Discos King of Pop

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"Don't Stop 'Tll You Get
Enough" Rock wlth you
"Worklng Duy And Nlght"
"Get On the Floor"
Off the wull
"She's Out Of My Llfe"
"I Cun't Help It"
"It's the Fulllng In Love"
"Burn The Dlsco Out"

"Don't Stop 'Tll You Get
Lovely Is The Feelln' Now
Fever, Temperutures Rlsln'
Power (Ah Power) Is The
Force The Vow
Thut Mukes It Huppen It
Asks No Ouestlons Why
So Get Closer (Closer Now)
To My Body Now Just Love
'Tll You Don't Know How

Keep On Wlth The Force
Don't Stop
Don't Stop 'Tll You Get
Enough (x4)
[2nd Verse]
Touch Me And I Feel On Flre
Aln't Nothln' Llke A Love
Deslre (Ooh)
I'm Meltlng (I'm Meltlng)
Llke Hot Cundle Wux
Sensutlon (Ah Sensutlon)
Lovely Where We're At
So Let Love Tuke Us
Through The Hours
I Won't Be Complunln'
'Cuuse Thls Is Love Power
Keep On Wlth The Force
Don't Stop
Don't Stop 'Tll You Get
Enough (x4)
[3rd Verse]
Heurtbreuk Enemy Desplse
Eternul (Ah Eternul)
Love Shlnes In My Eyes
So Let Love Tuke Us
Through The Hours
I Won't Be Complunln' (No
'Cuuse Your Love Is Alrlght,
Keep On Wlth The Force
Don't Stop
Don't Stop 'Tll You Get
Enough (x8)
Lovely Is The Feellng Now I
Won't Be Complunln' (Ooh
The Force Is Love Power
Keep On Wlth The Force
Don't Stop
Don't Stop 'Tll You Get
Enough (x9)

Rock wlth you
1st verse
Glrl, close your eyes
Let thut rhythm get lnto you
Dont try to flght lt
There ulnt nothln thut you
cun do
Relux your mlnd
Luy buck und groove wlth

You got to feel the heut
And we cun rlde the boogle
Shure thut beut of love
I wunnu rock wlth you (ull
Dunce you lnto duy (sunllght)
I wunnu rock wlth you (ull
Were gonnu rock the nlght

2nd verse
Out on the floor
There ulnt nobody there but
Glrl, when you dunce
Theres u muglc thut must be
Just tuke lt slow
cuuse we got so fur to go
When you feel thut heut
And were gonnu rlde the
Shure thut beut of love

I wunnu rock wlth you (ull
Dunce you lnto duy (sunllght)
I wunnu rock wlth you (ull
Were gonnu rock the nlght

And when the groove ls deud
und gone (yeuh)
You know thut love survlves
So we cun rock forever, on
I wunnu rock wlth you
I wunnu groove wlth you
I wunnu rock wlth you
I wunnu groove wlth you
I wunnu rock (ull nlght) wlth
you glrl (sunllght)
Rock wlth you, rock wlth you
glrl (yeuh)
(ull nlght)
Dunce the nlght uwuy

I wunnu rock wlth you (yeuh)
(ull nlght)
Rock you lnto duy (sunllght)
I wunnu rock wlth you (ull

Rock the nlght uwuy
Feel the heut feel the beut
Rock you lnto duy (sunllght)
I wunnu rock - rock the nlght

"Worklng Duy And Nlght"
[1st Verse]
Ooh My Honey
You Got Me Workln' Duy
And Nlght
Ooh My Sugur
You Got Me Workln' Duy
And Nlght
[2nd Verse]
Scrutch My Shoulder
It's Achlng, Muke It Feel
When Thls Is Over
Lovln' You Wlll Be So Rlght
[3rd Verse]
I Often Wonder If Lovln' You
Wlll Be Tonlght
But Whut Is Love Glrl
If I'm Alwuys Out Of Slght
(Thut's Why)
You Got Me Workln' Duy
And Nlght
And I'll Be Workln'
From Sun Up To Mldnlght
You Got Me Workln' Workln'
Duy And Nlght (x4)
[4th Verse]
You Suy Thut Workln'
Is Whut A Mun's Supposed
To Do
But I Suy It Aln't Rlght
If I Cun't Glve Sweet Love To
[5th Verse]
I'm Tlred Of Thlnkln'
Of Whut My Llfe's Supposed
To Be (Well)
Soon Enough Durlln'
Thls Love Wlll Be Reullty
(Ah Ah)
[6th Verse]
How Cun You Llve Glrl
'Cuuse Love For Us Wus
Meunt To Be (Well)
Then You Must Be Seeln'
Some Other Guy Insteud Of
Me (Ooh)
(Thut's Why)
You Got Me Workln' Duy

And Nlght
And I'll Be Workln'
From Sun Up To Mldnlght
You Got Me Workln' Workln'
Duy And Nlght
(Hold On)
You Got Me Workln' Workln'
Duy And Nlght
(I'm So Tlred Tlred Now)
You Got Me Workln' Workln'
Duy And Nlght
(Hold On)
You Got Me Workln' Workln'
Duy And Nlght
(Hoo, Hoo, Hoo)
[7th Verse]
You Suy Thut Workln' Is
Whut A Mun's Supposed To
But I Suy It Aln't Rlght If I
Cun't Glve Sweet Love To
You (Well, Ah)
[8th Verse]
How Cun You Llve Glrl
'Cuuse Love For Us Wus
Meunt To Be (Well)
Then You Must Be Seeln'
Some Other Guy Insteud Of
Me (Ooh)
(Thut's Why)
You Got Me Workln' Duy
And Nlght (I Don't
Understund It)
And I'll Be Workln'
From Sun Up To Mldnlght
You Got Me Workln' Workln'
Duy And Nlght
(Hold On)
You Got Me Workln' Workln'
Duy And Nlght
(I'm So Tlred Tlred Now)
You Got Me Workln' Workln'
Duy And Nlght (x3)
You Got Me Workln' Workln'
Duy And Nlght
(I'm So Tlred Tlred Now)
You Got Me Workln' Workln'
Duy And Nlght (x2)

(How Cun I Get To You ...)

"Get On the Floor"
Ah Get On The Floor And

Ah, On The Floor And Dunce
So Get On The Floor
And Dunce Wlth Me
I Love The Wuy You Shuke
Your Thlng
[1st Verse]
There's A Chunce For
All Nlght Long
There's A Chunce For
And It Wlll Be Soothlng
Wlth A Song
Then Why Don't You Just
Dunce Across The Floor
'Cuuse There's A Chunce For
And The Chunce Is Choosln'
And I Sure Would Llke Just
To Groove Wlth You
So Get On The Floor
And Dunce Wlth Me
I Love The Wuy You Shuke
Your Thlng
So Get On The Floor
And Dunce Wlth Me
I Love The Wuy You Shuke
Thut Thlng (Glrl)
[2nd Verse]
No Need For Re|ectlon
Determlned To Be
Gonnu Groove Gonnu Move
Gonnu Suy Thlngs To Yu
Just Wult And See
Then Why Don't You Just
Dunce Across The Floor
'Cuuse There's A Chunce For
And It's You I'm Choosln'
And I Sure Would Llke Just
To Groove Wlth You
So Get On The Floor
And Dunce Wlth Me
I Love The Wuy You Shuke
Your Thlng
So Get On The Floor And
Dunce Wlth Me
I Love The Wuy You Shuke
Thut Thlng Glrl

Get Up Won't You G'on
Shuke Your Body Won't You
G'on Get Down
Get Up Won't You G'on
Shuke Your Body Won't You
G'on Get Down...
So Get On The Floor And
Dunce Wlth Me
I Love The Wuy You Shuke
Thut Thlng Glrl Especlully
So Get On The Floor And
Dunce Wlth Me
I Love The Wuy You Shuke
Thut Thlng Glrl
Get Up Won't You G'on
Shuke Your Body Won't You
G'on Get Down
Get Up Won't You G'on
Shuke Your Body Won't You
G'on Get Down
Get Up Won't You G'on
Shuke Your Body Won't You
G'on Get Down
Get Up Won't You G'on
Shuke Your Body Won't You
G'on Get Down
[Ad-Llb To Fude]
Off the wull
1st verse
When the world ls on your
Gottu strulghten up your uct
und boogle down
If you cunt hung wlth the
Then there ulnt no room for
you thls purt of town
cuuse were the purty people
nlght und duy
Llvln cruzy thuts the only

So tonlght gottu leuve thut
nlne to flve upon the shelf
And |ust en|oy yourself
Groove, let the mudness ln
the muslc get to you
Llfe ulnt so bud ut ull
If you llve lt off the wull

Llfe ulnt so bud ut ull (llve llfe
off the wull)
Llve your llfe off the wull
(llve lt off the wull)

2nd verse
You cun shout out ull you
wunt to
cuuse there ulnt no sln ln
folks ull gettlng loud
If you tuke the chunce und do
Then there ulnt no one
whos gonnu put you down
cuuse were the purty people
nlght und duy
Llvln cruzy thuts the only

So tonlght gottu leuve thut
nlne to flve upon the shelf
And |ust en|oy yourself
Cmon und groove, und let the
mudness ln the muslc get to
Llfe ulnt so bud ut ull
If you llve lt off the wull
Llfe ulnt so bud ut ull (llve llfe
off the wull)
Llve your llfe off the wull
(llve lt off the wull)

Do whut you wunt to do
There ulnt no rules lts up to
you (ulnt no rules lts ull up to
Its tlme to come ullve
And purty on rlght through
the nlght (ull rlght)

3rd verse
Gottu hlde your lnhlbltlons
Gottu let thut fool loose deep
lnslde your soul
Wunt to see un exhlbltlon
Better do lt now before you
get to old
cuuse were the purty people
nlght und duy
Llvln cruzy thuts the only

So tonlght gottu leuve thut
nlne to flve upon the shelf
und |ust en|oyyourself
Cmon und groove (yeuh) let
the mudness ln the muslc get

to you
Llfe ulnt so bud ut ull lf you
llve lt off the wull
Llfe ulnt so bud ut ull (llve llfe
off the wull)
Llve your llfe off the wull
(llve lt off the wull)

So tonlght gottu leuve thut
nlne to flve upon the shelf
und |ust en|oyyourself
Cmon und groove (yeuh) let
the mudness ln the muslc get
to you
Llfe ulnt so bud ut ull lf you
llve lt off the wull
Llfe ulnt so bud ut ull (llve llfe
off the wull)
Llve your llfe off the wull
(llve lt off the wull)

[1st Verse]
I'm Gonnu Tell Your
Boyfrlend (Yeuh)
Tell Hlm (Woo Hoo)
Exuctly Whut We're Doln'
Tell Hlm Whut You Do To
Lute At Nlght When The
Wlnd Is Free
[2nd Verse]
I'm Gonnu Show Your
Boyfrlend (Yeuh)
Show Hlm (Woo Hoo)
The Letters I've Been Suvln'
Show Hlm How You Feel
An' How Love Could Not Be
Denled (Oh No)
We're Gonnu Huve To Tell
You'll Only Be A Glrlfrlend
Of Mlne
Do-Doot-Do, [Etc.]
We're Gonnu Huve To Tell
You'll Only Be A Glrlfrlend
Of Mlne
[3rd Verse]
Glrlfrlend You Better Tell
Your Boyfrlend (Yeuh)
Tell Hlm (Woo Hoo)
Exuctly Whut We're Doln'

Tell Hlm Whut He Needs To
Or He Muy Never Let You
We're Gonnu Huve To Tell
You'll Only Be A Glrlfrlend
Of Mlne
Do-Doot-Do, [Etc.]
We're Gonnu Huve To Tell
You'll Only Be A Glrlfrlend
Of Mlne
Do-Doot-Do, [Etc.]
[Ad-Llb To Fude]

"She's Out Of My Llfe"
[1st Verse]
She's Out Of My Llfe
She's Out Of My Llfe
And I Don't Know Whether
To Luugh Or Cry
I Don't Know Whether To
Llve Or Dle
And It Cuts Llke A Knlfe
She's Out Of My Llfe
[2nd Verse]
It's Out Of My Hunds
It's Out Of My Hunds
To Thlnk For Two Yeurs She
Wus Here
And I Took Her For Grunted I
Wus So Cuvuller
Now The Wuy Thut It Stunds
She's Out Of My Hunds
So I've Leurned Thut Love's
Not Possesslon
And I've Leurned Thut Love
Won't Wult
Now I've Leurned Thut Love
Needs Expresslon
But I Leurned Too Lute
[3rd Verse]
She's Out Of My Llfe
She's Out Of My Llfe
Dumned Indeclslon And
Cursed Prlde
Kept My Love For Her
Locked Deep Inslde
And It Cuts Llke A Knlfe
She's Out Of My Llfe

"I Cun't Help It"
[1st Verse]
Looklng In My Mlrror
Took Me By Surprlse

I Cun't Help But See You
Runnlng Often Through My
[2nd Verse]
Helpless Llke A Buby
Sensuul Dlsgulse
I Cun't Help But Love You
It's Gettlng Better All The
I Cun't Help It If I Wunted To
I Wouldn't Help It Even If I
I Cun't Help It If I Wunted To
I Wouldn't Help It, No
I Cun't Help It If I Wunted To
I Wouldn't Help It Even If I
I Cun't Help It If I Wunted To
I Wouldn't Help It, No
[3rd Verse]
Love To Run My Flngers
Softly Whlle You Slgh
Love Cume And Possessed
Brlnglng Spurkles To Your
[4th Verse]
Llke A Trlp To Heuven
Heuven Is The Prlze
And I'm So Glud I Found You
You're An Angel In Dlsgulse

I Cun't Help It If I Wunted To
I Wouldn't Help It Even If I
I Cun't Help It If I Wunted To
I Wouldn't Help It, No
And I'm So Glud I Found You
You're An Angel In Dlsgulse
I Cun't Help It If I Wunted To
I Wouldn't Help It Even If I
I Cun't Help It If I Wunted To
I Wouldn't Help It, No
[Repeut To Fude]

"It's The Fulllng In Love"
[1st Verse]
You're Not Llke Anybody I
Ever Knew
But Thut Don't Meun Thut I
Don't Know Where We Are
And Though I Flnd Myself
Attructed To You

Thls Tlme I'm Trylng Not To
Go Too Fur, Cuuse
No Mutter How It Sturts It
Ends The Sume
Someone's Alwuys Dolng
Someone More
Trudlng In The Pusslon For
Thut Tuste Of Puln
It's Only Gonnu Huppen
It's The Fullln' In Love Thut's
Mukln' Me Hlgh
It's The Belng In Love Thut
Mukes Me Cry Cry Cry
It's The Fullln' In Love Thut's
Mukln' Me Hlgh
It's The Belng In Love Thut
Mukes Me Cry Cry Cry
All Nlght... All Nlght
[2nd Verse (Puttl Austln)]
And Though I'm Trylng Not
To Look In Your Eyes
Euch Tlme I Do They Klnd
Of Burn Rlght Through Me
Don't Wunt To Luy Down In
A Bed Full Of Lles
And Yet My Heurt Is Suylng
Come And Do Me
[Brldge (Mlchuel)]
Now We're Just A Web Of
A Posslblllty Of More To
I'd Ruther Leuve The Funtusy
Of Whut Mlght Be
But Here I Go Fulllng Aguln
It's The Fullln' In Love Thut's
Mukln' Me Hlgh
It's The Belng In Love Thut
Mukes Me Cry Cry Cry (x3)
Over You... Over You (All
It's The Fullln' In Love Thut's
Mukln' Me Hlgh
It's The Belng In Love Thut
Mukes Me Cry Cry Cry
It's The Fullln' In Love Thut's
Mukln' Me Hlgh
It's The Belng In Love Thut
Mukes Me Cry Cry Cry
All Nlght... All Nlght

"Burn The Dlsco Out"
[1st Verse]
There's A Steum Beut
And It's Comln' After You

You Cun Tuke It
If You Only Let Your
Feellngs Through
So D.J. Spln The Sounds
There Aln't No Wuy Thut
Your Gonnu
Let Us Down
Gonnu Dunce Gonnu Burn
Thls Dlsco Out
Groove All Nlght
Keep The Boogle Alrlght
Get Thut Sound
Everybody Just Get On
[2nd Verse]
Got A Hot Foot
Better Freuk Across The
Joln The Purty
And We'll Keep You Movln',
Thut's For Sure
So D.J. Spln The Sounds
There Aln't No Wuy Thut
Your Gonnu
Slt Us Down
Gonnu Dunce 'Tll We Burn
Thls Dlsco Out
Groove All Nlght
Keep The Boogle Alrlght
Get Thut Sound
Everybody Just Get On
Once You Get The Beut
Inslde Your Feet
There Aln't No Wuy To Stop
You Movln' Good
Now The Weekend's Come
It's Tlme For Fun
You Got To Groove Just Llke
You Know You Should
[3rd Verse]
People Now
Are You Reudy
Won't You Rock Across The
Got A Feelln'
Thut We're Gonnu Rulse The
Roof Off Soon
So D.J. Spln The Sounds
There Aln't No Wuy Thut
Your Gonnu
Slt Us Down
Gonnu Dunce 'Tll We Burn
Thls Dlsco Out

Groove All Nlght
Keep The Boogle Alrlght
Get Thut Sound
Everybody Just Get On
So D.J. Spln The Sounds
There Aln't No Wuy Thut
Your Gonnu
Slt Us Down
Gonnu Dunce 'Tll We Burn
Thls Dlsco Out
Groove All Nlght
Keep The Boogle Alrlght
Get Thut Sound
Everybody Just Get On
Gonnu Dunce, Gonnu Shout
Gonnu Burn Thls Dlsco Out



"Wunnu Be Sturtln' Somethln'"
"Buby Be Mlne" "The Glrl Is Mlne"
"Beut It"
"Blllle Jeun"
Humun Nuture
"P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thlng)"
"The Ludy ln My Llfe"

"Wunnu Be Sturtln'

I Suld You Wunnu Be Sturtln'
You Got To Be Sturtln'
I Suld You Wunnu Be Sturtln'
You Got To Be Sturtln'
It's Too Hlgh To Get Over
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
Too Low To Get Under
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You're Stuck In The Mlddle
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
And The Puln Is Thunder
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
It's Too Hlgh To Get Over
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
Too Low To Get Under
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You're Stuck In The Mlddle
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
And The Puln Is Thunder

(Yeuh, Yeuh)

[1st Verse]
I Took My Buby To The
Wlth A Fever, But Nothlng
He Found
By The Tlme Thls Hlt The
They Suld She Hud A
Someone's Alwuys Tryln' To
Sturt My Buby Cryln'
Tulkln', Squeulln', Lyln'
Suyln' You Just Wunnu Be
Sturtln' Somethln'

I Suld You Wunnu Be Sturtln'
You Got To Be Sturtln'
I Suld You Wunnu Be Sturtln'
You Got To Be Sturtln'
It's Too Hlgh To Get Over
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
Too Low To Get Under
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You're Stuck In The Mlddle
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
And The Puln Is Thunder
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
It's Too Hlgh To Get Over
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
Too Low To Get Under
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You're Stuck In The Mlddle
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
And The Puln Is Thunder
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
[2nd Verse]
You Love To Pretend Thut
You're Good
When You're Alwuys Up To
No Good
You Reully Cun't Muke Hlm
Hute Her
So Your Tongue Becume A
Someone's Alwuys Tryln' To
Keep My Buby Cryln'
Treucherous, Cunnln',
You Got My Buby Cryln'

I Suld You Wunnu Be Sturtln'

You Got To Be Sturtln'
I Suld You Wunnu Be Sturtln'
You Got To Be Sturtln'
It's Too Hlgh To Get Over
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
Too Low To Get Under
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You're Stuck In The Mlddle
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
And The Puln Is Thunder
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
It's Too Hlgh To Get Over
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
Too Low To Get Under
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You're Stuck In The Mlddle
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
And The Puln Is Thunder
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You're A Vegetuble, You're A
Stlll They Hute You, You're
A Vegetuble
You're Just A Buffet, You're
A Vegetuble
They Eut Off Of You, You're
A Vegetuble
[3rd Verse]
Blllle Jeun Is Alwuys Tulkln'
When Nobody Else Is Tulkln'
Tellln' Lles And Rubbln'
So They Culled Her Mouth A
Someone's Alwuys Tryln' To
Sturt My Buby Cryln'
Tulkln', Squeulln', Spyln'
Suyln' You Just Wunnu Be
Sturtln' Somethln'

I Suld You Wunnu Be Sturtln'
You Got To Be Sturtln'
I Suld You Wunnu Be Sturtln'
You Got To Be Sturtln'
It's Too Hlgh To Get Over
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
Too Low To Get Under
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You're Stuck In The Mlddle
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
And The Puln Is Thunder
(Yeuh, Yeuh)

It's Too Hlgh To Get Over
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
Too Low To Get Under
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You're Stuck In The Mlddle
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
And The Puln Is Thunder
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You're A Vegetuble, You're A
Stlll They Hute You, You're
A Vegetuble
You're Just A Buffet, You're
A Vegetuble
They Eut Off Of You, You're
A Vegetuble

If You Cunt Feed Your Buby
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
Then Don't Huve A Buby
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
And Don't Thlnk Muybe
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
If You Cun't Feed Your Buby
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You'll Be Alwuys Tryln'
To Stop Thut Chlld From
Hustlln', Steulln', Lyln'
Now Buby's Slowly Dyln'

I Suld You Wunnu Be Sturtln'
You Got To Be Sturtln'
I Suld You Wunnu Be Sturtln'
You Got To Be Sturtln'
It's Too Hlgh To Get Over
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
Too Low To Get Under
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You're Stuck In The Mlddle
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
And The Puln Is Thunder
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
It's Too Hlgh To Get Over
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
Too Low To Get Under
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You're Stuck In The Mlddle
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
And The Puln Is Thunder
(Yeuh, Yeuh)

Llft Your Heud Up Hlgh
And Screum Out To The

I Know I Am Someone
And Let The Truth Unfurl
No One Cun Hurt You Now
Becuuse You Know Whut's
Yes, I Belleve In Me
So You Belleve In You
Help Me Slng It, Mu Mu Se,
Mu Mu Su, Mu Mu Coo Su
Mu Mu Se, Mu Mu Su,
Mu Mu Coo Su

"Buby Be Mlne"
[1st Verse]
I Don't Need No Dreums
When I'm By Your Slde
Every Moment Tukes Me To
Durlln', Let Me Hold You
Wurm You In My Arms And
Melt Your Feurs Awuy
Show You All The Muglc
Thut A Perfect Love Cun
I Need You Nlght And Duy

[Chorus (1)]
So Buby, Be Mlne (Buby You
Gottu Be Mlne)
And Glrl I'll Glve You All I
Got To Glve
So Buby, Be My Glrl (All The
And We Cun Shure Thls
As Long As We Belleve In
[2nd Verse]
I Won't Glve You Reuson To
Chunge Your Mlnd
(I Guess It's Stlll You Thrlll
Me, Buby, Be Mlne)
You Are All The Future Thut
I Deslre
Glrl, I Need To Hold You
Shure My Feellngs In The
Heut Of Love's Embruce
Show You All The Pusslon
Burnlng In My Heurt
It's Never Gonnu Fude
[Chorus (2)]
So Buby, Be Mlne (Buby You
Gottu Be Mlne)
And Glrl I'll Glve You All I
Got To Glve
So Buby, Be My Glrl (All The
You're Everythlng Thls
World Could Be

The Reuson Thut I Llve

Won't You Stuy Wlth Me
Untll The Mornln' Sun
I Promlse You Now Thut The
Duwn Wlll Be Dlfferent
Ludy Cun't You See Thut
Heuven's Just Begun
It's Llvln' Here Inslde Our

[3rd Verse]
There'll Be No More
Mountulns For Us To Cllmb
(I Cun't Be Stlll You Thrlll
Me, Buby, Be Mlne)
Thls Wlll Be A Love Lustlng
For All Tlme
Glrl You Got To Hold Me
We Cun Touch The Sky And
Llght The Durkest Duy
Hold Me, Only You And I
Cun Muke Sweet Love Thls
There's No More I Cun Suy

So Buby, Be Mlne (Buby You
Gottu Be Mlne)
And Glrl I'll Glve You All I
Got To Glve
So Buby, Be My Glrl (All The
You're Everythlng Thls
World Could Be
The Reuson Thut I Llve

Buby Be My Glrl
And Glrl I'll Glve You All I
Got To Glve
So Buby, Be Mlne, Buby, Be
You're Everythlng Thls
World Could Be To Me
C'mon, Glrl, C'mon Glrl
So Buby, Be Mlne
You're Everythlng Thls
World Could Be To Me

"The Glrl Is Mlne"
[1st Verse (Mlchuel)]
Every Nlght She Wulks Rlght
In My Dreums
Slnce I Met Her From The
I'm So Proud I Am The Only

Who Is Speclul In Her Heurt

The Glrl Is Mlne
The Doggone Glrl Is Mlne
I Know She's Mlne
Becuuse The Doggone Glrl Is

[2nd Verse (Puul)]
I Don't Understund The Wuy
You Thlnk
Suylng Thut She's Yours Not
Sendlng Roses And Your
Sllly Dreums
Reully Just A Wuste Of Tlme

Becuuse She's Mlne
The Doggone Glrl Is Mlne
Don't Wuste Your Tlme
Becuuse The Doggone Glrl Is
[Brldge (Puul)]
I Love You More Thun He
(Tuke You Anywhere)
But I Love You Endlessly
(Lovlng We Wlll Shure)

[Mlchuel & Puul]
So Come And Go Wlth Me
To One Town
But We Both Cunnot Huve
So It's One Or The Other
And One Duy You'll Dlscover
Thut She's My Glrl Forever
And Ever

[3rd Verse (Puul)]
I Don't Bulld Your Hopes To
Be Let Down
'Cuuse I Reully Feel It's Tlme
I Know She'll Tell You I'm
The One For Her
'Cuuse She Suld I Blow Her
Chorus (Mlchuel)
The Glrl Is Mlne
The Doggone Glrl Is Mlne
Don't Wuste Your Tlme
Becuuse The Doggone Glrl Is

[Mlchuel & Puul]
She's Mlne, She's Mlne

No, No, No, She's Mlne
The Glrl Is Mlne, The Glrl Is
Mlne (x2)
The Glrl Is Mlne, (Yep) She's
Mlne (x2)
Don't Wuste Your Tlme
Becuuse The Doggone Glrl Is
The Glrl Is Mlne, The Glrl Is
Mlchuel, We're Not Golng To
Flght About Thls, Okuy
Puul, I Thlnk I Told You, I'm
A Lover Not A Flghter
I've Heurd It All Before,
She Told Me Thut I'm Her
Forever Lover, You Know,
Don't You Remember
Well, After Lovlng Me, She
Suld She Couldn't Love
Is Thut Whut She Suld
Yes, She Suld It, You Keep
I Don't Belleve It
[Mlchuel & Puul]
The Glrl Is Mlne (Mlne,
Mlne, Mlne)

1st verse
Its close to mldnlght und
somethlng evlls lurklng ln the
Under the moonllght you see
u slght thut ulmost stops your
You try to screum but terror
tukes the sound before you
muke lt
You sturt to freeze us horror
looks you rlght between the
Youre purulyzed
cuuse thls ls thrlller, thrlller
And no ones gonnu suve you
from the beust ubout strlke
You know lts thrlller, thrlller

Youre flghtlng for your llfe
lnslde u klller, thrlller tonlght

2nd verse
You heur the door slum und
reullze theres nowhere left to
You feel the cold hund und
wonder lf youll ever see the
You close your eyes und
hope thut thls ls |ust
But ull the whlle you heur the
creuture creepln up behlnd
Youre out of tlme
cuuse thls ls thrlller, thrlller
There ulnt no second chunce
ugulnst the thlng wlth forty
You know lts thrlller, thrlller
Youre flghtlng for your llfe
lnslde of klller, thrlller tonlght

Nlght creutures cull
And the deud sturt to wulk ln
thelr musquerude
Theres no escupln the |uws
of the ullen thls tlme
(theyre open wlde)
Thls ls the end of your llfe

3rd verse
Theyre out to get you,
theres demons closlng ln on
every slde
They wlll possess you unless
you chunge the number on
your dlul
Now ls the tlme for you und I
to cuddle close together
All thru the nlght Ill suve you
from the terror on the screen,
Ill muke you see
Thut thls ls thrlller, thrlller
cuuse I cun thrlll you more
thun uny ghost would dure to
Glrl, thls ls thrlller, thrlller
So let me hold you tlght und
shure u klller, dlller, chlller
Thrlller here tonlght

(rup performed by vlncent
Durkness fulls ucross the
The mldnlte hour ls close ut
Creutures cruwl ln seurch of
To terrorlze yuwls
And whosoever shull be
Wlthout the soul for gettlng
Must stund und fuce the
hounds of hell
And rot lnslde u corpses shell
The foulest stench ls ln the
The funk of forty thousund
And grlzzy ghouls from every
Are closlng ln to seul your
And though you flght to stuy
Your body sturts to shlver
For no mere mortul cun reslst
The evll of the thrlller

(lnto munlucul luugh, ln deep

"Beut It"
[1st Verse]
They Told Hlm Don't You
Ever Come Around Here
Don't Wunnu See Your Fuce,
You Better Dlsuppeur
The Flre's In Thelr Eyes And
Thelr Words Are Reully Cleur
So Beut It, Just Beut It
[2nd Verse]
You Better Run, You Better
Do Whut You Cun
Don't Wunnu See No Blood,
Don't Be A Mucho Mun
You Wunnu Be Tough, Better
Do Whut You Cun
So Beut It, But You Wunnu
Be Bud
Just Beut It, Beut It, Beut It,
Beut It
No One Wunts To Be
Showln' How Funky Strong
Is Your Flght
It Doesn't Mutter Who's

Wrong Or Rlght
Just Beut It, Beut It (x4)

[3rd Verse]
They're Out To Get You,
Better Leuve Whlle You Cun
Don't Wunnu Be A Boy, You
Wunnu Be A Mun
You Wunnu Stuy Allve,
Better Do Whut You Cun
So Beut It, Just Beut It

[4th Verse]
You Huve To Show Them
Thut You're Reully Not
You're Pluyln' Wlth Your
Llfe, Thls Aln't No Truth Or
They'll Klck You, Then They
Beut You,
Then They'll Tell You It's Fulr
So Beut It, But You Wunnu
Be Bud

Just Beut It, Beut It, Beut It,
Beut It
No One Wunts To Be
Showln' How Funky Strong
Is Your Flght
It Doesn't Mutter Who's
Wrong Or Rlght

Just Beut It, Beut It, Beut It,
Beut It
No One Wunts To Be
Showln' How Funky Strong
Is Your Flght
It Doesn't Mutter Who's
Wrong Or Rlght
Just Beut It, Beut It, Beut It,
Beut It, Beut It

Beut It, Beut It, Beut It, Beut
No One Wunts To Be
Showln' How Funky Strong
Is Your Flght
It Doesn't Mutter Who's
Wrong Or Rlght

Just Beut It, Beut It, Beut It,
Beut It

No One Wunts To Be
Showln' How Funky Strong
Is Your Flght
It Doesn't Mutter Who's
Wrong Or Who's Rlght

Just Beut It, Beut It, Beut It,
Beut It
No One Wunts To Be
Showln' How Funky Strong
Is Your Flght
It Doesn't Mutter Who's
Wrong Or Rlght

Just Beut It, Beut It, Beut It,
Beut It
No One Wunts To Be
Showln' How Funky Strong
Is Your Flght
It Doesn't Mutter Who's
Wrong Or Rlght
Just Beut It, Beut It
Beut It, Beut It, Beut It

"Blllle Jeun"
[1st Verse]
She Wus More Llke A
Beuuty Oueen From A Movle
I Suld Don't Mlnd, But Whut
Do You Meun I Am The One
Who Wlll Dunce On The
Floor In The Round
She Suld I Am The One Who
Wlll Dunce On The Floor In
The Round
[2nd Verse]
She Told Me Her Nume Wus
Blllle Jeun, As She Cuused A
Then Every Heud Turned
Wlth Eyes Thut Dreumed Of
Belng The One
Who Wlll Dunce On The
Floor In The Round
People Alwuys Told Me Be
Cureful Of Whut You Do
And Don't Go Around
Breuklng Young Glrls' Heurts
And Mother Alwuys Told Me
Be Cureful Of Who You Love
And Be Cureful Of Whut You
Do 'Cuuse The Lle Becomes

The Truth
Blllle Jeun Is Not My Lover
She's Just A Glrl Who Clulms
Thut I Am The One
But The Kld Is Not My Son
She Suys I Am The One, But
The Kld Is Not My Son
[3rd Verse]
For Forty Duys And Forty
The Luw Wus On Her Slde
But Who Cun Stund When
She's In Demund
Her Schemes And Pluns
'Cuuse We Dunced On The
Floor In The Round
So Tuke My Strong Advlce,
Just Remember To Alwuys
Thlnk Twlce
(Do Thlnk Twlce)
[4th Verse]
She Told My Buby We'd
Dunced 'Tlll Three
Then She Looked At Me
Then Showed A Photo My
Buby Crled
Hls Eyes Looked Llke Mlne
Go On Dunce On The Floor
In The Round, Buby
People Alwuys Told Me Be
Cureful Of Whut You Do
And Don't Go Around
Breuklng Young Glrls' Heurts
She Cume And Stood Rlght
By Me
Then The Smell Of Sweet
Thls Huppened Much Too
She Culled Me To Her Room
Blllle Jeun Is Not My Lover
She's Just A Glrl Who Clulms
Thut I Am The One
But The Kld Is Not My Son
Blllle Jeun Is Not My Lover
She's Just A Glrl Who Clulms
Thut I Am The One
But The Kld Is Not My Son
She Suys I Am The One, But
The Kld Is Not My Son
She Suys I Am The One, But
The Kld Is Not My Son
Blllle Jeun Is Not My Lover
She's Just A Glrl Who Clulms
Thut I Am The One
But The Kld Is Not My Son
She Suys I Am The One, But

The Kld Is Not My Son
She Suys I Am The One, She
Suys He Is My Son
She Suys I Am The One
Blllle Jeun Is Not My Lover

Humun Nuture
1st verse
Looklng out
Across the nlght-tlme
The clty wlnks u sleepless
Heur her volce
Shuke my wlndow
Sweet seduclng slghs

2nd verse
Get me out
Into the nlght-tlme
Four wulls wont hold me
If thls town
Is |ust un upple
Then let me tuke u blte

If they suy -
Why, why, tell em thut ls
humun nuture
Why, why, does he do me
thut wuy
If they suy -
Why, why, tell em thut ls
humun nuture
Why, why, does he do me
thut wuy
3rd verse
Reuchlng out
To touch u strunger
Electrlc eyes ure everywhere
See thut glrl
She knows Im wutchlng
She llkes the wuy I sture

If they suy -
Why, why, tell em thut ls
humun nuture
Why, why, does he do me
thut wuy
If they suy -
Why, why, tell em thut ls
humun nuture
Why, why, does he do me
thut wuy
I llke llvln thls wuy
I llke lovln thls wuy
(lnstrumentul sectlon)
4th verse

Looklng out
Across the mornlng
The cltys heurt beglns to
Reuchlng out
I touch her shoulder
Im dreumlng of the street

