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TEST 1- ĐT 2022

I: You will hear an interview with Trina Trevose, a pop singer who is only fifteen. For
questions 1-5, choose the best answer A, B or C. You will listen TWICE.
1. When Trina went to the USA, she ______.
A. thought the records she made would be unsuccessful
B. knew her friends would be jealous of her
C. didn’t tell many people why she was going
2. When Trina was in the USA, she wrote songs about ______.
A. her home B. the weather C. people she met
3. Where was Trina performing when she was noticed by the record company?
A. In London B. Near her home C. In the US
4. Why did Trina sing with David Pearson?
A. He needed some help B. She wrote a song for him C. The record company asked
her to
5. Trina was asked to return to the US to ______.
A. re-do some work B. appear on TV again C. record new song
II: You will hear someone giving a talk about global warming. For questions 1-10, complete
each of the sentences with ONE word or number.
Scientists say that with every (1) ________________ that goes by, the planet is getting warmer.
Scientists don’t just take record low temperatures into account, they measure (2)
________________ temperature changes.
Research has proved that over the last (3) ________________ years, the Earth’s average
temperature has risen by about two degrees.
Solar flares are small (4) ________________ that happen on the surface of the Sun.
Scientists say that the Sun’s activity was (5) ________________ during the period from 2005 to
Some people think that there’s no way carbon dioxide can be (6) ________________ to the planet.
Too much carbon dioxide (7) ________________ heat within the atmosphere.
Some people think global warming can create a longer (8) ________________ season.
While northern regions gets warmer, the rest of the planet will suffer from water shortages, (9)
________________ and expanding deserts.
For some people, climate change will make food expensive or even (10) ________________ to


I. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Educational TV programmes like this are very …………… for young children. (STIMULATE)
2. Ben insisted on his articles being ……………by editors and left when his boss said that was
impossible. (MODIFY)

3. I am looking for a …………… jeweller who will be able to appraise this watch and tell me how
much it's worth. (REPUTE)
4. Jan Welbech was a reputable physicist until his main two theories were completely ……………
5. The shark's …………… is somewhat unfair as fatal attacks are extremely rare.
6. I read a story with the title 'A Strange …………… At Talbot Bridge', which was about a train-
riding ghost. (OCCUR)
7. I went on a diet that …………… only fresh and organic food and I could only drink water.
8. The comedian joked about a plane crash and some in the audience thought he was being
…………… (RESPECT)
9. The ……………of a road in Sweden allows electric cars to recharge. (ELECTRICAL)
10. During World War 2, many soldiers were punished for …………… and have since been
pardoned. (COWARDLY)
II: Fill in each gap with a suitable phrasal verb in the correct form or tense to complete each
of the following sentences.

do away with brush up count on come round go over

leave out make out move in pull off put together

1. They are selling their old computer but they don’t expect it to __________ much.
2. I really must __________ my Japanese before we visit Japan next year.
3. Can we __________ the arrangements once again to make sure that everything will work out
4. My parents have bought a new house recently and we're planning to __________ soon.
5. There was a lot of fog so I couldn't __________ the licence plate of the car.
6. It was very interesting to see how the construction workers __________the bridge __________.
7. We all tried to convince our teacher to change his mind about the school trip and he finally
8. He __________ some important information at the interview because he didn't want his new
boss to know everything about him.
9. The murderer __________ all the victims by poisoning them with cyanide.
10. You're my best friend. I can always __________ you if something goes wrong.

