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1. Theft school equipment like TV, computer etc. By teenagers in the community itself is becoming a common
phenomenon. What does this incident signify?
a. Inability of school to hire security guards
b. Deprivation of Filipino schools
c. Prevalence of poverty in the community
d. Community’s lack of sense of co-ownership
2. Which describe(s) inappropriate practice in the education of young children?
a. Individual differences are expected and accepted
b. Integrated teaching-learning
c. Isolated skill development
d. Positive guidance techniques
3. Honesty remains a value even if nobody in an organization values it. This pronouncement comes from the
mouth of a (an) ____________.
a. Pragmatist c. Reconstructionist
b. Idealist d. Progressivist
4. I cannot forget my friend’s birthday for it comes one day after my birthday.
Which principle of association as applied to
memory explains this?
a. Contiguity c. Frequency
b. Similarity d. Context
5. A fresh teacher graduate is usually idealistic. Which one will most likely inspire her to cling to her idealism?
a. Introduction of educational innovations
b. Support of living models
c. Pressure of work d. High salary
6. I cannot help but recall the sister’s convent which served as my boarding house in high school now that am in a
noisy boarding house. Which principle of association explains this?
a. Similarity c. Frequency
b. Contiguity d. Contrast
7. People have ideas about the world and they learn these ideas by reflecting upon them, according to the
a. Empiricist c. Rationalist
b. Existentialist d. Pragmatist
8. Which principle of association as applied to memory is this?
The recall of an object or idea triggers recall
of other objects like it.
a. Contrast c. Similarity
b. Contiguity d. Frequency
9. Whose thought is this: “ Although there is an external world from which human beings acquire sensory
information, ideas originate from the workings of the mind”
a. Rationalist c. Empiricist
b. Existentialist d. Pragmatist
10. A research conducted by Hirsch-Pasek, et al in 1989 noted possible harmful effects of highly academically-
oriented early childhood education program. These include higher test anxiety, less creativity, and a less positive
attitude toward school. Based on these research findings which recommendation is in order?
a. To give children the total freedom to do as they please inside the classroom
b. Not to give assessment activities for pre-schoolers
c. To plan for engaging academic lessons
d. Not to engage in highly structured direct instruction in pre-school
11. With changing needs and knowledge explosion, the emphasis in today’s schools should be on teaching
a. Skills on how to learn c. Values
b. Facts d. Concepts
12. Which piagetian term refers to one’s inability to distinguish between one’s own perspective and someone
a. Autism c. Centration
b. Conservation d. Egocentrism
13. What does the social constructivist approach emphasize? The students need.
a. Opportunities to learn with the teacher and more skilled peers
b. To be filled because their minds are empty
c. To be placed n a conductive earning environment
d. To be reward with every good performance
14. If you believe that the child’s mind is TABULARASA, in what processes will you engage the child to learn?
a. Sensory impressions c. Reflections
b. Reasoning d. Metacognition
15. What does a DEVLOPMENTALLY APPROPRIATE PRACTICE type of schooling focus on?
I. Typical developmental patterns of children
II. Uniqueness of each child
III. Direct instruction
a. I & II b. II and III c. I & III d. I only
16. Which does the empiricist emphasize?
a. Experience is the only source of knowledge
b. Knowledge arises from the mind
c. Knowledge is derived from reason without the aid of the senses
d. Information is interpreted by the mind
17. Which of the following best described the role of a teacher from a parennialist perspective?
a. To expose the learner to up-to-date information about Science and Math
b. To reveal the wisdom of the Ages such as those contained in the Bible/Koran
c. To assist the learner clarify his/her value priorities through self-analysis
d. To tell, interpret, or analyze complete information to the students
18. “ Do not trust the senses since ideas are arrived at only by reason” is an advice from the _____________.
a. Naturalist c. Existentalist
b. Rationalist d. Empiricst
19. Which is a weakness of the Montessori approach?
a. Fosters development of the cognitive skills
b. Fosters independence
c. Emphasizes verbal interaction
d. Neglects children’s social development
20. According to the existentialist, every person is in the same predicament and has the same possibilities. What
this imply?
