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Currently I am sending the report to users in excel format,if there is no data also the

report will be sent,Is there any option in BO to stop report from being sent if there is
no data in the report?
you can write macros, using that you can stop/continue the process.VBA  scripts can be used to implement this
but it will be a bit complex because you also need to make some changes in default settings of BO.
Scnario: Let you have a reporting period one object in a prompt, and one measure say
'Limit amt' another object you want to show in a report. Now once user enters the
prompt, you want reporting period data prior to the entered value in the report along
with which is entered in prompt.
That means say reporting period is 2007, but you should show 2006 data also in the
report. How do you implement it?
If you apply prompt on reporting period with condition "less than or equal to", you should get the desired data.
What’s universal join in BOs?
the level of join between two universe with a matching column i.e. In join is a relational operator, It can connect
between two column. In universal join to merge two universe between same column.
Admin : How Can We Restrict a database connection to a particular user? what i want
ask is, particular connection should user only by that user when creating universes,
no one should use that connection, how can we do that?
1. I m talking about BOXIR2 version.
you can restrict the Connection access to specific user by applying the restrictions on the user rights
using CMC.
Log on in CMC--> Go into Connections--> select the connection---> Go into Rights of that connection---
> then Add the user u want to apply restriction as Full control--->click update.

[It is possible to restrict a particular user from viewing/using all the secured connections. But i dont think we can
restrict particular user to particular connection. the secured connection is not meant for share. the user who
create the secured connection can access it. ]
What is UNIT Testing Method in BO?
As far as testing is concern, in BO we should have Functional knowledge of Report we have generated for
complex reports. then u can generate logical query by ur own and run it at the backend and compare the results.
But for simple reports, we can apply Count of the records, we can find sum of Measure objects as the test
when do we go for cross tab , master-detail and chart blocks in a report ?
Depending upon the tupe of anaysis u can use any of the above defined blocks.
Cross tab : This table will give u 3 dimensional view of data.
Eg:  Year/Quater  2000           2001
                 Q1          200            50
                 Q2          100            700
                 Q3           70              20

The above Cross tab shows year and quaterwise Sales Revenue(Sales revenue in the center .)
Master Detail:  When u apply section in the report then u get master detailed data.
Chart: charts will give u graphical view of data.
How to bring data from 5 different providers into one block...(they are not getting
synchronized and all of them has different data types
To synchronize the dat from different data providers, u need to merge similar objects from all data providers and
then only u can c the syncronized data in the single block.

Eg: DP1 has Dimension D1 amd Measure M1

similarly we have D2, D3, D4,D5 and M2, M3,M4 and M5.
Now say we have merged all dimensions(Since they are similari.e they provide similar kind of data)  then we can
C merged dimension in one coloumn and % different columns of Measure objects in the same table.

Is there any significance of testing the BO report by getting the Dataprovider SQL and
running it against the DB to check whether the report and the DB gives the same
Is it like integrity check? Will we be able to find out any mis-match with the help of this?Kindly
help me out in this.
Both Data Provider SQL from  report and SQL pasted in TOad tend to give the same results.But only thing is you
can change the paraeters passed instatntly and get the output fast if u want to test huge amount of date

In the query panel, go to SQL button -> there you can find the SQL query generated for that particular data
provider. use the same sql query and run it in the backend. the results should match with the report data or
when you see Data -> view data -> results tab.
2. The most difficult thing in BO is to Test, since we dont have any backtrace mechanism.

So to test the report the most important thing to know is the Logic of the report, i.e Business logic
behind the report.
Thats y BO is called as analysis tool also. 

By running the reports query in backend will not give u the answer whether ur reports funcitionality is
perfect or not, its Illogical to run the query generated by BO itself at backend, since it will give u same


To check whether ur reports data is perfect, or ur report gives u the data same as the clients
requirement u need to test the report by creating Ur on logic query as per the queries requirment at
backend. and for this u need to know the Business ligic and requirment of report.

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