USS Howard FRG Meeting Minutes June 21, 2011

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FRG Meeting Minutes

Date: Time: Location: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Murphy Canyon Chapel 3200 Santo Rd. San Diego, CA 92124 organized

Meeting called by: Laurie Kallonakis Attendees: Laurie Kallonakis, Melissa Reyna, Veronica Litvachuk, Terra Cramer, Aleisha McFarlane, Sarah Heller, Amanda Manick, Anne Shick, Kim Zook, Sarah Parobek, Melissa Swenson, Brandi Jones, Priscilla Greeno, Laura Slagle, Jessica Fielder, Kathlenn Davis, Kay Rivera

#No. 1

Action / Topic / Discussed Item Introduced board members 2


Due Date


Assigned To Laurie Kallonakis, President Attending members

2 3

Voted Board members in office according to By-Laws Passed out Calendars and highlighted upcoming events for end of June and all of July. Social events such as bowling, 4th of July, Play dates, zoo outing. FREE events like concerts around San Diego, hikes, free museum days, county fair and classes provided by Fleet and Family Support. T-shirts. Discussed possible sweatshirt orders during the winter and accessories like mugs can also be available. Committee signup sheet passed around and invited members to volunteer for leaders and voice ideas for possible committees. Fundraisers. Committee will be formed. Discussed businesses that support military and are known to donate.

5 10 Noted that all events will be posted up on face book and added that if any member wanted to add an event to the calendar they were free to do so via face book.

Veronica Litvachuk, Secretary


By the next FRG meeting we will be able to pre-order t-shirts. There will be XL and kids sizes. Committees will post dates for meeting on face book.

Laurie Kallonakis, President


Melissa Reyna, Treasurer


McDonalds, Souplantation, Papa Johns, collective cookbook from HOWARD friends and family.

FRG members, Kay Rivera, Sarah Heller, Aleisha McFarlane

Half-Way Party. Will be potluck, everyone bring a side dish. Will be at Murphy Canyon Child and Youth Center Park on Santo Road @ noon till 3pm. Will be posted on Facebook. Clown that does face painting and balloon animals will be hired for donations. Homecoming. Discussed possible ideas for activities for kids and food. Banner is already acquired from last deployment.


Need members to go to businesses that would donate specifically for our party. Companies: Walmart, Sams Club, Dominoes, Startbucks, Albertsons, LAYS, Costco. Bouncer rented from MWR, band The Destroyers (navy band good moral for family members that come from other states and are not use to military surroundings.) Sold 30 tickets and money will be deposited to the FRG bank account. FREE to low cost movie days/nights.

Laurie Kallonakis, President and FRG members


FRG members,

First Kiss/First Hug raffle. Sold tickets.


Melissa Reyna, Treasurer Veronica Litvachuk, Secretary and FRG members


Other social events for FRG members.


Mailing Packages to single sailors for donations.

Bring donated items to the next FRG to put packages together and mail them off.

Kim Zook


Soda pop leis for sailors. Send letters to Coca Cola and Pepsi for possible donations of pop tops.


Members brought pop tops to work on and count for each lei, put in zip-lock bags.

Aleisha McFarlane


Kids Activity. The children at the meeting worked on arts and crafts, making faces and hearts.

30 (while meeting was going on)

Will be glued to a banner that will be sent to the ship for halfway point.

Kim Zook

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