Experimental Investigation On Position Analysis of 3 Dof Parallel Manipulators

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Procedia Engineering 97 (2014) 1126 – 1134


GCMM 2014

Experimental investigation on position analysis of

3 – DOF parallel manipulators
Arockia Selvakumar Aa,*, Arul Kumar Mb
Associate Professor, SMBS, VIT University, Chennai – 600127, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVCE, Sriperumbudur, India


Parallel manipulators (PMs) have been the subject of study, of much robotic research during the past three
decades. A parallel manipulator (PM) is a closed loop kinematic chain mechanism, that is connected to the
base via multiple independent chains. The scope of this research work is to perform the position analyses of
the three degrees of freedom PMs (TRIPOD and TRI-GLIDE). The present work has been planned to model
the parallel manipulators using the screw joints for very accurate positioning. Experiments were conducted for
the position analysis and the angular tilt of the mobile platform along x-axis and y-axis and they were found by
actuating the links of the manipulators. In order to confirm the results obtained by the experimental method,
ADAMS was used for solving the kinematic problems involved. The Tri-Glide and Tripod manipulators were
created in ADAMS based on the fabricated models. The models were simulated for the displacement of the nut
and the angle of tilt / rotation of the mobile platform about the x and y axes. The results obtained by the three
methods are discussed and analyzed. In a conventional drilling machine, drilling an angular hole requires special
fixtures for each specific angle. In the present work, the parallel manipulator mechanisms have been modified to an
angular drilling machine, for performing angular drilling operations.

© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Selection andand peer-review
peer-review underunder responsibility
responsibility of the Organizing
of the Organizing Committee
Committee of GCMM 2014of GCMM 2014.

Keywords: Manipulator; tripod; triglide; position anlysis; ADAMS

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 44 3993 1206; fax: +91 44 3993 2555.
E-mail address: arockia.selvakumar@vit.ac.in

1877-7058 © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of GCMM 2014
A. Arockia Selvakumar and M. Arul Kumar / Procedia Engineering 97 (2014) 1126 – 1134 1127

