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Chapter 1


Throughout the previous four decades, the discourse on whether to utilize L1 (first

language) when showing English in outside language classrooms has been not able achieve a

generous conclusion. In spite of solid English-just arrangements in numerous language

instruction establishments, various researchers have come to understand that fitting utilization of

L1 may be gainful for students (Hawks, 2001). Cynical perspectives on the wonder appear to

fixate on "consistently spent utilizing the L1 is a moment not spent utilizing English! – And

consistently tallies!" (Atkinson, 1993), which frequently recommends the restriction of L1 from

L2 (second language) classrooms. Hopeful perspectives, alternately, frequently take the position

of L1 being an extension when learning L2 (Briggs, 2001), and choose its consideration into L2

classrooms to a specific degree. Huge numbers of these exchanges, nonetheless, disregard the

part of language educators, who appear to bring out new purposes of perspectives.

The dominant part of those showing English on this day and age are non-local instructors

of English, while the turnaround was valid in past decades. Such an adjustment in the statistic

profile of English language educators appears to open new entryways in the technique of

instructing. In other words, numerous researchers have begun to consider the benefits of talking

an indistinguishable L1 from the understudies, and have been searching for approaches to

enhance learning and educating (i.e., clarifying troublesome ideas utilizing L1 and associating in

the classroom). Because of the long convention of English-just approaches and its commitment

based constructive recognitions coming from the mid-1900s, be that as it may, numerous non-

local educators of English still feel embarrassed about utilizing L1 in their classrooms, not on

account of it isn't valuable, but rather in light of the fact that they see it as an individual


The argument about whether English language classrooms ought to incorporate or bar

understudies' local language has been an antagonistic issue for quite a while (Brown, 2000,

p195), starting at yet the examination discoveries have not been altogether influential in any

case. Those supporting an English-just approach have tended to construct their cases in light of

hypothetical contentions, for example, getting the hang of being intensely controlled by the

amount of introduction to the language. They have likewise construct their showing strategies

with respect to the Direct Method. Then adversaries of an English-just strategy have frequently

centered just around the way that understudies more often than not bolster utilizing L1 in the

classroom (Critchley, 1999, p11), (Burden, 2000, p9), and (Mitchell, 1988, p29) and have had a

tendency to overlook educational confirmation.

This study will endeavor to exhibit two focuses. Initially, that utilizing L1 in the

classroom does not impede learning, and that L1 has an encouraging part to play in the

classroom and can really help learning. Two analyses the data totry to substantiate these

speculations. In the initial, three classes was seen over a time of five months, amid which time

one class was English-just, one effortto utilize of English language by the understudies just, and

in the other, both instructor and understudies used English language. The utilization of local

language (L1) in EFL classrooms by the EFL instructors is a typical wonder. The present

examination is an examination of this semantics wonder as for educational point of view.

Regardless of issues with causality and maybe the efforts to sum up the discoveries, general

discoveries do demonstrate conceivable help for both our speculations, and consequently for the

utilization of L1 in the classroom.


1.2 Statement of the problem

This research investigates the influence of using L1 in English language classroom at the

secondary level.

Learning of 2nd language is our need, because English language is an international language in

our institutes English is taught through L1. L1 is Urdu is our medium of teaching is Urdu even

English is taught by using it. Therefore, the use of influence of native language on English

language teaching is a main theme of this study. This research will find some problems that why

teachers use L1 in their English class.

1.3 Objectives of the study

After this study, learner will able to:

 Increase knowledge how to make teaching of L2 effective

 Use some strategies to less influence of L1

 Apply some teaching techniques for L2 teachers.

 Give a base to change of showing English as a moment language at the optional school

level in Pakistan.

 Discover the elements influencing the learning of English at optional level.

1.4 Research Question

The aim of this study is to address the following study:


Evaluate the teachers' use of Ll in English classes at secondary level

1.5 Significance of the study

Using of L1 in our educational institutes especially in English classes at secondary level is a

main thing of this study. Teaching often use L1 in English class of the beginning of their lectures

and in the intermediate classes of explain the meaning of any term explain the complicated ideas

give some instructions. Most of the researchers have done their work on this topic: they have

accomplished their degree in this field. Now the researcher will take out something new trough

these evaluations through these research teachers can attend their classes with a new idea and

new teachers will find some new strategies to apply their classes like that researchers will

mention a technique here for instance teacher should take with the students in a target language,

by using some picture in this way students will learn better and they can improve their


1.6 Method of the Research

It will be a qualitative research in which researcher will use questionnaire and observation

techniques. Researcher will record the sample.

1.7 Population of the study

Population of this research will be 50 teachers of English language, at secondary level in Lahore.

1.8 Sample size / Sampling technique

Sample of the research will be 50 English teachers of grade 9. Researcher's sampling technique

will be a tape recording material of teacher's daily lectures, and evaluation of this recording

material, either teachers use Ll or not, or to what extent they include Ll in their daily lectures.

Research Design:

Design of the research will be qualitative because through open-ended questions researcher can

take views in a better way.

Research Instrument:

Research instrument will be an observation technique, questionnaire and recording of the

lectures, which they deliver to the students.

Data collection:

Data will be collected through open-ended questions, teachers views will be taken and will make

a research on the given topic.

Analysis and Interpretation of Data:

Data will be analyzed through recordings and teachers will take part in researcher's activity.

And evaluation of this recording material, either teachers use L1 or not, and to what extent they

include L1 in their daily lectures.

This research may help to explore some important factors responsible for enhancing the use of

L1 in the English language-learning classroom of students at secondary level. By indicating

them, through this research, the sole purpose is to assist the authorities to bridge the gap of

academic performance of foreign language learners in the classroom. This study may provide

guidance to the classroom teachers to deal with the different teaching strategies by employing L1

(Urdu) and help them to adopt such plans which could improve their English learning skills.

Delimitation of the Study

 In this study, teachers will not be randomly selected but the assessment of L1 teaching

strategies will be a relatively subjective teacher/administrator decision based on available


 The chance of research bias has been tried to minimize because it directly affects the

result. Special care has been taken to minimize elements such as data measurement bias,

environmental conditions, mortality and sampling bias but a few to consider in this


Chapter 2

Literature Review

Although virtually everyone learns at least one language in the course of cognitive

development, people manage to acquire more than one. The number of those who do conduct

research is much greater than the researchers might at first think. In fact, the researchers can say,

with Howard Giles (1985: iv) that “the monolingual mortal is in actuality a someone scarce

commodity” or, with Peter Hornby (1977:1) “for a large percentage of the people of the world

speaking more than one language is a natural way of life.” This then would suggest that the

group of individuals who command a second (or additional) language is quite large. It is the

research, not a uniform group and consequently quite difficult to define.

Gradability is a feature of person’s native linguistic skills as the researchers, of course.

The researchers can consider someone a good speaker or an excellent writer, someone gifted

with respect to his or her use of language, but that does not mean that the remaining members of

a speech community do not know their native tongue. The distinction between the researchers

and simultaneous acquisition of two languages (reference here is to speakers’ first and second

languages, though it is possible in certain contexts that an additional language or languages play

a role as the researchers) and successive acquisition of those two languages entails all of the

arguments involved in the discussion of first vs. second language acquisition as the researchers.

