mifera in Japan and Taiwan on the margins of
outcrops, where Zn/Cd/Pb-rich minerals reach the species distribution (56). Two further sub-
the surface, before the onset of anthropogenic species are not well described to date (49). Pop-
metal pollution. Alternatively, it is possible ulations of A. halleri ssp. halleri occur on soils
that Zn/Cd/Pb hyperaccumulation evolved on contaminated with Zn and Cd, e.g., in the Harz
nonmetalliferous soils containing low levels of Mountains of Germany. In addition, there are
geogenic metals, and that metalliferous soils numerous natural populations of A. halleri on
(including mine sites) were colonized later, ac- nonmetalliferous soils, often on noncalcareous
companied by an increase in metal tolerance. soils in mountain regions, e.g., in the Bohemian
Apart from a number of fern species (28, forest and the central Swiss Alps. There are no
50, 69, 107), the hyperaccumulation of arsenic reports concerning elemental composition or • Metal Hyperaccumulation in Plants 521

ANRV410-PP61-22 ARI 31 March 2010 16:47

metal tolerance in A. kamchatika, a proposed wide trait in N. caerulescens (7, 14, 76, 90). The
natural hybrid of A. halleri with the closely re- highest leaf Zn concentration ever reported
lated nonaccumulator A. lyrata (49), to date. in a plant of 53,450 μg g−1 dry biomass was
All subspecies and populations of A. halleri— measured in an individual collected at a mine
on both noncontaminated and metalliferous site north of St. Félix de Pallières, France (90).
soils—are considered to exhibit constitutive This population of N. caerulescens is also among
(used in the sense of species-wide) Zn and Cd a small group of populations in southern
hyperaccumulation. Sixteen to 40% of individ- France in which extraordinarily high leaf Cd
concentrations of up to 2908 μg g−1 (Viviez,
by Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis - School of Medicine - IUPUI on 07/17/12. For personal use only.

uals from natural populations contained leaf Zn

concentrations >10,000 μg g−1 dry biomass France) were detected (90).
(12). Between-individual variation in leaf Cd In comparison to A. halleri, N. caerulescens
concentrations was even more pronounced than exhibits substantially more between-population
for Zn concentrations. Ten to 33% of all in- phenotypic differentiation with respect to
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2010.61:517-534. Downloaded from

dividuals contained hyperaccumulator levels of metal-related traits. A number of popula-

>100 μg g−1 Cd, including a number of indi- tions on ultramafic soils hyperaccumulate
viduals from noncontaminated soils containing either Ni only, or both Zn and Ni (90). Pop-
Cd concentrations below the detection limit of ulations on noncontaminated and Zn/Cd/Pb-
1 μg g−1 dry soil mass (12). contaminated soils are all Zn hyperaccumula-
Root elongation tolerance tests suggested tors. Cd hyperaccumulation has been reported
that A. halleri plants tolerate at least 76-fold in the majority of populations on contaminated
higher Zn concentrations (110) and 8-fold soils (7, 65, 90). At least some accessions from
higher Cd concentrations (13) in a hydroponic ultramafic and noncontaminated soils appear to
medium, when compared to A. thaliana or lack Cd hypertolerance (4). Higher levels of Zn
A. lyrata. In a comparison of 33 European acces- or Cd tolerance are associated with lower levels
sions of A. halleri, the most Zn-tolerant acces- of shoot Zn or Cd accumulation, respectively
sion from a metal-contaminated site in Silesia, (2, 43, 65, 73). Shoot Zn and Cd accumulation
Poland, tolerated 1.8-fold higher Zn concen- are correlated (76, 92) across different acces-
trations than the most sensitive accession from sions of N. caerulescens in comparisons exclud-
a nonmetalliferous site in Tyrol, Austria (79). ing the high-Cd hyperaccumulating accessions
from southern France (92). A few major genetic
loci appear to account for between-accession
Noccaea caerulescens differences in the extent of Zn and Cd hy-
Noccaea caerulescens (formerly Thlaspi peraccumulation, respectively, in N. caerulescens
caerulescens) is a self-compatible, biannual, (3, 22).
diploid Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator with 2n = Similar to A. halleri, there is substantial
14 chromosomes, and a genome size (2C) variation in leaf Cd, Zn, or Ni concentra-
of approximately 0.7 pg, about twice that of tions within populations of N. caerulescens (65,
A. thaliana Col-0 (0.34 pg), with which 90). Characteristically, metal hyperaccumula-
it shares, on average, approximately 88% tion and hypertolerance are less metal-specific
nucleotide sequence identity within coding in N. caerulescens than in the Zn/Cd hyperaccu-
regions (81, 82). Divergence from the A. mulator A. halleri, which lacks the ability for
thaliana lineage is estimated at about 20 cotolerance or coaccumulation of Ni, and in
Mya (17). With a center of distribution in Alyssum Ni hyperaccumulators, which exhibit
northwestern and western Europe, reports only minor cotolerance and coaccumulation of
of the species N. caerulescens are particularly the chemically similar Co and no cotolerance
abundant in Scandinavia, the British Isles, and or coaccumulation of Zn (51, 53). By contrast,
France ( most N. caerulescens accessions can accumulate
Zn hyperaccumulation is considered a species- hyperaccumulator concentrations of Ni in their

