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796 Chapter 14 Partial Derivatives

9. Domain: all points axß yb satisfying 10. Domain: all points axß yb satisfying
CHAPTER 14 PARTIAL DERIVATIVES x2  1 Ÿ y Ÿ x2  1 ax  1bay  1b  0


1. (a) fa0, 0b œ 0 (b) fa1, 1b œ 0 (c) fa2, 3b œ 58

(d) fa3, 2b œ 33

2. (a) fˆ2, 16 ‰ œ 2 (b) fˆ3, 1‰
12 œ  È12 (c) fˆ1, 14 ‰ œ 1

(d) fˆ 12 , 7‰ œ 1

3. (a) fa3, 1, 2b œ 4

5 (b) fˆ1, 12 ,  14 ‰ œ 8
5 (c) fˆ0,  13 , 0‰ œ 3
11. Domain: all points axß yb satisfying 12. Domain: all points axß yb inside the circle
(d) fa2, 2, 100b œ 0
ax  2bax  2bay  3bay  3b   0 x2  y2 œ 4 such that x2  y2 Á 3

4. (a) fa0, 0, 0b œ 7 (b) fa2, 3, 6b œ 0 (c) fa1, 2, 3b œ È35

(d) fŠ È42 , È52 , È62 ‹ œ É 21

5. Domain: all points axß yb on or above the line 6. Domain: all points axß yb outside the circle
yœx2 x2  y2 œ 4

13. 14.

7. Domain: all points axß yb not liying on the graph 8. Domain: all points axß yb not liying on the graph
of y œ x or y œ x3 of x2  y2 œ 25

15. 16.

17. (a) Domain: all points in the xy-plane

(b) Range: all real numbers
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Section 14.1 Functions of Several Variables 797 798 Chapter 14 Partial Derivatives

(c) level curves are straight lines y  x œ c parallel to the line y œ x (e) open
(d) no boundary points (f) bounded
(e) both open and closed
(f) unbounded 24. (a) Domain: all axß yb satisfying x#  y# Ÿ 9
(b) Range: 0 Ÿ z Ÿ 3
18. (a) Domain: set of all axß yb so that y  x   0 Ê y   x (c) level curves are circles centered at the origin with radii r Ÿ 3
(b) Range: z   0 (d) boundary is the circle x#  y# œ 9
(c) level curves are straight lines of the form y  x œ c where c   0 (e) closed
(d) boundary is Èy  x œ 0 Ê y œ x, a straight line (f) bounded
(e) closed
(f) unbounded 25. (a) Domain: axß yb Á a0ß 0b
(b) Range: all real numbers
19. (a) Domain: all points in the xy-plane (c) level curves are circles with center a0ß 0b and radii r  0
(b) Range: z   0 (d) boundary is the single point a0ß 0b
(c) level curves: for f(xß y) œ 0, the origin; for faxß yb œ c  0, ellipses with center a0ß 0b and major and minor (e) open
axes along the x- and y-axes, respectively (f) unbounded
(d) no boundary points
(e) both open and closed 26. (a) Domain: all points in the xy-plane
(f) unbounded (b) Range: 0  z Ÿ 1
(c) level curves are the origin itself and the circles with center a0ß 0b and radii r  0
20. (a) Domain: all points in the xy-plane (d) no boundary points
(b) Range: all real numbers (e) both open and closed
(c) level curves: for faxß yb œ 0, the union of the lines y œ „ x; for faxß yb œ c Á 0, hyperbolas centered at (f) unbounded
a0ß 0b with foci on the x-axis if c  0 and on the y-axis if c  0
(d) no boundary points 27. (a) Domain: all axß yb satisfying 1 Ÿ y  x Ÿ 1
(e) both open and closed (b) Range:  1# Ÿ z Ÿ 1#
(f) unbounded (c) level curves are straight lines of the form y  x œ c where 1 Ÿ c Ÿ 1
(d) boundary is the two straight lines y œ 1  x and y œ 1  x
21. (a) Domain: all points in the xy-plane (e) closed
(b) Range: all real numbers (f) unbounded
(c) level curves are hyperbolas with the x- and y-axes as asymptotes when faxß yb Á 0, and the x- and y-axes
when f(xß y) œ 0 28. (a) Domain: all axß yb, x Á 0
(d) no boundary points (b) Range:  1#  z  1#
(e) both open and closed (c) level curves are the straight lines of the form y œ c x, c any real number and x Á 0
(f) unbounded (d) boundary is the line x œ 0
(e) open
22. (a) Domain: all axß yb Á a0ß yb (f) unbounded
(b) Range: all real numbers
(c) level curves: for faxß yb œ 0, the x-axis minus the origin; for faxß yb œ c Á 0, the parabolas y œ c x# minus the 29. (a) Domain: all points axß yb outside the circle x#  y# œ 1
origin (b) Range: all reals
(d) boundary is the line x œ 0 (c) Circles centered ar the origin with radii r  1
(e) open (d) Boundary: the cricle x#  y# œ 1
(f) unbounded (e) open
(f) unbounded
23. (a) Domain: all axß yb satisfying x#  y#  16
(b) Range: z   "4 30. (a) Domain: all points axß yb inside the circle x#  y# œ 9
(c) level curves are circles centered at the origin with radii r  4 (b) Range: z  ln 9
(d) boundary is the circle x#  y# œ 16 (c) Circles centered ar the origin with radii r  9
(d) Boundary: the cricle x#  y# œ 9
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Section 14.1 Functions of Several Variables 799 800 Chapter 14 Partial Derivatives