(current issues in second language acquisition and development by Carol Blackshire-Belay)

Showing strategy with respect to EFL classrooms got much thought after 80's (Clark C.

M, and Peterson P. L, 1986), (Johnson, 1992), (Fang, 1996). There are various experts and

specialists who particularly revolved around L1 association with instructional strategy in EFL

classrooms (Krashen, 1981), (Cook, 2001), (Moore, 2002), (Turnbull, M., and Arnett, A, 2002),

(Levine, 2003), (Rell, 2005), (Piker, 2006), (Kraemer, 2006), (Thompson, 2006), (Bateman,

2008), (Wilkerson, 2008). Krashen pushed for using L2 or target vernacular just in an outside

lingo classroom where principle part is to indicate L2 tongue to the understudies (Krashen, 1981)

, (1989).

Contrary to this there are various language masters and experts who maintained for the

positive usage of L1 in the midst of training in EFL classroom as a guide for the teachers and

furthermore for the understudies (Duff, P., and Polio, C, 1990), (Franklin, 1990), (Atkinson,

1993), (Cook, 1999), (Turnbull, 2001), (Turnbull, M., and Arnett, A, 2002), (Levine, 2003),

(Wilkerson, 2008). Atkinson (1993) says that essential language (L1) can enhance the

understudies teacher affiliation and it is a kind of non-consistent natural surroundings for


appearing if educator simply used L2 in the class when the two understudies and instructor share

an average local language (Atkinson, 1993).

Cook (2001) is of the supposition that using only L2 in the class does not give most

outrageous yield of lingo learning (Cook, 2001).Turnbull ensuing to exploring a French setting

concerning L1 utilize, presumes that teachers should not use under 25% of TL or SL in the

classroom (Turnbull, 2001). Wigglesworth (2003) is of the appraisal that L1 can be used as a

subjective augmentation for taking in the L2 (Wigglesworth, 2003).

English language developed a tendency and respect for correctness in the Seventeenth

Century. “Accessions to the vocabulary in the 17th Century show the influence of French and

Italian, particularly in matters of fashion and the fine arts. The 18th Century researchers the

influence of more distant countries such as India, and the 19th Century continued that tendency.

Scientific terms are the outstanding contribution of the 19th Century, and this has remained true

in the 20th” (Encyclopedia Britannica).

Regardless, by decision, English has 'voyaged' to numerous parts of the world and has

been utilized to fill different needs. This marvel has made positive cooperation and additionally

strains amongst worldwide and neighborhood researchers and has had genuine etymological,

ideological, sociocultural, political and educational ramifications. The part 0f English has played

in the lives of people too groups run from minimization and dominion on the one side to

strengthening and upward portability on the other. As Kachru (1996: 135) puts it 'the

universalization of English and the energy of this language have included some significant

pitfalls; for a few, the suggestions are anguishing, while for others, they involve joy'.

Kachru (e.g. 1986, 1992) portrayed the part and utilization of English around the globe

utilizing a model that has three concentric circles: Inner-Circle, Outer-Circle and Expanding-

Circle nations. Internal Circle nations, English is utilized as the essential language, for example,

the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia and Canada. Nations situated in the Outer-

Circle are multilingual and utilize English as a moment language, for example, India, Pakistan

and Singapore. In Expanding-Circle nations, the biggest circle, English is found out as remote

language, for example, in China, Japan, Korea and Egypt.

Instructional method as for English language classrooms got much consideration after

80's (Clark C.M, and Peterson P.L 1986), (Johnson, 1992), (Fang, 1996). Numerous analysts and

researchers especially centered on L1 connection with teaching method in English classrooms.

(Krashen, 1981) (Cook, 2001), (Moore, 2002), (Turnbull, M., and Arnett, A, 2002), (Levine,

2003), (Rell, 2005), (Piker, 2006), (Kraemer, 2006), (Thompson, 2006), (Bateman, 2008),

(Wilkerson, 2008).

It has been assessed that approximately 60 percent of the present total populace is

multilingual. From both bilingualism and multilingualism is a standard instead of the exemption.

It is reasonable, at that point, to state that all through history remote language learning has

dependably been a critical functional concern. Though today English is the world's most

generally considered remote language, 500 years back it was Latin, for it was the overwhelming

language of training, business, religion and government in the researchers’world. In the sixteenth

century, in any case, French, Italian, and English picked up in significance because of political

changes in Europe, and Latin bit by bit progressed toward becoming uprooted as a language of

talked and composed correspondences.


As indicated by the language interpretation strategy, perusing and composing are the

primary concentration, while tuning in and talking are not stressed. Vocabulary is shown

utilizing bilingual word records, punctuation is educated deductively, and the understudy's local

language is the medium for direction (Richards, 2001). The immediate strategy recommends that

an outside language ought to be educated the way kids take in their first language, or the way

youngsters being exchanged to another nation secure a moment language normally and without

the researchers some trouble (Rivers, 1968).

Outside language adapting, along these lines, must be characteristic, and language ought

to be educated without interpretation and without the utilization of the student's local language.

Rather, it ought to be instructed through exhibit and activity. Syntax ought to be shown

inductively, and talking and listening ought to be created in little and serious class (Richards,

2001). The presence of the Direct Method of instructing a little more than a hundred years prior

additionally contributed incredibly to the union of the possibility that all L1 languages ought to

be prohibited from the classroom (Harbord, 1992, p350) and (Pennycook, 1994, p169). The

commence of the Direct Method was that second language learning reflected first language

obtaining: heaps of oral cooperation, minimal syntactic investigation and no interpretation. The

Direct Method would soon be disparaged when it flopped in the government funded instruction

system(Brown, 1994, p44)

Teachers are made to show English language with no obvious and achievable points.

Moderately or routinely, the vast majority of the educators are upbeat at clarifying the

significance of a content in English language, as though it is a subject. Because of the

arrangement of instruction, non-accessibility of the institutionalized course books, shortage of


consistent preparing to the educators of English and furthermore absence of readiness among

instructors to get creative thoughts, defective showing system, and so on are a portion of the

issues looked by the instructors during the time spent instructing of English at school level.

In the meantime, the absence of inspiration with respect to the understudies because of

different reasons, for example, – absence of mindfulness in regards to the significance and extent

of the English language, original students, not mindful of the significance of English language,

absence of enthusiasm of information of books which might not have down to earth application,

stereo kind of showing which does not take into account the requirements of the understudies.

Hence, it is the need of great importance to show English as it assumes an imperative part in

creating and advancing changes and tolerating new patterns in the innovative society.

Through ought the 20th century English language has been used in different countries. It

is among the great controversies of the world that L1 (mother tongue) should use during L2

teaching or not? It is a great debate in history, though most of the language teachers are against

the interference of mother tongue in second language learning. But it cannot be neglected in

various aspects. English is a language which has a great place in different departments of our

country. It is used as a compulsory subject at educational institutes in Pakistan. There are

different methods, techniques and theories to teach/learn L2 (English language).

Some teachers prefer grammar translation method, while some give importance to direct

method during their lecture delivering. As Mackey (1965) states that “the learning of one

language in childhood is an inevitable process; the learning of a second language is a special

accomplishment”. Monolingual teachers want to use only foreign language in classes; they

believe that the use of mother tongue can exploit the foreign language use in classes. According

this environment is such type that students cannot get clear knowledge without L1 use. Another

opinion is there that teachers who use L1 in foreign language classes can get more advantages

then the other ones.

