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Text 1: Gabon teachers on strike Again

I- Introduction
The text we have to analyse in entitled “Gabon Teachers on Strike Again”. It’s an online article taken
from: WWW. News 24. Com/Africa. Published in April 2015. This informative text was written by
Christian MbNa ze.
The theme of this text is school education and government, it’s about educational condition in which
teachers and students are living in. The author’s intention is to drawn government attention on teachers
working conditions.

II- Summary
The text can be divided into 2 mains parts.
 The first part is paragraph 1 and 2. It’s about reasons of strike and how protest is going on.

 The second part is paragraph 3 and 4. It deals with teacher’s working conditions.

2-Summary It self
Gabon teachers are on strike because of different reasons: they are striking over woeful pay, students out
number in class room they are hardly paid. Badly housed and badly transported. These reasons affect their
work and educational system in Gabon.

From the title Gabonese teachers on strike again we can easily imagine the content of the text. Gabonese
teachers are all the time on strike since some years.
What can be the main reason of thus strike?
The main reasons are: the precarious existence of its teachers, the typical Gabonese classroom is in a
pretty poor shape itself. Class sizes can be as high as 100 and 200 pupils, Buildings have lacked basic
maintenance over the years and there often water and electricity shortages, as pointed out teachers and
pupils. And it finally got to the point where I had 120 pupils, some of them sat on the floor, others at the
very back of the classroom, Patrick, a Science teacher said.
They are striking over woeful pay, students out number in class room they are hardly paid. Badly housed
and badly transported. These reasons affect their work and educational system in Gabon.
Gabonese government is not able to fulfil teacher’s needs that is why they are all the time striking our
government must take its responsibility and save our educational system once for all.

IV-Personal opinion
As for as I am concerned, the text is interesting in the sense that it deals with how Gabonese educational
system is almost on the floor. Teachers are working in bad conditions this has affected student’s education.
To solve this problem, something must be done so that our children regain a good education.

Branching out: The text reveals us how teachers work in Gabon, are they the only public servants who
are undergoing this sad reality?
Text n°2: Child prostitution: A traffic reality

I- Introduction
The text we are going to comment on is entitled: Child prostitution: A tragic reality. It’s an extract
taken from AWAKE Magazine, published on the 8th February 2008. The author is not mentioned. The
theme of this informative text is child prostitution and it deals with the practice of prostitution throughout
the world. The author’s intention should be to denounce this tragic reality.
II- Summary
1- Structure
We can divide the text into 3 mains parts. The first part is paragraph one. It is about Maria’s experience
as a child prostitution.
The second part is paragraph 2 and. It deals with the issue of prostitution throughout the world.
The last part is paragraph 4: it is about the different reasons of prostitution and how the problem can be
2- Summary it self
Nowadays, poverty is the principal reason of some criminal activities such as child prostitution. Maria
is a perfect example of this reality. The situation is observed throughout the world and has got a large
number of consequences. For it turns young girls into frustrated and worthless characters.

III- Commentary
From what we have Just read. We have better understood the reality of prostitution in the world. Being a
wildly opened activity, some parents encourage their children to practice this mad activity. It is the case
of Maria’s mother. This behavior should be toughly condemned. Because parents must be main
protagonists for child education. Some parents today are not serious at all; how can you sell your child
body to cover your limited income? People must be conscious for we cannot eradicate poverty and misery
by child prostitution other solution can be found.

IV- Personal Opinion

As for as, I am concerned the text is interesting in the sense that it is dealing with prostitution a criminal
activity. We all know that this practice is bad and it must be forbidden because it doesn’t valorize the
values of our society. We must be conscious and revalorize our values.

V- Branching out
We have studied the situation of Maria in Brazil. What about the practice of prostitution in our country
Text n° 3
I. Introduction
The text entitled "Television : a blessing or curse" is an extract taken from "Help Yourself
to Success!" Written by A.C.H. VAUTRIN and J.R.HUGHES. The theme of this
argumentative text is Social education and it is about television positive and negative
impact. The author's intention is to draw our attention on the use of it.
II. Summary
1. Structure
We can divide the text into three main parts.
The first part is paragraph one (1). It deals with the advantages of TV.
The second part is paragraph two (2) it is about TV disadvantages.
The Last part is paragraph 3 it is about author's opinion.
2. Summary itself
Television nowadays is one of the most used device in the day. It has then got advantages
and drawbacks.
III. Commentary
Television as well as some devices in our daily life has got bad and good side. From the
author's argumentation, Television is really helpful for students and ordinary people in the
sense that it delivers socializing programs. And with TV we gain informed on time.
But should moderation its use as pointed out the author for it sometimes turns people into
apathetic persons. It can also provide bad programs which can impact our kids negatively.
IV. Conclusion
As far as I am concerned, the text is interesting in the sense that it helps us to understand
the advantages and drawbacks of Television. We must then use it with care and all
moderation required for all device has a dark side.
V. Branching out.
TV. impacts are now known, is it the single device with negative vision?
Text n•5: Mobile phones Useful or dangerous?