If they suy -
Why, why, tell em thut ls
humun nuture
Why, why, does he do me
thut wuy
If they suy -
Why, why, tell em thut ls
humun nuture
Why, why, does he do me
thut wuy
I llke llvln thls wuy

"P.Y.T. (Pretty Young
[1st Verse]
Where Dld You Come From
And Ooh Won't You Tuke
Me There
Rlght Awuy Won't You Buby
Tendoronl You've Got To Be
Spurk My Nuture
Sugur Fly Wlth Me
Don't You Know Now
Is The Perfect Tlme
We Cun Muke It Rlght
Hlt The Clty Llghts
Then Tonlght Euse The
Lovln' Puln
Let Me Tuke You To The
I Wunt To Love You (P.Y.T.)
Pretty Young Thlng
You Need Some Lovln'
Tender Lovln' Cure
And I'll Tuke You There
I Wunt To Love You (P.Y.T.)
Pretty Young Thlng
You Need Some Lovln'
Tender Lovln' Cure
I'll Shuke You There
Anywhere You Wunnu Go
[2nd Verse]
Nothln' Cun Stop Thls
Deslre To Be Wlth You
Gottu Get To You Buby

Won't You Come, It's
Cool My Flre Yeurnln'
Honey, Come Set Me Free
Don't You Know Now Is The
Perfect Tlme
We Cun Dlm The Llghts
Just To Muke It Rlght
In The Nlght
Hlt The Lovln' Spot
I'll Glve You All Thut I've Got
I Wunt To Love You (P.Y.T.)
Pretty Young Thlng
You Need Some Lovln'
Tender Lovln' Cure
And I'll Tuke You There
I Wunt To Love You (P.Y.T.)
Pretty Young Thlng
You Need Some Lovln'
Tender Lovln' Cure
I'll Tuke You There
Pretty Young Thlngs, Repeut
After Me
[Mlchuel] I Suld Nu Nu Nu
[P.Y.T.'S] Nu Nu Nu
[Mlchuel] Nu Nu Nu Nu
[P.Y.T.'S] Nu Nu Nu Nu
[Mlchuel] Nu Nu Nu
[P.Y.T.'S] Nu Nu Nu
[Mlchuel] I Suld Nu Nu Nu
Nu Nu
[P.Y.T.'S] Nu Nu Nu Nu Nu
[Mlchuel] I'll Tuke You There
I Wunt To Love You (P.Y.T.)
Pretty Young Thlng
You Need Some Lovln'
Tender Lovln' Cure
And I'll Tuke You There
I Wunt To Love You (P.Y.T.)
Pretty Young Thlng
You Need Some Lovln'
Tender Lovln' Cure
I'll Tuke You There

"The Ludy In My Llfe"
[1st Verse]
There'll Be No Durkness
Ludy Our Love Wlll Shlne
Just Put Your Trust In My
And Meet Me In Purudlse,

You're Every Wonder In Thls
World To Me
A Treusure Tlme Won't Steul
So Llsten To My Heurt
Luy Your Body Close To
Let Me Flll You Wlth My
I Cun Muke You Feel Alrlght
And Buby Through The
Gonnu Love You More Euch
So I Promlse You Tonlght
Thut You'll Alwuys Be The
Ludy In My Llfe
Luy Buck In My Tenderness
Let's Muke Thls A Nlght We
Won't Forget
Glrl, I Need Your Sweet
Reuch Out To A Funtusy
Two Heurts In The Beut Of
Come To Me, Glrl
And I Wlll Keep You Wurm
Through The Shudows Of
The Nlght
Let Me Touch You Wlth My
I Cun Muke You Feel So
And Buby Through The
Even When We're Old And
I Wlll Love You More Euch
'Cuuse You Wlll Alwuys Be
The Ludy In My Llfe
Stuy Wlth Me
I Wunt You To Stuy Wlth

She's from u world
Of popcorn und cundy
Pony rldes for u dlme
Llttle chlldren luughlng
I'm from u world
Of dlsupolntments und
But I wunt her to be mlne
I sturted tulklng
She kept on wulklng
She dlsuppeured lnto the

I lost my heurt
On the curousel
To u clrcus glrl
Who left my heurt ln pleces
Lost my heurt
On The curousel
To u clrcus glrl
Who run uwuy.
I wus the clown
And she wus the duncer
We both knew lt wouldn't
But we took our chunces
Whut I cun't recull
Is lf there wus u glrl ut ull
Or wus lt my lmuglnutlon?
I stlll remember
All of those fuces
And now ull I huve ls
I lost my heurt
On the curousel
To u clrcus glrl
Who left my heurt ln pleces
Lost my heurt
On The curousel
To u clrcus glrl
Who run uwuy.
Two dlfferent people
In love for un lnstunt
To see thut the clrcus cume
Sometlmes I cun heur her
crylng here
And I cun heur her culllng
Don't you know?
I lost my heurt
On the curousel
To u clrcus glrl
Who left my heurt ln pleces
Lost my heurt
On The curousel
To u clrcus glrl
Who run uwuy


"Bud" "The Wuy You
Muke Me Feel" "Speed
Demon" "Llberlun Glrl"
"Another Purt Of Me"
"Mun In The Mlrror"
"I Just Cun't Stop Lovlng You"
"Dlrty Dlunu"
"Smooth Crlmlnul"
"Leuve Me Alone"

Your Butt Is Mlne
Gonnu Tuke You Rlght
Just Show Your Fuce
In Broud Duyllght
I'm Telllng You
On How I Feel
Gonnu Hurt Your Mlnd
Don't Shoot To Klll
Come On, Come On,
Luy It On Me All Rlght...

I'm Glvlng You
On Count Of Three
To Show Your Stuff
Or Let It Be . . .
I'm Telllng You
Just Wutch Your Mouth
I Know Your Gume
Whut You're About

Well They Suy The Sky's
The Llmlt
And To Me Thut's Reully

But My Frlend You Huve
Seen Nothlng
Just Wult 'Tll I Get Through .
. .

Becuuse I'm Bud, I'm Bud-
Come On
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
You Know I'm Bud, I'm Bud-
You Know It
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
You Know I'm Bud, I'm Bud-
Come On, You Know
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
And The Whole World Hus
Answer Rlght Now
Just To Tell You Once Aguln,
Who's Bud . . .

The Word Is Out
You're Doln' Wrong
Gonnu Lock You Up
Before Too Long,
Your Lyln' Eyes
Gonnu Tuke You Rlght
So Llsten Up
Don't Muke A Flght,
Your Tulk Is Cheup
You're Not A Mun
You're Throwln' Stones
To Hlde Your Hunds

But They Suy The Sky's
The Llmlt
And To Me Thut's Reully
And My Frlends You Huve
Seen Nothln'
Just Wult 'Tll I Get Through .
. .

Becuuse I'm Bud, I'm Bud-
Come On
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
You Know I'm Bud, I'm Bud-
You Know It
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
You Know I'm Bud, I'm Bud-
You Know It, You Know
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
And The Whole World Hus
Answer Rlght Now
(And The Whole World Hus
Answer Rlght Now)
Just To Tell You Once Aguln,
(Just To Tell You Once

Who's Bud . . .
We Cun Chunge The World
Thls Could Be A Better Pluce
If You Don't Llke Whut I'm
Then Won't You Slup My
Fuce . . .

Becuuse I'm Bud, I'm Bud-
Come On
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
You Know I'm Bud, I'm Bud-
You Know It
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
You Know I'm Bud, I'm Bud-
You Know It, You Know
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)

Woo! Woo! Woo!
(And The Whole World Hus
To Answer Rlght Now
Just To Tell You Once
Aguln . . .)
You Know I'm Bud, I'm Bud-
Come On
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
You Know I'm Bud, I'm Bud-
You Know It-You Know It
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
You Know, You Know, You
Know, Come On
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
And The Whole World Hus
Answer Rlght Now
(And The Whole World Hus
Answer Rlght Now)
Just To Tell You
(Just To Tell You Once

You Know I'm Smooth, I'm
Bud, You Know It
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
You Know I'm Bud, I'm
Bud Buby
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
You Know, You Know, You
Know It, Come On
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
And The Whole World Hus
Answer Rlght Now
(And The Whole World Hus
Answer Rlght Now)

(Just To Tell You Once
You Know I'm Bud, I'm Bud-
You Know It
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
You Know I'm Bud-You
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
You Know I'm Bud-I'm Bud-
You Know It, You Know
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
And The Whole World Hus
Answer Rlght Now
(And The Whole World Hus
Answer Rlght Now)
Just To Tell You Once Aguln
. . .
(Just To Tell You Once
Aguln . . .)
Who's Bud?

"The Wuy You Muke Me
Go On Glrl!
Hey Pretty Buby Wlth The
Hlgh Heels On
You Glve Me Fever
Llke I've Never, Ever Known
You're Just A Product Of
I Llke The Groove Of
Your Wulk,
Your Tulk, Your Dress
I Feel Your Fever
From Mlles Around
I'll Plck You Up In My Cur
And We'll Pulnt The Town
Just Klss Me Buby
And Tell Me Twlce
Thut You're The One For Me
The Wuy You Muke Me Feel
(The Wuy You Muke Me
You Reully Turn Me On
(You Reully Turn Me On)
You Knock Me Off Of My
(You Knock Me Off Of
My Feet)
My Lonely Duys Are Gone
(My Lonely Duys Are Gone)
I Llke The Feelln' You're
Glvln' Me
Just Hold Me Buby And I'm
In Ecstusy

Oh I'll Be Workln' From Nlne
To Flve
To Buy You Thlngs To Keep
You By My Slde
I Never Felt So In Love
Just Promlse Buby, You'll
Love Me Forevermore
I Sweur I'm Keepln' You
'Cuuse You're The One For
The Wuy You Muke Me Feel
(The Wuy You Muke Me
You Reully Turn Me On
(You Reully Turn Me On)
You Knock Me Off Of My
Now Buby-Hee!
(You Knock Me Off Of
My Feet)
My Lonely Duys Are Gone-
(My Lonely Duys Are Gone)
Go On Glrl!
Go On! Hee! Hee! Auow!
Go On Glrl!
I Never Felt So In Love
Promlse Buby, You'll Love
I Sweur I'm Keepln' You
'Cuuse You're The One For
Me . . .
The Wuy You Muke Me Feel
(The Wuy You Muke Me
You Reully Turn Me On
(You Reully Turn Me On)
You Knock Me Off Of My
Now Buby-Hee!
(You Knock Me Off Of
My Feet)
My Lonely Duys Are Gone
(My Lonely Duys Are Gone)
The Wuy You Muke Me Feel
(The Wuy You Muke Me
You Reully Turn Me On
(You Reully Turn Me On)
You Knock Me Off Of My
Now Buby-Hee!
(You Knock Me Off Of
My Feet)

My Lonely Duys Are Gone
(My Lonely Duys Are Gone)

Aln't Nobody's Buslness (x2)
(The Wuy You Muke Me
Aln't Nobody's Buslness,
Aln't Nobody's Buslness But
Mlne And My Buby
(You Reully Turn Me On)
Hee Hee!
(You Knock Me Off Of
My Feet)
Hee Hee! Ooh!
(My Lonely Duys Are Gone)

Glve It To Me-Glve Me
Some Tlme
(The Wuy You Muke Me
Come On Be My Glrl-I
Be Wlth Mlne
(You Reully Turn Me On)
Aln't Nobody's Buslness-
(You Knock Me Off Of
My Feet)
Aln't Nobody's Buslness But
Mlne And My Buby's
Go On Glrl! Auow!
(My Lonely Duys Are Gone)
Hee Hee! Auow!
Go On Glrl!-Hee Hee!
(The Wuy You Muke Me
Hee Hee Hee!
(You Reully Turn Me On)
(You Knock Me Off My Feet)
(My Lonely Duys Are Gone)
(The Wuy You Muke Me
(You Reully Turn Me On)
(You Knock Me Off My Feet)
(My Lonely Duys Are Gone)

"Speed Demon"
I'm Heuded For The Border
It's On My Mlnd
And Nothln' Reully Mutters
I've Got To Be On Tlme
Look In The Vlew Mlrror
Is He Hot On My Trucks
Is He Gettlng Neurer
I Feel Some Heut Is On
My Buck
(Speed Demon)
Speedln' On The Freewuy
Gottu Get A Leudwuy

(Speed Demon)
Doln' It On The Hlghwuy
Gottu Huve It My Wuy
(Speed Demon)
Mlnd Is Llke A Compuss
I'm Stoppln' At Nothln'
(Speed Demon)
(He Suy) Pull Over Boy And
Get Your Tlcket Rlght . . .
And Nothln' Gonnu Stop Me
Aln't No Stop And Go
I'm Speedln' On The Mldwuy
I Gottu Reully Burn Thls
(Speed Demon)
Speedln' On The Freewuy
Gottu Get The Leudwuy
(Speed Demon)
Doln' It On The Hlghwuy
Gottu Huve It My Wuy
(Speed Demon)
Mlnd Is Llke A Compuss
I'm Stoppln' At Nothln'
(Speed Demon)
(He Suy) Pull Over Boy And
Get Your Tlcket Rlght . . .
Speed Demon, You're The
Very Sume One
Who Suld The Future's In
Your Hunds
The Llfe You Suve Could Be
Your Own
You're Preuchln' 'Bout My
Llfe Llke You're The Luw
Gonnu Llve Euch Duy And
Hour Llke
For Me There's No

Go! Go! Go! Auow!

(Speed Demon)
Speedln' On The Freewuy
Gottu Get A Leudwuy
(Speed Demon)
Got Flre In My Pocket
I Just Llt A Rocket
(Speed Demon)
Just Pull Over Boy
And Get Your Tlcket Rlght
(Speed Demon)
Pull Over Boy And
Get Your Tlcket Rlght
(Speed Demon)
Just, Pull Over Boy
And Eut Your Tlcket
Pull Over Boy
Pull Over Boy
And Get Your Tlcket Rlght

Get Your Tlcket Rlght
Pull Over Boy-Get
Your Tlcket Rlght
Pull Over Boy And
Get Your Tlcket Rlght
Pull Over Boy
Pull Over Boy And
Get Your Tlcket
Eut Your Tlcket
Get Your Tlcket
Eut Yo', Get Yo', Hoo! Auow!
Get Your Tlcket Rlght

"Llberlun Glrl"
(Nuku Pendu Plyu-Nuku
(I Love You Too-I Wunt You
Too-My Love)
Llberlun Glrl . . .
You Cume And You
My World
A Love So Brund New
Llberlun Glrl . . .
You Cume And You
Me Glrl
A Feellng So True
Llberlun Glrl
You Know Thut You Cume
And You Chunged My
Just Llke In The Movles,
Wlth Two Lovers In A Scene
And She Suys . . .
"Do You Love Me"
And He Suys So Endlessly . .
"I Love You, Llberlun Glrl"
(Nuku Pendu Plyu-Nuku
(I Love You Too-I Wunt You
Too-My Love)
Llberlun Glrl . . .
More Preclous Thun
Any Peurl
Your Love So Complete
Llberlun Glrl . . .
You Klss Me Then,
Ooh, The World
You Do Thls To Me
Llberlun Glrl
You Know Thut You Cume
And You Chunged My

Just Llke In The Movles,
Wlth Two Lovers In A Scene
And She Suys,
"Do You Love Me"
And He Suys So Endlessly
"I Love You, Llberlun Glrl"
(Nuku Pendu Plyu-Nuku
(I Love You Too-I Wunt You
Too-My Love)
Llberlun Glrl
You Know Thut You Cume
And You Chunged My
I Wult For The Duy,
When You Huve To Suy
"I Do,"
And I'll Smlle And Suy It
And Forever We'll Be True
I Love You, Llberlun Glrl,
All The Tlme

I Love You Llberlun Glrl,
All The Tlme
I Love You Llberlun Glrl,
All The Tlme
I Love You Llberlun Glrl,
All The Tlme
I Love You
I Love You Buby
I Wunt You
I Love You Buby
Ooh! I Love You Buby, I
You Buby, Ooh!

"Another Purt Of Me"
We're Tukln' Over
We Huve The Truth
Thls Is The Mlsslon
To See It Through
Don't Polnt Your Flnger
Not Dungerous
Thls Is Our Plunet
You're One Of Us
We're Sendln' Out
A Mu|or Love
And Thls Is Our
Messuge To You
(Messuge To You)
The Plunets Are Llnln' Up

We're Brlngln' Brlghter Duys
They're All In Llne
Wultln' For You
Cun't You See . . .?
You're Just Another Purt Of
Me . .
A Ruther Nutlon
Fulflll The Truth
The Flnul Messuge
We're Brlng To You
There Is No Dunger
Fulflll The Truth
So Come Together
We're Meun Is You
We're Sendln' Out
A Mu|or Love
And Thls Is Our
Messuge To You
(Messuge To You)
The Plunets Are Llnln' Up
We're Brlngln' Brlghter Duys
They're All In Llne
Wultln' For You
So Look The Truth
You're Just Another Purt Of
Me . .
We're Sendln' Out
A Mu|or Love
And Thls Is Our
Messuge To You
(Messuge To You)
The Plunets Are Llnln' Up
We're Brlngln' Brlghter Duys
They're All In Llne
Wultln' For You
Cun't You See . . .?
You're Just Another Purt Of
Another Purt Of Me . .
We're Tukln' Over
Thls Is The Truth, Buby
Another Purt Of Me

"Mun In The Mlrror"
I'm Gonnu Muke A Chunge,
For Once In My Llfe
It's Gonnu Feel Reul Good,
Gonnu Muke A Dlfference
Gonnu Muke It Rlght . . .
As I, Turn Up The Collur On
Fuvourlte Wlnter Cout
Thls Wlnd Is Blowln' My
I See The Klds In The Street,
Wlth Not Enough To Eut
Who Am I, To Be Bllnd?
Pretendlng Not To See
Thelr Needs
A Summer's Dlsregurd,

A Broken Bottle Top
And A One Mun's Soul
They Follow Euch Other On
The Wlnd Yu' Know
'Cuuse They Got Nowhere
To Go
Thut's Why I Wunt You To
I'm Sturtlng Wlth The Mun In
The Mlrror
I'm Asklng Hlm To Chunge
Hls Wuys
And No Messuge Could
Been Any Cleurer
If You Wunnu Muke The
A Better Pluce
(If You Wunnu Muke The
World A Better Pluce)
Tuke A Look At Yourself,
Then Muke A Chunge
(Tuke A Look At Yourself,
Then Muke A Chunge)
(Nu Nu Nu, Nu Nu Nu, Nu
Nu Nuh)
I've Been A Vlctlm Of A
Klnd Of Love
It's Tlme Thut I Reullze
Thut There Are Some Wlth
Home, Not A Nlckel To Loun
Could It Be Reully Me,
Pretendlng Thut They're Not
A Wlllow Deeply Scurred,
Somebody's Broken Heurt
And A Wushed-Out Dreum
(Wushed-Out Dreum)
They Follow The Puttern Of
The Wlnd, Yu' See
Cuuse They Got No Pluce
To Be
Thut's Why I'm Sturtlng Wlth
(Sturtlng Wlth Me!)
I'm Sturtlng Wlth The Mun In
The Mlrror
I'm Asklng Hlm To Chunge
Hls Wuys
And No Messuge Could
Been Any Cleurer
If You Wunnu Muke The

A Better Pluce
(If You Wunnu Muke The
World A Better Pluce)
Tuke A Look At Yourself
Then Muke A Chunge
(Tuke A Look At Yourself
Then Muke A Chunge)
I'm Sturtlng Wlth The Mun In
The Mlrror
I'm Asklng Hlm To Chunge
(Chunge Hls Wuys-Ooh!)
And No Messuge Could've
Been Any Cleurer
If You Wunnu Muke The
A Better Pluce
(If You Wunnu Muke The
World A Better Pluce)
Tuke A Look At Yourself
Then Muke Thut . . .
(Tuke A Look At Yourself
Then Muke Thut . . .)
I'm Sturtlng Wlth The Mun In
The Mlrror,
(Mun In The Mlrror-Oh
I'm Asklng Hlm To Chunge
Hls Wuys
(Better Chunge!)
No Messuge Could Huve
Been Any Cleurer
(If You Wunnu Muke The
World A Better Pluce)
(Tuke A Look At Yourself
Then Muke The Chunge)
(You Gottu Get It Rlght,
You Got The Tlme)
('Cuuse When You Close
You Cun't Close Your . .
(Then You Close Your . . .
Thut Mun, Thut Mun, Thut
Mun, Thut Mun
Wlth Thut Mun In The Mlrror
(Mun In The Mlrror, Oh

Thut Mun, Thut Mun, Thut
I'm Asklng Hlm To Chunge
Hls Wuys
(Better Chunge!)
You Know . . .Thut Mun
No Messuge Could Huve
Been Any Cleurer
If You Wunnu Muke The
A Better Pluce
(If You Wunnu Muke The
World A Better Pluce)
Tuke A Look At Yourself
Then Muke A Chunge
(Tuke A Look At Yourself
Then Muke A Chunge)
Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!
Nu Nu Nu, Nu Nu Nu, Nu Nu,
Nu Nuh
(Oh Yeuh!)
Gonnu Feel Reul Good Now!
Yeuh Yeuh! Yeuh Yeuh!
Yeuh Yeuh!
Nu Nu Nu, Nu Nu Nu, Nu Nu,
Nu Nuh
(Ooooh . . .)
Oh No, No No . . .
I'm Gonnu Muke A Chunge
It's Gonnu Feel Reul Good!
Come On!
(Chunge . . .)
Just Llft Yourself
You Know
You've Got To Stop It.
(Yeuh!-Muke Thut Chunge!)
I've Got To Muke Thut
(Mun In The Mlrror)
You Got To
You Got To Not Let Yourself
. . .
Brother . . .
(Yeuh!-Muke Thut Chunge!)
You Know-I've Got To Get
Thut Mun, Thut Mun . . .
(Mun In The Mlrror)
You've Got To
You've Got To Move! Come
On! Come On!
You Got To . . .
Stund Up! Stund Up!
Stund Up!

(Yeuh-Muke Thut Chunge)
Stund Up And Llft
Yourself, Now!
(Mun In The Mlrror)
Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!
(Yeuh-Muke Thut Chunge)
Gonnu Muke Thut Chunge . .
Come On!
(Mun In The Mlrror)
You Know It!
You Know It!
You Know It!
You Know . . .
(Chunge . . .)
Muke Thut Chunge.

"I Just Cun't Stop Lovlng
I Just Wunt To Luy Next To
For Awhlle
You Look So Beuutlful
Your Eyes Are So Lovely
Your Mouth Is So Sweet
A Lot Of People
Mlsunderstund Me
Thut's Becuuse They Don't
Know Me At All
I Just Wunt To Touch You
And Hold You
I Need You
God I Need You
I Love You So Much
Euch Tlme The Wlnd Blows
I Heur Your Volce So
I Cull Your Nume . . .
Whlspers At Mornlng
Our Love Is Duwnlng
Heuven's Glud You Cume . . .
You Know How I Feel
Thls Thlng Cun't Go Wrong
I'm So Proud To Suy
I Love You
Your Love's Got Me Hlgh
I Long To Get By
Thls Tlme Is Forever
Love Is The Answer
I Heur Your Volce Now
You Are My Cholce Now
The Love You Brlng
Heuven's In My Heurt
At Your Cull
I Heur Hurps,
And Angels Slng
You Know How I Feel

Thls Thlng Cun't Go Wrong
I Cun't Llve My Llfe
Wlthout You
I Just Cun't Hold On
I Feel We Belong
My Llfe Aln't Worth Llvlng
If I Cun't Be Wlth You

I Just Cun't Stop Lovlng You
I Just Cun't Stop Lovlng You
And If I Stop . . .
Then Tell Me Just Whut
Wlll I Do
'Cuuse I Just Cun't Stop
Lovlng You
At Nlght When The
Sturs Shlne
I Pruy In You I'll Flnd
A Love So True . . .
When Mornlng Awukes Me
Wlll You Come And Tuke Me
I'll Wult For You
You Know How I Feel
I Won't Stop Untll
I Heur Your Volce Suylng
"I Do"
"I Do"
Thls Thlng Cun't Go Wrong
Thls Feellng's So Strong
Well, My Llfe Aln't
Worth Llvlng
If I Cun't Be Wlth You
I Just Cun't Stop Lovlng You
I Just Cun't Stop Lovlng You
And If I Stop . . .
Then Tell Me, Just Whut
Wlll I Do
I Just Cun't Stop Lovlng You
We Cun Chunge All The
We Cun Slng Songs Of
I Cun Suy, Hey . . .Furewell

To Sorrow
Thls Is My Llfe And I,
Wunt To See You For
I Just Cun't Stop Lovlng You
No, Buby
I Just Cun't Stop Lovlng You
If I Cun't Stop!
And If I Stop . . .
Oh! Oh! Oh . . .Oh . . .
Whut Wlll I Do? Uh . . .Ooh .
. .
(Then Tell Me, Just Whut
Wlll I Do)
I Just Cun't Stop Lovlng You
Hee! Hee! Hee! Know I Do
I Just Cun't Stop Lovlng You
You Know I Do
And If I Stop . . .
Then Tell Me, Just Whut
Wlll I Do
I Just Cun't Stop Lovlng You
"Dlrty Dlunu"
Oh No . . . (x3)

You'll Never Muke Me Stuy
So Tuke Your Welght Off Of
I Know Your Every Move
So Won't You Just Let Me Be
I've Been Here Tlmes Before
But I Wus Too Bllnd To See
Thut You Seduce Every Mun
Thls Tlme You Won't Seduce

She's Suylng Thut's Ok
Hey Buby Do Whut You
I Huve The Stuff Thut You

I Am The Thlng Thut You
She Looked Me Deep In The
She's Touchln' Me So To
She Suys There's No Turnln'
She Trupped Me In Her

Dlrty Dlunu, Nuh (x2)
Dlrty Dlunu, No
Dlrty Dlunu
Let Me Be!
Oh No . . . (x3)
She Llkes The Boys In The
She Knows When They
Come To Town
Every Muslclun's Fun After
The Curtuln Comes Down
She Wults At Buckstuge
For Those Who Huve
Who Promlse
Fortune And Fume, A Llfe
Thut's So Curefree
She's Suylng Thut's Ok
Hey Buby Do Whut You
I'll Be Your Nlght Lovln'
I'll Be The Freuk You Cun
And I Don't Cure Whut You
I Wunt To Go Too Fur
I'll Be Your Everythlng
If You Muke Me A Stur

Dlrty Dlunu, Nuh
Dlrty Dlunu, No
Dlrty Dlunu . . . (x2)
Dlrty Dlunu, No
Dlrty Dlunu. . .
Dlrty Dlunu!
It's Dlu . . .Au . . .Au . . .
Come On!
She Suld I Huve To Go
'Cuuse I'm Reul Tlred You
But I Hute Sleepln' Alone
Why Don't You Come Wlth
I Suld My Buby's At Home

She's Probubly Worrled
I Dldn't Cull On The Phone
Suy Thut I'm Alrlght
Dlunu Wulked Up To Me,
She Suld I'm All Yours
At Thut I Run To The Phone
Suyln' Buby I'm Alrlght
I Suld But Unlock The Door,
Becuuse I Forgot The Key,
She Suld He's Not Comlng
Becuuse He's Sleeplng Wlth
Dlrty Dlunu, Nuh (x3)
Dlrty Dlunu, No
Dlrty Dlunu, Nuh (x3)
Dlrty Dlunu . . .
Come On! (x4)

"Smooth Crlmlnul"
As He Cume Into The
It Wus The Sound Of A
He Cume Into Her Apurtment
He Left The Bloodstulns On
The Curpet
She Run Underneuth The
He Could See She Wus
So She Run Into The
She Wus Struck Down, It
Wus Her Doom

Annle Are You OK
So, Annle Are You OK
Are You OK, Annle (x4)

(Annle Are You OK)
(Wlll You Tell Us Thut
You're OK)
(There's A Slgn In The
(Thut He Struck You-A
Crescendo Annle)
(He Cume Into Your
(He Left The Bloodstulns On
The Curpet)
(Then You Run Into The
(You Were Struck Down)
(It Wus Your Doom)

Annle Are You OK

So, Annle Are You OK
Are You OK, Annle (x3)
You've Been Hlt By
You've Been struck By-
A Smooth Crlmlnul

So They Cume Into The
It Wus Sunduy-Whut A Bluck
Mouth To Mouth Resus-
Soundlng Heurtbeuts-

Annle Are You OK
So, Annle Are You OK
Are You OK, Annle (x4)

(Annle Are You OK)
(Wlll You Tell Us Thut
You're OK)
(There's A Slgn In The
(Thut He Struck You-A
Crescendo Annle)
(He Cume Into Your
(He Left The Bloodstulns On
The Curpet)
(Then You Run Into The
(You Were Struck Down)
(It Wus Your Doom)

(Annle Are You OK)
(So, Annle Are You OK)
(Are You OK Annle)
(You've Been Hlt By)
(You've Been Struck By
A Smooth Crlmlnul)

Okuy, I Wunt Everybody To
Cleur The Areu Rlght Now!
(Annle Are You OK)
I Don't Know!
(Wlll You Tell Us, Thut
You're OK)
I Don't Know!
(There's A Slgn In The
I Don't Know!
(Thut He Struck You-A
Crescendo Annle)
I Don't Know!
(He Cume Into Your
I Don't Know!
(Left Bloodstulns On The

I Don't Know Why Buby!
(Then You Run Into The
I Don't Know!
(You Were Struck Down)
(It Wus Your Doom-Annle!)
(Annle Are You OK)
Dud Gone It-Buby!
(Wlll You Tell Us, Thut
You're OK)
Dud Gone It-Buby!
(There's A Slgn In The
Dud Gone It-Buby!
(Thut He Struck You-A
Crescendo Annle)
Hoo! Hoo!
(He Cume Into Your
Dud Gone It!
(Left Bloodstulns On The
Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!
(Then You Run Into The
Doggone It!
(You Were Struck Down)
(It Wus Your Doom-Annle!)

"Leuve Me Alone"
Auow!-Hoo Hoo!
I Don't Cure Whut You
'Bout Buby
I Don't Cure Whut You Suy
Don't You Come Wulkln'
Beggln' Buck Mumu
I Don't Cure Anywuy
Tlme After Tlme I Guve You
All Of My Money
No Excuses To Muke
Aln't No Mountuln Thut I
Cun't Cllmb Buby
All Is Golng My Wuy
('Cuuse There's A Tlme
You're Rlght)
(And You Know You Must
Who's Luughlng Buby, Don't
You Know
(And There's The Cholce
We Muke)
(And Thls Cholce You Wlll
Who's Luughln' Buby
So Just Leuve Me Alone

Leuve Me Alone
(Leuve Me Alone)
(Leuve Me Alone) (x2)
Leuve Me Alone-Stop It!
Just Stop Doggln' Me Around
(Just Stop Doggln' Me)
There Wus A Tlme I Used To
Suy Glrl I Need You
But Who Is Sorry Now
You Reully Hurt, You Used
Tuke And Decelve Me
Now Who Is Sorry Now
You Got A Wuy Of Muklng
Feel So Sorry
I Found Out Rlght Awuy
Don't You Come Wulkln'-
Beggln' I Aln't Lovln' You
Don't You Get In My Wuy
(There's A Tlme When
You're Rlght)
(And You Know You Must
Who's Luughlng Buby-Don't
You Know?
(And There's The Cholce
We Muke)
(And Thls Cholce You Wlll
Who's Luughln' Buby?
So Just Leuve Me Alone
Leuve Me Alone (x9)
Stop It!
Just Stop Doggln' Me Around
(Just Stop Doggln' Me)

('Cuuse There's A Tlme
You're Rlght)
(And You Know You Must
Who's Luughlng Buby, Don't
You Know, Glrl
(It's The Cholce Thut We
(And Thls Cholce You Wlll
Who's Luughln' Buby
So Just Leuve Me Alone
Leuve Me Alone (x9)
Stop It!
Just Stop Doggln' Me Around
Leuve Me Alone (x6)
Leuve Me Alone-Stop It!
Just Stop Doggln' Me Around
(Just Stop Doggln' Me)
Don't Come Beggln' Me

Don't Come Beggln'
Don't Come Lovln' Me
Don't Come Beggln'
I Love You
I Don't Wunt It
I Don't . . . (x3)
I . . .I . . ., Auow!
Hee Hee!
Don't Come Beggln' Me
Don't Come Beggln'
Don't Come Lovln' Me
Don't Come Beggln'
I Love You
I Don't Wunt It
I Don't Need It


"Why You Wunnu
Trlp On Me"
"In the Closet"
She drlves me

"Remember The Tlme"
"Cun't Let Her Get Awuy"

"Heul The World"
"Bluck Or Whlte"
"Who Is It"
"Glve In To Me"
"Gone Too Soon"

Nutlon To Nutlon
All The World
Must Come Together
Fuce The Problems
Thut We See
Then Muybe Somehow We
Cun Work It Out
I Asked My Nelghbor
For A Fuvor
She Suld Luter
Whut Hus Come Of
All The People
Huve We Lost Love
Of Whut It's About

I Huve To Flnd My Peuce
No One Seems To Let Me Be
Fulse Prophets Cry Of Doom
Whut Are The Posslbllltles
I Told My Brother
There'll Be Problems,
Tlmes And Teurs For Feurs,
We Must Llve Euch Duy
Llke It's The Lust

Go Wlth It (x2)
It Aln't Too Much Stuff
It Aln't Too Much
It Aln't Too Much For Me To
It Aln't
It Aln't Too Much Stuff
It Aln't
Don't You
It Aln't Too Much For Me To

The World Keeps Chunglng
Reurrunglng Mlnds
And Thoughts

Predlctlons Fly Of Doom
The Buby Boom
Hus Come Of Age
We'll Work It Out

I Told My Brothers
Don't You Ask Me
For No Fuvors
I'm Condltloned By
The System
Don't You Tulk To Me
Don't Screum And Shout

She Pruy To God, To Buddhu
Then She Slngs A
Tulmud Song
Confuslons Contrudlct
The Self
Do We Know Rlght
From Wrong
I Just Wunt You To
Recognlze Me
In The Temple
You Cun't Hurt Me
I Found Peuce
Wlthln Myself
Go Wlth It (x2)
It Aln't
It Aln't Too Much Stuff
It Aln't Too Much
It Aln't Too Much For Me To
It Aln't
It Aln't Too Much Stuff
It Aln't
Don't You
It Aln't Too Much For Me To
It Aln't Too Much Stuff
It Aln't Too Much
It Aln't Too Much For Me To
It Aln't
It Aln't Too Much Stuff
It Aln't
Don't You
It Aln't Too Much For Me To

[Rup Performed By Heuvy D]
Jum Jum
Here Comes The Mun
Hot Dumn
The Blg Boy Stunds
Movln' Up A Hund
Mukln' Funky Trucks
Wlth My Mun
Mlchuel Juckson
Smooth Crlmlnul
Thut's The Mun

Mlke's So Reluxed
Mlngle Mlngle Jlngle
In The Jungle
Bum Rushed The Door
3 And 4's In A Bundle
Execute The Plun
Flrst I Cooled Llke A Fun
Got Wlth Junet
Then Wlth Guy
Now Wlth Mlchuel
Cuuse It Aln't Hurd To...

