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International Language & Business Centre


Primary Six
Issued by Maths Department

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9 715 Algebraic Terms

Expressions such as 3× n, x × 4, 1 × c and a × b can be written as 3n, 4x,

c and ab. These are referred to as algebraic terms.

In the term 3n, n is the variable and 3 is the coefficient of n.
In the term 4x, 4 is the coefficient of x.

Like Terms - Like terms have same variables.

Examples 1. 3a and 4a have the same variable a . So, these terms are
like terms.
2. 4x and 10x have the same variable x. 4x and 10x are like
Unlike terms - Unlike terms have different variables. 3a and 4b have
different variables. They are unlike terms.

Worked Example 1
Find the sum of (a) 5a and -7a (b) -3a and -4ab
(a) 5a + (-7a) = (5 - 7) a = - 2a
(b) -3a + (-4ab) = -3a - 4ab

Unit 5 51
Algebraic Terms

International Language & Business Centre Mathematics

Primary Six
Issued by Maths Department

Exercise 5.1
1. Find the sum of the following:
(a) 3a and 5a (b) 6b and 6b
(c) 5c and -8c (d) -5c and 8c
(e) -9m and -3m (f) 4x and x
(g) 4a and 3b (h) 5a and 5b
(i) -9ab and 14 ba (j) 12a2b and 17ab2
(k) -31ab2 and 52b2a (l) 32ab2 and -32cb2

2. Find the product of the following:

(a) 2a and 6b (b) 3a and -5c
(c) 6x and 2y (d) 6x and -3z
(e) 3n and 5m (f) 3n and 6p
(g) -4p and 3q (h) -4p and -7r
(i) 3a2 and -4ab (j) 31ab2 and -12a2b
(k) 23xy and -23x2 (l) -17xy and 14y2

3. Find the quotient.

(a) When 128a is divided by 16a.
(b) When -28ab is divided by 49b,
(c) When 33m is divided by 44mn,
(d) When 17pq is divided by -34pq,
(e) When -32xy is divided by -12 yz,
(f) When 22x (-y) is divided by 55y(-z).

Unit 5
52 Algebraic Terms

International Language & Business Centre

Primary Six
Issued by Maths Department

4. Simplify the following:

(a) 3a + 7a (b) 3a × 7a
(c) 3b + (-7b) (d) 3b × (-7b)
(e) 3a + 5a + (-7b) (f) 3a × 5a × (-7b)
(g) -5c + (-6c) + 2c2 (h) -5c × (-6c) × 2c2
(i) 4d + 5de + 3de (j) 4d × 5de × 3de
(k) 4f + 4fg + 9f (l) 4f × 4fg × 9f
(m) 4b - 3b - 7b (n) -3ab × 7a  42b
(o) -5x  15y 4xy (p) -7a2 + 7ab - 14a2
(q) -32x  4y × 5yz (r) 72xy  8yz 4zx


Let us look at the distributive law below.

a (b + c) = ab + ac

The LHS is in the form of a product: a × (b + c)

The RHS is in the form of a sum: ab + ac
There are other forms of the distributive law, for example,

a (b - c) = ab - ac

The LHS is a ‘product’ : a × (b - c)

The RHS is a ‘sum’ : ab + (-ac)
Note : We view ‘subtracting ac’ as ‘adding (-ac)’.
Using the distributive law, we can convert an expression from one form
to another.

Unit 5 53
Algebraic Terms

International Language & Business Centre Mathematics

Primary Six
Issued by Maths Department

Worked Example

Remove the brackets of the following:

(a) -( x + 3y ) (b) 5z - (9y-4w)


(a) - ( x + 3y ) = -x - 3y (b) 5z - (9y - 4w ) = 5z - 9y + 4w

Worked Example

Remove the brackets of the following:

(a) 5p (2a + 3b) (b) -2a (3b - 5c)


(a) 5p (2a + 3b) = 10pa + 15pb (b) -2a (3b - 5c) = -6ab + 10ac

Worked Example

Extract the common factors for the following:

(a) 3ab + 4ac (b) 3a + 3ab - 2a


(a) 3ab + 4ac = a (3b + 4c) (b) 3a + 3ab - 2a = a (3 + 3b - 2)

= a ( 1 + 3b)

Unit 5
54 Algebraic Terms

International Language & Business Centre

Primary Six
Issued by Maths Department

Exercise 5.2
1. Remove the brackets of the following:
(a) a (b–c) (b) a (-b + c) (c) a (b + c)
(d) a (-b-c) (e) -a (-b + c) (f) -a (-b -c)
(g) a + (b-c) (h) a - (b + c) (i) a + (-b + c)
(j) a + (-b-c) (k) a - (-b + c) (l) a - (-b - c)

