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2nd Bengt Robertson Memorial Lecture

Neonatology 2010;97:358–365 Published online: June 10, 2010

formerly Biology of the Neonate
DOI: 10.1159/000297765

Useless Perinatal Therapies

Henry L. Halliday 
Department of Child Health, Queen’s University Belfast and Perinatal Medicine, Royal Maternity Hospital,
Belfast, UK

Key Words Introduction

Preterm infants ⴢ Perinatal medicine ⴢ Useless or harmful
therapies ⴢ Oxygen ⴢ Thalidomide ⴢ Chloramphenicol ⴢ Perinatal medicine or more accurately perinatal care
Hexachlorophene ⴢ Sodium bicarbonate ⴢ Benzyl alcohol ⴢ probably had its origins in the 19th century. Neonatal
Thyrotrophin-releasing hormone ⴢ Corticosteroids care, in the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries,
was largely provided by nurses or obstetricians (also
known as accoucheurs) [1]. The Parisian obstetrician
Abstract Pierre Budin cared for newborns at the end of the 19th
With respect to Professor Bengt Robertson whose research century, and by careful observation he noted the impor-
studies were very instrumental in the development of one of tance of keeping low birth weight babies warm [2].
the most important and evidence-based therapies in perina- Throughout the early 20th century, paediatricians took a
tal medicine, namely surfactant therapy, I thought it might greater interest in care of the newborn, both in the USA
be appropriate to review some useless or harmful perinatal [3, 4] and in Europe [5–7]. However, infant mortality be-
therapies. Although the term ‘neonatology’ has only been in gan to decrease in developed countries early in the 20th
existence for about 50 years, care of the newborn in the 19th century well before recognition of the specialty of neona-
century was largely provided by nurses and obstetricians. As tology [8] and this was achieved by improvements in san-
an example, Pierre Budin, a Parisian obstetrician, was very itation, nutrition and socio-economic status rather than
aware of the importance of keeping low birth weight babies direct medical care. The term ‘neonatology’ was intro-
warm. More recently however, a number of useless or harm- duced about 1960 by Alexander Schaffer in the first edi-
ful practices were adopted by those caring for pregnant tion of his textbook Diseases of the Newborn [9]. The
women and their babies. These included uncontrolled oxy- term ‘perinatal medicine’ was probably first used in the
gen supplementation, inadequate temperature control, 1960s when the fetus became directly accessible for blood
withholding feeds, and various drugs such as thalidomide, sampling and the first society for perinatal medicine was
chloramphenicol, hexachlorophene, sodium bicarbonate, founded in Europe [10]. In the UK a perinatal medicine
Epsom salts, benzyl alcohol, thyrotrophin-releasing hor- group was founded in 1976 by about 20 paediatricians led
mone and corticosteroids. Even in the modern age, inappro- by Peter Dunn and in 1981 became a multidisciplinary
priate therapies have been introduced on the basis of short- association of perinatal medicine [11].
term beneficial outcomes without longer-term evaluation. The evolution of neonatology has been extensively re-
Sometimes we are slow to learn the lessons of the past. viewed recently by Alistair Philip including not only the
Copyright © 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel successes related to better understanding of thermoregu-

