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Ttheiy Parthey was well known Singer at la scala o) wolveg. ‘3 The elephant wass allowed to put his trunk ioside the manis HUM he clewly pushed his head Inside and Gomity Finally Plung WO Wem but sal vain and lay down temfortably ioside comfor tay his Psiend's hut. NO seoacy did the man oblige the elephant! favour thaa he thanked his friends saying that his Priend had done him a ood) tec ame ona doy he would *eturA his kindness. The man was unhappy aod Complained to the commision of enquiry yegarding tthe loss of the his hat. The Ison the bing of The jungle appointed a commission of enquisy to have “peace and tranquility” in his King dome enquiry to have “peace and Honqaii lity He fold “the man that his friend .the elephant was one of the his honourable ministers and both of them would be given plenty of oppostuni +o stote the case. The man vesy Pleased by those Get Worels | of the Nem the Man waited Sox his oppettunity innocently inthe belief that the hat would be welusned to him meg dates ally Name: Ganesh.k Oppears +o be untouch able Roo Nos 900195118 @ pesson. Who Was bora as Dui tO hig low bisth. he was hand tacutieds He had to keep Proen Upper caste “people: discvi minated Te Spealeey “aeiss OF tree the bird Weulda ti ids hier what cased ime ifs, be fore it build¢ its hest. His shadow woulde't feel dia ty wha there (was sua light, on him Tostead hys Sriendship with the cool breeze aad the leaves WoUI dll Be Shoekt Rata dropls wouldn't %et0A? eee Lic: Seman | $i FeAGh pemsoc: mothes earth woulde't Row purity, ov to become, pute the epade ‘eptouts Brom his voots the thre run away he ' hundred thotisand gods sheltexing insidé the ‘tu } Scared Cou would touch him when she itched The Speaker . if he woos 421m R enight be made pure whea he was hacked jato Pieces } ; A of oy he ! ! a wood and put {to burn inthe holy five miqht be made pure by becoming the bed fox a sinless body carried ’ on the shoulders of Sou® good men. The Poem 7s & satire cpitidingy t [ } man. of Social disc¥imi notion and it vidicules | \ Wig, eg! cig Civene rsa ogticns +S like Bony Sa gam , 79 ry - ) lavecdives \Wumot® f and saniti aur doctors ove cts ii wd 0m Covid and ‘the Yours Guw) 4K

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