Compilation of Rizal's Life and Works: List of Members Group 3

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Compilation of Rizal’s Life and Works



Lopez Mary Lovely

Mendoza, Jessa D.

Mongcada, Warren Tan

Monge, Glare Dinah L.

Monteron, Cristen B.

Nallas Emmanuel

Narez, Kyle Ivan Mirano

Nuñez Maxinne Ann T.

Ocer, Anjelica B.

Olasiman Bryan Adams L.

Olingay Babylen

Ortega, Danica M.

Ozores, Maricel

Pantilo, Denice Clare S.


Guide Questions for Activity #1

1. Give the outcome of the life and works of Jose P. Rizal

 His love for the country became the inspiration of the Filipinos in different eras. His
works served not only the mirror of our society during the time of Spanish colonization
but also enlightened the Filipinos to assert their political and civic rights and ask for
reform in our society.

2. What ideas were made by Rizal to the Filipino revolutionists

 His ideas shed light to the Filipino revolutionists and encouraged them to be brave and
die for the sake of our country.

3. What was the great influence of Rizal to Andres Bonifacio?

 The novels of Rizal gave Bonifacio an idea about revolution.

4. How did Bonifacio recognize Rizal?

 And we may consider Andres Bonifacio as the first hero who recognized Jose Rizal as his

5. What did Bonifacio attend on July 3, 1892?

 The fanaticism of Andres Bonifacio to Rizal was evident when Andres attended the
founding of La Liga Filipina on July 3, 1892.

6. Describe La Liga Filipina

 The La Liga Filipina is a civic organization founded by Jose Rizal which aimed for the
reform in the society through education and the unity of the whole archipelago.

7. Give the reason why the organization did not attain its goal
 Because Rizal was exiled to Dapitan and he lived there for four years.

8. What is the meaning of KKK?

 Kataastaasang Katipunang mga anak ng Bayan.

9. What does the password Bayani means?

 The extent of influence of Rizal to Andres was also seen in some aspects of KKK, the
password of Bayani, the highest grade or group in KKK was Rizal.

10. What was the evidence used by the Spaniards to associate Rizal to Bonifacio as the founder of
 La Liga Filipina on July 3, 1892 was one of the evidences that the Spaniards used to
associate Rizal to Bonifacio and as the founder of KKK.
11. What was used to collect funds during those times?
 The name Jose Rizal was used to collect funds since during those times Jose Rizal was
considered as a national figure.

12. What was the belief of the Spaniards against Rizal?

 This action of the Katipuneros became part of the evidence of the Spaniards that Jose
Rizal was truly the leader of KKK and the uprisings in 1896.

13. Who was the Emissary of KKK? What did he inform Rizal?
 In May 1896, the emissary of KKK (Dr. Pio Valenzuela) informed Jose Rizal about the plan
of the revolutionists and sought advice from him.

14. Why was Rizal against the revolution?

 Jose Rizal was against the revolution because he knew that the Filipinos were not yet
ready for the revolution and they did not have a clear picture of good government that
they should establish after the downfall of the Spanish government in the Philippines.

15. What was the belief of Rizal regarding the Creoles and Illustrados?
 Creoles and Illustrados was very much important in the revolution since they were

16. Why was Rizal allowed to travel to Spain?

 Because the Governor General granted his request that he could be a volunteer doctor
to Cuba.

17. What happened upon his arrival in Madrid?

 He was not allowed to leave the ship and for almost a month. He stayed in the ship and
returned to the Philippines as a prisoner in Fort Santiago.

18. What was the suspicion of the Spanish Government against Rizal?
 About the existence of KKK that Rizal was the founder of the secret society.

19. What were used by the friars to execute Rizal?

 The existence of KKK and the revolution were used by the friars to execute Rizal.

20. Why was Rizal executed?

 Rizal wrote on his novels also became the reason why he was executed.

21. When was Rizal executed?

 December 30, 1896.
22. What happen after the death of Rizal?
 The death of Jose Rizal was the start of the real battle of the Filipinos against the

23. What led to the Disunity of the Katipuneros?

 Disunity of the Katipuneros and the execution of Andres Bonifacio signed by Emilio

24. What happen after Bonifacio’s death?

 The death of Andres Bonifacio was the one of the factors of the failure of the uprisings
of the Filipino and on December 12-15, 1897.

25. What was decided to end the hostility?

 The Spaniards and the Filipino decided to end the hostility and signed the Treaty of Biak
na Bato.

26. How did Spanish Colonial Government ended?

 The group of Emilio Aguinaldo had the opportunity to communicate to the Americans in
Singapore and with their aid, the Spanish colonial government in the Philippines ended.

27. Give the role of Emilio Aguinaldo in the Philippine Government

 Upon the return of Emilio Aguinaldo from Hong Kong, he declared the independence of
the Philippines on June 12, 1898 and he became the first president.

28. What was declared on Dec. 30, 1989?

 He declared December 30 as Rizal Day and ordered for the half mast of the Filipino Flag
from 12:00 noon on December 29 until 12:00 noon of December.

29. Why was Rizal considered as a well-travelled hero?

 Jose P. Rizal was a well travelled hero; he lived in Europe for eight years and was able to
travel to Japan, America and North America.

30. How many different languages were known by Rizal?

 He knew 19 different languages.

31. Give the role of Rudolph Virchow

 Dr. Rudolph Virchow, the president of the Anthropological Society of Berlin sponsored
the scientific neurological services to honor Rizal.