1. Introduction

The introduction of industrial robots was the beginning of a new era in many fields, especially in
the manufacturing industry. Eventually, serial manipulators became an invaluable tool for a broad
range of applications. As the science of machine and mechanisms develop and the need for higher
precision, robustness, stiffness and load-carrying capacity arise, the PMs begin to show up. In the
90s, the Stewart-Gough Platform, and PMs in general became a popular research topic. Industries
always thrive for higher quality and more economical processes. Xin-Jun Liu et al proposed two
degrees of translational freedom and one degree of rotational freedom parallel manipulator with
three non identical chains. They used MATLAB for workspace simulation [7]. Yangmin Li and
Qingsong Xu investigated the kinematics and inverse dynamics of a general 3-PRS parallel
mechanism. The proposed model is simulated in MATHEMATICA software and the animation
results were obtained from MATLAB software [8]. Yangmin Li and Qingsong Xu presented an
optimal kinematic design of a 3-PRS spatial parallel manipulator, the simulated results provided the
basis for the optimization of the manipulator [9]. Sadjadian and Taghirad proposed the kinematic
modeling of a 3-DOF redundant parallel manipulator. The derived model was verified through a
simulation example using a sample trajectory in the task space of the hydraulic shoulder
manipulator [6]. Ng et al presented the design and development of a 3-legged micro Parallel
Kinematic Manipulator (PKM) for positioning in micro-machining and assembly operations. The
hybrid micro PKM was developed and calibrated based on the simulated workspace [4]. Yangmin
Li and Qingsong Xu proposed a new 3-PRC (Prismatic – Revolute – Cylindrical) translational
parallel manipulator with fixed actuators. Finally, the obtained results were compared with the
simulation results [10]. Abdelhakim Cherfia et al presented a geometrical model of a constrained
parallel robot with a PPP passive segment, to provide pure translational motion and the theoretical
results were verified with the simulation results [1]. Ciprian - Radu Rad et al suggested two
methods of forward kinematics of a 3 - DOF RPS parallel manipulator for medical purposes, and
the methods were implemented in the MATLAB/SIMULINK [2].
Yi Lu et al proposed the kinematic analysis of two novel 3-UPU I and 3-UPU II PKMs, their
analytical calculation was verified by using a simulation tool [11]. Most existing PKM can be
classified into two main families. The PKM of the first family generally called as “hexapods”. In
this first family, a hybrid architecture with a 2-axis wrist mounted in series to a 3-DOF tripod
positioning structure (the TRICEPT from Neos Robotics) also found. The second family of PKM
has been more recently investigated. In this category the HEXAGLIDE which features six parallel
and coplanar linear joints is found. This PKM has three vertical (non coplanar) linear joints. A
hybrid parallel/serial PKM with three parallel inclined linear joints and a two-axis wrist is the
GEORGE V [5]. Dan Zhang et al addressed that since machining operation requires five axes at
most, new configurations with less than six parallel axes would be more appropriate. Development
on new configurations is mainly on three axes PKMs. Examples include Tri-Glide and Tripod [3].
From the literatures, the existing PKM structures Tripod and Tri-Glide are considered for the
study. In conventional drilling machine, drilling an angular hole requires special fixtures for each
specific angle. In this present work, the Tri-Glide and Tripod parallel manipulators mechanisms have
been modified to an angular drilling machine for performing angular drilling operation. The mobile
platform of the Tri-Glide and Tripod were used as worktable to attain the required angular tilt. In the
first type, the lead screws are kept or placed horizontally (Glide type), and in the second type the
lead screws are kept vertically (POD type). This study is carried out to find the parallel
configuration, which will give a better MP tilt for the smaller linear displacement of the nut. At
first, the architectural description and mobility of the PMs are briefly given. Secondly, the
experimental models are illustrated. Later, the modelling and simulation of PMS using ADAMS
package is discussed. Finally, a study is carried out based on the experimental and simulation
1128 A. Arockia Selvakumar and M. Arul Kumar / Procedia Engineering 97 (2014) 1126 – 1134

2. Architectural description

Figure 1 show the 3-PRS Tripod and Tri-Glide PMs, which depict the various names of the
linkage assembly. These mechanisms typically consist of a circular plate, referred to as the MP.
This MP is connected to a base platform (BP) through links. The link is connected to a revolute
joint at the bottom end, and a spherical joint at the other end. The revolute joint is attached to the
nut, which is mounted on the guide way. The guide way consists of a lead screw and two guide
rods. The mobility of the MP is accomplished by the screw and nut pairs on the guide ways.

(a) Tripod (b) Tri-Glide

Fig. 1. parallel manipulators

2.1. Mobility equation

The degrees of freedom of the PM are mainly dependent on the number of links which connect
the MP and the BP. In this work, the links are connected by spherical joints to the MP at one end,
and the other end is connected by pin joints to the nuts. Nuts are mounted on the lead screws which
are actuated by the stepper motors. The mobility of the mechanism is calculated by Equation (1).

DOF = λ (N – J – 1) + Σ n i=1 Fi (1)

λ= 6 for the spatial PM, Fi = 1 for the Revolute joints and Prismatic joints and Fi = 3 for the
Spherical joints. For the proposed mechanisms, N=8 (3 links, 3 nuts, 1 MP and 1 BP), J=9 and Fi =
15. Therefore, the given mechanisms have 3-DOF. The 3-DOF of the PMs are 1) the rotation about
the x axis, 2) rotation about the y axis and 3) translation along the z axis.

