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radius = 40 ; airspace radius in NM

zoom = 7.0 ; default zoom level, increase to zoom in
elevation = 566 ; ground altitude in feet
floor = 1700 ; minimum selectable altitude (1100 to 2500
above elevation)
descentaltitude = 14000 ; minimum initial altitude for arrivals
(1000+ above floor)
ceiling = 22000 ; maximum selectable altitude (1000+ above
above = 19000 ; maximum departure altitude when SID is
enabled (2000+ above ceiling)
speedrestriction = 15, 200, 10000, 250 ; radius in NM, speed in knots within
radius, <altitude, speed below altitude>
localizerspeed = 25, 180 ; distance to touchdown in NM, speed
restriction in knots on localizers
diversionaltitude = 7000 ; maximum altitude at which departures will be
a diversion at the boundary (defaults to ceiling altitude)
transitionaltitude = 18000 ; highest altitude displayed in feet instead of
flight level
usa = true ; American-style callsign pronunciation and runway
metric = false ; display altitudes in metres instead of feet
letters = 2 ; occurrence of letters in callsigns (defaults at one
in 2, or one in 50 for usa; 0=never; 100=rarely)
separation = 3 ; minimum allowed distance between aircraft in
automatic = true ; entering arrivals will follow an approach route
when flying inbound an approach beacon
name = palanquero control ; atc callsign pronunciation for arrivals, atc
callsign pronunciation for departures
center = 05°29'0''N, 74°39'06''W ; lat/long location of center of radar
display (required when using lat/long coordinates elsewhere in this file)
magneticvar = -6.106 ; magnetic variance; east = positive (used to rotate
lat/long coordinates if used elsewhere in this file)

boundary =
05°23'26''N, 74°52'30''W
05°15'14''N, 74°44'24''W
05°27'50''N, 74°11'48''W
06°53'38''N, 73°53'00''W
06°29'38''N, 74°34'32''W
05°23'26''N, 74°52'30''W

## positions
# pointlist of optional airspace boundary polygon; this will override the default
(circular) airspace radius.
# last point is automatically connected to first point

beacons =
PAL, 05°29'14''N, 74°39'38''W, 196, palanquero
MQU, 05°12'18''N, 74°55'16''W, 0, mariquita
BUV, 05°31'56''N, 73°51'31''W, 0, buvis
EJA, 07°01'43''N, 73°48'20''W, 0, barrancabermeja
OTU, 07°01'15''N, 74°42'34''W, 0, otu


IF, 05°39'47''N, 74°38'56''W, intermedial fix

FAP, 05°34'47''N, 74°39'10''W, final approach point

XUXAV, 05°44'12''N, 74°38'44''W, 190, xuxav
ANDEK, 05°58'12''N, 74°38'05''W, -190, andek
TOLOD, 05°19'36''N, 74°48'43''W, tolod
SAVGA, 05°31'30''N, 74°50'20''W, savga
PUDSU, 05°37'44''N, 74°48'39''W, pudsu
ISNIM, 06°06'49''N, 74°40'50''W, isnim
EDSID, 05°21'25''N, 74°28'25''W, edsid
GEVBA, 05°30'49''N, 74°11'15''W, gevba
VUNRO, 06°45'02''N, 73°57'35''W, vunro
VULAM, 05°17'32''N, 74°23'09''W, vulam
RENOS, 05°35'46''N, 75°10'21''W, renos
MUGOP, 05°50'43''N, 75°03'09''W, mugop
ATANA, 06°00'02''N, 74°49'50''W, atana
DIPRA, 06°36'50''N, 74°32'46''W, dipra
ILSEV, 06°00'57''N, 73°59'42''W, ilsev
15 DME, 05°42'21''N, 74°32'22'W, 15 dme
40 DME, 06°04'12''N, 74°20'14''W, 40 dme

## name, position, <holdingheading>, <pronunciation>

# the first given beacon will be the default beacon for arrivals inbound the main
# when holdingheading is 0 or omitted, planes will hold there using the plane's
current heading
# when a holdingheading is given, planes will fly that heading (or magnetic course)
on the inbound leg when flying the holding
# when holdingheading is negative, planes will make left-hand turns instead of
right-hand turns

handoff =
090, Palanquero Control, palanquero control, 127.9
360, Palanquero Control, palanquero control, 127.9
180, Bogota Arrival, bogota arrival, 119.5
270, Bogota West, bogota west, 119.95