a. Every person must have access to education
b. Every person must choose to go to college
c. Every person must go through the same form of education
d. Every person must go to college
21. Which groups of philosophers have opposite views?
a. Rationalist and existentialists
b. Rationalist and idealists
c. Rationalists and Naturalists
d. Rationalists and empiricists
22. Student Z does not study at all but when the Licensure Examination for Teachers come before he takes the Let,
he spends one hour in Quiapo church prating for a miracle, i.e, to pass the exam. Which attitude towards
religion or GOD is displayed?
a. Religion as fake c. Religion as real
b. Religion as magic d. Religion as authentic
23. Two identical balls of clay are shown to the child. The child agrees that they are equal. Teacher changes the
shape of one of the balls and asks the child whether they still contain equal amounts of clay. The child answer, “
No the longer one has more”. What skill does the child lack?
a. Centration c. Reasoning
b. Intuition d. Conservation
24. Which theory is demonstrated by this?
A young boy might observe his father aggressive
outbursts and hostile interchanges with people;
when observe with his peers, the young boy’s
style of interaction is highly aggressive.
a. Social cognitive theory
b. Cognitive developmental theory
c. Operant conditioning
d. Classical conditioning
25. Jones is a shy student and prefers to be alone. Based on Jung’s psychological theory under what classification
does he fall?
a. Extrovert c. Paranoid
b. Ambivert d. Introvert
26. Which theory on development puts emphasis on the importance sensitive periods in development?
a. Ecological theory c. Psychoanalytic theory
b. Social cognitive theory d. Ethological theory
27. According to the cognitive theory of human development, the primary determinant of behavior is__________.
a. Cognitive c. Heredity
b. Unconscious thought d. Environment
28. Which may be an undesirable result of the misuse of education technology on human development?
a. Brain-drain c. Dehumanization
b. Mechanical learning d. Knowledge explosion
29. For Freud, the primary motivation for human behavior is sexual in nature while for Erikson it is _________ in
a. Social b. Cultural c. Physical d. Biological
30. Two identical beakers A & B are presented to the child. Teacher pours the liquid from B into C., which is taller,
and thinner than A & B has equal capacity with B. teacher asks if the beakers A: C have the same amount of
liquid. The child says “ No” and points to C as the beaker that has more liquid.
In what cognitive developmental stage is the
a. Formal operational stage
b. Pre-operational
c. Concrete operational stage
d. Sensorimotor
31. To make sense of our world we organize our experiences. We also change our thinking to include new ideas and
additional information. The process of changing our thinking as a result of new ideas is termed by Piaget
a. Construction c. Adaptation
b. Assimilation d. Accommodation
32. A pre-school child says: “ That tree pushed the leaf off, and it fell down”. This show that the pre-school child
believes that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities and are capable of action. This belief is called___________.
a. Symbolism c. Realism
b. Animation d. Animism
33. What is the latest advice of authorities regarding left-handed children?
a. Train the child with left-handed tendency to use the right
b. Train the left-handed child to use both right and left hands
c. Allow children to use the hand they favor
d. Discourage the child to use has left hand
34. Teacher helps the pupils remember that stalactite grows from the Ceiling while a stalagmite grows from the
Ground. Which device does the teacher use?
a. Drill device c. Memory device
b. Mnemonic device d. Coding device
35. The theory on life-span development advocates that sensitive care giving in later life is a important as sensitive
care giving in early life. What statement goes with this?
a. Experiments in the first 3 years are as important as later experiences
b. Children can not be influenced after childhood
c. The most important years in development are the first five years
d. What child becomes at ages 3 is fixed
36. Based on Freud’s psychoanalytic theory which component(s) of personality is (are) concerned with a sense of
right and wrong
a. Super-ego b. Super-ego and ego c. Id d. Ego
37. Two sticks are aligned in front o the child. The child agrees that they are the same length. Teacher moves on
stick to the right, then asks the child if they are equal in length. The child answer, “ no, the one on top is longer”.
a. Reasoning c. Centration
b. Intuition d. Conservation
38. Which statement correctly explains the constructivist theory of learning?
a. Children are empty receptacles
b. Children actively create knowledge and understanding
c. Children are passive learners
d. Children’s minds are blank slates
39. Which conception of age is wrong?
a. Chronological age s different from biological and psychological and psychological age
b. Chronological age, biological age, psychological and social age are related
c. Psychological age and social age are two different things
d. Chronological age is the same psychological age
40. As humans we walk at about one year, engage in fantasy play as a young child, and become more independent
as a youth. What does this prove? Each of us develops partly.