522 Krämer
ANRV410-PP61-22 ARI 31 March 2010 16:47

leaves (81, 82) when Ni is present in elevated (c) The mobility of metals within the root
concentrations in the soil, although Zn is gener- symplasm for movement towards the vas-
ally accumulated preferentially when both met- culature is strongly enhanced, for exam-
als are supplied at equal concentrations (2, 101) ple, as a result of reduced sequestration of
even in Ni hyperaccumulating accessions. metals in root vacuoles (61, 99).
In both hyperaccumulator model species de- (d ) Root metal uptake rates are increased,
scribed above, the respective contributions of generally through an increase in VMAX ,
colonization of metalliferous sites from local without major changes in KM , of root
by Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis - School of Medicine - IUPUI on 07/17/12. For personal use only.

populations on nonmetalliferous sites and from metal uptake rates (60, 67).
distant populations on other metalliferous sites (e) In the shoot, cellular metal uptake rates
are currently under investigation (14, 80). are enhanced (61), and there is a highly
effective system for cell-to-cell metal dis-
tribution (52, 57–59). As a result, high-
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2010.61:517-534. Downloaded from

capacity metal storage sites are rendered

HYPERACCUMULATION accessible and excessive accumulation is
The discussion of the physiological and molec- prevented in any given cell type along the
ular basis of metal hyperaccumulation is re- pathway of the metal from the xylem to
stricted here to Zn/Cd and Ni. Among these the storage sites.
transition metal cations, accumulation and ( f ) A strongly enhanced ability to protect
detoxification pathways are similar and better roots from metal toxicity (13, 110) oper-
understood than for As and Se (84, 112). ates partially through efficient shuttling
Characteristic of the hyperaccumulation of of metals to the shoot (see item a), but
Ni and Zn, and, to a somewhat lesser extent, additional mechanisms are likely to make
Cd, is a fundamentally altered partitioning of important contributions.
these metals. In most plants, metals are pre- Accordingly, metal hyperaccumulation re-
dominantly accumulated in the roots. As a con- quires complex alterations in the plant metal
sequence, shoot:root ratios of metal concen- homeostasis network.
trations are generally substantially below unity
in these plants. By comparison, in hyperaccu-
mulators metal concentrations are substantially GENETIC AND MOLECULAR
higher in the leaves and much lower in the roots. BASIS OF METAL
Accordingly, shoot:root ratios of metal concen- HYPERACCUMULATION
trations are abnormally high in hyperaccumula-
tors, and generally above unity (7, 53, 99). This Membrane Transporters of Metals
is a result of the alteration of the following pro- A segregating BC1 population obtained
BC1: back-cross 1
cesses in hyperaccumulators. through a cross between A. halleri and the
(a) There is a strongly enhanced rate of nonaccumulator A. lyrata, followed by a
loading of the hyperaccumulated metal(s) subsequent back-cross of an F1 individual to
from the root symplasm into the apoplas- A. lyrata, has been used for the identification
tic xylem for root-to-shoot transport with of chromosomal segments cosegregating with
the transpiration stream (38, 53, 61). Zn and Cd hypertolerance. Three QTL for
This also renders accessible high-capacity each Zn and Cd hypertolerance, respectively,
metal storage sites in the shoot (see item were mapped to chromosomal regions of
b). an estimated number of between 3000 and
(b) Metal detoxification and sequestration in 800 genes (20, 25, 110). In independent
the leaves, mostly inside the vacuoles of approaches, candidate genes were identified
leaf cells, are highly effective (54, 57, 59, based on transcriptome comparisons be-
68). tween A. halleri and A. thaliana (9, 99, 108), • Metal Hyperaccumulation in Plants 523

