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different assignment types As part of both undergrad and grad studies, students are provided a range of

assignments, each having one's own structure and traits. Examples include: Essay: The essay is arguably
the most popular assignment, especially at UG levels. Students are given certain topics to write on, and
they must react to a question. The learner must present an argument that is supported by facts.
Writings are term papers as well, but they are long essays on a specific subject that are frequently
submitted at the conclusion of the quarter or semester. an analysis of the literature An analysis of the
literature on a particular topic is provided in a "review of literature," which provides a strategy based on
the sources listed in the bibliography. This is appropriate for PG courses since it aids students in
understanding the level of knowledge and knowledge gaps in a particular topic. Bibliography with
annotations A concise summary of the literature that is available on a certain topic is provided in an
annotated bibliography, together with a description of the content and a general overview (typically 150
words or fewer), the annotation. It is easier to evaluate an article's relevance to the issue by identifying
key papers on the subject. Analyze critically: Similar to a peer review, this. Students are expected to
assess multiple model research articles and then produce a report, just like peer reviewers do. This is
helpful for evaluating or critiquing the data, research strategies, and conclusions of an article. Instance
study It is appropriate to evaluate a situation, list its benefits and drawbacks, and then provide
recommendations. If you wanted to have a complete background picture of a certain example or
phenomenon, a case study may be useful. Reflective journal: Personal records of students' educational
experiences are kept in journal writing or reflective diaries. A person, plant, group, process, ailment,
event, community, or any other analogous entity may be the subject of the case. When a learning-
related occurrence happens, students record the participants, the event's purpose, their thoughts and
other information as well as their remarks. Reflective journals help you recognize your knowledge and
thoughts as well as realize how and what you have learned. Perfect for courses that emphasize field
trips and experiential learning. Report on experiment: On rare occasions, the assignment will call for
performing a little experiment. This will help others understand your accomplishments and draw
conclusions from them. Analyze a project: Reports on projects contain details on the actions taken in
connection with a certain job assigned to the student. Herbarium: The production of herbariums is a
common task in subjects like plant taxonomy, weed science, plant diseases, agrotology, and forest
studies, which include a wide variety of plants. 2 In entomology schools, catching insects is a typical
activity. Students collect a variety of insects, identify them, and then display them in boxes designed
particularly for insects. The creation of models, posters, widely read articles, brochures, processed
commodities, or other items like visual aids may also be part of some jobs. These projects each have
their own unique writing style, structure, and collection of elements. Depending on the learning settings
and training objectives, any of these assignments may be provided. PG students will benefit more from
forms like literature reviews, annotated bibliographies, critical evaluations, case studies, etc. than simple
essays. Growingly common in UG education are essays, herbarium collections, insect collections,
reflective diaries, project reports, etc. The essay, the most typical assignment type, is covered in detail

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