## heading, atc callsign, callsign pronunciation, <radio frequency>

# optional handoff readbacks for departures; only used when sound mode 3 is enabled
# heading determines which atc station will be selected by a plane: the closest to
the heading from the center of the screen towards the plane's (last) SID point


name = German Olano, german olano tower ; name of the main airport,
code = SKPQ ; four letter code, displayed in airport
menu (required; remove the #)
runways =
rwy1, 1, 05°29'0.54''N, 74°39'26''W, 003, 9963.911, 0, 0, 569, 3, 003, 0, 0,
IF, 10, IAF, 15, 126.3, german tower

## identifier, name, position, true_heading, <length>, <displaced>, <displaced2>,

<elevation>, <glideslope>, <localizer>, <glideslope2>, <localizer2>, <beaconname,
distance>, <beaconname2, distance2>, <tower frequency>, <tower pronunciation>
# identifier is a unique name used to define a runway usage configuration later in
this file
# name is one or two digits, optionally suffixed with an L, R or C character
# position is the location of the beginning of the runway (including displaced
# length is in feet
# displaced threshold length in feet, displaced2 is for the other end of the runway
# elevation is in feet, and must be within 1000 feet difference from the airspace
ground elevation defined above
# glideslope is the angle in degrees; the default value is 3.0
# localizer is the true heading in degrees of the ILS until touchdown; by default
it's the same as runway true heading, but a small offset is allowed
# beacon is an optional point on the localizer at a certain distance (NM) from the
(displaced) threshold
# second beacon is a point on the localizer when runway is used in opposite
direction (rev)
# tower frequency is used for handoff readbacks

climbaltitude = 5000 ; maximum initial climb altitude in feet for


sids =

VUNRO, 06°45'02''N, 73°57'35''W

GEVBA, 05°30'49''N, 74°11'15''W
EDSID, 05°21'25''N, 74°28'25''W
TOLOD, 05°19'36''N, 74°48'43''W
MQU, 05°12'18''N, 74°55'16''W
SAVGA, 05°31'30''N, 74°50'20''W
ISNIM, 06°06'49''N, 74°40'50''W
XUXAV, 05°44'12''N, 74°38'44''W
PAL, 05°29'14''N, 74°39'38''W

## name, position, <pronunciation>

# you may also give just the name of a beacon from the beacon list

entrypoints =

349, XUXAV, 10000

086, PAL, 14000 ; GEVBA
313, PAL, 11000 ; PUDSU
358, XUXAV, 15000 ; ISNIM
028, XUXAV, 21000 ; VUNRO
003, XUXAV, 10000 ; XUXAV
282, PAL, 11000 ; SAVGA
222, PAL, 12000 ;MQU
125, PAL, 12000 ;VULAM

## true_heading, <beaconname>, <altitude>

# this is where new arrivals enter at the boundary (approximately), e.g. 090 means
planes will enter from the east, heading 270 (westbound)
# inbound beacon is optional; choose a beacon name from the beacon list above;
otherwise the first beacon from that list is chosen automatically
# optional descentaltitude for this entrypoint; otherwise the default
descentaltitude is used

