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Department of Marketing

Internship Report Guideline

In general terms, this report is intended to give you an opportunity to look in depth at a company and to
enable you to explore the practical relevance of some of the analysis developed in the taught component of
the courses. An assessment should be undertaken of the company’s financial position and performance
based on both its financial statements and stock market performance (optional). In some companies it may
be difficult to evaluate financial performance due to the lack of availability of financial information (No
published annual reports). In that situation, a student should consult this matter with his/ her assigned
supervisor and undertake a case study based on current issue that is relevant to his/her company.

Format of the Report files should be prepared in Microsoft Word format (Times new roman in
report 12 size fonts with 1.5-line space including reference and main text body). The
internship report/ research report must be typed on A4 paper, on one side of the
paper, leaving margins as follows:
Top 1’’ Right hand 0.75’’
Bottom 1’’ Left hand 0.75’’

Length of the Reports should be between 5000 words in length not more than 30 pages. This
paper includes all text including references and appendices.
▪ However, a good internship report or research report could extend to 7,000
words (but ONLY if you have something important to add/say!)

Title of the report A title of not more than ten words should be provided.

Headings Headings must be concise, with a clear indication of the distinction between the
hierarchy of headings. Please use numerical in headings.

Tables and All Figures should be of high quality, legible and numbered consecutively. The
Figures position of each table should be clearly labeled in the body text of the report.All
tables and figures should be numbered as follows:
Table 1.1Figure 1.1
Table 1.2 etc. Figure 1.2 etc.

Plagiarism/ You can improve the quality of your report (and your mark) by reading and citing
Dishonesty any relevant work published by other authors. Indeed, you should never make
unsupported assertions. You must not, however, attempt to claim someone else’s
work as your own. The penalties for this are severe.
Citation and Citation describes any formal mention that you make in a written work of yours
References to something written by someone else. For formal documents such as continuous
assessment assignments, seminar papers or dissertations; every citation must be
supported by a reference, which supplies the details a reader would need in order
to follow up the citation.

All references should be quoted and included in the References and the
Bibliography (if there is one) are inserted between the Conclusions and any
Appendix there might be. The following layout should be used:

Fairburn, J.A. and Kay, J.A., (1990), Mergers & Merger Policy, Oxford
University Press

Chapter in Book
Fairburn, J.A., (1990) “The Evolution of Merger Policy in Britain”, in Fairburn,
J.A. and Kay, J.A., (1990), Mergers & Merger Policy, Oxford University Press,
pp. 193-220.

Journal Articles
Fama, E.F. (1980)‘Agency Problems and the Theory of the Firm.’ Journal of
political economy, 88(2), pp.288-307.

Newspaper article where the author is known

Jonquieres, G.D., (1992) “Decline in Cross-Border Deals”, Financial Times,
January 10, Section II, p.17.

Articles where the author is unknown

The Economist, (1992a), “Mad Mergers in Europe”, February 1, p.18.
The Economist, (1992b), “Perrier Bottled”, March 21, p. 107.

Official Documents
ASB, (1994), FRS 5. Reporting the Substance of Transactions, Accounting
Standards Board.

Report structure Please follow the below instructions.

Internship Report Structure
Table of Contents
Particulars Approx. Page
Title page i
Letter of submission ii
Acknowledgement iii
Table of contents iv
List of tables vi
List of figures vii
Executive summary viii

Chapter 1 (1-10)
1.1 Company Profile
1.1.1 Vision, mission, objective etc.
1.1.2 Corporate Division/department etc.
1.1.3 Details of the product lines or services
1.1.4 Operation details
1.1.5 Philanthropic activities/ CSR
Chapter 2 (11-13)
Internship experience/ observation details
2.1 Job responsibilities
2.2 Functions of the department

Chapter 3 (14-22)
Internship outcome/Issue Analysis/Empirical Analysis
3.1 Analysis of industry/markets (in which your company operates)
3.2 Competitive analysis (e.g. Based on competitive position in the market, i.e. Market Leader,
Market challenger )
3.3 Identify a specific issue and analyze the issue based on relevant techniques with the support of
suitable theory/literature:
• E.g.: Porter’s five forces model; Value chain analysis; Brand Equity Model; Brand
Elements; Porter’s generic strategies; Laws of Branding; Pricing Objective; Facet model,
IMC analysis; AIDA model; Six Segment Message wheel; GAP model of service
marketing; SERVQUAL; Blueprint; Bonding strategies
3.4 Recommendation based on the outcome of the analysis

Chapter 4 (23-25)

References (26-28)
Appendix A 29
Appendix B 30
List of tables
Table 1 18
List of figures
Figure 1 08

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