© 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel Prof. Henry L. Halliday, MD, FRCPE, FRCP, FRCPCH
1661–7800/10/0974–0358$26.00/0 Perinatal Medicine, Royal Maternity Hospital
Fax +41 61 306 12 34 Grosvenor Road, Belfast BT12 6BB (UK)
E-Mail Accessible online at: Tel. +44 2890 633 460, Fax +44 2890 236 203 E-Mail h.halliday @
lation, nutrition, respiratory support, cardiopulmonary 5 years to recognise that this was flawed as infants had
support, infection, regionalisation of care, parent-infant not been enrolled in the study until they were 48 hours
interaction and jaundice, but also the ‘errors in neonatol- old.
ogy’ [12]. In this paper I will try to go one step further and The reduction of oxygen concentrations to !40% was
review the useless or harmful therapies used in perinatal/ associated with increased mortality of infants with respi-
neonatal medicine in the past 100 years or so. My choice ratory distress syndrome (RDS) [25] and an increase in
of useless therapies is rather subjective as a literature cerebral palsy in surviving preterm infants [26]. It has
search using these key words, whilst unearthing at least been estimated that ‘each sighted infant gained may have
one important publication [13], generally was unhelpful. cost some 16 deaths’ [27]. Fortunately, blood gas monitor-
I consulted publications by Bill Silverman [14–16] and ing was developed in the 1960s, followed by transcutane-
Alex Robertson [17–19] and these provided me with use- ous monitoring in the 1970s and the concept of titrating
ful suggestions for inclusion in this review. I decided to oxygen supplementation based on need led to a reduction
present my useless perinatal therapies in roughly chrono- in RLF in all but the most immature infants. With the
logical order starting from the early 20th century and I introduction of pulse oximetry in the 1990s and increas-
apologise to those whose favourite ‘useless’ therapy has ing survival of very preterm infants there has been a re-
been left out. cent increase in ROP [28]. This has led to the conclusion
that neonatologists still do not know what range of oxy-
gen saturations to target in very preterm infants to ensure
Uncontrolled Oxygen Supplementation optimal survival without disability and the lowest pos-
sible rate of ROP [16, 29, 30]. Indeed there is emerging
In 1907, Budin [2] recommended giving oxygen to pre- evidence that resuscitation of newborn infants with 100%
mature infants with cyanotic attacks. Prior to this in oxygen increases the risk of neonatal mortality [31].
1780, Chaussier experimented with oxygen for newborn
infants who failed to establish normal respiration after
birth [16]. Prolonged oxygen therapy was advocated for Inappropriate Thermal Care of Low Birth Weight
treatment of cyanotic attacks in 1923 by Bakwin [20] and Infants
for apnoea and perinatal asphyxia in 1934 by Hess [21].
Bill Silverman has stated that ‘the modern era of treat- From 1926 to 1933, Blackfan and Yaglou made serial
ment (routine prolonged exposure of small premature in- observations of body temperature and outcomes of pre-
fants to high concentrations of oxygen) began in earnest term infants cared for in the Boston Lying-in Hospital
… in 1942’ [16]. In the late 1940s, newly designed incuba- [32]. They found that poor weight gain and mortality
tors were able to administer high concentrations of oxy- were reduced when body temperature was stabilised with
gen for prolonged periods. Although retrolental fibropla- careful control of humidity but no relationship between
sia (RLF, now called retinopathy of prematurity, ROP) mortality and specific body temperature was found. This
was first reported in 1940 [17], it was not until 1951 that finding of no mortality difference related to body tem-
its link with uncontrolled oxygen supplementation was perature was probably explained by the postnatal age
first recognised by Mary Crosse in Birmingham [22] and (most 115 days) and weight (most 11,500 g) of the babies
Kate Campbell in Melbourne [23]. The suggestion of a studied [17]. However, the authors concluded that ‘the
link between uncontrolled oxygen supplementation and predisposition to a subnormal temperature, particularly
RLF remained controversial until 18 neonatal units in the in infants of the low weight group, is believed to be a char-
USA undertook a randomised controlled trial in 1953 acteristic of prematurity which should be preserved. At-
comparing routine oxygen (150% for 28 days) with cur- tempts to force the body temperature of small infants to
tailed oxygen (only for cyanosis or respiratory difficulty, the supposedly normal level of 98.6 ° F (37.4 ° C) should be
!50% until symptoms resolved) [16]. When the results discouraged, as in a number of instances such a practice
were presented in 1954 they showed no appreciable in- has been followed by overheating with its resultant seri-
crease in mortality with curtailed oxygen and a two- ous consequences.’ This 1933 paper led to preterm babies
thirds reduction in the rate of cicatricial RLF [24]. Unfor- being nursed in inappropriately low environmental tem-
tunately the results of the Cooperative Study were inter- peratures until Richard Day in 1943 [33] and Bill Silver-
preted as showing that !40% oxygen was safe for preterm man in 1959 [34] put the record straight. Silverman [34]
infants and Silverman [16] reported that it took a further began a randomised controlled trial of incubator humid-