III: The following passage contains 10 mistakes. Identify the mistakes and write the
corrections in the corresponding numbered boxes on your answer sheet. Number 0 is an
Example: 0. Line 1. amazed amazing

One of the most (0) amazed marathon races in the world is the marathon of Line 1
the Sands. It takes places every April in the Sahara Desert in the south of Line 2
Morocco, a part of the world where temperatures can reach fifty degrees Line 3
centigrade. The standard length of the marathon is 42.5 kilometers but this
one is 240 kilometers long and spends seven days to complete. It began in Line 4
1986 and now attracts about two hundred runners, the majority of their ages Line 5
range from seventeen to forty-seven. About half of them come from France Line 6
and the rest to all over the world. From Britain it costs £2,500 to enter, which Line 7
includes return air fares. The race is rapidly getting more and more popular
Line 8
despite, and perhaps because of the harsh conditions that runners must endure.
They have to carry food and something else the need for seven days in Line 9
rucksack weighed no more than twelve kilograms. In addition to this, they are Line 10
given a liter and a half of water every ten kilometers. Incredibly, near all the Line 11
runners finish the course. One man, Ibrahim EI Joual, took part in every race Line 12
from 1986 to 2004. Runners do suffer terrible physical hardships. Sometimes
they lose toenails and skin peels on their foot. However, doctors are always in Line 13
hand to deal with minor injuries and to make sure that runners do not push Line 14
themselves too far. Line 15
Line 16
Line 17
Line 18
Line 19

Questions Lines Mistakes Corrections


I: Fill in each gap in the following passage with ONE suitable word.
The knowledge and eloquence that people gain through travelling is usually perceived (1)
_______ the best fulfilment in life. It is the inquisitive human nature (2) _______ impels people to
seek thrilling experiences and to set out on an exploration trip. Those who travel frequently and to

diverse places benefit from establishing new relationships and (3) _______ a better knowledge
about other cultures and lifestyles.
However, there is a grain of the truth in the assumption that people are prone to cherishing cliches
and unfounded prejudices about other nations and their characteristics. Sometimes, it is only the
first-hand encounter that can help change the approach towards the (4) _______ ‘inferior
communities’. This direct (5) _______ with a different civilization enables travelers to drop their
baseless assumptions and get acquainted with the real concept of life in all four (6) _______ of the
globe. Beyond question, travelling facilitates friendship and makes (7) _______ easier for many
individuals to acknowledge the true value of different traditions and customs. Yet, it does not
always (8) _______ enjoyment. It (9) _______ also involve coming close with the atrocities of real
existence as well as becoming aware of the challenges and hardships that other people have to
struggle with. Hence, a true voyage is the one with a good deal of experience to reminisce about,
(10) _______ often combined with exposure to abhorrent sights and incredible ordeals. The
learning to be complete, thus, requires an ability to observe and analyse the surroundings, both their
glamour and brutality.

I: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the original

1. Scientists have tried very hard to find a cure for this disease.
Enormous ........................................................................................................................
2. My brother works better when he is pressed for time.
The less............................................................................................................................
3. We couldn’t have managed without my father’s money.
If it ..................................................................................................................................
4.The truth only came out on the publication of the general’s personal diaries.
Only when........................................................................................................................
5. The students’ riotous behaviour should have been severely punished.
The students deserved.....................................................................................................
6. Whatever colour you choose, we can supply it.
No matter ........................................................................................................................
7. What put me off the idea was simple how expensive it was going to be.
The sheer ........................................................................................................................
8. Someone has suggested abolishing income tax.
It .......................................................................................................................................
9. Both of the lifts were out of order.
Neither ..........................................................................................................................................
10. It wasn’t my fault the business failed.
Through no ......................................................................................................................

II: Rewrite each of the following sentences using the capitalized word given in brackets in
such a way that it means the same as the original one. Do NOT change the word given.
1. They paid no attention to the man’s sudden disappearance. (NOTICE)
2. You must do exactly what the manager tells you. (CARRY)
3. Fred tried hard to start the car, but without success. (MATTER)
4. After the scandal, he was asked to resign. (HAND)
5. Many people will congratulate her if she wins. (SHOWERED)
III: Write an ESSAY of about 150 – 200 words answering the following question: “Many
doctors say that people in today’s world do not do enough physical exercise. What do you think are
the causes of this?”





















