Taller de Confort Energético

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EDGE Assessment: v3.0.0

Project Name: coninto#2casa Downloaded date & time: 2021-04-25 00:39
Subproject Name: con2021#2 38.59% | 25.26% | 45.28%

Project Details

Project Name Address Line1

coninto#2casa CR 14BIS B #43-68
Number of Distinct Buildings Address Line2
1 calle39a sur#6-23 este
Number of EDGE Subproject(s) associated City
1 Bogota
Total Project Floor Area (m²) State/ Province
111.03 Selecciona un Estado
Project Owner Name Postal Code
julian felipe viuche sierra 110431
Project Owner Email Country
Elzancudo17@gmail.com Colombia
Project Owner Phone Project Number
Mobile 571 - 3158586262 1000779116
Share with Investor(s) or Bank(s)? Do you intend to certify?
No Not Sure

Associated Subproject(s)

Subproject Details

Subproject Name Address Line1

con2021#2 CR 14 BIS B #43-68
Building Name Address Line2
con2021#2 calle39a sur#6-23 este
Subproject Multiplier for the Project City
1 bogota
Certification Stage State/ Province
Preliminary Cundinamarca
Status Postal Code
Self-Review 110431
Auditor Country
Certifier Subproject Type
New Building

Created By: julian felipe viuche sierra File Number: 21042410106966

Downloaded By: julian felipe viuche sierra Project Number: 1000779116
EDGE Assessment: v3.0.0
Project Name: coninto#2casa Downloaded date & time: 2021-04-25 00:39
Subproject Name: con2021#2 38.59% | 25.26% | 45.28%


Country City
Colombia Bogota

Building Type

Primary Building Type Sub Building Type

Homes Low Income

Created By: julian felipe viuche sierra File Number: 21042410106966

Downloaded By: julian felipe viuche sierra Project Number: 1000779116
EDGE Assessment: v3.0.0
Project Name: coninto#2casa Downloaded date & time: 2021-04-25 00:39
Subproject Name: con2021#2 38.59% | 25.26% | 45.28%

Building Data

Single Typology Operational Details

Default User Entry
Default User Entry
Occupancy (People/House)
No. of Bedrooms
Building Construction Cost
1 5
Cost of Construction (COP/m²)
Total No. of Homes 4,747,400.0
10 3
Estimated Sale Value (COP/m²)
Average House Area (m²) 6,741,308.0
60 55.24
No. of Floors Above Grade
1 5
No. of Floors Below Grade
- 0
Floor-to-Floor Height (m)
3.0 3
Roof Area (m²)
11 43

Created By: julian felipe viuche sierra File Number: 21042410106966

Downloaded By: julian felipe viuche sierra Project Number: 1000779116
EDGE Assessment: v3.0.0
Project Name: coninto#2casa Downloaded date & time: 2021-04-25 00:39
Subproject Name: con2021#2 38.59% | 25.26% | 45.28%

Area and Loads Breakdown

Gross Internal Area/House (m²)

Default User Entry
Default (m²/House) User Entry (m²/House)

Area with Exterior Lighting (m²)

19.3 180
External Carparking Area (m²)
2.8 -
Irrigated Area (m²)
2.8 60

1.7 0
Enclosed Garage
16.6 0

Created By: julian felipe viuche sierra File Number: 21042410106966

Downloaded By: julian felipe viuche sierra Project Number: 1000779116
EDGE Assessment: v3.0.0
Project Name: coninto#2casa Downloaded date & time: 2021-04-25 00:39
Subproject Name: con2021#2 38.59% | 25.26% | 45.28%

Building Dimensions

Default (m) User Entry (m) Façade Area Exposed to Outside

Air (%)
1.7 8.91 70
North East
1.7 40
1.7 6.10 23
South East
1.7 10
1.7 8.91 8
South West
1.7 24
1.7 6.10 5
North West
1.7 40
Window to Floor Ratio

Created By: julian felipe viuche sierra File Number: 21042410106966

Downloaded By: julian felipe viuche sierra Project Number: 1000779116
EDGE Assessment: v3.0.0
Project Name: coninto#2casa Downloaded date & time: 2021-04-25 00:39
Subproject Name: con2021#2 38.59% | 25.26% | 45.28%

Building HVAC System

Select Input Type Does the Building Design Include Purchased Chilled Water and Heating Supply
(District Cooling or Heating)?
Simplified Inputs District Cooling Only

Does the Building Design Include an AC system? Applicable Baseline

Does the Building Design Include a Space Heating System?