a. Like no other individuals
b. Like no other individual, like some other individuals, like all other individuals
c. Like all other individuals
d. Like some other individuals
41. In Piaget’s theory an individual’s adjustment to new information s called___________.
a. Organization c. Assimilation
b. Accommodation d. Adaptation
42. The psychoanalytic theorists believe the following, Except:
a. Development is not in any way colored by emotion
b. We analyzed the symbolic meanings of behavior not just focus on the behavior
c. Early experience with parents extensively shape our development
d. We have to analyze the inner working of the mind to understand behavior
43. Which teacher’s attitude best reflects his/her understanding of development as a product of maturation and
a. Patient when with the slower ones
b. Creativity with the classroom strategies or tasks
c. Fairness when giving grades or school marks
d. Cheerfulness and enthusiasm when discussing
44. Which one is Piaget’s Freud’s and Eriksson’s thought about children’s play?
a. Contributes to the child’s mastery of his physical and social environment
b. Makes a child’s life so enjoyable that he will tend to hate school life later
c. Prepares a child for an excellent academic performance in formal schooling
d. Develops in the child a highly competitive attitude because of the nature of play
45. Progressive considers the nature of he child. Which philosophy does NOT relate with this?
a. Pragmatism c. Humanism
b. Essentialism d. Naturalism
46. J.B. Watson relates that a particular behavior is determined by environmental factor. Which of the following
situations can the students develop a positive attitude towards mathematics?
a. Tell students that Math is a difficult subject
b. Give difficult problems to challenge the students
c. Present lessons from the easiest to the most complex
d. Have favorable learning atmosphere in the classroom
47. Margaret has been staring at the matchstick puzzle problem. She is figuring out how to solve it. Suddenly, a
bright idea flashes in her mind and excitedly she successfully learns to solve the puzzle. This is an example
a. Metacognition
b. Insight learning
c. Analytical learning
d. Trial and error learning
48. Considering the senses used in learning, which does NOT belong to the group?
a. Radio c. Filmstrip
b. Audiotape recorder d. Phonograph
49. The use of multi-level materials enables a teacher to do
a. Review c. Application of lesson
b. Tutoring d. Differentiated instruction
50. In relations to comprehension skills, which does NOT belong to the group?
a. Sequencing events
b. Critical reading
c. Finding the main idea
d. Recreatory reading
51. Miss Solano, a preschool teacher sees to it that the children are given opportunity to explore and work on
different materials so that they will develop initiative and not guilt. She is guided by the theory of______.
a. Maslow b. Kohlberg c. Gardner d. Erikson
52. Which process does NOT fall under extrapolation?
a. Inferring c. Concluding
b. Predicting d. Observing
53. Article XIV, Sec. 2 highlights the importance of providing a system of free public education in the elementary and
high school levels. Why is there such a necessity?
a. Elementary and high school provide formal education
b. These levels provide the foundation for life functions and roles
c. No one goes to college without passing the grade and high schools
d. A few people cannot afford the expensive quality of private schools
54. The use of graphic organizers may tap the brain processes because they mainly.
a. Organize the words in some ways the students remember
b. Appeal to both the left and right hemispheres of the brain
c. Arouse the students interest in the lesson being learned
d. Stimulate neural wings of the brain in the process
55. Which teaching technique develops creative thinking by the use of comparison or analogy
a. Heuristic c. Synectic
b. Aesthetic d. Intrinsic
56. Cognitive psychologist regards the learner as one who comes into the classroom _______.
a. Ignorant of schooling c. Knowing nothing
b. Uninterested t learn d. Full of experiences
57. Which one is a developmental task of the intermediate pupil according to Havighurst’s list of development
a. Learning sex differences
b. Beginning to develop a conscience
c. Achieving emotional independence from parents
d. Learning to get along with age mates
58. Six-and-seven-year-old children are generally___.
a. Nearsighted
b. Farsighted
c. Both nearsighted and farsighted
d. Neither nearsighted nor farsighted
59. Individualized instruction, which may have been pioneered by the Hebrew’s, is characterized by the students’.
a. Being taught one on one
b. Learning at their own pace
c. Giving tutorials to slow learners
d. Expressing their personal ideas
60. When teacher attempts to develop his students metacognitive skills, he teaches them to:
a. Recall pass lesson
b. Visualize
c. Formulate hypothesis
d. Think about their thinking
61. A caregiver working with infants aims to maximize their cognitive development by having an environment that
provides multisessorial stimulation. This is guided by the theory of_________.