I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other
three in each of the following questions.
1. A. educator B. truant C. suspension D. education
2. A. desolate B. equatorial C. fertile D. temperate
3. A. barren B. arid C. arctic D. craggy
4. A. cruise B. fundamental C. reluctance D. upstanding
5. A. mutual B. contractual C. actual D. punctuality
II. Choose the word whose main stress position is different from that of the other three in each of
the following questions.
1. A. orchestra B. impetuous C. pantomime D. corpulent
2. A. proponent B. proposal C. consensus D. lucrative
3. A. economic B. monotonous C. hilarious D. collaborate
4. A. constituency B. constitution C. presentiment D. subsidiary
5. A. ethanol B. cultivate C. monetary D. repentant


I. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Your ideas, _______, seem unusual to me
A. as hers B. like hers C. similar as hers D. different than hers
2. ______ we go to work at 2:00, we should leave office by 5:30.
A. Assuming B. Having assumed C. To assume D. Assumed
3. It is suggested that the campaign __________ funds _________ at once
A. to raise – be launched B. raise – to be launched
C. raise – launched D. to raise – is launched
4. It's high time the government ______ farmers to leave some fields uncultivated
A. encouraged B. had encouraged
C. be encouraged D. encourage
5. At the deep botton of Atlantic _________________
A. lied the Titanic B. did the Titanic lie C. lay the Titanic D. had the Titanic lain
6. –“I locked myself out of my apartment. I didn't know what to do.”
–“You ______ your roommate.”
A. could have called B. may have called
C. would have called D. must have called
7. It is possible to ______ out of the pension scheme if employees do not want to participate.
A. back B. charge C. opt D. break
8. The company has consistenly ________ the importance of a well – trained workforce
A. devalued B. deprecated C. underrated D. minimised
9. I don’t need any medicine. I am as right as _________.
A. clouds B. rays C. rain D. a haze
10. The doctor said that you should exercise in ______.
A. compulsion B. restriction C. moderation D. qualification


I. Read the following passage and choose the correct option to fill in each of the
Write your answers (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet. (5 pts)
As the twenty-first century approaches, it seems that more and more people are leading
increasingly hectic and stressful lives. This leaves little, if any, time for (1)_______ activities. All
too often, it appears that any interest that we may have in sporting activities will disappear when our
lifestyle become more stressful, but many people (2)_______ to realize that a few hours to enjoy
sports each week can actually reduce stress levels. Another (3) _______ that is associated with
playing sports is general improvement in health. This, in turn, can lead to weight loss, due to the
fact that fat is (4)_______ when our heartbeat (5)_______ above a certain level. (6)_______, as
with everything, there are certain drawbacks to taking part in a sport, the main one being that it can
lead to serious injury. The main reasons for this are that we have not taken time to (7)_______
properly or that we are not properly supervised in our chosen sport. In addition, it is very easy to
exhaust the heart if exercise is suddenly taken up after not having participated in any form of
(8)_______ activity for a long time. Taking all this into (9)_______, sporting activities can be
extremely beneficial to our health provided they are carried out with care and under correct
supervision and are not (10)_______ to an extreme.
1. A. spare B. blank C. leisure D. free
2. A. seem B. miss C. forget D. fail
3. A. benefit B. profit C. favor D. help
4. A. taken B. vanished C. burnt D. left
5. A. arises B. raises C. rises D. progresses
6. A. Therefore B. However C. Additionally D. Moreover
7. A. cool down B. get off C. play out D. warm up
8. A. stressful B. mental C. natural D. physical
9. A. review B. account C. judgment D. discussion
10. A. led B. dragged C. taken D. forced

II. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
Environmentalists often fear that tourists will trample all over sensitive natural resource areas,
but tourism may bring the needed and only economic incentives to help drive conservation, said
Bynum Boley. Ecotourism and natural resource conservation already have a mutually beneficial
relationship that is ideal for creating a sustainable partnership.
"Ecotourism destinations benefit in the form of enhanced tourism competitiveness from the
protection of quality natural resources," he said. "Meanwhile, the conservation of these natural
resources is increasingly valued since these pristine natural resources are the foundation of the
ecotourism industry and the driver of all economic benefits associated with ecotourism."
Tourism is a $7.6 trillion global industry, provides 277 million jobs and is a primary income
source for 20 of the world's 48 least-developed countries. It also subsidizes environmental
protection and helps protect, conserve and value cultural resources that might otherwise be
undervalued by the host community, Boley said. In the newspaper, Boley and co-author Gary Green
said that despite past tension between the tourism industry and environmentalists, the two should
team up as allies to fight off increasing conversion of land away from its natural state, Eco tourists
not only provide a boost to the economy in such places, they can also motivate landowners into
keeping the environment in its natural state instead of converting it into something unsustainable.
They could also influence the public perception of conservation, Boley explained, which does not
often favor environmental protection.
“The public has become increasing less prone to respond to environmental messages,” he said.
“Economic messages are needed in order to attract the public's interest.” Too often, Boley and
Green said, unique natural resource areas are converted into urban, suburban and agricultural
developments without considering their ecotourism potential. In addition to the lost ecotourism
revenue, there are a host of negative environmental consequences such as biodiversity loss, water
and food shortages and the land being unable to mitigate the effects of climate change. These areas
are not valued for their unique attributes or the valuable natural resources they provide, Green said,
“so we lose them.” Tourists have historically been seen as having a negative impact on the
environment. Critics complain that they violate fragile and threatened natural environments while
contributing to greenhouse gases from the increased number of flights to these exotic and often
remote locales. While these criticisms are justified, Boley and Green said responsible programs
promote education of ecological conservation and environmental sustainability, fostering a greater
understanding and appreciation of these exotic areas.
(Adapted from https://wvvw.sciencedaily.com/)
Question 1: What is the best title for the passage?
A. How to save the environmental resources
B. Ecotourism - benefits and drawbacks
C. The consequences of ecotourism
D. The development of ecotourism
Question 2: The word “pristine” is closest in meaning to ______.
A. unspoiled B. touched C. destroyed D. spoiled
Question 3: Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about Tourism?
A. subsidizes environmental protection.
B. is a primary income source for 20 of the world's 48 least-developed countries.
C. only develops in industrialized nations.
D. provides 277 million jobs.
Question 4: According to the passage, negative environmental outcomes ______?
A. have bad influence on the biodiversity. B. boost local economy.
C. reduce the effects of climate change. D. provide more water and food.
Question 5: As mentioned in paragraph 4, responsible programs promote education of ecological
conservation and environmental sustainability, ______.
A. reducing the perception and comprehension of exotic places.
B. worsening the perception and comprehension of exotic places.
C. enhancing the perception and comprehension of exotic places.
D. maintaining the perception and comprehension of exotic places.

III. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
Global warming could cause drought and possibly famine in China, the source of much of Hong
Kong’s food, by 2050, a new report predicts. Hong Kong could also be at risk from flooding as sea
levels rose. The report recommends building sea-walls around low-lying areas such as the new port
and airport reclamations. Published by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the report, which
includes work by members of the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, uses the most
recent projections on climate change to point to a gloomy outlook for China.
By 2050, about 30 to 40 per cent of the country will experience changes in the type of vegetation it
supports, with tropical and subtropical forest conditions shifting northward and hot desert
conditions rising in the west where currently the desert is temperate. Crop-growing areas will
expand but any benefit is expected to be negated by increased evaporation of moisture, making it
too dry to grow crops such as rice. The growing season also is expected to alter, becoming shorter
in southern and central China, the mainland’s breadbasket. The rapid changes make it unlikely that
plants could adapt.
“China will produce smaller crops. In the central and northern areas, and the southern part, there
will be decreased production because of water limitations”, Dr. Rik Leemans, one of the authors of
the report, said during a brief visit to the territory yesterday. Famine could result because of the