Other scholars have suggested that L2/FL teachers can use the L1 effectively for

instructional features, such as to explain grammar rules (Demir, 2012), give instructions (Cook,

2001), translate vocabulary (Macaro, 2009) and reading passages (Nation, 2003), and to discuss

cross-cultural issues (Tang, 2002). It has also been reported that the L1 can be used to the

researchers’ affective filters and motivate students (Meyer, 2008), ensure learners feel

comfortable in the classroom ( de la Campa & Nassaji, 2009), remove language anxiety and

provide students with a sense of security ( Levine, 2003), create social relations and rapport

between the researchers, students and their teachers ( Littlewoods& Yu, 2011), build interlinked

knowledge in the learners' mind ( Mart, 2013), and raise learners' confidence levels on the whole

( Karimian & Mohammadi, 2015). Bell (2005) claims that in the past few decades, a change in

the way foreign languages are taught has been observed, particularly in the

researchers’concerned countries, with a shift from traditional grammar-based pedagogies, in

which use of the L1 is generally high, to a more interactive and communicative approach (see

Eurydice, 2001) where the use of the L1 is low or non-existent.

As the English language is being consolidated as a global language, it is indispensable for

all the countries to teach and learn English. Otherwise, it is difficult to keep pace with the

development in the world. In particular, it is very essential for a multilingual and developing

country like India, to learn this global language. However, the teaching of English has always

been in difficult circumstances. This is because of the lack of clear- cut policy, socio-economic

background of the students, lack of exposure to the language, non-availability of suitable

teaching/learning material, lack of experienced teachers who are trained with latest techniques,

defective methods, lack of motivation, large classes, faulty examination system, etc. are some of

the reasons for not acquiring English language at school level. Teachers have to cover the

syllabus and cannot spare much time to handle the language items.

Some foreign language educators trust that the ideal route for understudies to create local

like language capability is to think in that language. With a specific end goal to stay away from

and take out the mistakes caused by L1 obstructions, understudies are urged to stifle the

utilization of L1 as methods for taking in the TL. Nevertheless, second language obtaining

research (Dulay and Burt, 1973; Johnson and Newport, 1994) has uncovered that the challenges

and mistakes of remote language learning cannot be totally ascribed to impedance by the

students' first language. In an examination, dissecting the researchers’ blunders among local

Spanish-talking youngsters learning English, Dulay and Burt (1973) found that lone 3% of

mistakes originated from L1 obstructions and 85% of mistakes the researchers formative in

nature. These discoveries infer that the dread of utilizing L1 in remote language classrooms,

which brings about negative exchange, ought to be lessened.

Notwithstanding research that shows that L1 ought not be researched as an obstacle to

fruitful learning (Dulay and Burt, 1973; Johnson and Newport, 1994), a few researchers have

expedited L1's beneficial outcomes both remote language instructing and figuring out how to

light (Anton and Dicamilla, 1998; Cipriani, 2001; Bergsleighner, 2002; Storch and Willesworth,

2003; Greggio and Gil, 2007; Kang 2008). For instance, Anton and Dicamilla's examination

(1998), in which five sets of Spanish-speaking EFL grown-up students led English written work

assignments, uncovered a few of the numerous capacities that L1 can serve. These capacities

incorporate the cultivating and support of enthusiasm for the undertaking notwithstanding the

improvement of methodologies and methodologies for making troublesome errands more


Anton and Dicamilla (1998) trust that the utilization of L1 is advantageous for language

learning since it the two aides all the while and culmination of the assignment and makes a social

and subjective space in which understudies will have the capacity to give each other help all

through the span of the undertaking. In addition, thinking in L1 brings about the generation of

more intricate substance. Lally's examination (2000) uncovered that understudies who arranged a

written work errand in L1 got higher scores for association. In another examination directed by

Cohen and Brooks-Carson (2001), the gathering detailed that they quite often had more thoughts

and a more prominent measure of clear reasoning in L1.

By what method can the L1 be better coordinated into instructing? Cook (2001) has

proposed four rules that educators should think about. The main factor is proficiency. For

instance, L1 may help show the implications of dynamic and muddled vocabulary things in a less

tedious way and more compelling way. The second factor is learning. Learning subjunctive

mind-sets could be encouraged by utilizing L1 clarifications. The third factor is expectation. It

might be less demanding for instructors to make a domain of compatibility by demonstrating

worry for their understudies in L1 than it would be in the TL. It is a probability that the

utilization of the two languages address understudies' issues in the ordinary world outside of the

classroom. The fourth factor is outside pertinence. Knowing how to display an item in both L1

and TL may enable understudies to be effective in their professions. These four variables fill in

as rules for helping educators fuse prudent L1 utilize that will encourage understudies' remote

language learning in ways that the utilization of the TL doubtlessly never could.

Additionally, crucial in sending the contention that L1 ought not to be utilized as a part of

the classroom, was Krashen, who upheld extreme introduction to the objective language. He

expressed that all the lesson or the researchersas could reasonably be expected ought to be in L2

(English for our situation), and that there was an unmistakable connection between the

researchers and understandable contribution to L2 and capability (Krashen, 1985, p14). Critically

the researchers, this maybe suggested time spent utilizing L1 would just take away from

learning. He even recommended that the reason presentation was not generally effective in

encouraging capability, was because students approached their L1 either in class, or out of it

(Krashen, 1985, p14). Others, for example, Gatenby 1950 (in Phillipson, p185, 1992) concurred,

by guaranteeing that the language being contemplated ought to be the method of correspondence

in the lesson. This thought the L2 lesson ought to be educated in L2, with a specific end goal to

boost presentation, and in this way learning, is maybe the key idea which monolingual supporters

have construct their approach in light of current ideas.

Harbord (1992) proposes that instructors talk in L1 before class begins and advise jokes

in L1 to diminish understudy nervousness. Showing materials assume an imperative part in

advancing informative language utilize. There are three sorts of showing materials: content

based, undertaking based, and realia. These can be course books, recreations, pretends,

reenactments, and undertaking based correspondence exercises intended to help open language

educating. Various types of real protests can be utilized as a part of an informative language

instructing class to help open exercises, from language based realia, for example, signs,

magazines, and daily papers to realistic and visual sources, for example, maps, pictures, images,

diagrams, and outlines (Richards, 2001). The utilization of showing materials majorly affects the

movement of language educating.


Abebe and Davidson (2012) bring up that understudies are anxious to learn vocabulary

with the help of visual materials, and that the utilization of visual materials improves the

understudies' capacity and chance to utilize language to express their thoughts and emotions. In

any case, Abebe and Davidson (2012) additionally found that instructors seldom utilize visual

materials, for example, cards, diagrams, and genuine questions in educating, in spite of the

dominant part of educators and understudies conceding that visual materials enable understudies

to learn language adequately.

Mathew and Alidmat (2013) concur that instructor's utilization of varying media helps

causes understudies to comprehend lessons increasingly and enhances their English language

aptitudes, for example, elocution abilities or conversational abilities, through tuning in to local

speakers. What's more, the utilization of varying media materials additionally makes classroom

exercises even more fascinating and encourages the understudies to recollect the lessons longer.