ANRV410-PP61-22 ARI 31 March 2010 16:47

heterologous screening of cDNA libraries interference upon stable transformation with an

(25), and functional genomics results from the intron-spliced hairpin construct, it was demon-
related nonaccumulator species A. thaliana (35, strated that AhHMA4 is required for the full
41, 104). A high degree of synteny of both extent of Cd and—to a slightly lesser degree—
A. halleri and A. lyrata with A. thaliana and Zn hypertolerance in A. halleri (38). Moreover,
the design of markers for candidate gene loci AhHMA4 was shown to be required for Zn hy-
were used to genetically map many of these peraccumulation and for normal levels of shoot
candidate genes. Cd accumulation in an accession of A. halleri
by Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis - School of Medicine - IUPUI on 07/17/12. For personal use only.

Overlapping QTL for Zn and Cd hyper- that is not Cd-hyperaccumulating under lab-
tolerance both contain the candidate gene oratory conditions (38) (Figure 2). AhHMA4
AhHMA4 (Heavy Metal ATPase 4 ) (20, 110). encodes a plasma membrane protein of the
Through silencing of AhHMA4 by RNAi heavy metal pump family of P-type ATPases

Shoot Use, High capacity for storage/detoxification Shoot

Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2010.61:517-534. Downloaded from

Limited storage/detoxification (involving several genes),


Upregulation of Zn-deficiency
response genes (Zn uptake
HMA4-mediated transporters) High HMA4-mediated
root xylem loading root xylem loading

[Zn] [Zn]
[Zn] [Zn] [Zn] [Zn] [Zn] [Zn] [Zn] [Zn]

Xylem mediated cellular Xylem
Pericycle Cortex Epidermis Zn uptake Epidermis Cortex Pericycle
Endodermis Endodermis
with Casparian strip with Casparian strip

Low shoot [Zn] Enhanced promoter activity High shoot [Zn]

and gene triplication of HMA4


P AtHMA4 P AhHMA4-1 P AhHMA4-2 P AhHMA4-3

High root [Zn] Low root [Zn]

Arabidopsis thaliana Arabidopsis halleri

Non-accumulator Hyperaccumulator

~ 5 million years ago:

Common Arabidopsis ancestor

Figure 2
Metal hyperaccumulation in Arabidopsis halleri evolved through cis-regulatory changes and triplication of HMA4. Figure reprinted from
(38). See text for details. In the top panel, the apoplast is shown in gray, the intracellular symplast in white.

524 Krämer
ANRV410-PP61-22 ARI 31 March 2010 16:47

(20), which is capable of conferring Cd and Zn and can lead to secondary alterations of other
tolerance to metal-sensitive yeast mutants (99). processes through existing pathways of regu-
To date, there is no evidence for a difference latory coupling within the metal homeostasis
between the protein functions of AhHMA4 and network. These secondary alterations, in turn,
the homologous AtHMA4. The latter is known contribute further to metal hyperaccumulation.
to mediate xylem loading of Zn and Cd in the This implies a reduction in the number of loci
roots of A. thaliana. In an A. thaliana double requiring mutations for metal hyperaccumula-
mutant of hma4 and the homologous hma2, tion to evolve, when compared to expectations
by Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis - School of Medicine - IUPUI on 07/17/12. For personal use only.

shoot Zn concentrations are reduced by approx- based on the required complex physiological al-
imately 50%, root Zn concentrations are in- terations. Similar to A. halleri, transcript levels
creased, and shoots exhibit Zn deficiency symp- of NcHMA4 of N. caerulescens are substantially
toms under normal growth conditions (41). higher than those of AtHMA4 in A. thaliana in
The key difference between AhHMA4 and both roots and shoots (11). The available evi-
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2010.61:517-534. Downloaded from