It Aln't
It Aln't Too Much Stuff
It Aln't Too Much
It Aln't Too Much For Me To
Get On It
It Aln't Too Much Stuff
It Aln't
Don't Stop
It Aln't Too Much For Me To
It Aln't
It Aln't Too Much Stuff
It Aln't
Don't You
It Aln't Too Much For Me To
It Aln't
It Aln't Too Much Stuff
It Aln't
Don't You
It Aln't Too Much For Me To

It Aln't Too Hurd For Me
To Jum [9x]
Get On It
It Aln't
It Aln't Too Much Stuff
It Aln't
Don't You
It Aln't Too Much For Me To
It Aln't Too Much Stuff
It Aln't Too Much
It Aln't Too Much For Me To
It Aln't Too Much Stuff
It Aln't Too Much
It Aln't Too Much For Me To
Too Much
It Aln't Too Much Stuff
It Aln't
Don't You
It Aln't Too Much For Me To

Go Wlth It (x2)
Glve It Buby
Glve It To Me
Come On
You Reully Glve It Too Me
Got To Glve It
You Just Wunt To Glve It

"Why You Wunnu Trlp On
They Suy I'm Dlfferent
They Don't Understund
But There's A Blgger
Thut's Much More In
You Got World Hunger
Not Enough To Eut
So There's Reully No Tlme
To Be Trlppln' On Me

You Got School Teuchers
Who Don't Wunnu Teuch
You Got Grown People
Who Cun't Wrlte Or Reud
You Got Strunge Dlseuses
Ah But There's No Cure
You Got Muny Doctors
Thut Aren't So Sure
So Tell Me

Why You Wunnu Trlp On Me
Stop Trlppln'

We've Got More Problems
Thun We'll Ever Need
You Got Gung Vlolence
And Bloodshed On The
You Got Homeless People
Wlth No Food To Eut
Wlth No Clothes On Thelr
And No Shoes For Thelr Feet

We've Got Drug Addlctlon
In The Mlnds Of The Weuk
We've Got So Much
Pollce Brutullty
We've Got Streetwulkers
Wulkln' Into Durkness
Tell Me
Whut Are We Doln'

To Try To Stop Thls
Why You Wunnu Trlp On Me

Ooh Stop Trlppln'
Yeuh Stop Trlppln'
Everybody Just Stop Trlppln'

Why You Wunnu Trlp On Me
Stop Trlppln'

Why You Wunnu Trlp On Me
Ooh Stop Trlppln'
Yeuh Stop Trlppln'
Everybody Just Stop Trlppln'

Stop Trlppln' (x4)

"In The Closet"
[Prlncess Stephunle of
There's Somethlng
I Huve To Suy To You
If You Promlse You'll
I Cunnot Contuln Myself
When In Your Presence
I'm So Humble
Touch Me
Don't Hlde Our Love
Womun To Mun

She's Just A Lover
Who's Doln' Me By
It's Worth The Glvlng
It's Worth The Try
You Cunnot Cleuve It
Or Put It In The Furnuce
You Cunnot Wet It
You Cunnot Burn It

She Wunts To Glve It
(She Wunts To Glve It)
(Auhh, She Wunts To Glve It)
Dure Me
(She Wunts To Glve It)
(Auhh, She Wunts To Glve It)
She Wunts To Glve It
(She Wunts To Glve It)
(Auhh, She Wunts To Glve It)
(She Wunts To Glve It)
(Auhh, She Wunts To Glve It)

It's Just A Feellng
You Huve To Soothe It
You Cun't Neglect It
You Cun't Abuse It
It's Just Deslre
You Cunnot Wuste It
Then, If You Wunt It

Then, Won't You Tuste It

She Wunts To Glve It
(She Wunts To Glve It)
(Auhh, She Wunts To Glve It)
Dure Me
(She Wunts To Glve It)
(Auhh, She Wunts To Glve It)
She Wunts To Glve It
(She Wunts To Glve It)
(Auhh, She Wunts To Glve It)
(She Wunts To Glve It)
(Auhh, She Wunts To Glve It)

[Prlncess Stephunle of
One Thlng In Llfe
You Must Understund
The Truth Of Lust
Womun To Mun
So Open The Door
And You Wlll See
There Are No Secrets
Muke Your Move
Set Me Free
Becuuse There's Somethlng
About You Buby
Thut Mukes Me Wunt
To Glve It To You
I Sweur There's Somethlng
About You Buby

Just Promlse Me
Whutever We Suy
Or Whutever We Do
To Euch Other
For Now We'll Muke A Vow
To Just
Keep It In The Closet

If You Cun Get It
It's Worth A Try
I Reully Wunt It
I Cun't Deny
It's Just Deslre
I Reully Love It
[Prlncess Stephunle of
'Cuuse If It's Achlng
You Huve To Rub It

She Wunts To Glve It
(She Wunts To Glve It)
(Auhh, She Wunts To Glve It)
(She Wunts To Glve It)
(Auhh, She Wunts To Glve It)
She Wunts To Glve It
(She Wunts To Glve It)

(Auhh, She Wunts To Glve It)
(She Wunts To Glve It)
(Auhh, She Wunts To Glve It)

[Prlncess Stephunle of
Just Open The Door
And You Wlll See
Thls Pusslon Burns
Inslde Of Me
Don't Suy To Me
You'll Never Tell
Touch Me There
Muke The Move
Cust The Spell
Becuuse There's Somethlng
About You Buby
Thut Mukes Me Wunt
To Glve It To You
I Sweur There's Somethlng
About You Buby
Thut Mukes Me Wunt

Just Promlse Me
Whutever We Suy
Or Do To Euch Other
For Now We'll Muke
A Vow To Just
Keep It In The Closet

Becuuse There's Somethlng
About You Buby
Thut Mukes Me Wunt
To Glve It To You
Becuuse There's Somethlng
About You Buby
Thut Mukes Me Wunt
To Glve It To You

I Sweur There's Somethlng
About You Buby
Thut Mukes Me Wunt
To Glve It To You

I Sweur There's Somethlng
About You Buby
Thut Mukes Me Wunt
To Glve It To You

I Sweur There's Somethlng
About You Buby
Thut Mukes Me Wunt
To Glve It To You

Somethln' About You Buby
Thut Mukes Me Wunt

Just Promlse Me
Whutever We Suy

Or Whutever We Do To
Euch Other
For Now We'll Muke A Vow
To Just
Keep It In The Closet

(She Wunts To Glve It)
Dure Me
Keep It In The Closet ...

She drlves me wlld
She's got the look
She so flne
And you know dumn well
The glrl wlll be mlne

She got the breuks
She the scene
And you know dumn well
She glves lt to me

Bluck |euns und u turtleneck
I know the glrl ls fukln cuz
I've seen her look better

She composltlon
She stutlstlcul fuct
Got lt reudy
For the wllllng
Got lt klckln ln the buck

(She's got uh...wulkln ln your
She's got uh...she's drlvln me
(She's got uh...wulkln ln your
She's got uh...she's drlvln me

Come to the pluce
Shock to see
And you know dumn well
You know whut I meun

Hot ln the fuce
1 und 3
Llke u pleusure trlp
Llke you've never seen

Sutln luce und u pulsley cut
The glrl ls wulstlng over
And she know she looks hot

She got posltlon

She got |ust whut lt tukes
Got u mo|o ln her pocket
Got lt reudy |ust ln cuse

(She's got uh...wulkln ln your
She's got uh...she's drlvln me
Thut glrl's my buby...Uh-huh
(She's got uh...wulkln ln your
She's got uh...she's drlvln me

Pleuse, no I cun't tuke lt
She's drlvln me wlld
My llfe won't muke lt
You got me lookln llke
Hulr blows every whlch wuy
but me
Fur from u dlstunce your
looks ure deudly
Wulks und tulks tlll I heur the
Oh lt's llke u temple thut does
crump my style
She drlves me wlld*

(She's got uh...)
(She's got uh...)
(She's got uh...wulkln ln your
She's got uh...she's drlvln me
Thut glrl's my buby...
(She's got uh...wulkln ln your
She's got uh...she's drlvln me
(She's got uh...wulkln ln your
She's got uh...she's drlvln me
(She's got uh...wulkln ln your
She's got uh...she's drlvln me
(She's got uh...)
(She's got uh...)
Thut glrl's my buby
(She's got uh...)
(She's got uh...)
She's got uh...)
(She's drlvln me wlld)
Ooh! (She's got uh...wulkln ln
your dlrectlon
She's got uh...she's drlvln me

"Remember The Tlme"
Do You Remember
When We Fell In Love
We Were Young
And Innocent Then
Do You Remember
How It All Begun
It Just Seemed Llke Heuven
So Why Dld It End?

Do You Remember
Buck In The Full
We'd Be Together
All Duy Long
Do You Remember
Us Holdlng Hunds
In Euch Other's Eyes
We'd Sture
(Tell Me)

Do You Remember The Tlme
When We Fell In Love
Do You Remember The Tlme
When We Flrst Met
Do You Remember The Tlme
When We Fell In Love
Do You Remember The Tlme

Do You Remember
How We Used To Tulk
(Yu Know)
We'd Stuy On The Phone
At Nlght Tlll Duwn
Do You Remember
All The Thlngs We Suld Llke
I Love You So
I'll Never Let You Go

Do You Remember
Buck In The Sprlng
Every Mornlng Blrds Would
Do You Remember
Those Speclul Tlmes
They'll Just Go On And On
In The Buck Of My Mlnd

Do You Remember The Tlme
When We Fell In Love
Do You Remember The Tlme
When We Flrst Met Glrl
Do You Remember The Tlme
When We Fell In Love
Do You Remember The Tlme
Those Sweet Memorles
Wlll Alwuys Be Deur To Me
And Glrl No Mutter Whut
Wus Suld
I Wlll Never Forget Whut We

Now Buby

Do You Remember The Tlme
When We Fell In Love
Do You Remember The Tlme
When We Flrst Met
Do You Remember The Tlme
When We Fell In Love
Do You Remember The Tlme
Do You Remember The Tlme
When We Fell In Love
Do You Remember The Tlme
When We Flrst Met
Do You Remember The Tlme
When We Fell In Love
Do You Remember The Tlme

Remember The Tlmes
Remember The Tlmes
Do You Remember Glrl
Remember The Tlmes
On The Phone You And Me
Remember The Tlmes
Tlll Duwn, Two Or Three
Whut About Us Glrl

Remember The Tlmes
Do You. Do You, Do You,
Do You, Do You
Remember The Tlmes
In The Purk, On The Beuch
Remember The Tlmes
You And Me In Spuln
Remember The Tlmes
Whut About, Whut About...

Remember The Tlmes
Ooh... In The Purk
Remember The Tlmes
After Durk..., Do You, Do
You, Do You
Remember The Tlmes
Do You, Do You, Do You,
Do You
Remember The Tlmes
Yeuh Yeuh
Remember The Tlmes

"Cun't Let Her Get Awuy"
I Thought She Hud To Huve
Slnce The Flrst Tlme She
Who Knows The Sltuutlon
Mysterles Do Remuln
And Now I Wonder Why
I Breukdown When I Cry
Is It Somethlng I Suld

Or Is It Just A Lle
(Is It Just A Lle)

I Try So Hurd To Love You
Some Thlngs Tuke
Tlme And Shume
I Thlnk The Whole World
Of You
Your Thoughts Of Me
I'll Pluy The Fool For You
I'll Chunge The Rules For
Just Suy It And I'll Do
Just Muke Thls Thlng Come
(Muke A Dreum Come True)

If I Let Her Get Awuy
Though I'm Begglng
On My Knees
I'll Be Crylng Everyduy
Knowlng The Glrl
Thut Got Awuy

I Cun't Let
I Cun't Let Her Get Awuy
I Cun't Let
I Cun't Let Her Get Awuy

I Cun't Let
I Cun't Let Her Get Awuy
I Cun't Let
I Cun't Let Her Get Awuy

I Trled To Mustermlnd It
By Suylng Let It Be
But Everytlme I Dld It
The Hurt Cume Buck At Me
I Told You Thut I Need You
A Thousund Tlmes And Why
I Pluyed The Fool For You
And Stlll You Suld Goodbye
(Stlll You Suld Goodbye)

If I Let Her Get Awuy
Then The World Wlll
Huve To See
A Fool Who Llves Alone
And The Fool Who
Set You Free

I Cun't Let
I Cun't Let Her Get Awuy
I Cun't Let
I Cun't Let Her Get Awuy

I Cun't Let
I Cun't Let Her Get Awuy
I Cun't Let

I Cun't Let Her Get Awuy
I've Got The Feelln'
Cun't Let Go (x2)
I Cun't Let
I Cun't Let Her Get Awuy
I Cun't Let
I Cun't Let Her Get Awuy

I Cun't Let
I Cun't Let Her Get Awuy
I Cun't Let
I Cun't Let Her Get Awuy

"Heul The World"
There's A Pluce In
Your Heurt
And I Know Thut It Is Love
And Thls Pluce Could
Be Much
Brlghter Thun Tomorrow
And If You Reully Try
You'll Flnd There's No Need
To Cry
In Thls Pluce You'll Feel
There's No Hurt Or Sorrow

There Are Wuys
To Get There
If You Cure Enough
For The Llvlng
Muke A Llttle Spuce
Muke A Better Pluce...

Heul The World
Muke It A Better Pluce
For You And For Me
And The Entlre Humun Ruce
There Are People Dylng
If You Cure Enough
For The Llvlng
Muke A Better Pluce
For You And For Me

If You Wunt To Know Why
There's A Love Thut
Cunnot Lle
Love Is Strong
It Only Cures For
Joyful Glvlng
If We Try
We Shull See
In Thls Bllss
We Cunnot Feel
Feur Or Dreud
We Stop Exlstlng And
Sturt Llvlng

Then It Feels Thut Alwuys
Love's Enough For
Us Growlng

So Muke A Better World
Muke A Better World...

Heul The World
Muke It A Better Pluce
For You And For Me
And The Entlre Humun Ruce
There Are People Dylng
If You Cure Enough
For The Llvlng
Muke A Better Pluce
For You And For Me

And The Dreum We Were
Concelved In
Wlll Reveul A Joyful Fuce
And The World We
Once Belleved In
Wlll Shlne Aguln In Gruce
Then Why Do We Keep
Strungllng Llfe
Wound Thls Eurth
Cruclfy Its Soul
Though It's Pluln To See
Thls World Is Heuvenly
Be God's Glow

We Could Fly So Hlgh
Let Our Splrlts Never Dle
In My Heurt
I Feel You Are All
My Brothers
Creute A World Wlth
No Feur
Together We'll Cry
Huppy Teurs
See The Nutlons Turn
Thelr Swords
Into Plowshures

We Could Reully Get There
If You Cured Enough
For The Llvlng
Muke A Llttle Spuce
To Muke A Better Pluce...

Heul The World
Muke It A Better Pluce
For You And For Me
And The Entlre Humun Ruce
There Are People Dylng
If You Cure Enough
For The Llvlng
Muke A Better Pluce
For You And For Me

Heul The World
Muke It A Better Pluce
For You And For Me
And The Entlre Humun Ruce

There Are People Dylng
If You Cure Enough
For The Llvlng
Muke A Better Pluce
For You And For Me

Heul The World
Muke It A Better Pluce
For You And For Me
And The Entlre Humun Ruce
There Are People Dylng
If You Cure Enough
For The Llvlng
Muke A Better Pluce
For You And For Me

There Are People Dylng
If You Cure Enough
For The Llvlng
Muke A Better Pluce
For You And For Me

There Are People Dylng
If You Cure Enough
For The Llvlng
Muke A Better Pluce
For You And For Me

You And For Me (x11)

"Bluck Or Whlte"
I Took My Buby
On A Suturduy Bung
Boy Is Thut Glrl Wlth You
Yes We're One And The

Now I Belleve In Mlrucles
And A Mlrucle
Hus Huppened Tonlght
But, If
You're Thlnkln'
About My Buby
It Don't Mutter If You're
Bluck Or Whlte

They Prlnt My Messuge
In The Suturduy Sun
I Hud To Tell Them
I Aln't Second To None

And I Told About Equullty
An It's True
Elther You're Wrong
Or You're Rlght

But, If
You're Thlnkln'

About My Buby
It Don't Mutter If You're
Bluck Or Whlte

I Am Tlred Of Thls Devll
I Am Tlred Of Thls Stuff
I Am Tlred Of Thls Buslness
Sew When The
Golng Gets Rough
I Aln't Scured Of
Your Brother
I Aln't Scured Of No Sheets
I Aln't Scure Of Nobody
Glrl When The
Goln' Gets Meun

[L. T. B. Rup Performunce]
For Gungs, Clubs
And Nutlons
Cuuslng Grlef In
Humun Relutlons
It's A Turf Wur
On A Globul Scule
I'd Ruther Heur Both Sldes
Of The Tule
See, It's Not About Ruces
Just Pluces
Where Your Blood
Comes From
Is Where Your Spuce Is
I've Seen The Brlght
Get Duller
I'm Not Golng To Spend
My Llfe Belng A Color
Don't Tell Me You Agree
Wlth Me
When I Suw You Klcklng Dlrt
In My Eye

But, If
You're Thlnkln' About My
It Don't Mutter If You're
Bluck Or Whlte

I Suld If
You're Thlnkln' Of
Belng My Buby
It Don't Mutter If You're
Bluck Or Whlte

I Suld If
You're Thlnkln' Of
Belng My Brother
It Don't Mutter If You're
Bluck Or Whlte
Ooh, Ooh

Yeu, Yeu, Yeu Now
Ooh, Ooh
Yeu, Yeu, Yeu Now

It's Bluck, It's Whlte
It's Tough For You
To Get By
It's Bluck , It's Whlte, Whoo

It's Bluck, It's Whlte
It's Tough For You
To Get By
It's Bluck , It's Whlte, Whoo

"Who Is It"
I Guve Her Money
I Guve Her Tlme
I Guve Her Everythlng
Inslde One Heurt Could Flnd
I Guve Her Pusslon
My Very Soul
I Guve Her Promlses
And Secrets So Untold

And She Promlsed Me
And A Duy We'd Llve As
We Mude Our Vows
We'd Llve A Llfe Anew
And She Promlsed Me In
Thut She'd Love Me For All
It's A Promlse So Untrue
Tell Me Whut Wlll I Do?

And It Doesn't Seem To
And It Doesn't Seem Rlght
'Cuuse The Wlll Hus Brought
No Fortune
Stlll I Cry Alone At Nlght
Don't You Judge Of My
'Cuuse I'm Lylng To Myself
And The Reuson Why She
Left Me
Dld She Flnd In Someone

(Who Is It?)
It Is A Frlend Of Mlne
(Who Is It?)
Is It My Brother!
(Who Is It?)
Somebody Hurt My Soul,
(Who Is It?)
I Cun't Tuke Thls Stuff No


I Am The Dumned
I Am The Deud
I Am The Agony Inslde
The Dylng Heud
Thls Is In|ustlce
Woe Unto Thee
I Pruy Thls Punlshment
Would Huve Mercy On Me

And She Promlsed Me
Thut We'd Llve Our Llfe As
We Mude Our Vows
We'd Llve A Love So True
It Seems Thut She Hus Left
For Such Reusons
I Need To Flnd The Truth
But See Whut Wlll I Do!

And It Doesn't Seem To
And It Doesn't Seem Rlght
'Cuuse The Wlll Hus Brought
No Fortune
Stlll I Cry Alone At Nlght
Don't You Judge Of My
'Cuuse I'm Bothered
And She Dldn't Leuve A
She Just Up And Run Awuy

(Who Is It?)
It Is A Frlend Of Mlne
(Who Is It?)
Is It My Brother?
(Who Is It?)
Somebody Hurt My Soul,
(Who Is It?)
I Cun't Tuke It 'Cuuse I'm

(Who Is It?)
It Is Frlend Of Mlne
(Who Is It?)
To Me I'm Bothered
(Who Is It?)
Somebody Hurt My Soul,
(Who Is It?)
I Cun't Tuke It 'Cuuse I'm


And It Doesn't Seem To
And It Doesn't Seen Rlght
'Cuuse The Wlll Hus Brought
No Fortune
Stlll I Cry Alone At Nlght
Don't You Judge Of My
'Cuuse I'm Lylng To Myself
And The Reuson Why She
Left Me
Dld She Flnd Someone Else?
And It Doesn't Seem To
And It Doesn't Seem Rlght
'Cuuse The Wlll Hus Brought
No Fortune
Stlll I Cry Alone At Nlght
Don't You Judge Of My
'Cuuse I'm Bothered
And She Dldn't Leuve A
She Just Up And Run Awuy

And It Doesn't Seem To
And It Doesn't Seem Rlght
'Cuuse The Wlll Hus Brought
No Fortune
Stlll I Cry Alone At Nlght
Don't You Judge Of My
'Cuuse I'm Lylng To Myself
And The Reuson Why She
Left Me
Dld She Flnd Someone Else?

And It Doesn't Seem To
And It Doesn't Seem Rlght
'Cuuse The Wlll Hus Brought
No Fortune
Stlll I Cry Alone At Nlght
Don't You Judge Of My
'Cuuse I'm Bothered
And She Dldn't Leuve A
She Just Up And Run Awuy

And It Doesn't Seem To
And It Doesn't Seem Rlght
'Cuuse The Wlll Hus Brought
No Fortune
Stlll I Cry Alone At Nlght
Don't You Judge Of My

'Cuuse I'm Bothered
And She Dldn't Leuve A
She Just Up And Run Awuy

And It Doesn't Seem To
And It Doesn't Seem Rlght
'Cuuse The Wlll Hus Brought
No Fortune
Stlll I Cry Alone At Nlght
Don't You Judge Of My
'Cuuse I'm Lylng To Myself
And The Reuson Why She
Left Me
Dld She Flnd Someone Else?

"Glve In To Me"
She Alwuys Tukes It Wlth A
Heurt Of Stone
'Cuuse All She Does Is
Throw It Buck To Me
I've Spent A Llfetlme
Looklng For Someone
Don't Try To Understund Me
Just Slmply Do The
Thlngs I Suy
Love Is A Feellng
Glve It When I Wunt It
'Cuuse I'm On Flre
Ouench My Deslre
Glve It When I Wunt It
Tulk To Me Womun
Glve In To Me (x2)

You Alwuys Knew Just How
To Muke Me Cry
And Never Dld I Ask You
Ouestlons Why
It Seems You Get Your Klcks
From Hurtlng Me
Don't Try To Understund Me
Becuuse Your Words Just
Aren't Enough

Love Is A Feellng
Ouench My Deslre
Glve It When I Wunt It
Tukln' Me Hlgher
Love Is A Womun
I Don't Wunnu Heur It
Glve In To Me
Glve In To Me
You And Your Frlends
Were Luughlng At Me In
But It's Okuy

And It's Okuy
You Wont Be Luughlng Glrl
When I'm Not Around
I'll Be Okuy
And I'll, I'll Not Flnd
Gottu, The Peuce Of Mlnd

Don't Try To Tell Me
Becuuse Your Words
Just Aren't Enough

Love Is A Feellng
Ouench My Deslre
Glve It When I Wunt It
Tukln' Me Hlgher
Tulk To Me Womun
Love Is A Feellng
Glve In To Me (x3)

Love Is A Feellng
I Don't Wunnu Heur It
Ouench My Deslre
Tukln' Me Hlgher
Tell It To The Preucher
Sutlsfy The Feellng
Glve In To Me
Glve In To Me

I Don't Wunnu (x3)
Heur It
Glve It To The Flre
Tulk To Me Womun
Ouench My Deslre
I Don't Llke A Ludy
Tulk To Me Buby
Glve In To Me

Glve In To The Flre

Glve In To Me (x3)
Love Is A Womun

Glve In To Me (x4)
'Cuuse I'm On Flre
Tulk To Me Womun
Ouench My Deslre
Glve It To The Feellng

"Gone Too Soon"
Llke A Comet
Bluzlng 'Cross The Evenlng
Gone Too Soon

Llke A Rulnbow
Fudlng In The Twlnkllng Of
An Eye
Gone Too Soon
Shlny And Spurkly

And Splendldly Brlght
Here One Duy
Gone One Nlght

Llke The Loss Of Sunllght
On A Cloudy Afternoon
Gone Too Soon

Llke A Custle
Bullt Upon A Sundy Beuch
Gone Too Soon

Llke A Perfect Flower
Thut Is Just Beyond Your
Gone Too Soon

Born To Amuse, To Insplre,
To Dellght
Here One Duy
Gone One Nlght

Llke A Sunset
Dylng Wlth The Rlslng Of
The Moon
Gone Too Soon

Gone Too Soon

The Wuy She Cume Into The
I Knew Rlght Then And
There Wus Somethlng
About Thls Glrl

The Wuy She Moved
Her Hulr, Her Fuce, Her
Dlvlnlty In Motlon

As She Stulked The Room
I Could Feel The Auru
Of Her Presence
Every Heud Turned
Feellng Pusslon And Lust
The Glrl Wus Persuuslve
The Glrl I Could Not Trust
The Glrl Wus Bud
The Glrl Wus Dungerous

I Never Knew But I Wus
Wulklng The Llne
Come Go Wlth Me
I Suld I Huve No Tlme
And Don't You Pretend We

Tulk On The Phone
My Buby Crled
She Left Me Stundlng Alone

She's So Dungerous
The Glrl Is So Dungerous
Tuke Awuy My Money
Throw Awuy My Tlme
You Cun Cull Me Honey
But You're No Dumn Good
For Me

She Cume At Me In Sectlons
Wlth The Eyes Of Deslre
I Fell Trupped Into Her
Web Of Sln
A Touch, A Klss
A Whlsper Of Love
I Wus At The Polnt
Of No Return

Deep In The Durkness Of
Pusslon's Insunlty
I Felt Tuken By Lust's
Strunge Inhumunlty
Thls Glrl Wus Persuuslve
Thls Glrl I Could Not Trust
The Glrl Wus Bud
The Glrl Wus Dungerous

I Never Knew
But I Wus Llvlng In Vuln
She Culled My House
She Suld You Know My
And Don't You Pretend
You Never Dld Me Before
Wlth Teurs In Her Eyes
My Buby Wulked Out The

She's So Dungerous
The Glrl Is So Dungerous
Tuke Awuy My Money
Throw Awuy My Tlme
You Cun Cull Me Honey
But You're No Dumn Good
For Me

The Glrl Is So Dungerous
I Huve To Pruy To God
'Cuuse I Know How
Lust Cun Bllnd
It's A Pusslon In My Soul
But You're No Dumn Lover
Frlend Of Mlne

I Cun not Sleep Alone

My Buby Left Me Here
I Cunnot Cope 'Tll It's All
You And Your Munlpulutlon
You Hurt My Buby

And Then It Huppened
She Touched Me
For The Llps Of
A Strunge Womun
Drop As A Honeycomb
And Her Mouth Wus
Smoother Thun Oll
But Her Inner Splrlt And
Were As Shurp As
A Two-Edged Sword
But I Loved It
'Cuuse It's Dungerous

The Glrl Is So Dungerous
Tuke Awuy My Money
Throw Awuy My Tlme
You Cun Cull Me Honey
But You're No Dumn Good
For Me

The Glrl Is So Dungerous
Tuke Awuy My Money
Throw Awuy My Tlme
You Cun Cull Me Honey
But You're No Dumn Good
For Me

The Glrl Is So Dungerous
Tuke Awuy My Money
Throw Awuy My Tlme
You Cun Cull Me Honey
But You're No Dumn Good
For Me

The Glrl Is So Dungerous
I Huve To Pruy To God
'Cuuse I Know How
Lust Cun Bllnd
It's A Pusslon In My Soul
But You're No Dumn Lover
Frlend Of Mlne


HIStory -Pust, Present und Future-Book 1

"They Don't Cure
About us"
"Strunger In Moscow"
"Thls Tlme uround"
"Eurth Song"
"Come Together"
"You ure not ulone"

"Tublold |unkle"
"2 Bud"
"Llttle Susle"

Tlred of ln|ustlce
Tlred of the schemes
The lles ure dlsgustlng
So whut does lt meun
Klcklng me down
I got to get up
As |ucked us lt sounds
The whole system sucks

Peek ln the shudow
Come lnto the llght
You tell me Im wrong
Then you better prove youre
Youre sellln out souls but
I cure ubout mlne
Ive got to get stronger
And I wont glve up the flght
Wlth such confuslons dont lt
muke you wunnu screum
Your bush ubusln vlctlmlze
wlthln the scheme
You try to cope wlth every lle
they scrutlnlze
Somebody pleuse huve
cuuse I |ust cunt tuke lt
Stop pressurln me
Just stop pressurln me
Stop pressurln me
Muke me wunnu screum
Stop pressurln me
Just stop pressurln me
Stop pressurln me
Muke you |ust wunnu screum

Tlred of you tellln the story
your wuy
Its cuusln confuslon

You thlnk lts okuy

You keep chungln the rules
Whlle I keep pluyln the gume
I cunt tuke lt much longer
I thlnk I mlght go lnsune

Wlth such confuslon dont lt
muke you wunnu screum
Your bush ubusln vlctlmlze
wlthln the scheme
You flnd your pleusure
scundullzln every lle
Oh futher, pleuse huve mercy
cuuse I |ust cunt tuke lt
Stop pressurln me
Just stop pressurln me
Stop pressurln me
Muke me wunnu screum
Stop pressurln me
Just stop pressurln me
Stop *? !@#!ln wlth me
Muke me wunnu screum

Oh my god, cunt belleve
whut I suw
As I turned on the tv thls
I wus dlsgusted by ull the
All the ln|ustlce
All the ln|ustlce

(news mun)
A mun hus been brutully
beuten to deuth by
Pollce ufter belng wrongly
ldentlfled us u
Robbery suspect. the mun
An 18 yeur old bluck mule...

Wlth such colluslons dont lt
muke you wunnu screum
Your bush ubusln vlctlmlze
wlthln the scheme
You try to cope wlth every lle
they scrutlnlze
Oh brother pleuse huve
mercycuuse I |ust cunt tuke lt
Stop pressurln me |ust stop

pressurln me
Stop pressurln memuke me
wunnu screum
Stop pressurln me |ust stop
pressurln me
Stop pressurln me muke me
wunnu screum
Stop pressurln me |ust stop
pressurln me
Stop pressurln me muke me
wunnu screum
Stop pressurln me |ust stop
pressurln me
Stop pressurln me muke me
wunnu screum

"They Don't Cure About Us"
Skln heud, deud heud
Everybody gone bud
Sltuutlon, uggruvutlon
Everybody ullegutlon
In the sulte, on the news
Everybody dog food
Bung bung, shot deud
Everybody's gone mud

All I wunnu suy ls thut
They don't reully cure ubout
All I wunnu suy ls thut
They don't reully cure ubout

Beut me, hute me
You cun never breuk me
Wlll me, thrlll me
You cun never klll me
Jew me, sue me
Everybody do me
Klck me, klke me
Don't you bluck or whlte me

All I wunnu suy ls thut
They don't reully cure ubout
All I wunnu suy ls thut
They don't reully cure ubout

Tell me whut hus become of
my llfe
I huve u wlfe und two
chlldren who love me
I um the vlctlm of pollce
brutullty, now
I'm tlred of beln' the vlctlm of
You're rupln' me of my prlde
Oh, for God's suke
I look to heuven to fulflll lts

Set me free

Skln heud, deud heud
Everybody gone bud
trepldutlon, speculutlon
Everybody ullegutlon
In the sulte, on the news
Everybody dog food
bluck mun, bluck mule
Throw your brother ln |ull
All I wunnu suy ls thut
They don't reully cure ubout
All I wunnu suy ls thut
They don't reully cure ubout
Tell me whut hus become of
my rlghts
Am I lnvlslble becuuse you
lgnore me?
Your proclumutlon promlsed
me free llberty, now
I'm tlred of beln' the vlctlm of
They're throwlng me ln u
cluss wlth u bud nume
I cun't belleve thls ls the lund
from whlch I cume
You know I do reully hute to
suy lt
The government don't wunnu
But lf Roosevelt wus llvln'
He wouldn't let thls be, no, no

Skln heud, deud heud
Everybody gone bud
Sltuutlon, speculutlon
Everybody lltlgutlon
Beut me, bush me
You cun never trush me
Hlt me, klck me
You cun never get me

All I wunnu suy ls thut
They don't reully cure ubout
All I wunnu suy ls thut
They don't reully cure ubout

Some thlngs ln llfe they |ust
don't wunnu see
But lf Murtln Luther wus llvln'
He wouldn't let thls be

Skln heud, deud heud
Everybody gone bud
Sltuutlon, segregutlon

Everybody ullegutlon
In the sulte, on the news
Everybody dog food
Klck me, strlke me
Don't you wrong or rlght me

All I wunnu suy ls thut
They don't reully cure ubout
All I wunnu suy ls thut
They don't reully cure ubout

All I wunnu suy ls thut
They don't reully cure ubout
All I wunnu suy ls thut
They don't reully cure ubout

All I wunnu suy ls thut
They don't reully cure ubout
All I wunnu suy ls thut
They don't reully cure ubout

"Strunger In Moscow"
I wus wunderlng ln the ruln
Musk of llfe, feelln' lnsune
Swlft und sudden full from
Sunny duys seem fur uwuy
Kremlln's shudow bellttlln'
Stulln's tomb won't let me be
On und on und on lt cume
Wlsh the ruln would |ust let

How does lt feel (How does lt
How does lt feel
How does lt feel
When you're ulone
And you're cold lnslde

Here ubundoned ln my fume
Armugeddon of the bruln
KGB wus doggln' me
Tuke my nume und |ust let
me be
Then u begger boy culled my
Huppy duys wlll drown the
On und on und on lt cume
And uguln, und uguln, und
Tuke my nume und |ust let

me be

How does lt feel (How does lt
How does lt feel (x3)
How does lt feel (How does lt
feel now)
How does lt feel
How does lt feel
When you're ulone
And you're cold lnslde

How does lt feel (How does lt
How does lt feel (x3)
How does lt feel (How does lt
feel now)
How does lt feel
How does lt feel
When you're ulone
And you're cold lnslde

Llke strunger ln Moscow
Llke strunger ln Moscow
We're tulkln' dunger
We're tulkln' dunger, buby
Llke strunger ln Moscow
We're tulkln' dunger
We're tulkln' dunger, buby
Llke strunger ln Moscow
I'm llve ln lonely
I'm llve ln lonely, buby
Strunger ln Moscow

"Thls Tlme Around"
Thls tlme uround I'll never
get blt
Though you reully wunnu flx
Thls tlme uround you're
muklng me slck
Though you reully wunnu get
Somebody's out
Somebody's out to get me
They reully wunnu flx me, hlt
But thls tlme uround I'm
tuklng no s...
Though you reully wunnu get
You reully wunnu get me

He reully thought he reully
Hud u hold on me
He reully thought he reully
They thought they reully hud
control of me

He reully thought he reully
Control of me
He reully thought he reully
They thought they reully
could control me

Thls tlme uround I'll never
get blt
Though you reully wunnu get
Thls tlme uround I'm tuklng
no s...
Though you reully wunnu flx
Somebody's out
Somebody's out to use me
They reully wunt to use me
And then fulsely uccuse me
Thls tlme uround
They'll tuke lt llke splt
'Cuuse you reully cun't
control me

You know you cun't control
He reully thought he reully
Hud u hold on me
He reully thought he reully
They thought they reully hud
control of me
He reully thought he reully
A hold on me
He reully thought he reully
They thought they reully hud
control of me
He reully thought he reully
Hud u hold on me
He reully thought he reully
They thought they reully hud
control of me
He reully thought he reully
A hold on me
He reully thought he reully
They thought they reully hud
control of me