Useless Perinatal Therapies Neonatology 2010;97:358–365 359

ity and temperature in 1954 and this showed that mortal- mide was being marketed as the drug of choice for morn-
ity rates of infants of !1,000 g birth weight were signifi- ing sickness and nausea. In 1961 there were reports from
cantly higher when nursed in incubator temperatures of Australia [42] and Germany [43] linking thalidomide to
29 versus 32 ° C (50 vs. 14%). Alex Robertson [17] has stat- a marked increase in infants born with a variety of birth
ed that ‘it is impossible to know how many babies died defects including limb reductions such as phocomelia.
from inappropriate environmental temperature during The German paediatrician Lenz reported 161 infants
the approximately 50 years before newborn temperature with malformations after thalidomide in pregnancy stat-
control physiology was understood’. ing ‘women who took even 1 tablet of thalidomide be-
tween the 20th and 36th day after conception were at risk
of delivering malformed infants [but] beyond that time
Withholding Feeds for Preterm Infants thalidomide caused no deformities at all’ [43].
Thalidomide was withdrawn from the German mar-
In the 1940s the fear of aspiration led to the practice of ket by the end of 1961 [15] but not before it had been used
withholding feeds for 72 hours after birth in both the by pregnant women in many countries worldwide. It has
USA [35] and the UK [36]. Budin in 1907 [2] and later been estimated that between 8,000 and 12,000 infants
Ylppo in Finland and Gleiss in Germany [17] advocated were born with malformations and of these about 5,000
early feeding with breast milk but they were unfortunate- survived beyond childhood. Perhaps the more remark-
ly in a minority. From the 1960s there were concerns that able is that thalidomide has made a comeback as a drug
delayed feeding was associated with an increased risk of to successfully treat a variety of inflammatory and im-
neurodevelopmental problems and cerebral palsy [37] mune system disorders, and it has potent effects as an
which may have been due to hypoglycaemia and hyper- inhibitor of angiogenesis [44].
bilirubinaemia [38]. A small randomised trial was not
able to confirm the benefits of early feeding [39] and it
was not until the 1970s that it was accepted as appropriate Chloramphenicol for Neonates
for preterm infants. Even in recent times, inadequate ear-
ly nutrition of the very preterm baby has been highlight- Chloramphenicol was first marketed in 1949 as the
ed as a persistent problem [40, 41]. However, Alex Robert- first available broad spectrum antibiotic [18]. In the
son [17] has attributed the remarkable improvements in 1950s, chloramphenicol was given prophylactically to
neonatal mortality over the last 50 years mostly to ade- newborn infants at risk of infection, for example after
quate nutrition, appropriate temperature control, antibi- preterm rupture of the membranes [45]. These authors
otics and assisted ventilation. found that mortality among infants with preterm rupture
of the membranes increased from 29/1,000 to 144/1,000
after prophylaxis with chloramphenicol was introduced.
Thalidomide as a Sedative in Pregnancy More than 10% of the infants treated with chloramphen-
icol died with ‘grey sickness’ later to become known as the
Thalidomide was developed as a potential antibiotic in grey baby syndrome. At about the same time, Sutherland
1954 by a small German drug company but it proved to [46] reported 3 cases of fatal cardiovascular collapse in
have no antibiotic activity or any other effects in several neonates given large doses of chloramphenicol. Later, a
animal models [15]. The company felt that it could be- randomised trial of combinations of antibiotics versus
come the ideal ‘non-toxic sedative’ and early in 1955 free no antibiotics found that mortality in infants of 2,001–
samples were distributed to doctors in Germany and 2,500 g increased from 2.5 to 45% when chloramphenicol
Switzerland. Later the new drug was prescribed for pre- was given [47]. The grey baby syndrome developed typi-
vention of seizures although no anticonvulsant effects cally a few days after the start of chloramphenicol treat-
had been found in animals; however, the sedative effects ment when the infants developed abdominal distension,
of the drug were confirmed in these patients. In 1957, tha- pallid cyanosis, cold moist skin and a weak pulse with
lidomide was approved and in Germany was sold over the death occurring shortly afterwards from cardiovascular
counter because it was believed to be very safe. A year collapse [18]. Once the dose of chloramphenicol was re-
later the drug company wrote to all German physicians duced from 100–150 to 20–50 mg/kg/day about 1960 the
to say that thalidomide was the best sedative drug for cases of grey baby syndrome disappeared. The toxicity of
pregnant and nursing mothers [15]. Before long, thalido- the drug was due to impaired glucuronidation and re-

360 Neonatology 2010;97:358–365 Halliday

duced renal excretion which allowed the drug to accumu- treat babies with RDS until at least the mid-1970s, prompt-
late although the precise biochemical mechanism of the ing Alex Robertson [18] to say ‘there is no way of knowing
toxicity was never fully explained [48]. how many babies died as a result of treatment with Epsom
salt enemas’.