a. Gardner b. Bridges c. Erikson d. Piaget
62. Friedrich Froebel believed that education should awaken the child’s dormant potentials and stimulate them to
the fullest development. In this case, the teacher’s role is that of a _________.
a. Molder of character
b. Facilitator of learning
c. Dispenser of knowledge
d. Evaluator of learning
63. Which is a typical characteristic of the adolescent?
a. Reasonable and secure
b. Feels intense emotions and sense of disequilibrium
c. Slow but steady physical growth
d. Passive and obedient
64. Which can be an innovative solution to the problems of high rate of absenteeism in rural areas where most
pupils absent from class during the planting season?
a. Refusing readmission of pupils who have been absent for long
b. Observance of seasonal school calendar
c. Giving lectures to parents on the importance of schooling
d. Keeping a record of absences for information
65. In which development period does the child’s group begin to exert a tremendous influence on the child’s
attitude and behavior?
a. Late childhood c. Early adolescence
b. Late adolescence d. Middle childhood
66. What practice is exemplified when a principal emphasizes the need for clean and orderly classrooms as ell as
green and beautiful surrounding to contribute to effective teaching and learning?
a. Provide an atmosphere conducive for learning
b. Provide adequate physical facilities
c. Utilize educational technology
d. Establish rapport between teachers and pupils
67. Which statement on motivation is baked up research?
a. Incentives for learning are more important for high-achieving students
b. Incentives are important only for average student when content I difficult
c. Activities that enhance success and reduce failure increase motivation
d. More motivational devices are needed or intrinsically motivated student
68. Which of the following should be avoided by the teachers in asking questions?
a. Repeat questions if pupils cannot answer
b. Encourage lengthy responses and sustained answer
c. Ask the question first before calling a pupil to answer
d. Ask a sufficient number of questions to stimulate thinking
69. Instructional objectives should tell one who is to perform the desired behavior, the result, the relevant condition
under which the behavior is performed and:
a. The test items to be used in evaluating the objectives
b. The materials and references to be used
c. The criteria to be following in carrying out lesson
d. The criteria to be used in evaluating the success of the performance
70. Which is NOT an element of cooperative learning?
a. Positive interdependence
b. Group accountability for learning
c. Individual’s accountability for learning
d. Face-to face interaction
71. The Reading teacher stays 30 minutes daily after class and teaches the slow readers how to read. What is the
practice called?
a. Make-up class c. Remedial instruction
b. Enrichment activity d. Development reading
72. Mrs. Ramos provide reading materials of varying levels of difficulty to the three groups of learners. Which
principle is implemented by her action?
a. Focus on individual’s need to achieve
b. Help each student attain goals
c. Focus on student attention
d. Provide informative feedback
73. The effective teacher manages routine and transition with a minimum of disturbance primary to:
a. Spare more time for instructional planning
b. Abide by the faculty handbook
c. Correct misbehaving pupil
d. Increase academic learning time
74. Sometimes the non-verbal aspect of communication can carry more weight than the verbal. Nonverbal message
can be sent by the following, Except:
a. Teacher’s comment: “ the answer is not written on the floor”
b. Tone of voice
c. Facial expression d. Body language
75. What criterion (a) is (are) applied by a principal who evaluates teachers based on the result of the achievement
tests of pupils?
a. Product and attitude c. Product
b. Process d. Attitude
76. Which of these techniques id being featured? Teacher A encourages her students to participate actively in the
class discussion by making the answer question, allows students to call on one another to recite, and wait for
their turn to ask or answer.
a. Socialized recitation c. Open forum
b. Graded recitation d. Panel discussion
77. A reading teacher sees positive effects in the use of various sections of a newspaper. In what way does the use
of the newspaper affect the students?
a. Provides for meeting pupil different interest
b. Strengthens learning skills
c. Contributes to pupils understanding
d. Reinforces learning experiences
78. Allowing students to participate in the formation of two to the three rules for the classroom promotes______ in
the classroom.
