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Competitive Advantage

Slide 2
Slide 3,Answer Key
 1e
 2g
 3a
 4d
 5b
 6c
 7f
Slide 4
Slide 5,Answer Key
 1d
 2e
 3g
 4h
 5c
 6a
 7b
 8f
Slide 6
Slide 7, Quiz Time!
A formal written offer to do a job for an agreed price.

 A) Tender

 B) Spreadsheet
Slide 8,Quiz Time!
A proven track____________.

 A) Research

 B) Record

 C) Competition

 D) Identity
Slide 9
Slide 10
Slide 11,Answer Key
 Ques No. 2
1. set 2. as 3. so 4. being 5. at 6. if 7. their 8. what 9. on
10. which 11 each

 Ques No. 3
1e, 2g, 3h, 4c, 5d, 6a, 7f, 8b
Slide 12
Slide 13
Slide 14, Vocabulary
Slide 15,Answer Key
 1d
 2f
 3a
 4b
 5g
 6e
 7h
 8c
Slide 16,Quiz Time!
A good understanding of someone and ability to
communicate well with them can be termed as______

 A) Benchmark

 B) Rapport

 C) Perspective
Slide 17,Quiz Time!
Gap-filling exercises in paragraph/article can help one
focus on grammatical mistakes!

 True

 False
Slide 18
Slide 19,Answer Key
 1. go for 2. teamed up with; came out with 3. go about
4. work out; comes to 5. bid for 6. putting together
Slide 20
Slide 21,Answer Key
 1. don’t land 2. doesn’t happen/hasn’t happened 3. have
4. would approach 5. would ask 6. is 7. would hope 8.
would give 9. would manage 10.relies 11. would do
Slide 22,Vocabulary
Slide 23,Answer Key
 1. assessing, submitting
 2. devote
 3. compete
 4. cover
 5. go
 6. itemise; establish
Slide 24,Speaking
Slide 25,Quiz Time!
Fundamentally, there are four types of conditionals!

 Yes

 No
Slide 26,Quiz Time!
Collocations are the words which often__________.

 A) differ

 B) go together

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