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[NATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY ORGANEZATION IER: ae nt me Fatslabee eee 1__[Frasig Fte ta 2.__[Corr et Approve age 2, _ [stint Taning Dau 4.__[eeome & apenaiareSutenent ,_ [Fee recsre task Subinion Dat (cm) ‘ [Pia Expense ReeipyDenl (Original) [ayabie Expense Recript/ Detail (Orginal) sit (creck by: Signature & Date: NATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY ORGANIZATION F PROGRAM / TRAINING REPORT Pakistan Home Textile Export For Canada Date: f)“July, 2021 Mr. Asif Shahzadis (External Resource Speaker) No. of participants: 13 [National Productivity organization has taken initiative to boost up the industry with career ‘counseling. Discover new opportunities to expand your international footprint. Canada’s broad {and growing) trade network gives Canadian companies preferred access to diverse markets all over the world. With a current minor share in Canada’s textile imports, Pakistan stands to lose ‘more especially in the Garment sector as opposed to gains from greater access to Canada’s textile markets. The PBC recommends a limited Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) in the first stage, which allows Pakistani manufacturers inereased access 10 Canada's textile market, especially for apparel, in return for tariff concessions on certain agricultural produce such as Canadian canola and other fruits and vegetables. Canada is the 10th largest economy in the world (in nominal dollars) with a GDP of $1.7 trillion as of 2018. The country has a booming service industry with over three-quarters of the people employed in the service sector. Canada's economy has grown steadily in the past ten years; however, on the trade front, the country’s export growth has shown a decrease. Exports over the past decade posted a negative CAGR of 0.1 percent, with exports valued at $450.7 billion in 2018. Imports, however, have increased in the same time period with a CAGR of 1.1% and were ‘Valued at $459.8 billion in 2018. ‘The program was held on April27"2021 online training session. The program started at 10:00 am in the morning as per the planned schedule. Program was closed at 01:30 PM as per the schedule. OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAM. Home Textile goods market Overview Import Export Export Documentation & Procedure HS Code & Custom Duties, Pricing & Quality Strategies for exporters Practices Law for Canada eeeeee National Productivity Organization ce Issuance Request Fort Course Title: Pakistan Home Textile Export For Canada Venue: Faisalabad (Online Training session) a te Course Duration oy pay Date: [97-2021 [607-2001 Sees No. of Certificates Requested by: Abdul Gayoom, Centficates D Yes St. Nos. Range (if Yes) : Issued: 0 No Reason (if Not Issued) : Certificates Fee: Receipt No (ocs/tes etc.): loved & * copy to Accounts Department fet aaa At of een ns ema Co ingen pip bam inter 3 Academie interest preparing Beant to improve my 9st! myself ent/eourse? 112) a er Oo ee Jp Letter from the NPO pyemmail ) Website Q Gp Newspapers © Qarrend 0 enticourse 113) _ The information! conten provided in the seminal nt/cot wearin (FASE eset) insutie 114) Connectivity a een og © epelow avers 0 115) Audio/Video Quality Need fARemule cg epBelowavernBe 9 116) Accessibility 10 stnenaly 0 s»DITeut OEY 117) Technical Assistance «) Below average © coos Db) Adequate © Med? 19) Shoal this lecture be repeated” Iryes who should be ca Vesnnn No 0 Sumgested Resource Person (ifany): 119) What another tpi must BE covered and by whom 120)” Speakers / Trainer Assessme Speaker 1: Me. Asif Shahzad : a 8) Other training topies you may lil veemmest 09) Any suggestions you may like to mak ake Ne fame (optional): ——-Tr Training Course: -PalfStan Hot a sme Textile Export to Canada-- Date:15-07-21 