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Tyson, Wayne

Bayaning 3rd World Viewing

1. Why did the lead characters in the movie call Rizal Bayaning 3rd World?
They called Rizal “Bayaning 3rd World” because from the word itself, 3rd
world can be described as a nation who belongs to developing countries in
which relates to Rizal as someone who is the national hero of one of the
countries that belongs to that group. As we all know, his lifework revolved
around the revolution against the Spanish regime, but the problem that
historians faced was that, Rizal retracted all of his works moments before his
execution which voids his credibility as the national hero. This is also relatable
to him being called the 3rd world hero in the film, just like the meaning of 3 rd
world, he himself and his works are still under development and we are yet to
discover the most accurate and true among all the accounts that were gathered.

2. What were the issues encountered by the said characters?

They were planning to create a movie about Rizal but they had to come up
with something that viewers will like and watch. They brainstormed for ideas
and concepts about what type of movie to produce and they ended up deciding
to make a detective type of movie where they investigate the life and works of
Rizal. Along the way they found themselves stuck in multiple situations
because the history and documents related to Rizal was doubtful and was
believed to be inaccurate and unreliable. From his execution, his true
intentions, his journey, and his relationships especially Josephine Bracken.
They also questioned the validity of the retraction letter made and signed by
Rizal himself saying that the signature was fake.

3. Why did they have difficulty in considering Rizal a hero?

They doubted Rizal’s true intention. The questions they asked themselves
were, “did Rizal truly opposed the revolution? Or was he upset because he was
not the one who started it?”. The main characters were able to dissect old
accounts and documents that supports the idea that Rizal turned his back
against the revolution and decided to just marry Josephine Bracken which
resulted to the main characters calling Rizal as “Bayaning 3rd World”.

4. How did various characters in the movie i.e. the cultists and the businessman
consider Rizal?
Cultists treated Rizal as a saint of their cult. They organized a new religion
revolving around him and his followers were singing songs and saying prayers
to him as a means of worshiping him. They believed that what he did was
something that qualifies him as a saint regardless of the accusations to Rizal
that he betrayed and despised the Church and only retracted from it moments
before his execution.

5. Why did the main characters conclude the movie or Rizal as “kanya-
kanyang Rizal”?
Because based on the accounts that they read, each has their own story
regarding Rizal. Each of them told stories of who he was, what he did, and
what he would have done. Each person that was interviewed had their own
version of Rizal which made the main characters say “kanya-kanyang Rizal”.

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