Created By: julian felipe viuche sierra File Number: 21042410106966

Downloaded By: julian felipe viuche sierra Project Number: 1000779116
EDGE Assessment: v3.0.0
Project Name: coninto#2casa Downloaded date & time: 2021-04-25 00:39
Subproject Name: con2021#2 38.59% | 25.26% | 45.28%

Fuel Usage

Cost Input
Default User Entry Default User Entry
Hot Water Electricity (COP/kWh)
Electricity Natural Gas 203.5 210.5
Space Heating Diesel (COP/Lt)
Natural Gas Natural Gas 1,932.9 2,221.4
Generator Natural Gas (COP/kg)
Diesel GLP 2,520.8 3,237.6
% Electricity Generation Using Diesel LPG (COP/kg)
5.00% 2,520.8
Fuel Used for Cooking
Water (COP/KL)
Electricity Natural Gas
Conversion from USD (COP/USD)
3,391.0 3,623.4

District Cooling (COP/kWh)

73.17 11.929

Created By: julian felipe viuche sierra File Number: 21042410106966

Downloaded By: julian felipe viuche sierra Project Number: 1000779116
EDGE Assessment: v3.0.0
Project Name: coninto#2casa Downloaded date & time: 2021-04-25 00:39
Subproject Name: con2021#2 38.59% | 25.26% | 45.28%

Climate Data
Default User Entry Default User Entry

Elevation (m) Latitude (degrees)

2,645 2,630 5 4.7
Rainfall (mm/year) ASHRAE Climate Zone
1,312 840 3A 3A
CO₂ Emission (gCO₂/kWh) Country-specific Climate Zone
231 NA NA

Default (Monthly Max) User Entry (Monthly Max) Default (Monthly Max) User Entry (Monthly Max)

Jan Jan Jul Jul

22.6 21.1
Feb Feb Aug Aug
22.5 20.4
Mar Mar Sep Sep
22.0 20.9
Apr Apr Oct Oct
20.8 21.1
May May Nov Nov
21.5 22.4
Jun Jun Dec Dec
20.7 22.0

Default (Monthly Min) User Entry (Monthly Min) Default (Monthly Min) User Entry (Monthly Min)

Jan Jan Jul Jul

3.2 4.8
Feb Feb Aug Aug
3.4 5.0
Mar Mar Sep Sep
5.2 4.1
Apr Apr Oct Oct
6.0 4.9
May May Nov Nov
7.0 5.0
Jun Jun Dec Dec
5.9 3.6

Created By: julian felipe viuche sierra File Number: 21042410106966

Downloaded By: julian felipe viuche sierra Project Number: 1000779116
EDGE Assessment: v3.0.0
Project Name: coninto#2casa Downloaded date & time: 2021-04-25 00:39
Subproject Name: con2021#2 38.59% | 25.26% | 45.28%

Climate Data

Relative Humidity(%)
Default (Monthly Avg) User Entry (Monthly Avg) Default (Monthly Avg) User Entry (Monthly Avg)

Jan Jan Jul Jul

72.3% 79.8%
Feb Feb Aug Aug
75.3% 81.8%
Mar Mar Sep Sep
76.7% 83.3%
Apr Apr Oct Oct
80.2% 78.7%
May May Nov Nov
78.2% 78.0%
Jun Jun Dec Dec
82.5% 76.4%

Wind Speed(m/sec)

Default (Monthly Avg) User Entry (Monthly Avg) Default (Monthly Max) User Entry (Monthly Max)

Jan Jan Jul Jul

2.5 2.9
Feb Feb Aug Aug
2.6 2.8
Mar Mar Sep Sep
2.4 2.6
Apr Apr Oct Oct
2.4 2.4
May May Nov Nov
2.3 2.3
Jun Jun Dec Dec
2.7 2.4