2. Remove the brackets of the following:

(a) x + (2b - c) (b) 2x + (4a - 2b) (c) 3a + (-2b + 3c)
(d) 2y + (-3x + 2w) (e) g + (-4b - 3c) (f) 4m + (-3n-4p)
(g) 2n - (-5t + 3u) (h) 6p -(-2q + 5r) (i) -(2x + 7y)
(j) –(10r+35) (k) –(2m - 3m) (l) -(6p-7q)
(m) 3x - (3t + 8u) (n) 4r - (10s + 7t) (o) 6z - (3y - 5w)
(p) 2w - (4x-9y) (q) - x - (-3y - 4z) (r) - a - (-3b - 5c)

3. Remove the brackets of the following:

(a) 3a (4b - 5c) (b) 6x (2y - 3z) (c) 3n (5m + 6p)
(d) -4p (3q - 7r) (e) (5x + 7y) 4z (f) (9t + 8u) 4v
(g) (7m - 3n) 5p (h) (6p -q) 7r

4. Extract the common factors for the following:

(a) 4x + 3xy (b) 15m + 6n + 9mn (c) 7p + 8pq - 5p
(d) 4a + 8ab (e) 3x + 6xy + 9yx (f) 2ab +3abc+ 5cba
(g) 5rst + 3st - 2rt (h) 6ab + 3bc - ba + b

Unit 5 55
Algebraic Terms

International Language & Business Centre Mathematics

Primary Six
Issued by Maths Department

5.2 Collecting Like Terms

Exercise 5.3
Simplify the following expressions.
1. (a) 2a + 3b - 2b + a (b) 2a - 3b + c - b + 2a
(c) 3d + e - f + 4e - 3f + d (d) 4a2 + b - c + a + 2c + 2b
(e) 5a + c - b - a - b – c2 - 4a (f) 2a + b2 + a - 7b + 3b2
(g) b - 7a + 3b + 8a + 3c - a2 (h) -7b - 7a - 6b - 6a + c2 - 2b + c

2. (a) (a - b) + (b - a) (b) (-a + b) + (b - a)

(c) (a - b) - (- b - a) (d) (a - b) - (b - c) - (c - a)
(e) (a - b) + (b - c) + (c - a) (f) 3(6b - 9a) + 7 (6a - 5b)
(g) 3 (a - b) + 7 (2a + 2b) (h) 17 (1 - 3c) + 3(c + c2)

3. (a) a(a - b) + b(b - c) + c(c - a) (b) a(a - b) + b(b - a) + c(a - b)

(c) a (a - b) + [3(c + a2)-ab] (d) [(2a + 2b)c + d]c -4ac2 + bc2
(e) c [ a + b(a2 + 2bc) -3a3 ] -a2bc + b2c2 - ac
(f) a (b2 + 3c ) - [b2 (a - 2c) - b(2ab + 1)]
(g) x (y - 3z) - y(z - 3x) - z (x - 3y)
(h) 3xy + [x (3z - 2y) - xy] -y (x -2z)

1 1
4. (a) (8x + 4) - 3 (b) (3x + 9) - 2x
4 3
y 4y 1 5
(c) - -3 (d) (x + 3) + ( x - 1)
2 5 3 6
5 1 7 1
(e) (x + 1) + (x - 3) (f) (x - 1) - (2x + 1)
6 4 8 6
7x  6 5x  3 3(5 x  1) 3 x  7
(g) + (h) -
8 4 4 6

Unit 5
56 Algebraic Terms

International Language & Business Centre

Primary Six
Issued by Maths Department


Writing Algebraic Expressions

Suppose Samy is 12 years old now.

After 1 year, he will be (12 + 1) years old.

After 2 years, he will be (12 + 2) years old.
After 3 years, he will be (12 + 3) years old.
After x years, he will be (12 + x) years old.

Here, x may represent any number.

The algebraic expression (12 + x) years old represents Samy’s age in

x year’s time.

Note: The expression (12 + x) should be thought of as a single symbol for

a number.
If the value of the variable x is 10, then the value of the algebraic expression
is (12 + 10) . i.e. 22.

Class Activity.
1. Peter had $ 20. How much had he left if he spent (a) $9 , (b) $m?

