Much Many Listening

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Listen and write the missing words

Conversation #1

Man: Do you like       with your      ?

Woman: Yes, but not too      .
Man: What about      ?
Woman: Yes, I like my       sweet.
Man:             cubes?
Woman:       should be enough.

Conversation #2

Man: Do we have            ?

Woman: Just      , but not      .
Man: How about      ?
Woman: We have      . Why?
Man: I want to make a salad.
Woman: Could do. We have lots of       and       onions.

Conversation #3

Man: Let’s make an      . How             do we have?

Woman:      . We do not have       oil though.
Man: It’s OK, we have some cooking spray. Do we have             or ham?
Woman: We have some       but not       ham I’m afraid.
Man: That’s OK, I can use tomatoes.
Woman: Great, we have too       and they will spoil soon.

Conversation #4

Man: How much       do we have?

Woman: Not      , but      .
Man: How       bananas?
Woman: We have       I think. Why?
Man: I want to make a      .
Woman: With bananas and      ?

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