Created By: julian felipe viuche sierra File Number: 21042410106966

Downloaded By: julian felipe viuche sierra Project Number: 1000779116
EDGE Assessment: v3.0.0
Project Name: coninto#2casa Downloaded date & time: 2021-04-25 00:39
Subproject Name: con2021#2 38.59% | 25.26% | 45.28%
Final Energy Use (kWh/Month/House) Improved Case EPI (kWh/m²/Year)
92 20
Final Water Use (m³/Month/House) Total Building Construction Cost (Million COP)
10 78.67
Final Operational CO₂ Emissions (tCO₂/Month/House) Incremental Cost (COP)
0.06 -3,313,529.9
Final Embodied Energy (MJ/m²) % Increase in cost
4,408 -0.421%
Final Utility Cost (COP/Month/House) Payback in Years (Yrs.)
69,732 -8.97
Subproject Floor Area (m²) Number of People Impacted (No.)
111.03 9
Energy Savings (MWh/Year) Base Case - Refrigerant Global Warming Potential (tCO₂e/Year/House)
0.49 30.4
Water Savings (m³/Year) Improved Case - Refrigerant Global Warming Potential (tCO₂e/Year/House)
41.80 0.1
Operational CO₂ Savings (tCO₂/Year) District Cooling Demand (kWh/Month)
0.62 -
Embodied Energy Savings (GJ)
Utility Cost Savings in USD (USD/Year) Thermal Energy Saving for District Cooling (kWh/Year)
108.90 13.76
Utility Cost Savings in Local Currency (COP/Year)
Base Case EPI (kWh/m²/Year)
Energy Efficiency Measures 38.59% Meets EDGE Energy Standard

Created By: julian felipe viuche sierra File Number: 21042410106966

Downloaded By: julian felipe viuche sierra Project Number: 1000779116
EDGE Assessment: v3.0.0
Project Name: coninto#2casa Downloaded date & time: 2021-04-25 00:39
Subproject Name: con2021#2 38.59% | 25.26% | 45.28%

Carbon Emissions: -11.1 tCO₂e/Year/House

Energy Efficiency Measures 38.59%

EEM01 Window-to-Wall Ratio: 11% EEM10 Air Infiltration of Envelope: 50% Reduction
Base Case Value: 25%
WWR (%) 11
EEM11 Natural Ventilation
EEM02 Reflective Roof: Solar Reflectance Index 85 Base Case Facade Opening: 0%
EEM12 Ceiling Fans
EEM03 Reflective Exterior Walls: Solar Reflectance Index 85
EEM13 Cooling System Efficiency: COP 5.1
EEM04 External Shading Devices: Annual Average Solar Factor 0.87
EEM14 Variable Speed Drives
EEM05 Insulation of Roof: U-Value of 10 W/m²·K
Base Case Value: 1.91 W/m²·K
EEM15 Fresh Air Pre-conditioning System: Efficiency 10%
W/m²·K 10
Base Case: No Fresh Air Pre-conditioning
EEM06 Insulation of Ground/Raised Floor Slab: U-Value 0.58 W/m²·K
Select System Indirect Evaporative Cooling
Base Case Value: 0.49 W/m²·K
% Eff. 10
EEM07 Green Roof
EEM16 Space Heating System Efficiency: COP 80.3%
Leaf Area Index 5

EEM08 Insulation of Exterior Walls: U-Value 1.38 W/m²·K

Base Case Value: 1.86 W/m²·K

EEM09 Efficiency of Glass: U-Value 3.99 W/m²·K, SHGC 0.35 and VT


Created By: julian felipe viuche sierra File Number: 21042410106966

Downloaded By: julian felipe viuche sierra Project Number: 1000779116
EDGE Assessment: v3.0.0
Project Name: coninto#2casa Downloaded date & time: 2021-04-25 00:39
Subproject Name: con2021#2 38.59% | 25.26% | 45.28%

Energy Efficiency Measures 38.59%

EEM17 Room Heating Controls with Thermostatic Valves

EEM31 Smart Meters for Energy
EEM18 Domestic Hot Water (DHW) System
EEM32 Power Factor Corrections