3. Experimental models

The experimental models of the Tripod and the Tri-Glide PMs are built, and are shown in
Figures 2 and 3. The models are made of the same geometrical size of the simulation models. Each
link is actuated at various positions to get various MP tilts.
A. Arockia Selvakumar and M. Arul Kumar / Procedia Engineering 97 (2014) 1126 – 1134 1129

(a)Tri-Glide (b) Tripod

Fig. 2. one link arrangement of PMs

(a) Tri-Glide (b) Tripod

Fig. 3. prototype model of PMs

3.1. Methods used in position analysis

An experiment was carried out for the position analysis by actuating one of the links at a time. A
laser torch is mounted on the center ‘C’ of the MP, and the laser light is projected on the vertical
screen at a point ‘A’, which is at a predetermined distance ‘AC’ from the point of the laser source.
When the MP is tilted by the actuation of the link, the laser beam gets deflected to some other point
‘B’ on the vertical screen. The angle of tilt of the MP is measured from the orientation of the source.
From Figure 4, the MP tilt angle (α) is measured from the Equation (2).

α= tan-1(AB /AC) (2)

Fig. 4.calculation of angle of tilt of the MP

Figure 5 show the experimental setup of laser torch on PMs. The Laser torch is placed on the
MP in such a way that the laser torch axis is aligned with one of the joint axis from the MP. The
experimental procedures of actual experiments are shown in Figures 6 to 8. In initial position all the
links are placed in same distance in such a way that the nut positions are same in the lead screws.
Similarly, at the final position any one or two links are actuated and the other link or links are kept
constant. Due to the various positions of nut, the MP is tilted. The tilt is measured from the
positions of laser source.
1130 A. Arockia Selvakumar and M. Arul Kumar / Procedia Engineering 97 (2014) 1126 – 1134

(a) Tripod (b) Tri-Glide

Fig. 5. experimental setup with laser torch

(a) Positioning of laser torch (b) Initial position of PM

Fig. 6. PM with laser torch
In Figure 3.24, the link1 is kept constant and the links 2, 3 are actuated. In initial position all the
links are placed in same distance in such a way that the nut positions are same in the lead screws.

(a) Laser source on screen at initial position (b) Final position of PM with laser torch
Fig. 7. positions of laser source
A. Arockia Selvakumar and M. Arul Kumar / Procedia Engineering 97 (2014) 1126 – 1134 1131

(a) Laser source on screen at final position (b) Laser source positions on screen
Fig. 8. laser sources on screen

3.2. ADAMS model

The manipulator models are constructed in ADAMS by building the physical attributes of the
elements, or the parts in the mechanical systems that have rigid bodies, point masses, flexible
bodies and constraints. The working models are created using ADAMS, as shown in Figure 9. The
models are simulated for the nut displacement of 50 mm and the angles of tilt of the MP about the
X and Y axes are obtained from the simulation graphs.

(a) Tripod (b) Tri-Glide

Fig. 9. Various constraints of ADAMS models

4. Results and discussions

The kinematic analysis of the 3-DOF PMs has been carried out and the results are verified by
experiments, analyses and the software package ADAMS. The Experimental models of the Tripod and Tri-
Glide (B) PMs are fabricated with a Link length of 300 mm, MP radius of 90 mm and the initial angle of
θ=70°. Table 1 shows the predetermined distance (AC) from the point of the laser source to the
vertical screen, and various vertical heights of the laser beam on the vertical screen (AB), to
calculate the Tripod MP tilt by the experimental method.

Table 1. Tripod results of the angle of tilt of the MP for the nut displacement of 90 mm by
experimental method.
Actuation Predetermined distance Vertical height of the Angle of tilt of the
Link (AC) from the point of the laser beam on the MP (degrees)
laser source to the vertical vertical screen(AB) in
1132 A. Arockia Selvakumar and M. Arul Kumar / Procedia Engineering 97 (2014) 1126 – 1134

Number screen in mm mm (Average of 5


About the About About About

X axis the Y the X the
axis axis Y axis
1 195 135 0 34.69 0
2 195 57 114 16.29 30.31
3 195 56 114 16.02 30.31

Table 2. Results of the angle of tilt of the MP for the nut displacement of 90 mm by experimental and
ADAMS methods

Actuation Angle of tilt of MP (degrees)

Link Number Experiment ADAMS
About the X About the Y About the X About the Y
axis D axis E axis D axis E
1 34.69 0 35.25 0
2 16.29 30.31 16.58 30.51
3 16.02 30.31 16.58 30.51