a. A sense of belongingness
b. Teacher diminished authority
c. An autocratic atmosphere
d. “ Buddy-buddy” system
79. Meaningfulness is the key to all cognitive processes. Meaningfulness depends on______.
a. The intensiveness of practice
b. The persistence of student in answering
c. The variety of learning activities
d. The manner in which the teacher handles the topic
80. Miss Santos aims to maximize individual learning o her third year students in Science. If she intends to permit
students to proceed at their own rate, which of the following will she apply?
a. Cooperative learning c. Hands-on learning
b. Modular instruction d. Supervised study
81. Kindergarten and elementary grade pupils are often engaged in various games as their learning activities. What
principle is best observed in the situation?
a. Teachers need to relax while the children are at play
b. Children need games to relax and enjoy
c. Games as a formalized expression of play are natural
d. Games provide wide range of social and cognitive experience
82. Which s the lowest level of teaching in the three-level approach?
a. Concepts b. Values c. Skills d. Facts
83. The social Studies teacher pans to present a political situation which is very close to reality, particularly the role
of mayor, a counselor, or a barangay captain. What strategy is the most appropriate?
a. Lecture c. Reporting
b. Discussion d. Simulation
84. Individuals differ from each other in their needs, interests, and abilities, at any given point in their learning style.
Which type of instructional program is needed by the learners at risk?
a. Adaptive instruction
b. Traditional instruction
c. Remedial instruction
d. Computer-assisted instruction
85. In what level of objective in the affective domain is this objectives: to contribute to the discussion by asking
a. Organization c. Responding
b. Receiving d. Valuing
86. The teacher conducts the same lesson taken up the previous day but she uses different teaching materials.
What type of lesson is illustrated?
a. Evaluation c. Development
b. Application d. Review
87. Which is the best reason why Mr. Cruz begins a lesson in Mathematics by checking and reviewing the previous
day’s assignment and provides practice and drills?
a. Make sure that student understand the prerequisite skills for the lesson
b. Make learning interesting and enjoyable for students
c. Prepare the students for the mastery test
d. Give students the opportunity to answer workbook exercises
88. If teacher wants to teach his pupils the skill to organize and integrate concepts the most appropriate technique
a. Brainstorming c. Semantic webbing
b. Role playing d. Games
89. Which activity is best suited to summarize a lesson at the end?
a. Ask students to interpret a cartoon related to the lesson
b. Present a medial summary
c. Administer a short quiz d. Give a homework
90. Teacher C established opening routines in her class. She does not waste time in engaging her pupils to work
immediately. Her pupils are engaged the period. What is exemplified in this situation?
a. Well-planned of activities c. Constant seatwork
b. Sufficient seat work d. Uniform discipline
91. The audio-visual experience is an opportunity for the teacher to guide students for more fruitful learning. It is
more effective if students
a. Participate actively through discussion
b. Are told to remember and memorize facts.
c. Listen attentively and jot down notes
d. Are given quizzes immediately after the presentation
92. Which image must a teacher possess for her to develop creative thinking skills among pupils?
a. “ Repository of knowledge” c. “ Sage”
b. “ Catalyst teachers” d. “ Authority figure”
93. A unit plan formulated using the taxonomic approach contains:
a. Major topics
b. Objectives in the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains
c. Updated resource d. Special activities
94. What group activity is illustrated when the teacher allows the evaluation of work by the group and encourage
the giving of constructive comments and suggestions about ways to improve the work?
a. Consensus decision c. Critiquing session
b. Round table d. Jury trial
95. Leticia strives hard to excel in oratory. Which would explain best her effort?
a. Desire to satisfy aesthetic needs
b. Desire for security
c. Desire for self-actualization
d. Desires to know and understand
96. The teacher and pupils working on honesty agreed that no cabinets and bookcases would be locked throughout
the day. Which one is provided?
a. Pleasant emotional experiences
b. Exemplary models
c. Independent attitude cultivation
d. Appropriate practice
97. Which is the lowest level of comprehensive
a. Integration c. Critical evaluation
b. Critical comprehension d. Literal
98. Mr. David usually holds the Physical Education classes in the open space of the school in the absence of a
covered court or gymnasium one afternoon after the warm up activity and brief introduction of the new activity
of the new activity t started to rain. Which is the best way to handle the situation?
a. Continue the activity since the students are in there P.E uniforms
b. Move the class to their room and give a quite game
c. Dismiss the class and continue next meeting
d. Stop the lesson and wait until the ran stops
99. Everytime a new unit is taken up, the teacher present students with an advanced organizer. Which principle
does the teacher apply?