32. What was the Cooper Law of Philippine Bill of 1902?

 Ultimo Pensamiento.
33. What did Americans use as a method of pacification?
 The Americans used education as a method of pacification and so with Jose Rizal who
viewed education as means of attaining reform.
34. Who was William H Taft?
 The first American civil governor in the Philippines, Willian Howard Taft approved the
Act No. 137 which organized the politico military district of Morong into the province of

35. What is RA 1425?

 Republic Act 1425 that would enforce the teaching of the life and works of Jose Rizal in
all public ang private schools, colleges and universities.

36. Who ordered the creation of Rizal monument in Luneta? What was the purpose of this?
 Aside from naming the province of Morong after his name, in 1913 the American
government in the Philippines ordered the creation of his monument in Luneta marked
the origin of the distance of the places in the Philippines (Kilometer Zero)

37. When was republic act 1425 implemented?

 This law was implemented on August 16, 1956 by the National Congress of Education
and was known as Rizal Law.

38. Who implemented this law?

 The National Congress of Education and was known as Rizal Law


Identify the following words or persons:

Viceroy – The one who appointed the Governor General in the Philippines.

Governor General – was the chief executive in the whole archipelago and the head of the military.
He had the power of cumplace or the power to choose the law that he implemented.

Visitador – who visited the country to check the administration of the Governor General.

Residencia – who lived in the Philippines to observe the Governor General.

Alcalde Mayor – the head of political unit. The Alcalde Mayor had the power and responsibilities like
Governor General but its power was limited in the province.

Gobernadorcillo – the power and responsibilities of the Gobernadorcillo was the same as the
Governor General, however his power was limited only in the town or pueblo. He also had the power
of Indulto de Comercio.

Indulto de Comercio – the power of the Gobernadorcillo to engage into trading.

Barangay – each town was still divided into smaller unit called barangay.

Cabeza de barangay – only and only given to a Filipino male, 23 years old, educated and had a
property of 500 pesos.

Spanish cortes – also had the power to enact law that they would implement in the Philippines.

Royal Audiencia – was the highest court in the country and supervised the other courts but in reality,
there was no equality in the Filipino and Spaniard in the context of law.

Changes in the monarchy of Spain

1. The last reign of Queen Isabel (1861-1868)

2. The rule of Marshall Serrano as Regent of Spain (1868- 1871),
3. The period of the Spanish Republic (1873 - 1874)
4. The Bourbon Restoration and reign of Alfonso XII (1875 - 1885), and
5. The regency of Queen Maria Cristina (1885 - 1896).

Napoleon bonapart – leader of the French and aimed to expand their territory to the Iberian
Peninsula. The war against Napolen made the Spanish government suffered from lack of funds, the
economic problems due to the bankruptcy of the business, the collapse of industry and the decrease
pf population. The difficulty in the economy and the casualties from the war made the other
Spaniards think and insist political reforms.

Afrancesados – were the well-educated elite who asked for liberal reforms in the government and
the result of their struggle was a constitution with a more liberal idea of the government.

The Cadiz constitution of 1812 – mandated the transformation of the Spanish government from
monarchy to the constitutional monarchy, the parliamentary system in the creation of law, division
of power in the government, equality, free trade, competition and the divestment of properties held
in mortmain or the properties from the church and other institution (De Pedro, 2005). The changes
made by the adaption of the new constitution brought confusion to the Spanish people and the
majority of the population wanted the old system of the government because their perspective in
the new system was just a new version of the absolutism government of France.

Don Fernando VII – reigned in the midst of the battle between liberal and absolutism and the
rebellion and struggle for independence of their colonies in South America. The political instability
led to the bankruptcy of the government. And when Don Fernando VII was about to end his term in
1833, the liberal members of the Parliament made a way to change the law which prohibited women
to become the next ruler.

QUEEN Isabel – a liberal leader to assume the leadership.

- In the context of her leadership, her liberal clique initiated aggressive policies which harassed
the church and in 1935, a law was passed that legalized abolition of the religious orders in
Spain except the religious order in the colonies like in the Philippines because the
government recognized the importance of the church in the administration of the colonies.
- The abolition of the religious orders made the life of the members of the church difficult in
Spain and these difficulties made them decide to become a secular priest and travel to the
colonies like the Philippines where the church was still in power.
- The new laws passed by the government of Queen Isabel II resurrected the religious orders,
introduced a new method of taxation and helped the government gain their stability.

Ilustrados – the first group (the Enlighted Ones) they were the intellectuals who aimed to
introduce reform for the development of Spanish civil life and chosen by King Carlos III, they
believed that through education the society could attain reform.
Progresistas – the second group, most of them were freemasons who believed that the hindrance for
the attainment of development were the absolutism of monarchy, the ignorance of the people and
the intercession of the friars in the political and social life of the people.

Carlista – the fourth group was Carlista, they believed that to attain stability in the government
and the society the people should follow the tradition and the church.

World trade – the opening of the Philippines in the world trade starting 1820 and in 1855 Sual in
Pampanga, Iloilo in Western Visayas and Zamboanga in Mindanao were opened for the world

Cebu – in 1865, Cebu became an open port for trading.

Peninsulares – or Spaniards who were born in Spain and settled in the country, occupied the
highest class in the society and the position in the government.

Insulares – or the Spaniards born in the Philippines were the second class. Like the Peninsulares,
the Insulares also enjoyed the luxuries in the Philippines.

Creoles – or the mixture of the Spanish and native. The Creoles class was the group where Jose
Rizal, the Gomburza and other Filipinos who sought reform in the society during the Spanish
colonization belonged.

Illustrado – or the well-educated Filipinos because during those times there was no public
education so the wealthy or the land owner and the lowest class was the natives or indios as the
Spaniards called them.

Guide Questions
1. How did the business in line with agriculture attained development?
 Decades of direct government involvement in the agricultural sector.