EEM19 Domestic Hot Water Preheating System

EEM33 Onsite Renewable Energy: 25% of Annual Energy Use
Default Default Annual
Annual Electricity Use (%)
EEM20 Economizers
Use (%)
Solar 25% 4,611.51 kWh/Year
EEM21 Demand Control Ventilation Using CO₂ Sensors Photovoltaic
Wind Turbine 0% - kWh/Year
Biomass 0% - kWh/Year
EEM22 Efficient Lighting for Internal Areas
Base Case Value: 2.21 L/W EEM34 Other Energy Saving Measures
Efficiency Type Lighting Power Density Energy Saving (%) 25
Lighting Power Density (W/m²) 5
EEM35 Offsite Renewable Energy Procurement: 30% of Annual
EEM23 Efficient Lighting for External Areas Electricity Use
Base Case Value: 65 L/W
Efficiency Type Luminous Efficacy EEM36 Carbon Offsets: 10% Annual Operational CO₂
EEM24 Lighting Controls
Type of Lighting Control Continuous Dimming
EEM37 Low-Impact Refrigerants
EEM26 Demand Control Ventilation for Parking Using CO Sensors Base Case Refrigerant: HFC-134a

EEM29 Efficient Refrigerators and Clothes Washing Machines

EEM30 Submeters for Heating and/or Cooling Systems


Water Efficiency Measures 25.26% Meets EDGE Water Standard

Created By: julian felipe viuche sierra File Number: 21042410106966

Downloaded By: julian felipe viuche sierra Project Number: 1000779116
EDGE Assessment: v3.0.0
Project Name: coninto#2casa Downloaded date & time: 2021-04-25 00:39
Subproject Name: con2021#2 38.59% | 25.26% | 45.28%

WEM01 Water-efficient Showerheads: 50 L/min

Base Case Value: 8 L/min & 1
Bath Type No Shower Flow Rate (L/min) 50
Showers/day/Person 7 Hot Water Provision Yes
WEM02 Water-efficient Faucets for all Bathrooms: 20 L/min
Base Case Value: 6 L/min
Faucet Type Faucets with Aerators Flow Rate (L/min) 20
Hot Water Provision Yes

WEM04 Efficient Water Closets for All Bathrooms: 6 L/High volume flush and 3 L/Low volume flush

WEM06 Water-efficient Bidet: 3 L/min

Base Case Value: 6 L/min
Flow Rate (L/min) 3

WEM08 Water-efficient Faucets for Kitchen Sinks: 10 L/min

Base Case Value: 1.86 W/m²·K
Flow Rate (L/min) 10 Hot Water Provision Yes

Created By: julian felipe viuche sierra File Number: 21042410106966

Downloaded By: julian felipe viuche sierra Project Number: 1000779116
EDGE Assessment: v3.0.0
Project Name: coninto#2casa Downloaded date & time: 2021-04-25 00:39
Subproject Name: con2021#2 38.59% | 25.26% | 45.28%


WEM09 Water-efficient Dishwashers: 10 L/Rack

Base Case Value: 30 L/Rack
Hot Water Provision Yes
WEM10 Water-efficient Pre-rinse Spray Valves for Kitchen: 2 L/min
Base Case Value: 7 L/min
Flow Rate (L/min) 2

WEM11 Water-efficient Washing Machines: 5 L/Cycle

Base Case Value: 55 L/Cycle, No
rinse water reclaimed
Flow Rate (L/Load) 5 Hot Water Provision Yes
WEM12 Swimming Pool Covers: 10% Area Covered
Base Case Value: No Cover
Covered Area (%) 10
WEM13 Water-efficient Landscape Irrigation System: 4 L/m²/day

WEM14 Rainwater Harvesting System: 50% of Roof Area Used for Collection
Base Case Value: No Rainwater
Default Tank Capacity 10.16
Collected Rainwater Used for
Flushing Yes Car Washing Yes
Wash Basin No Swimming Pool No
Yes Irrigation Yes
Kitchen No Equipment No
Laundry Yes HVAC No
Cleaning & Washing Yes