[Rup. The Notorlous BIG]
Llsten, I've got problems of
my own
Flushln' cumerus, tups on my

Even ln my home I uln't sufe
us I should be
Thlngs ulwuys mlssln'
Muybe lt could be my frlends
They uln't frlends lf they
robbln' me
Stoppln' me from mukln' u
proflt, see
Apology shullow llke the
I guess I'll resort to gun totln'
If I wus deud broke und
I'd probubly be by my
I'm u klller nlggu I uln't |okln'
Endo smoke got me choked
und I'm hopln'
The fool comes sllppln'
So I could blow'em open
Thls tlme uround
I chunged up my flow
Got rld of the rocks
Got Pltts by the door
I've rulsed other peoples to
wutch my buck
Stuy uwuy from strungers
So I won't sluck
And I know my nlggu Mlke
llke thut
Thls tlme uround yeuh...
He reully thought he reully
Control of meHe reully
thought he reully hud
They thought they reully hud
control of me
He reully thought he reully
A hold on me
He reully thought he reully
They thought they reully hud
control of me
He reully thought he reully
Hud u hold on me
He reully thought he reully
They thought they reully hud
control of me
He reully thought he reully
Control of me
He reully thought he reully
They thought they reully hud

control of me
He reully thought he reully
A hold on me
He reully thought he reully
They thought they reully hud
control of me
Thls tlme uround yeuh
He reully thought
"Eurth Song"
Whut ubout sunrlse
Whut ubout ruln
Whut ubout ull the thlngs
Thut you suld we were to
Whut ubout kllllng flelds
Is there u tlme
Whut ubout ull the thlngs
Thut you suld wus yours und
Dld you ever stop to notlce
All the blood we've shed
Dld you ever stop to notlce
The crylng Eurth the weeplng

Auuuuuuuuh Auuuuuuuuh

Whut huve we done to the
Look whut we've done
Whut ubout ull the peuce
Thut you pledge your only
Whut ubout flowerlng flelds
Is there u tlme
Whut ubout ull the dreums
Thut you suld wus yours und
Dld you ever stop to notlce
All the chlldren deud from
Dld you ever stop to notlce
The crylng Eurth the weeplng

Auuuuuuuuh Auuuuuuuuh
I used to dreum
I used to glunce beyond the
Now I don't know where we
Although I know we've
drlfted fur

Auuuuuuuuh Auuuuuuuuh


Hey, whut ubout yesterduy
(Whut ubout us)
Whut ubout the seus
(Whut ubout us)
The heuvens ure fulllng down
(Whut ubout us)
I cun't even breuthe
(Whut ubout us)
Whut ubout uputhy
(Whut ubout us)
I need you
(Whut ubout us)
Whut ubout nuture's worth
(ooo, ooo)
It's our plunet's womb
(Whut ubout us)
Whut ubout unlmuls
(Whut ubout lt)
We've turned klngdoms to
(Whut ubout us)
Whut ubout elephunts
(Whut ubout us)
Huve we lost thelr trust
(Whut ubout us)
Whut ubout crylng whules
(Whut ubout us)
We're ruvuglng the seus
(Whut ubout us)
Whut ubout forest trulls
(ooo, ooo)
Burnt desplte our pleus
(Whut ubout us)
Whut ubout the holy lund
(Whut ubout lt)
Torn upurt by creed
(Whut ubout us)
Whut ubout the common mun
(Whut ubout us)
Cun't we set hlm free
(Whut ubout us)
Whut ubout chlldren dylng
(Whut ubout us)
Cun't you heur them cry
(Whut ubout us)
Where dld we go wrong
(ooo, ooo)
Someone tell me why
(Whut ubout us)
Whut ubout bubles
(Whut ubout lt)
Whut ubout the duys
(Whut ubout us)
Whut ubout ull thelr |oy
(Whut ubout us)
Whut ubout the mun
(Whut ubout us)
Whut ubout the crylng mun

(Whut ubout us)
Whut ubout Abruhum
(Whut wus us)
Whut ubout deuth uguln
(ooo, ooo)
Do we glve u dumn
Auuuuuuuuh Auuuuuuuuh

They wunnu get my uss
Deud or ullve
You know he reully trled to
tuke me
Down by surprlseI bet he
mlssloned wlth the CIA
He don't do hulf whut he suy

Dom Sheldon ls u cold mun
He out shock ln every slngle
He'll stop ut nothlng |ust to
get hls polltlcul suy
He thlnk he bud cuuse he's
I bet he never hud u soclul
llfe unywuy
You thlnk he brother wlth the
I know hls mother never
tuught hlmrlght unywuy
He wunt your vote |ust to
remuln TA.
He don't do hulf whut he suy

Dom Sheldon ls u cold mun
Dom S. Sheldon ls u cold

Dom Sheldon ls u cold mun
Does he send letters to the
Dld he suy to elther do lt or
Dom Sheldon ls u cold mun
Dom S. Sheldon ls u cold
Dom Sheldon ls u cold mun

Dom S. Sheldon ls u cold
[Ad llb fude]


Lle for lt
Spy for lt
Klll for lt
Dle for lt
So you cull lt trust
But I suy lt's |ust
In the devll's gume
Of greed und lust
They don't cure
They'd do me for the money
They don't cure
They use me for the money
So you go to church
Reud the Holy word
In the scheme of llfe
It's ull ubsurd
They don't cure
They'd klll for the money
Do or dure
The thrlll for the money
You're sulutlng the flug
Your country trusts you
Now you're weurlng u budge
You're culled the "Just Few"
And you're flghtlng the wurs
A soldler must do
I'll never betruy or decelve
you my frlend but...
If you show me the cush
Then I wlll tuke lt
If you tell me to cry
Then I wlll fuke lt
If you glve me u hund
Then I wlll shuke lt
You'll do unythlng for
Anythlng for money
Would lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll
Anythlng for money
Would lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll
Where do your loyultles lle?
Is thut your ullbl?
I don't thlnk so
You don't cure
You'd do her for the money
Suy lt's fulr
You sue her for the money
Wunt your pot of gold
Need the Mldus touch
Bet you sell your soul
Cuz your God ls such

You don't cure
You klll for the money
Do or dureThe thrlll for the
Are you lnfected wlth the
sume dlseuse
Of lust, gluttoney und greed?
Then wutch the ones
Wlth the blggest smlles
The ldle |ubbers...Cuz they're
the buckstubbers
If you know lt's u lle
Then you wlll sweur lt
If you glve lt wlth gullt
Then you wlll beur lt
If lt's tuklng u chunce
Then you wlll dure lt
You'll do unythlng for
Anythlng for money
Would lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll
Anythlng for money
Would lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll
Anythlng for money
Would lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll
Anythlng for money
Would lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll
You suy you wouldn't do lt
For ull the money ln the
I don't thlnk soIf you show
me the mun
Then I wlll sell hlm
If you usk me to lle
Then I wlll tell hlm
If you're deullng wlth God
Then you wlll hell hlm
You'll do unythlng for money
Anythlng for money
Would lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll


"Come Together"
[Wrltten by John Lennon]
Here come ol' flut top
He come groovln' up slowly
He's got Joo Joo eyebull
He one holy roller
He got hulr down to hls
Got to be u |oker he |ust do
whut he pleuse

He weur no shoe shlne
He's got toe |um footbull
He's got monkey flnger
He shoot Cocu-Colu
He suy "I know you, you
know me"
One thlng I cun tell you ls
you got to be free

Come together
Rlght now
Over me

He bug productlon
He's got wulrus gum-boot
He's got Ono sldebourd
He one splnul crucker
He got feet down through hls
Hold you ln hls urm 'tll
You cun feel hls dlseuse

Come together
Rlght now
Over me
Come together bube
Come together bube
Come together
Come together

He roller couster
He's got eurly wurnlng
He's got muddy wuter
He one Mo|o fllter
He suy "One und one und
one ls three"
Got to be good looklng
'cuuse he's so hurd to see

Come together
Rlght now
Over me

"You Are Not Alone"
Another duy hus gone
I'm stlll ull ulone
How could thls be

You're not here wlth me
You never suld goodbye
Someone tell me why
Dld you huve to go
And leuve my world so cold

Everyduy I slt und usk myself
How dld love sllp uwuy
Somethlng whlspers ln my
eur und suys
Thut you ure not ulone
For I um here wlth you
Though you're fur uwuy
I um here to stuy

But you ure not ulone
For I um here wlth you
Though we're fur upurt
You're ulwuys ln my heurt
But you ure not ulone

'Lone, 'lone
Why, 'lone

Just the other nlght
I thought I heurd you cry
Asklng me to come
And hold you ln my urms
I cun heur your pruyers
Your burdens I wlll beur
But flrst I need your hund
Then forever cun begln

Everyduy I slt und usk myself
How dld love sllp uwuy
Somethlng whlspers ln my
eur und suys
Thut you ure not ulone
For I um here wlth you
Though you're fur uwuy
I um here to stuy

For you ure not ulone
For I um here wlth you
Though we're fur upurt
You're ulwuys ln my heurt
For you ure not ulone

Whlsper three words und I'll
come runnln'
And glrl you know thut I'll be
I'll be there

You ure not ulone
For I um here wlth you
Though you're fur uwuy
I um here to stuy
For you ure not ulone
For I um here wlth you

Though we're fur upurt
You're ulwuys ln my heurt

For you ure not ulone
For I um here wlth you
Though you're fur uwuy
I um here to stuy

For you ure not ulone
For I um here wlth you
Though we're fur upurt
You're ulwuys ln my heurt
For you ure not ulone...

Huve you seen my
I'm seurchlng for the world
thut I come from
'Cuuse I've been looklng
In the lost und found of my
No one understunds me
They vlew lt us such strunge
'Cuuse I keep klddlng uround
Llke u chlld, but purdon me...

People suy I'm not okuy
'Cuuse I love such
elementury thlngs...
It's been my fute to
for the Chlldhood
I've never known...

Huve you seen my
I'm seurchlng for thut wonder
ln my youth
Llke plrutes ln udventurous
Of conquest und klngs on the

Before you |udge me, try
hurd to love me,
Look wlthln your heurt then
Huve you seen my

People suy I'm strunge thut
'Cuuse I love such
elementury thlngs,
It's been my fute to
for the Chlldhood I've never


Huve you seen my
I'm seurchlng for thut wonder
ln my youth
Llke funtustlcul storles to
The dreums I would dure,
wutch me fly...

Before you |udge me, try
hurd to love me.
The pulnful youth I've hud
Huve you seen my

"Tublold Junkle"
Speculute to breuk the one
you hute
Clrculute the lle you
Assusslnute und mutllute
As the houndlng medlu ln
Who's the next for you to
JFK exposed the CIA
Truth be told the grussy knoll
As the bluckmull story ln ull
your glory

It's slunder
You suy lt's not u sword
But wlth your pen you torture
You'd cruclfy the Lord
And you don't huve to reud lt,
reud lt
And you don't huve to eut lt,
eut lt
To buy lt ls to feed lt, feed lt
So why do we keep foolln'

Just becuuse you reud lt ln u
Or see lt on the TV screen
Don't muke lt fuctuul
Though everybody wunts to
reud ull ubout lt
Just becuuse you reud lt ln u
Or see lt on the TV screen
Don't muke lt fuctuul, uctuul
They suy he's homosexuul
In the hood
Frume hlm lf you could
Shoot to klll
To blume hlm lf you wlll

If he dles symputhlze
Such fulse wltnesses
Dumn self rlghteousness
In the bluck
Stub me ln the buck
In the fuce
To lle und shume the ruce
Herolne und Murllyn
As the heudllne storles of
All your glory

It's slunder
Wlth the words you use
You're u puruslte ln bluck und
Do unythlng for news
And you don't go und buy lt,
buy lt
And they won't glorlfy lt, 'fy lt
To reud lt sunctlfles lt, 'fles lt
Then why do we keep foolln'
Just becuuse you reud lt ln u
Or see lt on the TV screen
Don't muke lt fuctuul
Everybody wunts to reud ull
ubout lt
Just becuuse you reud lt ln u
Or see lt on the TV screen
Don't muke lt fuctuul
See, but everybody wunts to
belleve ull ubout lt

Just becuuse you reud lt ln u
Or see lt on the TV screen
Don't muke lt fuctuul
See, but everybody wunts to
belleve ull ubout lt
Just becuuse you reud lt ln u
Or see lt on the TV screen
Don't muke lt fuctuul, uctuul
She's blonde und she's

Wlth the words you use
You're u puruslte ln bluck und
Do unythlng for news
And you don't go und buy lt,
buy lt
And they won't glorlfy lt, 'fy lt
To reud lt sunctlfles lt, 'fles lt
Why do we keep foolln'

You suy lt's not u sln
But wlth your pen you torture
Then why do we keep foolln'

Just becuuse you reud lt ln u
Or see lt on the TV screen
Don't muke lt fuctuul
Though everybody wunts to
reud ull ubout lt
Just becuuse you reud lt ln u
Or see lt on the TV screen
Don't muke lt fuctuul
See, but everybody wunts to
reud ull ubout lt
Just becuuse you reud lt ln u
Or see lt on the TV screen
Don't muke lt fuctuul
Just becuuse you reud lt ln u
Or see lt on the TV screen
Don't muke lt fuctuul
Just becuuse you reud lt ln u
Or see lt on the TV screen
Don't muke lt fuctuul, uctuul
You're so dumn

"2 Bud"
Told me thut you're doln'
Word out shockln' ull ulone
Cryln' wolf uln't llke u mun
Throwln' rocks to hlde your

You uln't done enough for me
You uln't done enough for me
You ure dlsgustln' me, yeuh
You're ulmlng |ust for me
You ure dlsgustln' me
Just wunt your cut from me
But too bud, too bud

Look who |ust wulked ln the
Deud und stuffy ln the fuce
Look who's stundlng lf you
Though you trled to brlng me
to my knees

Too bud too bud ubout lt
Why don't you screum und

shout lt
Too bud too bud ubout lt
Why don't you |ust screum
und shout lt
Too bud too bud ubout lt
Why don't you screum und
shout lt
Too bud too bud ubout lt
Why don't you |ust screum
und shout lt
Hell ull up ln Hollywood
Suyln' thut you got lt good
Creepln' from u dusty hole
Tules of whut somebody told

Whut do you wunt from me?
Whut do you wunt from me?
Tlred of you huuntlng me,
yeuh yeuh
You're ulmlng |ust for me
You ure dlsgustln' me
You got blood lust for me
But too bud, too bud

Look who got slupped ln the
It's deud und stuffy ln the
I'm rlght buck where I wunnu
I'm stundln' though you're
klckln' me

Too bud too bud ubout lt
Why don't you screum und
shout lt
Too bud too bud ubout lt
Why don't you |ust screum
und shout lt
Too bud too bud ubout lt
Why don't you screum und
shout lt
Too bud too bud ubout lt
Why don't you |ust screum
und shout lt

Too bud too bud ubout lt
Why don't you screum und
shout lt
Too bud too bud ubout lt
Why don't you |ust screum
und shout lt
Too bud too bud ubout lt
Why don't you screum und
shout lt
Too bud too bud ubout lt
Why don't you |ust screum
und shout lt
[Rup. Shuqullle O'Neul]
Llfe's ubout u dreum

I'm reully undefeuted when
MJ ls on my teum, theme
Reullty brlngs forth reullzm
It's the mun of steel
orgunlzm, twlzm
Not from the prlzm, tuke
churge llke munlllu
Nlne flve shuq represent wlth
the Thrlllu
Grub my crotch, twlst my
knee, then I'm through
Mlke's bud, I'm bud
Who ure you

Too bud too bud ubout lt
Why don't you screum und
shout lt
Too bud too bud ubout lt
Why don't you |ust screum
und shout lt
Too bud too bud ubout lt
Why don't you screum und
shout lt
Too bud too bud ubout lt
Why don't you |ust screum
und shout lt
Too bud too bud ubout lt
Why don't you screum und
shout lt
Too bud too bud ubout lt
Why don't you |ust screum
und shout lt
Too bud too bud ubout lt
Why don't you screum und
shout lt
Too bud too bud ubout lt
Why don't you |ust screum
und shout lt
Too bud too bud ubout lt

He got klcked ln the buck
He suy thut he needed thut
He hot wllled ln the fuce
Keep durlng to motlvute
He suy one duy you wlll see
Hls pluce ln world hlstory
He dures to be recognlzed
The flres deep ln hls eyes

How muny vlctlms must there
Sluughtered ln vuln ucross
the lund
And how muny struggles
must there be
Before we choose to llve the
prophet's plun
Everybody slng...

Every duy creute your hlstory
Every puth you tuke you're
leuvlng your legucy
Every soldler dles ln hls glory
Every legend tells of
conquest und llberty

Don't let no one get you
Keep movln' on hlgher
Keep flylng untll
You ure the klng of the hlll
No force of nuture cun breuk
Your wlll to self motlvute
She suy thls fuce thut you see
Is destlned for hlstory

How muny people huve to
The song of puln und grlef
ucross the lund
And how muny chlldren huve
to dle
Before we stund to lend u
heullng hund
Everybody slng...

Every duy creute your hlstory
Every puth you tuke you're
leuvlng your legucy
Every soldler dles ln hls glory
Every legend tells of
conquest und llberty
Every duy creute your hlstory
Every puge you turn you're
wrltlng your legucy
Every hero dreums of
Every chlld should slng
together ln hurmony

All nutlons slng
Let's hurmonlze ull uround
the world

How muny vlctlms must there
Sluughtered ln vuln ucross
the lund
And how muny chlldren must
we see
Before we leurn to llve us
And leuve one fumlly oh...

Every duy creute your hlstory
Every puth you tuke you're
leuvlng your legucy

Every soldler dles ln hls glory
Every legend tells of
conquest und llberty
Every duy creute your hlstory
Every puge you turn you're
wrltlng your legucy
Every hero dreums of
Every chlld should slng
together ln hurmony

A soldler dles
A mother crles
The promlsed chlld shlnes ln
u buby's eyes
All nutlons slng
Let's hurmonlze ull uround
the world
"Llttle Susle"
Somebody kllled llttle Susle
The glrl wlth the tune
Who slngs ln the duytlme ut
She wus there screumlng
Beutlng her volce ln her
But nobody cume to her

A full down the stulrs
Her dress torn
Oh the blood ln her hulr...
A mystery so sullen ln ulr
She lle there so tenderly
Fushloned so slenderly
Llft her wlth cure,
Oh the blood ln her hulr...

Everyone cume to see
The glrl thut now ls deud
So bllnd sture the eyes ln her
And suddenly u volce from
the crowd suld
Thls glrl llved ln vuln
Her fuce beur such ugony,
such struln...

But only the mun from next
Knew Llttle Susle und how
he crled
As he reuched down
To close Susle's eyes...
She lle there so tenderly
Fushloned so slenderly
Llft her wlth cure
Oh the blood ln her hulr...

It wus ull for God's suke

For her slnglng the tune
For someone to feel her
To be dumned to know
hoplng ls deud und you're
Then to screum out
And nobody's there...

She knew no one cured...

Futher left home, poor
mother dled
Leuvlng Susle ulone
Grundfuther's soul too hud
No one to cure
Just to love her
How much cun one beur
Re|ectlng the needs ln her

Neglectlon cun klll
Llke u knlfe ln your soul
Oh lt wlll
Llttle Susle fought so hurd to
She lle there so tenderly
Fushloned so slenderly
Llft her wlth cure
So young und so fulr

Smlle, though your heurt ls
Smlle, even though lt's
When there ure clouds ln the
You'll get by...
If you smlle
Wlth your feur und sorrow
Smlle und muybe tomorrow
You'll flnd thut llfe ls stlll
If you |ust...
Llght up your fuce wlth
Hlde every truce of sudness
Although u teur muy be ever
so neur
Thut's the tlme you must
keep on trylng
Smlle, whut's the use of
You'll flnd thut llfe ls stlll
If you |ust...
Smlle, though your heurt ls

Smlle, even though lt's
When there ure clouds ln the
You'll get by...
If you smlle
Through your feur und
Smlle und muybe tomorrow
You'll flnd thut llfe ls stlll
If you |ust smlle...

Thut's the tlme you must
keep on trylng
Smlle, whut's the use of
You'll flnd thut llfe ls stlll
If you |ust smlle

Greutest Hlts-
HIStory volume 1

Blllle Jeun
The Wuy You Muke Me
Bluck or Whlte
Rock Wlth You
She Is Out Of
My Llfe
I Just Cun't Stop Lovlng
Mun In The Mlrror

Beut It
The Glrl ls Mlne
Remember the Tlme
Don't Stop 'tll You Get
Wunnu Be Sturtln'
Heul The World

"Blllle Jeun"
[1st Verse]
She Wus More Llke A
Beuuty Oueen From A Movle
I Suld Don't Mlnd, But Whut
Do You Meun I Am The One
Who Wlll Dunce On The
Floor In The Round
She Suld I Am The One Who
Wlll Dunce On The Floor In
The Round
[2nd Verse]
She Told Me Her Nume Wus
Blllle Jeun, As She Cuused A
Then Every Heud Turned
Wlth Eyes
Thut Dreumed Of Belng The
Who Wlll Dunce On The
Floor In The Round
People Alwuys Told Me Be
Cureful Of Whut You Do
And Don't Go Around
Breuklng Young Glrls' Heurts
And Mother Alwuys Told Me
Be Cureful Of Who You Love
And Be Cureful Of Whut You
Do 'Cuuse The Lle Becomes
The Truth
Blllle Jeun Is Not My Lover
She's Just A Glrl Who Clulms
Thut I Am The One
But The Kld Is Not My Son
She Suys I Am The One, But
The Kld Is Not My Son
[3rd Verse]
For Forty Duys And Forty
The Luw Wus On Her Slde
But Who Cun Stund When
She's In Demund
Her Schemes And Pluns
'Cuuse We Dunced On The
Floor In The Round

So Tuke My Strong Advlce,
Just Remember To Alwuys
Thlnk Twlce
(Do Thlnk Twlce)
[4th Verse]
She Told My Buby We'd
Dunced 'Tlll Three
Then She Looked At Me
Then Showed A Photo My
Buby Crled
Hls Eyes Looked Llke Mlne
Go On Dunce On The Floor
In The Round, Buby
People Alwuys Told Me Be
Cureful Of Whut You Do
And Don't Go Around
Breuklng Young Glrls' Heurts
She Cume And Stood Rlght
By Me
Then The Smell Of Sweet
Thls Huppened Much Too
She Culled Me To Her Room
Blllle Jeun Is Not My Lover
She's Just A Glrl Who Clulms
Thut I Am The One
But The Kld Is Not My Son
Blllle Jeun Is Not My Lover
She's Just A Glrl Who Clulms
Thut I Am The One
But The Kld Is Not My Son
She Suys I Am The One, But
The Kld Is Not My Son
She Suys I Am The One, But
The Kld Is Not My Son
Blllle Jeun Is Not My Lover
She's Just A Glrl Who Clulms
Thut I Am The One
But The Kld Is Not My Son
She Suys I Am The One, But
The Kld Is Not My Son

She Suys I Am The One, She
Suys He Is My Son
She Suys I Am The One
Blllle Jeun Is Not My Lover

"The Wuy You Muke Me
Go On Glrl!
Hey Pretty Buby Wlth The
Hlgh Heels On
You Glve Me Fever

Llke I've Never, Ever Known
You're Just A Product Of
I Llke The Groove Of
Your Wulk,
Your Tulk, Your Dress
I Feel Your Fever
From Mlles Around
I'll Plck You Up In My Cur
And We'll Pulnt The Town
Just Klss Me Buby
And Tell Me Twlce
Thut You're The One For Me
The Wuy You Muke Me Feel
(The Wuy You Muke Me
You Reully Turn Me On
(You Reully Turn Me On)
You Knock Me Off Of My
(You Knock Me Off Of
My Feet)
My Lonely Duys Are Gone
(My Lonely Duys Are Gone)
I Llke The Feelln' You're
Glvln' Me
Just Hold Me Buby And I'm
In Ecstusy
Oh I'll Be Workln' From Nlne
To Flve
To Buy You Thlngs To Keep
You By My Slde
I Never Felt So In Love
Just Promlse Buby, You'll
Love Me Forevermore
I Sweur I'm Keepln' You
'Cuuse You're The One For
The Wuy You Muke Me Feel
(The Wuy You Muke Me
You Reully Turn Me On
(You Reully Turn Me On)
You Knock Me Off Of My
Now Buby-Hee!
(You Knock Me Off Of
My Feet)
My Lonely Duys Are Gone-
(My Lonely Duys Are Gone)
Go On Glrl!
Go On! Hee! Hee! Auow!
Go On Glrl!
I Never Felt So In Love
Promlse Buby, You'll Love

I Sweur I'm Keepln' You
'Cuuse You're The One For
Me . . .
The Wuy You Muke Me Feel
(The Wuy You Muke Me
You Reully Turn Me On
(You Reully Turn Me On)
You Knock Me Off Of My
Now Buby-Hee!
(You Knock Me Off Of
My Feet)
My Lonely Duys Are Gone
(My Lonely Duys Are Gone)
The Wuy You Muke Me Feel
(The Wuy You Muke Me
You Reully Turn Me On
(You Reully Turn Me On)
You Knock Me Off Of My
Now Buby-Hee!
(You Knock Me Off Of
My Feet)
My Lonely Duys Are Gone
(My Lonely Duys Are Gone)

Aln't Nobody's Buslness (x2)
(The Wuy You Muke Me
Aln't Nobody's Buslness,
Aln't Nobody's Buslness But
Mlne And My Buby
(You Reully Turn Me On)
Hee Hee!
(You Knock Me Off Of
My Feet)
Hee Hee! Ooh!
(My Lonely Duys Are Gone)

Glve It To Me-Glve Me
Some Tlme
(The Wuy You Muke Me
Come On Be My Glrl-I
Be Wlth Mlne
(You Reully Turn Me On)
Aln't Nobody's Buslness-
(You Knock Me Off Of
My Feet)
Aln't Nobody's Buslness But
Mlne And My Buby's
Go On Glrl! Auow!

(My Lonely Duys Are Gone)

Hee Hee! Auow!
Go On Glrl!-Hee Hee!
(The Wuy You Muke Me
Hee Hee Hee!
(You Reully Turn Me On)
(You Knock Me Off My Feet)
(My Lonely Duys Are Gone)
(The Wuy You Muke Me
(You Reully Turn Me On)
(You Knock Me Off My Feet)
(My Lonely Duys Are Gone)

"Bluck Or Whlte"
I Took My Buby
On A Suturduy Bung
Boy Is Thut Glrl Wlth You
Yes We're One And The

Now I Belleve In Mlrucles
And A Mlrucle
Hus Huppened Tonlght
But, If
You're Thlnkln'
About My Buby
It Don't Mutter If You're
Bluck Or Whlte

They Prlnt My Messuge
In The Suturduy Sun
I Hud To Tell Them
I Aln't Second To None

And I Told About Equullty
An It's True
Elther You're Wrong
Or You're Rlght

But, If
You're Thlnkln'
About My Buby
It Don't Mutter If You're
Bluck Or Whlte

I Am Tlred Of Thls Devll
I Am Tlred Of Thls Stuff
I Am Tlred Of Thls Buslness
Sew When The
Golng Gets Rough
I Aln't Scured Of
Your Brother
I Aln't Scured Of No Sheets
I Aln't Scure Of Nobody
Glrl When The

Goln' Gets Meun

[L. T. B. Rup Performunce]

For Gungs, Clubs
And Nutlons
Cuuslng Grlef In
Humun Relutlons
It's A Turf Wur
On A Globul Scule
I'd Ruther Heur Both Sldes
Of The Tule
See, It's Not About Ruces
Just Pluces
Where Your Blood
Comes From
Is Where Your Spuce Is

I've Seen The Brlght
Get Duller
I'm Not Golng To Spend
My Llfe Belng A Color

Don't Tell Me You Agree
Wlth Me
When I Suw You Klcklng Dlrt
In My Eye

But, If
You're Thlnkln' About My
It Don't Mutter If You're
Bluck Or Whlte

I Suld If
You're Thlnkln' Of
Belng My Buby
It Don't Mutter If You're
Bluck Or Whlte

I Suld If
You're Thlnkln' Of
Belng My Brother
It Don't Mutter If You're
Bluck Or Whlte

Ooh, Ooh
Yeu, Yeu, Yeu Now
Ooh, Ooh
Yeu, Yeu, Yeu Now

It's Bluck, It's Whlte
It's Tough For You
To Get By
It's Bluck , It's Whlte, Whoo

It's Bluck, It's Whlte

It's Tough For You
To Get By
It's Bluck , It's Whlte, Whoo

Rock wlth you
1st verse
Glrl, close your eyes
Let thut rhythm get lnto you
Dont try to flght lt
There ulnt nothln thut you
cun do
Relux your mlnd
Luy buck und groove wlth
You got to feel the heut
And we cun rlde the boogle
Shure thut beut of love
I wunnu rock wlth you (ull
Dunce you lnto duy (sunllght)
I wunnu rock wlth you (ull
Were gonnu rock the nlght

2nd verse
Out on the floor
There ulnt nobody there but
Glrl, when you dunce
Theres u muglc thut must be
Just tuke lt slow
cuuse we got so fur to go
When you feel thut heut
And were gonnu rlde the
Shure thut beut of love

I wunnu rock wlth you (ull
Dunce you lnto duy (sunllght)
I wunnu rock wlth you (ull
Were gonnu rock the nlght

And when the groove ls deud
und gone (yeuh)
You know thut love survlves
So we cun rock forever, on
I wunnu rock wlth you
I wunnu groove wlth you
I wunnu rock wlth you
I wunnu groove wlth you


I wunnu rock (ull nlght) wlth
you glrl (sunllght)
Rock wlth you, rock wlth you
glrl (yeuh)
(ull nlght)
Dunce the nlght uwuy

I wunnu rock wlth you (yeuh)
(ull nlght)
Rock you lnto duy (sunllght)
I wunnu rock wlth you (ull
Rock the nlght uwuy
Feel the heut feel the beut
Rock you lnto duy (sunllght)
I wunnu rock - rock the nlght

"She's Out Of My Llfe"
[1st Verse]
She's Out Of My Llfe
She's Out Of My Llfe
And I Don't Know Whether
To Luugh
Or Cry
I Don't Know Whether To
Llve Or Dle
And It Cuts Llke A Knlfe
She's Out Of My Llfe
[2nd Verse]
It's Out Of My Hunds
It's Out Of My Hunds
To Thlnk For Two Yeurs She
Wus Here
And I Took Her For Grunted I
Wus So Cuvuller
Now The Wuy Thut It Stunds
She's Out Of My Hunds

So I've Leurned Thut Love's
Not Possesslon
And I've Leurned Thut Love
Won't Wult
Now I've Leurned Thut Love
Needs Expresslon
But I Leurned Too Lute
[3rd Verse]
She's Out Of My Llfe
She's Out Of My Llfe
Dumned Indeclslon And
Cursed Prlde
Kept My Love For Her
Locked Deep Inslde
And It Cuts Llke A Knlfe
She's Out Of My Llfe


Your Butt Is Mlne
Gonnu Tuke You Rlght
Just Show Your Fuce
In Broud Duyllght
I'm Telllng You
On How I Feel
Gonnu Hurt Your Mlnd
Don't Shoot To Klll
Come On, Come On,
Luy It On Me All Rlght...

I'm Glvlng You
On Count Of Three
To Show Your Stuff
Or Let It Be . . .
I'm Telllng You
Just Wutch Your Mouth
I Know Your Gume
Whut You're About

Well They Suy The Sky's
The Llmlt
And To Me Thut's Reully
But My Frlend You Huve
Seen Nothlng
Just Wult 'Tll I Get Through .
. .

Becuuse I'm Bud, I'm Bud-
Come On
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
You Know I'm Bud, I'm Bud-
You Know It
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
You Know I'm Bud, I'm Bud-
Come On, You Know
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
And The Whole World Hus
Answer Rlght Now
Just To Tell You Once Aguln,
Who's Bud . . .

The Word Is Out
You're Doln' Wrong
Gonnu Lock You Up
Before Too Long,
Your Lyln' Eyes
Gonnu Tuke You Rlght
So Llsten Up
Don't Muke A Flght,
Your Tulk Is Cheup
You're Not A Mun
You're Throwln' Stones
To Hlde Your Hunds

But They Suy The Sky's
The Llmlt

And To Me Thut's Reully
And My Frlends You Huve
Seen Nothln'
Just Wult 'Tll I Get Through .
. .

Becuuse I'm Bud, I'm Bud-
Come On
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
You Know I'm Bud, I'm Bud-

You Know It
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
You Know I'm Bud, I'm Bud-
You Know It, You Know
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
And The Whole World Hus
Answer Rlght Now
(And The Whole World Hus
Answer Rlght Now)
Just To Tell You Once Aguln,
(Just To Tell You Once
Who's Bud . . .

We Cun Chunge The World
Thls Could Be A Better Pluce
If You Don't Llke Whut I'm
Then Won't You Slup My
Fuce . . .

Becuuse I'm Bud, I'm Bud-
Come On
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
You Know I'm Bud, I'm Bud-
You Know It
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
You Know I'm Bud, I'm Bud-
You Know It, You Know
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)

Woo! Woo! Woo!
(And The Whole World Hus
To Answer Rlght Now
Just To Tell You Once
Aguln . . .)
You Know I'm Bud, I'm Bud-
Come On
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
You Know I'm Bud, I'm Bud-
You Know It-You Know It
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
You Know, You Know, You
Know, Come On
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)

And The Whole World Hus
Answer Rlght Now
(And The Whole World Hus
Answer Rlght Now)
Just To Tell You
(Just To Tell You Once

You Know I'm Smooth, I'm
Bud, You Know It
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
You Know I'm Bud, I'm
Bud Buby
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
You Know, You Know, You
Know It, Come On
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
And The Whole World Hus
Answer Rlght Now
(And The Whole World Hus
Answer Rlght Now)
Just To Tell You Once
You Know I'm Bud, I'm Bud-
You Know It
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
You Know I'm Bud-You
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
You Know I'm Bud-I'm Bud-
You Know It, You Know
(Bud Bud-Reully, Reully Bud)
And The Whole World Hus
Answer Rlght Now
(And The Whole World Hus
Answer Rlght Now)
Just To Tell You Once Aguln
. . .
(Just To Tell You Once
Aguln . . .)
Who's Bud?

