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What you have done from Terraform

how can we reuse the terraform code for multiple environments(dev/pre-prod/prod)?

User data needs provisioners, can you beief on the provisioners and let us know how they are connected
to vm etc

What are the data source in terraform

Specify the different kind of state file you used

I have a scenario like I have create resource through terraform and its state in the remote state file. Let
say we have 3 developers, dev 1 has created a resource and dev 2 has deleted that resource and tried
adding new resourse, what would happened in this scenario?

If a developer has created a EC2 instance manully from console to when you will execute terraform then
how it will behave and how you will resolve it?

We have a EC2 instance and we have done a terraform import on local then how do you synce terraform
local state file and terraform backend(S3)?

Can you explain various provider versions in terraform and how do they affect when runnings?

Can you let me know few providers which you used in terraform in your daily work(not cloud providers,
various providers which we use in

What is provider alias?

Let say we have a terraform version 0.12x and we have aws provider version 1.x.x, now how you will
ensure that your aws provider version is above 2.x at a time to run terraform?

What is the terraform state?

What is remot state

What is lock in terraform

How many types of provissioners aviaiable in terraform

What port used by provisioner to connect the VM

Why do I use remote state file and local state file

What is terraform refresh

What is terraform import

What are the parametes we wirte in providers block?

What is the terraform state pull

What is infrastructure as code(IaC)

What is the difference between configuration and provisioning?

What are the workflows in terraform

What is resource lifecycle

Specify exact port used by provision app to connect to the VMs if it’s a linux vm or windows vm?

What is the difference between ansible and terraform

I have a new AWS account and I have EC2 instance. I have to launch a EC2 instance with terraform setup
and Jenkins, what would be steps?

What is modules in Terraform?

End of the Documents

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