AtHMA4 is a between 6- and 53-fold higher dence is consistent with a central role for HMA4
transcript abundance of AhHMA4 in A. halleri in metal hyperaccumulation and hypertoler-
(99), with only subtle differences in the localiza- ance in N. caerulescens as well as in A. halleri (78).
tion of transcripts (38). This indicates that, as a RNA interference showed that high
major step in the evolution of metal hyperaccu- AhHMA4 transcript levels are necessary for
mulation, a function existing in the common the full extent of Zn and Cd hypertolerance in
ancestor was strongly enhanced in A. halleri. A. halleri (see above). The expression of
High HMA4 transcript levels in A. halleri are AhHMA4 in A. thaliana suggested that
a result of a combination of gene copy number AhHMA4 is not sufficient and needs to operate
expansion to three, almost identical, intact and in conjunction with other genes to enhance
expressed AhHMA4 gene copies present in tan- metal tolerance (38), although this was not
dem in the genome of A. halleri, and promoter apparent from the genetic approaches (20,
mutations enhancing promoter strength of all 110). Important candidates are genes encod-
three AhHMA4 gene copies (38). When intro- ing vacuolar metal transporters capable of
duced into A. thaliana or A. halleri, the promot- sequestering metals inside leaf cells. Transcript
ers of all three AhHMA4 genes conferred much levels of a gene encoding a vacuolar membrane
higher expression levels of reporter genes than Zn/H+ antiporter, AhMTP1, are about 20-fold
AhMTP1: Metal
the AtHMA4 promoter. higher in the leaves of A. halleri than in
Transport Protein 1;
AhHMA4 affects other components of the A. thaliana (9, 25). Interestingly, genomic copy Metal Tolerance Protein
metal homeostasis network that are charac- number is also expanded for this gene, and each 1; also termed CDF1,
teristically altered in hyperaccumulators. High of two highly expressed gene copies of this gene Cation Diffusion
AhHMA4 expression accounts at least partly from A. halleri cosegregate with Zn hypertoler- Facilitator 1; a close
homologue of
(38) for the strongly increased transcript lev- ance in the BC1 generation of a cross between
AtMTP1 also known as
els of Zn deficiency response genes observed in A. halleri and A. lyrata, respectively (25). ZAT, Zn Transporter of
A. halleri in the steady state irrespective of Zn Similar to HMA4, MTP1 transcript levels Arabidopsis thaliana
supply (9, 99, 108). This is likely to contribute are higher in the Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator
to the observed high Zn uptake rates into the N. caerulescens (2) and in the Ni hyperaccu-
roots of hyperaccumulators (60), and possibly mulator N. goesingense (37), when compared
to low levels of sequestration of metals in root to closely related nonaccumulators. As for
vacuoles or enhanced mobilization from root HMA4, there is no conclusive evidence to
vacuoles. date for a functional difference between
The work on AhHMA4 showed that alter- hyperaccumulator and nonaccumulator MTP1
ations in a single key process in metal home- proteins. Heterologous expression of AhMTP1
ostasis can contribute to hypertolerances to sev- or AtMTP1 in yeast (9, 25) and of AtMTP1 and
eral metals, as well as to hyperaccumulation, NgMTP1 in A. thaliana (37, 104) enhanced Zn • Metal Hyperaccumulation in Plants 525

ANRV410-PP61-22 ARI 31 March 2010 16:47

tolerance in these organisms. Evidence from In the F2 of a cross between A. halleri and
AtMTP1 RNAi lines (23) and shoot-specific A. lyrata, markers on several chromosomes were
expression of NgMTP1 in A. thaliana (37) found to cosegregate with leaf Zn accumulation
Tonoplast: vacuolar
membrane suggested that MTP1 can generate a metal (27). Markers designed in the previously iden-
sink in the shoot that results in an increase tified candidate gene loci ZIP6 and NRAMP3
in shoot Zn concentrations. Shoot-specific (Natural Resistance-Associated Macrophage Pro-
overexpression of NgMTP1 has been reported tein 3) (26) were not found to be associated with
to systemically trigger enhanced expression of any of the three to four detected QTL for leaf
by Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis - School of Medicine - IUPUI on 07/17/12. For personal use only.