2. How was Francisco Mercado as an Inquilino?

 Father of Jose Rizal, Francisco Mercado was an Inquilino he rented a big land in Calamba from
the Dominican Friars.

3. What happened when Francisco refused to increase the rent of the farmers under his
 When the Dominicans increased the rent in the land, Francisco refused to increase the rent of
the farmers under his administration. So the family of Rizal suffered because of the decrease in
their income.

4. Define Nationalism
 Nationalism is a sentiment of a person towards his country. It is a display of loyalty of a person
to his own culture, history and aspiration as a nation. It is a national sentiment that unites the
people towards a common goal for the advancement of the country.

5. What happened when Creoles and the well-educated Filipinos wrote different essays, articles and
 Creoles and the well educated Filipinos who wrote different essays articles and novels that
challenged the community to rise and assert their rights and ask for political reforms.

6. Give the Factors that led to the rise of Nationalism in the Philippines
● The Opening of the Philippines in the World Trade
● The Coming of the Liberal Ideas
● The Implementation of Different Unjust Policies
● The Maladministration of Justice
● Racial Discrimination
● The Lack of Representative of the Filipinos in the Spanish Cortes

7. Give the Importance given by the International Trade.

 First, the international trade brought material progress in the different areas in the Philippines
where the agricultural products included in the trade came from.

8. What was the opportunity given by the World Trade?

 The second reason was that the world trade gave opportunity to the Filipinos to gain knowledge
about the other parts of the world as well as the political events and liberal ideas.
9. Describe the administration of Carlos Maria Dela Torre.
 Carlos Maria De La Torre was a liberal-minded governor general in the Philippines, during his
administration, he encouraged the Filipinos to participate in the government and expressed
their sentiments for the development of his administration.

10. Why did the administration of Dela Torre ended?

 The transition from liberal to conservative monarch in Spain, the liberal administration of Carlos
Maria De La Torre ended.

11. Who succeeded Del Torre? How was he as a concervative Governor General?
 He was succeeded by a conservative governor general Rafael Izquierdo who imposed rules
opposite De La Torre.

12. What gained negative reaction from the Filipinos?

 The sudden shift from liberal going to conservative gained negative reaction from the Filipinos.

13. When was the secularization issue started?

 The secularization issue started in the times of Arch-bishop Sta. Justa and Governor General
Anda (1767-1776).

14. How were the problems about the vacancies in the numerous churches solved?
 The problems about the vacancies in the numerous churches were solved by the appointment of
Filipino priests.

15. Why was the move criticized by the regular priest?

 This move was criticized by the regular priest who questioned the credibility of the Filipino priest
in leading the church and the controversy was highlighted by the questions from the standpoint
of the general interest of the church and the advancement of the parochial affairs in the

16. Why was the secularization of the parishes implemented by archbishop Sta. Just a suspended?
 The problem reached the Consejo de Indias and in the Royal Decree in December 1776 the
secularization of the parishes implemented by Archbishop Sta. Just a was suspended.

17. Describe the Cavite Mutiny

 The administration of Rafael de Izquierdo cancelled the benefits enjoyed by the Filipino soldiers
in Cavite like the exemption in tribute and personal services. This resulted to the unrest of the
laborers in the Cavite arsenal.

18. Who were affected by the Mutiny used by the Spanish authorities?
 The mutiny was used by the Spanish authorities against the Filipino reactionaries like Fr. Burgos,
Fr. Zamora and Fr. Gomes.
19. How the 3 priests were described?
 The three priests were executed because they were accused as the leaders of the uprisings in

20. Who testified against the 3 priest?

 Francisco Zaldua testified against the three priests -- Father Mariano Gomez, Father Jose Burgos
and Father Jacinto Zamora.

21. When and where did the Gamburza executed?

 February 17, 1872, after that speedy trial and upon the testimony of Francisco Zaldua, the three
priests were executed in Bagong Bayan (Luneta).

22. Why was El Filibusterismo written by Rizal?

 The said event and the injustices experienced by the three priests was indicated to the young
Rizal through his brother so the second novel of Rizal, El Filibusterismo was written in their

23. Give the 5 implementations of Different Unjust Policies

 Polo Y Servicios
 Encomienda
 Hacienda Owned by the Friars
 Bandala
 Tributo

24. Describe the Polo Y Servicios

 All males 16-60 years old were obliged to work for the government for 40 days every year.

25. Define Falla

 The amount money paid to the government to be exempted from forced labor. 26.Define
Encomienda The land of the natives was confiscated and was given to the Spaniards who helped
for the expansion of the territory Spain.

27. What emerged after the abolition of Encomienda?

 The hacienda system emerged after the abolition of encomienda. The descendants of the
encomiendero transformed the land as their hacienda.

28. What happened to those encomienda under the church?

 Those encomienda under the church was transformed as hacienda of the friars.

29. Define Bandala

 The compulsory sale of the products of the natives to the Spaniards.
30. Define Tributo
 Tax obligation to the government in money or in kind.

31. Define a Penal Code and give its effect

 Penal code as basis for the justice system in the government, however, in most of the cases the
accused was sentenced without the due process of law.

32. Who were the victims of the racial discrimination?

 The social stratification made by the colonization of the Spaniards brought racial discrimination
and the usual victims were the creoles and the indios.

33. Differentiate the Secular and Regular priests

 In the church, the Filipino priest (Secular) needed to pass the examination before he could be
appointed as a parish priest while the Spanish priest (Regular) could assume the position of
Parish priest even without examination.

Guide Questions

1. Where did Rizal’s student life start?

 Ateneo

2. What did Rizal take up at the Jesuit‘s school?

 Bachiller en Artes.

