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Department of Education

Region III
Division of Pampanga

The Effect of Gadgets Addiction to the Modular Learning of the Senior High School

Students in Senior HIgh School in Apalit

Alexandra Y. Magat

Kaila Marie S.Galang

Angelica P. Calalang

Jewelle Joy R. Vergara

Mariel S. Meneses

December 2020

Abstract should be included in the paper only if required in the instructions. Otherwise,

please, skip this page. If an abstract is required, note that it should briefly summarize the

key points of the research, e.g. the research questions, methods, participants, findings,

conclusions, possible implications etc. The abstract should be a single paragraph between

150 and 250 words. By default neither direct nor indirect citations should be included

here. Abstract is not counted towards the required word count.

Keywords:abstract, requirements, key points, word count

Table of Contents

LIST OF FIGURES............................................................................................................v
Background of the Study....................................................................................................1
Review of Related Literature..............................................................................................1
Conceptual Framework.......................................................................................................2
Statement of the problem....................................................................................................2
Significance of the Study....................................................................................................3
Scope and delimitation........................................................................................................3
SDefinition of Terms..........................................................................................................3
Research design..................................................................................................................5
Participants and Sampling Techniques...............................................................................5
Ethical Consideration..........................................................................................................6
Research Instrument............................................................................................................6
Data Collection Procedure..................................................................................................6
Treatment and Analysis of Data.........................................................................................7
Summary of Findings..........................................................................................................9
List of References.............................................................................................................11
Are you using gadgets? If yes, then you should know the effects’ gadget may brought

to you and even to your family and friends. It is very rampant to the point that every people are

using gadgets such like phone, laptops, computer, smart watch, iPad, tablet, even television, etc.

The researchers chosen topic might and can serve as an eye-opener to everybody. As this helps

each student to be informed to effects of gadget and have some knowledge about gadget

addiction. This study also shows the impacts of gadgets addiction toward their Modular

Learning. Most students are spending most of their time using their gadgets. They use gadgets as

their personal needs and they use it as their mode of entertainment , exploration, communication,

and learning. Nowadays, due to the pandemic, students can not avoid to spend most of their time

using gadgets just to do their modules and explore to different social media platforms.

According to UNICEF, 2011, Continuous use of gadgets can have negative impacts

and bring different health problems to students such like strain eyes, neck pain, sleep

disturbances, finger pain and backache. It depends on how long you are using gadgets. It has an

unwise outcome to psychological, social and emotional. Social networking sites, online gaming

sites etc. are the reason why students use gadgets. Students must know how to use their time

wisely and productively. Gadget addiction has a negative effect to students specifically to their

health because it can decrease physical activity, may lead to poor diet, and more likely to

become an obese (Rosen, 2014).

Moreover, In academics, gadget addiction negatively affects the students academic

performance, even its achievement. Because teenagers are easily distracted that they can not

focus on their lessons and even on their tasks (Pierce & Vaca, 2015). This is also one of the

reason of procrastination. However, This study aims to know the effects of gadgets to students

modular learning. To provide better understanding and also create an awareness.

Background of the Study

The Department of Education made a new set up for academic learning due to pandemic

outbreak. It's unusual for learners to do several activities at home yet they have to deal and bear

with the consequence. The students are forced to have their gadgets on taking their tasks

specifically modules given by the school. Nevertheless, most of us are aware that gadget has

various negative effects for the learners as they will be addicted and distracted while having their

modules either outside or inside of the school premises.

According to Regional Director May Eclar from Cordillera DepEd Office, The use of

cellphones within the school premises has various negative effects not only to the students, but to

the teachers as well. Using cellular phones inside the classroom does not only affect the

academic performance of the students, but also their behavior inside and outside the classroom.

Some studies shown that students find it difficult not to use their gadgets, leading to poor

academic performance as this can be one of many ways to have a source in getting information,

but in our current scenario, learners are putting most of their time on gadgets just to do their

module lessons and exercises.