An examination directed by Aduwa-Ogiegbaen and Iyamu (2006) found that course readings,

exercise manuals, word references, writing slates, and publications are predominant in English

classrooms, though present day media, for example, sound and video, modified writings,

language labs, cheat sheets, PCs, magazines, and daily papers are once in a while utilized.

In brief,various scholars have conducted different researches in number of countries.

According tovarious studies, whichhave been conducted in Pakistani institutes of language, such

as this type of research has been conducted to take views of students, some to take views of both

students and teachers. However, in this work researcher has worked how teachers can overcome

their deficiencies in teaching language, how does native language affect the second language


The present examination is an examination of academic ramifications for local language

(L1) use by EFL educators in the classrooms. The instructors in the classrooms while educating a

remote language is not something new in the present globalizing world will call the utilization of

local language as it L1 in this examination. About portion of the world uses more than two

languages (Grosjean, 2010).Most of the circumstances English is being learnt as a worldwide

language (Bamgbose, 2001) and there are more nonnative speakers of English when contrasted

with local (Crystal, 2003). EFL instructors academic practices have been contemplated with

different points of view (Johnson, 1992), (Pajares, 1992), (Ellis, 1994), (Fang, 1996), (Cameron,

2001), (Borg, 2001), (Borg S. , 2003) (Andrews, 2003), (Deterding, D., and Kirkpatrick, A,

2006), (Phipps, S., and Borg, S, 2009), (Theriot, S., and Tice, K. C, 2009). A large portion of

these examines have considered co-connection amongst state of mind and L1 utilization in EFL

classrooms. The present examination, in any case, is an examination concerning the instructive

ramifications of L1 use in EFL classrooms assessing Pakistani setting

These days English language is considered as a universal language, the movement of

instructing and learning English as an outside language and second language is additionally

talked about in different nations, for example, in Pakistan. In exchange about language

instructing and learning Brown (2007a) brings up that, there is a depending and subordinating

connection amongst educating and learning. Educating assumes parts as directing, encouraging

learning, and empower researchers and the student and setting the conditions for learning.

Having a decent comprehension of how the student learns will enable instructors to decide their

theory of training, their showing style, approach, strategies, and classroom methods. As per Cook

(2001), "the confirmation of instructing is in the learning", and "all fruitful educating relies on

learning" (p. 9). Cook likewise expresses that there is no reason for giving intriguing, very much

arranged language lessons if understudies do not gain from them.

It is vital for educators and students to comprehend the objective of language instructing

and learning, and in addition how to accomplish it. It is brought up that the objective of language

instructing is to build up students' informative fitness. (Liu, 2003; Rivers, 1978). As prompted in

Rivers (1978), "while choosing learning exercises, the researchers should recall forget that our

objective is for the understudies to have the capacity to cooperate unreservedly with others: to

comprehend what others wish to impart in the broadest sense, and to have the capacity to pass on

to others what they themselves wish to share" (Rivers, 1978, pp. 3-4). Following this point, Liu

(2003) trusts that a definitive objective of language guideline is to outfit students with the

capacity to utilize the language for their correspondence. This sensibly clarifies why the four

large-scale language aptitudes (tuning in, talking, perusing, and composing) fall into the two

classes: vocal and composed correspondence. Tuning in and talking are the most critical types of

vocal correspondence, though perusing and composing are the most vital types of composed


The instructors who begin their showing directly after the finish of their examinations are

dependably in a mess about specific issues of English Language Teaching (ELT) in the initial

few testing a very long time of their professions. The above all else issue they experience is

whether they go for English-just arrangement or they can take plan of action to L1. Since the

researchers have the experience of educating at the tertiary level in both Bangladesh and Saudi

Arabia, the researchers have likewise confronted the same clashing issue that is the status of the

utilization of understudies' L1 in the classroom. The status of English in Pakistan is much more

than an outside language yet not as much as a moment language. English is educated as a

mandatory subject from essential to higher auxiliary levels and it is utilized as the medium of

direction in every one of the divisions at colleges. Despite the fact that a lot of accentuation is

executed on English from the basic level, numerous understudies neglect to accomplish the

objective level of capability.

Since Urdu is the primary language of all understudies, it is not strange for them to utilize

Urdu in English classes and to anticipate that the educators will utilize it too in the classroom.

Additionally, educators at a few focuses, likewise utilize Urdu in the class for full of feeling

reasons and for making the address conceivable to every one of the understudies. Then again, the

official status of English in Pakistan is that of an essential outside language.

The necessary instructive framework comprises of three levels: the essential level, which

comprises of six evaluations, the auxiliary and the middle of the road levels, each comprising of

three levels. Understudies begin learning English in the most recent year of the essential level.

English, notwithstanding being instructed in pubic instructive foundations, is educated in every

Pakistani college either as an establishment course or as a noteworthy field of study. English

utilized as a medium of direction in most college offices. In any case, the level of

accomplishment in learning English as an outside language is far underneath. This photo in

Pakistan has influenced us to consider the issue of the utilization of students' native language by

and by.

To comprehend the present strategies for English language educating, the purposes

behind the predominance of a few showing techniques in language classrooms, and in addition

the difficulties that instructors and students experience, it is important to comprehend the real

techniques for language instructing. These techniques compressed beneath. The syntax

interpretation strategy is "a method for concentrate a language that methodologies the language

first through point by point examination of its punctuation rules, trailed by utilization of this

information to the undertaking of making an interpretation of sentences and messages into and

out of the objective language" (Richards, 2001, p. 5).

As indicated by the language structure interpretation strategy, perusing and composing

are the primary concentration, while tuning in and talking not accentuated. Vocabulary is shown

utilizing bilingual word records, syntax is educated deductively, and the understudy's local

language is the medium for direction (Richards, 2001). The immediate technique suggests that a

remote language ought to be educated the way kids take in their first language, or the way

youngsters being exchanged to another nation obtain a moment language normally and without

at the researchers some trouble (Rivers, 1968).

Outside language adapting, in this way, must be common, and language ought to be

instructed without interpretation and without the utilization of the student's local language.

Rather, it ought to be instructed through exhibition and activity. Sentence structure ought to be

shown inductively, and talking and listening ought to be produced in little and serious classes

(Richards, 2001). The sound lingual technique is a language instructing strategy that started from

the concentrated language instructional classes of the US military and concentrates on aural and

oral aptitudes. These courses are called the armed force strategy by the researchers.

Afterward, in its varieties and adjustments, this technique was renamed the sound lingual

strategy in the 1950s (Brown, 2007a). The sound lingual technique is depicted by Brown (2007a)

as takes after: New material is introduced in discourse shape, next to zero syntactic clarification

is utilized, syntax is educated inductively, auxiliary examples are shown utilizing tedious

aptitudes, vocabulary is entirely constrained and learned in setting, there is much utilization of

tapes, language labs and visual guides, almost no utilization of the first language by educators is

allocated by the researchers (p. 111). Open language instructing expects to build up the student's

informative capability. As pointed out by Richards (2001), in open language showing classes,

errands and exercises are intended to apply on students to accomplish informative targets by

taking an interest in open procedures, for example, trading data, transaction of significance, and

association. In open language instructing, student focused learning is underlined.