2. Paul had some money. He spent $30. How much money had he at
first if he had (a) $16, (b) $p left?

3. The capacity of a mug is 1.2 l . A jug holds (a) 2.5l , (b) ql more
than the mug. Find the capacity of the jug in each case.

Unit 5 57
Algebraic Terms

International Language & Business Centre Mathematics

Primary Six
Issued by Maths Department

4. A pail has a capacity of 3.5l . It holds (a) 1.5l , (b) wl of water more
than a vase. Find the capacity of the vase in each case.

5. Fresh milk cost $2.50 per l . How much will (a) 20 l , (b) d l cost?

6. Susan’s mother is 3 years younger than Mary’s mother. If Mary’s

mother is (a) 28, (b) r years old, how old is Susan’s mother in each

7. There are only half as many pupils in John’s school as in Tom’s

school. If there are (a) 1800, (b) p pupils in Tom’s school, how
many pupils are there in John’s school in each case?

8. The number of people in David’s family is 3 more than the number

of people in Robert’s family. If there are (a) 4, (b) m people in
Robert’s family, how many people are there in David’s family in each

9. 65 workers of a factory received the same monthly salary. If the

factory paid out (a)$27105, (b) $ k as salaries to them, how much
did each worker earn in each case?

Exercise 5.4

1. The sum of two numbers is 100. If one of the numbers is x , write an

expression for the other.

2. The difference between two numbers is 7. If the smaller number is y

, write an expression for the other.

3. Jenny and Anna have 30 bananas altogether. If Jenny has p

bananas, how many bananas has Anna?

Unit 5
58 Algebraic Terms

International Language & Business Centre

Primary Six
Issued by Maths Department

4. Write an expression for each of the following:

(a) The number of centimetres in s metres.
(b) The number of metres in m kilometres.
(c) The number of cents in q dollars.
(d) The number of millimetres in d metres.
(e) The number of grams in p kilograms.
(f) The number of centimetres in s metres and t centimetres.
(g) The number of grams in p kilograms and q grams.

5. Choose a number . Multiply it by 2 and subtract 5 from the product.

Write an expression for the number obtained in terms of the chosen

6. A positive number is half of another number. Write an expression

for the larger number in terms of the smaller number.

7. Given a number, add 10 to it, then multiply the sum by 3 and subtract
the given number from the resulting number. Write an expression
for the number obtained in terms of the given number.

8. (a) A number is 5 less than x . Write an expression for the number.

(b) Use the expression to find the number which is 5 less than 3.

9. (a) A number is 2 greater than the number k . Write an expression

for the number. (b) What number is 2 greater than (-14)?

10. (a) A number is greater than twice another number by 11. Write an
expression for the larger number in terms of the smaller number.
 7 
(b) What number is greater than twice the number    by 11?
 16 
11. If a pipe fills of a swimming pool with water in one hour, write an
expression for that part of the pool which is filled in y hours.

Unit 5 59
Algebraic Terms

International Language & Business Centre Mathematics

Primary Six
Issued by Maths Department


Worked Example 1

Evaluate the following by taking a = 2, b = 6 , c = 4 and d = 5.

(a) (b - c) + a (b) (ab + c) d
(a) (b-c) + a = (6 - 4) + 2 (b) (ab + c) d = ( 2 × 6 + 4) 5
= 2+2 = (12 + 4) 5
= 4 = 80

Exercise 5.5
1. Evaluate the following by taking a = 2, b = 4, c = 3, d = 5, e = 7 and
f = 6.
(a) a (b + c) (b) e - (a + c) (c) e (f - c)
(d) d (e - b) (e) c (f + b + a) (f) f (b + c + d)
(g) a (e - a - b) (h) b (f - c - a) (i) a + b ( c + d)
f c
(j) f + c (e - b) (k) b (c + d) + (l) (a + f)
e d

2. Evaluate the following by taking a = -2, b = 6, c = -4, d = 7, e = -1

and f = 6.
a a c
(a) (b + e) (b) b   
b b d

 f  a
(c) a  bc  de   (d) d  df  dc  
 c  b

Unit 5
60 Algebraic Terms

International Language & Business Centre

Primary Six
Issued by Maths Department

3. Verify the following by taking a = 2, b = and c = -6.
(a) ab + ac = a (b + c) (b) ba + ca = (b + c) a
(c) ab - ac = a (b - c) (d) ba - ca = (b - c) a

5.5 Open Sentences

Consider the sentences 9 + 5 = 14 and 9 + 6 = 14.
9 + 5 = 14 is true, 9 + 6 = 14 is false.
Here is another sentence.
+ 5 = 3, this sentence is neither true nor false.
We do not know what number the symbol represents. This is
called an open sentence. A symbol such as is a variable.
Variables - Variables are letters used to represent numbers.