However, students are advised to limit their over use of gadgets because it can damage

the student's physical and mental health. Also, it leads to blurring vision or the term we simply

called astigmatism. As we are all facing this difficult situation, everyone should unify and help

one another in controlling excessive use of gadgets as this brings different impacts to the


Review of Related Literature

Unless required in the instructions, the headers should be used only in five-or-more-page

papers. The first sentence of a paragraph is always a topic sentence. It states the main idea or

argument presented in the paragraph. Topic sentence should be followed by supporting

information from the reliable and up-to-date sources. Avoid plagiarism using direct and/or

indirect citations followed by an in-text citation mentioning an author’s surname and a year of

publication (Pears & Graham, 2016). Only direct quotes require a page number in an in-text

citation. Do not leave a paragraph with a citation at the end. Every paragraph should end with a

transition sentence serving as a bridge between two adjacent paragraphs.

Conceptual Framework

This study focused on the gadgets addiction of Senior High School Students in Senior

High School in Apalit. The model used is Input-Process-Ouput (IPO).

Statement of the problem

This study focused on the effects of gadgets addiction to the Modular Learning of Senior

High School at Senior High School in Apalit, S.Y. 2020-2021. This research aims to answer the

following questions:

1. What are the effects of gadgets addiction to the Modular Learning of the students?
2. What are the possible reasons why students spend most of their time using gadgets?

3. How can you prevent yourself from being an gadget addict?

Significance of the Study

This study determined the effects of gadgets addiction to the Modular Learning of the

students as perceived by the Senior High School students at Senior High School in Apalit, 2020-


Teachers- The result of this study can help the teachers to think an alternative way on how they

conduct their lessons without using too much of the time of their students. They might also have

an idea on how to help students.

Students- With the help of this study, students can know how to manage their time using

gadgets and how to use it productively.Also, they would have enough knowledge and idea on

how and what way gadgets’ will affect them.

Parents- The outcome of this study can inform the parents on what are the negative effects of

using gadgets on their child so that they can guide to prevent being addicted to their child in

using gadgets.

Future Researchers- This research will serve as a guide to the future researchers who will

conduct the same study about the negative effects of gadget addiction.
Scope and Delimitation

The research focusses on the effects of gadgets addiction to the Modular Learning of the Senior

High school students at senior High Schoon in Apalit. The respondents of the research were

Composed of 5- that are randomly selected. Senior Hihg School students which comprised 25%

of the total population, the results of the research is applicable only to the respondents of the

study and should not be used as a measure of the factors that effect the career preference of

Senior High School student who do not belong to the population of this research

Definition of Terms

The accompanying terms characterized thoughtfully and operationally to have the option

to comprehend the nature of the study.

Gadgets- a small technological object (such as a device or an appliance) that has a particular

function, but is often thought of as a novelty.

Addiction- the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity.

Modular Learning- is a form of distance learning that uses Self-Learning Modules (SLM)

based on the most essential learning competencies (MELCS) provided by DepEd.



In this chapter the researchers introduced the research design, sapmling techniques, data

gathering techniques, and data analysis scheme to obtain relevant results to achieve answers

to the problem. It Also tackled the respondents, method, techniques and detailed procedures of

data gathering

Research design

The research study will be using descriptive type under the quantitative approach to gather

data that can help the researchers from their survey questionnaire. The purpose of the study is to

determine the Effect of Gadgets Addiction to the Modular Learning among the selected students

of Senior High School in Apalit. The research indicates the survey questionnaire. The descriptive

survey involves asking the questions and it also consists of the researcher asking a large group of

the people questions about the issue.

In terms of gathering the data need for the study, the researchers and participants do

interview to avoid human bias whenever possible. Therefore, the researchers in this study will

be able to discover detailed information of how students affect in gadgets addiction. The

approach present in the collection of data from the samples are the grade 11 and 12 students in
Senior High School In Apalit (Stand Alone 1)

Sampling Procedures

The students in Senior High School in Apalit (Stand Alone 1) have a total population of less

than 500, and 50 students served as the sample for the number of respondents. The researchers

used simple ramdom procedure wherein everyone has an equal chance of being selected to

participate in the study.

