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Friendship = Amistad

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

 Discuss the qualities of a good friend

 Describe different types of friends.
 Invite a new a friend to an event.

Al final de esta lección, usted podrá:

• Discuta las cualidades de un buen amigo

• Describir diferentes tipos de amigos.

• Invitar a un nuevo amigo a un evento.

 What is happening in the picture ¿ what are they doing? -
¿Qué está pasando en la imagen? ¿Qué están haciendo?

R: in the picture three friends o people speak about things, maybe, work, sport, or cakes

Whne was the last tie you went ouf with friends? -
¿Cuál fue la última vez que te fuiste con tus amigos?

R: In the past week, we went to the snow

 What did you do together? -------------------------

¿Qué hicieron juntos?

R: we skied, built a snowman and threw snowballs

Patient Artistic

honest Calm, understanding

funny truthful -

creative makes people laugh

Smart quiet, not outgoing -

Shy intellingent

Paciente__________________calma, comprensión - Calm, understanding

Honesto__________________ truthful - veraz

Gracioso__________________hacer reír a la gente - makes people laugh

Creativo__________________Artística - Artistic

Inteligente_________________Inteligente - intellingent

Tímido____________________Tranquila, no extrovertida - quiet, not outgoing

Patient = Paciente – Honest = honesto – funny = Gracioso – Creative = Creativo – Smart =
inteligente – Shy = timido.

Vocabulary fill in the bank

Linda helped me study. She is very Smart and knows all the answers.

My brother is Shy he doesn´t like to meet new people.

It is important to be Honest that is why i always tell the truth.

My father is Creative he can paint, draw, and sculpt.

The new student is so funny the whole class was laughing at her jokes.

I can´t work with children beacause i am not Patient

1. Which of these words best describes you? - ¿Cuál de estas palabras te describe

 I think is shy, because it is difficult for me to socialize

Patient = Paciente – Honest = honesto – funny = Gracioso – Creative = Creativo – Smart =
inteligente – Shy = timido.

What do you look for in a friend? Choose three adjectives. Explain you choices.

¿Qué buscas en un amigo? Elige tres adjetivos. Explique sus opciones.

I want a friend who is beacause ----

I want a friend who is -------------- funny --------------------- beacause i like it laugh

I want a friend who is --------------- honest ------------------------ because that is showing your loyalty

I want a friend who is---------------- creative ----------------- because it would help me to create things

Describe your best friend. How did you meet your best friend?

R: My best friend is funny and Smart. we met at the university

Example: my best friend is really creative. We met at an art festival

Tell the class about your best friend. - Cuéntale a la clase sobre tu mejor amigo.

My best friend is from Santiago de Chile, he is very good at playing soccer, he have twenty-six
years old, he is very intelligent and creative all the time
To put youself out there = to be open to meeting new people

Para ponerte ahí afuera ( Exponerte ) = Estar abierto a conocer a gente nueva

Aide: i don´t know anybody in this town – No conozco a nadie en esta ciudad.

Kilian: you must moved here. Go out and meet some new people. –

Debe Mudarse aquí. Sal y conoce gente.

Aiden: How do i make new friends? – Como hago nuevos amigos?

Kilian: it´ll be ok. You just need top ut yourself out there. – estare bien. Solo necestias recargarte
por hay.

When you moved to a ner city, how did you put yourself out there?

Cuando te mudaste a una nueva ciudad, ¿cómo te colocaste allí?

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