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Barranquilla | Bogotá | Cartagena

LSG. Quality Department
Date: 01 April 2021
Doc. Q ABC 090919
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The Purpose for this test is to verify the knowledge and expertise in the software Microsoft Excel (and
similar spreadsheet applications) applied to the regular operations of a company, analyzing data, creating
reports. Creating interactive tools.


The Company ABC provides course in different kind of software and the Operations Manager has
requested and analysis of the courses and customers for the first quarter of 2021. With the data base
provided in the attached Excel Spreadsheet (Raw data), please provide the following information:

2.1. Total income per customer, total income in the quarter and total of hours paid by the students.

2.2. Category and Price of each course per hour and quantity of students enrolled in each course in the
quarter. (Use Pivot tables to obtain the information from the raw data).

2.3. Create a dropdown with the code list for the students. The list must show only the codes listed in the
raw data. For example:

2.4. Create a student profile chart, that must be responsive (synchronized) to the drop-down list created
in the point 2.3. After the student code is selected, the chart must show the student’s name, Course,
Price per hour, Hours paid and Total Cost. The chart must automatically change every time a code is
selected from the list. For Example:

Note: Present the answers to this exercise in the Excel Spreadsheet attached – EXECERCISE -Answer Sheet.
Feel free to add more sheets is required. Once the Exercise is completed, save a copy of the file including
your full name.

The company ABC wants to create a report to analyze the total of invoices that were billed during a
certain period in order to have better visibility of the amount of money that the Accounts Receivable
Department needs to collect. With the data base provided in the attached Excel Spreadsheet (Raw data),
please provide the following information:

2.5 Create a table where you will show to the Vice president of ABC the total of invoices processed &
approved per month and per course.

2.6 Create a table where you will show to the Vice president of ABC the amount of money that was
processed and approved per course and per month.

2.7 The VP has requested assistance on formatting the table to avoid errors anytime that an employee
manipulates the information.

2.8 The Vice president wants to know the Top 3 Performers to give them an incentive for their
outstanding performance. For that reason, he has required to create a new table where you will portray
the total of invoices approved by employee and by month.

✓ The use of “Countifs”, and “Sumifs” are needed to display the information required by the VP.
✓ The pivot tables are not allowed to use them as a tool.

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