By the 1970s, these five principles would be consolidated into the Communicative

Approach, which rapidly came to overwhelm language instructing. Local English educators

instructing just in English and barring the understudies L1 would turn into the objective for some

open supporters. Overall, the Communicative Approach solidly trusted monolingual educating

with legitimate correspondence in L2 was the ideal approach to take in a language (Pennycook,

1994, p169). Numerous etymologists demanded that the objective language be utilized for all

reasons in the classroom (Wringe, 1989, p9) notwithstanding when the explanations behind

utilizing it stayed indistinct (Hawks, 2001, p47). Open scientists not just had faith in the

utilization of L2 as the medium of instructing, yet numerous others likewise trusted that L1

utilize meddled with L2 learning and achieved 'mistake transference' (Pacek, 2003), along these

lines frustrating learning. These blunders from L1 obstruction would be shaped into what is

currently known as the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (Brown, 1994, p193). It was imagined

that mistakes in L2 learning could be anticipated by looking into L2 with L1.

In thinking about the connection between researchers the idea of instructing and item

factors, it is additionally critical to take note of that specialists have utilized an assortment of

comparable and covering terms to depict educators, for example, 'the great instructor', 'the

fruitful instructor', 'the educator I like best' and 'the educator I gain most from'. Each of these

terms implies something marginally extraordinary, so one should be mindful in gathering the

consequences of such examinations together. Various examinations have investigated

understudies' perspectives of instructors and educating (Cullingford, 2003; Haydn, 2007; Pollard

et al., 2000). In general, the photo that has developed is that understudies see a decent educator

as somebody who:

• creates an all-around requested learning condition

• explains the work you need to do and causes you with it.

• is benevolent and steady.

Likewise, students as making utilization of an assortment of showing strategies regularly

portray great educators and learning exercises, utilizing a scope of aptitudes to keep up

understudies' advantage and to diffuse train issues rapidly, and dealing with the lessons so

understudies are kept occupied with what the instructors need them to do. At this factor, the

researchers need to make a clean distinction between researchers’ ‘effective teaching’ and the

alternative comparable terms in commonplace use.

The pith of effective training lies extremely tons in expressions of whether the instructing

is genuinely giving over the proposed results. The resourceful training suggests recognizing what

fills in as demonstrated by methods for results. The conviction of compelling instructing gets

from a mental point on thinking about educating, wherein the accentuation is situated on making

sense of discernible conduct inside the investigation room that might be associated with

noticeable impacts. Interestingly, phrases like 'great', 'favored' and 'supported' showing region

accentuation on how a spectator feels about the training and regularly makes a claim to fame of

attributes and qualities of showing that the eyewitness feels are suitable without essentially any

immediate association with results.

There are numerous components which influence 2d or abroad language taking in,

various them have coordinate dating with second language picking up learning of method in the

meantime as others have backhanded dating with it. Various notions have been found having

solid impact/s on second language picking up information of even as various others have minor

impact/s. these components are of two sorts as far as their tendency is concerned.

Internal/singular elements:

 Personality

 Aptitude

 Cognitive Style

 Hemisphere specialization

 Motivation and Attitude

 Learning Strategies

 Age

 External factors:

 Input and interaction

 Learning and Teaching Contexts

 The Behavior of learners

Studies performed by method for Burstall's, Spolsky's, Gardner's and Lambert's resolved

that young lady learners have more inspiration degree and top notch demeanors toward second

language becoming more acquainted with, which prompts better know-how of the language,

when contrasted with male beginners (Madrid, D. 1995). Tharp and Gallimore (1988) expect that

language-acing satisfaction does never again depend totally on superbroom games or

contribution as a substitute social communication with the particular group and culture of the

second one language is similarly exceedingly at theresearchers. Adger, Kalyanpur, Peterson, and

Bridger, (1995) consider community oriented classroom work an imperative piece of effective

L2 contemplating procedure.

What part, assuming any, should the understudies' native language play in the language

classroom? What is the language classroom? The language classroom is not one classroom, yet

many, including both second and outside language guideline, and additionally an assortment of

levels from beginner to close local capability. Given this, there are an assortment of the

researchers to exactly the amount of a part the understudies' native language should play. In

nations where language understudies are considering an official language of that nation, the

understudies are frequently outsiders, much of the time workers. They originate from different

nations with different native languages. Utilizing their L1 in the language classroom is

troublesome;researchers were not feasible, inasmuch as there are no less than two individuals in

the class that talk it. Regardless of whether this is commonsense is something that should be

considered on a case-by-case premise contingent upon the understudy creation of the class.

The utilization of the understudies' L1 turns into a significantly more down to earth issue

when managing etymologically homogeneous classrooms. This paper will concentrate on the last

mentioned. Indeed, even because of etymologically homogeneous classes, there is still discussion

over L1 utilize. Understudies require introduction to the L2. As a rule, the main presentation the

understudies may get is in the classroom; subsequently, shouldn't the educator talk just the L2?

That relies upon what the motivation behind the language class is. Is it a class brimming with

amateur students of the L2? Is it a class of understudies getting ready for a stay abroad? Is it a

class of understudies preparing to wind up interpreters/translators? The measure of L1 utilize and

how it is utilized ought to fluctuate with classroom condition. The L1 gives framework that

ought to be progressively disassembled as the understudies' advance. Insufficient and emotional

channels might be raised, excessively and advance is moderated. The L2 ought to be utilized the

researchers much as could reasonably be expected. Amplifying L2 utilize ought to be the

objective in each classroom.

The essential part of the understudies' L1 in the language classroom is bringing down

full of feeling channels. This is done through perception. Cognizance of the L2, as the

researchers can probe the matter as of the methods that occur in the classroom. Notwithstanding

the subject being considered, the classroom can be a scary place, notwithstanding for grown-ups.

It can require some investment to wind up plainly familiar with new environment, faces,

classroom strategies, and instructive methodologies. Add to this the selective utilization of a L2

in the class, and disarray and tension may soon take after. Should this nervousness increment to

excessively extraordinary a level, facilitative uneasiness may transform into debilitative tension

as full of feeling channels are raised. The fifth theory of Krashen's Monitor Model (as illustrated

by Light bown and Spada, 1999:39), the emotional channel speculation, suggests that

understudies or all the more precisely 'acquirers' of a language will sift or obstruct through the

objective language on the off chance that they end up noticeably tense, furious, or exhausted.

Instinctively, this concept strikes the notion of getting desired results. Under studies, concepts

will wind up noticeably baffled, furious, and angry at nature of the language classroom. At the

point when this happens learning stops. This has quick ramifications, as the researcher plan to

have negative outcomes far into the future, as it might convey a few understudies to respect

taking in the language being referred to or even different languages as a sad undertaking. To

keep this from happening, it is basic that the understudies' understand what is going on both

officially in the classroom, and educationally with the objective language.

Tharp and Gallimore (1988) accept that language-learning achievement does not depend

exclusively on classroom exercises or info rather social collaboration with the specific group and

culture of the second language is likewise exceedingly huge. Adger, Kalyanpur, Peterson, and

Bridger, (1995) esteem communitarian classroom work a crucial piece of successful L2 learning


The Maker report in 1961 further strengthened utilizing only English in the classroom.