a. Arrange for appropriate practice
b. Provide for correct responding on the first trial
c. Organize material into appropriate learning units
d. Assist students to learn communication skills
100. As student B was solving a Math problem she detected an error and recovered from that error by making a
quick fix. Which ability did Student B display?
a. Metacognition c. Imagination
b. Intuition d. Creative thinking
101. What is the best way to handle a situation a teacher realizes that her planned lessons were inadequate?
a. Send the students to the library to read related topics
b. Tell the students to prepare for the nest subject
c. Give the students an essay for the remaining period
d. Provide more exercise on the major points of the lesson
102. After reading. The Horse and red Hen, teacher asked the pupils this question” “ What is the best thing to be
according to the horse”? Under what level of comprehension does this question all?
a. Interpretation c. Integration
b. Literal comprehension d. Cortical evaluation
103. The sociogram reveals that four children in your class formed a “ cluster” or a “ cique”. This means that the
teacher should.
a. Talk to them individually to disband the group
b. Encourage them to join other members of the groups with similar interest
c. Discourage them from forming such groups as this should not be allowed
d. Allow them to be the together all the time
104. Which is another name for collaborative learning?
a. Interactive learning c. Cooperative learning
b. Team building d. Integrative learning
105. The human evocative approach and the 4 A’s end with________.
a. Generalization c. Application
b. Analysis d. Abstraction
106. Which of the following is the most important contribution of Gestalt psychology to the theories of learning?
a. Use of multimedia approaches
b. Cognitive insight
c. Importance of the reinforcement in the learning process
d. Concept of readiness in learning
107. The process of thinking about one’s thinking to develop critical thinking is known as__________.
a. Metacognition c. Reflection
b. Hypothesizing d. Meditation
108. Which is a popular teaching-learning approach found in Philippine school where classrooms are generally
self-contained, teacher is the focal point and reference, and the pupils are taught the basic skills-reading,
writing, and counting?
a. Situation approach
b. Traditional approach
c. Montessori approach
d. Eclectic approach
109. Which learning principle marks the highlight of Multiple intelligences?
a. Learning is static and permanent
b. Intelligence is not measured in one form
c. Cognitive theory is stressed in learning
d. People have different IQ level
110. The Greeks’ legacy to the world is democracy. As a teacher, how can you best show you being democratic?
a. Consider your students as capable of independent learning
b. Give the students freedom to express their ideas in any way
c. Treat everyone fairly in terms of learning opportunities
d. Reward the good students and punish the misbehaving ones
111. The more indirect the classroom instruction, the more_______ it is.
a. Topic-focused c. Teacher-centered
b. Student-centered d. Individualized
112. Lewin’s Topological field theory posits that certain “ internal and external forces” operating simultaneously
may cause the person tension. To help the student lessen their tension related to learning, the teacher should
a. Demand perfection from the learners
b. Advise the students on how they will solve their problems
c. Conduct remedial sessions to help students with difficulties
d. Suit the lesson goals and activities to the learner’s nature
113. The creation of centers of excellence in teacher education was meant to strengthen the:
a. Monitoring of teacher education institutions
b. In-service training of teachers
c. Pre-service and in-service training of teachers
d. Pre-service training of teachers
114. The K-W-L strategy performs the following functions, EXCEPT;
a. It provides purpose for reading
b. It encourages the reader to interact with the text
c. It activates previous schema
d. It provides summary of what has been learned
115. Which graphic organizer is used to show how all information and parts of a work of fiction fit together?
a. Main idea and details table c. Story map
b. Cluster map d. Web
116. What theory of long-term memory states that memories are formed by concepts becoming linked to other
a. Schema theory
b. Motivation theory
c. Semantic network theory
d. Levels of processing theory
117. Direct instruction excludes a focus on
a. Student-selected activities
b. Academics
c. Controlled classroom theory
d. Levels of processing theory

118. Daniel Goleman’s theory on emotional intelligence highlights the role of emotion in the success or
happiness of an individual. In which situation can the teacher best cultivate empathy in case of students fighting
in the classroom?
