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(Module 2, Answer Sheet)

Secillano, Xyriz Seline C.

BSED-English 1A

Activity #1
Class, during your high school years what arts you preferred to do
most? Why?

During my high school years, I was into poetry performance. Why?

Because I am not good at voicing my emotions and the expressions
that I want to be out. So I started writing. I write about all the things
that I don’t speak about. I put them into words. Writing and
collecting words to create good poetry is something that helps me
express what I feel deep inside. I always love how words form into
beautiful masterpieces. so up until now, I still write.

Activity #2
Class, based on your own experiences answer the following questions
as precisely yet as thoroughly as possible.

1. What art field will you explore? Why?

I think it would be great to explore different art field. I wanted to explore

everything because art is beautiful. During my elementary and high school
days, I grew up and focus only on getting and be better on writing poems
and poetry. I never have the chance to explore other forms of art. So that is
why I think exploring different art field would be a better idea for me to
know a lot about arts. Yet one thing is for sure, if I have to only choose one
field, I would go into paintings. Because I love how artist paint and show
what their feelings are.
2. How can you utilize the arts to express yourself, your community, and your
relation to others?

We may use art to reflect ourselves, our community, and our

relationships with others by expressing our thoughts, emotions, and
imaginations via various forms of art. I believe it is a better concept
for us to be able to connect with others. It won't be difficult to
establish and utilize relationships not only within yourself, but also
with your community and others, as long as you can freely express
what you're feeling.

Instruction: Using the table below, write down examples of the different art
forms studied in this lesson. Provide ways on how these art forms express and
unmask creativity from the artist.

Types of Art Example How Does this How Does This

Expressions Express Unmask the
Artist’s Creativity?
Visual Arts The Starry Night Through Painting The contoured forms
are a means of
expression and they
are used to convey
emotion. The artist
was aware that his
Starry Night
composition was
somewhat surreal
and stylized and in a
letter to his brother
he even referred
to "exaggerations in
terms of
composition. The
concept, the
expression,and the
thoughts unmask
the artist’s creativity.
Film Brave Heart Through The mastery of the
Cinematography script, the acting and
gestures unmasked
the artist's
creativity .
Performance Art Senakulo Through Stage or This is a portrayal of
Passion Play Jesus Christ's life
and death that is
typically performed
as a community
activity during the
Lenten season.
However, this is still
a theatrical
presentation that
took a lot of
planning. The texts
are inspired by both
the Bible and
folklore, and the
costumes and
scenery are more
akin to Hispanic
iconography than
historical accuracy.
Poetry Performance To Live in the body Through Spoken It shows different
of a Survivor Word Poetry emotions, and
(Blythe Baird) thoughts. The way
the script are wrote,
the deliver of the
speech which
everyone can feel
what she wanted us
to feel. Her stunning
performance pieces
that speak urgently
and honestly about
sexual assault,
mental illness, eating
disorder recovery,
sexuality, and
healing from trauma.
Architecture Taj Mahal (Agra) It is expressed It unmask the
through a husband's artist's creativity
affection for his wife. through the used of
For his deceased white marbles for
wife Mumtaz Mahal, the ideal vision of
Emperor Shah Jahan heaven and the
constructed the most passion in his heart
spectacular and to built the
gorgeous monument.
architecture for his
Theatre Ang Huling El Bimbo It expresses itself It reveals the artist's
through the use of inventiveness by
vocal music and a incorporating their
dramatic sequence own vocal voice and
that can assist actions into their
viewers in drama, which is
comprehending and highly important in
relating to the movie theater, as
show/story. well as expressing
their own
sentiments, which
can influence the
emotions of the
Dance Interpretative  It express and is Experience,
Dances considered a continuous practice
category that and expertise in
encompasses dance performing can
styles such as lyrical unmask an artist's
dance, jazz and creativity in dancing.
theater dance.
Literary Art Manuscripts Manuscripts, It unmasks the
correspondence, artist’s creativity
notes, and other through their action
items often found in an written
archive collections expressions.It is
might aid in given in a suitable
learning more about manner, and the
the author and his author is responsible
or her work. for the concept.

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