3. What areas did Rizal excel in?

 He excelled in academics, in extracurricular and vocational education.

4. Why did father M. Fernando does not want to accept him?

 Because of his weak constitution and short stature.

5. Why did he change his name to Rizal instead of Mercado?

 To avoid being associated with Father Burgos.

6. Give the difference between the Carthaginian and the Roman students
 Carthaginian (the non-boarder of Ateneo) and Roman Students (the boarder inside the

7. How were the best students classified?

 The best student in each group was called as the Emperor, the second best was the
Tribune, the third best was the Decurion, the fourth best was the Centurion and the fifth
best was the Standard Bearer (Zaide, 1994).

8. What were the extra-curricular activities of Rizal at Ateneo?

 He was part of the literary group under the guidance of Fr. Sanchez.

9. What were the novels appreciated and fascinated by Rizal?

 The Count of Monte Cristo, Universal History and Travels in the Philippines.

10. What was the first poem written by Rizal?

 The first poem that he wrote in Ateneo was for his mother entitled “My First

11. What were the other 2 poems written by Rizal?

 In 1876, he wrote poems about the importance of education for the development of a
country entitled “Through Education the Country Receives Light” and connection
between Education and Religion entitled “Intimate Alliance Between Religion and
Good Education”

12. What was the manuscript given by Rizal to Fr. Sanchez?

 Aside from poems and essays, he also ventured in writing manuscripts for play in June
1876, he handed to Fr. Sanchez the manuscript entitled “St. Eustache, the Martyr.”

13. Give the highest award given to Rizal at UST

 He was able to gain the highest award as the emperor of his class and the title of
Bachiller en Artes.

14. Why did his mother disapprove his pursue to a higher education?
 He wanted to pursue his higher education inspite of the disapproval of his mother who
thought that the higher education would lead to Rizal’s disadvantage.

15. Why did he shift his course to Medicine?

 Because he considered the situation of his mother who had failing eyesight.

15. How was the student life in Ateneo different from UST?
 Rizal had lower grades in UST than when he studied in Ateneo.

16. What title did Rizal gain after he studied Surveying Course?
 He studied Surveying Course and gained the title of Perito Agrimensor.

17. What attributed to his low grades in UST than when he studied in Ateneo?
 They attributed his low grades to the discrimination that he experienced in UST.

19. What were the reasons why Rizal got lower grades in UST?

 The reason why Rizal got lower grades in UST was the different distraction that he
experienced while studying in UST like his love life and group that he established

20. What play did Rizal write that awarded him the Highest prize?

 He wrote a play entitled, “El Consejo de los Dioses”

21. What was the purpose of Rizal in Writing “La Juventud Filipina”?

 “La Juventud Filipina” (To the Filipino Youth), this poem encouraged and inspired the
Filipino youth to stand up and work harder to attain the highest objectives.

Guide Questions:

1. What was the agreement between Jose Rizal and his brother Paciano?
 The secret mission to Spain was the agreement between Jose and his brother Paciano.

2. What were the first and second reasons why he needed to leave?
 The first reason why he needed to leave was to pursue his medical course and second
was to observe the political situation in Madrid.

3. What was the cruise that he took in his travel?

 First class ticket for the cruise Salvadora

4. Why did Rizal become emotional during his trip?

 Because he was not able to say goodbye to his parents and to Leonor Rivera.

5. What did he admire in Singapore?

 He admired the Chinese architecture and the freedom of religion in Singapore.

6. What cruise did he take going to Ceylon?

 He rode the cruise of Djemah going to Ceylon (old name of Sri Lanka)

7. How did Rizal describe Ceylon?

 Jose was enchanted because of the beautiful scenery in the island and according to Rizal
this was one of the most beautiful islands that he had seen.

8. How did he describe Africa?

 Rizal described Africa as a country with hot climate.

9. How did he describe Port Said in Egypt?

 Rizal observed the multicultural city.

10. What did Rizal use when he run out of cash?

 He used the letter of recommendation that his teachers from Ateneo handed to him and
the Jesuit in Barcelona helped him and lent him money.
11. What was Rizal’s impression of Barcelona?
 His first impression of Barcelona was negative because he viewed it as an ugly and dirty

12. What was reflected in his written essay?

 He wrote an essay which reflected how he loved and missed his country.

13. What was his first Nationalistic essay in Barcelona?

 He wrote his first nationalistic essay in Barcelona entitled EL Amor Patrio.

14. Where did he publish his essay?

 This essay was published in Diariong Tagalog on August 20,1882.

15. Who translated his essay in Tagalog?

 By Marcelo H. Delpilar

16. Where did Rizal enroll under the course of Medicine and Philosophy and Letters?
 Universidad Central de Madrid

17. Where did he enroll in Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando?

 He also enrolled in Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando for painting.

18. What was Rizal’s Experience when he had a hard time budgeting his money?
 He would only eat biscuit for each meal.

19. What poem did he write to show his admiration to Consuelo?

 He wrote a poem which showed his administration to this lady.

20. What was the message of the poem “They ask me for Verses”?
 A poem which showed the sadness of the son of art who lived on a place away from his
21. What happened when Rizal was mistaken as Japanese?
 The prices for his food accommodation and entrance fees were more expensive than
other people of other nationalities.