Hexachlorophene Bathing of Neonates

Sodium Bicarbonate in Neonatal Medicine
Staphylococcal skin colonisation and infection was
managed in neonatal units by prophylactic bathing of Sodium bicarbonate has been used for many years to
each infant with 3% hexachlorophene after effectiveness treat neonatal cardiac arrest and metabolic acidosis [13].
was reported in 1952 [49]. The first report of neurotoxic- The rationale for use in cardiac arrest was that acidaemia
ity of hexachlorophene was in 1959 when an infant devel- impairs myocardial function and reduces the beneficial
oped seizures after 4 days of treatment [18]. Animal stud- effects of epinephrine on blood pressure, heart rate and
ies later showed spongy degeneration of the white matter cardiac output. Standard teaching has been to correct ac-
[50]. In 1971, the American Academy of Pediatrics rec- idosis with sodium bicarbonate before giving epineph-
ommended that hexachlorophene should not be used for rine during cardiopulmonary resuscitation [13]. Howev-
total body washing of newborn infants [18]. Two years er, doubts about the benefits of sodium bicarbonate in
later an autopsy study from the University of Washington cardiopulmonary resuscitation were first raised in the
reported vacuolation of the reticular formation of the 1980s when animal studies showed detrimental effects on
brain in 63% of infants who had been washed 3 or more myocardial function [54] and myocardial acidosis was
times with 3% hexachlorophene and !1% in less exposed worsened leading to a reduced likelihood of successful
infants [51]. When 3% hexachlorophene was withdrawn resuscitation [55]. There has been only one small ran-
from neonatal care, most units reverted to using triple domised trial of sodium bicarbonate use in neonates with
dye or other antiseptics for cord care. birth asphyxia and this found no effect on neonatal mor-
tality or abnormal neurological examination at discharge
[56]. There are no studies in neonates showing either
Epsom Salt Enemas for Respiratory Distress short-term or long-term benefits of sodium bicarbonate
Syndrome after cardiac arrest [57].
Metabolic acidosis is relatively common in neonatal
In October 1964, at a meeting of the American College units and in 1963, Usher [58] introduced early intrave-
of Pathologists, Stowens reported on the beneficial effects nous administration of glucose and sodium bicarbonate
of Epsom salt enemas to treat RDS [18]. As this was the infusions for preterm infants with RDS reporting im-
year after the death of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy (first son proved survival compared to historical controls. Whilst
of President John Kennedy) from RDS, this paper was this was an advance at the time, Usher [59] later showed
widely reported in the lay press; indeed on 22nd October that more rapid infusions of hypertonic solutions of so-
1964 the New York Times [14] reported on its front page dium bicarbonate increased mortality and intracranial
under the headline Fatal Baby Disease Cured: haemorrhage. A later randomised clinical trial showed
Respiratory distress syndrome has been cured by giving Ep- that sodium bicarbonate was no more effective in de-
som salt enemas to 28 premature babies in 5 Louisville hospitals. creasing intracranial haemorrhage and mortality than
RDS must be due to too much water in the body and as it tries to glucose and water in preterm infants with acidosis [60].
escape through the lungs the babies suffocate and choke. It is not A Cochrane review found only 2 small randomised trials
yet certain that this theory is correct but it is certain that the treat- and neither reported long-term outcomes [61]. Thus,
ment works as all 28 babies who were suffocating improved dra-
matically and were normal in an hour or less. there is insufficient evidence to determine if infusions of
sodium bicarbonate reduce morbidity or mortality rates
When Stowens [52] published his pathological studies of preterm infants with metabolic acidosis. Indeed, the
a year later he gave no objective measures of improvement situation may be worse than this as there is evidence that
in the 28 treated infants. However, he also reported mag- sodium bicarbonate, especially if given rapidly, will in-
nesium toxicity in a subsequently treated infant and in crease rates of intracranial haemorrhage [13, 59] and in
1973 others reported a neonatal death [53]. Epsom salt addition have potential adverse effects on the developing
enemas continued to be used sporadically in the USA to myocardium [13, 62]. Aschner and Poland [13] have con-