airlines =
AFR, 10, A318/A319/A320/A321/E170/E190/CRJ7/CRJX/E145, Airfrans
AFR, 10, A318/A319/A320/A321/E170/E190/CRJ7/CRJX/E145, Airfrans
AFR, 10, A318/A319/A320/A321/E170/E190, Airfrans
AFR, 10, A319/A320/A321, Airfrans
AFR, 10, A319/A320/A321, Airfrans
AFR, 10, A319/A320/A321, Airfrans
AFR, 10, A332/A359/B772/B77W/B789, Airfrans
AFR, 10, A332/A359/B772/B77W/B789, Airfrans
AFR, 10, B772/B77W, Airfrans
KLM, 5, B737/B738/B739, KLM, e
EJU, 10, A319/A320, Alpine
EJU, 10, A319/A320, Alpine
EJU, 10, A319/A320, Alpine
EZY, 7, A319/A320/A20N/A21N, Easy, n
AZA, 4, A319/E75S/E190, Alitalia, s
DLH, 6, A319/A320/A321/A20N/A21N, Lufthansa, e
ROT, 4, A318/B737/B738, Tarom, e
BLA, 3, B733/B735/B738, Blue Air, e
DAL, 2, A332/A333/A339/A359/B752/B763/B764, Delta, n
UAE, 1, B77W/A388, Emirates, s
THY, 4, B739/A321/A21N/A332, Turkish, s
EIN, 4, A320, Shamrock, n

## name, amount, planetype, pronunciation, <direction>

# name is the 3 letter airline code, or a private regristration (with a land code,
dash(-), and then the format)
# amount determines the relative likelihood of appearance (e.g. 0=never,
0.1=rarely, 1=occasionally, 10=frequently, etc)
# planetype determines the plane characteristics (optionally put a dash (/) between
multiple types)
# pronuniation is the (airline) callsign
# direction lets the plane arrive/depart in (roughly) a preferred direction:
# give the direction as a string containing one or more of the letters nwse, for
north west south east,
# but make sure there are actually entrypoints defined at those directions
(approximately); w needs an entrypoint near 270
# tip: you can add the same airline multiple times, for example with different
planetypes, in order to get different likelihoods per planetype

# [airport2] Stand by - first finish airport one

name = Velasquez Airport, velasquez airport ; name of secondary airport,

code = SKVL ; two letter code, which will be added to the runways
and plane tags

runways =

rwy2, 16, 05°56'20''N, 74°27'25''W, 158, 5515, 0, 0, 559, 121.1,

velasquez tower
## identifier, name, position, true_heading, <length>, <displaced>, <displaced2>,
<elevation>, <glideslope>, <localizer>, <glideslope2>, <localizer2>, <beaconname,
distance>, <beaconname2, distance2>, <tower frequency>, <tower pronunciation>
# identifier must be unique to all other runways defined in this file

flow = 30 ; traffic flow per active runway, in planes per hour

(approximately, it slightly increases at higher skill values)
inboundbeacon = bco ; beacon name; the default initial beacon for
arrivals (choose one from the beacon list above)
entrypoints =
330, trd, 7000
## true_heading, <beaconname>, <altitude>

airlines =
jet, 2, b735, jetliner
n-12345, 1, c271
## name, amount, planetype, pronunciation, <direction>

climbaltitude = 3000 ; maximum initial climb altitude in feet for departures

sids =
west, -25, 0, westbound

## name, position, <pronunciation>

# you may also give just the name of a beacon from the beacon list, or the name of
a sid from the airport1 sid list

# You can add more airports sections if needed ([airport3], etc).

#[area1] Stand by coordinates
shape = circle ; circle or polygon
altitude = 3000 ; minimum allowed altitude in feet
name = SC ; <name, if omited then only planes inbound the main airport may
enter this area>
radius = 6 ; radius of circle in NM
position = 7, -3.6 ; position of circle center
labelpos = 6, 0 ; <position of label>
draw = 0, 5.9 ; <start and end angle of visible arc, in radians
(orientated to the left), omit for a full circle>

#[area2] Stand by coordinates MSA
shape = polygon ; circle or polygon
altitude = 3500 ; minimum allowed altitude in feet
#name = X ; <name, if omited then planes inbound the main airport may enter
this area>
draw = 1 ; <number of invisible lines at the end of the polygon, omit for
a full polygon>
labelpos = -3.1, 10.9 ; <position of label>
points =
-8.1, 13.3
0, 13
-1, -4
-7.6, -4
-9.0, 10
## positions
# the last point will be automatically connected to the first point


