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Lo Fi Music: A Secret to

Focusing During Study

Sessions NOVEMBER 17, 2017

By Brenden Lutes ’18

Lo Fi music is used by students all across the world to help them study, workout, and focus.
The acronym LO-FI, according to its creator Eric Mathews, stands for “low fidelity.” This is a
type of sound recording that contains technical flaws that make the recording sound
differently compared to the live sound being recorded, such as distortion, hum, background
noise, or limited frequency response. These kinds of flaws in the music can trigger the
cerebrum and can help a student focus on a test, or a homework assignment.

Now you might be thinking, “how does this relate to students at Hyde?” In some cases,
many of the students here rely on this kind of music to get them through study hall. Haley
Bounds ’18 says that it is entertaining but at the same time can keep her focused
intellectually, to complete all of her assignments. “Sometimes,” she says, “I actually lose
track of time doing homework or reading my books.”

The frontal lobe of the brain is the center of most brain function, it is how we develop as
humans. By listening to Lo Fi music you are helping your brain to focus. The brain picks out
the differences in sound and in turn helps it get into a mindset of focus. It is great for if you
need to cram and you can’t seem to sit still, it can give your brain something to work
alongside with.

Outside studies confirm that this kind of music is helpful to students and even adults in the
workplace. One survey discovered that 86% of the listeners have seen an increase in their
productivity and in their study habits.

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