(e) open 41. (a) (b)

(f) bounded

31. f 32. e 33. a

34. c 35. d 36. b

37. (a) (b)

42. (a) (b)

38. (a) (b)

43. (a) (b)

39. (a) (b)

44. (a) (b)

40. (a) (b)

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Section 14.1 Functions of Several Variables 801 802 Chapter 14 Partial Derivatives

45. (a) (b) 51. faxß yb œ Èx  y2  3 and a3, 1b Ê z œ É3  a1b2  3 œ 1 Ê x  y2  3 œ 1 Ê x  y2 œ 4

2y  x #a 1 b  a  1 b 2y  x
52. faxß yb œ xy1 and a1ß 1b Ê z œ a1b  1 + 1 œ3 Ê 3œ xy1 Ê y œ 4x  3

53. 54.

46. (a) (b)

55. 56.

47. (a) (b)

57. 58.

48. (a) (b)

59. 60.

# #
49. faxß yb œ 16  x#  y# and Š2È2ß È2‹ Ê z œ 16  Š2È2‹  ŠÈ2‹ œ 6 Ê 6 œ 16  x#  y# Ê x#  y# œ 10

50. faxß yb œ Èx#  1 and a1ß 0b Ê z œ È1#  1 œ 0 Ê x#  1 œ 0 Ê x œ 1 or x œ 1

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Section 14.1 Functions of Several Variables 803 804 Chapter 14 Partial Derivatives

61. faxß yß zb œ Èx  y  ln z at a3ß 1ß 1b Ê w œ Èx  y  ln z; at a3ß 1ß 1b Ê w œ È3  a1b  ln 1 œ 2 plot3d( f(x,y), xdomain, ydomain, grid=[50,50], axes=boxed, shading=zhue, style=patchcontour, orientation=[-90,0],
Ê Èx  y  ln z œ 2 title="#69(b) (Section 14.1)" ); # (b)
L := evalf( f(x0,y0) ); # (c)
plot3d( f(x,y), xdomain, ydomain, grid=[50,50], axes=boxed, shading=zhue, style=patchcontour, contours=[L],
62. faxß yß zb œ ln ax#  y  z# b at a"ß #ß "b Ê w œ ln ax#  y  z# b ; at a"ß #ß "b Ê w œ ln a1  2  1b œ ln 4
orientation=[-90,0], title="#45(c) (Section 13.1)" );
Ê ln 4 œ ln ax#  y  z# b Ê x#  y  z# œ 4