Exercise 5.6
1. In each of the following sentences, decide whether the sentence is
true if the variable has the suggested value.
(a) 7 + = 12 ; let be 5 (b) -2 + x = 2 ; let x be 4
(c) y + (-3) = 2; let y be 5 (d) t + 9 = 11; let t be 2

(e) 5 + = 3; let be -2 (f) - 32 = 0; let be 32

2. Find the solution of each of the following open sentences by inspection.
(a) +4=9 (b) -5 = 10
1 7 4 1
(c) x + = (d) x - =
4 4 5 5
(e) 3 - x = 10 (f) 3-x =0

Unit 5 61
Algebraic Terms

International Language & Business Centre Mathematics

Primary Six
Issued by Maths Department

3. If x represents a natural number, find the solutions of the following

by inspection.
(a) x < 3 (b) x  3 (c) x + 2 < 4
(d) 4 > x (e) 4  x (f) 4 > x - 1

4. If x represents a natural number, find the solutions of the following

by inspection.
(a) x < 7 and x > 2 (b) x < 20 and x > 15
(c) x  15 and x  9 (d) x  20 and x 15
(e) x - 7  14 (f) x + 3  10
(g) x - 15 < 20 (h) x + 3  15
(i) 10 - x > 2 (j) 7-x2
x x
(k) < 3 (l) 3- >1
3 3

5. If x represents a natural number, state whether each of the following

statements is true or false.
(a) x > 0 (b) x > -4
(c) x  0 (d) x  -1
(e) x  4 (f) x1

Unit 5
62 Algebraic Terms

International Language & Business Centre

Primary Six
Issued by Maths Department

Worked Example

Solve 3 (3-2x ) - ( 1 + x ) = 10 - 13 x.

3 (3-2x ) - ( 1 + x ) = 10 - 13 x.
9 - 6x - 1 - x = 10 - 13x
8 - 7x = 10 - 13x
8 - 7x + 13x = 10 - 13x + 13x (Add 13x to both sides)
8 + 6x = 10
8 + 6x -8 = 10 - 8 (Subtract 8 from both sides)
6x = 2 (Divide both sides by 6)
6x 2
6 6
x =
Therefore, the solution is .

Exercise 5.7

1. The following are four groups of equations . State, in each group,

how the first equation can be converted to the second and the second
to the third.
(a) 6x + 3 = 5 + x (b) 3x - 4 = 14 - 3x
5x + 3 = 5 6x - 4 = 14
5x = 2 6x = 18

Unit 5 63
Algebraic Terms

International Language & Business Centre Mathematics

Primary Six
Issued by Maths Department

(c) 3 (2x - 5) = 12 (d) 3[(x-5) + 2x] = 0

2x - 5 = 4 x - 5 + 2x = 0
2x = 9 x + 2x = 5

2. Find the solution of each of the following equations.

(a) 3x - 13 = 26 (b) 3x - 7 = 32
(c) 8 + 3x = 11 (d) 8 + 2x = 14
(e) 8x + 4 = 12 (f) 2x - 10 = 8
(g) x + 4 = 60 (h) 2a + 45 = 0
(i) x + 3 = 18 - 3x (j) 2y - 2 = 4 - y
(k) 4x = 7 + 3x

3. Solve the following equations.

(a) 3(x + 2) + 7 ( x - 1) = 12 (b) 5 (x + 1) + 3 (x - 1) = 5

(c) 4(x - 1) - (x + 3) = 0 (d) 3 (1 - x) + 4(x - 5) = 10

(e) 28(x - 3) - (x - 3) = 0 (f) 9 (x - 4) + (2 + 8x) = 0

(g) 3x + 3 (x - 3) - (4- 4x) = 0 (h) 3 (2x -3) - (2x + 2) = x - 3

(i) 3y + 6(y+3) - (8y-16) = 60 (j) 3 + (4 + 4p) = 6(4 - p)

(k) 3(u - 3) - 3(4 +u) = 5 + u (l) 5 - 3 (q - 7) = 2 (2 - q) -8

(m) 5 (3 - u) - 3 (4 + u) = 5 + u (n) x (3+x) - 3(1 + 2x) = 3 + x2

(o) n (3n - 3) - 5(3 + n) = 3n2 + 2n + 3

(p) w2 - w (w - 3) = 12 ( 1 + w)