WEM15 Waste Water Treatment and Recycling System: 100% Treated

Base Case: No

System Type Grey and Black Water Recycling System

Recycled Water End-uses
Sewage Treatment Plant Membrane Cleaning & Washing Yes
Technology Bioreactor
Flushing Yes Car Washing Yes
Wash Basin No Swimming Pool No
No Irrigation Yes
Kitchen No Equipment No
Laundry Yes HVAC Yes

WEM16 Condensate Water Recovery: 100% Recovery

Condensate Water Used for
Flushing Yes Car Washing Yes
Wash Basin No Swimming Pool No
No Irrigation Yes
Kitchen No Equipment No
Laundry Yes HVAC Yes
Cleaning & Washing Yes

WEM17 Smart Meters for Water

Created By: julian felipe viuche sierra File Number: 21042410106966

Downloaded By: julian felipe viuche sierra Project Number: 1000779116
EDGE Assessment: v3.0.0
Project Name: coninto#2casa Downloaded date & time: 2021-04-25 00:39
Subproject Name: con2021#2 38.59% | 25.26% | 45.28%


Materials Efficiency Measures 45.28% Meets EDGE Material Standard

Created By: julian felipe viuche sierra File Number: 21042410106966

Downloaded By: julian felipe viuche sierra Project Number: 1000779116
EDGE Assessment: v3.0.0
Project Name: coninto#2casa Downloaded date & time: 2021-04-25 00:39
Subproject Name: con2021#2 38.59% | 25.26% | 45.28%


Proportion % Thickness (mm)

MEM01 Bottom Floor Construction Type 1 Composite Slab | In-situ Concrete over RC Planks 100 % 20 0.57
Base Case Material: Concrete and Joist System
Slab | In-situ Reinforced
Conventional Slab
Thickness : 100mm

MEM02 Intermediate Floor Type 1 Default Base Case Material 100 %

Base Case Material: Concrete
Slab | In-situ Reinforced
Conventional Slab
Thickness : 200mm

MEM03 Floor Finish Type 1 Tiled | Ceramic Tiles 100 % 10

Base Case Material : Tiled |
Ceramic Tiles
Thickness : 10mm

MEM04 Roof Construction Type 1 Concrete Slab | In-situ Reinforced Slab with >30% 100 % 1.04
Base Case Material: Concrete PFA
Slab | In-situ Trough Slab
Thickness : 200mm

MEM05 Exterior Walls Type 1 Brick Wall | Cored Brick (25-40% voids) with 100 % 10 1.38
Base Case Material: Brick Wall External and Internal Plaster
| Solid Brick (0-25% voids) with
External and Internal Plaster
Thickness : 200mm

MEM06 Interior Walls Type 1 Default Base Case Material 100 %

Base Case Material: Brick Wall
| Solid Brick (0-25% voids) with
External and Internal Plaster

Created By: julian felipe viuche sierra File Number: 21042410106966

Downloaded By: julian felipe viuche sierra Project Number: 1000779116
EDGE Assessment: v3.0.0
Project Name: coninto#2casa Downloaded date & time: 2021-04-25 00:39
Subproject Name: con2021#2 38.59% | 25.26% | 45.28%


Proportion % Thickness (mm)

MEM07 Window Frames Type 1 Aluminum-clad Timber 100 %

Base Case Material :

MEM08 Window Glazing Type 1 X - Re-use of Existing Glazing 100 % 10 5.70

Base Case Material: Single
Thickness : 8mm

MEM09 Roof Insulation Type 1 Polystyrene Foam Spray or Board Insulation 100 %
Base Case Material: X - No
Thickness : 0mm

MEM10 Wall Insulation Type 1 Default Base Case Material 100 % 20

Base Case Material: X - No
Thickness : 0mm

MEM11 Floor Insulation Type 1 Default Base Case Material 100 %

Base Case Material: X - No
Thickness : 0mm

Created By: julian felipe viuche sierra File Number: 21042410106966

Downloaded By: julian felipe viuche sierra Project Number: 1000779116
EDGE Assessment: v3.0.0
Project Name: coninto#2casa Downloaded date & time: 2021-04-25 00:39
Subproject Name: con2021#2 38.59% | 25.26% | 45.28%

EDGE Certification Checklist

Building Type Certification Stage Subproject Name

Homes Preliminary con2021#2

Water Measures Preliminary Audit Requirements

WEM01 Low Flow Showerheads Plumbing drawings/specifications including make, model, and flow rate of the
showerhead(s); and

Manufacturer’s data sheets for the specified showerhead(s) confirming the flow rate at a
standard pressure of 3 bar.