101) Tam interested in this Semina @) Academic interest ©) Twant to improve my system 102) How did Out the seminar/ eventicourse? ) Letter from the NPO 1 b) Snail D ©) Website a ) Newspapers )AFriend 9 ¥/Course/Event because of ») preparing for creating productivity & quality cultureO ‘myself 0 103) The informat tion/ contents a) Sufficient 9) Provided in the seminar/ event/eourse are b) Adequate ©) Insufficient 104) Connectivity a a) Good Oo b) Adequate 0 ©) Below average 0 108) Audio / Video Quality a) Good Db) Adequate 9 ©) Below average © 106) Aceessi y a) User Friendly b) Difficult 107) Technical Assistance a)Good 0 by Adequate 0 ©) Below average 0) 108) _Should this lecture be repeated? If yes who should be called? ‘Yes 1 No 1 Suggested Resource Person: (i any) 109) a ‘What another topic must be covered and by whom: 110) Speakers / Trainer Assessment: ‘Speaker I: Mr. Asif Shahzad Parameters Excellent | Good | Adequate Presentation Skills Poor ‘Communication Skills Time Management Contents Covered 8) Other training topics you may tke tobggest ee 09) Any suggestions you may like to make ee Name (optional): ‘Training Course: Phkistan Home Textile Export to Canada~ Date: > {his Seminar/Course/Event because of Qo ») preparing for creating productivity & quality culture’) ©) Lwant to improve my system / myself. ) Academic interest 92) How did you get to know about the seffinar/ event/course? 4) Leter from the NPO ») E-mail o ©) Website 0 4) Newspapers ( S)AFriend 9 98) The information/ contents provided in the seminar/eventicourse are 8) Sufficient Ob) Adequate ©) Insufficient © 94) Connectivity a a) Good Db) Adequate 0 95) Audio / Video Quality 8) Good, 0 ©) Below average 0) b) Adequate ©) Below average 0 96) Accessibility A a) User Friendly Ob) Diffout oS 97) Technical Assistance a)Good Ob) Adequate ©) Below average 0) 98) Should this lecture be repeated? If yes who should be called? Yes No Suggested ResouroPerson: if any): ~ 99) What another topic must be covered and by whom? 100) Speakers / Trainer Assessment: Speaker 1: Mr. Asif Shahzad Parameters | Excellent | Cbod | Adequate Poor | Remarks Presentation Skills ‘Communication Stalls Time Management a Contents Covered 8) Other training topies you may like to Suggest 09) Any suggestions you may like to make a 81) Lam interested in this Seminar/Course/Event because of 8) Academic interest) ») preparing for ereating productivity & quality culture’) ©) I want to improve my system /mysel? 0 82) How did you get to know about the sen nar/ event/course? a) Letter from the NPO 0 b) E-mail o ©) Website o 4) Newspapers. E )AFriend 83) The inform: a) Sufficient 0 V contents provided in the seminar’ event/course are b) Adequate O qc) Insufficient 0 84) Connectivity 8) Good Db) Adequate 0 ©) Below average D 85) Audio / Video Quality ) Good Ob) Adequate 0 ©) Below average 0 86) Accessibility 4 a) User Friendly 0) Difficult 0 87) Technical Assistance 8)Good 0b) Adequate_o ©) Below average 0 88) Should this lecture be re peated? If yes who should be called? Yes 0 No 2 Supgested Resoune®Person (ans) 89) What another topic must be covered and by whom? 90) Speakers / Trainer Assessment: Speaker 1: Mr. Asif Shahzad a [Parameters Bxeateat” [Good | Aasgeate] Fase Remarig [ Presenaion Sis | Commanicaton Ses [Time Manogemen 3 l ‘Contents Covered a | a 8) Other training topies you may like to suggest Se 09) Any suggestions you may like to make Se -. “Training Course: -Pakistan Home Textile Export to Canada Date 71am interested inthis SeminariCourse/Event because of 8) Academic interest : ©») preparing for creating productivity & quality cultured) ©) Lwant to improve my system myself a 72) How did you get to know about the serinar/event/eourse? 