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Esoteric Message in the Songs of Roxette

music band (Part 1)

Without unnecessary introductions concerning, for example, the role

and aesthetic theory of music, exploring the function and form of
lyrical texts accompanying songs or analyzing the symbolism of the
image of short films (music videos) — we go straight to the point, i.e.
to the analysis of the message.

We have taken a nice band Roxette for a workshop (the Swedish duet
has recently released the album “Good Karma” and Marie and Per
have aged very nicely), which may be surprising for many readers.
And it was a bit of a surprise to me, when I took a closer look and
discovered the many consistent messages of a spiritual and esoteric
nature that the Swedish musicians have been putting into their songs
since the beginning of their career.

At the same time, as far as I came across sensation-seeking and not

very factual reports on various portals, gossip sites, looking for
“occultism” in various songs, including music videos, of such artists
as …never mind who..,
I would never do such an analysis.

Firstly, I do not intend to promote various and deviations, two — I

would have to, because this is usually the level of it, promote or laugh
at stupidity. Why it is not worth promoting it is self-evident. And
why it’s not worth laughing at or looking for a scandal — because it’s
too easy, which means it’s no art, and besides I wouldn’t be original
in this — it’s also written about by others, including pseudo-
journalists of pseudo-portals.

We discuss Roxette precisely because the message is more spiritual,

positive and warm, partly even of quite high quality, than one that
focuses on idle curiosity, causing controversy or even scaring
someone. The word “occult” would, I think, cling more to such

For me personally the closest, connected accidentally with some very

important period and events in life, and at the same time full of
symbols, metaphors and references, both in the text layer, as well as
— maybe even more — in the visual layer of the video — is the song
titled “Vulnerable”. However, the message of this song is so
important and the elements which are worth and need to be
discussed are so many, as well as its meaning for me personally is so
big, that I leave it for a special episode, separately from this, slightly
entertaining by its nature, series of entries.
I will publish here a short essays about proper understanding and
meaning of “esoteric”, as I have promised already in published today
earlier second part of gospel psychological secrets series.

First, however, we will discuss a piece with an equally universal and,

at the same time, very current message. Current, because the
message concerns events that will soon come, or in fact are already
happening, and also because the song itself is one of the latest — it
comes from Roxette’s latest album “Good Karma”.

The title itself is significant and reads “It just happens”.

It just happens
It just happens
It just happens

It’s a cabaret,
taking over on a quiet lazy backseat day.
And it’s so beautiful
Like the sunshine on your balcony just yesterday

Don’t underestimate
Your heart is never late
And love will always find a way

It just happens
And you don’t know what’s going on
If it’s new or if it’s been there since long
If it’s right or wrong

You fall in love

You fall in love

You don’t have a say

Just let it slide and close your eyes and watch the passion play.

Don’t underestimate
Your heart can never wait

And love will always find a way


Don’t underestimate
Your heart can never wait
And love will always find a way

It just happens
And You don’t know what’s going on
If it’s new or if it’s been there since long
If it’s right or wrong

You fall in love

It just happens
You fall in love
It just happens
You fall in love

At first glance, the song looks very easy to interpret: As another song
about love, one that happens rather in that magical way sometimes
described as “at first sight”. And that’s the way it’s supposed to be —
of course it’s perfectly right to read the song in that way.

However, it seems to me, especially when supplemented below with

an analysis of the music video, that Roxette wanted to tell us
something more. Perhaps they are not only singing about the
wonderful state of falling in love when “you don’t know what’s
happening, you don’t know if it’s new or if it’s always been here
— if it’s unequivocally good or bad” reminding us that “love will
always find its way”, they also have in mind more general, global,
world changes.

Not just something, the one love that only applies to a particular
person, or rather: two people. That love will always find its way —
can be a reminder, an optimistic but realistic remark, that no matter
how bad something looks, how the world and human relationships
look from observation and experience, and what prevails in it — one
cannot lose hope, that all this can magically change — just as love
changes us (the love at first sight, but not only — every love where
truth and nobility accompany “desire” to such an extent that they
become equally, and with their power even — more important than
the more “earthly” elements of this feeling).

So, since love always finds its way, we must not lose hope, and,
consequently, tell ourselves that all activity and activity in the right
direction is pointless, because the world will not change.
Besides, if we take a good look and call on our intuitions as well, we
can see that “this is already happening, right now, and just like that”.

The lyrics of the song do not bring us anything particularly

interesting or revealing further on, the words and message are
repeated all the way to the end.

That is why it is worth analyzing the music video itself and what
appears there, what is happening there.

The video, apart from showing the singing duo, presents a short
A nice-looking young man (in Swedish…), stands in front of a flower

Roxette video snapshot 1

You can also analyze some features of his appearance, in my opinion

it was not left out here — in the direction — either. The guy is
dressed in a suit with a tie — this shows that he functions in our
society, which has certain forms of, for example, dress code at work,
etc. At the same time, however, he is wearing a backpack with this
jacket and tie, which is generally not supposed to be done. However,
it may suggest that this fellow is trying to somehow combine his
personal informality and freedom with the form that certain
arrangements impose on him. He wears a backpack with his suit
because he doesn’t want to conform in everything.

A guy walks into a flower shop. What happens next…

Roxette video snapshot 2

Well, he’s groping around for his vest, and he’s embarrassed
— he has no money! Well, he’s not going to buy flowers after all!
But it turns out that the woman who sells in the flower shop gives
him flowers for free, no demanding a payment!

Roxette video snapshot 3

Well, something like that, you can say: it rarely happens, but it can
happen. And probably something similar happened to many of us.

I think, however, that Roxette wants to tell us something more

general here. For example, that our society, based so much on
financial exchange, may be changing in this respect. Relationships
where no one does or will give something for free, and economic
relationships, as a rule, take the form of maximizing profits rather
than exchange in the literal sense of the word — fair, where one
simply has something and needs something else and therefore
exchanges it with someone else who has something that the former
needs, but in return the former can offer him something else that the
latter needs — are sick, they are not the only possible and necessary
form of coexistence! There are opposite to spiritual (and, so, on my
way, contrary to esoteric Truth, too).

Perhaps, by singing the title “that it happens” Roxette is suggesting

that something is wrong with this system, that money and the fact
that nothing is free and everyone wants to make money on everyone,
is a certain degeneration, something that appeared at a certain stage
of society’s existence, but is not the only possible and necessary
system. That perhaps this system can change (that it can be changed)
and that, also: perhaps, such times — in some sense, are

I have hinted a pattern. Let’s try to watch the rest of the video
already, and find some more general references in it, ourselves.
Various characters appear there, of various ages, in various
professional roles and relationships, etc.
The situation does not focus on issues of money, retribution for
something good given to someone else, but all relate to the mutual
relationships between people.
This may suggest that Roxette’s message is more general, social,
and that it is about changes — not only in the life of an individual or
a couple, when they are under the influence of Love, but that it may
be about a more general Wave of Love that embraces (covers) the
whole society, changes and heals some ill relations that have existed
for a long time.

In the last scene of the video, the lady from the florist, who decided
to give flowers for free to this nice guy, who had just run out of
money, receives a surprise gift from her boyfriend.

Roxette video snapshot 4

Roxette video snapshot 5

What might this scene want to tell us?

Maybe that a nice action, a favor rendered to someone for free

is never forgotten by the world and — although we should not
count on it as a rule — we can always receive a nice surprise which,
according to the secret rules only known to the world, is a REWARD
that we have consciously given up earlier.

So, maybe you don’t always have to watch your business to the penny
— because Oekonomia Divina will make sure that no harm comes to
someone who acts with good intentions?

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