73-76. Example CAS commands:
63. gaxß yß zb œ Èx#  y2  z# at Š1ß 1ß È2‹ Ê w œ Èx#  y2  z# ; at Š1ß 1ß È2‹ Ê w œ Ê1#  a1b2  ŠÈ2‹ Maple:
eq := 4*ln(x^2+y^2+z^2)=1;
œ 2 Ê 2 œ Èx#  y2  z# Ê x#  y2  z# œ 4
implicitplot3d( eq, x=-2..2, y=-2..2, z=-2..2, grid=[30,30,30], axes=boxed, title="#73 (Section 14.1)" );
xyz xyz 1  0  a2b xyz
64. gaxß yß zb œ 2x  y  z at a1ß 0ß 2b Ê w œ 2x  y  z ; at a1ß 0ß 2b Ê w œ 2a1b  0  a2b œ  14 Ê  14 œ 2x  y  z 77-80. Example CAS commands:
Ê 2x  y  z œ 0 Maple:
x := (u,v) -> u*cos(v);
_ n
65. faxß yb œ ! Š xy ‹ œ 1
œ y
for y := (u,v) ->u*sin(v);
1  Š xy ‹ yx
n œ0 z := (u,v) -> u;
¹ xy ¹  1 Ê Domain: all points ax, yb satisfying lxl  lyl; plot3d( [x(u,v),y(u,v),z(u,v)], u=0..2, v=0..2*Pi, axes=boxed, style=patchcontour, contours=[($0..4)/2], shading=zhue,
title="#77 (Section 14.1)" );
at a1, 2b Ê since ¹ 12 ¹  1 Ê z œ 2
21 œ2
Ê y
yx œ 2 Ê y œ 2x 69-60. Example CAS commands:
Mathematica: (assigned functions and bounds will vary)
For 69 - 72, the command ContourPlot draws 2-dimensional contours that are z-level curves of surfaces z = f(x,y).
_ Clear[x, y, f]
(x b y)n
66. gaxß yß zb œ ! n! zn œ eÐxyÑÎz Ê Domain: all points ax, y, zb satisfying z Á 0; at aln 4ß ln 9ß 2b
n œ0 f[x_, y_]:= x Sin[y/2]  y Sin[2x]
Ê w œ eÐln 4 ln 9ÑÎ2 œ eÐln 36ÑÎ2 œ eln 6 œ 6 Ê 6 œ eÐxyÑÎz Ê z œ ln 6 xmin= 0; xmax= 51; ymin= 0; ymax= 51; {x0, y0}={31, 31};
cp= ContourPlot[f[x,y], {x, xmin, xmax}, {y, ymin, ymax}, ContourShading Ä False];
67. faxß yb œ 'x
d) cp0= ContourPlot[[f[x,y], {x, xmin, xmax}, {y, ymin, ymax}, Contours Ä {f[x0,y0]}, ContourShading Ä False,
È1  )# œ sin1 y  sin1 x Ê Domain: all points
PlotStyle Ä {RGBColor[1,0,0]}];
ax, yb satisfying 1 Ÿ x Ÿ 1 and 1 Ÿ y Ÿ 1; Show[cp, cp0]
at a0, 1b Ê sin1 1  sin1 0 œ 12 Ê sin1 y  sin1 x For 73 - 76, the command ContourPlot3D will be used. Write the function f[x, y, z] so that when it is equated to zero, it
œ 12 . Since  12 Ÿ sin1 y Ÿ 1
2 and  12 Ÿ sin1 x Ÿ 12 , in represents the level surface given.
order for sin1 y  sin1 x to equal 12 , 0 Ÿ sin1 y Ÿ 1
2 and For 73, the problem associated with Log[0] can be avoided by rewriting the function as x2 + y2 +z2 - e1/4
 12 1
Ÿ sin x Ÿ 0; that is 0 Ÿ y Ÿ 1 and 1 Ÿ x Ÿ 0. Thus Clear[x, y, z, f]
y œ sinˆ 1  sin1 x‰ œ È1  x2 , x Ÿ 0 f[x_, y_, z_]:= x2  y2  z2  Exp[1/4]
ContourPlot3D[f[x, y, z], {x, 5, 5}, {y, 5, 5}, {z, 5, 5}, PlotPoints Ä {7, 7}];
For 77 - 80, the command ParametricPlot3D will be used. To get the z-level curves here, we solve x and y in terms of z
68. gaxß yß zb œ 'x  '0
y z
1  t# È4  )# œ tan1 y  tan1 x  sin1 ˆ 2z ‰ Ê Domain: all points ax, y, zb satisfying 2 Ÿ z Ÿ 2; and either u or v (v here), create a table of level curves, then plot that table.
È3 Clear[x, y, z, u, v]
71 71
at Š0ß 1ß È3‹ Ê tan1 1  tan1 0  sin1 Š 2 ‹ œ 12 Ê tan1 y  tan1 x  sin1 ˆ 2z ‰ œ 12 . Since  12 Ÿ sin1 ˆ 2z ‰ Ÿ 12 , ParametricPlot3D[{u Cos[v], u Sin[v], u}, {u, 0, 2}, {v, 0, 2p}];
1 131
Ÿ tan y  tan x Ÿ 1
12 Ê z œ 2 sinˆ 7121  tan1 y  tan1 x‰, 1
Ÿ tan y  tan x Ÿ 1 131
12 zlevel= Table[{z Cos[v], z sin[v]}, {z, 0, 2, .1}];
ParametricPlot[Evaluate[zlevel],{v, 0, 21}];
69-72. Example CAS commands:
with( plots );
3x#  y#  5 3(0)#  0#  5
f := (x,y) -> x*sin(y/2) + y*sin(2*x); 1. lim # # œ 0#  0#  2 œ 5
Ðxß yÑ Ä Ð0ß 0Ñ x  y  2 #
xdomain := x=0..5*Pi;
ydomain := y=0..5*Pi;
2. lim x
œ 0
x0,y0 := 3*Pi,3*Pi; Ðxß yÑ Ä Ð0ß 4Ñ Èy È4

plot3d( f(x,y), xdomain, ydomain, axes=boxed, style=patch, shading=zhue, title="#69(a) (Section 14.1)" );
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Inc. Publishing as Addison-Wesley. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Inc. Publishing as Addison-Wesley.

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