22. Why did Rizal decide to go back to Madrid?

 Rizal could not afford the high cost of living in Paris so he decided to go back to Madrid.
Romantic Interlude in Japan
Guide Question:

1. What was one of the happiest interludes in the life of Rizal?

 One of the happiest interludes in the life of Rizal was his sojourn in the Land of the
Cherry Blossoms.
2. What was the real name of Rizal’s Japanese girlfriend?
 Seiko Usui
3. What was Rizal’s purpose of sacrificing his own happiness?
 He had to sacrifice his own happiness to carry on his work for the redemption of his
oppressed people.
4. How did Rizal’s describe Tokyo?
 “Tokyo is more expensive than Paris the walls are built in cyclopean manner, The streets
are large and wide”
5. Who was Juan Perez Caballero?
 A secretary of Spanish Legation
6. What was the instruction given to the Spanish Authorities?
 Spanish diplomatic authorities were instructed from Manila to monitor his movements
in Japan.

7. Give the two reasons why Rizal accepted the invitation to live at the Spanish


 (1) he could economize his living expenses by staying at the legation

 (2) he had nothing to hide from the prying eyes of the Spanish authorities.

8. How did he describe the Spanish diplomat?

 He described the Spanish diplomat as “a young, fine and excellent writer” and “an able
diplomat who had traveled much”

9. Why was Rizal embarrassed during his first day in Tokyo?

 Rizal was embarrassed because he did not know the Japanese language.

10. What was the belief of a few persons in Yokohama about Rizal?

 Some believe I am Europeanized Japanese

11. What did Rizal do to avoid further embarrassment?

 Rial decided to study the Japanese language.

12. What was his impression about the Tokyo band playing a Classical work of Strauss?
 He was impressed by the superb performances.

13. What did Rizal do to show that he favorably impressed by Japan?

 He was a keen observer, taking copious notes on the life, customs, and culture of the

14. What are the things which favorably impressed Rizal in Japan?

 (1) the beauty of the country – its flowers, mountains, streams, and scenic panoramas.
(2) the cleanliness, politeness, and industry of the Japanese people.
(3) the picturesque dress and simple charm of the Japanese women.
(4) there were very few thives in Japan so that the houses remained open day and night,
and in hotel room one could safely leave money on the table.
(5) beggars were rarely seen in the city streets, unlike in Manila and other cities.

15. What thing Rizal did not like in Japan?

 There is one thing which he did not like in Japan and that was the popular mode of
transportation by means of nickshaws drawn by men.

16. Why was there no language barrier between Rizal and O-Sei-San?

 She replied in English, for she knew that language and also French.

17. What are the qualities of O-Sei-San?

 Beauty, charm, modesty, and intelligence.

18. How did O-Sei-San become of help to Rizal while he was in Japan?

 She was his guide, interpreter, and tutor. She guided him in observing the shrines and
villages around Tokyo. She improved his knowledge of Nippongo (Japanese language)

19. What tempted Rizal to settle down in Japan?

 O-Sei-San’s beauty and affection almost tempted Rizal to sttle down in Japan.

20. What was the English steamer that Rizal boarded in going to the United States?

 On April 13, 1888, Rizal boarded the Belgic an English steamer, at Yokohama, bound for
the United States.

21. What was the happiest interlude in Rizal’s life?

 His sojourn in Japan for 45 days was one of the happiest interludes in his life.

22. Why did Rizal had to sacrifice his personal happiness?

 Rizal had to carry on his libertarian mission in Europe.

23. What happened to O-Sei-San after being broken hearted by the departure of Rizal?
 A year after Rizal’s execution, she married Mr. Alfred Charlton, British teacher of
chemistry of the Peer’s School in Tokyo

24. How did Rizal describe Tetcho Suehiro?

 A fighting Japanese, journalist, novelist, and champion of human rights.

25. What are the common qualities of Rizal and Tetcho?

 Both were valiant patriots, implacable, foes of injustice and tyrann. Both were men of
peace using their trenchant pens as formidable weapons to fight for their peoples’
welfare and happiness.

26. Why did Rizal remain in London?

 Rizal remained in London to conduct historical researches on Mora at the British


27. What happened to Tetcho after parted ways with Rizal?

 Tetcho returned to Japan.

28. What were the impressions of Rizal by Tetcho?

 “ He was proficient in seven language” and “ Rizal was an open-hearted man. He was
not hair-spliting. He was an accomplished, good at picture, skillful in exquisite wax
work, especially”

29. Why did Rizal decide to go home after his stay in London?

 London had been shrouded by fog since early October. I have a slight illness, and it
appeared to be very hard for me to spend the coming winter here.

30. What novel remembered Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere?

 (Storm Over The South Sea) which resembles Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere in plot.

31. What novel remembered Rizal’s El Filibustirismo?

 (The Big Ocean) which was similar to El Filibusterismo

Rizal’s Visit to the United States

Guide Questions:

1. What was the impression of Rizal when he first saw America?

 His arrival in this great country was marred by racial prejudice, for he saw the
discriminatory treatment of the Chinese and the Negroes by the white Americans.

2. What happened on Rizal’s arrival at San Francisco?

 All passengers are not allowed to land.

3. What did the American Consul in Japan and the British Governor of Hong Kong when the
passengers protested the Unjustifiable action of the Health Authorities?
 The American consul in Japan had given the ship a clean bill of health. And the British
Governor of Hong Kong certified to the absence of cholera cases in China.

4. Why was the ship placed under quarantine?

 The ship was carrying 643 Chinese coolies.

5. What was the public opinion on the Pacific Coast?

 Was against cheap coolie labor because the coolies from china were displacing white
laborers in railroad construction camp.

6. What was the purpose of impeded entry of Chinese coolies?

 To win the votes of the whites in California.

7. What did Rizal notice about the quarantine regulations?

 700 bales of valuable Chinese silk were landed without fumigation.