# As default
config1 =
0, rwy1, landstart
0, rwy1, startland, nosid
0, rwy2, startlandrev
## score, identifier, usage, <offsetheading>, <nosid>
# score is the score (skill) at which the runway will be activated
# identifier is a unique runway name specified earlier
# usage is a string (without spaces) that may contain these words: start, land,
rev, int, track
# where rev means reversed use (opposite direction), int means intersection
departure (takeoffs begin 30% down the rwy), track means backtrack after landing
# offsetheading means planes will fly a specific heading just after takeoff
(especially useful for allowing parallel takeoffs with divergent climbout headings)
# nosid option means planes will depart on the given offsetheading, with SID mode
# the list must be ordered with increasing score values (as in this example 0, 7,
# when rwy configurations are omited, two configs are automatically created, one
for each rwy direction, with all runways active

config2 =
0, rwy1, landstartrev,
7, rwy1, startlandrev, 200, nosid
8, rwy2, startland

runway = rwy1
route1 =
VUNRO1B, vunro one bravo
05°44'12''N, 74°38'44''W
05°42'21''N, 74°32'22'W
06°04'12''N, 74°20'14''W
06°45'02''N, 73°57'35''W
07°01'43''N, 73°48'20''W
#XUXAV, 15 DME, 40 DME, VUNRO, EJA <--Doesn´t work-->

# first line of the route is the sid name (up to 7 characters will be displayed),
and optional <pronunciation> of the sid name
# next lines are one or more waypoint positions
# first waypoint may have an optional altitude value; this will override the
default climbaltitude

route2 =
ISNIM1B, insim one bravo
05°44'12''N, 74°38'44''W
06°06'49''N, 74°40'50''W
07°01'15''N, 74°42'34''W
#XUXAV, ISNIM, OTU <--Doesn´t work-->

## name, <pronunciation>
## waypoint1 position, <climbaltitude>
## waypoint position
## waypoint position

route3 =
PAL1A, palanquero one alfa via savga
05°29'14''N, 74°39'38''W
05°31'30''N, 74°50'20''W

route4 =
PAL1A, palanquero one alfa via gevba
05°29'14''N, 74°39'38''W
05°30'49''N, 74°11'15''W
#PAL VOR, SAVGA <--Doesn´t work-->

route5 =
PAL1A, palanquero one alfa via edsid
05°29'14''N, 74°39'38''W
05°21'25''N, 74°28'25''W

#PAL VOR, EDSID <--Doesn´t work-->

# the optional [departure] section adds routes to a specific runway direction

# this overrides the default (single waypoint) SIDs with more detailed routes, and
applies the routes to the specified runway only
# departing planes from that runway will then follow the one of the routes, unless
the user deactivates SID mode
# re-enabling SID mode (or longpressing SID) will select just the last point of the
# defining one or more departure routes disables all the default SID points for
that runway; planes will use the given routes only
# use one [departure] section per runway direction, each with one or more routes
# [departure] routes are not used in the built-in airports, for simplicity

# [departures2] Stand by
runway = rwy2
route1 =
PAL, palanquero
05°44'12''N, 74°38'44''W
05°29'14''N, 74°39'38''W


runway = rwy1, ; runway identifier, <reversed use>

beacon = GEVBA, 05°30'49''N, 74°11'15''W ; selectable beacon to enable APP
mode; define a beacon, or choose a name from beacon list above
route1 =
094, gevba1a, gevba one alpha
05°30'49''N, 74°11'15''W, 14000
05°30'18''N, 74°20'40''W, 9000
05°37'57''N, 74°25'02''W, 8000
05°44'02''N, 74°37'29''W, 4000
end, 190

# first item of the route is the bearing from the plane towards the beacon; if
there are multiple routes defined in this section, the closest bearing determines
which route is selected; but if only one route is defined then the bearing can just
be a random number; optionally add a name and pronunciation for the route
# next lines are optional waypoints: ## position, <maximum altitude>, <maximum
# last line is the interception point on the ILS: ## distance (NM) from the
(displaced) threshold, <maximum altitude>, <maximum speed>
# alternatively the last line can be used to end the route before it reaches the
ILS (requiring vectors), using the word end: ## end, <heading>
# or, to hold at the last waypoint, use: ## end, hold

runway = rwy1,
beacon = MQU, 05°22'11''N, 74°51'19''W
route2 =
027, mqu1r, mariquita one romeo
05°22'11''N, 74°51'19''W, 7000
05°29'44''N, 74°48'18''W, 4000
05°39'47''N, 74°38'56''W, 3500

