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Republic of the Philippines


Sinsuat Avenue, Cotabato City


Theories, Concept and Principles in Education

Administrative System as Perceived by the
School Administrators

A Concept Paper

Prepared by:

Summer Class 2020-2021



Kalantungan Elementary School

Theories, Concepts and Principles in Administrative System

Table of Contents






Theories, Concepts and Principles in Administrative System

I. Introduction

All humans, whether they are conscious of it or not, operate according

to thousands of theories to explain their experience, predict future events,

and control outcomes in various situations. All theories are situational, and

based on an underlying set of values, beliefs and assumptions that frame an

individual’s perception of the world, which include assumptions about

desirable outcomes for a variety of situations.

Most principals administer their schools on the basis of an implicit

educational theory. After a long period of training and experience in schools

they have come to practical conclusions about the major issues in

education; these conclusions in turn have developed into attitudes which

guide their daily initiatives and responses

It has been my experience that explication of an administrator's

underlying educational theory can have numerous positive effects. It can

provide a framework which enables the administrator to integrate the

various elements of personal theory, and, as a result, to construct and

articulate a more solid basis for activity. Greater explication can enlarge the

efficacy of the theory as a guide to action both by increasing consistency and

by creating a greater sense of direction and purpose in the principal and the


II. Objectives

The chief idea of accomplishing this paper is to recognize the guiding

principles and challenges in front of educational leaders.

Theories, Concepts and Principles in Administrative System

Provide some of the central issues of the discipline of school

administration and to elucidate, if not resolve them. This should also

provide you an understanding into the basic aims of the discipline and make

its subject matter significant to the reader.

To determine the influence of observed threats on the use of the

theories to gain competitive advantage and to assess the influence of

theories on the leadership of the school administrator.

III. Content

A good theory exists when there has been established a set of

principles upon which action may be predicted.

The interview began with the first question about principals’ thought

about Theory. This question was asked to the participant in order to get his

own understanding and personal view. The participant showed his

enthusiasm when the researcher was proposing the question, “How do you

understand theory based on your common understanding?” Mr. Maguid

stated that,” I am delighted to come across such an interesting question.

Theory means a phenomenon, proven fact or idea.”

The second question was the theory, concept and principles that he

has been using as a school administrator. He stated that, Leadership in

schools should not stick to one theory in their practice. It is advisable to

employ all theories as that best fit in an organization. One of that theories is

the Bureaucracy management theory, of Fayolism and Taylorism for the

reason that, it helps me as a head of school to follow procedures and

principles of running the school. As a head of the school I am in a better

Theories, Concepts and Principles in Administrative System

position to place my teachers in rightful places they are qualified to teach.

Delegation of duties and respect for subordinates is crucial.

Furthermore, the principles that guided school leaders in the past

seem, on the surface, vastly different from the qualities that contribute to

success today. At the beginning of my administrative work, I wasn't the best

leader. I did not adapt well to the changing necessities of my work, and I

failed to motivate my teachers. As I gained experience, I developed a

blueprint for leadership that guided my staff. Suffice to say, my principles

have worked well thus far. Exhibit passion is one of the principles I want to

share that I use to make decisions in my school. It is the best way to

motivate my teachers is by being utterly passionate about the job I do. My

enthusiasm for the job shows commitment, giving them a sense of stability,

and it energizes them to enjoy the work as well.

“You've got to find what you love... Your work is going to fill a large part

of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is

great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do”.

- Steve Jobs

Loving my work, as Jobs puts it, is contagious and energizing to those

around me. Whenever I feel stressed or down, I remember that as a leader, I

don't have the luxury of letting it affect me or those around me.

IV. Problems Encountered

The schools fight with many obstacles in the education system,

therefore, the roles of the principals become more crucial. As we go along, I

Theories, Concepts and Principles in Administrative System

asked Mr. Maguid about what are those problems that he encountered as a

school head? He states that;

“The major problem that I encountered as a school principal is the

change and irrelevancy. This is the inconsistent changes of education

policies especially in national curriculum due to poor instructional

leadership. Until now, the government has been changing the curriculum

frequently in order to improve the quality of education. However, the

demanding curriculum has been criticized for not ideally illustrating

students’ qualities, opinions and interests. Few of the students reach their

education goals from the curriculum. The frequently changing curriculums

have been seen as one of the major obstacles to enhance education quality

in Kalantungan Elementary School.

V. Recommendations

To encounter problem in the area of rapid changes in education

policies especially those connected to national curriculum, the school

leaders need to be involved in consulting and supervising the educational

policies especially in national curriculum. School leaders’ roles are essential

in adapting culture of change and managing the school to react positively

yet critically to the rapid changes both in local and national education

policies. This can create such atmosphere that inspires school members to

be actively involved in change.

Therefore, for effective school administration, the administrator needs

to be knowledgeable in the theories, techniques and principles of school

administration as a guide for action when necessary. Orientation toward one

Theories, Concepts and Principles in Administrative System

or the other theory would have significant impact on the various aspects of

school operation that are regularly controlled by principals.

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