8. What happened to the first, second and third classes of passengers after a week of quarantine?

 All first class passengers were permitted to land. But the Chinese and Japanese
passengers of the second and third class accommodations were force to remain on
board for a longer quarantine period.

9. Who was Leland Standford?

 Millionaire senator representing California in the U.S senate at that time.

10. What is the present name of DuPont Street in china town?

 Grant Avenue.
11. Who was the U.S president when Rizal stayed in San Francisco?

 The president of the United States at that time was Grover Cleveland.

12. How was Reno Nevada glamorized by American high-pressure propaganda?

 “The biggest little City in the world”

13. How did Rizal describe Ogden?

 The fields are seen with horses, oxen, and trees, some small houses are seen from a

14. How did he describe Denver?

 Flowers with yellow color on the way, the mountains at the distance are covered with
snow. The banks of Salt Lake are more beautiful than other things.

15. How did Rizal describe the mountains in the middle of the lake?

 There are mountains in the middle of the lake like the Island of Talim in Laguna de Bay.

16. How did Rizal describe Farminton?

 There were sheep, cows, and horses in the meadows. This region is not thickly

17. How did Rizal compare Colorado with the other three states?

 Colorado has more trees than the three states we passed over.

18. How did Rizal describe Nebraska?

 The country is plain.

19. How did Rizal compare the Missouri River with Pasig River?

 The Missouri River is twice as wide as the Pasig River in it’s widest part. It is marshy

20. How did he describe Chicago?

 The country is cultivated, in Chicago is that every cigar store has an Indian figure.
21. How did he compare Niagara falls and falls at Los Banos?

 It is not so beautiful nor so fine as the Falls of Los Baños.

22. How did Rizal compare Hudson River and Pasig River?

 They are very beautiful although a little more solitary than those of Pasig.

23. How did Rizal call New York?

 “The big town”

24. How did Rizal describe the steamer, City of Rome?

 This steamer was the second larger ship in the world.

25. How did Rizal describe George Washington?

 “He is the great man who, i think, has no equal in this country”.

26. How did Rizal he see on Bedlow Island?

 The colossal Statue of Liberty on Bedloe Island

27. Give Rizal’s good and bad impressions of the United States?

- The good impressions were,

1. The material progress of the country as shown in the great cities, huge farms, flourishing industries,
and busy factories;

2. The drive and energy of the American people;

3. Thenatural beauty of the land;

4. The high standard of living; and

5. The opportunities for better life offered to poor immigrants.

6. One bad impression Rizal had of America was the lack of racial quality. There existed racial prejudice
which was inconsistent with the principles of democracy and freedom of which the Americans talk so
much but do not practise.

28. What did Rizal answer when was asked by Jose Alejandro about his

impressions he had of America?

 “Is the land par excellence of freedom but only for the whites”

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the correct answer of the ff. questions.

1. In honor of Leonor Rivera or Taimis, which character in Noli Me Tangere was created?
d. Maria Clara

2. What was the main reason why Rizal was not able to marry Taimis?
a. Because Rizal had a mission to his country.

3. Why did Rizal not marry Nelly Bousted?

a. Because he was forced to be converted to Protestantism.

4. Where did Rizal meet Josephine Bracken?

c. Dapitan

5. What is not true about the relationship of Jose Rizal and Josephine Bracken?
c. They were living a peaceful life in Dapitan.

6. Who was the woman that Rizal described as a woman with provocative smile and alluring
c. Segunda Katigbak

7. What was the means of communication of Rizal and Orang Valenzuela?

c. Invisible letter

8. Who was the Dulce Estranghera of Jose Rizal?

a. Josephine Bracken

9. What was the term used by Dona Teodora to call Josephine?

c. Golondrina

10. What was the main reason why Josephine exposed the retraction of Rizal?
c. She wanted to get the inheritance of Rizal.
II. Arrange the names of Rizal's women according to their relationship with Jose Rizal. Write letter A-F
the space before the number. E
1. Nelly Bousted A
2. Segunda Katigbak F
3. Josephine Bracken D
4. O Sei San C
5. Leonor Rivera B
6. Leonor Valenzuel
Life and works of Rizal
Activity #9

Guide Questions

1. What happened to Rizal when he returned to the Philippines in August 1887?

 After five years of memorable sojourn in Europe, he returned to the Philippines in
August 1887 and practiced medicine in Calamba. He lived the quiet life of a country
doctor. But his enemies, who resented in Noli, persecuted him, even threatening to kill

2. Who warned Rizal not to return home?

 Paciano (his brother), Silvestre Ubaldo (his brother-in-law), Chengoy (Jose M. Cecilio),
and other friends.

3. What were the reasons why Rizal was determined to return home?
 (1) to operate on his mother’s eye;
 (2) to serve his people who had long oppressed by Spanish tyrants;
 (3) to find out for himself how the Noli and his other writings were affecting Filipinos
and Spaniards in the Philippines; and
 (4) to inquire why Leonor Rivera remained silent

4. What was the advice of Blumentritt to Rizal? Why did Rizal could not accept it?
 “Your advice that I live in Madrid and continue to write from there is very benevolent
but I cannot accept it. I cannot endure the life in Madrid where everything is a voice in a

5. What was the idea of Rizal about Filipinos of Madrid?

 Until now I am not Europeanized like the Filipinos Madrid.

6. Whom did Rizal write about his homecoming?

 Rizal wrote to his father announcing his homecoming.

7. How did he leave Rome?

 Rizal left Rome by train for Marseilles, a French port.

8. What was the steamer he boarded?

 He boarded the steamer Djemnah, the same steamer which brought him to Europe five
years ago.