WEM02 Low-Flow Faucets for Private Plumbing drawings/specifications including make, model, and flow rate of the washbasin
Bathrooms faucet(s); and

Manufacturer’s data sheets for the specified faucet(s)/flow aerator(s) confirming the flow
rate at a standard pressure of 3 bar

WEM06 Water Efficient Bidet Plumbing drawings/specifications including make, model and flush volumes of water
closet(s); and

Manufacturer’s data sheets for water closet(s) with information on the flush volume of
the main and reduced flushes.

WEM08 Low-Flow Faucets for Kitchen Sink Plumbing drawings/specifications including make, model and flow rate of kitchen faucet
(s) or flow restrictor(s); and

Manufacturer’s data sheets for faucet(s)/flow restrictor(s) confirming the flow rate at 3

WEM09 Water-Efficient Dishwashers Summary of the dishwasher(s) to be installed in the building, including quantity and proof
of maximum water use; and

Specifications from manufacturer detailing water use.

WEM10 Low-Flow Pre Rinse Spray Valve for Plumbing drawings/specifications including make, model, and flow rate of the pre-rinse
Kitchen valve(s); and

Manufacturer’s data sheets for pre-rinse valve(s) confirming the flow rate at a standard
pressure of 3 bar.

WEM11 Water-Efficient Washing Machine Manufacturer’s data sheets for the washing machine(s) specified with information on the
water consumption and maximum load capacity in kilograms

WEM12 Swimming Pool Covers Sizing calculations and manufacturer’s data sheets for pool cover(s) to fit the entire pool

WEM14 Rainwater Harvesting System A system schematic showing the collection area, feed pipes and storage tank; and

Sizing calculations for the rainwater harvesting system.

EDGE assumes that the rainwater is being used within the building to replace potable
water use. If the harvested rainwater is being used only to irrigate the landscape, the
project team must demonstrate that (1) there is need for irrigation with municipal water
(in addition to just natural rainwater) and (2) that the plumbing layout shows that the
recycled water will be directed to this use.

WEM15 Waste Water Treatment and A schematic layout of the system showing the plumbing including the dual plumbing
Recycling System lines; and

Created By: julian felipe viuche sierra File Number: 21042410106966

Downloaded By: julian felipe viuche sierra Project Number: 1000779116
EDGE Assessment: v3.0.0
Project Name: coninto#2casa Downloaded date & time: 2021-04-25 00:39
Subproject Name: con2021#2 38.59% | 25.26% | 45.28%
WEM15 Waste Water Treatment and Manufacturer’s data sheets of the specified black water treatment plant; and
Recycling System

Calculations including the following:

Designed capacity of the grey water treatment system in m3/day.

Quantity of black water available daily to recycle in liters/day.
Efficiency of the black water system to produce treated water in liters/day.
Water balance chart

WEM16 Condensate Water Recovery Calculations for condensate water recovery specifying cooling load and water collected
in liters per day; and

Hydraulic layout showing the location and technology of the recovery, collection, and
reuse components.

WEM17 Smart Water Meters Electrical drawings/specifications including the make and model of smart meters and the
connection with the water supply system, or an equivalent system online; and

Manufacturer’s specifications of the smart meters.