Data Gathering Techniques

Collecting information from the respondents at a single period in time using the type of

survey questionnaire through google forms and validated from the validator, Mrs. Angelie A.

Navarro and answered by selected students in Grade 11 and Grade 12 of Senior High School in

Apalit(Stand Alone I). After the validity of the questionnaire, the researcher started the survey

and the researcher asked permission to the teachers in Senior High School in Apalit (Stand Alone

1) to allow the researcher to conduct the survey through online.

The researcher provide the test questionaire to the respondents through the google form and

give them with clear and fully instructions on how to answer. The respondents answered the

survey questionaire at their appropriate place within their homes.

The questionnaires with answer was gathered in the same day. Data obtained from the

questionnaire classified, very systematized and organized accordingly.

Data Analysis Scheme

The Statistical tool used for Analysis and Interpretation of Data Gathering.

The researchers used survey questionnaire for the data gathering process to get the

quantitative data results to distribute to the respondents. Likert Scale would be used by the

researchers in acquiring further information. It consist of several descriptive statements that

express viewpoint regarding the topic and the respondents asked to indicate how much they

agree or disagree with the said statement.


Table 1: Likert scale


4 3.41 – 4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.61 – 3.40 Agree

2 1.81 – 2.60 Moderately Disagree

1 1.00 – 1.80 Strongly Disagree

Data interpreted using formula:


Σ = summation

X = represents the points (4,3,2,1)

N = represent the total number of respondents

x = is the mean or average

By using the formula, the researchers can get the average of all the answers that

gathered on the survey through google forms regarding the Effect of Gadgets Addiction to

Senior High School Students In Senior High School in Apalit (Stand Alone 1)

=Unless required in the instructions, the headers should be used only in five-or-more-

page papers. The first sentence of a paragraph is always a topic sentence. It states the main idea

or argument presented in the paragraph. Topic sentence should be followed by supporting

information from the reliable and up-to-date sources. Avoid plagiarism using direct and/or

indirect citations followed by an in-text citation mentioning an author’s surname and a year of

publication (Pears & Graham, 2016). Only direct quotes require a page number in an in-text

citation. Do not leave a paragraph with a citation at the end. Every paragraph should end with a

transition sentence serving as a bridge between two adjacent paragraphs.


Summary of Findings

Please note that there is no page brake before the conclusion, i.e. it should not be

presented on a separate page. It should restate the thesis statement, summarize the key ideas

presented in the paper, contain no new or outside information, and approximately take 10% of

the required word count.

For more information concerning in-text citations of sources containing more than two

authors, other types of references, as well as detailed APAformatting style requirements please




Unless required in the instructions, the headers should be used only in five-or-more-page

papers. The first sentence of a paragraph is always a topic sentence. It states the main idea or

argument presented in the paragraph. Topic sentence should be followed by supporting

information from the reliable and up-to-date sources. Avoid plagiarism using direct and/or

indirect citations followed by an in-text citation mentioning an author’s surname and a year of

publication (Pears & Graham, 2016). Only direct quotes require a page number in an in-text

citation. Do not leave a paragraph with a citation at the end. Every paragraph should end with a

transition sentence serving as a bridge between two adjacent paragraphs.


Unless required in the instructions, the headers should be used only in five-or-more-page

papers. The first sentence of a paragraph is always a topic sentence. It states the main idea or

argument presented in the paragraph. Topic sentence should be followed by supporting

information from the reliable and up-to-date sources. Avoid plagiarism using direct and/or

indirect citations followed by an in-text citation mentioning an author’s surname and a year of

publication (Pears & Graham, 2016). Only direct quotes require a page number in an in-text

citation. Do not leave a paragraph with a citation at the end. Every paragraph should end with a

transition sentence serving as a bridge between two adjacent paragraphs.

List of References

Pears, R., & Shields, G. J. (2016). Cite them right: the essential referencing guide. London:

Palgrave Macmillan.

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