Useless Perinatal Therapies Neonatology 2010;97:358–365 361

cluded that ‘despite more than 50 years of experience [72] studies and the Cochrane review [73] did not find
with sodium bicarbonate, the data do not support a net any improvement in neonatal outcomes but did uncover
beneficial effect of sodium bicarbonate in infants with important short-term and long-term adverse effects. The
metabolic acidosis’. ACTOBAT study had found an increased risk for RDS
and need for mechanical ventilation in the TRH-treated
infants [71] and at a 12-month follow-up assessment con-
Benzyl Alcohol as an Excipient ducted by maternal questionnaire there was also an in-
creased risk of motor delay and sensory impairment in
Normal saline containing 0.9% benzyl alcohol as a these infants [74]. Although the ACTOBAT researchers
bacteriostatic agent was often used to flush arterial lines cautioned that ‘antenatal TRH should only be used in the
[19]. In 1981 there was a report of 5 preterm infants who context of a clinical trial’, the findings of the follow-up
presented with severe metabolic acidosis, renal and he- study remained controversial largely because of the na-
patic failure with neurological signs and notably gasping ture of the assessments used. Subsequently, a Cochrane
respirations giving rise to the term ‘gasping syndrome’ review containing data from over 4,600 women treated
[63]. As benzyl alcohol is metabolised to benzoic acid it with TRH concluded that the treatment (added to corti-
was believed that this was responsible for the toxicity as costeroids) did not reduce the risk of RDS or chronic ox-
accumulation occurred due to deficient conjugation of ygen dependence, and did not improve any of the fetal,
benzoic acid to hippuric acid prior to excretion by liver neonatal or childhood outcomes assessed by intention-
and kidneys [19]. In 1982 the Food and Drugs Adminis- to-treat analyses [73]. Indeed, there were adverse out-
tration in the USA recommended that flush solutions comes for both infants (increased need for mechanical
should no longer contain benzyl alcohol or any other pre- ventilation, lower Apgar scores at 5 min and poorer out-
servatives and the gasping syndrome disappeared after comes at childhood follow-up) and mothers (nausea,
this. Whether benzyl alcohol was responsible for in- vomiting, light-headedness and raised blood pressure).
creased risks of kernicterus and intraventricular hae- Needless to say, prenatal TRH is no longer used to en-
morrhage [64, 65] remains uncertain but it now seems hance fetal lung maturity.
strange that it was used as a bacteriostatic agent in the
1980s when concerns about displacement of bilirubin
from albumin were raised 10 years earlier [66]. Benzyl Postnatal Corticosteroids for Chronic Lung Disease
alcohol is only one of many excipients added to preserve
and stabilise drugs used for the newborn and recently In contrast to the proven beneficial effects of prenatal
there have been concerns that we do not fully understand corticosteroid therapy [75], controversy exists over the
their effects [67]. In a study from Leicester, infants less risks and benefits of postnatal corticosteroid therapy to
than 30 weeks’ gestation were exposed to over 20 excipi- prevent or treat neonatal chronic lung disease [19, 69, 76].
ents including ethanol and propylene glycol, chemicals Dexamethasone was first used to treat bronchopulmo-
associated with neurotoxicity, during their stay in neona- nary dysplasia (BPD) in the neonatal unit of Georgetown
tal intensive care [68]. University Hospital in Washington in 1978 [77]. This was
a small uncontrolled study and it was followed in the
1980s by 2 small randomised controlled trials which used
Prenatal Thyrotrophin-Releasing Hormone for Lung sequential designs [78, 79]. Only 22 infants in total were
Maturation enrolled and both studies were terminated early for ben-
efit when lung disease improved or infants could be
Roger Soll and colleagues [69] have recently noted how weaned from ventilation [77]. Dexamethasone was used
Cochrane reviews have been important in identifying in very large doses of 0.5 mg/kg/day and this was based
perinatal interventions that are ineffective or harmful. upon better responses in 2 infants compared with a dose
They chose prenatal thyrotrophin-releasing hormone of 0.1 mg/kg/day in one of these trials [78]. The authors
(TRH) for fetal lung maturation as the prime example. of these 2 trials warned of the dangers of using dexameth-
Animal studies suggested that TRH might act synergisti- asone to treat BPD: ‘dexamethasone treatment cannot be
cally with corticosteroids to reduce the risk of RDS in recommended without further study of patient selection,
preterm infants and the first trials were encouraging [70]. dosage schedules, short- and long-term side effects, and
However, subsequent large Australian [71] and American mechanisms of its action’ [78] and ‘dexamethasone is,