4) Letter from the NPO 0 ) E-mail y ©) Website a 4) Newspapers OAFriend 73) The information’ contents provided ingdhe seminar/ event/course are 8) Sufficient 9 b) Adequate V %' ¢) Insufficient 0 74) Connectivity 9)Good Tb) Adequate Ve) Below average © 75) Audio / Video Quality Good Vb) Adequate ©) Below average 0 76) Accessibility a) User Friendly Vb) Difficult 77) Technical Assistance Good 0b) Adequate Vig ©) Below average 78) Should this lecture be repeated? If yes who should be called? Yes Q No V. Suggested Resource Person: (if any) 79) What another topic must be covered and by whom: 80) Speakers / Trainer Assessment Speaker 1: Mr. Asif Shahzad Parameters Excellent_[ Good | Adequate Poor Remarks Presentation Skills v ‘Communication Skills, Vv Time Management Va Contents Covered v 8) Other training topies you may like to suggest 09) Any suggestions you may like to mal ‘Name (optional): ‘Training Course: -Pakistan Home Textile Export to Canada-- Date: National Pbductivity Organization eae Teer 8) Academic inter ©) 1 want to impr r/CoursciEvent because of rove my system / Bim" “ing productivity & quality cultured a $2) How did you get to know about the seminar/ event/course? a) Letter from the NPO. nat? eventicourse? ©) Website i b) E-mail 4) Newspapers 1 )APtiend — g os §3) The information/ contents provid 8) Sufficient ed in the semsinar/eventisourse are Bw Adequie fA necmannte 64) Connectivity a) Good o b) Adequate ©) Below average 0 65) Audio / Video Quaity ©) Good GT" WAdequate Below avenge 0 a 66) Accessibility 2 3) User Friendly |b) Difficult o 67) Technical Assistance a)Good 9 b) Adequate 68) Should this lecture be re peated? If yex™who should be called? Yes G No Bh Suggested Resoureé Person: (ifany): ©) Below average © 69) What another topic must be covered and by whom? 70) Speakers / Trainer Assessment: ‘Speaker 1: Mr. Asif Shahzad 49 Parameters Execlient_[ Good] Adequate | Poor Remarks Preventation Skills T Cornmanication SEs r “Time Management [Contents Covered A 8) Other training topics you may like to suggest ee 09) Any suggestions you may like to make a National PfSductivity Organ ation 51) Lam interested inthis SeminarCourse inarlCourserEvent because of a) Academic interest ; = ©) L want to improve ‘my system / myself Ca " i 52) How did you get to know about the Seminar! event/course? ‘) Letter from the NPO Doe ») E-mail ©) Website a 4) Newspapers 0 e)AFtiend 9 = 83) The infor ion/ contents provided i 8) Sufficient adhe seminar! eventicourse are b) Adequate 0) oe) Insufficient 0 54) Connectivity Good (Adequate ©) Below average 1 55) Audio / Video Quality a) Good o b) Adequate If a Below average 0 56) Accessibility - a) User Friendly [| b) Difficult 0 1 Assistance OD byAdequate Hc) Below average 0 58) Should this lecture be repeated? If yefNho should be called? Yes No MB Suggested Resource Person (iran) ‘59) What another topic must be covered and by whom? ——- 60) Speakers / Trainer Assessment ‘Speaker 1: Mr. Asif Shahzad ey Parameters Excellent | Good | Adequate | Poor Remar Presentation Skills tT ‘Communication Skills ‘Time Management T Contents Covered cr 8) Other training topics you may like to suggest 09) Any suggestions you may like to make . stan Home Textile Date: July 1 Name (optional): -Muhammad Rafi Training Course: -Pakistan Hom Ras sary eee fs) National Productivity Organization this Seminar/Course/Event because of a) Academic interest 0 ») preparingYor creating productivity & quality culture ©) L want to improve my system / myself 42) How did you get to know about the seminar/ event/course? ) Letter from the NPO b) E-mail ©) Website a e)AFriend 4) Newspapers 0 43) The information/ contents provided in the seminar! evenlcourse are 4) Sufficient” b)Adequate Oc)Insufficent © a) Good G by Adequate 0 ©) Below average 0 45) Audio / Video Quality ) Good Gb) Adequate 0 ©) Below average 0 46) Accessibility a) User Friendly § —b) Difficult 47) Technical Assistance a)Good