Unit 5
64 Algebraic Terms

International Language & Business Centre

Primary Six
Issued by Maths Department

4. Solve the equations.

(a) x2 - 3 = 1 (b) 2x2 + 5 = 23
(c) 2x2 + 7 = 55 - x2 (d) 2(x2 + 1) = 52
(e) 2(x2 - 9) = 90 - x2 (f) (x - 1)2 = 4


Worked Example

Solve x - 1 = 3
x - 1 = 3
x -1+1 = 3 + 1 (add 1 to both sides)
x = 4
1 
2  x  = 2 (4) (Multiply both sides by 2)
2 
x =8 

Worked Example
Solve (2x - 1) = 4.
Solution: (2x - 1) = 4
6 3
x - = 4
4 4

Unit 5 65
Algebraic Terms

International Language & Business Centre Mathematics

Primary Six
Issued by Maths Department

3 3 3 3 3
x - + = 4 + ( add to both sides)
2 4 4 4 4
3 3
x = 4
2 4
2 3  2  19  3
 x =   (Divide both sides by )
3 2  3 4  2
x = 
3 2
Note: Dividing by is the same as multiplying by .
2 3
Alternative Solution
(2x - 1) = 4
3(2x - 1) = 16 (Multiply both sides by 4)
6x - 3 = 16
6x - 3 + 3 = 16 + 3 (Add 3 to the both sides)
6x = 19
6x 19
= (Divide both sides by 6)
6 6
 x = 

Exercise 5.8
Solve the following equations.
1. ½y + 3 = 9 2. (8x + 4) = 3
1 2
3. (3x + 9) = 2x + 3 4. (2x + 3) = x + 1
3 5

Unit 5
66 Algebraic Terms

International Language & Business Centre

Primary Six
Issued by Maths Department

1 2
5. (x + 4) = 20 6. a+9 = 0
3 5
3 2 4 1 11
7. y– = 8. (5x - 4) = x +
5 5 5 2 2
4 7 y 4y
9. x= +x 10. - = 3
3 3 2 5
9 4 m m m
11. a+7 = a 12. – + = 2
10 5 6 4 5
1 3 2 1
13. (x - 1) + (x + 3) = 0 14. (7 - x) + (x + 2) = 0
2 4 3 4


P = 2 (L + B) is a formula for finding the perimeter (P) of a rectangle
when the length (L) and the breadth (B) are given. We can also find
L when P and B are given.
Suppose P = 38 and B = 7. Then,
38 = 2 (L + 7)
38 = 2L + 14
38 - 14 = 2L
24 = 2L
L = 12 

Worked Example
If s = ½(u + v)t, find v when u = 4, t = 13 and s = 42.
42 = ½ (4 + v) (13)
2( 42 ) = (4 + v) (13)

Unit 5 67
Algebraic Terms

International Language & Business Centre Mathematics

Primary Six
Issued by Maths Department

84 = 52 + 13v
32 = 13 v
v =
= 2 

Worked Example
 22
If s = 2 (r+h), find h when s = 440 and r = 7  Take   .
 7
s = 2rh
 × ( 7 + h)
440 = (7 + h)
7×10= 7 + h
 h = 70 - 7 = 63 

Exercise 5.9

1. If a = qr , find a when t = 120, q = 20 and r = 10.

2. If A = h (R2 - r2), find A when R = 13, r = 5 and h = 2.

1 2
3. If s = ut + ftt , find s when u = 20, t = 10 and f = 15.

4. If A = LB, find L when A = 450 and B = 18.

Unit 5
68 Algebraic Terms

International Language & Business Centre

Primary Six
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7  22 
5. If A = 2rh, find h when A = 33 and r = .  Take   
4  7 

6. If E = mV2, find V when E = 180 and m = 10.

7. If v = u + ft, find f when v = 180, u = 14 and t = 16.

8. If v2 = u2 + 2fs, find s when f = 64, u = 10 and v = 120.

t wv
9. If = , find t if w = 5, v = 4 and u = 10
100 uv

a2  b2 p
10. If 2 2 = , find p if a = 2, b = 3, c = 4 and q = 5.
c b q

b  k
11. If = r 1   , find r if b = 3, h = 4 and k = 12.
h  h

12. If A = (a + b)h, find a when b = 12 , h = 10 and A = 225.

1 2  22 
13. If v = r h, find r when h = 70 and v = 660.  Take   
3  7 

1 1 1 3
14. If = (u-1)  r  r  , find t when u = , r1 = 20 and r2 = 10.
t  1 2  2


Worked Example
The total cost of 5 pens and 15 pencils is $33. If the pencils cost 20
cents each , find the cost of each pen.