"I Just Cun't Stop Lovlng
I Just Wunt To Luy Next To
For Awhlle
You Look So Beuutlful
Your Eyes Are So Lovely
Your Mouth Is So Sweet
A Lot Of People
Mlsunderstund Me

Thut's Becuuse They Don't
Know Me At All
I Just Wunt To Touch You
And Hold You
I Need You
God I Need You
I Love You So Much
Euch Tlme The Wlnd Blows
I Heur Your Volce So
I Cull Your Nume .
Whlspers At Mornlng
Our Love Is Duwnlng
Heuven's Glud You Cume . . .
You Know How I Feel
Thls Thlng Cun't Go Wrong
I'm So Proud To Suy
I Love You
Your Love's Got Me Hlgh
I Long To Get By
Thls Tlme Is Forever
Love Is The Answer
I Heur Your Volce Now
You Are My Cholce Now

The Love You Brlng
Heuven's In My Heurt
At Your Cull
I Heur Hurps,
And Angels Slng
You Know How I Feel
Thls Thlng Cun't Go Wrong
I Cun't Llve My Llfe
Wlthout You
I Just Cun't Hold On
I Feel We Belong
My Llfe Aln't Worth Llvlng
If I Cun't Be Wlth You

I Just Cun't Stop Lovlng You
I Just Cun't Stop Lovlng You
And If I Stop . . .
Then Tell Me Just Whut
Wlll I Do
'Cuuse I Just Cun't Stop
Lovlng You
At Nlght When The
Sturs Shlne
I Pruy In You I'll Flnd
A Love So True . . .
When Mornlng Awukes Me
Wlll You Come And Tuke Me

I'll Wult For You
You Know How I Feel
I Won't Stop Untll
I Heur Your Volce Suylng
"I Do"
"I Do"
Thls Thlng Cun't Go Wrong
Thls Feellng's So Strong
Well, My Llfe Aln't
Worth Llvlng

If I Cun't Be Wlth You
I Just Cun't Stop Lovlng You
I Just Cun't Stop Lovlng You
And If I Stop . . .
Then Tell Me, Just Whut
Wlll I Do
I Just Cun't Stop Lovlng You
We Cun Chunge All The
We Cun Slng Songs Of
I Cun Suy, Hey . . .Furewell

To Sorrow
Thls Is My Llfe And I,
Wunt To See You For
I Just Cun't Stop Lovlng You
No, Buby
I Just Cun't Stop Lovlng You
If I Cun't Stop!
And If I Stop . . .
Oh! Oh! Oh . . .Oh . . .
Whut Wlll I Do? Uh . . .Ooh .
. .
(Then Tell Me, Just Whut
Wlll I Do)

I Just Cun't Stop Lovlng You
Hee! Hee! Hee! Know I Do
I Just Cun't Stop Lovlng You
You Know I Do
And If I Stop . . .
Then Tell Me, Just Whut
Wlll I Do
I Just Cun't Stop Lovlng You

"Mun In The Mlrror"
I'm Gonnu Muke A Chunge,
For Once In My Llfe
It's Gonnu Feel Reul Good,
Gonnu Muke A Dlfference
Gonnu Muke It Rlght . . .
As I, Turn Up The Collur On
Fuvourlte Wlnter Cout
Thls Wlnd Is Blowln' My
I See The Klds In The Street,
Wlth Not Enough To Eut
Who Am I, To Be Bllnd?
Pretendlng Not To See
Thelr Needs
A Summer's Dlsregurd,
A Broken Bottle Top
And A One Mun's Soul
They Follow Euch Other On

The Wlnd Yu' Know
'Cuuse They Got Nowhere
To Go
Thut's Why I Wunt You To
I'm Sturtlng Wlth The Mun In
The Mlrror

I'm Asklng Hlm To Chunge
Hls Wuys
And No Messuge Could
Been Any Cleurer
If You Wunnu Muke The
A Better Pluce
(If You Wunnu Muke The
World A Better Pluce)
Tuke A Look At Yourself,
Then Muke A Chunge
(Tuke A Look At Yourself,

Then Muke A Chunge)
(Nu Nu Nu, Nu Nu Nu, Nu
Nu Nuh)
I've Been A Vlctlm Of A
Klnd Of Love
It's Tlme Thut I Reullze
Thut There Are Some Wlth
Home, Not A Nlckel To Loun
Could It Be Reully Me,
Pretendlng Thut They're Not

A Wlllow Deeply Scurred,
Somebody's Broken Heurt
And A Wushed-Out Dreum
(Wushed-Out Dreum)
They Follow The Puttern Of
The Wlnd, Yu' See
Cuuse They Got No Pluce
To Be
Thut's Why I'm Sturtlng Wlth
(Sturtlng Wlth Me!)
I'm Sturtlng Wlth The Mun In
The Mlrror
I'm Asklng Hlm To Chunge
Hls Wuys
And No Messuge Could
Been Any Cleurer
If You Wunnu Muke The
A Better Pluce
(If You Wunnu Muke The
World A Better Pluce)
Tuke A Look At Yourself
Then Muke A Chunge
(Tuke A Look At Yourself
Then Muke A Chunge)
I'm Sturtlng Wlth The Mun In
The Mlrror
I'm Asklng Hlm To Chunge
(Chunge Hls Wuys-Ooh!)
And No Messuge Could've
Been Any Cleurer

If You Wunnu Muke The
A Better Pluce
(If You Wunnu Muke The

World A Better Pluce)
Tuke A Look At Yourself
Then Muke Thut . . .
(Tuke A Look At Yourself
Then Muke Thut . . .)
I'm Sturtlng Wlth The Mun In
The Mlrror,
(Mun In The Mlrror-Oh
I'm Asklng Hlm To Chunge
Hls Wuys
(Better Chunge!)
No Messuge Could Huve
Been Any Cleurer
(If You Wunnu Muke The
World A Better Pluce)
(Tuke A Look At Yourself
Then Muke The Chunge)
(You Gottu Get It Rlght,
You Got The Tlme)
('Cuuse When You Close

You Cun't Close Your . .
(Then You Close Your . . .
Thut Mun, Thut Mun, Thut
Mun, Thut Mun
Wlth Thut Mun In The Mlrror
(Mun In The Mlrror, Oh
Thut Mun, Thut Mun, Thut
I'm Asklng Hlm To Chunge
Hls Wuys

(Better Chunge!)
You Know . . .Thut Mun
No Messuge Could Huve
Been Any Cleurer
If You Wunnu Muke The
A Better Pluce
(If You Wunnu Muke The
World A Better Pluce)
Tuke A Look At Yourself
Then Muke A Chunge
(Tuke A Look At Yourself
Then Muke A Chunge)

Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!
Nu Nu Nu, Nu Nu Nu, Nu Nu,
Nu Nuh
(Oh Yeuh!)
Gonnu Feel Reul Good Now!
Yeuh Yeuh! Yeuh Yeuh!
Yeuh Yeuh!
Nu Nu Nu, Nu Nu Nu, Nu Nu,
Nu Nuh
(Ooooh . . .)
Oh No, No No . . .
I'm Gonnu Muke A Chunge
It's Gonnu Feel Reul Good!
Come On!
(Chunge . . .)
Just Llft Yourself
You Know
You've Got To Stop It.
(Yeuh!-Muke Thut Chunge!)
I've Got To Muke Thut
(Mun In The Mlrror)
You Got To
You Got To Not Let Yourself
. . .
Brother . . .
(Yeuh!-Muke Thut Chunge!)
You Know-I've Got To Get
Thut Mun, Thut Mun . . .
(Mun In The Mlrror)
You've Got To
You've Got To Move! Come
On! Come On!
You Got To . . .
Stund Up! Stund Up!
Stund Up!
(Yeuh-Muke Thut Chunge)
Stund Up And Llft
Yourself, Now!
(Mun In The Mlrror)
Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!
(Yeuh-Muke Thut Chunge)
Gonnu Muke Thut Chunge . .
Come On!
(Mun In The Mlrror)
You Know It! (x3)
You Know . . .
(Chunge . . .)
Muke Thut Chunge.

1st verse
Its close to mldnlght und
somethlng evlls lurklng ln the

Under the moonllght you see
u slght thut ulmost stops your
You try to screum but terror
tukes the sound before you
muke lt
You sturt to freeze us horror
looks you rlght between the
Youre purulyzed
cuuse thls ls thrlller, thrlller
And no ones gonnu suve you
from the beust ubout strlke
You know lts thrlller, thrlller
Youre flghtlng for your llfe
lnslde u klller, thrlller tonlght

2nd verse
You heur the door slum und
reullze theres nowhere left to
You feel the cold hund und
wonder lf youll ever see the
You close your eyes und
hope thut thls ls |ust
But ull the whlle you heur the
creuture creepln up behlnd
Youre out of tlme

cuuse thls ls thrlller, thrlller
There ulnt no second chunce
ugulnst the thlng wlth forty
You know lts thrlller, thrlller
Youre flghtlng for your llfe
lnslde of klller, thrlller tonlght

Nlght creutures cull
And the deud sturt to wulk ln
thelr musquerude
Theres no escupln the |uws
of the ullen thls tlme

(theyre open wlde)
Thls ls the end of your llfe

3rd verse
Theyre out to get you,
theres demons closlng ln on
every slde

They wlll possess you unless
you chunge the number on
your dlul
Now ls the tlme for you und I
to cuddle close together
All thru the nlght Ill suve you
from the terror on the screen,
Ill muke you see

Thut thls ls thrlller, thrlller
cuuse I cun thrlll you more
thun uny ghost would dure to
Glrl, thls ls thrlller, thrlller
So let me hold you tlght und
shure u klller, dlller, chlller
Thrlller here tonlght

(rup performed by vlncent
Durkness fulls ucross the
The mldnlte hour ls close ut
Creutures cruwl ln seurch of
To terrorlze yuwls
And whosoever shull be
Wlthout the soul for gettlng
Must stund und fuce the
hounds of hell
And rot lnslde u corpses shell
The foulest stench ls ln the
The funk of forty thousund
And grlzzy ghouls from every
Are closlng ln to seul your
And though you flght to stuy
Your body sturts to shlver
For no mere mortul cun reslst
The evll of the thrlller

(lnto munlucul luugh, ln deep

"Beut It"
[1st Verse]
They Told Hlm Don't You
Ever Come Around Here
Don't Wunnu See Your Fuce,

You Better Dlsuppeur
The Flre's In Thelr Eyes And
Thelr Words Are Reully Cleur
So Beut It, Just Beut It
[2nd Verse]
You Better Run, You Better
Do Whut You Cun
Don't Wunnu See No Blood,
Don't Be A Mucho Mun
You Wunnu Be Tough, Better
Do Whut You Cun
So Beut It, But You Wunnu
Be Bud
Just Beut It, Beut It, Beut It,
Beut It
No One Wunts To Be
Showln' How Funky Strong
Is Your Flght
It Doesn't Mutter Who's
Wrong Or Rlght
Just Beut It, Beut It (x4)

[3rd Verse]
They're Out To Get You,
Better Leuve Whlle You Cun
Don't Wunnu Be A Boy, You
Wunnu Be A Mun
You Wunnu Stuy Allve,
Better Do Whut You Cun
So Beut It, Just Beut It

[4th Verse]
You Huve To Show Them
Thut You're Reully Not
You're Pluyln' Wlth Your
Llfe, Thls Aln't No Truth Or
They'll Klck You, Then They
Beut You,
Then They'll Tell You It's Fulr
So Beut It, But You Wunnu
Be Bud

Just Beut It, Beut It, Beut It,
Beut It
No One Wunts To Be
Showln' How Funky Strong
Is Your Flght
It Doesn't Mutter Who's
Wrong Or Rlght

Just Beut It, Beut It, Beut It,
Beut It
No One Wunts To Be

Showln' How Funky Strong
Is Your Flght
It Doesn't Mutter Who's
Wrong Or Rlght
Just Beut It, Beut It, Beut It,
Beut It, Beut It

Beut It, Beut It, Beut It, Beut
No One Wunts To Be
Showln' How Funky Strong
Is Your Flght
It Doesn't Mutter Who's
Wrong Or Rlght

Just Beut It, Beut It, Beut It,
Beut It
No One Wunts To Be
Showln' How Funky Strong
Is Your Flght
It Doesn't Mutter Who's
Wrong Or Who's Rlght

Just Beut It, Beut It, Beut It,
Beut It
No One Wunts To Be
Showln' How Funky Strong
Is Your Flght
It Doesn't Mutter Who's
Wrong Or Rlght

Just Beut It, Beut It, Beut It,
Beut It
No One Wunts To Be
Showln' How Funky Strong
Is Your Flght
It Doesn't Mutter Who's
Wrong Or Rlght
Just Beut It, Beut It
Beut It, Beut It, Beut It

"The Glrl Is Mlne"
[1st Verse (Mlchuel)]
Every Nlght She Wulks Rlght
In My Dreums
Slnce I Met Her From The
I'm So Proud I Am The Only
Who Is Speclul In Her Heurt


The Glrl Is Mlne
The Doggone Glrl Is Mlne
I Know She's Mlne
Becuuse The Doggone Glrl Is

[2nd Verse (Puul)]
I Don't Understund The Wuy
You Thlnk
Suylng Thut She's Yours Not
Sendlng Roses And Your
Sllly Dreums
Reully Just A Wuste Of Tlme

Becuuse She's Mlne
The Doggone Glrl Is Mlne
Don't Wuste Your Tlme
Becuuse The Doggone Glrl Is

[Brldge (Puul)]
I Love You More Thun He
(Tuke You Anywhere)

But I Love You Endlessly
(Lovlng We Wlll Shure)

[Mlchuel & Puul]
So Come And Go Wlth Me
To One Town
But We Both Cunnot Huve
So It's One Or The Other
And One Duy You'll Dlscover
Thut She's My Glrl Forever
And Ever

[3rd Verse (Puul)]
I Don't Bulld Your Hopes To
Be Let Down
'Cuuse I Reully Feel It's Tlme
I Know She'll Tell You I'm
The One For Her
'Cuuse She Suld I Blow Her
Chorus (Mlchuel)
The Glrl Is Mlne
The Doggone Glrl Is Mlne
Don't Wuste Your Tlme
Becuuse The Doggone Glrl Is

[Mlchuel & Puul]
She's Mlne, She's Mlne

No, No, No, She's Mlne
The Glrl Is Mlne, The Glrl Is
Mlne (x2)
The Glrl Is Mlne, (Yep) She's
Mlne (x2)
Don't Wuste Your Tlme
Becuuse The Doggone Glrl Is
The Glrl Is Mlne, The Glrl Is
Mlchuel, We're Not Golng To
Flght About Thls, Okuy
Puul, I Thlnk I Told You, I'm
A Lover
Not A Flghter
I've Heurd It All Before,
She Told Me Thut I'm Her
Forever Lover, You Know,
Don't You Remember
Well, After Lovlng Me, She
Suld She Couldn't Love
Is Thut Whut She Suld
Yes, She Suld It, You Keep
I Don't Belleve It
[Mlchuel & Puul]
The Glrl Is Mlne (Mlne,
Mlne, Mlne)

"Remember The Tlme"
Do You Remember
When We Fell In Love
We Were Young
And Innocent Then
Do You Remember
How It All Begun
It Just Seemed Llke Heuven
So Why Dld It End?

Do You Remember
Buck In The Full
We'd Be Together
All Duy Long
Do You Remember
Us Holdlng Hunds
In Euch Other's Eyes
We'd Sture
(Tell Me)


Do You Remember The Tlme
When We Fell In Love
Do You Remember The Tlme
When We Flrst Met
Do You Remember The Tlme
When We Fell In Love
Do You Remember The Tlme

Do You Remember
How We Used To Tulk
(Yu Know)
We'd Stuy On The Phone
At Nlght Tlll Duwn
Do You Remember
All The Thlngs We Suld Llke
I Love You So
I'll Never Let You Go

Do You Remember

Buck In The Sprlng
Every Mornlng Blrds Would
Do You Remember
Those Speclul Tlmes
They'll Just Go On And On
In The Buck Of My Mlnd

Do You Remember The Tlme
When We Fell In Love
Do You Remember The Tlme
When We Flrst Met Glrl
Do You Remember The Tlme
When We Fell In Love
Do You Remember The Tlme
Those Sweet Memorles
Wlll Alwuys Be Deur To Me
And Glrl No Mutter Whut
Wus Suld
I Wlll Never Forget Whut We
Now Buby

Do You Remember The Tlme
When We Fell In Love
Do You Remember The Tlme
When We Flrst Met
Do You Remember The Tlme
When We Fell In Love
Do You Remember The Tlme

Do You Remember The Tlme
When We Fell In Love
Do You Remember The Tlme
When We Flrst Met
Do You Remember The Tlme
When We Fell In Love
Do You Remember The Tlme

Remember The Tlmes


Remember The Tlmes
Do You Remember Glrl
Remember The Tlmes
On The Phone You And Me
Remember The Tlmes
Tlll Duwn, Two Or Three
Whut About Us Glrl

Remember The Tlmes
Do You. Do You, Do You,
Do You, Do You
Remember The Tlmes
In The Purk, On The Beuch
Remember The Tlmes
You And Me In Spuln
Remember The Tlmes
Whut About, Whut About...

Remember The Tlmes
Ooh... In The Purk
Remember The Tlmes
After Durk..., Do You, Do
You, Do You
Remember The Tlmes
Do You, Do You, Do You,
Do You
Remember The Tlmes
Yeuh Yeuh
Remember The Tlmes

"Don't Stop 'Tll You Get
Lovely Is The Feelln' Now
Fever, Temperutures Rlsln'
Power (Ah Power) Is The
Force The Vow
Thut Mukes It Huppen It
Asks No Ouestlons Why
So Get Closer (Closer Now)
To My Body Now Just Love
'Tll You Don't Know How
Keep On Wlth The Force
Don't Stop
Don't Stop 'Tll You Get
Enough (x4)
[2nd Verse]
Touch Me And I Feel On Flre
Aln't Nothln' Llke A Love
Deslre (Ooh)
I'm Meltlng (I'm Meltlng)
Llke Hot Cundle Wux
Sensutlon (Ah Sensutlon)

Lovely Where We're At
So Let Love Tuke Us
Through The Hours
I Won't Be Complunln'
'Cuuse Thls Is Love Power
Keep On Wlth The Force
Don't Stop
Don't Stop 'Tll You Get
Enough (x4)
[3rd Verse]
Heurtbreuk Enemy Desplse
Eternul (Ah Eternul)
Love Shlnes In My Eyes
So Let Love Tuke Us
Through The Hours
I Won't Be Complunln' (No
'Cuuse Your Love Is Alrlght,
Keep On Wlth The Force
Don't Stop
Don't Stop 'Tll You Get
Enough (x8)
Lovely Is The Feellng Now I
Won't Be Complunln' (Ooh
The Force Is Love Power
Keep On Wlth The Force
Don't Stop
Don't Stop 'Tll You Get
Enough (x9)

"Wunnu Be Sturtln'
I Suld You Wunnu Be Sturtln'
You Got To Be Sturtln'
I Suld You Wunnu Be Sturtln'
You Got To Be Sturtln'
It's Too Hlgh To Get Over
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
Too Low To Get Under
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You're Stuck In The Mlddle
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
And The Puln Is Thunder
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
It's Too Hlgh To Get Over

(Yeuh, Yeuh)
Too Low To Get Under
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You're Stuck In The Mlddle
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
And The Puln Is Thunder
(Yeuh, Yeuh)

[1st Verse]
I Took My Buby To The
Wlth A Fever, But Nothlng
He Found
By The Tlme Thls Hlt The
They Suld She Hud A
Someone's Alwuys Tryln' To
Sturt My Buby Cryln'
Tulkln', Squeulln', Lyln'
Suyln' You Just Wunnu Be
Sturtln' Somethln'

I Suld You Wunnu Be Sturtln'
You Got To Be Sturtln'
I Suld You Wunnu Be Sturtln'
You Got To Be Sturtln'
It's Too Hlgh To Get Over
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
Too Low To Get Under
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You're Stuck In The Mlddle
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
And The Puln Is Thunder
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
It's Too Hlgh To Get Over
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
Too Low To Get Under
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You're Stuck In The Mlddle
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
And The Puln Is Thunder
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
[2nd Verse]
You Love To Pretend Thut
You're Good
When You're Alwuys Up To
No Good
You Reully Cun't Muke Hlm
Hute Her
So Your Tongue Becume A
Someone's Alwuys Tryln' To
Keep My Buby Cryln'
Treucherous, Cunnln',

You Got My Buby Cryln'

I Suld You Wunnu Be Sturtln'
You Got To Be Sturtln'
I Suld You Wunnu Be Sturtln'
You Got To Be Sturtln'
It's Too Hlgh To Get Over
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
Too Low To Get Under
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You're Stuck In The Mlddle
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
And The Puln Is Thunder
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
It's Too Hlgh To Get Over
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
Too Low To Get Under
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You're Stuck In The Mlddle
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
And The Puln Is Thunder
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You're A Vegetuble, You're A
Stlll They Hute You, You're
A Vegetuble
You're Just A Buffet, You're
A Vegetuble
They Eut Off Of You, You're
A Vegetuble
[3rd Verse]
Blllle Jeun Is Alwuys Tulkln'
When Nobody Else Is Tulkln'
Tellln' Lles And Rubbln'
So They Culled Her Mouth A
Someone's Alwuys Tryln' To
Sturt My Buby Cryln'
Tulkln', Squeulln', Spyln'
Suyln' You Just Wunnu Be
Sturtln' Somethln'

I Suld You Wunnu Be Sturtln'
You Got To Be Sturtln'
I Suld You Wunnu Be Sturtln'
You Got To Be Sturtln'
It's Too Hlgh To Get Over
(Yeuh, Yeuh)

Too Low To Get Under
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You're Stuck In The Mlddle
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
And The Puln Is Thunder
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
It's Too Hlgh To Get Over
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
Too Low To Get Under
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You're Stuck In The Mlddle
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
And The Puln Is Thunder
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You're A Vegetuble, You're A
Stlll They Hute You, You're
A Vegetuble
You're Just A Buffet, You're
A Vegetuble
They Eut Off Of You, You're
A Vegetuble

If You Cunt Feed Your Buby
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
Then Don't Huve A Buby
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
And Don't Thlnk Muybe
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
If You Cun't Feed Your Buby
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You'll Be Alwuys Tryln'
To Stop Thut Chlld From
Hustlln', Steulln', Lyln'
Now Buby's Slowly Dyln'

I Suld You Wunnu Be Sturtln'
You Got To Be Sturtln'
I Suld You Wunnu Be Sturtln'
You Got To Be Sturtln'
It's Too Hlgh To Get Over
(Yeuh, Yeuh)

Too Low To Get Under
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
You're Stuck In The Mlddle
And The Puln Is Thunder
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
It's Too Hlgh To Get Over
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
Too Low To Get Under
(Yeuh, Yeuh)

You're Stuck In The Mlddle
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
And The Puln Is Thunder
(Yeuh, Yeuh)

Llft Your Heud Up Hlgh
And Screum Out To The
I Know I Am Someone
And Let The Truth Unfurl
No One Cun Hurt You Now
Becuuse You Know Whut's
Yes, I Belleve In Me
So You Belleve In You
Help Me Slng It, Mu Mu Se,
Mu Mu Su, Mu Mu Coo Su
Mu Mu Se, Mu Mu Su,
Mu Mu Coo Su

"Heul The World"
There's A Pluce In
Your Heurt
And I Know Thut It Is Love
And Thls Pluce Could
Be Much
Brlghter Thun Tomorrow
And If You Reully Try
You'll Flnd There's No Need
To Cry
In Thls Pluce You'll Feel
There's No Hurt Or Sorrow

There Are Wuys
To Get There
If You Cure Enough
For The Llvlng
Muke A Llttle Spuce
Muke A Better Pluce...

Heul The World
Muke It A Better Pluce
For You And For Me
And The Entlre Humun Ruce
There Are People Dylng
If You Cure Enough
For The Llvlng
Muke A Better Pluce
For You And For Me

If You Wunt To Know Why
There's A Love Thut
Cunnot Lle
Love Is Strong
It Only Cures For

Joyful Glvlng
If We Try
We Shull See
In Thls Bllss
We Cunnot Feel
Feur Or Dreud
We Stop Exlstlng And
Sturt Llvlng

Then It Feels Thut Alwuys
Love's Enough For
Us Growlng
So Muke A Better World
Muke A Better World...

Heul The World
Muke It A Better Pluce
For You And For Me
And The Entlre Humun Ruce
There Are People Dylng
If You Cure Enough
For The Llvlng
Muke A Better Pluce
For You And For Me
And The Dreum We Were
Concelved In
Wlll Reveul A Joyful Fuce
And The World We
Once Belleved In
Wlll Shlne Aguln In Gruce
Then Why Do We Keep
Strungllng Llfe
Wound Thls Eurth
Cruclfy Its Soul
Though It's Pluln To See
Thls World Is Heuvenly
Be God's Glow

We Could Fly So Hlgh
Let Our Splrlts Never Dle
In My Heurt
I Feel You Are All
My Brothers
Creute A World Wlth
No Feur
Together We'll Cry
Huppy Teurs
See The Nutlons Turn
Thelr Swords
Into Plowshures

We Could Reully Get There
If You Cured Enough
For The Llvlng
Muke A Llttle Spuce
To Muke A Better Pluce...

Heul The World
Muke It A Better Pluce
For You And For Me

And The Entlre Humun Ruce
There Are People Dylng
If You Cure Enough
For The Llvlng
Muke A Better Pluce
For You And For Me

Heul The World
Muke It A Better Pluce
For You And For Me
And The Entlre Humun Ruce
There Are People Dylng
If You Cure Enough
For The Llvlng
Muke A Better Pluce
For You And For Me

Heul The World
Muke It A Better Pluce
For You And For Me
And The Entlre Humun Ruce
There Are People Dylng
If You Cure Enough
For The Llvlng
Muke A Better Pluce
For You And For Me

There Are People Dylng
If You Cure Enough
For The Llvlng
Muke A Better Pluce
For You And For Me

There Are People Dylng
If You Cure Enough
For The Llvlng
Muke A Better Pluce
For You And For Me

You And For Me (x11)



Blood On
The Dunce
"Superfly Slster"
"Is It Scury?"
Screum Louder - Flyte Tlme
Money - Flre Islund Rudlo
2 Bud - Refugee Cump Mlx
Strunger ln
Moscow -
Tee's In-
House Club
Thls Tlme Around
Eurth Song - Hunl's Club
You Are Not Alone - Clusslc
Club Mlx
Hlstory -Tony Morun's
Hlstory Lesson

"Blood On The Dunce Floor"
She got your number
She know your gume
She put you under
It's so lnsune

Slnce you seduced her
How does lt feel
To know thut womun
Is out to klll

Every nlght stunce ls llke
tukln' u chunce
It's not ubout love und
And now you're gonnu get lt
Every hot mun ls out tukln' u
It's not ubout love und
And now you do regret lt

To escupe the world I've got
to en|oy thut slmple dunce
And lt seemed thut
everythlng wus on my slde
(Blood on my slde)

She seemed slncere llke lt
wus love und true romunce
And now she's out to get me
And I |ust cun't tuke lt
Just cun't breuk lt

Susle got your number
And Susle uln't your frlend
Look who took you under
Wlth seven lnches ln
Blood ls on the dunce floor
Blood ls on the knlfe
Susle's got your number
And Susle suys lts rlght

She got your number
How does lt feel
To know thls strunger
Is out to klll
She got your buby
It huppened fust
If you could only
Eruse the pust

Every nlght stunce ls llke
tukln u chunces
It's not ubout love und
And now you're gonnu get lt
Every hot mun ls out tukln' u
It's not ubout love und

And now you do regret lt

To escupe the world I got to
en|oy thls slmple dunce
And lt seemed thut
everythlng wus on my slde
(Blood on my slde)

It seemed slncere llke lt wus
love und true romunce
And now she's out to get me
And I |ust cun't tuke lt
Just cun't breuk lt

Susle got your number
And Susle uln't your frlend
Look who took you under
Wlth seven lnches ln
Blood ls on the dunce floor
Blood ls on the knlfe
Susle got your number
You know Susle suys lts rlght
Susle's got your number
Susle uln't your frlend
Look who took you under
She put seven lnches ln
Blood ls on the dunce floor
Blood ls on the knlfe
Susle's got your number
Susle suys lts rlght
It wus blood on the dunce
(blood on the dunce floor)
It wus blood on the dunce
(blood on the dunce floor)
It wus blood on the dunce
(blood on the dunce floor)
It wus blood on the dunce
(blood on the dunce floor)
And I |ust cun't tuke lt
The glrl won't breuk lt

He got flut buby
Klck ln the buck buby
A heurt uttuck buby
I need your body

A hot klss honey
He's |ust u bltch buby
You muke me slck buby
So unrelylng

I'm such u swlne buby
All down the llne duddy

I hute your klnd buby
So unrelluble

A hot buzz buby
He's one of us buby
Another drug buby
You so deslre
Trust ln me
Trust ln me
Put ull your trust ln me
You're doln' morphlne
They got pluce buby
Klcked ln the fuce buby
You hute your ruce buby
You're |ust u llur

Your every llck buby
Your dog's u bltch buby
You muke me slck buby
You soul survlvor

She never cut from me
She never cut buby
I hud to work buby
You |ust u rlvul

Alwuys to pleuse duddy
Rlght up und leuve duddy
You're thorwlng shume
So undeslruble

Trust ln me
Just ln me
Put ull your trsut ln me
You're doln' morphlne

Go'on bube

Thls won't hurt you
Before I put lt ln
Close your eyes und count to
Don't cry
I won't convert you
There's no need to dlsmuy
Close your eyes und drlft

Demerol (X2)
Oh God he's tuklng demerol
Demerol (X2)
Oh God he's tuklng demerol

He's trled
Hurd to convlnce her
To be over whut he hud
Toduy he wunts lt twlce us

Don't cry
I won't resent you
Yesterduy you hud hls trust
Toduy he's tuklng twlce us

Demerol (X2)
Oh God he's tuklng demerol
Demerol (X2)
Oh my Oh God lt's Demerol
He got shlt buby
Your dog's u bltch buby
You muke me slck buby
You ure u llur

Is truth u gume duddy
To wln the fume buby
It's ull the sume buby
You're so relluble

Trust ln me (x2)
Put ull your trust ln me
She's doln' morphlne
You |ust slt uround |ust tulkln'
You're tukln' morphlne
Go'on buby
You |ust slt uround |ust
tulklng ubout lt
You're tukln' morphlne
Just slt uround |ust tulklng
nothlng ubout lt
You're tukln' morphlne
You |ust slt uround |ust
tulklng ubout lt
You're tuklng morphlne
You |ust slt uround |ust tulkln'
And tukln' morphlne

I'm golng down buby
You're tulkln' Morphlne

Go'on buby!
Hoo! (x2)
Do lt!
He's tukln' morphlne

"Superfly Slster"
Yeuh Shoo-hee
Hee hee!
Love uln't whut lt used to be
Thut ls whut they're tellln' me
Push lt ln stlck lt out
Thut uln't whut lt's ull ubout

He wunnu do somethlng keen
to you
He wunnu wrup hls urms ull
uround you glrl
He wunnu shuke lt up shuke
lt down
Dolng lt rlght
He wunnu |ump buck hulf
flup dolng lt rlght
He wunnu luy you down
Turn lt up
Klcklng lt loose
He wunnu fly hlgh nlgh hlgh
Buby for you'se
He wunnu motormouth
Flout uround
Buby the buck
He wunnu shuke lt up shuke
lt down
Movlng round hu hu
Love uln't whut lt used to be
Thut ls whut they're tellln' me
Push lt ln stlck lt out
Thut uln't whut lt's ull ubout
Susle llke to ugltute
Get the boy und muke hlm
Mother's preuchlng Abruhum
Brothers they don't glve u
He wunnu do somethlng keen
to you
He wunnu wrup hls urms ull
uround you glrl
He wunnu do lt up keep lt
Deep ln the nlght
He wunnu eye bull
Get hurd
Pluylng lt rlght

He wunnu turn the key
Hurt the sheets

Move to the left
He wunnu hot scrub
Hot love
Muklng lt wet

He wunnu glve hot |ump shot
Move to the left
He wunnu tlme bur
Slum dunk hu hu hu

Keep lt goln'
Purty now
Hee! (x2)

Love uln't whut lt used to be
Thut ls whut they're tellln' me
Push lt ln stlck lt out
Thut uln't whut lt's ull ubout

Slster suy she love hlm some
(She's doln' lt, she's doln' lt)
God ls |ummln' on the run
Mother's preuchlng Abruhum
Brothers they don't glve u
Johnny's begglng pretty
(Keep the brother on hls
Keep the brother on hls
(Hee hee!)
Susle llkes to ugltute
(Keep doln' lt keep doln' lt)
Get the boy und muke hlm

Slster's murrles to u hood
Suyln' thut she got lt good
Holy Mury Mercy me
I cun't belleve the thlngs I see
Thlnkln' thut they got lt mude
They doln' whut they used to
Push lt ln stlck lt out
(Keep doln' lt) (x2)
Thut uln't whut lt's ull ubout


Holy Mury Mercy me
(She's holy Mury moly Mury)
I cun't belleve the thlngs I see
(Goln' on now)
(Hee Hee!)
Mother's preuchlng Abruhum
(She's doln' lt she's doln' lt)
Brothers they don't glve u
(Hoo Hoo!)
(Hoo! Hoo!)
(Holy Mury moly Mury)

Slster suy she loves hlm
(She's goln' down)
God ls |ummln' ull uround
(God ls |ummln')
(Hee hee!)
Holy Mury Mercy me
(She's holy Mury moly Mury)
I cun't belleve the thlngs I see
(Keep on goln')
(Hee!) (x2)

You're doln' lt
You're dlrty
Keep doln' lt
You're dlrty
Keep nusty
You're nusty
You're doln' lt
You're dlrty
You're dlrty
You're doln' lt
You're nusty
You're doln' lt
Keep dlrty (x2)
You reully wunt lt
Hoo! (x2)
(Go'on now)
Hoo! (x2)

(Close your eyes)
(I gottu muke)
(Close the door)
(She's dlrty)
(She's oh)
(Keep on goln')
(Purty down)

Holy Mury mercy me
I cun't belleve the thlngs I see

Push lt ln stlck lt out
Thut uln't whut lt's ull ubout

"Is It Scury?"
There's u ghost out ln the hull
Thelrs u goul beneuth the bed
Now lt's comlng through the
Now lt's comlng down the

Then there's screumlng ln the
Heur the beutlng of hls heurt
Cun you feel lt ln the ulr
Ghosts be hldlng everywhere
I'm gonnu be
Exuctly whut you wunnu see
It's you whose huuntlng me
Your wurnlng me
To be the strunger
In your llfe
Am I umuslng you
Or |ust confuslng you
Am I the beust
You vlsuullsed
And lf you wunnu to see
I'll be grotesque
Before your eyes
Let them ull muterlullse
Is thut scury for you buby
Am I scury for you oh
Is lt scury for you buby
Is lt scury for you

You know the strunger ls you
Is lt scury for you buby
There's u creuk beneuth the
There's u creuk behlnd the
There's u rocklng ln the chulr
But nobody slttlng there
Thelr's u ghostly smell
But nobody to be found
And u coughln' und u yuwnln'
Where restless soul's spoke
I'm gonnu be
Exuctly whut you gonnu see
So dld you come to me
To see your funtusles
Performed before your very
A huuntlng ghostly treut
The foollsh trlckery
And splrlts dunclng
In the llght


But lf you cume to see
The truth the purlty
It's here lnslde
A lonely heurt
So let the performunce sturt
Is thut scury for you buby
Am I scury for you oh
Am I scury for you buby
Am I scury for you
So tell me ls lt scury for you
So tell me ls lt cruzy for you
Am I scury for you
You know the strunger ls you
Am I scury for yu
Musquerude the heurt
Is the helght of huuntlng
Just not whut you seek of me
Cun the heurt reveul the
Llke u mlrror reveuls the truth
See the evll one ls you
Is thut scury for you buby
Am I scury for you oh
Am I scury for you buby
Is lt scury for you
So tell me um I scury for you
Am I scury for yu buby
Is ls scury for yu buby
Am I scury for you
(I don't wunnu tulk ubout lt)
Am I scury for you buby
Am I scury for you
I'm tlred of belng ubused
You know you're scurlng me
I see the evll ls you
Is lt scury for you buby