There are five essential precepts beginning from this report, which have been raised doubt about,

yet which the researchers taken as 'reality', at the time. They are:

1. That English ought to be educated in a monolingual classroom.

2. The perfect educator ought to be a local English speaker.

3. The prior English is educated the better.

4. The more English utilized as a part of the classroom amid lessons, the better.

5. If different languages are utilized, English measures will drop (Phillipson, 1992, p185).

In short, analyst will present some successful showing systems in L2 learning. Educators

can apply these methodologies to keep the utilization of L1 in amid conveying addresses at

auxiliary level. Specialist has confronted parcel of issues amid look into the realistic perspective.

Instructors the researchers are not willing to give their perspectives even they the researchers not

concurring for specialist entrance at their establishment, it was an incredible frightful errand to

get educator's perspectives.

This exploration is led for educational ramifications of utilizing L1 in L2 classes.

Specialist has endeavored to give viable instructing apparatuses to make less utilization of L1,

how educators can upgrade their insight by going to various trainings.

This examination was led to explore the components influencing the learning of English

of the auxiliary school understudies at. The discoveries of the investigation will help the English

instructors to distinguish the school factors that influence the understudies at auxiliary level. This

investigation will likewise give far-reaching data to instructive organizers that how they will help

the understudies to adapt the circumstance. The discoveries of this examination will give

guidance and direction in educating of English at auxiliary level.

Use of L1 in EFL classes

The utilization of the first language in EFL classes is far from being obviously true in the

outside language classroom. Backers of the monolingual approach recommend that the objective

language ought to be the main medium of correspondence, trusting that the restriction of the

local language would amplify the viability of taking in the objective language. In any case, a few

instructors trust that the utilization of the primary language can be useful in adapting new

vocabulary things and clarifying complex thought and punctuation rules. They battle that

educators who ace the understudies local language have much more points of interest over the

ones who do not.


The Monolingual Approach

An advocate of the monolingual approach, Krashen has contended that students procure

remote languages following fundamentally a similar way they obtain their primary language. As

indicated by him, the utilization of the first language in the learning procedure ought to be

limited (1981).

Truth be told a considerable measure of educators trust that L1 use in EFL classes must

be debilitated in view of numerous reasons. Use of L1 may become a habit that both learners and

teachers may resort to whenever a difficulty is encountered.L1 might be occasionally deceiving

when taking in the objective language. Notwithstanding the presence of universals representing

language frameworks, languages vary pretty much. When utilizing L1 to show EFL

understudies, blunders may develop due to the L1 exchange.

Cases of mistakes extend from vocabulary to sentence structure. French students for

instance might be deluded by the closeness the French word "actuellement" and the English word

"really". Regardless of the comparability, the importance of these vocabulary things contrast.

The French "actuellement" signify "now" or "right now" while "really" in English signifies

"truly". The Arab students may likewise experience challenges identified with the syntactic

structures of sentences. In Arabic, the sentence structure is V-S-O while English sentences are

fabricated after the S-V-O structure. Arabic and English additionally vary morphologically. The

morphology in Arabic is non-direct while in English it is straight. The utilization of L1 in EFL

classes obstructs the arrangement of enough fathomable information, an essential for getting any


The Bilingual Approach

The monolingual approach has been reprimanded by numerous educators who find that

the utilization of L1 in EFL classes is gainful at different levels. Sheelagh Deller and Mario

Rinvolucri (2003) communicate this perspective obviously in their book Using the Mother

Tongue and prior by Atkinson (1987). Even more as of late Widdowson (2003) likewise required

an expressly bilingual approach. L1 has for quite some time been considered as a language and

the researcher’s spring of mistakes. This view is presently being scrutinized in light of the fact

that EFL educators have turned out to be mindful of the centrality of L1. Vivian Cook (2001)

expounds on the first language in EFL classes as “a door that has been firmly shut in language

teaching for over a hundred years.”

At the point when understudies go to the classroom, they do not leave the blue; they

come "stacked" with their local language and a social legacy that no one must deny or disparage.

EFL instructors working with monolingual understudies at bring down levels of English

capability discover disallowance of the first language to be outlandish. So as opposed to taking a

gander at the understudies’ local language and social foundation as mediocre or a

researcher’sspring of mistakes, they should be utilized as an instrument to boost outside language

learning. It is significant that the utilization of L1 in EFL classes is only a "restoration" of those

"understudies who are compelled to carry their bilingual word references into classrooms and

conceal them under the table." The primary language speaks to a capable asset that can be

utilized as a part of various approaches to improve adapting the current issue; it should

dependably be utilized as a part of a principled way. Sheelagh Deller and Mario Rinvolucri's

book using the Mother Tongue, which gives commonsense L1 exercises, demonstrates that

reasonable utilization of L1 can boost language learning.

Judicious Use of L1 in Foreign Language Learning

Utilizing L1 is not the issue. The issue is when and how to utilize it. Before noting this

inquiry, it ought to be conceived at the top of the priority list that L1 utilize must be considered

"as an unfortunate chore". The objective language must be utilized where conceivable and L1

when vital. Here are a few cases of proper utilization of L1 in EFL classes

 Beginners

The native language can be presumably more advantageous to learners. As they advance

in their taking in the objective language will lead the pack.

L1 can be efficient. Rather than experiencing a long clarification in the objective

language, it is at times less demanding and more productive to give an interpretation of

a vocabulary thing or a clarification of a language point. Envision an instructor who

needs to educate "auto" to French understudies and begin by stating the clarification as

takes after "an auto is a street vehicle with a motor, four wheels, and seats for few

individuals" while a basic interpretation of the word ( or maybe the utilization of visual

guides) would be sufficient.

 Comparison

A comparison of English and the mother tongue can be a very enriching experience. In

fact, discovering the similarities and differences of both languages can enhance the TL

acquisition. This comparison can be done at different levels:


 Vocabulary

– Exploring the nuances of vocabulary items in both languages

– Building bilingual (or even multilingual) semantic maps

 Grammar

– A comparison between the researchers’ L1 grammar and TL grammar yields

interesting results.

– This comparison will highlight the differences the two languages. Teachers and

learners may build on these differences to avoid negative transfer (L1 transfer that may

be a source of errors.)

– The comparison also shows the similarities, which will undoubtedly boost the

internalization of the TL grammar.

 Culture

Language is a vehicle for cultural aspects. If teachers ban the use of the mother tongue,

this underlies an ideological conception of L1 culture as being inferior. Alternatively,

cultural differences and similarities can be highlighted to help learners accept and

tolerate differences while at the same time preserve their cultural uniqueness. This can

be done through various activities where L1 plays an important role.

 Proverbs

Students may be given a set of proverbs in the TL and be asked to find the

corresponding ones in their mother tongue if they exist. If not they try to translate the

proverbs into their language.


 Idiomatic

Again, finding the corresponding idioms or a translation of TL idioms might be very

helpful to detect cultural differences or similarities

 Songs

Translation of lyrics

 Jokes

Funny EFL activities can be built on jokes. Students may translate and tell or act TL

jokes to create a free stress environment and spot TL cultural specificities.

 Stress

Using L1 gives the sense of security and acknowledge the learners identity allowing

them to minimize the stress they may feel in ELF classrooms.

 Needs

Learners needs must be expressed in L1 since the TL is not yet mastered. Learners will

never be able to express and communicate their needs with a language they speak


 Classroom

Management of conduct and discipline is sometimes hard to be done in the target

language. For instance, if a serious problem emerges in the classroom, will the teacher

really insist on an English-only policy when coping with it?