From Table 2, the Tripod PM result shows, that for the 90 mm linear displacement of the nut,
the MP has tilted to an angle of 34.69° about the x axis by the actuation of link 1 in the
experimental method. Similarly, by the derived single link movement kinematic equations
(analytical method), it is found that the angle of tilt about the x axis is 35.95°. The angle of tilt of
the MP about the x axis from the ADAMS simulation is found to be 35.25°. From the above
results, the experimental method shows a deviation of 3.5% (for the x axis MP tilt) when compared
with the analytical method. The ADAMS results are compared with the experimental results. It is
found that it has a maximum deviation of 3.5%. Since the values obtained from the experimental
and ADAMS methods have minimum deviation from the analytical results, the values are
considered to be closer.
Table 3 shows the predetermined distance (AC) from the point of the laser source to the vertical
screen, and the various vertical heights of the laser beam on the vertical screen (AB) to calculate
the Tri-Glide (B) MP tilt by the experimental method. The Tri-Glide (B) PM result shows, that for a
90 mm linear displacement of the nut, the MP has tilted to an angle of 30.72° about the x axis by
the actuation of link 1 in experimental method. Similarly, by the derived single link movement
kinematic equations (analytical method), it is found that the angle of tilt about the x axis is 31°. The
angle of tilt of the MP about the x axis from the ADAMS simulation is found to be 30.98°. From
Table 4, the experimental method shows a deviation of 0.9% (for the x axis MP tilt), when
compared with the analytical method. The ADAMS results are compared with experimental results.
It is found that it has a maximum deviation of 3.54%. Since the values obtained from the
experimental method and ADAMS have a minimum deviation from analytical results the values are
considered to be closer. The ADAMS simulation results of the Tripod and Tri-Glide PMs for the
Link actuation 2 are shown in Figure 10. Similarly, the other simulation results are obtained.

Table 3. Tri-Glide (B) results of the angle of tilt of the MP for the nut displacement of 90 mm by the
experimental method.

Predetermined distance Vertical height of the

‘AC’ from the point of the laser beam on the Angle of tilt of the
laser source to the vertical vertical screen in mm MP (degrees)
screen in mm (Average of 5 Trials)
A. Arockia Selvakumar and M. Arul Kumar / Procedia Engineering 97 (2014) 1126 – 1134 1133

About X About Y
About X About Y
axis axis
axis axis
1 249 148 0 30.72 0
2 249 64 129 14.41 27.38
3 249 64 128 14.41 27.20

Table 4. Results of the angle of tilt of the MP for the nut displacement of 90 mm by experimental and
ADAMS methods.
Actuation Angle of tilt of MP (degrees)
Link Number Experiment ADAMS
About the X About the Y About the X About the Y
axis D axis E axis D axis E
1 30.72 0 30.98 0
2 14.41 27.38 14.92 27.48
3 14.41 27.20 14.92 27.48

(a) Tripod – x axis

(b) Tri-Glide – y axis

1134 A. Arockia Selvakumar and M. Arul Kumar / Procedia Engineering 97 (2014) 1126 – 1134

Fig. 10. PMs MP tilt for link actuation 2

5. Conclusions

In the kinematic study, position analysis is carried out for the Tripod and Tri-Glide PMs, the
experimental method shows a deviation of 3.5% (for the x axis MP tilt) when compared with the
analytical method for the Tripod PM. The ADAMS results are compared with the experimental
results (for the x axis and y axis MP tilt) and it is found that it has a maximum deviation of 3.5%.
From the Tri-Glide (B) PM results, the experimental method shows a deviation of 0.9% (for the x
axis MP tilt) when compared with the analytical method. The ADAMS results are compared with
the experimental results, and it is found that the ADAMS has a maximum deviation of 3.54%. The
deviation occurs due to the resisting force developed against link movement, particularly in the
extreme positions; so that, the link requires more force to reach the maximum angle of tilt of the
MP. While simulating the PM at extreme positions, the link struggling to attain the required
position is observed.


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