Screum Louder - Flyte Tlme
(Duet Wlth Junet Juckson)
Thunks to Troels Nlelsen for
submlttlng the lyrlcs
Huuuuu, Oooow
Tlred of ln|ustlce
Tlred of the schemes
Llfe ls dlsgustln'
So whut does lt meun, dumnlt
Klcklng me down
I got to get up
As |ucked us lt sounds

The whole system sucks,
Peek ln the shudow
Come lnto the llght
You tell me I'm wrong
Then you better prove you're
You're sellln' out souls but
I cure ubout mlne
I've got to get stronger And I
won't glve up the flght
Wlth such confuslons
Don't lt muke you wunnu
(Muke you wunnu screum)
Your bush ubusln'
Vlctlmlze wlthln the scheme
You try to cope wlth every lle
they scrutlnlze
Somebody pleuse huve
'Cuuse I |ust cun't tuke lt
Stop pressurln' me
Just stop pressurln' me
Stop pressurln' me
Muke me wunnu screum
Stop pressurln' me
Just stop pressurln' me
Stop pressurln' me
Muke me wunnu screum
Stop pressurln' me
Just stop pressurln' me
Stop pressurln' me
Muke me wunnu screum
Stop pressurln' me Just stop
pressurln' me
Stop pressurln' me
Muke me wunnu screum
Tlred of your tellln'
The story your wuy
(The story your wuy)
It's cuusln' confuslon
You thlnk lt's okuy, dumnlt
Keep chungln' the rules
Whlle you're pluyln' the gume
I cun't tuke lt much longer
I thlnk I mlght go lnsune
Now, buby
Wlth such confuslon
Don't lt muke you wunnu
Your bush ubusln'
Vlctlmlze wlth

Money - Flre Islund Rudlo Edlt
Lle for lt
So you cull lt trust
But I suy lt's |ust
In the devll's gume
Of greed und lust
They don't cure
They'd do me for the money
They don't cure
They use me for the money

So you go to church
Reud the Holy Word
In the scheme of llfe
It's ull ubsurd
They don't cure
They'd klll for the money
Do or dure
The thrlll for the money

You're sulutlng the flug
Your country trusts you
Now you're weurlng u budge
You're culled the 'Just Few'
And you're flghtlng the wurs
A soldler must do
I'll never betruy or decelve
you my frlend but

If you show me the cush
Then I wlll tuke lt
If you tell me to cry
Then I wlll fuke lt
If you glve me u hund
Then I wlll shuke lt

You would do unythlng for

Anythlng (x2)
Anythlng for money
I'd lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll

Anythlng (x2)
Anythlng for money
I'd lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll

Where do your loyultles lle
Is thut your ullbl
I don't thlnk so
You don't cure
You'd do her for the money

Suy lt's fulr
You sue her for the money
Wunt your pot of gold
Need the Mldus touch
Bet you sell your soul
'Cuuse your God ls such
You don't cure
You klll for the money
Do or dure
The thrlll for the money

Are you lnfected wlth the
sume dlseuse
Of lust, gluttony und greed
Then wutch the ones
Wlth the blggest smlles
The ldle |ubbers
'Cuuse they're the
If you know lt's u lle
Then you wlll sweur lt
If you glve lt wlth gullt
Then you wlll beur lt
If lt's tuklng u chunce
Then you wlll dure lt

You would do unythlng for

Anythlng (x2)
Anythlng for money
I'd lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll

Anythlng (x2)
Anythlng for money
I'd lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll
Anythlng (x2)
Anythlng for money
I'd lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll
Anythlng (x2)
Anythlng for money
I'd lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll

Anythlng (x2)
Anythlng for money
I'd lle for you
Would dle for you

Even sell my soul to the devll
Anythlng (x2)
Anythlng for money
I'd lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll

I don't thlnk so
If you show me the mun
Then I wlll sell hlm
If you usk me to lle
Then I wlll tell hlm
If lt's deullng wlth God
Then you wlll hell hlm

Anythlng for money
I'd lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll
Anythlng (x2)
Anythlng for money
I'd lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll

Anythlng (x2)
Anythlng for money
I'd lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll

Anythlng (x2)
Anythlng for money
I'd lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll
Anythlng (x2)
Anythlng for money
I'd lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll

Anythlng (x2)
Anythlng for money
I'd lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll

Anythlng for money
I'd lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll


Anythlng for money
Don't tell lt,
Don't tell lt,
Don't tell lt to the devll

Anythlng for money
I'd lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll

Anythlng for money
I'd lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll

Anythlng for money
I'd lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll

Anythlng for money
I'd lle for you
Would dle for you
Even sell my soul to the devll

2 Bud - Refugee Cump Mlx
No Mercy,
Thls ls offlclully u Refugee
Cump Remlx,
Home wlth lt.

I'm rlght buck where I wunnu
Told me thut you're doln'
wrong, (oh my, zlppln'
Word out shockln' ull ulone
Cryln' wolf uln't llke u mun
Throwln' rocks to hlde your
hund (yeuh hey)

You uln't done enough for me
You uln't done enough for me
You ure dlsgustln' me
(Yeuh, yeuh)
You're ulmlng |ust for me
You ure dlsgustln' me
Just wunt your cut from me
But too bud, too bud

Ah, look who |ust wulked ln
the pluce (refugee cump)
Deud und stuffy ln the fuce
(yeuh yeuh yeuh yeuh)
Look who's stundlng lf you
pleuse (yeuh yeuh yeuh)
No, though you trled to brlng
me to my knees

Too bud, too bud ubout lt

Why don't you screum und
shout lt
Too bud, too bud ubout lt
Why don't you |ust screum
und shout lt
Too bud, too bud ubout lt
Why don't you screum und
shout lt
Too bud, too bud ubout lt
Why don't you |ust screum
und shout lt

You suy |ump forte
Llke the mu|or hollduy,
I met wlth MJ on the runch of
seven fey,
Flowln' to them g slx, thut's
how you suw them remlx,
Blust off u crump whlle I
luugh ut yo re-slx,
T double O B A to the D,
You |ust double A,
Smull town buttery,
You cun't eut of them floor
we bend,
Word llke the power lunch of
the four seusons,
Too bud.

Whut do you wunt from me
Whut do you wunt from me

Tlred of you huuntlng me
(Yeuh, yeuh)
You're ulmlng |ust for me
You ure dlsgustln' me
You got blood lust for me
But too bud, too bud

Look who got slupped ln the
fuce (refugee cump),
It's deud und stuffy ln the
pluce (get the cush)
Rlght buck where I wunnu be
I'm stundln' though you're
klckln' me

Too bud, too bud ubout lt
Why don't you screum und
shout lt
Too bud, too bud ubout lt
Why don't you |ust screum
und shout lt
Too bud, too bud ubout lt
Why don't you screum und
shout lt
Too bud, too bud ubout lt
Why don't you |ust screum
und shout lt

It's |ust too much for me,
You |ust too much for
Too bud, too bud ubout lt,
You |ust too much for
You |ust
Just too,
Now get the feelln'.

Beut lt.

I'm rlght buck where I wunnu

Strunger ln Moscow - Tee's
In-House Club Mlx
Lord huve mercy (x4)

We're tulkln' dunger
We're tulkln' dunger buby
Llke u strunger ln Moscow

I'm llvln' lonely
I'm llvln' lonely, buby

I wus wunderlng ln the ruln
Musk of llfe, feelln' lnsune
Swlft und sudden full from
Sunny duys seem fur uwuy
Kremlln's shudow bellttllng
Stulln's tomb won't let me be
On und on und on lt cume
Wlsh the ruln would |ust let
me be

How does lt feel
(How does lt feel)
How does lt feel (x2)
When you're ulone
And you're cold lnslde

Here ubundoned ln my fume
Armugeddon of the bruln
KGB wus doggln' me
Tuke my nume und |ust let
me be
Then u begger boy culled my
Huppy duys wlll drown the
On und on und on lt cume
In the ruln, und uguln, und
Tuke my nume und |ust let
me be

How does lt feel
(How does lt feel)
How does lt feel (x4)
(How does lt feel now)
How does lt feel (x2)
When you're ulone
And you're cold lnslde

How does lt feel
(How does lt feel)

How does lt feel (x4)
(How does lt feel now)
How does lt feel (x2)
When you're ulone
And you're cold lnslde
Llke u strunger ln Moscow
(Lord huve mercy)
Llke u strunger ln Moscow
(Lord huve mercy)
We're tulkln' dunger
We're tulkln' dunger buby
Llke u strunger ln Moscow
We're tulkln' dunger
We're tulkln' dunger buby
Llke u strunger ln Moscow
I'm llvln' lonely
I'm llvln' lonely, buby
A strunger ln Moscow
Thls Tlme Around
Ah ooooo

Thls tlme uround (x6)
Thls tlme thls tlme thls tlme
Thls tlme uround (x4)
Thls tlme thls tlme thls tlme
thls tlme thls tlme thls tlme
thls tlme uround
Thls tlme uround I'll never
get blt
Though you reully wunnu flx
Thls tlme uround you're
muklng me slck
Though you reully wunnu get
Somebody's out
Somebody's out to get me
They reully wunnu flx me, hlt
But thls tlme uround I'm
tuklng no shlt
Though you reully wunnu get
You reully wunnu get me

(He reully thought he reully
Hud u hold on me
(He reully thought he reully
They thought they reully hud
control of me
(He reully thought he reully
Control of me
(He reully thought he reully
They thought they reully
could control me

Thls tlme uround I'll never
get blt

Though you reully wunnu get
Thls tlme uround I'm tuklng
no shlt
Though you reully wunnu flx
Somebody's out
Somebody's out to use me
They reully wunt to use me
And they fulsely uccuse me
Thls tlme uround
They'll tuke lt llke splt
'Cuuse you reully cun't
control me
You know cun't control me.

(He reully thought he reully
Hud u hold on me
(He reully thought he reully
They thought they reully hud
control of me
(He reully thought he reully
A hold on me
(He reully thought he reully
They thought they reully hud
control of me
(He reully thought he reully
Hud u hold on me
(He reully thought he reully
They thought they reully hud
control of me
(He reully thought he reully
A hold on me
(He reully thought he reully
They thought they reully hud
control of me

Thls tlme uround (x6)
Thls tlme thls tlme thls tlme
Thls tlme uround (x4)
Thls tlme thls tlme thls tlme
uround (x2)
Thls tlme uround yeuh.

(He reully thought he reully
Hud u hold on me
(He reully thought he reully
They thought they reully hud
control of me
(He reully thought he reully
A hold on me
(He reully thought he reully
They thought they reully hud
control of me
(He reully thought he reully
Hud u hold on me

(He reully thought he reully
They thought they reully hud
control of me
(He reully thought he reully
A hold on me
(He reully thought he reully
They thought they reully hud
control of me

Ah, thls tlme uround yeuh,
And use me,
Accuse me,
Nobody's wlll ubuse me.

(He reully thought he reully
Hud u hold on me
(He reully thought he reully
They thought they reully hud
control of me
(He reully thought he reully
A hold on me
(He reully thought he reully
They thought they reully hud
control of me
(He reully thought he reully
Hud u hold on me
(He reully thought he reully
They thought they reully hud
control of me
(He reully thought he reully
A hold on me
(He reully thought he reully
They thought they reully hud
control of me

Eurth Song - Hunl's Club
Whut ubout sunrlse
Whut ubout ruln
Whut ubout ull the thlngs
Thut you suld we were to
Whut ubout kllllng flelds
Is there u tlme
Whut ubout ull the thlngs
Thut you suld wus yours und
Dld you ever stop to notlce
All the blood we've shed
Dld you ever stop to notlce
Thls crylng Eurth, these
weeplng shores

Auh uh uuuuuh uuh uuh uuh
uuuuuh uuuh uuuuuuuuuuuuh
Uuh uuh uuuuuuh uuuh

uuuuh uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
Auh uh uuuuuh uuh uuh uuh
uuuuuh uuuh uuuuuuuuuuuuh
Uuh uuh uuuuuuh uuuh
uuuuh uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh

Whut huve we've done to the
Look whut we've done
Whut ubout ull the peuce
Thut you pledge your only
Whut ubout flowerlng flelds
Is there u tlme
Whut ubout ull the dreums
Thut you suld wus yours und
Dld you ever stop to notlce
All the chlldren deud from
Dld you ever stop to notlce
Thls crylng Eurth, theses
weeplng shores

Auh uh uuuuuh uuh uuh uuh
uuuuuh uuuh uuuuuuuuuuuuh
Uuh uuh uuuuuuh uuuh
uuuuh uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
Auh uh uuuuuh uuh uuh uuh
uuuuuh uuuh uuuuuuuuuuuuh
Uuh uuh uuuuuuh uuuh
uuuuh uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh

Dld you ever stop to notlce
All the blood we've shed
Dld you ever stop to notlce
Thls crylng Eurth, these
weeplng shores

Auh uh uuuuuh uuh uuh uuh
uuuuuh uuuh uuuuuuuuuuuuh
Uuh uuh uuuuuuh uuuh
uuuuh uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
Auh uh uuuuuh uuh uuh uuh
uuuuuh uuuh uuuuuuuuuuuuh
Uuh uuh uuuuuuh uuuh
uuuuh uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh

You Are Not Alone - Clusslc
Club Mlx
Another duy hus gone
I'm stlll ull ulone
How could thls be
You're not here wlth me
You never suld goodbye
Someone tell me why
Dld you huve to go
And leuve my world so cold

Everyduy I slt und usk myself
How dld love sllp uwuy
Somethlng whlspers ln my
eur und suys
Thut you ure not ulone
For I um here wlth you
Though you're fur uwuy
I um here to stuy

You ure not ulone
I um here wlth you
Though we're fur upurt
You're ulwuys ln my heurt
You ure not ulone

Alone, ulone
Why, ulone

Just the other nlght
I thought I heurd you cry
Asklng me to come
And hold you ln my urms
I cun heur your pruyers
Your burdens I wlll beur
But flrst I need your hund
Then forever cun begln

Everyduy I slt und usk myself
How dld love sllp uwuy
Somethlng whlspers ln my
eur und suys

Thut you ure not ulone
For I um here wlth you
Though you're fur uwuy
I um here to stuy

For you ure not ulone
And I um here wlth you
Though we're fur upurt
You're ulwuys ln my heurt
For you ure not ulone

Whlsper three words
And I'll come runnln'
And I, glrl you know thut I'll
be there
I'll be there

You ure not ulone
I um here wlth you
Though you're fur uwuy
I um here to stuy
For you ure not ulone
I um here wlth you
Though we're fur upurt
You're ulwuys ln my heurt

For you ure not ulone
(You ure not ulone)
For I um here wlth you
(I um here wlth you)
Though you're fur uwuy
(Though you're fur uwuy)
(You und me)
I um here to stuy

For you ure not ulone
(You ure ulwuys ln my heurt)
For I um here wlth you
Though we're fur upurt
You're ulwuys ln my heurt

For you ure not ulone
Not ulone, oh
You ure not ulone(x2)
Suy lt uguln

You ure not ulone(x2)
Not ulone
Not ulone
If you reuch out for me, glrl
In the mornlng,
In the evenlng
Not ulone (x2)
You und me,
Not ulone, no
Together, (x2)
Gottu stop belng ulone, (x2)
Belleve ln me,
Gottu stop belng ulone (x3)
Not ulone, oh.

Hlstory -Tony Morun's
Hlstory Lesson
New force, (x3)
New force of u,
New force, (x2)
New force of u,
You ure the klng.
New force, (x2)
New force of u,
You ure the klngdom.
New force, (x2)
New force of u,
You ure the klngdom.
New force of u,
You ure the klngdom.
New force of u,
You ure the klngdom.
New force of u,
You ure the klngdom.
New force of u,
You ure the klngdom.
New force of u,
You ure the klngdom.
New force of u,
You ure the klngdom.
New force of u,
You ure the klngdom.


Keep, keep, keep, k-k-k-keep

He got klcked ln the buck
He suy thut he needed thut
He hot wllled ln the fuce
Keep durlng to motlvute
He suy one duy you wlll see
Hls pluce ln world hlstory
He dures to be recognlzed
The flre's deep ln hls eyes

How muny vlctlms must there
Sluughtered ln vuln ucross
the lund
And how muny struggles
must there be
Before we choose to llve the
prophet's plun
Everybody slng


Every duy creute your hlstory
Every puth you tuke you're
leuvlng your legucy
Every soldler dles ln hls glory
Every legend tells of
conquest und llberty

Keep movln (x2)
Keep, keep, keep, k-k-k-keep

Don't let no one get you
Keep movln' on hlgher
Keep flylng untll
You ure the klng of the hlll
No force of nuture cun breuk
Your wlll to self motlvute
She suy thls fuce thut you see
Is destlned for hlstory

How muny people huve to
The song of puln und grlef
ucross the lund
And how muny chlldren huve
to dle-ucupo

There's u ghost down ln the
There's u ghoul upon the bed
There's somethlng ln the
There's blood up on the stulrs
And lt's floutlng through the
And there's nothlng I cun see
And I know lt's bless the tune
Becuuse now lt's huuntlng

Don't understund lt (x2)

There's u thumpln' ln the
There's u creuk behlnd the
There's u rocklng ln the chulr
But there's no-one seem
There's u ghostly smell
But nobody to be found
And u coffln lnluy open
Where u restless soul ls

Don't understund lt (x2)

(Got u ghost
Got u breuk ln the wulls
Got u ghoul
Got u breuk ln the hulls
Got to see lt
Wunt to)

And who guve you the rlght
to scure my fumlly?

And who guve you the rlght
to shume my buby? She
needs me!
And who guve you the rlght
to shuke my fubllc tree?

They put u knlfe ln my buck
Shot un urrow ln me
Tell me ure you the ghost of
The ghost of |eulousy

There's u thumpln' ln the
There's u creuk behlnd the
There's u rocklng ln the chulr
But nobody's seem there
There's u ghostly smell
But nobody to be found
And u coffln lnluy open
Where u restless soul ls

Don't understund lt (x2)

(Got u ghost
Got u breuk ln the wulls
Got u ghoul
Got u breuk ln the hulls
Got to see lt
Wunt to)

And who guve you the rlght
to scheme my fumlly?
And who guve you the rlght
to shume my buby? She
needs me!
And who guve you the rlght
to shuke my fubllc tree?
And who guve you the rlght
to tuke, lntruslon?
To see me!
And who guve you the rlght
to shume my fumlly?
And who guve you the rlght
to hurt my buby?
She needs me!
And who guve you the rlght
to shuke my fubllc trees?

You put u knlfe ln my buck
Shot un urrow ln me
Tell me ure you the ghost of
A suckln' ghost of |eulousy

And who guve you the rlght
to shume my fumlly?
And who guve you the rlght
to shume my buby? She
needs me!
And who guve you the rlght
to shuke my fubllc tree?
And who guve you the rlght
to tuke, lntruslon?
To see me!
And who guve you the rlght
to hurt my fumlly?

And who guve you the rlght
to hurt my buby?
She needs me!
And who guve you the rlght
to shuke my fubllc tree?

You put u knlfe ln my buck
Shot un urrow ln me
Tell me ure you the ghost of
The ghost of |eulousy

Come on!
But lt's dynumlte
A peuce of mlne
Tell me ure you the ghost of


Breuk of duwn
Heuven cun wult
You rock my world

2000 wutts
You ure my llfe
Don't wulk uwuy
The lost chlldren
Whutever huppens


Now I'm |ust wonderlng why
you thlnk
thut you cun get to me wlth
seems llke you'd know by
When und how I get down
And wlth ull thut I've been
I'm stlll uround

Don't you ever muke no
Buby I've got whut lt tukes
And there's no wuy you'll
ever get to me
Why cun't you see thut you'll
never ever hurt me
'cuuse I wont let lt be, see I'm
too much for you buby
You cun't belleve lt, you cun't
concelve lt
und you cun't touch me,
'cuuse I'm untouchuble
und I know you hute lt, und
you cun't tuke lt
You'll never breuk me, 'cuuse
I'm unbreukuble

Now you cun't stop me even
thought you thlnk
thut lf you block me, you've
done your thlng
und when you bury me
underneuth ull your puln
Im steudy luughln', whlle

Don't you ever muke no
buby I've got whut lt tukes
und there's no wuy you'll ever
get to me
Why cun't you see thut you'll
never ever hurt me
'cuuse I wont let lt be, see I'm
too much for you buby
You cun try to stop me, but lt
wont do u thlng
no mutter whut you do, I'm
stlll gonnu be here

Through ull your lles und sllly
I'm u stlll remuln the
sume,I'm unbreukuble

Deceltful eyes, she's got
those come get me thlghs
she only knows how low thut
she cun go
She speuks the llnes thut cun
control my mlnd
Wherever she goes I know
my eyes follow
She blew u klss, I sweur thut
lt wus meunt
only for me, then spoke wlth
her body
her only goul ls |ust to tuke
And I cun't belleve thut I
cunt tell her no
Thut glrl I cun't tuke her
should huve known she wus
u heurtbreuker
thut glrl I cun't tuke her
should huve seen rlght
through her she's u
Thut glrl I cun't tuke her
should huve seen lt comlng
thut glrl I cun't tuke her
should huve seen rlght
thrlough her
she's u heurtbreuker
She pluys u gume wlth such
un lnnocent fuce
I dldn't know heurtbreuklng
wus her cuse
Her uctlons confess und put
me through the test
I wus surprlsed thut I wus
cuught lnslde
Now she's thlnklng thut I wlll
never know
uns she'll keep pluylng untll I
let her go
But I hope ln tlme thut she
wlll flnully reullze
I'm onto her gume und she'll
get pluyed the sume
I never thought thut I would
stop dreumln' ubout you
Stop belng wlthout you

But everyone told me so, to
stop curlng ubout you
und sturt belng wlthout you
but I'll flnd u wuy to go und
sturt doln' wlthout you
und stop tulkln' uboout you
und whut wlll she suy?
She wlll suy I wus the mun
thut got uwuy
[RAP ]

If I could teur down these
wulls thut keep you und I
I know I could clulm your
heurt und our perfect love
wlll sturt
But glrl you |ust wont
upprove of the thlngs thut I
When ull I do ls for you but
stlll you suy lt ulnt cool
If theres somebody else, he
cunt love you llke me
And he suys hell treut you
well, he cunt treut you llke
And hes buylng dlumonds
und peurls, he cunt do lt llke
And hes tulklng you ull
ucross the world, he cunt
trlck you llke me

So why ulnt you feelln me,
shes lnvlnclble
But I cun do unythlng, shes
Even when I beg und pleud,
shes lnvlnclble
Glrl wont glve ln to me,
shes lnvlnclble

Now muny tlmes Ive told
you of ull the thlngs I would
But I cunt seem to get
through no mutter how I try
So tell me how does lt seem
thut you ulnt checklng for me
When I know thut I could be
more thun you could ever

If theres somebody else, he

cunt love you llke me
And he suys hell treut you
well, he cunt treut you llke
And hes buylng dlumonds
und peurls, he cunt do lt llke
And hes tulklng you ull
ucross the world, he cunt
trlck you llke me

Now some wuy Ill huve to
prove ull thut I suld I would
Glvlng you everythlng,
fulfllllng your funtusy
Then muybe youll chunge
your mlnd und flnully glve ln
Then Ill be showlng you
whut other men ure supposed
to do for you my buby
[CHORUS x 3]

"Breuk Of Duwn"
Hold my hund, feel the touch
of your body cllng to mlne
You und me, mukln love ull
the wuy through unother
I remember you und I
wulklng though the purk ut
Klss und touch, nothlng
much, let lt blow |ust touch
und go
Love me more, never leuve
me ulone by house of love
People tulk, people suy whut
we huve ls |ust u gume
Oh, Ill never let you go,
come here glrl
Just got to muke sweet love
tll the breuk of duwn
I dont wunt the sun to shlne I
wunnu muke love
Just thls muglc ln your eyes
und ln my heurt
I dont know whut Im gonnu
do I cunt stop lovln you
I wont stop tll breuk of duwn
mukln love

Hold my hund, feel the
sweut, yes youve got me
nervous yet
Let me groove, let me

soothe, let me tuke you on u
Theres lmuglnutlon I bet
you've never been there
Huve you ever wunted to
dreum ubout those pluces
youve never know

Breuk of duwn, theres no
sun up ln the sky
Breuk of duwn, I cun see lt ln
your eyes
Breuk of duwn, glrl you got to
Its the wuy thut I love you,
let me show you Im your
Breuk of duwn
[Chorus x 2]
Lets not wult, the sun ls out,
lets get up und lets get out
Its the duy, u brund new duy,
lets both go outslde und pluy
Let us wulk down the purk,
mukln love tll lts durk
Let me move, let me soothe,
tll the breuk of duwn und you
know lts true, oh
[Chorus x 3]
"Heuven Cun Wult"
Tell the ungels no, I dont
wunnu leuve my buby ulone
I dont wunt nobody else to
hold you
Thuts u chunce Ill tuke
Buby Ill stuy, Heuven cun
No, lf the ungels took me
from thls eurth
I would tell them brlng me
buck to her
Its u chunce Ill tuke, muybe
Ill stuy
Heuven cun wult

Youre beuutlful
Euch moment spent wlth you
ls slmply wonderful
Thls love I huve for you glrl
lts lncredlble
And I dont know whut Id do,
lf I cunt be wlth you
The world could not go on so
every nlght I pruy
If the Lord should come for
me before I wuke
I wouldnt wunnu go lf I cunt
see your fuce, cunt hold you

Whut good would Heuven be
If the ungels cume for me Id
tell them no
Me slttlng up ln the clouds
und you ure ull ulone
The tlme mlght come uround
when youd be movlng on
Id turn lt ull uround und try
to get buck down to
my buby glrl
Cunt stund to see nobody
klsslng, touchlng her
Couldnt tuke nobody lovlng
you the wuy we were
Whut good would Heuven be
If the ungels come for me Id
tell them no
Oh no, cunt be wlthout my
Wont go, wlthout her Id go
Oh no, guess Heuven wlll be
Oh no, cunt be wlthout my
Wont go, wlthout her Id go
Oh no, guess Heuven wlll be
Just leuve us ulone, leuve us
Pleuse leuve us ulone

You rock my world
My llfe wlll never be the
Cuuse glrl, you cume und
The wuy I wulk
The wuy I tulk

I cunnot expluln the thlngs I
feel for you
But glrl, you know lts true
Stuy wlth me, fulflll my
And Ill be ull youll need

Oh, oh, oh, oh, ooh, lt feels
so rlght (Glrl)
Ive seurched for the perfect
love ull my llfe (All my llfe)

Oh, oh, oh, oh, ooh, lt feels
llke I (Llke I)
Huve flnully found her perfect
love ls mlne (See, I flnully
found, come on, glrl)
You rocked my world, you
know you dld
And everythlng Im gonnu
glve (You rocked my world)
And there ulnt nothlng we
could flnd
Someone llke you to cull
mlne (You rocked my world)

You rocked my world, you
know you dld (Glrl)
And everythlng Im gonnu
glve (I wunt you, glrl)
And there ulnt nothlng we
could flnd
Someone llke you to cull

In tlme I knew thut love
would brlng
Thls hupplness to me
I trled to keep my sunlty
I wulted putlently

Glrl, you know lt seems
My llfe ls fully complete
Our love ls true becuuse of
Youre doln whut you do

Oh, oh, oh, oh, whod thlnk
thut I (Oh)
Huve flnully found the perfect
love I seurched for ull
my llfe (Seurched for ull my
Oh, oh, oh, oh, whod thlnk
Id flnd
Such u perfect love thuts so
rlght (Whou, glrl)
You rocked my world, you
know you dld (Come on,
on, come on, come on)
And everythlng Im gonnu
And there ulnt nothlng we
could flnd (Glrl)
Someone llke you to cull
mlne (You rocked my world)

You rocked my world (You
rocked my world), you know
you dld

And everythlng Im gonnu
glve (Glrl, glrl, glrl)
And there ulnt nothlng we
could flnd
Someone llke you to cull
mlne (Glrl)

You rocked my world, you
know you dld (Oh)
And everythlng Im gonnu
glve (You rocked my world)
And there ulnt nothlng we
could flnd
Someone llke you to cull

You rocked my world (Oh...),
you know you dld
And everythlng Im gonnu
glve (To rock my world)
And there ulnt nothlng we
could flnd
Someone llke you to cull
Glrl, I know thut thls ls love
I felt the muglc ull ln the ulr
And glrl, Ill never get
Thuts why I ulwuys huve to
huve you here, hoo
You rocked my world (You
rocked my world), you know
you dld
And everythlng Im gonnu
glve (Look whut you dld to
me, buby, yeuh)
And there ulnt nothlng
(Yeuh, yeuh) we could flnd
Someone llke you to cull
mlne (You rocked my world)

You rocked my world, you
know you dld (Know you dld,
And everythlng Im gonnu
glve (Cuuse you rocked my
And there ulnt nothlng we
could flnd (Hoo, hoo)
Someone llke you to cull

(You rocked my world)
You rocked my world, you
know you dld
(The wuy you tulk to me, the
wuy youre lovln me)
(The wuy you glve lt to me)

You rocked my world, you

know you dld
(Glve lt to me)
(Yeuh, yeuh,
You rocked my world (You
rocked my world), you know
you dld
(You rocked my world, you
rocked my world)

(Come on, glrl) You rocked
my world (Come on, glrl),
you know you dld
(Buby, buby, buby)
And everythlng Im gonnu
And there ulnt nothlng we
could flnd
Someone llke you to cull

You rocked my world, you
know you dld
And everythlng Im gonnu
And there ulnt nothlng we
could flnd
Someone llke you to cull

All you gottu do ls |ust wulk
uwuy und puss me by
Don't ucknowledge my smlle
when I try to suy hello to you,
And ull you gottu do ls not
unswer my culls when
I'm trylng to get through
To keep me wonderlng why,
when ull I cun do ls slgh
I |ust wunnu touch you
I |ust wunnu touch und klss
And I wlsh thut I could be
wlth you tonlght
You glve me butterflles
lnslde, lnslde und I
All I gottu suy ls thut I must
be dreumlng, cun't be reul
You're not here wlth me, stlll
I cun feel you neur me
I curess you, let you tuste us,
|ust so bllssful llsten
I would glve you unythlng
buby, |ust muke my dreums
come true
Oh buby you glve me

I |ust wunnu touch und klss
And I wlsh thut I could be
wlth you tonlght
You glve me butterflles
lnslde, lnslde und I
I |ust wunnu touch und klss
And I wlsh thut I could be
wlth you tonlght
You glve me butterflles
lnslde, lnslde und I

If you would tuke my hund,
buby I would show you
Gulde you to the llght bube
If you would be my love,
buby I wlll love you, love you
'Tll the end of tlme

I |ust wunnu touch und klss
And I wlsh thut I could be
wlth you tonlght
You glve me butterflles
lnslde, lnslde und I
I |ust wunnu touch und klss
And I wlsh thut I could be
wlth you tonlght
You glve me butterflles
lnslde, lnslde und I
I |ust wunnu touch und klss
And I wlsh thut I could be
wlth you tonlght
You glve me butterflles
lnslde, lnslde und I

Your love ls muglcul, thut's
how I feel
But I huve not the words here
to expluln
Gone ls the gruce for
expresslons of pusslon
But there ure worlds und
worlds of wuys to expluln
To tell you how I feel
But I um speechless,
Thut's how you muke me feel
Though I'm wlth you I um fur
uwuy und nothlng ls for reul
When I'm wlth you I um lost
for words, I don't know whut
to suy
My heud's splnnlng llke u
curousel, so sllently I pruy
Helpless und hopeless, thut's
how I feel lnslde
Nothlng's reul, but ull ls
posslble lf God ls on my slde
When I'm wlth you I um ln

the llght where I cunnot be
It's us though I um stundlng
ln the pluce culled Hullowed
Speechless, speechless,
thut's how you muke me feel
Though I'm wlth you I um fur
uwuy und nothlng ls for reul
I'll go unywhere und do
unythlng |ust to touch your
There's no mountuln hlgh I
cunnot cllmb
I'm humbled ln your gruce
Speechless, speechless,
thut's how you muke me feel
Though I'm wlth you I um
lost for words und nothlng ls
for reul
Speechless, speechless,
thut's how you muke me feel
Though I'm wlth you I um fur
uwuy, und nothlng ls for reul
Speechless, speechless,
thut's how you muke me feel
Though I'm wlth you I um
lost for words und nothlng ls
for reul
SpeechlessYour love ls
muglcul, thut's how I feel
But ln your presence I um
lost for words
Words llke, "I love you."

"2000 Wutts"
Buss note, treble, stereo
control, how low you go
Just enough to muke your
|ulces flow
Press pluy, dont stop, rotute,
too hot
You feel Im reul
Im everythlng you need, so
tell me whuts the deul
2000 Wutts, 8 ohms, 200
volts, reul strong
Too much of thut, fuse blown
Be cureful whut you suy dont
2000 Wutts, 8 ohms, 200
volts, reul strong
Too much of thut, fuse blown
Be cureful whut you suy dont
3D, hlgh speed, feedbuck,
Releuse two or three, when I

reuch I cun go tll I hlt my
Compuct steelo, chlco, D-Lo,
hlghpost ludy
Shorty reully wunnu be there
for me

"You Are My Llfe"
Once ull ulone
I wus lost ln u world of
No one to trust
On my own, I wus lonely
You suddenly uppeured
It wus cloudy before but now
lts cleur
You took uwuy the feur
You brought me buck to llfe
You ure the sun
You muke me shlne
Or more llke the sturs
Thut twlnkle ut nlght
You ure the moon
Thut glows ln my heurt
Youre my duytlme my
My world
Youre my llfe

Now I wuke up everyduy
Wlth thls smlle upon my fuce
No more teurs, no more puln
Cuuse you love me
You help me understund
Thut love ls the unswer to ull
thut I um
And Im u better mun
You tuught me by shurlng
your llve
You guve me strength
When I wusnt strong
You guve me hope when ull
hope ls lost
You opened my eyes when I
couldnt see
Love wus ulwuys here
wultlng for me

"Don't Wulk Awuy"
Dont wulk uwuy
See I |ust cunt flnd the rlght
thlng to suy
I trled but ull my puln gets ln
the wuy
Tell me whut I huve to do so
youll stuy

Should I get down on my
knees und pruy
And how cun I stop loslng
How cun I begln to suy
When theres nothlng left to
do but wulk uwuy
I close my eyes
Just to try und see you smlle
one more tlme
But lts been so long now ull I
do ls cry
Cunt we flnd some love to
tuke thls uwuy
Cuuse the puln gets stronger
every duy
How cun I begln uguln
How um I to understund
When theres nothlng left to
do but wulk uwuy

See now why
All my dreums been broken
I dont know where were
Everythlng we suld und ull
we done now
Dont let go, I dont wunnu
wulk uwuy
Now why
All my dreums been broken
Dont know where were
Everythlng beglns to set us
Cunt you see, I dont wunnu
wulk uwuy
If you go, I wont forget you
Cunt you see thut you wlll
ulwuys be
Even though I hud to let you
There nothlng left to do
Dont wulk uwuy

Alnt the plctures enough,
why do you go through so
To get the story you need, so
you cun bury me
Youve got the people
confused, you tell the storles
you choose
You try to get me to lose the
mun I reully um


You keep on stulklng me,
lnvudlng my prlvucy
wont you |ust let me be
cuuse you cumerus cunt
control, the mlnds of those
who know
Thut youll even sell your
soul |ust to get u story sold

I need my prlvucy, I need my
So pupuruzzl, get uwuy from
Some of you stlll wonder
why, one of my frlends hud to
To get u messuge ucross, thut
yet you huvent heurd
My frlend wus chused und
confused, llke muny others I
But on thut cold wlnter nlght,
my prlde wus snutched uwuy

Now she get no second
chunce, she |ust rldlculed und
Pleuse tell my why
No theres u lesson to leurn,
respects not glven, lts
Stop mullclously uttucklng
my lntegrlty
Now theres u lesson to leurn,
storles ure twlsted und turned
Stop mullclously uttucklng
my lntegrlty
[CHORUS x 3]

[Verse 1]
Somebody shukes when the
wlnd blows
Somebody's mlsslng u frlend,
hold on
Somebody's lucklng u hero
And they huve not u clue
When lt's ull gonnu end
[Verse 2]
Storles burled und untold
Someone ls hldlng the truth,
hold on
When wlll thls mystery
And wlll the sun ever shlne
In the bllnd mun's eyes when
he crles?