 Grammar

L1 can be of great help when teaching grammar. Translation exercises for example

may be the perfect practice when there is a grammar point that is causing trouble to


 Instructions

According to my experience with EFL classes, I can dare say that so many failures in

tests the researchers due to learners’ lack of understanding of instructions. L1 can be

used to redress this issue, helping students to understand what is exactly asked from


 Rationale

Students need to understand the rationale behind activities or methods. It is important

that they know where they start and what they will able to do. They should understand

what lies behind the methods the teacher is using. This can only be done at this level

through the student’s native language.

 Errors

Discussion of some recurring errors. It is true that L1 transfer causes many errors.

French students, for example, say “I’m agree” instead of “I agree” which is an error

due to L1 transfer (in French “Je suis d’accord”.) A discussion in L1 of such errors will

help students overcome these problems.


Chapter 3


3.1Research Locale

This research was conducted on Government, Semi-Government schools of Lahore

3.2 The Respondents

Data was collected through questionnaires filled by 50 English teachers of Secondary level in

their respective classrooms.

3.3 Research Methodology

The population of study is the English teachers from Govt. and private sectors located in

Lahore. Researcher found many difficulties during work, that she has to change her

methodology. First, the researcher had view to observe English classes of 9 th grade in different

Pakistani Govt. and private schools located in Lahore. However, educational institutes did not

allow the researcher to take recordings and did not allow sitting in their classes. Therefore, with

the permission of authorities researcher changed methodology, the researcher prepared a

following questionnaire for teachers of 9th grade.

3.4 Research Instruments


Interview method was used to find out the results of using L1 in English classes at

secondary level. A questionnaire was made by the researcher to get teachers’ views about

pedagogical implications on using L1. The interview schedule had close-ended questions. Some

also asked during the interview.


The researcher technique was to record the material, but the participants did not want the

interview to be recorded; the researcher took short notes along with questionnaire and completed

the repot after the interview. Interviews the researcher conducted individually and in different

schools. It was a face-to-face interview, and the participants the researchers were willing to share

their experiences without strain and embarrassment.

3.5 Research Design

The quantitative research approach is being consolidated in the present examination to

get the majestic confirmation for L1 educational ramifications in EFL classrooms. The apparatus

to gather information from the respondents is close-finished poll as Zoltan Dornyei (2003) set

forward, "Cost-adequacy isn't the main favorable position of surveys. They are additionally

exceptionally flexible, which implies that they can be utilized effectively with an assortment of

individuals in an assortment of circumstances focusing on an assortment of themes" (Dörnyei,


Research Questions.

The present study intends to give answers of the following research question

Q. What is the pedagogical implication of L1 in EFL Classrooms?


Population of this research will be 80 teachers of English language, at secondary level in


Sample / Sampling technique:

Sample of the research will be 80 English teachers of grade 9. Researcher's sampling technique

willbe a tape recording material of teacher's daily lectures, and evaluation of this recording

material,either teachers use Ll or not, or to what extent they include Ll in their daily lectures.


There are pedagogical implications of using L1 (native language Urdu in English

language classes. The researcher raised the following 10 questions for English teachers of

secondary level.

Q.1 Audio Visual aids are useful for teaching language.

Q. 2 Direct Method must adapt at least at secondary level to teach English language.

Q. 3 ‘Role play method’ is useful for language teaching.


Q. 4 A teacher can encourage his/her learner to use L2 (second language) without L1 (mother

tongue) interference.

Q. 5 Our syllabus is helpful for teachers to improve the usage of L2.

Q. 6 Teachers feel comfortable while they use native language (L1).

Q. 7 Teachers should use less of native language to make better sense of their students.

Q. 8 Language workshops should be held to develop teacher’s language skills.

Q. 9 Is it right, the continuous use of L2 can threaten our native language (L1) identity.

Q. 10 GTM (Grammar Translation Method) is harmful for language learning.

Validity and Reliability

A pilot study was conducted for is being led before checking the legitimacy and

unwavering quality of the exploration instrument. An aggregate number of 80 respondents the

researchersre chosen for the pilot think about from region Sargodha district. To some degree,

minor changes the researchersre done in the things of survey from the criticism of the pilot

concentrate to make things of the poll more extensive for the members of the examination.

Data Collection and analysis of Data.

After memory of the poll from the members, SPSS program is being used to change over

the information in numeric figures. Level of every reaction is being created in the table beneath

for the simplicity of comprehension of the examination.


Chapter 4

Data Analysis

The data was analyzed by using descriptive analysis comprises of mean, median, mode, standard

deviation and variance. The charts were made and correlations were used to analyze the data and

for the interpretation of the results. The reliability of our results was also analyzed.

Demographic Data
Sex age Others

Male Female 28-45 40-50 45-58 50 above

Frequency 39 41 1 77 2 None

percentage 48.75% 51.25% 1.25% 96.25% 2.5% -

According to demographic data,male and female respondents were 50.English teachers of

different Age groupsi.e. 28-45 years, 40-50 years and others, were randomly selected.

Results were analyzed for the current study in two key steps, in step one descriptive statistics i.e.,
mean and standard aviation was calculated. In step two repeated measures, ANOVA was
Table 1
Descriptive statistics of the variables (N=80)
Variables M SD
Audio Visual aids are useful for teaching language. 4.44 0.90
Direct Method must adapt at least at secondary level to teach English language. 4.62 0.69
Role play method’ is useful for language teaching. 4.56 0.73
A teacher can encourage his/her learner to use L2 (second language) without L1 4.54 0.81
(mother tongue) interference.
Our syllabus is helpful for teachers to improve the usage of L2. 4.18 1.27
Teachers feel comfortable while they use native language (L1). 4.43 0.90
Teachers should be less use of native language to make better sense of their 3.36 1.43
Language workshops should be held to develop teacher’s language skills. 3.20 1.22
Is it right, the continuous use of L2 can threatened our native language (L1) 3.00 1.22
GTM (Grammar Translation Method) is harmful for language learning. 3.36 1.32

Table 2
Repeated measures ANOVA comparing variables. (N = 80)

Source Type III Sum df Mean F Sig. Partial Eta

of Squares Square Squared
Sphericity Assumed 192.946 9 21.438 32.075 .000 .396
Greenhouse-Geisser 192.946 4.096 47.105 32.075 .000 .396
Huynh-Feldt 192.946 4.516 42.722 32.075 .000 .396
Lower-bound 192.946 1.000 192.946 32.075 .000 .396
Sphericity Assumed 294.755 441 .668
Greenhouse-Geisser 294.755 200.706 1.469
Huynh-Feldt 294.755 221.301 1.332
Lower-bound 294.755 49.000 6.015

Results revealed that there were statistically significant difference in variable, with medium effect size.
Table 3
Post hoc comparison of the pairs (N = 80)

(i) factor1 (J) factor1 Mean Std. Error Sig.b 95% Confidence Interval for
Difference (I- Differenceb
J) Lower Bound Upper Bound
1 7 1.080* .176 .000 .471 1.689
8 1.240* .182 .000 .609 1.871
9 1.440* .176 .000 .828 2.052
10 1.080* .225 .001 .301 1.859
2 7 1.260* .178 .000 .643 1.877
8 1.420* .179 .000 .801 2.039
9 1.620* .166 .000 1.044 2.196
10 1.260* .191 .000 .597 1.923
1 .120 .120 1.000 -.296 .536
3 7 1.200* .185 .000 .558 1.842
8 1.360* .178 .000 .744 1.976
9 1.560* .165 .000 .990 2.130
10 1.200* .206 .000 .486 1.914
4 7 1.180* .197 .000 .496 1.864
8 1.340* .195 .000 .664 2.016
9 1.540* .186 .000 .897 2.183
10 1.180* .201 .000 .482 1.878
5 7 .820* .173 .001 .220 1.420

8 .980* .182 .000 .350 1.610

9 1.180* .171 .000 .589 1.771
10 .820* .235 .047 .005 1.635
7 1.079* .178 .000 .462 1.697
8 1.239* .184 .000 .601 1.878
9 1.439* .174 .000 .836 2.043
10 1.079* .206 .000 .367 1.792
Only significant results reported.