Energy Measures Preliminary Audit Requirements

EEM01 Window to Wall Ratio Calculation of “Glazing Area” and “Gross Exterior Wall Area” for each façade of the
building, and the average area-weighted WWR; and

All façade eleva on drawin s showin lazin dimensions and eneral uildin

EEM05 Insulation of Roof Building plans highlighting the area of major roof types if more than one type of roof is
present; and

Detailed drawing(s) showing the layers of roof materials and any U-value specifications;

Calculation of overall roof U-value using either the calculator provided in the EDGE
measure or external calculations; and

Manufacturer’s data sheets for the specified building materials; or

Bill of quantities with the specifications for any roof insulation materials clearly

EEM06 Insulation of Ground/Exposed Slab Building plans highlighting the area of major floor slab types if more than one type is
present; and

Calculation of overall floor U-value using either the calculator provided in the EDGE
measure or external calculations; and

Detailed drawing(s) showing the layers of floor slab materials and any U-value
specifications; and

Manufacturer’s data sheets for the specified building materials; or

Bill of quantities with the specifications for any floor insulation materials clearly

EEM07 Green Roof Building plans highlighting the area of green roof; and

Section drawing(s) showing the layers of roof materials and soil depth; and

Leaf Area Index

Created By: julian felipe viuche sierra File Number: 21042410106966

Downloaded By: julian felipe viuche sierra Project Number: 1000779116
EDGE Assessment: v3.0.0
Project Name: coninto#2casa Downloaded date & time: 2021-04-25 00:39
Subproject Name: con2021#2 38.59% | 25.26% | 45.28%
EEM08 Insulation of External Wall Building plans highlighting the area of major exterior wall types if more than one type of
wall is present; and

Detailed drawing(s) showing the layers of exterior wall materials and any U-value
specifications; and

Calculation of overall exterior wall U-value using either the calculator provided in the
EDGE measure or external calculations; and

Manufacturer’s data sheets for the specified building materials showing the brand and
product name and insulating properties of any insulation; or

Bill of quantities with the specifications for any exterior wall insulation materials clearly

EEM11 Natural Ventilation Typical floor plans for every floor showing corridors’ room layouts and the location of

Typical sections showing the floor-to-ceiling height for every floor; and

Calculations within or outside the EDGE App showing that the minimum natural
ventilation requirements have been met.

EEM15 Fresh Air Pre Conditioning System Mechanical and electrical drawings showing the location of the pre-conditioning system,
such as a heat recovery wheel, and indicating the percentage (%) of total air passing
through the system; and

Manufacturer’s data sheets for the device specifying the Temperature Transfer Efficiency
(TTE); or

A calculation to demonstrate efficiency in case the manufacturer’s data does not specify
the TTE.

EEM22 Energy-Efficient Lighting for Internal Electrical layout drawings showing the location and type of all interior lighting fixtures;
Areas and

Lighting schedule listing the type and number of bulbs specified for all fixtures; and

Manufacturer’s data sheets or calculations showing that the fixtures meet the minimum
lumens per watt threshold.

EEM23 Energy-Efficient Lighting for External Electrical layout drawings showing the location and type of all exterior lighting fixtures;
Areas and

Lighting schedule listing the type and number of bulbs specified for all fixtures; and

Manufacturer’s data sheets or calculations showing that the fixtures meet the minimum
lumens per watt threshold.

EEM24 Lighting Control with Daylight and Electrical layout drawings showing the location and type of all lighting controls; and
Occupancy Sensors

Lighting schedule listing the specifications for all controls, if applicable; and

Manufacturer’s data sheets for the lighting controls.

EEM31 Smart Energy Meters Electric drawings/specifications showing the make and model of the smart energy
meters and the connection with the electric system; and

Manufacturer’s data sheets of the meters; or

Technical specifications for an equivalent online system.

Created By: julian felipe viuche sierra File Number: 21042410106966

Downloaded By: julian felipe viuche sierra Project Number: 1000779116
EDGE Assessment: v3.0.0
Project Name: coninto#2casa Downloaded date & time: 2021-04-25 00:39
Subproject Name: con2021#2 38.59% | 25.26% | 45.28%
EEM33 Onsite Renewable Energy System Supporting calculation showing the proposed system will deliver sufficient electricity to
achieve the claimed proportion of total demand; and

Manufacturer’s data sheets for the proposed system including peak and average
production wattage; and

Engineering drawings showing the system size and location, In the case of solar panels,
include the orientation and angle of the panels.

EEM34 Additional Energy Saving Measures Drawings showing the design intent; and

Calculations showing the percentage of energy savings compared to the EDGE baseline.