O by Adequate Dm ©) Below average 0 48) Should this lecture be repeated? If yes who should be called”? Yes Q No 1 Suggested Resource Person: (if any); 49) What another topic must be covered and by whom? 50) Speakers / Trainer Assessment Speaker 1: Mr. Asif Shahzad Parameters Excelient_ | Good | Adequate | Poor Remarks Presentation Skills a Communication Skis | Time Management| Contents Covered a 8) Other training topics you may like to suggest 09) Any suggestions you may like to mal NOTES gare Plea lie Evaluation F a v9 as National Producti ap SS 31) Lam interested inthis 1) Academic interest 0) Seminar/CoursEvent be +) peeparing for creating productivity & quality cultured ©) I want to improve my system /fAyaelf! 22) How did you get to know about the seminar/ eventicourse? 1) Letter from the NFO.) 8) E-mail a ©) Website ao d) Newspapers )AFriend 33) The information/ contents provided in the seminar/ event/course are 8) Sufficient CO BY Adequate! ©) Insufficient o. 34) Connectivity Good 9 BYAMERIAIETG Below average 0 38) Audio / Video Quality Good 0 BYARD 6) Below average 0 36) Accessibility 8) UserFriendly O 8) Difficult 1g 37) Technical Assistance 9) Good Ob) Adequate a 38) Should this lecture be repeated? If yes who should be called? Yes Nol O/'Suggested Resource Person (itanyy ©) Below average 0 39) What another topie must be covered and by whom? 40) Speakers / Trainer Assessment Speaker |: Mr. Asif Shahzad E Parameters Presentation Skills Excellent | Good [Adequate | [__ Poor Remarks Communication Skills a Time Management [Gentes Covered] E 8) Other training topies you may like to suggest os 5 09) Any suggestions you may like to make Name: Naveed Ahmad “Training Course: -PAK Home Teatile Export to Canada Date: 15-07-2021 National Pfdductivity Organization Event/ Course Evaluation Performa 21) Lam interested in this Semi ) Academie interest.) inar/Course/Event because of ) preparing for ereating productivity & quality culture) «) I want to improve my system / in 22) How did you get to know about the semi ) Letter from the NPO ©) Website 0 4) Newspapers e)AFtiend 0. / event/cours. 23) The informations c ontents provided 2) Sufficient 0 ASRS 24) Conneetvi b) Adequate 2 Audio / Video Quality Adequat jelow average B) Adequate Og) Belo ge 0 26) Accessil a - ») Diffie o 'e seminar! event/course are ©) Insufficient ©) Below average 0 b) Adequate 0 28) Shoutd this lecture be repeated? It yef%Mho should be called? Yes 0 Suggested Resource Person: ian ©) Below average 0 29) What another topic must be covered and by whom? 30) Speakers / Trainer Assessment Speaker 1: Mr. Asif Shahzad a Parameters Excellent | Good Presentation Skills Adequate Poor Remarks ‘Communication Skills a G Time Management TE Contents Covered 8) Other training topics you may like to suggest 09) Any suggestions you may like to make a ‘Name (optional): -Nazneen Farasat 2021 Training Course: Home Textile Export to Canada- Date: 15-07- a ffan. 11) Tam interested in this Seminar/Course/Event because of 8) Academic interest 0. ») preparingafor creating productivity & quality culture®) ©) want to improve my system / myself Oe 12) How did you get to know about the seminar/ eventicourse? 4) Letter from the NPO © ) E-mail a ©) Website 0 4) Newspapers (1 e)AFriend 0 13) The information/ contents provided ifthe seminar evenicourse are 8) Sufficient Ob) Adequate" ©) Insufficient 0 14) Connectivity ) Good Db) Adequate a ©) Below average 15) Audio / Video Quality 8) Good 0 b) Adequate 0 ©) Below average 0 16) Accessi ity 4) User Friendly 0 ») Difficult oO 17) Technical Assistance )Good Ob) Adequate 18) Should this tecture be repeated? If yes who should be called? Yes © No O Suggested Resource Person: (ifany) ©) Below average 0 19) What another topic must be covered and by whom? 20) Speakers / Trainer Assessment a ‘Speaker 1: Mr. Asif