Zn deficiency response genes in the root (37). Zn accumulation, whereas it remains possible
Grafting experiments between N. caerulescens that the previously identified candidate genes
and the less Zn-accumulating Thlaspi perfolia- ZIP9 (108) and HMA3 (9) colocate with QTL
tum, which was originally identified as a Ni for leaf Zn accumulation. Surprisingly, no QTL
hyperaccumulator (89), rather provide evi- was detected around the AhHMA4 locus on
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2010.61:517-534. Downloaded from

dence against a major contribution of shoot Zn A. halleri chromosome 3.

sequestration to metal hyperaccumulation (36). Additional candidate genes have been iden-
NcZNT1 (Zn Transporter 1) encodes a pu- tified, and some of them partially characterized,
tative Zn and Cd transporter most homolo- but their functions in metal hyperaccumulation
gous to AtZIP4 of the ZIP (Zinc-regulated remain unclear (66, 67, 77, 87, 105).
transporter, Iron-regulated transporter-related
Protein) protein family (83) and was identified
based on high transcript levels in N. caerulescens Metal Chelation
when compared to Thlaspi arvense and the abil- In Alyssum Ni hyperaccumulator species, in
ity to complement a Zn-uptake defective yeast the Ni hyperaccumulator N. goesingense, and in
mutant, making it a good candidate for a plasma N. caerulescens, which is capable of Ni hyper-
membrane root metal uptake system. Later, accumulation, steady-state concentrations of
genes encoding several additional ZIP family the free amino acid histidine are substantially
members were found to be highly expressed higher than in closely related nonaccumulators
in N. caerulescens (2, 103) and A. halleri (9, 63, (46, 53, 85). Histidine was shown to have a
99, 108) in the steady state under Zn-sufficient key role as a Ni chelator in both Ni hypertol-
growth conditions, whereas most of them form erance and high root-to-shoot Ni flux in the
part of the transcriptional Zn deficiency re- xylem in Alyssum lesbiacum. Enhanced produc-
sponse in A. thaliana (99). The responsiveness tion of histidine is primarily a result of constitu-
of transcript levels of these genes to Zn status is tively elevated transcript levels of the two genes
nevertheless largely conserved in A. halleri and encoding ATP-phosphoribosyl transferase, the
N. caerulescens. In comparison to A. thaliana, the enzyme catalyzing the first, rate-limiting step of
high steady-state transcript levels of these genes histidine biosynthesis (42). Xylem Ni and his-
are likely to be—at least partly—a consequence tidine concentrations show a proportional re-
of a physiological Zn depletion in the roots of lationship in Alyssum hyperaccumulators (also
A. halleri, for example, through the enhanced addressed as the histidine response), which was
expression of HMA4 (38, 99) (see above). A interpreted as indirect evidence suggesting that
GFP fusion of AhIRT3 of the ZIP family has a Ni-histidine complex is transported into the
been shown to locate to the plasma membrane, xylem (46).
and overexpression of AhIRT3 in A. thaliana Using Mg-ATP-energized root tonoplast
led to increased Zn and Fe accumulation (63). vesicles, the chelation of Ni with histidine was
It can be considered as certain that ZIP fam- shown to suppress Ni transport into root vac-
ily genes contribute to metal hyperaccumula- uoles of T. caerulescens, whereas citrate chelation
tion, but their individual functions remain to be enhanced net Ni transport (91). This could be
identified. an alternative or additional mechanism in which

526 Krämer
ANRV410-PP61-22 ARI 31 March 2010 16:47

histidine acts to enhance root-to-shoot Ni flux. of high fluxes or high amounts of the hyperac-
Interestingly, histidine chelation enhanced the cumulated metal(s) (9, 77, 108).
transport of Ni into root tonoplast vesicles of At the site of maximum metal accumulation
Phytochelatins (PC):
T. arvense. These findings might explain ear- inside leaf vacuoles, metals are chelated by or- low-molecular-weight,
lier results from Arabidopsis thaliana metabol- ganic acids such as malate or citrate (54, 62, 94), metal-chelating
ically engineered to contain high concentra- which are present in high concentrations in hy- compounds known to
tions of histidine. In comparison to wild-type peraccumulators. The capacity for organic acid be required for basic
metal tolerance found
A. thaliana, the transgenic plants exhibited accumulation in a plant may determine its max-
in all plants. PCs are
by Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis - School of Medicine - IUPUI on 07/17/12. For personal use only.