9. What role did he play on board the steamer?

 He acted as interpreter for his companions.
10. What was the historic canal that Rizal saw for the second time?
 Suez Canal

11. What happened after leaving Oden?

 After leaving Aden, the weather became rough and some of Rizal’s books got wet.

12. What was the steamer which was Manila – bound that Rizal transferred into?
 At Saigon, on July 30, he transferred to another steamer Haiphong which was Manila-

13. What was a magnificent sight to Rizal on his arrival in Manila?

 The calm sea, illumined by the silvery moonlight, was a magnificent sight to him.

14. What were the observations Rizal found in Manila after 5 years?
 He found Manila the same as when he left it five years ago. There were the same old
churches and buildings, the same holes in the roads, the same boats on the Pasig River,
and the same heavy walls surrounding the city.

15. What was the fear of Rizal’s family on his return?

 The rejoicings of Rizal’s return over, his family became worried for his safety. Paciano
did not leave him during the first days after arrival to protect him from any enemy

16. Why could not Rizal perform surgical operation to his mother?
 He treated her eyes, but could not perform any surgical operation because her eye
cataracts were not yet ripe.

17. Why was Rizal called “Doctor Uliman”?

 Because he came from Germany.

18. Why did Rizal open a gymnasium in Calamba?

 He opened a gymnasium for young folks, where he introduced European sports. He tried
to interest his townmates in gymnastics, fencing and shooting so as to discourage the
cockfights and gambling.

19. What one failure did Rizal suffer during his 6 months in Calamba?
 Rizal suffered one failure during his six months of sojourn in Calamba – his failure to see
Leonor Rivera.

20. What was the custom of his time regarding marriages?

 That marriages must be arranged by the parents of both groom and bride.

21. Why did Rizal’s parents forbid him to go to Dagupan?

 Because Leonor’s mother did not like him for a son-in-law.
22. After his previous accomplishments, what other two projects were done by him?
 Aside from practicing medicine, attending to his gymnasium, which he established, and
taking part in the town’s civic affairs, he painted several beautiful landscapes and
translated the German poems of Von Wildernath into Tagalog.

23. Why did Governor General Emilio Terrero request him to come to Malacañang Palace?
 Requesting him to come to Malacañan Palace. Somebody had whispered to the
governor’s ear that the Noli contained subversive ideas.

24. What was Rizal’s explanation regarding his questioned novel?

 He denied it, explaining that he merely exposed the truth, but he did not advocate
subversive ideas.

25. Who was assigned as the bodyguard of Rizal?

 Don Jose Taviel de Andrade

26. What was the stated report of the UST Faculty members regarding Noli Me Tangere?

 That the Noli was “heretical, Impious, and scandalous in the religious order, and anti-
patriotic, subversive of public order, injurious to the government of Spain and its
function in the Philippine Islands in the political order”.

27. What was recommended by the Spanish authorities regarding Rizal’s novel?

 “That the importation, reproduction and circulation of this pernicious book in the
islands be absolutely prohibited”.

28. Despite the Government prohibition, what did many Filipinos do after getting hold of copies of the
Noli Me Tangere?

 Despite the government prohibition and the vigilance of the cruel Guardia Civil many
Filipinos were able to get hold of copies of the Noli which they read at night behind
closed doors.

29. Why did Gov. Terrero impose against people caught reading the novel and its author?

 Thanks to Governor General Terrero, there were no mass imprisonment or mass

execution of Filipinos.

Guide Questions:

1. Describe the second novel of Jose Rizal

 The second novel of Jose Rizal was full of revenge and anger.

2. Why was this novel written?

 This novel was written in the memory of GomBurZa, the three priests who experienced
injustice and executed in 1872.

3. Why did El Filibusterismo encourage the People?

 El Filibusterismo encouraged people to rise and unite to assert reform even with violent

4. Describe the ff:

Character of El Filibusterismo

1. Simoun Simoun – The continuation of the character of Crisostomo from being idealistic, the
cruel society made him pessimistic. Using his wealth, he encouraged the people who
experienced abuse to join him in his rebellion against the church and the society.

2. Basilio – He was the son of Sisa and was adopted by Kapitan Tiago. A medicine student and the
boyfriend of Juli.

3. Isagani – He was the nephew of a good priest named Padre Florentino. He was idealistic and a
student leader. He was the friend of Basilio and the boyfriend of Maria Paulita Gomez.

4. G. Pasta – He was a former idealistic Filipino but because of the corruption in the government
he became self-centered.

5. Juli – She was the less fortunate daughter of Cabesang Tales and the girlfriend of Basilio. When
her father was abducted by the rebels, she offered her service to Hermana Penchang to get the
money for the ransom. And when Basilio was imprisoned, she offered her body to a priest for
the release of Basilio. Because of the different misfortunes that she experienced, she committed
6. Cabesang Tales – A farmer who rented a piece of land from the corporation of the friars. When
the friars wanted to increase the tax for the land he refused and then he was abducted and later
he joined the plan of Simoun. But instead of attaining justice, he faced his death.

7. Placido Penitente – he was a student from the province. A scholar and a victim of a self-
centered professor. He walked out from school and joined the plan of Simoun.
8. Don Custodio – A Spaniard who was placed in the high position in the government even if he
was not educated and did not have enough skills.

9. Maria Paulita Gomez – She was the girlfriend of Isagani but in the end she married another man
just to follow the request of her aunt, Doña Victorina.

10. Padre Florentino – The relative of Isagani and a good Filipino priest.

5. What is the sequel of Noli?

 El Filibusterismo is the sequel of Noli Me Tangere.

6. What was the Purpose of Ibarra in the last novel?

 Simoun Ibarra or Crisostomo in the last novel sought for revenge against the people who
did wrong to his family.