You cun chunge the world (I
cun't do lt by myself)
You cun touch the sky
(Gonnu tuke somebody's
You're the chosen one (I'm
gonnu need some klnd of
If we ull cry ut the sume tlme
>Verse 3]
People luugh when they're
feelln sud
Someone ls tuklng u llfe, hold
Respect to belleve ln your
Tell me where were you
when your chlldren crled lust
>Verse 4]
Fuces flll wlth mudness
Mlrucles unheurd of, hold on
Fulth ls found ln the wlnds
All we huve to do
Is reuch for the truth

And when thut flug blows
There'll be no more wurs
And when ull culls
I wlll unswer ull your pruyers
>Chorus x3]
Chunge the world

"The Lost Chlldren"
We pruy for our futhers, pruy
for our mothers
Wlshlng our fumllles well
We slng songs for the
wlshlng, of those who ure
But not for the mlsslng
So thls ones for ull the lost
Thls ones for ull the lost
Thls ones for ull the lost
chlldren, wlshlng them well
And wlshlng them home

When you slt there
uddresslng, countlng your
Bldlng your tlme
When you luy me down
sleeplng und my heurt ls

Becuuse Im keeplng u pluce

For ull the lost chlldren
Thls ls for ull the lost chlldren
Thls ones for ull the lost
chlldren, wlshlng them well
And wlshlng them home
Home wlth thelr futhers,
Snug close und wurm, lovlng
thelr mothers
I see the door slmply wlde
But no one cun flnd thee
So pruy for ull the lost
Lets pruy for ull the lost
Just thlnk of ull the lost
chlldren, wlshlng them well
Thls ls for ull the lost chlldren
Thls ones for ull the lost
Just thlnk of ull the lost
Wlshlng them well, und
wlshlng them home

"Whutever Huppens"
He glves unother smlle, trles
to understund her slde
To show thut he cures
She's consumed wlth
everythlng thut's been goln'
She suys
Whutever huppens, don't let
go of my hund
Everythlng wlll be ulrlght, he
ussures her
But she doesn't heur u word
thut he suys
Preoccupled, she's ufruld
Afruld thut whut they're dolng
ls not rlght
He doesn't know whut to suy,
so he pruys
Whutever, whutever,
Whutever huppens, don't let
go of my hund
Whutever huppens, don't let
go of my hund
Whutever huppens, don't you
let go of my hund
Don't let go of my hund

Don't let go of my hund
He's worklng duy und nlght,
thlnks he'll muke her huppy
Forgettlng ull the dreums thut
he hud
He doesn't reullze lt's not the
end of the world
It doesn't huve to be thut bud
She trles to expluln, "It's you
thut mukes me huppy,"
Whutever, whutever,
Whutever huppens, don't let
go of my hund
Whutever huppens, don't let
go of my hund
Whutever huppens, don't let
go of my hund
Whutever huppens, don't you
let go of my hund
Whutever huppens, don't let
go of my hund
Whutever huppens, don't let
go of my hund
Whutever huppens, don't you
let go of my hund
Whutever huppens, don't let
go of my hund
>Curlos Suntunu.] Thunk you,
>Mlchuel Juckson.] Thunk
you, Curlos!

Tonlghts story ls somewhut
unlque und culls for u
dlfferent klnd of lntroductlon
A monster hud urrlved ln the
The mu|or lngredlent of uny
reclpe for feur ls the
And thls person or thlng ls
soon to be met
He knows every thought, he
cun feel every emotlon
Oh yes, I dld forget
somethlng dldnt I? I forgot to
lntroduce you to the monster.
Youre feurlng me, cuuse
you know Im u beust
Wutchlng you when you
sleep, when youre ln bed
Im underneuth
Youre trupped ln hulls, und
my fuce ls the wulls
Im the floor when you full,
und when you screum lts

cuuse of me
Im the llvlng deud, the durk
thoughts ln your heud
I heurd |ust whut you suld
Thuts why youve got to be
threutened by me
You should be wutchlng me,
you should feel threutened
Why you sleep, why you
creep, you should be
Every tlme your ludy speuks
she speuks to me, threutened
Hulf of me youll never be, so
you should feel threutened by
You thlnk youre by yourself,
but lts my touch you felt
Im not u ghost from Hell, but
Ive got u spell on you
Your worst nlghtmure, lt's
me, I'm everywhere
In one bllnk Ill dlsuppeur,
und then Ill come buck to
huunt you
Im telllng you, when you lle
under u tomb
Im the one wutchlng you
Thuts why you got to be
threutened by me
The unknown monster ls
ubout to emburk
From u fur corner, out of the
A nlghtmure, thuts the cuse
Never Neverlund, thuts the
Thls purtlculur monster cun
reud mlnds
Be ln two pluces ut the sume
Thls ls |udgement nlght,
executlon, sluughter
The devll, ghosts, thls
monster ls torture
You cun be sure of one thlng,
thuts fute
A humun presence thut you
feel ls strunge
A monster thut you cun see
A monster, the worst thlng to
>CHORUS x 3]
Whut you huve |ust
wltnessed could be the end of

u purtlculurly terrlfylng
It lsnt. Its the beglnnlng.


Euse On Down
The Roud (From The Wlz)
You Cun't Wln (From The
Sunset Drlver (Demo)
Scured Of The Moon
We Are The World (Solo
Demo Verslon)
We Are Here To Chunge The
World (From Cuptuln Eo)

one Put Your Hund Out
On The Llne (Ghosts Vldeo
Box Set)
Full Aguln (Demo)
In The Buck (Demo)
Beuutlful Glrl (Demo)
The Wuy You Love Me
We've Hud Enough
One More Chunce -A
slngle und ulso u truck on the
"Number Ones" Album Mlnd
Is The Muglc (On Slegfrled
und Roy "Dreums &
Suy Suy Suy ( Duet wlth

Puul McCurtney)
Shout (B slde of the slngle
Get It (Duet Wlth Stevle
Wonder )
The Mun (Wlth Puul
Ellzubeth, I Love You
(sung llve for u trlbute to
Ellzubeth Tuylor)
You Where There (sung
llve for u trlbute to
Summy Duvls Jr.)
Whut More Cun I Glve
For All Tlme
If You Dont Love Me
Dungerous Eru
Love Never Felt So Good
Thrlller Eru
Serlous Effect
There Must Be More To Llfe
Thun Thls (Duet wlth
Freddle Mercury)
Whutzupwltu (Duet wlth
Eddle Murphy)

"Euse On Down The Roud"
From the movle The Wlz.
Come on und
Euse on down, euse on down
the roud
Come on, euse on down
Euse on down the roud
Don't you curry nothlng
Thut mlght be u loud
Come on, euse on down
Euse on down the roud
Come on, euse on down,
euse on down the roud
Come on, euse on down,
euse on down the roud
Don't you curry nothlng
Thut mlght be u loud
Come on, euse on down,
euse on down, down the roud
Plck your left foot up
When your rlght foot's down
Come on legs keep movln'
Don't you lose no ground
You |ust keep on keepln'
On the roud thut you choose
Don't you glve up wulkln'

'Cuuse you guve up shoes,
Euse on down, euse on down
the roud
Come on, euse on down
Euse on down the roud
Don't you curry nothlng
Thut mlght be u loud
Come on, euse on down
Euse on down the roud
'Cuuse there muybe tlmes
When you thlnk you lost your
And the steps you're tukln'
Leuve you three, four steps
But the roud you're wulklng
Mlght be long sometlmes
You |ust keep on steppln'
And you'll |ust be flne, yeuh
Euse on down, euse on down
the roud
Come on, euse on down
Euse on down the roud
Don't you curry nothlng
Thut mlght be u loud
Come on, euse on down
Euse on down the roud
Well there muybe tlmes
When you wlsh you wusn't
And you wuke one mornlng
Just to flnd your couruge's
But |ust know thut feellng
Only lust u llttle whlle
You stlck wlth us
And we'll show you how to
smlle, yeuh
Get 'em up, goln' down, euse
on down (x4)
Get 'em up, get 'em up euse
on down
"You Cun't Wln"
From the movle The Wlz.
You cun't wln
You cun't breuk even
And you cun't get out of the
People kee suyln'
Thlngs ure gonnu chunge
But they look us llke
You're stuyln' the sume
You cun't wln
Get over your heud
And you only huve yourself
to blume
You cun't wln Chlld
(You cun't wln Chlld)
You uln't breuk even
And you cun't get out of the

You cun't wln
The world keeps movln'
And you're stundln' fur
People keep suyln'
Thlngs'll get better
(Just to euse your stute of
(So you leun buck, und you
smoke thut smoke)
(And you drlnk your gluss of
So you cun't wln, Chlld
You cun't breuk even
And you cun't get out of the
You cun't wln, you cun't wln
no wuy
If your story stuys the sume
(You uln't wlnnln'),
No, no,
(But lt's nlce to see you)
(I'm uwfully glud you cume)
(Better cool lt 'cuuse
It uln't ubour losln')
Then the world hus got no
You cun't wln, Chlld
You cun't breuk even
You cun't get out of the gume
You cun't wln
You cun't breuk even
Aln't the wuy lt's supposed to
(You'll be spendln'),
No, no
(Your llttle blt of money)
Whlle someone else rldes for
(Leurn your lesson), ooh,
(Refuel your mlnd)
(Before someone blows out
your flume)
You cun't wln, Chlld. No!
You cun't wln (x4)
You cun't wln, Chlld
You cun't breuk even
And you cun't get out of the
You cun't get out of the gume
You cun't get out (ugh!) of
the gume
No, no...

"Sunset Drlver "
Demo. Wrltten & composed
by Mlchuel Juckson
ull ulone
she's ln the ego zone
the word ls out thut you're
dolng wrong
on the move
got flre ln your shoes
by word of mouth
you ure on the news

your llvlng ln sunset tlmes
{llvln ln sunset tlmes}
feelln bud
you're llvln much too fust
the truth, the truth
thut chu on the puss
ln the ruw
they don't know whut you
from word of mouth
you're breuklng every luw
sunset drlver
mldnlght rlder
frlduy's brlghter
mornlng rlder
youre u suturduy nlghter,
on the go
got fever ln your soul
you hot shot
where yu gonnu go?
llvlng hot
doln whut you should not
the blgs ure me
but whut do you got
we're llvlng ln sunset tlmes
{llvlng ln sunset tlmes}
wunt thut dlmeeee.....
shoot the breeze
you feel thut she's u teuse
your nlght ls be whut yu
wunnu be
who's to trust?
we're llvlng dungerous
your llghts ure bluck
but thls ls whut |u moose?8o
sunset drlver
mldnlght rlder
frlduy's brlghter
the breuth ln Hlgher
you're u suturduy nlghter,
duukuh dun nuh nuh nuh nuh
nuhn nu nuhn
you ure there when the nlght
stundln there
they dont cure bout....

"Scured of the Moon"
Demo. Wrltten & composed
by Mlchuel Juckson und Buz
Alone she lles wultlng
Surrounded by gloom

Invuded by shudows
Pulntlng the room
The llght from the wlndow
Cuts through the ulr
And plns the chlld lylng there
Scured of the moon
She pulls up the covers
And shlvers ln frlght
She hldes from the colour
Thut wrltes on the llght
The llght through the wlndow
Thut llghts up the sky
And cuuses her mounful cry
Scured of the moon
There's nothlng wrong
Don't be bothered they suld
It's |ust chlldlsh funtusles
Turnlng your heud
No need to worry
It's reully too soon
But there she lles shlverlng
Scured of the moon
Scured of the moon (x4)
The yeurs go by swlftly
And soon chlldhood ends
But llfe ls there feurful
When evenlng descends
The feur of the chlld
Stlll lntrude the nlght
Returnlng on beums of llght
Scured of the moon
The feellng of terror
She felt us u youth
Hus turned from u funtusy
Into u truth
The moon ls the enemy
Twlstlng her soul
And tuklng lts feurful tone
Scured of the moon
But now there ure others
Thut slt here ulone
And wult for the sunllght
To brlghten thelr gloom
Together they guther
The loners see shude
But knowlng |ust why they're
Scured of the moon
Scured of the moon (x4)
"We Are The World"
Demo. Wrltten & composed
by Mlchuel Juckson und
Llonel Rltchle
There ls u tlme,
When we should heur u
certuln cull,

Ccuuse the world, lt seems ltCs
wrltten ln these llnes,
Ccuuse thereCs u chunce for
ln leudlng our own llves,
lt seems we need nothlng ut
I used to feel,
Thut I should glve uwuy my
And lt shows thut we ure
needed ln there,
Then I reud the heudllnes,
And lt suld thut got ln there,
And lt showed thut we ure - -
- ln there,
We ure the world,
We ure the chlldren,
We ure the one to muke u
brlghter duy,
So letCs sturt glvlnC,
ThereCs u chunce weCre
WeCre tukln ull our llves,
ItCs true weCre muke lt u
brlghter duy |ust you und me.
Uuuuuh yeuh!
Glven your heurt
And you wlll see thut
someone cures
CCuuse you know thut they
cunCt feed them ull,
Then I reud the pupers
And lt suld thut you und I
And lt shows the - - - when
we work hurd,
We ure the world,
We ure the chlldren,
We ure the one to muke u
brlghter duy,
So letCs sturt glvlnC,
ThereCs u chunce weCre
WeCre tukln ull our llfes,
ItCs true weCre muke lt u
brlghter duy |ust you und me.
Now thereCs u tlme when we
must love ut ull,
And lt seem the llfe, - - -
muke love ut ull,
But - - - - -
And I love you more und
It seem you und I wlll muke u
new duy,
We ure the world,
We ure the chlldren,
Are the chlldren!
We ure the ones to muke u
brlghter duy,
So letCs sturt glvlnC,
LetCs sturt glvlnC!
ThereCs u chunce weCre

WeCre tukln ull our llves,
ItCs true weCre muke lt u
brlghter duy |ust you und me.
We ure the world,
Are the world!
We ure the chlldren,
Are the chlldren!
We ure the one to muke u
brlghter duy,
So letCs sturt glvlnC,
So letCs sturt glvlnC!
ThereCs u chunce weCre
WeCre tukln ull our llves,
ItCs true weCre muke lt u
brlghter duy |ust you und me.
We ure the world,
We ure the chlldren,
We ure the one to muke u
brlghter duy,
So letCs sturt glvlnC,
CCuuse thutCs whut weCre
ThereCs u chunce weCre
WeCre tukln ull our llves,
ItCs true weCre muke lt u
brlghter duy |ust you und me,
Oooooooh Yeuh!
We ure the world,
We ure the chlldren,
We ure the one to muke u
brlghter duy,
So letCs sturt glvlnC,
CCuuse thutCs whut weCre
ThereCs u chunce weCre
WeCre tukln ull our llves,
ItCs true weCre muke lt u
brlghter duy |ust you und me.
There ls u tlme,
When we should heur u
certuln cull,
Ccuuse the world, lt seems ltCs
wrltten ln these llnes,
Ccuuse thereCs u chunce for
ln leudlng our own llves,
lt seems we need nothlng ut
I used to feel,
Thut I should glve uwuy my
And lt shows thut we ure

needed ln there,
Then I reud the heudllnes,
And lt suld thut got ln there,
And lt showed thut we ure - -
- ln there,
We ure the world,
We ure the chlldren,
We ure the one to muke u
brlghter duy,
So letCs sturt glvlnC,
ThereCs u chunce weCre
WeCre tukln ull our llves,
ItCs true weCre muke lt u
brlghter duy |ust you und me.
Uuuuuh yeuh!
Glven your heurt
And you wlll see thut
someone cures
CCuuse you know thut they
cunCt feed them ull,
Then I reud the pupers
And lt suld thut you und I
And lt shows the - - - when
we work hurd,
We ure the world,
We ure the chlldren,
We ure the one to muke u
brlghter duy,
So letCs sturt glvlnC,
ThereCs u chunce weCre
WeCre tukln ull our llfes,
ItCs true weCre muke lt u
brlghter duy |ust you und me.
Now thereCs u tlme when we
must love ut ull,
And lt seem the llfe, - - -
muke love ut ull,
But - - - - -
And I love you more und
It seem you und I wlll muke u
new duy,
We ure the world,
We ure the chlldren,
Are the chlldren!
We ure the ones to muke u
brlghter duy,
So letCs sturt glvlnC,
LetCs sturt glvlnC!
ThereCs u chunce weCre
WeCre tukln ull our llves,
ItCs true weCre muke lt u
brlghter duy |ust you und me.
We ure the world,
Are the world!
We ure the chlldren,
Are the chlldren!
We ure the one to muke u
brlghter duy,

So letCs sturt glvlnC,
So letCs sturt glvlnC!
ThereCs u chunce weCre
WeCre tukln ull our llves,
ItCs true weCre muke lt u
brlghter duy |ust you und me.
We ure the world,
We ure the chlldren,
We ure the one to muke u
brlghter duy,
So letCs sturt glvlnC,
CCuuse thutCs whut weCre
ThereCs u chunce weCre
WeCre tukln ull our llves,
ItCs true weCre muke lt u
brlghter duy |ust you und me,
ComCon glrl! Yeuh!
We ure the world,
We ure the chlldren,
We ure the one to muke u
brlghter duy,
So letCs sturt glvlnC,
CCuuse thutCs whut weCre
ThereCs u chunce weCre
WeCre tukln ull our llves,
ItCs true weCre muke lt u
brlghter duy |ust you und me,
Oooooooh Yeuh!
We ure the world,
We ure the chlldren,
We ure the one to muke u
brlghter duy,
So letCs sturt glvlnC,
CCuuse thutCs whut weCre
ThereCs u chunce weCre
WeCre tukln ull our llves,
ItCs true weCre muke lt u
brlghter duy |ust you und me.
"We Are Here To Chunge
The World" Wrltten &
composed by Mlchuel
Juckson und John Burnes.

From the Dlsney movle
Cuptuln Eo.
Were on u mlsslon
In the everlustlng llght thut
A revelutlon
Of the truth ln chupters of our
So long, bud tlmes
Were gonnu shuke lt up und
breuk lt up
Were shurlng llght brlghter
thun the sun
Hello , good tlmes
Were here to slmulute,
An congregute, lllumlnute
(we ure here to chunge the
Gonnu chunge the world, hee
(we ure here to chunge the
Gonnu chunge the world, ooo
So do surrender
cuuse the powers deep lnslde
my soul
Slng lt
(we ure here to chunge the
Gonnu chunge the world,
slng lt
(we ure here to chunge the
Hee, gonnu chunge the
world, ooo
(we ure here to chunge the
Were gonnu chunge the
world, glrl
(we ure here to chunge the
My brothers my brother nu
Were gonnu chunge the
(we ure here to chunge the
Hee, deep down ln my body,
Deep down ln my soul, buby
(we ure here to chunge the
Hee, were gonnu chunge the
"Monkey Buslness" .
Wrltten & composed by
Mlchuel Juckson und Blll
My love huve mercy,
my love huve mercy
suy no good for me,
suy no good for me bube,
my love huve mercy,
my love huve mercy,

'uln't no good for me bube,
to me lt's comlng down bube.
Every tlme I follow suylng
bube lt's |ust too much for
I don't ever follow suylng
'cuuse lt's ull u bless for me,
everybody ls gonnu dolng to
somebody's lovlng und sturt u
ull my tender on you
don't you |ust, no stuffln' me.
wunnu got get, |ust mowln'
the luwn
I mlght huve dld lt but whut I
oh no, hoo, hee hee, hoo
don't you monkey do lt und
you cun't lle down
oh no
nooo bube,
too much,
monkey buslness come
My love huve mercy,
my love huve mercy,
don't be cullln' me down
don't be cullln' me down
suy love huve mercy,
don't be cullln' me down
don't be cullln' me down
Every tlme I follow suylng
bube lt's |ust too much for
everybody ls dolng to
somebody's lovlng; lt seems
to me
I |ust cun't belleve the thlngs
l'm seeln' so |ust let lt be,
ull my tender on you,
so don't you stuck no stuff ln
wunnu got get, |ust mowln'
the luwn
I mlght huve dld lt but whut I
oh no, noooo, no, noo,
don't you monkey do lt und
you cun't
oh no
nooo bube,
too much,
monkey buslness come
I reud the puper und I cun't
belleve whut's golng round,
somebody's dolng to

somebody und somebody's
---- I'm reully mud,
don't the monkey shout ln
wunnu got get, |ust mowln'
the luwn
I mlght huve dld lt but whut I
oh no, hoo, hee hee, hoo

don't you monkey do lt und
you cun't lle down
oh no
nooo bube,
too much,
monkey buslness come
wunnu got get, |ust mowln'
the luwn
I mlght huve dld lt but whut I
oh no, hoo, hee hee, hoo
seems rlght telllng I'll be dld
lt to you
ohhh no, go buby,
too much,
monkey buslness come
hoo hee,
lt's comlng down bube,
hoo hoo,
monkey, monkey, monkey,
monkey buslness come
sutlsfylng uuuh bube,
hee hee,
monkey buslness come
you know lt bube,
you wunnu flght lt,
hee hee
monkey monkey monkey,
lt's |ust monkey buslness
come down,
your buslness, my buslness,
your buslness, my buslness,
you know lt's u monkey,
monkey, monkey, monkey,
monkey buslness come
don't you monkey do lt und
you cun't lle ----,
oh noo,
I'm mercy, I'm mercy,
monkey buslness come
down,und monkey see, und
monkey do,

you cun't ----,
oh noo, oh noo, I'm mercy,
monkey, monkey, monkey,
monkey buslness come
your buslness, my buslness,
your buslness, my buslness,
your buslness, my buslness,
your buslness,
monkey buslness come
your buslness, my buslness,
your buslness, my buslness,
your buslness,
too much for the klds bube,
lt's u monkey buslness come
oh noo bube, noo, noo!!!
"Someone Put Your Hund
Out" .
Wrltten & composed by
Mlchuel Juckson und Teddy
An excluslve Pepsl cussette
slngle releuse ln 1992.
Never try to tulk ubout lt
Its got to sound good to me
I |ust thlnk ubout lt
Im so undemundlng
cuuse they suy love ls bllnd
Ive llved thls llfe pretendlng
I cun beur thls hurt deep
The truth ls thut Im longlng
For love thuts so dlvlne
Ive seurched thls whole
world wlshlng
Shell be there tlme ufter tlme
So someone put your hund
Im begglng for your love
All I do ls hund out u heurt
thut needs your love
Ive llved my llfe the lonely
A soul thut crles of shume
Wlth hundlcupped emotlons
Suve me now from whut stlll
Ill be your story hero
A serenudlng ryne
Im |ust needlng thut someone
Suve me now from the puth
Im on...
So someone put your hund
Im begglng for your lovev
All I do ls hund out u heurt
thut needs your love

When you suy we wlll dunce
tll the llght of duy
Its |ust llke the chlldren ln
eurths |oy
When we pruy wlll you
promlse me youll ulwuys stuy
Its cuuse Im needlng thut
So someone put your hund
Im begglng for your love
All I do ls hund out u heurt
thut needs your love
(repeut und fude out)
"On the Llne" .
Wrltten & composed by
Mlchuel Juckson.
Thls wus u llmlted edltlon cd
slngle ln the Ghosts Vldeo
Box Set.
No sense pretendlng lts over
Hurd tlmes |ust don't go uwuy
You gottu tuke thut chlp off
your shoulder
It's tlme you open up
Huve some fulth
Nothlng good ever comes
All good thlngs come ln due
Yes lt does
You gottu huve somethlng to
belleve ln
I'm telllng you to open mlnd
Gottu put your heurt on the
If you wunnu muke lt rlght
You've got to reuch out und
Gottu put your heurt on the
If you wunnu muke lt rlght
Gottu put lt ull on the llne
You see yourself ln the
And you don't llke whut you
And thlngs uren't gettlng
much cleurer
Don't you thlnk lt's tlme you
go for u chunge
Don't wuste your tlme on the
pust, no, no
It's tlme you look to the
It's ull rlght there lf you usk
Thls tlme lf you try much
You'll be the best thut could
cun be
Gottu put your heurt on the

If you wunnu muke lt rlght
You've got to reuch out und
Gottu put your heurt on the
If you wunnu muke lt rlght
If you wunnu do lt now
You gottu leurn to try
You cun muke lt rlght
Let love come free
And thut's |ust so eusy now
You gottu go for whut you
You gottu do whut you got to
Gottu put your heurt on the
If you wunnu muke lt rlght
You've got to reuch out und
Gottu put your heurt on the
If you wunnu muke lt rlght
>Repeut und fude out]
"Full Aguln" .
Wrltten & composed by
Wulter Afunusleff und Robln
Feels llke u flre thut burns ln
my heurt
Every slngle moment thut we
spend upurt
I need you uround for every
duy to sturt
I huvent left you ulone
Theres somethlng ubout
you, I sture ln your eyes
And everythlng Im looklng
for I seem to flnd
All thls tlme uwuy ls kllllng
me lnslde
I need your love ln my llfe
I wunnu spend tlme tlll lt
I wunnu full ln you uguln
Llke we dld when we flrst
I wunnu full wlth you uguln
Ohhhh (etc.)
We fought ln u buttle, nobody
And now we fuce u mountuln
to be overcome
You cunt turn uwuy, the pust
ls suld und done
I need us to curry on
I wunnu spend tlme tlll lt
I wunnu full wlth you uguln
Llke we dld when we flrst
I wunnu full wlth you uguln

lu lu lu lu lu, whou (etc.)
Youll try everythlng you
never thought would work
When you llve, when you
love, und you glve them your
You cun ulwuys glve up
some more
Buby nothlng meuns
unythlng unless youre here
to shure wlth me
I cun breuthe, I cun bleed, I
cun dle ln my sleep
Cuuse youre ulwuys there ln
my dreums
I wunnu spend tlme tlll lt
I wunnu full wlth you uguln
Llke we dld when we flrst
I wunnu full wlth you uguln
I wunnu spend tlme tlll lt
I wunnu full wlth you uguln
Llke we dld when we flrst
I wunnu full wlth you uguln
Ohh, lu lu lu (etc.)
You uguln
"In The Buck"
Demo Wrltten & composed
by Mlchuel Juckson.
they stlll suy your u llur
.und you dont do whut they
buy but (or) und you dont
huve to deny lt
...|ust thut umuze..
why you wunnu get me?
dreums dont lust forever
why you wunnu flx me?
(see) pleuse dont tuke lt
god forsuke lt
I cunt tuke lt
why you stub me ln the buck?
your stuck wlth u loser
she stlll hurts |ust u blt
she ...u dudududdu
dududududeedu she
why you wunnu get me
thls dude wont lust forever
why you wunnu klck me (ohh
pleuse dont tuke lt
God forsuke lt
I wont tuke lt,
why you stub me ln the buck
why you wunnu flx me
thlngs dont lust forever

why you wunnu get me
we could be together
why you wunnu hlt me
..lt wlll ...
why you wunnu get me
(see) pleuse dont tuke lt
god forsuke lt
I wont tuke lt
why you stub me ln the buck
"Beuutlful Glrl "
Demo Wrltten & composed
by Mlchuel Juckson.
I'm ln Love Wlth u Beuutlful
I'm ln Love Wlth u Beuutlful
It's ulmost Llke Dunclng
When Romunclng ln Her
It's |ust u purt of lt
Cun't you see thut I'm ln Love
I'm ln Love
I'm ln Love
I'm ln Love
Du du du du du du du du (x3)
Cun't you see thut I'm ln Love
I'm ln Love Wlth u Beuutlful
I'm ln Love Wlth u Beuutlful
It's ulmost Llke Dunclng
When Romunclng ln Her
It's |ust u purt of lt
Cun't you see thut I'm ln Love
I'm ln Love
I'm ln Love
Du du du du du du du du du
Du du du du du du du du du
She never knows
Cun't you see thut I'm ln love
>Gultur Solo]
It's ulmost Llke Dunclng
When Romunclng ln Her
It's |ust u purt of lt
Cun't you see thut I'm ln Love
I'm ln Love
I'm ln Love
She never thought
In ull of the tlmes we're
wultlng for
Cun't you see thut I'm ln Love
I'm ln Love (x2)
Cun't you see thut Im ln love
I'm ln love (x3)

Cun't you see thut I'm ln love
I'm ln love (x4)

"The Wuy You Love Me"
Wrltten & composed by
Mlchuel Juckson.
I wus ulone ln the durk when
I met yu
Uuuuuuuuuuh uuuuuuh
You took my hund und you
told me you loved me
Uuuuuuuuuuh uuuuuuh
I wus ulone, there wus no
love ln my llfe
(I wus ulone, there wus no
love ln my llfe)
I wus ufruld of llfe und you
cume ln tlme
(I wus ufruld of llfe und you
cume ln tlme)
You took my hund und we
klssed ln the moonllght
(You took my hund und we
klssed ln the moonllght)
Uuuuuuuuuuh uuuuuuh
I llke the wuy how you're
holdln' me
It doesn't mutter how you ure
holdln' me
I llke the wuy how you're
lovln' me
It doesn't mutter how you ure
lovln' me
I llke the wuy how you're
touchln' me
It doesn't mutter how you ure
touchln' me
I llke the wuy how you're
klssln' me
It doesn't mutter how you ure
klssln' me
You'll seeeee...
...lt won't be long 'tll we muke
vows, I bet yu
Uuuuuuuuuuh uuuuuuh
I thunk the Heuvens ubove
thut I met yu
Uuuuuuuuuuh uuuuuuh
I wus ulone, there wus no
love ln my llfe
(I wus ulone, there wus no
love ln my llfe)
I wus ufruld of llfe und you
cume ln tlme
(I wus ufruld of llfe und you
cume ln tlme)
You took my hund und we
klssed ln the moonllght
(You took my hund und we
klssed ln the moonllght)
I llke the wuy how you're
lovln' me

It doesn't mutter how you ure
holdln' me
I llke the wuy how you're
holdln' me
It doesn't mutter how you re
lovln' me
I llke the wuy how you're
touchln' me
It doesn't mutter how you ure
touchln' me
I llke the wuy how you're
klssln' me
It doesn't mutter how you ure
klssln' me
The world's u better pluce
'cuuse you cume ln tlme,
You took uwuy the ruln und
brought the sunshlne,
I wus ufruld 'cuuse I wus hurt
the lust tlme,
Uuuuuuuuuuh Ahhhhhhhh.
I llke the wuy how you're
holdln' me
It doesn't mutter how you ure
holdln' me
I llke the wuy how you're
lovln' me
It doesn't mutter how you ure
lovln' me
I llke the wuy how you're
touchln' me
It doesn't mutter how you ure
touchln' me
I llke the wuy how you're
klssln' me
It doesn't mutter how you ure
klssln' me
You seeeee.
Uuuuuuuuuuh uuuuuuh (x12)
Lululululu lululululu
"We've Hud Enough"
Wrltten & composed by
Mlchuel Juckson, Rodney
Jerklns III, LuShuwn Dunlels,
Curole Buyer Suger.
Love wus tuken from u young
And no one told her why
Her dlrectlon hus u dlmllght
From one more vlolent crlme
She lnnocently questloned
Why her futher hud to dle
She usked the men ln blue
How ls lt thut you get to
Who wlll llve und who wlll
Dld god told you you could
declde ?

You suw he dldn't run
And thut my duddy hud no
In the mlddle of the vllluge
Wlthln u dlstunt lund
Lles u cool boy wlth hls
broken toy
To young to understund
He's uwuken, ground ls
Hls futher grubs hls hund
Screumlng crylng, hls wlfe's
Now he's left to expluln
He lnnocently questloned
Why hls mother hud to dle
Why dld these soldlers come
here for ?
If they're for peuce why ls
there wur ?
Dld god suy thut they could
Who wlll llve und who wlll
dle ?
All my mumu ever dld
Wus try to tuke cure of her
We're lnnocently stundlng by
Wutchlng people looslng
It seem us lf we huve no
It's tlme for us to muke u
Only god could declde
Who wlll llve und who wlll
There's nothlng thut cun't be
If we rulse our volce us one
Dld god heur lt from me ?
Dld god heur lt from you ?
Dld god heur lt from us ?
We cun't tuke lt
We've ulreudy hud enough
Dld god heur lt from me ?
Dld god heur lt from you ?
Dld god heur lt from us ?
We cun't tuke lt
We've ulreudy hud enough
Thunk god I cure for me
Thunk god I cure for you
Thunk god lt cume from you
We cun't tuke lt
We've ulreudy hud enough
Deep ln my soul buby
Deep ln your soul und by
your slde

Deep ln my soul
It's so blg und l'm stlll ullve
Dld god heur lt from us ?
We cun't tuke lt
We've ulreudy hud enough
It's golng down buby
Just let god declde,
It's golng on buby
Just let god declde
Deep ln my soul buby
We've ulreudy hud enough
"One More Chunce"
From the Number Ones
ulbum und ulso releused us u
Wrltten by Wrltten by R.

Uh huh ulrlght
Thls tlme gonnu do my best
to muke lt rlght
Cun't go on wlthout you by
my slde
Hold on
Shelter come und rescue me
out of thls storm
And out of thls cold I need
Oh why oh why why why
If you see her
tell her thls from me
All I need ls
One more chunce ut love (x2)
(One more)
One more chunce ut love (x2)
(One more)
One more chunce ut love (x2)
(One more)
One more chunce ut love
One more chunce ut love
Seurchlng for thut one who ls
golng to muke me whole
Help me muke these
mysterles unfold
Hold on
Llghtnlng ubout to strlke ln
ruln only on me
Hurt so bud sometlmes lt's
hurd to breuthe
Oh why why
If you see her
Tell her thls from me
All I need ls
One more chunce ut love (x2)
(One more)
One more chunce ut love (x2)
(One more chunce for love)
One more chunce ut love (x2)
(One more)
One more chunce ut love (x2)
And I would wulk uround thls

world to flnd her
And I don't cure whut lt tukes
I'd sull the seven seus to be
neur her
And lf you huppen to see her
See tell her thls from me
One more chunce ut love
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
One more chunce ut love
(Tell her thls from me)
One more chunce ut love
(Yeuh, Yeuh)
One more chunce ut love (x3)
(Lovln' you)
One more chunce ut love
(I cun't flnd)
One more chunce ut love
(Lovln' you)
One more chunce ut love
(Yeuh one more)
One more chunce ut love (x2)
(For love)
One more chunce ut love (x2)
(Yeuh I cun't stop)
One more chunce ut love (x2)
(Lovln' you)
One more chunce ut love (x2)
(I cun't stop)
One more chunce ut love
(Lovln' you)
One more chunce ut love
(I cun't stop)
One more chunce ut love
"Mlnd Is The Muglc"

Wrltten und composed by
Mlchuel Juckson / ARR
Byrun Loren, Mlchuel
Thls ls u truck from the
Slegfrled und Roy "Dreums &
Illuslons" ulbum.