Shahzad Parameters Presentation Skills ‘Communication Skills ‘Time Management A [ Contents Covered Excellent | Good a ‘Adequate Poor Remarks 8) Other tr: ing topics you may like to suggest 09) Any suggestions you may like to mat = Date: 15/07/2021 a eas. sted this SeminantCourggvent beens of . yee Se ce inn se 2 improve ny tem! mel 2) How did you get to know about the seminay/ cevent/cours i 2) Lette from the NPO © ') E-mail o) Website a &) Newspapers AFriond 0 4) The nformation/ contents provided in he seminar/ eventcourse re a) Sufficient ‘Adequate CO €) Insufficient O 4) Connecti 2) Good wy Adequate He) Below average 0 5) Audio/Video Quality a a) Good 1D byAdequate ¢) Below average O 6) Accessibilty a) User Friendly J) Difficult 0 1) Technical Assistance Morel Oo byAdequte Mm ©) Below average 8) Should this lecture be repeated? If yes who should be called? Yes No. [il Suggested Resource Person: (if any): ~ 9) What another topic must be covered and by whom? ~ 10) Speakers / Trainer Assessmen A Speaker 1: Mr. Asif Shahzad Parameters Fxcellent [Good | Adequate | Poor Remarks Presentation Skills r Communication SKIS |W Time Management . Contents Covered 1 8) Other training topics you may like to suggest 09) Any suggestions you may like to male Name (optional): Kousar Shareef -Training Course: Home Textile Export to Canada- Date: July 15 fx onc use ony a National Productivity Organization ductivity Organization Regiavation Sip Conn Tralsng Sesion on taustntene Teale agreed Tt | owns nan Panne RMITRADERS oom Set ever RMI TRADERS poten aa shod Asst epg RMITRADERS Webste Cheque # Mailing Address TRKIO EB 226200519 amr a FT ETP Ta e a Erne) Registration Slip Online Training Session on Pakistan Home Textile Export to Canada 125 July, 2021 ere A ee | om, | Business Solution Pvt Ltd 1000/- Mailing Address: TRXID Business Solution Pvt Ltd 4300236562 Remarks: Easy Placa IPP, a Registration Slip ing Session on ‘Online Traini pakistan Home Textile Export to Canada a 5 July, 2023 Profession! Designation ricipant Khursheed Anwar Website Remarks: Fee Transferin NEO Account mount Received By (NAME) [Signature al National Productivity Organization El 2 Po [PAKISTAN] Registration Slip aA Online Training Session on 7 Pakistan Home Textile Export to Canada 35 July, 2021 Mr. Shahid Mahmood Aspen textile jaranawala Road Faisalabad Website Cheque # Mailing Address: Foe Status Marketing Mangger TRX ID: 12486632220 Aspen textile jaranawala Road Faisalabad [Amount Received By (ame) aA National Productivity Organization 2 ‘3 Registration Slip a Online Training Session on Pakistan Home Textile Export to Canada (08 July, 2023 Mazi spons Fatsalabad Cheque # Mailing Address: Pf} _ A Remarks: Transfer in NPO Fysal Bank AIC @ 07 Juy National Productivity Organization #7. ZF Oo om waar Seis S| Registration Slip Online Training Session on For Official Use Only A Pakistan Home Textile Export to Canada i “ 15 July, 2021 Profession/ Designation Organization institution Foe Status Director S.Vally Pvt Ltd 1000/ = om TRX Ch eque # Mailing Address: 10:21211482580 [Remarks: Jazz Cash on line Transaction National Productivity Organization APB Pyne eb ry Registration Slip RSS| ~ Online Training Session on Pakistan Home Textile Export to Canada RUT 15 July, 2021 Mr. Muhammad Rizwan Chief innovation Chicer Zaug Group 1000/ Cheque # Mailing Address: TRX ID | |e | [Amount Received By [Romarks: OT July transfer in NPO AIG (NAME) NPO Account Fysal Bank A eer Registration Slip Online Training Session on Pakistan Home Textile Export to Canada a 35 July, 2021 Organization! institution |Muhammad Farrukh Atiq Ansat Managing Director Olive Corporation Pvt Ltd. National Productivity Organization x f x Fee Status Website Cheque & Mailing Address: ID: sarsereras Olive Corporation Pvt Ltd.Lahore Easy Pissa Romarks: Easy Piesa — National