What Is A Thin Client Report? What Is Webi

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What is a Thin Client Report?

What is webi
Being a Developer you are creating a reports and End user want to see that report and they dont
have BO installed in his laptop. So, BO administrator provide web link which is besically a infoview
link (one of the portal of bo Installed on server)  that open report in  internet explorer so you can
analize and  print the report.
Infoview is the portal to the BO's business intelligence solution and infoview also allows the third party
documents (pdf,excel..)
Web Intelligence is a leading web-based query,analysis and reporting tool and this provides a thin-client interface
for powerful adhoc queries and simple analysis. It allows users to access, analyze  and share corporate data over
intranet,extranets for both RDBMS dbs and OLAP servers.
WebIntelligence is the 'thin-client' (or server version) of Business Objects Reporter. It is used to create report
documents. It does not reside on the users computer, but on a server.  
The main difference full-client (BusinessObjects) and the thin-client (WebIntelligence). Thin client is
nothing but a web-intelligence. In brief it means, we do not need any installation of BO for viewing
the report. IT's enough if we have a we browser, that is what a thin client represents (in short).
Basically, Thin client is web based application and most of the processing done on server side.
Thick client is installed into client side, it is still connected to server but most of the processing done
on client side. Webi is a part of Infoview
User can only get to Webi through InfoView. It does not reside on the users computer, but on a server.

Inorder to open the full client report in thin client first export the report to the repositry, log on to thin client
(WEBI) and when you set the filter to ALL TYPES you be be able to see the full client report. Click to open.
[Roughly, with thick client, there won't be much processing via the network. In a way, it will be much
faster option if your network is slow or congested.]

Differences Between WEBI & Full Client BO

Webi is thin client whereas deski is thick client. 
Webi has less number of graphs / charts wheres as Deski has more options.
1.Web intelligence data source is strictly an universe.
Deski a. xml data provider
     b. free hand SQL
     c. personal data files like xl spread sheets
     d. stored procedures
     e. visual basic for application procedures
     f. universes
1. Desktop intelligence can not access OLAP data bases such as Microsoft Analysis Services or 
Hyperion EssBase as a data provider.Instead web-intelligence users can access OLAP databases via
universe that is mapped to the OLAP database.
[Apart these I found differences mainly in formatting perspectives.
for ex the Ouline(Folding) functionality in DeskI cannot be achieved in Web I we needs to get it done
differnly either drilling or Hyperlinking
secondly like Hiding column in WebI is not as easy as DeskI needs to get rid of alerters.
recently I found like writing subquery in Deski query pannel is very straight one in syntactically as well but in
Web I one needs to add the subquery objects in the universe.
one would same report design in Deski could processed fatser than Web I.]

What are the Different Data Providers support in Web Intelligence and DeskTop
1.To create reports in webintelligence, can use only UNIVERSE as a dataprovider.
For Desktop we can use Universe,Stored procedure and Free hand sql.
2.Yes you are correct. We can use multiple different data resources as dataprovider for deski whereas it is
not possible in Webi(BOXI R2). but it is possible in BOXI R3 this is an advantage of this version. In BOBJ XI 3.1
Webi thick client is available, it gives option to use Universe, XLS and XML as the data provider. Webi from
Infoview can use only Universe.

When there are 2 prompt statements given one after the other which one is prompted
first when RUN?

The prompt will apppear in the asceding order of the names (eg. A prompt  and then B Prompt)
It depends upon what object u drag and drop as a prompt first time in condition  pane of the report.

Case1: say while creating the report, u add "Enter Year" as a first prompt, and second " enter
currency" as a second prompt. now run the report u'll get order as u defined in condition pane while
creatin report(I.e "Enter Year" and the "Enter currency")

Case2: Now save the report and again try to reverse the order of prompts "Enter Currency" as a first
prompt and "Enter Year" as a 2nd prompt. now save the report. and run again. U'll find order of
prompt same as the first case.

Now to have Specific Order of the prompt its Ur responsibilty to add the prompts in the condition
pane according to the requirements.

Business Objects Universe consists of classes, within each class are objects, name and
describe the three types of objects.
Dimension object : describes the properties of the Class. eg: Name, Month , Emp Id.

Mearsure Objects: Measure Object provides the numeric info to quantify a dimension
object.measurable objects like amount, profit etc. It gives the summarized data of dimension object
using aggregate functions. Ex: Sales Revenue.

Detail Objects: provides the description of a dimension object. eg: phone no , address etc. the detail
object can be associated only with dimension object.

[1:-Dimension Object: An object being tracked in multidimensional analysis; the subject of the
analysis. Dimensions are organized into hierarchies.
2: Detail Object: An object qualified as a detail provides descriptive data about a dimension object. A
detail object cannot be used in drill down analysis.
3: Measure Object:An object that is derived from an aggregate function. It conveys numeric
information by which a dimension object can be measured.]

Crystal Report Performance

What could be the possible problem if the report keeps on running without responding
even before prompt comes up?
If all CR (with or without prompt) behave in same way then something is wrong with your
CRPE.Otherwise, there is some problem with prompts. Try changing the viewer for CR and it may run

If it is before prompts then problem with parameters passing or server problem, not db problem.
After prompts report tries to connect to db so it could be problem in passing parameters.

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