7. How was Bapor Tabo described in the novel?

 The native Filipinos were in the lowest part of the ship and the peninsulares, government
official and the friars were on top.

8. What was the argument of Padre Milton with Placido?

 As an intelligent student, Placido could expand well his answer and because of that he had
an argument with Padre Milton. Because he could answer the question, Padre Milton felt
insulted so he marked Placido as absent and failed for that day.

9. What did Placido do for what had happen?

 And then Placido answered back that how could he receive a failing grade for that day if he
was absent. Then Placido walked out from the university and decided to join Simoun.

10. Why did Kabesang Tales lost his land?

 Because of the friars.

11. What did he do against the Friars?

 He refused to pay taxes and filed a case against the friars.

12. Why was he kidnapped?

 He was kidnapped by the rebels because they thought that he had a lot of money because
he could afford to sue the friars.

13. Why did Paulita married Juanito Pelaez?

 Paulita married Juanito Pelaez since he was a Spaniard and came from a wealthy family.
14. Why was Basilio imprisoned?
 He was the boyfriend of Juli and because he was part of the organization who fought for
the foundation of the Academy of Spain Language, he was later imprisoned.
15. What did Juli do to pay for Basilio’s Freedom?
 Juli offered herself to Padre Camorra so that Basilio could be free.

16. What did Juli do when he could not bear the result of her agreement with Padre Camora?

 She committed suicide.

17. What was the plan of Simoun?

 The plan of Simoun would be executed during the wedding of Maria Paulita Gomez and
Juanito Pelaez because the wedding would be attended by the friars and the highest
officials in the government. Simoun would give the oil lamp that would explode when the
lid of the light pulled.

18. Why did the explosion not happen?

 The explosion would be the cue for the rebels to attack. But his plan did not materialize
because on the day of the wedding Basilio warned Isagani about the explosion. And so
Isagani went to the venue and threw the oil lamp to the river. The explosion did not went
happen and the rebels thought that they were deceived by Simoun.

19. What did the Spanish authorities do for what had happen?
 The Spanish authorities arrested those who were included in the plan and the secret of
Simoun as Crisostomo Ibarra was revealed.

20. What did Simoun do after meeting with Padre Florentino?

 Simoun was able to escape and reached the place of Padre Florentino. He confessed to the
priest and before he committed suicide by drinking poison, he entrusted his box of jewelry
to the priest.

21. What did Padre Florentino do with the box of jewelry?

 Padre Florentino threw the box of jewelry to the sea where it came from.
Martyrdom at Bagumbayan

1. What was the signal to begin the death march?

 Death March to Bagumbayan. About 6:30 a.m., a trumpet sounded at Fort Santiago, a signal to
begin the death march.

2. What was the designated place for the execution?

 Bagumbayan

3. Who were with Rizal during the death march?

 The advance guard of four soldiers with bayoneted rifles moved. A few meters behind, Rizal
walked calmly, with his defense counsel (Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade) on one side and two Jesuit priests
(Fathers March and Vilaclara) on the other. More well-armed soldiers marched behind him.

4. Described Rizal’s attire at that time

 Rizal was dressed elegantly in a black suit, black derby hat, black shoes, white shirt, and black

5. How would you picture the expectator?

 There was a handful of spectators lining the street from Fort Santiago to the Plaza del Palacio in
front of the Manila Cathedral. Everybody seemed to be out at Bagumbayan, where a vast crowd
gathered to see how a martyr dies.

6. What was the former name of the Bonifacio Drive?

 Malecon (now Bonifacio Dave)

7. How did Rizal remember Corregidor and the mountains of Cavite?

 Rizal looked at the sky, and said to one of the priests: “How beautiful it is today, Father. What
morning could be more serene! How clear is Corregidor and the mountains of Cavite! On mornings like
this, I used to take a walk with my sweetheart”.

8. What other place did he remember?

 He saw the college towers above the walls.

9. Describe the place where he was told to stand

 It was a grassy lawn by the shore of Manila Bay between two lamp posts.

10. What did he request to the commander of the firing squad?

 He requested the commander of the firing squad that he be shot facing the firing squad.

11. Why was his request denied?

 His request was denied, for the captain had implicit orders to shoot him in the back.

12. Why was Doctor Castillo amazed to find that Rizal had a normal pulse?
 Dr. Castillo was amazed to find it normal, showing that Rizal was not afraid to die.

13. Give the exact age of Rizal when he died

 35 years, five months and 11 days.

14. What was Rizal prediction 14 years before his execution?

 Rizal predicted that he would die on December 30 th.

15. Who exalted with sadistic joy with Rizal was gone?
 Aftermath of a Hero-Martyr’s Death. At the time when the bullets of Spain’s firing squad killed
Dr. Rizal, the Spaniards—residents, friars (Jesuits not included), corrupt officials (including Governor
Polavieja) exulted with sadistic joy, for Rizal, formidable champion of Filipino freedom, was gone.

16. What did the Spanish expectators shout after Rizal’s execution?
 “Viva España!” “Muerte a los Traidores”, (Long Live Spain! “Death to the Traitors!’)

17. Why were the Spaniards fully unaware of history and inexorable tides?
 For the execution of Rizal presaged the foundation of an independent nation.

18. Give the outcome of Rizal’s writings

 By his writings, which awakened Filipino nationalism and paved the way for the Philippine

19. What did he prove about his writings?

 He proved that “the pen is mightier than the sword’

20. How was Rizal described in our history?

 As many-splendored genius, writer, scientist, and political martyr, he richly deserves history’s
salute as the national hero of the Philippines.

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