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Everyone has their own precious things that they love so much. I have my precious one
too. That one thing is my unicorn headphone. My beloved aunt gave me the headphone of my
9th birthday` present last year.

I still remember when I celebrated my birthday on 28 October last year, my aunt

surprised me with the present. She wrapped the present with a beautiful paper bag. She came
to my birthday party with the paper bag and said “happy birthday kakak” and I was so happy
at that time.

On the night of the birthday party, I was ready to unboxing of all my present that I got
from many people. The first present that I unbox of course the one from my aunt. The
feeling was so heart thumping unbox it because I was afraid she will prank me with the
present. As I unbox it, I was so surprised because it was the present that I dream for a long
time. It was a beautiful purple headphone and I am more exicted because it has two ears like
unicorn`s ears.

Starting from that day, it become my most precious thing that adore so much . I am
using the headphone to litsen my favourite song. Besides, I also use it for learning purpose.
For example, when my teacher send me learning video, I use the headphone to listen more
clearly. It actually helps my learning process. I am gratetul to have it.

One day, I left the headphone on the dining table beacause I need to use the toilet.
When I came back, I saw my youngest brother play with it. What I was so surprised is it
broken into two. I am so sad because I could not use it again . I am crying at that time but I
am not angry at my youngest brother because he still a baby.

When my aunt knew it, she felt pity at me. Then she bought me a new one. She just
ordered at shopee and send to my home address. When I received it, I could not hide my
feeling. One again I am crying because I am so happy to get it again. I am so thankful to my
Starting from the incident, I am taking care of the headphone more carefully. I promised
not to leave it everywhere again. I put it in the special box after I use it. This is because it is
my precious. I love it so much. I promise I will take care of it wisely after this.

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