EEM37 Low-Impact Refrigerants Documentation of the proposed system sizes for all equipment types in the project that
use refrigerants including refrigerators, freezers, or air conditioning systems, and

The types and amounts of refrigerant charge for these systems; and

The associated global warming potential.

Material Measures Preliminary Audit Requirements

MEM01 Bottom Floor Construction Floor sections showing the materials and thicknesses of the floor(s)

Building plans marking the area of major floor types if more than one type of floor is
present; and

Manufacturer’s data sheets for the specified building materials; or

Bill of quantities with the floor slab specifications clearly highlighted.

MEM02 Intermediate Floor Construction Floor sections showing the materials and thicknesses of the floor(s); and

Building plans marking the area of major floor types if more than one type of floor is
present; and

Manufacturer’s data sheets for the specified building materials; or

Bill of quantities with the floor slab specifications clearly highlighted.

MEM03 Floor Finish Drawings showing the flooring specifications selected; and

Building plans highlighting the area of major flooring types if more than one type of
flooring is present; and

Manufacturer’s data sheets for the specified building materials; or

Bill of quantities with the specifications for the flooring materials clearly highlighted.

MEM04 Roof Construction Roof sections showing the materials and thicknesses of the roof(s); and

Building plans marking the area of major roof types if more than one type of roof is
present; and

Manufacturer’s data sheets for the specified building materials; or

Bill of quantities with the roof material specifications clearly highlighted.

MEM05 Exterior Walls Drawings of the external wall sections; and

Created By: julian felipe viuche sierra File Number: 21042410106966

Downloaded By: julian felipe viuche sierra Project Number: 1000779116
EDGE Assessment: v3.0.0
Project Name: coninto#2casa Downloaded date & time: 2021-04-25 00:39
Subproject Name: con2021#2 38.59% | 25.26% | 45.28%
MEM05 Exterior Walls Building plans or elevations highlighting the area of major external wall types if more
than one type of external wall is present; and

Manufacturer’s data sheets for the specified building materials; or

Bill of quantities with the specifications for the materials used for the walls clearly

MEM06 Interior Walls Drawings of the internal wall sections; and

Building plans or elevations highlighting the area of major internal wall types if more
than one type of internal wall is present; and

Manufacturer’s data sheets for the specified building materials; or

Bill of quantities with the specifications for the materials used for the walls clearly

MEM07 Window Frames Building elevations marking the window frame(s) specifications; or

A window schedule for the building showing the major window frame types if more than
one type of window frame is present; and

Manufacturer’s data sheets for the specified window frames; or

Bill of quantities with the specifications for the windows/window frames highlighted.

This measure includes exterior glass doors.

MEM08 Window Glazing Building elevations marking the window glass specifications; or

A window schedule for the building showing the major window glass types if more than
one type of glass is present; and

Manufacturer’s data sheets for the specified glazing; or

Bill of quantities with the specifications for the window glass highlighted.

This measure includes exterior glass doors.

MEM09 Roof Insulation Drawings marking the type(s) of insulation specified; and

Building plans marking the area of major insulation types if more than one type of
insulation is present; and

Manufacturer’s data sheets for the specified insulation; or

Bill of quantities with the specifications for the insulation materials highlighted.

MEM10 Wall Insulation Drawings marking the type(s) of insulation specified; and

Building plans marking the area of major insulation types if more than one type of
insulation is present; and

Manufacturer’s data sheets for the specified insulation; or

Bill of quantities with the specifications for the insulation materials highlighted.

MEM11 Floor Insulation Drawings marking the type(s) of insulation specified; and

Created By: julian felipe viuche sierra File Number: 21042410106966

Downloaded By: julian felipe viuche sierra Project Number: 1000779116
EDGE Assessment: v3.0.0
Project Name: coninto#2casa Downloaded date & time: 2021-04-25 00:39
Subproject Name: con2021#2 38.59% | 25.26% | 45.28%
MEM11 Floor Insulation Building plans marking the area of major insulation types if more than one type of
insulation is present; and

Manufacturer’s data sheets for the specified insulation; or

Bill of quantities with the specifications for the insulation materials highlighted.

Created By: julian felipe viuche sierra File Number: 21042410106966

Downloaded By: julian felipe viuche sierra Project Number: 1000779116

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