a. Reprimand the students so that others will not follow the misbehavior
b. Tell the students to stop fighting so that there will be peace in the room
c. Make them realize how fighting negatively affects themselves and other
d. Establish roles and responsibilities to avoid arguments among them
119. The adoption of national language directed by the Phil. Constitution is designed primarily to
a. Facilitate communication among diverse linguistic groups
b. Do away with colonial mentality
c. Officially adopt tagalog as a national language
d. Counteract elitism
120. Under which generalization was the tv program Batibot developed?
a. Children learn by conditioning
b. Children learn by discovery
c. Children learn by trial and error
d. Children learn by observing and imitating
121. The teacher provides various learning activities and methods in her teaching so that diverse needs and
interest of learners are met. Which principle of learning did she considered?
a. Learning by doing
b. Cognitive development stage
c. Multiple intelligence
d. Cooperative learning
122. Which of the following situation best shows the teacher’s consideration of the learner’s developmental
a. Teaching from the basic to the complex
b. Using the best strategy for the topics
c. Having outdoor activities for learning
d. Developing the learners’ hidden abilities
123. As a constructivist teacher, which of the following questions can be an interesting one to tap the Grade 2
pupils prior knowledge on digestive system?
a. Why do you think our stomach hurts if we do not eat?
b. What is it about digestion that you learned before?
c. What are the organs responsible for digestion
d. Do you know how the food we eat gets digested?
124. Which of the following is the most important contribution of Gestalt psychology to the theories of learning?
a. Cognitive insight
b. Use of multimedia approaches
c. Concept of reading in learning
d. Importance of reinforcement in the learning process
125. Which is a characteristic of task groups?
a. No limit for work time
b. Complex type of discussion
c. Tend to be teacher-dominated
d. Large group discussion
126. Planning for instruction should be based on certain developmental principles because the:
a. Lesson objectives will determine the students’ activities in class
b. Students need to learn the lessons using appropriate materials
c. Teaching job must be procedural/systematic in order to be effective
d. Class activities must be appropriate to the students background
127. “ What do you think of the behavior of Sabel”? It is typical of children in the rural areas? Explain”. These are
questions asked by the teacher after reading” A new Home for Ruben” under what level of comprehension are
the question categorized?
a. Application c. Interpretation
b. Critical evaluation d. Literal comprehension
128. In a problem solving model, question concerning events or data are:
a. Limited to two questions per student
b. Answered by the teacher in detail
c. Asked by the teacher and answered by the students
d. Raised by the students
129. Which graphic organizer is used to show how a series of events interact to produce a set of results again and
a. Series of events chart b. Web c. Cycle d. Time line
130. Which comment helps create a conducive intellectual learning environment?
a. “ How many problems can you get right?”
b. “ Today, I want to see how much you can learn”
c. “ Here are 5 difficult problems. It’s all right if you can solve just three”
d. “ Here are 5 difficult problems. It’s all right if you can solve just three”
131. Which theory supports cooperative learning strategies?
a. Group games count a lot in assessing learning
b. Learning is best when more interactions happens in a social setting
c. There is no learning that happens in a vacuum
d. Teachers must be a part of the group to facilitate learning
132. Teacher S connects the new lessons to one just completed to enable the students to gain a holistic view of
the subject. What psychological principle is invoked?
a. Stimulation c. Recognition
b. Apperception d. Conceptualization
133. The classroom activity that best relates with the constructivist approach is:
a. Repeating the difficult lessons previously taken up
b. Doing some drills and exercises about a lesson
c. Sharing points of view or ideas during discussion
d. Answering questionnaires to determine learning
134. Teacher A begins her lesson with concrete life experiences than leads the students to abstraction. Which
method did she employ?
a. Transductive c. Deductive
b. Inductive d. Interactive
135. The Audio-visual experience in the classroom is more effective if student:
a. Are given immediately after the presentations
b. Are told to remember and memorize facts
c. Are allowed to eat while viewing
d. Listen attentively and jot down notes
136. Which of the following measures is most affected by an extreme score?
a. Semi-interquartile range c. Mode
b. Median d. Mean
137. Which diagram is used to determine the social interactions among individuals in a group?
a. Sociogram c. Scatter gram
b. Histogram d. Anagram
138. A student has just learned a particular formula to make math problem to solve. She tries it with another
problem and succeeds at it. So this student is even more encouraged top discover easier ways to solve math
problems. Which of Thorn dike’s laws is depicted in this situation?
