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P2: You are a new member of SquishSquash and one of the players has set up an
online group and website.

Write a short statement in reply to the post below:

Write in sentences.  Use 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.    

I enjoy playing squash and keeping fit because

As a squash lover, I find playing squash truly fascinating as it can boost my mood after a
stressful day. Also, I can meet and make friends who share common interests.   

P3: You are a member of SquishSquash’s online site. You are talking to Bob in the
online chat room.  Talk to Bob using full sentences.  

Use 30 to 40 words per answer. You have 10 minutes.   

Hi there! I am also a member of the group. I joined last month as I am new to

the area and have been looking for a squash court since I arrived. Why did
you join?

Well, I decided to join SquishSquash’s online site as I suppose I would have many great
chances to meet and make friends who have the same interests as me.

How did you hear about the club? I was lucky as one of my friend’s lives in
the condominium.

Yeah! You know, Linda, one of my conversation partners via Skype knew that I’m a crazy fan
of SquishSquash. Thus, she herself found the SquishSquash club and she recommended it to

The website that Graham has made is great! I really like the way we can
organise the mini-tournaments so easily. What do you like about it? 

Um… Let me see… Perhaps, I’ve never seen any exotic website like that. Specially, images
and contents are very vivid and understandable. Furthermore, Mr Graham shared some live
videos which could guide me how to play the Squishsquash better. 

P4: You are a member of SquishSquash. You have just received the following email
from Graham.

Hi guys,

Look I’ve just seen this notice on my condo sports hall:

Dear residents,

We regret to inform you that due to the current refurbishments the pool and
the sports hall will be closed from February 24th until further notice.  We
apologize for the inconvenience but hope that you will be very happy with the
result of the work being done.

Freddy Kruger, housing manager, Henry Crinkle Condominium.

Write an email to a friend that you play squash with. Write your feelings about the
closure of the sports hall and suggest possible alternatives. Write about 50 words.
You have 10 minutes.

Hey Mike,

Listen, did I tell you about the closure of our court? This is a bit disappointment to me as Mr.
Graham isn’t sure when the court will be up and officially running so I’m going to find another
sports venue. What about you? Drop me a line soon.



Also write an email to Freddy Kruger, the condominium manager, explaining your
feelings about the closer and suggest possible alternatives. Write 120-150 words.
You have 20 minutes.

Dear Mr. Freddy Kruger,

My name is Linda Bria Lemire and I have been a SquishSquash member since 2012. I am
writing this email to express my deepest disappointment in connection with the closure of the
pool and sports hall due to the current renovations court.
 I would really appreciate because the condo sports hall did provide us with a very good sports
venue during passing time; however, I am wondering when the court will be officially run back.
 Therefore, I will venture a couple of suggestions. The first one is that we would be very
pleased if you could offer us an alternative place where we can continue to participate in the
sport activities. Another one is that you could organize some extra activities for us while
upgrading the court.
I look forward to hearing your response at your earliest convenience if my recommendations
are acceptable. 
Yours sincerely,
Linda Bria Lemire

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