A Week of Meditation

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Name: Mary Cristine V.

Course and Section: BSNED 1-J1


Day 1 – December 17, 2020

This is the day after a typhoon hit our homeland. There was a power outbreak
so I had to have some diversion because I know it will take a while for things to
be normal again. So I decided to read one of my fave books of all time. Amidst
of reading it, I realized it was only that time that I sigh in relief. That typhoon
took some toll on me and it was only when I was reading that I felt a sense of
relief. I found peace in silence, when the people around me were already
sleeping while I was so engulf with the story and the kind of trope I love.
Day 2 – December 21, 2021

There is still no electricity on this day. My parents decided that we will jog
before the sunrise. It was my first time in a long time to be back and be
surrounded with mountains and fresh air again. Everywhere I go, there are just
too many places worth to be captured so I stop midway and took pictures.
When we were to tired to go further, we decided to stop on a spot where we
can have a good view of the sunrise and so it came. We had the time to
meditate and it was long before we knew that it took awhile for us to head
home because the view and the place were just too mesmerizing.
Day 3 – December 23, 2021

One of few things I do when I want to relieve my stress is to listen songs. And
today, I listened to the song that has been stuck with me since its debut last
April. I remember the first time I listened to it, I fell in love right away and when
I search up the lyrics, I knew that this song will stay with me for a long time and
it did. The feeling every time this song plays always resonates within me. I
remember all the events that has happened from the past months and it left me
some moments to linger and words to ponder. Sometimes or most of the time,
we find solace in music in a way that will help us to cope things.
Day 4 – December 29, 2021

Today, I decided to read an epub format of a book. I am like catching up to my

pile of tbr list after months of having a reading slump. And this story was the
one that took my attention, as I remembered that I have read its blurb and was
so intrigued for the two main characters were both writers and their way of
writing were kind of a paradox. I annotate in between reading the book. It has
always been my habit to write my reaction every scenes and to my surprised, I
wrote quiet a lot. Some parts of it was too personal for me that I had to lament
things. There were so much to talk about, issues to address, conflicts to solve
that I lost count of time and read it in just one sitting.
Day 5 – January 3, 2022

The day after my birthday. Still up to this day, there was still no electricity and
after some doing household chores, I sat on the couch and look for some video
on my youtube that I downloaded before. I click on this video because the
caption that was written intrigued me. When I was watching the video, All I felt
was agony for the old man who loses his memory every seven seconds. Its like
being reborn over and over again so every time, he learned new info, it dissolve
quickly right after. Despite losing his memory every seconds, the only thing he
remember is his wife. This was one of the best documentary I have watched
that made me realized how important time is and how we should not take
things for granted because we doesn’t really know what’s ahead of us.
Day 6 – January 9, 2022

Luckily on this day, electricity is back so things are gradually back to normal. In
the evening, as. I was reading some of my diary entry, I decided to make a new
one. Writing on my journal has always been my hobby since I was little. I
remember I kept all my notebook containing lots of diary entries and secrets for
the past years. It has been my form of self expression- whatever type of
emotions I feel, I wrote it down and its like a kind of way to ease myself. To
erase my bad thoughts and to take my time to self-reflect.
Day 7 – January 14, 2022

It was a rainy morning and I was home alone. I have thought of reading a
webtoon story to pass the time. Well, as you can see, I am really fond of reading
and I cant think of anything that would soothe my mind other than that. Days
ago, I saw a recommendation list from a friend and this story was mentioned. It
did not help that this only has 12 chapters so I was convinced to read this one.
The story was about friendship and self-discovery of which I could relate so
much. There were so many scenes that I love and quotations worth to ponder.

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