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Fellow name: Vraj Patel

Evaluator name: IS

Please complete the following assessment items to provide feedback to your resident about his/her teaching
1. The fellow was readily available to assist me when I needed.

Strongly disagree Strongly agree

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

2. The fellow provided me with constructive feedback to help me learn.

Strongly disagree Strongly agree

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

3. The fellow motivated me to improve my performance.

Strongly disagree Strongly agree

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

4. The fellow allowed me to express my opinions and raise questions.

Strongly disagree Strongly agree

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

5. The fellow did an adequate job of facilitating discussion and explaining

concepts related to the topic.

Strongly disagree Strongly agree

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

6. The fellow is an excellent role model for students.

Strongly disagree Strongly agree

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

7. Rate the fellow’s overall precepting skills.

Poor Excellent
1 2 3 4 5

Please list 2 areas of strength for the fellow

1. Ability to explain complicated topics to individuals without pharmaceutical
backgrounds (such as myself) in a manner that was both well thought out and

IPTeC 2019
2. Ability to provide constructive criticism and allow for equal exchange of ideas. As
someone coming from another field Vraj facilitated discussion and allowed for
any disagreements or areas of confusion to be talked through and expressed.

Please list 2 areas for improvement for the fellow

1. Providing more time / space for informational presentations with interns and
the rest of the team (these were helpful).
2. Providing clear and direct feedback (we often worked through feedback
together which was helpful but maybe in the future more clear direct
feedback before meeting and working through it may be useful).

IPTeC 2019

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