a higher level of Ni tolerance, but shoot imum divalent cation accumulation. High or- synthesized
Ni accumulation was not increased (42, ganic acid concentrations are unlikely to make nontranslationally
111). major specific contributions to metal hyperac- from glutathione by
Nicotianamine (NA) is a low-molecular- cumulation or hypertolerance, but they may be the enzyme
phytochelatin synthase
weight metal chelator, which exhibits very high a prerequisite.
to form molecules of
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2010.61:517-534. Downloaded from

stability constants for the binding of all transi- (γ-EC)n G (n ∼ 2 to

tion metal cations and is present in higher con- Antioxidants in Metal Hypertolerance 11)
centrations in the hyperaccumulators A. hal-
Several metal hyperaccumulators, in particular,
leri and N. caerulescens than in closely related
Ni-hyperaccumulating Noccaea species and
nonaccumulators (102, 108). In A. thaliana and
N. caerulescens, contain elevated concentra-
other plants, NA is required to maintain Fe,
tions of glutathione (GSH), cysteine, and
Zn, and Cu homeostasis, in particular, by en-
O-acetylserine when compared to closely
suring cell-to-cell mobility of metals (47, 98).
related nonaccumulators (30). Salicylic acid
One NA molecule is synthesized from three
or a degradation product was proposed as an
molecules of S-adenosyl-l-methionine by the
upstream signal resulting in increased serine
enzyme nicotianamine synthase (NAS), with
acetyltransferase (SAT) activity and higher
three molecules of S-methyl-5 -thioadenosine
steady-state GSH levels (29). In N. goesingense,
arising as a by-product (39, 64). Transcript lev-
this correlates with high expression levels of
els of NAS2, NAS3, and NAS4 are substantially
genes encoding SAT and glutathione reductase.
higher in A. halleri (9, 99, 108), and those of
Overexpression of NgSAT in A. thaliana was
NAS2 and NAS4 in N. caerulescens (103), than in
sufficient to increase GSH levels and Ni, Co,
closely related nonaccumulators. The expres-
Zn, and—to a small extent—Cd tolerance.
sion of NAS cDNAs in yeast cells was reported
This increase in metal tolerance was proposed
to confer Zn tolerance (9, 108) and Ni toler-
to result from a GSH-mediated reduction in
ance (102). Ectopic overexpression of various
oxidative damage arising under metal exposure
NAS cDNAs in plants increased Ni tolerance
(30, 32), although GSH can also act as a metal
(24, 86).
chelator and as a substrate for the biosynthesis
Metal-NA complexes are substrates of mem-
of phytochelatins (PCs) (18). Treatment with
brane transporters of the yellow stripe-like
l-buthionine-[s,r]-sulfoximine, an inhibitor of
(YSL) and possibly other protein families, for
the enzyme γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase in
some of which transcript levels are higher
the biosynthetic pathway of GSH, did not cause
in hyperaccumulator plants than in nonaccu-
a reduction in Cd, Zn, or Ni hypertolerance
mulators (33, 99). Metal toxicity can mani-
of different accessions of N. caerulescens (95),
fest itself through the interference between a
thereby providing evidence against a role for
metal present in excess and other micronutri-
GSH or PCs in metal hypertolerance.
ent metals (34). Several candidate genes iden-
tified based on their high expression in metal
hyperaccumulators, including NAS genes, may OUTLOOK
function to maintain the homeostasis of nonac- In A. halleri and N. caerulescens, largely over-
cumulated micronutrient metals in the presence lapping sets of candidate genes for metal • Metal Hyperaccumulation in Plants 527

ANRV410-PP61-22 ARI 31 March 2010 16:47

hyperaccumulation and hypertolerance were and N. caerulescens (55). In A. halleri, a sur-

identified, based on their high expression lev- prisingly high proportion of candidate genes
els in the hyperaccumulator species when com- appear to have undergone gene copy num-
pared to closely related nonaccumulators and ber expansions (25, 38, 99, 100). Further di-
their predicted functions in metal homeostasis. rect functional and genetic evidence, as well as
Thus, highly similar gene expression patterns genome sequencing, will help to gain more in-
associated with metal hyperaccumulation ap- sight into these emerging patterns of genomic
pear to have evolved independently in A. halleri changes underlying metal hyperaccumulation.
by Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis - School of Medicine - IUPUI on 07/17/12. For personal use only.

