BO Interview Ques 4

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Why do we use crystal reports when we have reporting tools in BO itself?

Using crystal reports we can connect to any database directly using one of the providers such as
ODBC Connection.
But in BO we have to use Universe concept to generate the report using WEBI.
In WEBI we don't have add command option ,in crystal report we have add command option.

Crystal Report is older than Webi and it has more user friendly Connection available compare than
webi. Custom formatting, Wide range of Variable, Predefined Filter, Printer and etc.... It usually use
for Transitional data.

Using crystal reports,

1. You can create a report in a printable format(A4,B4 etc..)
2. You can create sub reports very easily
3. There are no. of charts available but not in BO
[in bo 6.5 we can't define the dynamic prompts. in crystal reports we can define DYNAMIC prompts.

Foreach and Forall

Scenariao: We have multiple cities and their respective Population in a particular State and Nation.

FOR EACH: Used to add the dimension to the calculation context.

This is used when we want the total population for each State. Then it will be:
Sum(<Population>)For Each <State>

FOR ALL: Used to remove the dimension from the calculation context
This is used when we want the total population that includes all the states. Then it will be:
Sum(<Population>)For All <State> 

How to decrease time running query for report?

(1) If its a complex query,created a derived table with some performance tuning and use that in
(2) Avoid unnecessary joins.
(3) Add the required columns instead the * 

(4) Avoid long transactions it cause the your Query slow

(5) use fully Qualified objects
(6) use the Execution plan feature tune the Query 

(7) Query Performance: I would say you should check first SQL and run against directly
to the database and note that it is taking the same time to fetching the data.
(8) Try to avoid extra prompt in your report which is usually use for running the same value for
report. make them optional prompt.
(9) check Filters, Are they bring the correct value like.. no Cartesian product...etc
(10) If you have any common filters across multiple report tabs, try to see if they can be
applied to the Data provider/Query to restrict unnecessary data

[In Groupby is there any measure you have. If you have measure objects in groupby then it will take
too much time run the report.

If there are very granular objects pulled into the data providers unnecessarily, remove those or else
that would lead to retrieving too may records from the Db
If multiple measures are used in the query, and the different measures can be limited by different
filters, try to split the data provider and adjust formula in the report.
How to use two universes with different database connections in the same application?
I have to use universes with different database connections in the same application
knowing that only one BO Connection can be provided in BO Sync. Is It Possible?
according to your question - you want data synchronization from two different databaseit means they
r not relational data so cant get synchronized anyway) if u have one database(relational) but
different data source(i.e universe).... defiantly those universe would have some similar table which
could be synchronized...... if u got what u exactly wanted to know ...then ok. otherwise we ll keep
continue it.
2.Linking the data base in the universe levels

How to configure B.C.A in B.O?

actually bca is used to schedule and deliver reports not for securities. securities are handled by
supervisor tool in older versions of bobj. supervisor is the old cmc.

What is context in Business Objects and their usages?

Context is a method by which designer can decide which path to choose when more than two path
possible from one table to another table. Context is used to resolve theloops in universe.Context is
the sets of join path for one table to another table.

we create a context by Insert --> context. Then you will get a dialog box there you need to define
the path and name it.By that the loop problem is solved.The context will be taken care by the tool

what is bust in BO ?
Info BURST is used to schedule and/or run BO and Crystal reports, and send the output in different
formats (eg. BO report, Excel, PDF, Word, ...) to one or more users, to a file directory.

can anyone tell me about 
1)aggregation at microcube level
2)aggregation at database level

1.Aggregation at Microcube level means the data is pulled from the database  and aggregated on the BO
server. For example if you want total sales of a product category all the records of the that paticular product
category are brought into the cube and BO then aggregates it to sum. Even thought report displays only the
aggregated value if you look at the data provider all the records of that product category will be available.

Aggregation at the database level means the aggregation is performed at the database which means only the
aggregated value will be send from the database. The details of the records which contributed to the
aggregation will not be available for BO. In the above example the total sales of each product category ie if there
are five product categories then only five records will be made available to BO.

If there is aggregate function like sum at the defintion of the object at the universe level then its a database
aggregation and if there is a aggregate function at the report level its a microcube aggregation.

If you view the sql of the report there will be considerable difference ie for database aggregation the sql will
contain aggregate function with a group by clause and the microcube aggregation will not have it.

2.We should try to do as much aggregation as possible at database level. this will mean less amount of data is
coming into the browser. 

Also for averages / count , it is advisable to take extra care while deciding where aggregation should happen.
Calculating averages at database level may give different results than Aggregation done by BO Server.

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