I/ Introduction

The Text we have to analyze is entitled M.P.U or D. It an article from science publish in October 2004.
The theme of this informative text is Social Education. And it is about the Advantages and disadvantages
of Mobile phone. The author’s intention is to draw our attention on the use of It.

II/ Summary
1•) Structure
We can divide the text into 3 main parts.
The first part is paragraph 1&2. It is about advantages of Mobiles phone.
The second part is paragraph 3&4. It is dealing with disadvantages of Mobile phone.
The third part is paragraph 5. It talks about Author’s opinion.

2•) Summary Itself

The arrival of Mobile phones is fantastic because they facilitate our daily Life we can call anywhere keep
in touch with relatives but its safety still questionable for it can generates a lot of drawback.
Summary Itself
This text is dealing with the use of mobile phone. To elaborate on this topic, the author starts by presenting
its good aspects then he shows its negative side

III. Commentary
Mobile phone is one of the most used devise per day. We are all custom to it and it makes life easier.
With you can phone and keep in touch. With a mobile distance don’t make sense because you can hear
and see your relative wherever the place they are. Hence more it can help our kids when they are in trouble
outside. However, we have to use it with care because we really don’t know if it is totally safe. The safety
of mobile phone still questionable. Some people in cities are victims of car accident; blaze; due the
excessive use of phone. From that we can understand how worst it can be. When we can lose a life for.

Personal opinion

I’m my opinion the text is interesting in the sense that it is about mobile phone one of the most use device
around the world. It is really useful for our daily life but its safety still questionable that is why we have
to use it with care.
Text n•6: patient death raises cancers over standard

The text we are going to analyze is entitled ‘’patient death raises cancers over standard ‘’
It is an article from ‘’independent ‘’ written by Sarah Barclay. It was published on the 6th
of November 1993. The theme of this informative text is public services and it is about the
Deborah’s death the at the hospital. The author's intention is to draw our attention on the
lack care in today society

the text can be divided into 3 main parts.
 Part1: paragraph 1 it is about Deborah’s arrival at the hospital.
 Part2: paragraph 2 it is about Deborah neglected by public medical care services.
 Part3: paragraph 3 it is about Deborah’s death.

Summary Itself
Deborah was a victim of muscle-wasting disorder. She went from one hospital to another
but she didn’t find solution. She was neglected by public medical care services and was
definitely died because of lack of care.

This text is gripping for it shows how our health is in danger. Deborah has just been a
victim’s that is all. The reality is that our public medical services in Africa are careless.
When you go to the hospital you can stay the day long without being received by the
medical staff. This moreover when you are poor. For them money prevail human life.

Personal opinion

I’m our opinion the text in interesting because the message that it is delivering is relevant.
This is not a simple story but the reality of our Medical milieu. What a pity lose life because
of lack of care
Text n°4: Social Net Working

I. Introduction
The text entitled Social Networking is an extract taken from: Awake magazine on page 6 and 7, written
by M.H Larson. It was published in 2011. The theme of this informative text is Internet and it is dealing
with benefit and drawbacks of internet. The author's intention is to our attention on the use of it.

II. Summary
1. Structure

The text can be divided into two main parts.

The first part is paragraph 1 and 2 it is about benefit of Social networks.
The second part is paragraph 3 and 4. It deals with Internet bad aspects.

2. Summary Itself
Networks have not only benefits, they also have disadvantages vice-versa. They are useful for
communication but sometimes dangerous in case of addiction.

III. Commentary
From the way that the text is structured, de can easily understand author's analysis. Internet has two main
In one hand, it is useful because it facilitates our life in terms of communication and entertainment.
Internet therefore offers us different methods of communication (via phone call, text message, video
call...) It depends of the users.
However, apart from these benefits, networks can be dangerous when they are not used with care. Your
personal data that you publish can exhibited you five to the billions of people who are going through it. It
makes life more popular and some people become addicted.

IV. Conclusion:
The text is interesting in the way it brings us some about Internet use.

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