Productivity Organization 2B Registration Slip Online Training Session on Pakistan Home Textile Ex, ort to Canada 35 July, 2021 W Institut Proton sgn Svmnatonmanutee [resus | Mrs. Nazneen Farasat Director | | “_— [Amount Received By (NAME) National Productivity Organization HPO 9) aw Registration Slip a Online Training Session on Oriel ea Pakistan Home Textile Export to Canada , A 15 July, 2021 Profession! Designation ‘Organization! institution Director M.A Textille Mils Pvt Ltd. Cheque # Mailing Address: M.A Textille Mils Pvt Ltd.Faisalabad | 12592729233 Remarks: a National Productivity Organization ‘egiaion Sip Online Training Session on ston Hore enti sparta Cone ‘vn a021 HPE PAKISTAN ‘Orgarzaon eaten Parent hiame Fes) ceo AM Business 000. sys an ansaniew Website Malling Address: TRX ID AM Business 21271833430 mae 6 Income & Expenditure Statement Online Session on "Pakistan Home Teil Export For Canada” haat INCOME i — imate Naot] Atos of Acta ut Fee [serpan Dect vets ss iany sexe Desription aia Bade oe ne Paetiunts Fee ‘Received ‘stimated |Amount received from participants. 12,000.00 2,800.00)} 190000] 10 2 z Z 1 Yeay paid Q 2 oisunes 1 0000 HOTAL FEE COLLECTED opoo0] 10 1H =a] 009) lexpenprrure. Taide Tobe pad = sexe] de poagiea | "Aree ytd, [Tot Expenses Exes aeons amount Ortice 1 [Resse Peoe Homo Ta =| sano [aan Tapa Rr eon 2 [eerie 000 : = Teenie 3 [Potoopy coal Sans 2 a PPaaten Sindy Prting Com : : 5 [eninge wo om Belcan on Fe aA) [TOTAL EXPENDITURE 700.0 : sane —s9.00 : [AMOUNT ISSUED AS AD. : INET SURPLUS/ (DEFICIT) 30.00 : zane | 000 “FSD NATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY ORGANIZATION “a cnt nia em ‘ranaiasone Tne aoe pe Cte ‘rancor ot = a om aa Na af Paripans rer __ “Tu Fe Cac a “To Digan Ges ee Tota Saving: Tota Expeses Se an tattrsanmt nae ia ‘eos me = + jos nen oat = eer joc ee ono £ Pel E z red fctnenmer _Inmustgazeeesm eed possess ero £s/ kok 7 Ic tanames Rew [ontemncan ct [eyantue com fecmr manos 99236. to Ae Tah 7. [earn he aaa aon peas "OIE favo = fr ocnad lowe ee ers) pss GaP po Ae_F- . lnonnedFenansoan cep ener ees eames oe ne Tewe Bel a faces eS! paseo 1 fot . ed [eo eer eaten jena ono [eB 2 shone a me Joussonsrignorsn com ja TeADeRS| Laowmmas £6 ade2«0573 | MP0 Ale. iz, ® beers lo as [europe en frsssngn _“noncks [|VPO A/E | yy a eee etd eeeass [ooo pe = marae 2 Latte le wenn [neveces feosmene 2172212 Trl VP>A1C) Wp, e Jesu aca ed [eco yoda [aba 72306985800 Rae PIAL (22, 2807 NP >” ~ Eewo|- Pek ggo0/- Ref oes Domsd DMPO ts attache c< at mabe MA Ro y 6 " ¢ pwr? ) pe Jane 2.200, Stile Freceel 34 cre agprnels / g- fesef [ab pa Je 1» AA 220 : ~ Reyeet of Sahar Hea - fh Pu) ker ¥ 8 Dam fie), © lk DTN a National Productivity Organization Ministry of industries & Production ‘Government of Pakistan ‘August 10, 2021, sy ING FILE ON CO? “Pakistan Hi 3" 24) ‘Online session on “Bakistan Home Teatile Export for Canada” on July1S®, 2022. Total cash inflow of the training, program was Rs. 12,800/- (Online Training Session through Zoom). Total saving or income Rs.4,202/- 2, The detal of income and expenditure is as follows. inn [Et Jes colectesby ROF [Deposited in NPO Ban ROF [Participant Directly Deposit, [Payable to Mr.Asif Shahzad ‘Mir, Abdul Qayoom (Paid From Petty cash) Total Receipts: 12,800 ‘Total Expense s8.599 fic Total receivable fe rom parpants was Re 12,80/- collected. deposi 4 eb ’ dached @ Sve Rs, 6800/- ROF Deposited in NPO bank account. Og Rs 6000/- Deposited from participants In NPO Account. Expenses at honorarium of Rs.8,000/- payable to Mr. Asif Shahzad is as resource person. Expenses Paid from Patty cash. Rs. 4,201/- ‘Submitted for approval/payment, reimbursement please. Submitted for your Approval Please vexovee murar\ Asif management heodate mache fy p my mol 7 nr plo go =

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