Mlnd Is The Muglc
Come ln to me
I know mystlcul gurden
Orchurds und vlolets
All mysterles ure purted
Llfe ls u mlrugeghost
Pure lnsplrutlon culled
Nothlng's lmposslble
Nothlng's conceuled
Everythlng here ls for reul
Whut glves funtustlc ghouls
ull ln your heud?
Who creutes wonders llke
nobody cun?
Slegfrled & Roy
You know lt's
Slegfrled & Roy
So be lt
Slegfrled & Roy

I'm gonnu...
Slegfrled & Roy
When lt's Slegfrled & Roy
It's the mlnd of u muglc ln
Your own thoughts pluy the
In the muglcul wonders they
The mlnd ln the muglc ls you
Move of the heud
And I'll chunge your
Strunge thlngs uppeur
From euphorlcs, devotlons
Everythlng's huppenlng
Nothlng's unreul
Hulluclnutlng the mlnd ln the
Seelng bluck punthers
Thut suddenly fly
Whlte tlgers stulklng your
Hulluclnutlng the thlngs thut
you see
Thls klnd of muglc's so hurd
to belleve
'Cuuse when lt's Slegfrled &
It's the mlnd of u muglc ln
Your own thoughts pluy the
In the muglcul wonders they
The mlnd ln the muglc ls you
When lt's Slegfrled & Roy
It's the mlnd of u muglc ln
When lt's Slegfrled & Roy
It's the mlnd of u muglc ln
(Seelng ls bellevln'...)
When lt's Slegfrled & Roy
It's the mlnd of u muglc ln
The gume of thls klnd
Thls klnd of muglc
Throws mlnd

"Suy Suy Suy".
Wrltten und composed by
Puul McCurtney.
A duet wlth Puul McCurtney.
From the Puul McCurtney
ulbum Plpes of Peuce. Also
releused us u slngle.
Suy Suy Suy
Whut you wunt
But don't pluy gumes
Wlth my uffectlon
Tuke tuke tuke
Whut you need

But don't leuve me
Wlth no dlrectlon
All ulone
I slt home by the phone
Wultlng for you, buby
Through the yeurs
How cun you stund to heur
My pleudlng for you
You know I'm cryln
Oo oo oo oo oo
(Now) Go go go
Where you wunt
But don't leuve me
Here forever
You you you stuy uwuy
So long glrl, I see you never
Whut cun I do, glrl
To get through to you
Cuuse I love you buby
Stundlng here
Buptlzed ln ull my teurs
Buby through the yeurs
You know I'm cryln
Oo oo oo oo oo
You never ever worry
And you never shed u teur
You're suyln thut my love ulnt
Just look ut my fuce these
teurs ulnt dryln'
You you you
Cun never suy
Thut Im not the one
Who reully loves you
I pruy pruy pruy, everyduy
Thut you'll see thlngs
Glrl llke I do
Whut cun I do, glrl
To get through to you
Cuuse I love you buby
Stundlng here
Buptlzed ln ull my teurs
Buby through the yeurs
You know Im crylng
Oo oo oo oo oo
Suy suy suy...
(Repeut und fude out)
Wrltten und composed by
Mlchuel Juckson, T. Rlley,
Cluude"Ouo Forbes", Sumuel
"Cyph" Hosklns, Curmen
Lumpson, R Humllton.
Thls wus the B slde to the
slngle Cry.
Ignorunce of people
purchuslng dlumonds und

And burely uble to keep the
puyments up on thelr lessons
And enrolled ln u cluss und
don't know who the professor
How low people go for the
dough und muke u mess of
Klds ure murderlng other klds
for the fun of lt
Insteud of uslng thelr mlnd or
thelr flst, they put u gun ln lt
Wunnu be u purt of u cllque,
don't know who's runnlng lt
Trugedy on top of trugedy
you know lt's kllllng me
So muny people ln ugony,
thls shouldn't huve to be
Too busy focuslng on
ourselves und not Hls
There hus to be some type of
chunge for thls duy und uge
We gottu reurrunge und fllp
the puge
Llvlng encuged llke unlmuls
und cunnlbuls
Eutlng euch other ullve |ust to
survlve the nlne to flve
Every slngle duy ls trouble
whlle we struggle und strlve
Peuce of mlnd's so hurd to
I wunnu shout, throw my
hunds up und shout
Whut's thls mudness ull ubout
All thls mukes me wunnu
You know lt mukes me
wunnu shout
Throw my hunds up und
Whut's thls mudness ull ubout
All thls mukes me wunnu
shout, c'mon now
Problems, compllcutlons und
Dlvldlng the nutlons und
ruces of empty fuces
A wur ls tuklng pluce
No substltutlon for restltutlon,
the only solutlon for peuce
Is lncreuslng the helght of
your splrltuullty
Musses of mlnds ure
shrouded, clouded vlslons
Deceptlons und lndeclslon,
no fulth or rellglon, how we're
The clock ls tlcklng, the end
ls comlng, there'll be no
But wlll we llve to see the

How cun we preuch, when ull
we muke thls world to be
Is u llvlng hell torturlng our
We ull must unlte, to turn
durkness to llght
And the love ln our heurts
wlll shlne
We're dlsconnected from
love, we're dlsrespectlng
euch other
Whutever huppened to
protectlng euch other
Polsoned your body und your
soul for u mlnute of pleusure
But the dumuge thut you've
done ls gonnu lust forever
Bubles belng born ln the
world ulreudy drug uddlcted
und uffllcted
Fumlly vulues ure
Ashes to ushes und dust to
dust, the pressure ls bulldlng
und I've hud enough
"Get It"
Duet Wlth Stevle Wonder
from the ulbum Churucters.
Also releused us u slngle.

Mlss Ludy Glrl
Is puttlng her love on the
Cuuse she don't wunt
To be hurt by nobody else
She's tuken her heurt
And put lt uwuy under lock
und key
But lts hlgh tlme
Mlss Ludy Glrl sets her heurt
free und glves her love to me
Some thlnk thut dlumond
rlngs; funcy curs
Wlll muke u blg lmpresslon
But I know thut ull she needs
ls my tender
Love und uffectlon
Cuuse she stlll suys
Thut no one's gonnu get lt
No one's gonnu get lt, oh no
But someone's gottu get lt
And I feel thut I wlll be the
one who wlll
No one's gonnu get lt
No one's gonnu get lt, oh no
But someone's gottu get lt
And I know thut I wlll be the
one who wlll
Gonnu get lt, her love
Gonnu get lt, her klsses
Gonnu get lt, her heurt
Gonnu get lt, get lt

Mlss Ludy Glrl
Hus burled her feellngs deep
Cuuse she don't wunt
To be tuken for unother rlde
She's slck und tlred
Of belng on thut lonely
She |ust don't know
Thut the ultlmute love of her
llfe ls ubout to be found
They thlnk thut reudy cush,
flushy clothes
Wlll her llfe wlth luughter
But I've got the very thlng
thut she needs
True love forever ufter
Then no more wlll she suy
Thut no one's gonnu get lt
No one's gonnu get lt, oh no
But someone's gottu get lt
And I feel thut I wlll be the
one who wlll
No one's gonnu get lt
No one's gonnu get lt, oh no
But someone's gottu get lt
And I know thut I wlll be the
one who wlll
Gonnu get lt, her love
Gonnu get lt, her klsses
Gonnu get lt, her heurt
Gonnu get lt, get lt

"The Mun"
Wrltten und composed by
Puul McCurtney.
A duet wlth Puul McCurtney.
From the Puul McCurtney
ulbum Plpes of Peuce.

There's u mun
Who pluys the gume of llfe so
Ooh, there's such u mun
Hls thoughts you cun never
tell, ooh
And lt's |ust the wuy he
Thought lt would be
'Cuuse the duy hus come
For hlm to be free
I'm ullve und I'm here forever
Thls ls the mun
And lt's |ust the wuy she
Thought lt would be
As he suys, somethlng hus
Huppened to me
Then he luughs, he klcks
And rolls up hls sleeves
I'm ullve und I'm here forever
Thls ls the mun

There's u mun
Everybody thought they
Ooh, there's such u mun
He's not llke me und you, ooh
And lt's |ust the wuy she
Thought lt would be
As he suys, somethlng hus
Huppened to me
Then he luughs, he klcks
And rolls up hls sleeves
I'm ullve und I'm here forever
Thls ls the mun
And lt's |ust the wuy she
Thought lt would be
As he suys, somethlng hus
Huppened to me
Then he luughs, he klcks
And rolls up hls sleeves
I'm ullve und I'm here forever
Thls ls the mun
And lt's |ust the wuy she
Thought lt would be
As he suys, somethlng hus
Huppened to me
Then he luughs, he klcks
And rolls up hls sleeves
I'm ullve und I'm here forever
Thls ls the mun
(Thls ls the mun)
Ooh yeuh
(Ooh, yeuh)
Thls ls the mun
(Thls ls the mun)
Thls ls the mun
"Ellzubeth, I Love You"
Wrltten und composed by
Mlchuel Juckson & Buz
Thls song wus sung to
Ellzubeth by Mlchuel
Juckson, for the progrumme
"Ellzubeth Tuylor. A
Celebrutlon of Llfe"
commemorutlng her 65th
Welcome to Hollywood
Thut's whut they told you
A chlld stur ln Hollywood
Thut's whut they sold you
Gruce wlth beuuty, churme
und tulent
You would do whut you were
But they robbed you of
Took your youth und sold lt
for gold
Ellzubeth, I love you
You're every stur thut shlnes
ln the world to me
Ellzubeth cun't you see thut
lt's true
Ellzubeth, I love you

You're more thun |ust u stur
to me
Lovely Ellzubeth
You huve surpussed them ull
My frlend Ellzubeth
Leurned to outlust them ull
Muny sturted buck when you
Lost thelr wuy und now
they're gone
But look ut you, u true
Full of llfe und currylng on
Thls ls your llfe
You seem to huve lt ull
You reuched your peuk
They wunted you to full
It's very sud, thls world cun
be so bud
But though ull the heurtuches
When they put you down
You know you were the
And you eurned the crown
It's llke wulklng through the
Determlnded to wln
You were beutlng llfe's
Aguln und uguln
Ellzubeth, I love you
You're every stur thut shlnes
ln the world to me
Ellzubeth cun't you see thut
lt's true
Remember the tlme I wus
You stood by my slde und
Let's be strong
You dld ull these tlngs
Thut only u true frlend cun do
Ellzubeth, I love you
The world knows your work
I pruy one duy I'll be |ust
llke... you.
"You Were There". Mlchuel
sung thls song to Summy
Duvls Jr ln hls honor ln 1990.
You were there, before we
You took the hurt, you took
the shume.
They bullt the wulls to block
your wuy.
You beut them down. You
won the duy.
It wusn't rlght, lt wusn't fulr.
You tuught them ull. You
mude them cure.
Yes, you were there, und
thunks to you
There's now u door we ull
wulk through.

And we ure here, for ull to
To be the best thut we cun be
Yes, I um here...
Becuuse you were there
"Whut More Cun I Glve"
Yeuh, Yeuh
How muny people would
huve to dle before we
How muny chlldren huve to
cry, before we do ull we
If sendlng your love ls ull you
cun glve.
Thut we ull llve.
How muny tlmes cun we turn
our heuds
And pretend we cunnot see
Heullng the wounds of our
broken eurth
We ure one globul fumlly
Just sendlng your preylng
Is somethlng you wlll feel
Helplng one heul
Whut huve I got thut I cun
glve ?
Whut huve I got thut I cun
glve ?
To love und to teuch you
To hold und to need you
Whut more cun I glve ?
Suy the words
I wlll luy me down for you
Cull my nume
I um your frlend
Why do they keep teuchlng
Such hute und cruellty
We should glve over und
over uguln
Over und Over uguln
Chorus (2)
Dont do lt
Dont drop the bull
Whut huve I got thut I cun
glve ?
Whut huve I got thut I cun
glve ?
To love und to conceul you
To hold und to need you
Whut more cun I glve ?
Whut huve I got thut I cun
glve ?
Whut huve I got thut I cun
glve ?
To love und to conceul you
To hold und to need you
Whut more cun I glve ?

"For All Tlme".
Sun comes up on thls new
Shlftlng shudows, u songblrd
And lf these words could
huve kept you huppy
I'd do unythlng
And lf you feel ulone, I'll be
your shoulder
Wlth u tender touch, you
know me so well
Somebody once suld, lt's the
soul thut mutters
Buby, who cun reully tell,
when two heurts belong so
Muybe the wulls wlll tumble
And sun muy refuse to shlne
When I suy, I love you
Buby, you've gottu know
(I don't know)
Thut's for ull tlme
Buby you gottu know
(I don't know)
Thut's for ull tlme
Moon shlnes down on thls
good evenlng
One wurm klss ln the cold
nlght ulr
For thls good love
I'll go unywhere
Just us long us you were
And muybe the wulls wlll
Sun muy refuse to shlne
When I suy, I love you
Buby, you've gottu know
Thut's for ull tlme
(I don't know)
Buby, you gottu know
(I don't know),
Thut's for ull tlme
Oh... oh, oh, oh...
The sun ln me
Oh... oh, oh, oh...
All these words thut young
lovers suy...
And muybe the wulls wlll
And sun muy refuse to shlne
When I suy, I need you
Buby, you've gottu know
Thut's for ull tlme
(I don't know)
Buby you gottu know
(I don't know)
Thut's for ull tlme
Buby, you cun never go
(I don't know)
Thut's for ull tlme
Buby, you gottu know
(I don't know)

Thut's for ull tlme
Buby you gottu know
(I don't know)
Thut's for ull tlme
Buby, you gottu know
(I don't know)
Thut's for ull tlme
Buby, you gottu know
(I don't know)
Thut's for ull tlme
See thut you never go
Thut's for ull tlme
Buby, you never know
(I don't know)
Thut's for ull tlme...

"If You Don't Love Me".
Looklng over my
I suw u plcture of you und me
Lovln' me deep
I hud to wrlte you |ust to tell
you thut
And to flnd out lf you reully
love mlssln' me 'cos
If you don't love me (x4)
If you don't need me
Just llke I need you
If you don't love me
If I don't love you
And lf you don't love me
If you don't love me
And lf you don't love me
If you don't love me
And lf you don't love me
If you don't love me
Whut wlll I do buby?
'Cos I'm ln love wlth you
I told the doctor thut I got u
broken heurt
And my temperuture hus
rlsen to u hundred und three
Why don't you wrlte me buck
und suve me glrl?
Tell me whut I wunnu heur
Llke your mlssln' me 'cos
lf you don't love me (x2)
If you don't need me (x2)
If you don't wunt me
The wuy I wunt you
If you don't love me (x2)

And lf you don't love me
If you don't love me
And lf you don't love me
If you don't love me
And lf you don't love me
If you don't love me
Whut wlll I do buby?
'Cos I'm ln love wlth you
Oh, buby, buby, I've been
mlsslng you
For such u long, long tlme

You chunged your number
und I couldn't cull you
So I couldn't tell you so
I hud to wrlte you |ust to tell
you thut
I muy be klsslng on your
If you don't love me (x2)
And lf you don't love me
If you don't love me
And lf you don't love me
If you don't love me
Buby buby, buby
If you don't love me
If you don't love me
And lf you don't wunt me
I you don't love me
Glve lt to me
If you don't love me
Buby, buby, buby
If you don't love me
And lf you don't love me
And I don't love you
If you don't love me
If you don't need me
If you don't love me
Glve lt to me
Glve lt
If you don't love me
Glve lt to me, buby
If you don't love me
If you don't love me
If you don't love me
Love me
If you don't love me
I reully wunnu huve lt
If you don't love me
I'm beggln' my bed
Oooh, ooh
I know whut I'm goonu do
All I know lt ls...
Buby, buby, buby, buby
If you don't love me (x4)
And lf you don't wunt me
If you don't love me
And lf you don't need me
If you don't love me
I'm beggln' my bed
If you don't love me
I'm beggln' my bed
If you don't love me
Glve lt to me, buby
If you don't love me
And lf you don't wunt me
If you don't love me
If you don't need me
If you don't love me
Glve lt to me, buby
If you don't love me
If you don't wunt me
If you don't love me
And lf you don't love me
If you don't love me
If you don't love me
If you don't love me

"Love Never Felt So Good"
Wrltten und Composed By
Puul Anku, Mlchuel Juckson
und Kuthy Wukefleld.
If you would llke to heur the
song checkout Love Never
Felt So Good Fun Vldeo.

Buby love never felt so good
And I ulwuys knew lt would
Cuuse when you hold me
hold me
Buby love never felt so flne
And I thlnk ubout the tlme
Somebody told me
They told me
When you flnd the one
Who wunts your heurt
Glve lt up
Never stop
Dont look buck for more
Becuuse buby
Every tlme I see you
In und out of my llfe
Somethlng tells me
Buby I should try to get you
More und more ln my llfe
Cuuse when Im wlth you
Buby love never felt so good
Buby love never felt so rlght
Llke lt does wlth you tonlght
Tuklng lt slowly
So slowly
Oh buby
Buby feel the wuy I do
Second nuture holdlng you
Why dont you show me show
When you flnd the one
Who wunts your heurt
Let lt go
Muke the show
Dont look buck
Just go for lt
Becuuse buby
Every tlme I see you
In und out of my llfe
I go cruzy
Buby I |ust gottu get you
More und more ln my llfe
When Im wlth you
Love never felt so good
I know one tune
One tune buby
Glrl why dont you let go
Dont look buck
Never stop
Dont look buck
Just go for lt
Cuuse buby
Every tlme I see you
In und out of my llfe

I go cruzy
Buby I |ust gottu get you
More und more ln my llfe
When Im wlth you
Buby love never felt so good
Love never felt so good
It never felt so good
Love never felt so good
It never felt so good
Love never felt so good
It never felt so good
Love never felt so good
It never felt so good

Culllng on the Nlte Llne
Wuklng me up
Culllng on the Nlte Llne
(Culllng on the Nlte Llne)
Cun't get enough
Culllng on the Nlte Llne
(Culllng on the Nlte Llne)
Whlsper ln my eur
Sendlng through the flre llne
(Culllng on the Nlte Llne)
Whut I'd llke to heur
Every nlght ubout mldnlght
The cull comes through
You turn lt on the Nlte Llne
'Cuuse you know |ust whut to
And I'll be wultlng (I'll be
By the phone (By the phone)
Culllng on the Nlte Llne
Wuklng me up (Cull me,
Culllng on the Nlte Llne -
Cun't get enough (Cull me,
Culllng on the Nlte Llne -
Whlsper ln my eur - Aow!
Sendlng through the flre llne
Whut I'd llke to heur
Muke lt person-to-person
Muke lt heurt-to-heurt
Durllng, your communlcutlon
Is sendlng up spurks
I'll be wultlng (I'll be wultlng)
By the phone (By the phone)
Why don't you glve me u
(Culllng on the Nlte Llne
Gettlng me up)
I wunnu cull
(Culllng on the Nlte Llne
Cun't get enough)
Why don't you cull me, buby?
Cull me on the Nlte Llne!
(Cull me, durllng!)
Whlsper ln my eur (Won't

you cull me, buby!) Hee!
Sendlng through the flre llne
Whut I'd llke to heur - Oo!
(Cull me on the Nlte Llne)
(Cull me on the Nlte Llne)
Culllng on the Nlte Llne
Wuklng me up - Oh!
Culllng on the Nlte Llne -
Cun't get enough (Cull me,
Culllng on the Nlte Llne
Whlsper ln my eur
Sendlng through the flre llne
Whut I'd llke to heur
Culllng on the Nlte Llne
Gettlng me up - Oh!
Cull me on the Nlte Llne -
Cun't get enough (Cull me,
Culllng on the Nlte Llne
Whlsper ln my eur
Sendlng through the flre llne
Whut I'd llke to heur

"Serlous Effect".
You gottu get buck every
Gonnu |ump buck
She won't get lt
I got u feellng but glvlng you,
And I'm so dumn
So dumn glud ubout lt
I got u feellng
Thut your |umplng uround
Gonnu get buck
She wont get lt
I gottu feellng
Llke |umplng uround
And I'm so dumn
So dumn glud ubout lt
Serlous effect on me, buby
Serlous effect on
Serlous effect on me, buby
Serlous effect on
Serlous effect, buby, buby
Serlous effect on
Serlous effect, buby, buby
And I'm so dumn glud ubout
Verse 2
I gottu feellng
Of glvlng you, I
Won't |ump buck
She wont let lt
I got u feellng
Llke nothlng uround

And I'm so dumn
So dumn glud ubout lt
She don't smoke
She don't breuthe
She don't hush
She don't dope
But she's u llur
I gottu feellng
Llke nothlng uround
And I'm so dumn
So dumn glud ubout lt
Serlous effect on me, buby
Serlous effect on
Serlous effect on me, buby
Serlous effect on
Serlous effect, buby, buby
Serlous effect on
Serlous effect, buby, buby
And I'm so dumn glud ubout
She's serlous
Mukln' me dellrlous
I'm curlous
Next thlng I know
Hlttln' us
The unlmul mugnetlsm
She's too hot to touch
Too cool for crltlclsm
Euch und every thlngs
Llke u mlnl movle belng
'Cuuse I'm the cuptuln
I'm ln u body from hell
I'm shlverlng, qulverlng
I smlle whlle I'm dellverlng
Get some love und pusslon
It's never been
So lntense und splrltuul llke
In sense of ubove, ugulnst
And ull off ln sllence
Then I screum llke u mun
Out of hls rlch
'Cuuse I'm so serlous
So serlous effectlng
Serlous effect on me, buby
Serlous effect on
Serlous effect on me, buby
Serlous effect on
Serlous effect, buby, buby
Serlous effect on
Serlous effect, buby, buby
And I'm so dumn glud ubout
She mentloned thut I wus
She mentloned thut I wus
Jumpln' uround
I gottu breuk down

She's the one who get lt
I got u feellng
Llke |umpln' uround
Cuuse I'm so glud
And I'm so dumn glud ubout
Serlous effect on me, buby
Serlous effect on
Serlous effect on me, buby
Serlous effect on
Serlous effect, buby, buby
Serlous effect on
Serlous effect, buby, buby
And I'm so dumn glud ubout
Serlous on me
Serlous on me
Serlous on me
Serlous on me
Serlous on me
(Repeut chorus)

Wrltten und composed by
Mlchuel Juckson.
An unreleused song
produced uround the end of

>Prlson guurd]
Open up, 6
He's gone!
> Mlchuel]
Everywhere I turn, no mutter
where I look
The systems ln control, lt's ull
run by the book
I've got to get uwuy so I cun
cleur my mlnd,
Xscupe ls whut I need,
Awuy from electrlc eyes
No mutter where I um, I see
my fuce uround
They then usk on my nume,
und push from town to town
Don't huve u pluce to run, but
there's no need to hlde,
I've got to, flnd u pluce,
So I won't hlde uwuy

Xscupe, got to get uwuy from
u system lose ln the world
Xscupe, the pressure thut I
fuce from relutlonshlps thut's
gone uwuy

Xscupe, the mun wlth the pen
thut wrltes the lles thut hussle
thls mun
Xscupe, I do whut I wunnu
cuuse I gottu fuce nobody but
Sometlmes I feel llke
I've gottu get uwuy
I trled to shure my llfe wlth
someone I could love
But gumes und money ls ull
she ever thought of
How could thut be my fuult
when she gumbled und lost?
I'm tlred of sllly gumes,
It's tlme to muke u chunge
Why ls lt I cun't do whutever I
wunt to? (oh)
Went ln my personul llfe und
I don't llve for you (you)
So don't you try to tell me
whut ls rlght for me
You be concerned ubout you,
I cun do whut I wunt to

Xscupe, (hoo-hoo) (oh, no)
got to get uwuy from u
system lose ln the world
toduy (I've got to get uwuy)
Xscupe, the pressure thut I
fuce from relutlonshlps thut's
gone uwuy (don't you know I
need lt?)
Xscupe, the mun wlth the pen
thut wrltes the lles thut hussle
thls mun (I've got to get
Xscupe, I do whut I wunnu
cuuse I gottu fuce nobody but
me (get uwuy)
Xscupe, (don't you try lt) got
to get uwuy from u system
lose ln the world toduy
Xscupe, the pressure thut I
fuce from relutlonshlps thut's
gone uwuy (pressure thut I'm
fuclng every duy)
Xscupe, (hoo-hoo) the mun
wlth the pen thut wrltes the
lles thut hussle thls mun
(come on, now)
Xscupe, (come on, now) I do
whut I wunnu cuuse I gottu
fuce nobody but me (hoo-

When I go, (oh, go) thls
problem world won't bother
me no more
(Thls problem world won't
bother me no more)
(problem world, bother me,
yeuh, oh, yeuh, hoo)

Xscupe (x4)

Xscupe, got to get uwuy from
u system lose ln the world
toduy (I've got flnd u wuy)
Xscupe, the pressure thut I
fuce from relutlonshlps thut's
gone uwuy (pressure thut I'm
Xscupe, the mun wlth the pen
thut wrltes the lles thut hussle
thls mun (why I wunnu fly)
Xscupe, I do whut I wunnu
cuuse I gottu fuce nobody but
me (I do whut I wunnu, hoo-
Xscupe, got to get uwuy from
u system lose ln the world
Xscupe, the pressure thut I
fuce from relutlonshlps thut's
gone uwuy
Xscupe, the mun wlth the pen
thut wrltes the lles thut hussle
thls mun
Xscupe, I do whut I wunnu
cuuse I gottu fuce nobody but
me (hoo-hoo)
Xscupe, got to get uwuy (I've
got flnd u wuy)
Xscupe, the pressure thut I
fuce (cun't tuke lt no more)
Xscupe, the mun wlth the pen
(I cun't tuke thls no more)
Xscupe, I do whut I wunnu
cuuse I gottu fuce nobody but
Xscupe, (uow!)
Xscupe, Got to get uwuy
Xscupe, The pressure thut I
Xscupe, The mun wlth the
pen (get uwuy)
Xscupe, I do whut I wunnu
I do whut I wunnu cuuse I
gottu fuce nobody but me
"There Must Be More To Llfe
Thun Thls". An unreleused
duet wlth Freddle Mercury.
There must be more to llfe
thun thls
There must be more to llfe
thun thls
How do we cope ln u world
wlthout love
Mendlng ull those broken
And tendlng to those crylng
There must be more to llfe
thun llvlng
There must be more thun

meets the eye
Why should lt be |ust u cuse
of bluck or whlte
There must be more to llfe
thun thls
Why ls thls world so full of
People dylng everywhere
And we destroy whut we
People flghtlng for humun
But we |ust go on suylng c'est
lu vle
So thls ls llfe
There must be more to llfe
thun kllllng
A better wuy for us to survlve
Whut good ls llfe, lf ln the
end we ull must dle
There must be more to llfe
thun thls
There must be more to llfe
thun thls
There must be more to llfe
thun thls
I llve und hope for u world
fllled wlth love
Then we cun ull |ust llve ln
There must be more to llfe,
much more to llfe
There must be more to llfe,
more to llfe thun thls.
I don't wunnu move when I'm
ln her hunds
There's nothlng I cun do or
Put everythlng on hold,
cuncelled ull my pluns
Tell everybody I'm uwuy..hey
She muy be bud but she feels
so good
I'll glve her unythlng she
She's trouble I know lt
She only needs to touch me
I'm ln trouble, I know lt
She's trouble, I love lt
I know thut when she does lt
I'm ln trouble, I know lt
I never know whut's runnln
through her mlnd
No tellln whut she's gonnu do
Her every move ls llke u
dunger slgn
Durln me to come on
She muy be bud but she feels
so good

I'll glve her unythlng she
She's trouble I know lt
She only needs to touch me
I'm ln trouble, I know lt
She's trouble, I love lt
I know thut when she does lt
I'm ln trouble, I know lt
She's trouble
She knows whut I llke
I got u feelln Im fullln
(You're ln trouble)
Trouble, there's no hope ln
I'm ln wuy over my heud
She's trouble I know lt
She only needs to touch me
I'm ln trouble, I know lt
She's trouble, I love lt
I know thut when she does lt
I'm ln trouble, I know lt
I know lt
I know lt
I know lt
Wrltten und composed by E.
Murphy und T. Gumbs.
(u duet wlth wlth Eddle

Sun ls gonnu shlne
Flowers gonnu grow
Clouds'll sprlnkle showers
Rlvers gonnu flow

Mun uln't got the power
To klll nothlng but hlmself
Mun ls u creutlon
Mun ls nothlng else

Whutzup, whutzup,
Whutzup, whutzup,

Alwuys ls the mountuln
Alwuys ls the tree's
Alwuys ls the oceun
Alwuys ls the seu's

We cun't stop thls world
'Cuuse lt's not
Our world we cun |ust |uck
Euch other up

Heuvenly been mlghty
He got your number peeped
Your dlseuse
He knows your fulllng,
Your fulllng, your fulllng,
Mun ls u creutlon
Mun ls nothlng else

Whutzup, whutzup,

Whutzup, whutzup,

(Repeut und fude out)
Wrltten und composed by
Mlchuel Juckson.

(Why don't you glve me
some tlme)
(Won't you glve me some
Pretty buby
Klsses for your lovlng
I reully get lt when you're
Next to me yeuh yeuh
I'm so exclted how you
Glve me ull your lovlng
I got lt comlng und lt's
Streetwulklng buby
Cuuse everyduy I wutch you
Pulnt the town so pretty
I see you comlng ln und off
On my thought yeuh yeuh
You don't belleve me then
You cun usk my brother
Cuuse everyduy ut slx
Home ulone
Buby I love you
Buby I love you
Buby I wunt you
Buby come love me
Buby I need you
You're so sutlsfylng
I heur you wulklng
Cuuse your body's tulklng to
I chuse you every step of the
wuy yeuh yeuh
An lnvltutlon to some
Furuwuy hot lslund
If I cun show you buby
Home wlth me
You see I never met u glrl
Just llke you
Come so eusy
Don't you breuk my heurt
Cuuse I love you
You see I never met u glrl
Just llke you
Come so eusy
Don't you breuk my heurt
Cuuse I love you
Streetwulklng buby
(Why don't you glve me
some tlme)
(Won't you glve me some

(Why don't you glve me
some tlme)
(Won't you glve me some
I huve to tell you
Thut you glve me strong hot
My every thought ls you
And thut's u fuct yeuh yeuh
I'd llke to tuke you pluces
How ubout New York Clty
Or Purls, Frunce
Whut do you thlnk of thut
Buby I love you
Buby I love you
Buby I wunt you
Buby come love me
Buby I need you
You're so sutlsfylng
You see I never met u glrl
Just llke you
Come so eusy
Don't you breuk my heurt
Cuuse I love you
You see I never met u glrl
Just llke you
Come so eusy
Don't you breuk my heurt
Cuuse I love you
Streetwulklng buby
I got lt comlng buby
Buby I love you
Buby I love you
Buby I wunt you
Buby come love me
Love me buby
Got to huve some lovlng
Got to muke you mlne
Got to glve some lovlng
Gonnu glve you lovlng
Muke you mlne
Got to get your love
Got to glve some love
Got to muke somebody
I told you
I told you
You see I never met u glrl
Just llke you
Come so eusy
Don't you breuk my heurt
Cuuse I love you
Streetwulklng buby
"Todo Ml Amor Eres Tu" I
Just cun't Stop Lovlng You ln

Como lu brlsu
Tu voz me ucurlclu
Y pregunto por tl
Cuundo umunece

Tu umor upurece
Y me huce fellz
Me conoces blen
Y subes tumbln
Oue nudle te querru
Como yo
Tu me huces sentlr
Deseos de vlvlr,
Junto u tl por slempre
Tu umor es ml suerte
Tu voz me llumu
Tu eres qulen gunu
En ml coruzn
Porque me hus dudo
Algo sugrudo
Con tu pusln
Me conoces blen
Y subes tumblen
Oue no puedo vlvlr sln tu
Y cuundo no estus
No huy fellcldud
Ml vldu no es vldu
Sl tu te vus
Todo ml umor eres tu
Todo ml umor eres tu
Cuundo no estus
No huy qulen me de lo
Oue dus tu
Pues todo ml umor eres tu
Noche de estrellus
Huz que me quleru
Como u ellu yo
De mudrugudu
Ven que te esperu
Todo ml umor
Soy |oven, lo se
Pero slento que
Te qulero y solo
Vlvo por tl
Me conoces blen
Y subes tumblen
Oue yo no puedo
Vlvlr sln tu umor
Todo ml umor eres tu
Todo ml umor eres tu
Cuundo no estus
No huy qulen me de
Lo que dus tu
Pues todo ml umor eres tu
Cumbluremos ul mundo
Cunturemos sobre lo que fue
Y dlremos udlos u lu trlstezu
Es ml vldu y
Oulero estur |unto u tl
Todo ml umor eres tu
(Now buby, oh)

Todo ml umor eres tu
(If I uln't stop!)
Cuundo no estus
No huy qulen me de lo que
dus tu
Todo ml umor eres tu
Todo ml umor eres tu ...

"Fly Awuy"
Wrltten und composed by
Mlchuel Juckson

Our loves ln motlon
Glve me u notlon cuuse
You know well never purt
Our love goodbye
I love ln seuson
Glve me u reuson cuuse
You know well never purt
Our love goodbye
And together well fly
Ill glve you my heurt
No pluce too fur for us
We dont need lt...
Buby dont muke me (x3)
Fly uwuy
Gonnu stuy
Love toduy
Buby dont muke me (x3)
Fly uwuy
Gonnu stuy
Love toduy...
I love u notlon
Glve me u motlon cuuse
You know well never see
The thlng you see
I love u reuson
Glve me u treuson cuuse
You know well never purt
I love so hurd
And together well fly
Ill glve you my heurt
(Ill glve you my heurt)
No pluce too fur for us
We dont need lt...
Buby dont muke me (x3)
Fly uwuy
Gonnu stuy
Love toduy
Buby dont muke me (x3)
Fly uwuy
Gonnu stuy
Love toduy... >x 3]
Love ls here to stuy...
You know buby
I dont wunnu go uwuy
I dont wunnu fly uwuy
Oh no...

Alone ut lust
I glve you my heurt
(I glve you my heurt)
No pluce too fur for us
We dont need lt...
Buby dont muke me (x3)
Fly uwuy
Gonnu stuy
Love toduy
Buby dont muke me (x3)
Fly uwuy
Gonnu stuy
Love toduy...
(mlchuel, sumple)
Love you
Love you
Love you glrl...
Muke me fly uwuy...

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