362 Neonatology 2010;97:358–365 Halliday

however, a dangerous drug with many side effects. In the kg/day [85] and inhaled budesonide is currently being
long run, risk and benefit must be carefully balanced, lest studied in a large European trial [86]. One of the lessons
the cure be worse than the disease’ [79]. from postnatal steroid therapy is that all drugs used in
Unfortunately, the cautions given by these authors perinatal medicine have positive as well as negative ef-
went largely unheeded and dexamethasone continued to fects and short-term benefits do not always translate into
be used to prevent and treat BPD albeit mainly in further continuing long-term improved outcomes. Randomised
randomised controlled trials [80, 81]. By late 1998 over trials of new interventions in perinatal medicine must in-
4,000 preterm infants had been enrolled in randomised clude evaluations of long-term outcome in infancy and
controlled trials of dexamethasone and 29% of very low childhood.
birth weight infants in the Vermont-Oxford Network re-
ceived the drug [69]. The situation changed following
publication of Tsu Yeh’s 2-year follow-up study of infants Conclusions
enrolled in a large randomised trial of a 4-week course of
dexamethasone to prevent BPD [82]. Yeh and his col- Space has not allowed me to discuss all the useless or
leagues reported that dexamethasone-treated infants had harmful interventions introduced into perinatal medi-
a significantly higher incidence of neuromotor dysfunc- cine. Some of those I have not mentioned are: sulpha
tion and lower psychomotor development index scores drugs and kernicterus, increased mortality from feeding
than control infants. However, this study did not have a gastrostomies for preterm infants, erythromycin and py-
major impact perhaps because it was published in an elec- loric stenosis, intravenous vitamin E and multiorgan
tronic format, and it was not until 2 further follow-up damage, premature infant formulae and lactobezoars, vi-
studies were published in 1999 and 2000 that clinicians tamin K prophylaxis and kernicterus, methaemoglobi-
began to seriously worry about the adverse long-term ef- naemia from chemicals used to launder nappies, and no-
fects of early dexamethasone therapy [77]. Soll and col- vobiocin and kernicterus [12]. Other more recent exam-
leagues [69] stated that ‘the use of postnatal corticoste- ples include inhaled nitric oxide either as rescue therapy
roids decreased dramatically since the findings of the Co- for the very ill ventilated preterm infant or to prevent
chrane reviews were disseminated’. They noted that by BPD in very preterm infants [87, 88] and erythropoietin
2005 less than 8% of very low birth weight infants report- therapy to prevent anaemia [89]. Recently there have been
ed to the Vermont-Oxford Network received postnatal concerns about unwanted adverse effects of erythropoie-
corticosteroids. What the Cochrane reviews did show sis-stimulating agents in adults with renal failure who
was an approximate 70% increased risk of cerebral palsy had increased mortality from myocardial infarctions
in infants treated with dexamethasone in the first week [90]. Ohlsson and Aher [89] reported that early erythro-
of life to prevent BPD and little evidence of either harm- poietin treatment in very preterm infants reduced the
ful or beneficial effects of early hydrocortisone therapy need for blood transfusions in the short-term but in-
[80]. creased the risk of severe ROP to the extent that one extra
A subsequent meta-regression analysis showed the case would occur for every 20 treated infants. This brings
timing of dexamethasone treatment was less important us full circle from uncontrolled oxygen supplementation
than the background risk of developing BPD [83]. When raising feelings of déjà vu and providing another example
infants are at low risk of developing BPD (early treatment of the need for including long-term follow-up in all stud-
preventive studies) the risk of adverse long-term effects of ies of perinatal interventions [14]. I am cognizant of the
dexamethasone is highest and vice versa, when the risk of fact that I have included only a few examples of useless or
BPD is high the effect of dexamethasone overall may be harmful interventions in pregnancy and I recommend
beneficial by allowing earlier extubation and reducing that readers search for examples of these in the excellent
the severity of chronic lung disease. This means that Cochrane Pocketbook on Pregnancy and Childbirth [91].
postnatal corticosteroid treatment still has a role in the
treatment of BPD although it should not be used in the
first week of life to prevent BPD [80]. More research is
needed to determine which steroid drug should be used,
the lowest effective dose and the route of administration.
If dexamethasone is to be used it seems to be effective in
much lower doses of 0.15 mg/kg/day [84] or even 0.05 mg/

Useless Perinatal Therapies Neonatology 2010;97:358–365 363

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