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Kata Pengantar

Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang telah memberikan rahmat-Nya kepada penulis sehingga saya dapat
menyelesaikanbahan ajar bahasa inggris untuk siswa. Bahan ajar ini disusun berdasarkan Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar. Bahan ajar
ini juga dilengkapi dengan soal latihan untuk menguji pemahaman siswa terkait materi yang terkandung dalam pengajaran
tersebut bahan. Dalam materi ajar bahasa Inggris ini akan dibahas tentang Teks Deskriptif.

Saya menyadari masih banyak kekurangan dalam penyusunan modul ini. oleh karena itu, saya sangat mengharapkan kritik dan
saran demi perbaikan dan kesempurnaan ini bahan ajar.

Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada berbagai pihak yang telah membantu proses penyelesaian ini bahan ajar. Semoga bahan
ajar ini dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua khususnya siswa

Surabaya, Agustus, 2022

Learning Outcome
0 To uphold and apply religious values, moral
values, ethical values, personal and social

02 To analyze the social functions, text structures, and language features
of stating obligation in regard to the contexts of situation.

To apply the knowledge to engage in social functions with

obligation, in contextually acceptable text structures and language

03 1. To analyze the contextual differences between a number of stating obligation in
regard to the social functions, in regard to the language features
2. To respond a number of stating obligation accordingly
To write a stating obligation text for contextually appropriate social functions
b. Learning Activity

Video provide the examples of stating obligation. After watching the videos, please respond
the following questions.
1. Do the people ask other people to do something? Please give your reasons.
2. How do the people ask other people to do something? Please give your reasons!
3. Do the people ask other people to go somewhere? Please give your reasons.
4. How do the people ask other people to go somewhere? Please give your reasons!
5. What event(s) or activity(s) is being discussed in the videos?
The following text is for questions 1 to 5
Hi, My name is Handy. I want to describe briefly a building I have visited recently.
The most incredible thing about the building is the shape. It’s in the shape of a
giant turtle. I loved the shape of the building. It’s so realistic. To enter the
building, visitors had to pay Rp. 17, 500 for adults and Rp. 12,500 for the
Inside the building, we were able to enjoy facilities, such as a giant aquarium
with sharks, turtles and various fish in it, educational games, and 3-dimensions
film booth. I also liked the aquarium seemed so close to the visitors. However, I
didn’t like the educational game section because almost all the games didn’t
work. The officer in the room was not helpful at all. He just sat in his chair and
did nothing. Even worse, he was smoking, although there was a “No Smoking” sign
in the area.

1. An adult . . . to pay Rp. 17,500 to enter the building.

A. Will
B. Must
C. Should
D. has to
2. The visitors . . . visit the giant aquarium to see the sharks, turtles and
various fish.
A. Have to
B. must not
C. should not
D. don’t have to
3. The management . . . the educational games.
A. should prepare
B. must not give

C. must place
D. should fix
4. The officer . . . the visitors.
A. must stay
B. must help
C. must not come
D. should not invite
5. The officer . . . inside the building
A. must not smoke
B. have to smoke
C. should smoke
D. must smoke
6. X : I'm leaving to go camping in Bantir this weekend.
Y : Well, I think you . . . take a raincoat with you. It's the rainy season now.
X : You're right.
A. must
B. must not
C. should not
D. don't have
7. X : Put the rubbish in the dustbin.
Y : Sorry.
A. Don't be lazy.
B. Don't say it.
C. Don't litter.
D. Don't run.
8. Security : Excuse me, . . . you mustn't smoke here.
Visitor : Oh, I'm sorry.
A. look at me
B. listen to me
C. look at that sign
D. listen to the doctor

For questions 9 and 10, complete the dialogue below.

Zookeeper : Excuse me, young man.

Visitor : Yes, sir. What's the

Zookeeper : What are you doing?
Visitor : I'm feeding the tigers.
Zookeeper : (9). . .
Visitor : Why?
Zookeeper : The tigers are wild animals.
They can be (10) . . .
Besides, the food can harm

the animals.
9. . . .
A. You must not feed the tigers.
B. You should feed the tigers.
C. You are feeding the tigers.
D. You must feed the tigers.
10. . . .
A. tame
B. funny
C. beautiful
D. dangerous


Answer Key
1. B
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. C
9. A

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