1. Metal hyperaccumulation occurs in approximately 0.2% of all angiosperms and is par-
ticularly well represented in the Brassicaceae.
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2010.61:517-534. Downloaded from

2. A. halleri and N. caerulescens are emerging model hyperaccumulator species.

3. Metal hyperaccumulation involves strongly enhanced metal partitioning from the root
into the shoot and very high levels of metal tolerance.
4. High expression of AhHMA4 encoding a cellular metal export pump is required for
Zn hyperaccumulation and for the full extent of Zn and Cd hypertolerance in A. halleri.
Compared to A. thaliana, high HMA4 expression in A. halleri is the result of a combination
of gene copy number expansion and mutations in cis that enhance the strengths of the
promoters of AhHMA4 genes.
5. There is strong experimental support for a function of high expression levels of MTP1
encoding a vacuolar membrane Zn transporter in Zn hypertolerance through metal se-
questration in leaf vacuoles.
6. Plasma membrane Zn uptake systems of the ZIP family are likely to contribute to high
root metal uptake rates in hyperaccumulators.
7. High transcript levels and gene copy number expansion are common among HMA4,
MTP1, and ZIP family genes in A. halleri.
8. A. halleri and N. caerulescens share a common core set of highly expressed candidate genes
for metal hyperaccumulation and metal hypertolerance.

1. It will be important to increase the resolution and accuracy of the genetic mapping of
loci for metal hyperaccumulation and hypertolerance, including the following:
a. Fine mapping, ideally to individual gene(s);
b. Development of physiologically guided, more integrated phenotyping approaches
to account for the strong interactions between metal accumulation/partitioning and
tolerance; and
c. An attempt to establish separate phenotyping methods for shoot and root metal

528 Krämer
ANRV410-PP61-22 ARI 31 March 2010 16:47

2. The causes of the enormous between- and within-population differences in leaf metal
concentrations observed in the field need to be determined in order to better understand
the phenomenon of metal hyperaccumulation.
3. To facilitate genetic mapping and as a first basis for comprehensive comparative genomics
and population genetic studies, the assembled and annotated genome sequences of several
hyperaccumulators and closely related nonaccumulators will be required.
4. The clarification of the phylogenetic position and taxonomy of metal hyperaccumula-
by Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis - School of Medicine - IUPUI on 07/17/12. For personal use only.

tor taxa will be necessary for comparative genomics and to prioritize among possible
additional future model metal hyperaccumulators.
5. The contributions to metal hyperaccumulation and hypertolerance need to be experi-
mentally determined for additional genes using genetic approaches so that robust and
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2010.61:517-534. Downloaded from

more complete scientific models of these traits can be developed (109).

The author is not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that might
be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

I apologize to all colleagues for those parts of their work that were not cited here because of
restrictions in space. I am grateful to all colleagues, in particular to collaborators and all current
and previous members of my research group, for continuous inspiring discussions. I thank Alan
Baker, Marcus Koch, Klaus Mummenhoff, and Roger Reeves for advice and sharing of unpublished
data. Funding by a Heisenberg Fellowship from the German Research Council (DFG; Kr 1967/4-
1) is gratefully acknowledged.

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Annual Review of
Plant Biology

Contents Volume 61, 2010

by Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis - School of Medicine - IUPUI on 07/17/12. For personal use only.

