The Lion and The Boar

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The Ant and the


In a garden, there lived an ant and a grasshopper who were very

good friends. It was springtime and the grasshopper was having a
lot of fun playing, singing, and dancing in the sun. But the ant was
hardworking. It was collecting food grains and storing them in its
house. The grasshopper did not understand why the ant was
doing so and said, “Hey,’ Ant! Why don’t you come outside and play
with me?” The ant replied, “I cannot. I am storing food for the
winter when there won’t be anything to eat!” The grasshopper
only laughed at the ant and said, “Why are you worrying now?
There is plenty of food!” and continued to play, while the ant
worked hard. When winter came, the grasshopper did not find a
single grain of food to eat. It began to starve and feel very weak.
The grasshopper saw how the hardworking ant had plenty of food
to eat and realised its mistake.
© 2020
Name Teacher

Class Date

The Lion and the


Once upon a time, there lived a lion in a forest. One day

after a heavy meal. It was sleeping under a tree. After a
while, there came a mouse and it started to play on the
lion. Suddenly the lion got up with anger and looked for
those who disturbed its nice sleep. Then it saw a small
mouse standing trembling with fear. The lion jumped on
it and started to kill it. The mouse requested the lion to
forgive it. The lion felt pity and left it. The mouse ran
away. On another day, the lion was caught in a net by a
hunter. The mouse came there and cut the net. Thus it
escaped. Thereafter, the mouse and the lion became
friends. They lived happily in the forest afterwards.
© 2020
Name Teacher

Class Date

The Tortoise and

the Hare

Once, a hare saw a tortoise walking slowly with a

heavy shell on his back. The hare was very proud
of himself and he asked the tortoise.
“Shall we have a race?"
The tortoise agreed. They started the running
race. The hare ran very fast. But the tortoise
walked very slowly. The proud hair rested under
a tree and soon slept off. But the tortoise
walked very fast, slowly and steadily and
reached the goal. At last, the tortoise won the
race. © 2020
Name Teacher

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The Lion and the


It was a hot summer day. A lion and a boar

reach a small water body for a drink. They Begin
arguing and fighting about who should drink
first. After a While, they are tired and stop for
breath, when they notice vultures above. Soon
they realize that the vultures are waiting for one
or both of them to fall, to feast on them. The lion
and the boar then decide that it was best to
make up and be friends than fight and become
food for vultures. They drink the water together
and go their ways after.
© 2020

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