## bearing, <name>, <pronunciation>

## waypoint position, <maximum altitude>, <maximum speed>
## waypoint position, <maximum altitude>, <maximum speed>
## interception distance, <maximum altitude>, <maximum speed>

#route3 = #This is for IAC stand by

1, 10
1, 18, 4000
-3, 18, 0, 180
10.5, 3000, 200

# the optional [approach] section adds route(s) to a specific runway

# multiple [approach] sections can be used for the same runway, to allow for
multiple app beacons
# for easier creation of routes, use left Ctrl key to display current mouse
coordinates, and left click while holding down Ctrl places temporary visual markers
# Longpress the airport name button in the airport menu to display all routes at
# [approach] routes are not used in the built-in airports as the game is focussed
on vectors for simplicity


types =
f200, 5, 140, 230, 2.9, 3.2, 1400, 1600, 115, 125, 1.1, 1.2, big jet
c271, 6, 90, 120, 2.9, 3.2, 1400, 1600, 90, 105, 1.1, 1.2, singleprop
## type, category, minspeed, maxspeed, minturnrate, maxturnrate, mindescentrate,
maxdescentrate, minfinalapproachspeed, maxfinalapproachspeed, minaccelrate,
maxaccelrate, <manufacturer>
# custom [planetypes] are only needed when using unknown custom types in the
airlinelists above (game will show warnings on startup for missing types), or to
override default type properties
# category is the weight category: 1 to 6, meaning superheavy=1, upperheavy,
lowerheavy, uppermedium, lowermedium, light=6
# speeds in knots
# turnrate is in degrees per second
# descentrate is in feet per minute
# approachspeeds in knots, may be below minspeed
# accelrate is in knots per second
# manufacturer name is optional, and only used for private callsign pronunciation
in usa mode
# example of default values for b737, 4, 160, 250, 2.6, 3.0, 1440, 1560, 131, 144,
1.2, 1.3


finish = 2, 1200 ; amount of planes to land to finish the scenario, <time limit in

events =
0, config, 1
0, score, 6
0, wind, 180, 10
0, cloud, -1, 25
0, cloud, -2, 24
0, cloud, -4, 24
0, dep, rwy1, north, f200
0, elapse, 20
0, arr, 230, vor, f200
0, elapse, 100
5, arr, 90, GEVBA, f200
40, dep, rwy1, north, f200
70, dep, rwy1, south, a333
20, score, 8
90, dep, rwy1, north
0, wind, 200, 8
0, cloud, 19, -26.5
50, dep, rwy1, west, f200
1, text, Hello!
5, arr, 210, vor, a333, 15000, 6000, 300, 0, 0, 1, air
10, arr, 090, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, sc
10, dep, rwy2, north
## elapsed time after previous event in seconds, eventtype, properties
# available eventtypes: arr, dep, score, elapse, wind, cloud, config, text
## arr: entrypoint, <beacon>, <planetype>, <altitude>, <targetaltitude>, <speed>,
<delaytimer>, <fuel>, <emergency>, <callsign>, <destination>, <nordo>
# for arrivals, the fuel counts up; lowfuel from 4700+, emergency=1 for medical, 2
for engine,
# destination is a two letter code of a secondary airport, nordo is the amount of
seconds before the pilot starts to communicate
## dep: runwayidentifier, sid, <planetype>, <emergency>, <callsign>, <destination>,
# for departures, the optional destination is a two letter code, or 1 for the main
## score: score ; set higher score/skill to open more runways, or
lower to close runways
## elapse: seconds ; elapse simulation time between events (only use
this to build traffic before the start, so at time 0)
## wind: heading, speed ; set wind (preferably in small steps when changing
the wind)
## cloud: position ; add cloud with radius of 1 NM (preferably just
outside the airspace boundary, to avoid incidents, unless time is 0)
## config: entry ; change to different runway config, as specified in the
runway [configurations] section
## text: message ; display yellow text at the top of screen
# the [scenario] can be enabled in the traffic menu

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