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I love this article! Offers a bunch of interesting statistics about intranets.

I put some of my
favorites on here.
Pros of Having an Intranet
● The average employee checks their email roughly 36 times a day, which is a lot of
distraction. Sharing info on an intranet (where they are already working) helps eliminate
those distractions. Less context switching and less wasting time.
● Intranet can be a central one-stop shop for all information, which means it will be easier
for employees to find what they need. It’s important that an intranet has strong search
capabilities so teams can quickly locate relevant information
● People will naturally use a tool when they are drawn in by their peers or their work.
Many intranets have social features such as @-mentions, comments, easy document
sharing, and some form of notifications. Using mentions and comments helps you bring
in the right people at the right time to contribute to work and keeps all feedback and
contributions contextual. A well-rounded intranet allows real-time page editing with
teammates and tasks assignments with deadlines
● An intranet could bring multi-location teams together. That is, if each employee and
location can see relevant insights into what’s happening throughout the company,
regardless of where they’re based.
● You can use an intranet to help reinforce your company values in many ways, including
○ Publicly recognizing employees for living out your unique company values
○ Sharing web articles so people can celebrate milestones
○ Asking employees to share examples of the values they see in daily work life
● 87 percent of people want to work for a transparent company. An intranet can help make
a company transparent. You need to create a space where they can feel comfortable
sharing thoughts and opinions.
● A survey by Deloitte found that there was a 20% increase in employee satisfaction and a
corresponding 87% increase in employee retention in organizations that implemented
social intranets.
● The McKinsey Global Institute recently concluded that productivity increases 20-25% in
companies that have employees who are connected to each other, and to the company.

Cons of Having an Intranet

● Intranets are viewed as unpredictable in nature. Because of their multifaceted nature,
numerous workers feel overpowered and reluctant to utilize it. And furthermore, intranet
clients need to isolate organizations which can be tedious.
● Although intranet frameworks do contain numerous safety efforts, it is as yet helpless
against security hazards. Except if there are firewalls or entryways, your private
information can be gotten to by an outsider. Along these lines, when utilizing the intranet
there is a deficiency of security for the corporate.
● Intranet needs to have changes in the work culture for its own viability. This can allot
more assignments and questions. In the event that they are not designated on the
legitimate extent, they can get heap up which results in the business in turmoil.
● Your intranet can’t manage itself and will need competent administrators and managers to
keep it running smoothly day-to-day. It will also need dedicated individuals to ensure that
content is always fresh, correct, and engaging.
● 57% of employees see no purpose in their company intranet
● While 72% of companies use social technologies in some way, very few are anywhere
near to achieving the full potential benefit.

Should employees be able to post on intranet?

● You can also use the employee intranet to develop an ongoing dialogue with staff or to
promote internal conversations across teams and departments. Through blogs and team or
company forums, the intranet allows employees to easily share new ideas and insights,
offer feedback and suggestions to management as well as facilitating internal
communications with other employees working in different locations or even from home.
● However, if employees are able to create their own posts and comment on other’s posts,
there needs to be some kind of monitoring or filtering system in place, in order to keep
things appropriate. This could mean an automatic system, or tasking an employee to
monitor all posts to ensure no one is posting anything inappropriate. Disgruntled
employees could use intranet as an outlet for their anger.

Social Chorus
● First of all, I love this guide they created to make an internal communications plan
● Also important- they have rebranded to FirstUp.
● FirstUp is the leading workforce communications platform that empowers companies to
work as one. They believe a business is only as strong as its people. That's why they built
the only end-to-end solution that can reach, inform, and align every worker with their
organization. Employees can feel like an important part of something greater than
themselves and find meaning in a job well done.
● They offer a digital company experience as well as a frontline worker experience
● Offer email or a mobile app experience
Human Resources
● An HR intranet is excellent for sharing typical HR documents, ranging from health
insurance documents, scheduling, contact information, and training manuals. By putting
this information online, employees can self-serve and access them whenever they need to,
all from a centralized location.
● Onboarding new employees costs money, and companies are always seeking to train new
staff well and affordably. With an HR intranet, you can accelerate the return on
investment (ROI) of your hiring investments by speeding up the onboarding time for new
● Employees often collaborate best when learning is unstructured. In fact, in a study
conducted by Aberdeen in 2013, researchers discovered that as high as 51% of the
learning that occurs in organizations is unstructured, where employees search for
knowledge on their own instead of following traditional or prescribed courses.

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