Unit 5 69
Algebraic Terms

International Language & Business Centre Mathematics

Primary Six
Issued by Maths Department

Let the price of each pen be$x, then 5 pens cost $ (5x).
15 pencils cost 15 × 20 C i.e.$3
The total cost of the pens and pencils is $(5x+3). This cost is given as $33.
Thus, 5x + 3 = 33
5x = 30
x =
= 6 
Therefore, the price of 1 pen is $6.

Note : Checking of answers is always beneficial even though it is not

required to be written down as part of your answer.

Worked Example
The sum of two numbers is 24. Twice the first plus the second is 26.
Find the numbers.

Let x be the first number. Then, (24-x)is the second number.
But twice the first plus the second is 26.
Thus, 2x + (24–x) = 26
2x + 24 - x = 26
2x - x = 26 - 24
x = 2 
Also, 24 - x = 24 - 2
= 22 
Therefore, the numbers are 2 and 22.

Unit 5
70 Algebraic Terms

International Language & Business Centre

Primary Six
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Worked Example
A boy is 24 years younger than his father. In 2 years time, the sum
of their ages will be 40. How old is the father and how old is the son now?

Let the father’s age now be x years. Then, the son’s age is (x-24)
years. In two years’ time, their ages will be (x+2) and (x-24+2) years
Since the sum of their ages will then be 40 years, we have
(x + 2) + (x - 24 + 2) = 40
x + 2 + x - 24 + 2 = 40
2x - 20 = 40
2x = 60
x = 30 
Therefore, the father is 30 years old now and the son is (30-24), i.e.
6 years old.

Worked Example

A man mixes 5 kg of grade B coffee powder with 4 kg of grade A

coffee powder. The grade A coffee powder costs $ 4.50 per kg more than
the grade B coffee powder. If the cost of the mixture is $ 16 per kg, find
the price of 1 kg of grade B coffee powder.

Unit 5 71
Algebraic Terms

International Language & Business Centre Mathematics

Primary Six
Issued by Maths Department

Let $x be the cost of 1 kg of grade B coffee powder. Then, $ (x + 4½)
is the cost of 1 kg of grade A coffee powder. We have
5x + 4 (x + 4½) = 16 ×9
5x + 4x + 18 = 144
9x = 126
x = 14 
Therefore, the price of 1 kg of grade B coffee powder is $ 14.

Here are some points to remember when solving word problems.

1. Try to understand the problem clearly.
2. Look for the unknown quantities
3. State clearly what your variable represents and the units used.
4. If necessary, write expressions for other unknown quantities
in terms of the variable.
5. Write an equation which states the fact of the problem.
6. Use a sequence of equivalent equations to solve that equation.
7. Check the answers by testing them with the conditions as
stated in the problem.

Exercise 5.10

1. Arthur has 12 more mangoes than Margaret. If they have 28 mangoes

altogether, find the number of mangoes Arthur has.

2. Michael and Jim together have 19 pineapples. If Jim has 3 pineapples

less than Michael, find the number of pineapples Michael has.

Unit 5
72 Algebraic Terms

International Language & Business Centre

Primary Six
Issued by Maths Department

3. A number is only one third another. If their difference is 38, find the numbers.
3 1
4. A certain number is less than another by . If their sum is 9 , find the
4 4

5. One number is greater than half of another by 15. If their sum is 48, find
the numbers.

6. A father is four times as old as his son now. If the father was 46, years
old two years ago, find the son’s age now?

7. The sum of two consecutive even numbers is 54. Find the numbers.

8. If the sum of two consecutive odd numbers is 208, what are the numbers?

9. If m is an odd number, write an expression for the next three consecutive

odd numbers. If the sum of these four numbers is 32, find m.
3 5 1
10. The sum of a number, of the number and of the number is 7 .
8 16 2
Find the number.

11. I think of a certain number. If I multiply it by 6, add -18 to the product and
take away one-third of the sum, I will get -2. What is the number?

12. The sum of two numbers is 2 and their difference is 10. Find the numbers.

13. Divide 102 dollars among three boys, A, B and C, so that A gets twice as
much as B and C gets 1 times as much as A. How much does each
boy get?

Unit 5 73
Algebraic Terms

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