Summary of the Findings

The results of above-mentioned hypotheses i.e. evaluating the pedagogical implications of

teachers' use of Ll in English classes at secondary level were statistically proved quite

significant. These definitely affect students’ foreign language learning skills as these pointed out

the significance of L1 to a learner’s acquisition of English language learning. The language

learning skills of students with L1 as facilitating tool in teaching English language are higher as

compared to those who are not being facilitated by the use of their respective L1. The link

between L1 (first language either Urdu or any other regional language in Pakistani perspective)

and student’s English language learning is very strong. The score rates of L1 usage in respect to

the better pedagogical implications in foreign language (English) learning were eminent.

Chapter 5


The investigation fuses quantitative research plan and has utilized a nearby finished poll

to gather information from the English teachers. EFL educators the researchers got some

information about the ramifications of L1 use in the classrooms as for instructional method and

from the discoveries of the investigation, the present examination reasons that EFL instructors

more often than not utilize L1 in their addresses to make adapting more elaborative, concrete and

as per the unique situation and it isn't related with insufficiency of EFL instructors in English


The investigation from the discoveries of the information, reasons that as for academic

ramifications of L1 use in EFL classrooms, it is useful for the understudies viewing learning

English and additionally for the instructors for conveying the address. This investigation

prescribes the utilization of L1 in EFL classrooms.

The levelheaded discussion over the utilization of L1 in remote foreign language instructing has

not been settled yet. From one perspective, there are those instructors who dismiss the utilization

of L1 out and out or neglect to perceive any huge potential in it. Then again, there are the

individuals who either like or discourage this practice. The specialist's view comprises of

utilizing the objective language as the medium of guideline when conceivable and changing to

the first language when it is essential. A sensible and wise utilization of L1 in EFL classes must

be invaluable. L1 utilization must be tuned up with powerful target language educating, thinking

about student's first language and social foundation and utilizing them to the best of their

advantage in Pakistani perspective.



Such teaching strategies (use of L1) must be adopted and adapted in EFL classroom and

instruction plans of action to learn 2nd language English. All the individuals from lower language

acquisition to maximum andhave adequate chances to progress for the venture of foreign

language learning.

Foreign language instructors should be in close contact with experienced teachers for developing

their teaching skills with special reference to the use of L1 in language classroom.


The reaction to the main thing of the survey unmistakably proposes that blending of L1

and L2 is a typical practice in the EFL classrooms. In this study, 45% of the members firmly

concur and 53% consent to the idea that blending of L1 makes it simple for them to convey their

address in an EFL classroom. Concerning relationship of utilizing L1 with an educator's

inefficiency of L2, the vast majority of the respondents differ to it as 77% differ and 23%

unequivocally differ to this idea. In actuality, in light of thing 4 of the poll, 42% of the

membersfirmly concur and 51% consent to the idea that L1 use makes it simple for them to

convey what needs be in an EFL classroom. Thing 5 of the poll is about the mental needs of the

understudies from the educators, an aggregate number of 95% members concurred that

instructors who change to Urdu can better support the understudies for their investigations. Thing

6 is with respect to the trouble of addresses while examining linguistic focuses. 23% firmly

concur and 65% concur that instructors who change to first language can better clarify sentence

structure and lexical troubles of second language. Item7 of the survey measures L1 utilization as

a procedure for showing English, aggregate 96% respondents see L1 use as an effective

technique for instructing English. The last thing of survey evaluates the general risk of code

exchanging in EFL classrooms. 33% emphatically concur and 62% concur that L1 use in an EFL

classroom is gainful for the understudies.


Code switching to L1 in an EFL classroom can be contemplated considering different

components like classroom settings, understudies' age, mentalities of the understudies and so

forth. Exhibit think about takes instructive imminent of utilizing L1 in EFL classroom thinking

about educators' sentiment.

Future Research

With a specific end goal to achieve more persuading discoveries than the ones gathered

in this paper, there are a few territories, which require progressing. The most evident is make a

control gathering. This would permit similar lessons instructed by similar educators, to

comparative understudies, to be assessed. By controlling relatively every factor and just

modifying whether the gathering can utilize Pakistanes or not, causality could be achieved.

This would likewise enable the experimenter to think about close indistinguishable lessons,

rather than comparative lessons, which are conceivably hazardous. Normally it is critical to

ensure that the testing did not come to the detriment of understudy's instruction.

To reinforce the current claims, it would have been exceptional to grow this analysis to

incorporate not just low-level understudies, and furthermore to go past utilizing just Pakistanes

understudies. It is very conceivable that nationality or understudy capacity could have had an

influence in the discoveries. With expanded subject numbers and a more shifted subject pool,

it would be more conceivable to sum up discoveries.

Another zone that the researchers would have gotten a kick out of the chance to

examine more had the researchers had the assets and time would have been to attempt and find

out in what particular circumstances L1 can help, in the lesson.



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Demographic Sheet

Name: _________________________

Gender: _____________________________

Age: ________________________________

Years in English Language Teaching: _________________


Use of L1 in English Language Classes at Secondary Level

(Pedagogical Implications of Using L1 in English Language Classes at Secondary Level in
Read the following statements carefully and mark them according to your opinion:

o Strongly Agree SA
o Agree A
o Neutral N
o Disagree DA
o Strongly Disagree SD
Q.1 Audio Visual aids (Urdu) are useful for teaching language.
SA/ A / N / DA / SD
Q. 2 Direct Method (including Urdu stuff for teaching) must adapt at least at secondary
level to teach English language.
SA/ A / N / DA / SD
Q. 3 ‘Role play method’ (with Urdu) is useful for language teaching.
SA/ A / N / DA / SD
Q. 4 A teacher can encourage his/her learner to use L2 (second language) without L1
(mother tongue) interference?
SA/ A / N / DA / SD
Q. 5 Our syllabus is helpful for teachers to improve the usage of L2?

SA/ A / N / DA / SD

Q. 6 Teachers feel comfortable while they use native language (L1).

SA/ A / N / DA / SD
Q. 7 Teachers should be less use of native language to make better sense of their students.
SA/ A / N / DA / SD
Q. 8 Language workshops should be held to develop teacher’s language skills.
SA/ A / N / DA / SD
Q. 9 Is it right, the continuous use of L2 can threatened our native language (L1) identity.
SA/ A/ N / DA/ SD
Q. 10 Is teaching second language with the help of L1 an easy teaching approach.
SA/ A/ N / DA/ SD

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