demands of feeding the population - particularly if it grows - and the diminished productivity of the
land. “It looks very difficult for the world as a whole”, he said.
Global warming is caused by the burning of large amounts of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil,
which release gases that trap heal in the atmosphere. World temperatures already have increased
this century by about 6 degrees Celsius and are projected to rise by between 1.6 degrees and 3.8
degrees by 2100.
Dr. Leemans said China’s reliance on coal-fired power for its industrial growth did not bode well
for the world climate. “I think the  political  and  economic  powers  in  China  are  much  greater 
than  the environmental powers, and [greenhouse gas emissions] could accelerate,” Dr. Leemans
said. “China is not taking the problem seriously yet, although it is trying to incorporate this kind of
research to see what is going to happen.”
The climate change repot, which will be released tomorrow, focuses on China but Mr. David
Melville of WWF-Hong Kong said some of the depressing scenarios could apply to the territory.
Food supplies, for instance, could be affected by lower crop yields. “Maybe we could afford to
import food from elsewhere but you have to keep in mind that the type of changes experienced in
southern China will take  place  elsewhere  as  well,”  he  said.  Sea  levels  could  rise  as  glaciers 
melted  and  the  higher temperatures expanded the size of the oceans, threatening much of
developed Hong Kong which is built on reclaimed land. Current projections are that sea levels
worldwide will rise by 15 to 90 centimetres by 2100, depending on whether action is taken to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
“Hong Kong has substantial areas built on reclaimed land and sea level rises could impact on that,
not only on Chek Lap Kok but the West Kowloon Reclamation and the Central and Western
Reclamation - the whole lot,” Mr. Melville said, adding that sea walls would be needed. Depleted
fresh water supplies would be another problem because increased evaporation would reduce levels.
Mr. Melville said the general outlook could be helped if Hong Kong used water less wastefully and
encouraged energy efficiency to reduce fuel-burning. He also called on the West to help China
improve its efficiency.
1: Overall, what sort of picture is painted of the future effects of global warming?
A. disastrous                                  
B. potentially disastrous
C. relatively optimistic                  
D. on balance things are going to be satisfactory
2: What is this passage?
A. a report                    B. a preview of a report
C. an article describing a response to a report D. an article previewing a report
3: Mr. David Melville suggests that in future more food could be imported into Hong Kong. He
thinks these measures could be _____.
A. efficient                  B. sufficient                C. insufficient             D. inefficient
4: The main point of paragraph 3 is to describe _____.
A. effects of changes in the climate of China on food production
B. future changes in the climate of China.
C. effects of changes in the climate of China on the growing season
D. projected future changes in the climate of China
5: The main point of paragraph 5 is to describe _____.
A. global warming                                         
B. the effects of global warming
C. the causes and projected effects of global warming
D. the causes and effects of global warming
6: Why does the writer add the information in square brackets in paragraph 5?
A. because the quote is from a second language user whose command of English is not perfect
B. because, although they are not part of the original quote, the additional information given is
necessary to understand the statement
C. because the writer is quoting from another source
D. because the writer wants to emphasize the meaning of these words
7: In paragraph 7, which point is Mr. Melville NOT making?
A. suggesting that there is a potential disaster in Hong Kong
B. suggesting that reclamation areas arc at risk
C. criticising current safeguards                
D. making a call for action
8: How would you describe the Dr. Leeman’s attitude towards China?
A. mainly favourable                                      B. critical
C. supportive in theory                                   D. admiring
9: In paragraph 2, “negated” is closest in meaning to _____.
A. made possible         B. made ineffective   C. reduced                    D. paid for
10: In paragraph 7, “depleted” could be replaced by which of the following?
A. reduced                  B. poor                        C. decaying                 D. decimated


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