a. Readiness b. Effect c. Repetition d. Practice
139. Which applies when the means are equal?
a. The distribution of the scores is concentrated
b. The distribution of the scores is widespread
c. The distribution of the scores are identical
d. The distribution of the scores are not necessarily identical
140. On the first day of class after initial introductions, the teacher administered a misconception/ preconception
check. She explained that she wanted to know what the class as a hole already knew about Philippines before
the Spaniard came. On what assumption is this practice based?
a. Teachers teach a number of erroneous information in history
b. A misconception/ preconception check determines students’ readiness for instruction
c. The greatest obstacle to new learning often is not the students’ lack of prior knowledge but, rather, the
existence of prior knowledge
d. History books are replete with factual errors
141. Tom’s raw score in the Filipino class is 23, which is equal to the 70 th percentile. What does this imply?
a. 70% of Tom’s classmates got a score lower than 23
b. Tom’s score is higher than 23 of this classmates
c. 70% of Tom’s classmates got a score above 23
d. Tom’s score is higher than 23 of his classmates
142. Which assessment tool shows evidence of student’s writing skills?
a. Project c. Critiquing sessions
b. Porfolio d. Daily Journal
143. Which is (are) (a) norm-referenced statement?
a. Danny performed better in spelling than 60 of his classmate
b. Danny was able to spell 90% of the words correctly
c. Danny was able to spell 90 of the words correctly and spelled 35 words out of 50 correctly
d. Danny spelled 35 words out of 50 correctly
144. Like a TV, the computer has a:
a. Disk drive c. Screen
b. Keyboard d. File
145. Teacher J discovered that her pupils are weak in comprehension. To further determine in which particular
skill (s) her pupils are weak which test should teacher J give?
a. Aptitude test c. Diagnostic test
b. Placement test d. Standardized test
146. What does a negatively skewed score distribution imply?
a. The scores congregate on the left side of the normal distribution curve
b. The cores are widespread
c. The students must be academically poor
d. The score congregate on the right side of the normal distribution curve
147. In group norming, the percentile rank of the examinee is:
a. Dependent on his batch of the examinee is
b. Independent of his batch of examinees
c. Unaffected by skewed distribution
d. Affected by skewed distribution
148. What type of validity is needed if a test must course objectives and scope?
a. Content b. Concurrent c. Criterion d. Construct
149. Teacher gives this to his class for assessment: CORE IS TO EARTH AS NUCLEUS IS TO ATOM. THEN SHE ASKS
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ODOMETER AND DISTANCE. What is this classroom assessment technique called?
a. Webbing b. Analogy c. Metaphor d. Simile
150. Which applies when there are extreme scores?
a. The median will not be a very reliable measure of central tendency
b. The mode will be the most reliable measure of central tendency
c. There is no reliable measure for central tendency
d. The mean will not be a very reliable measure of central tendency


1. C 54. C 107. B
2. C 55. C 108. B
3. B 56. B 109. B
4. A 57. D 110. B
5. A 58. D 111. B
6. D 59. B 112. B
7. D 60. C 113. C
8. C 61. D 114. D
9. A 62. B 115. A
10. D 63. B 116. D
11. B 64. B 117. A
12. D 65. D 118. C
13. C 66. A 119. A
14. A 67. C 120. B
15. A 68. A 121. C
16. B 69. ? 122. A
17. D 70. C 123. D
18. B 71. C 124. B
19. D 72. A 125. A
20. A 73. D 126. D
21. A 74. A 127. B
22. D 75. C 128. C
23. B 76. A 129. A
24. A 77. A 130. B
25. D 78. A 131. B
26. D 79. D 132. B
27. C 80. B 133. C
28. C 81. D 134. B
29. A 82. D 135. D
30. C 83. D 136. D
31. B 84. A 137. A
32. D 85. D 138. B
33. C 86. D 139. D
34. C 87. A 140. C
35. A 88. C 141. A
36. A 89. A 142. B
37. B 90. A 143. A
38. B 91. C 144. C
39. D 92. B 145. C
40. C 93. B 146. D
41. B 94. C 147. A
42. A 95. C 148. A
43. A 96. D 149. B
44. A 97. D 150. D
45. C 98. B
46. D 99. C
47. B 100. A
48. C 101. D
49. D 102. B
50. D 103. B
51. D 104. C
52. D 105. A
53. A 106. A

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