A Wandering Pathway in Plant Biology: From Wildflowers to

Phototropins to Bacterial Virulence
Winslow R. Briggs p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2010.61:517-534. Downloaded from

Structure and Function of Plant Photoreceptors

Andreas Möglich, Xiaojing Yang, Rebecca A. Ayers, and Keith Moffat p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p21
Auxin Biosynthesis and Its Role in Plant Development
Yunde Zhao p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p49
Computational Morphodynamics: A Modeling Framework to
Understand Plant Growth
Vijay Chickarmane, Adrienne H.K. Roeder, Paul T. Tarr, Alexandre Cunha,
Cory Tobin, and Elliot M. Meyerowitz p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p65
Female Gametophyte Development in Flowering Plants
Wei-Cai Yang, Dong-Qiao Shi, and Yan-Hong Chen p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p89
Doomed Lovers: Mechanisms of Isolation and Incompatibility in Plants
Kirsten Bomblies p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 109
Chloroplast RNA Metabolism
David B. Stern, Michel Goldschmidt-Clermont, and Maureen R. Hanson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 125
Protein Transport into Chloroplasts
Hsou-min Li and Chi-Chou Chiu p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 157
The Regulation of Gene Expression Required for C4 Photosynthesis
Julian M. Hibberd and Sarah Covshoff p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 181
Starch: Its Metabolism, Evolution, and Biotechnological Modification
in Plants
Samuel C. Zeeman, Jens Kossmann, and Alison M. Smith p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 209
Improving Photosynthetic Efficiency for Greater Yield
Xin-Guang Zhu, Stephen P. Long, and Donald R. Ort p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 235
Henrik Vibe Scheller and Peter Ulvskov p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 263
Diversification of P450 Genes During Land Plant Evolution
Masaharu Mizutani and Daisaku Ohta p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 291

AR410-FM ARI 6 April 2010 15:25

Evolution in Action: Plants Resistant to Herbicides

Stephen B. Powles and Qin Yu p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 317
Insights from the Comparison of Plant Genome Sequences
Andrew H. Paterson, Michael Freeling, Haibao Tang, and Xiyin Wang p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 349
High-Throughput Characterization of Plant Gene Functions by Using
Gain-of-Function Technology
by Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis - School of Medicine - IUPUI on 07/17/12. For personal use only.

Youichi Kondou, Mieko Higuchi, and Minami Matsui p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 373

Histone Methylation in Higher Plants
Chunyan Liu, Falong Lu, Xia Cui, and Xiaofeng Cao p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 395
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2010.61:517-534. Downloaded from

Genetic and Molecular Basis of Rice Yield

Yongzhong Xing and Qifa Zhang p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 421
Genetic Engineering for Modern Agriculture: Challenges and
Ron Mittler and Eduardo Blumwald p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 443
Metabolomics for Functional Genomics, Systems Biology, and
Kazuki Saito and Fumio Matsuda p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 463
Quantitation in Mass-Spectrometry-Based Proteomics
Waltraud X. Schulze and Björn Usadel p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 491
Metal Hyperaccumulation in Plants
Ute Krämer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 517
Arsenic as a Food Chain Contaminant: Mechanisms of Plant Uptake
and Metabolism and Mitigation Strategies
Fang-Jie Zhao, Steve P. McGrath, and Andrew A. Meharg p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 535
Guard Cell Signal Transduction Network: Advances in Understanding
Abscisic Acid, CO2 , and Ca2+ Signaling
Tae-Houn Kim, Maik Böhmer, Honghong Hu, Noriyuki Nishimura,
and Julian I. Schroeder p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 561
The Language of Calcium Signaling
Antony N. Dodd, Jörg Kudla, and Dale Sanders p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 593
Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Signaling in Plants
Maria Cristina Suarez Rodriguez, Morten Petersen, and John Mundy p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 621
Abscisic Acid: Emergence of a Core Signaling Network
Sean R. Cutler, Pedro L. Rodriguez, Ruth R. Finkelstein, and Suzanne R. Abrams p p p p 651
Brassinosteroid Signal Transduction from Receptor Kinases to
Transcription Factors
Tae-Wuk Kim and Zhi-Yong Wang p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 681

vi Contents
AR410-FM ARI 6 April 2010 15:25

Directional Gravity Sensing in Gravitropism

Miyo Terao Morita p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 705

Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 51–61 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 721
by Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis - School of Medicine - IUPUI on 07/17/12. For personal use only.

Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 51–61 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 726

An online log of corrections to Annual Review of Plant Biology articles may be found at
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Contents vii

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