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SUMMARY OF PRACTICUM EVALUATION BY MENTOR (FROM C) FAKULTI PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA ‘SUMMARY OF PRACTICUM EVALUATION BY MENTOR STUDENT'SNAME :WAN SHAHZLIANTE SHAH BINT SHAHAR STUDENT ID > 2018226234 | MAJOR AKTANA mucA PENDIMERN TESL SUBJECT TAUGHT : ENGLISH ‘BREAKDOWN TEACHING SUPERVISION | ‘Supervision 1 3 a Supervision | TS ‘Supervision S 35 ‘Supervision 4 90. ‘Supervision 5 9 F ‘Supervision 6 y } r ‘AVERAGE SCORE 10% ‘CO-CURRIGULAR PARTICIPATION 10% anvegeaaietacsee “case 10 % ee 10 % TOT ; om 28-Fa% er Mentor: JULTONA BINTT samt Stamp FAKULTI PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOG! MARA (UiTM} aval + © BORANG MAKLUMBALAS PRAKFIKUM |, BAGI PELATLH Guru uit . BORANG INI BOLEH DIIS! OLEH PENGETUA /GURU / MENTOR / PENTADBIR Di SEKOLAH, SILA GUNAKAN PEN BERDAKWAT HITAM, Kami amat menghargai maklumbalas tuan/puan terhadap pelatih / pelajar karni, Sila berikan smaklunpbatas,tuan/puan sefujur mungkin dem! penambahbaikan kurikulum dan persediaan pelojar kaini adda ‘masa hadapon untuk menjadi seorang guru yang berkaliber. TARICH praxrixum:_!0 APRIL ~ ¢ SULAT. apaa ae __NAMA sexoLaH: SI\K- ST Beawepe tes coven, BATU Gavel WWAMa RESPONDEN: TULTANE, BINT TAMIL JAWATAN PPP » 193 1. Adakah tuan/pudn mienjadi mentor kepada gelatih dari UiTM? @BY TIDAK (sila ke soalan No. 2) a. Nama pelatih di bawah sellaan tuan/puan: i WAN SHAH OLIANTE SHAH Btntr SHAHAR b. Kekerapan menjadi mentor kesada polatth vir petam3) Kat ke c. Kekerapan menjadi mentor kepada pelatlh darl universiti lain? Kali pertama / Kali ke 3 2. JIKATUAN PUAN BUKAN MENTOR, apakah kapasiti hubungan tuan/puan dengan pelatih sepanjang masa beliau menjalani praktikum dl sekolah int? E 3. Bagalmanakah pandangan tuan/puan terhadap pelatih kami dari aspek: a. Persediaan ilmu dan pengisian? Guru bevsedia dengan Pengetabuan Cuma ex buramaem fobnit-clalam molaksarakan Pupe. b. Kaedah con re Gur banyak levkowya Lin bukayer cara tan fetus dengom Motor pv i Guru (ver Woncuba bebewapa tebe belnonya wotak Wace! Cara wag gervios tn evo UA muviol . se Pad. wenles : bi sete met eS ate Biwakte pevtoms.. oe oe ron Geen 4. Hubungan dengan murid-murid? GO both tte! 0° ke Beat ea) fe, Hubungan dengan guru-guru? ere f. Hubungan dengan pentadbir? Bak. B on dirl sebagal seorang guru pelatih? 5 and ele ag Oe OT bl bored feat See wa -, nein lerteweyey oo 2 ‘aah tote Levis Lier nba weny et ssf aoe i, Potensi menjadi guru yang berjaya? L Ai . a rrorger lobe ee ohn clown nial dul mergers mor. 4, Secara keseluruhannya, bagaimanakah perbandingan yang tuan/puan simpulkan di antara pelatih UiTM berbanding dengan pelatih dar! universit! lain? phe pehoveyon Pea teh ieee ee Ste ba anil bar pry Eitan eb pe Poe cmd teint Ppoboc 7 : 5. Apakah penambahbaikan yang tuan/pt fan ingin cadangkan kepada pihak Fakulti Pendidikan supaya kami dapat memant; One pect raon Yehea le fp oe ors Pe ore (sila tulis di hetaian belakang jika tidak mencukupi. Ribuan terima kasth di atas kerjasama dan maklumbalas tuan/puan. Sebarang pertanyaan sila hubungi Dr Hamimah Hashim Koordinator Praktikum tel: 03-3258 4973 @ 012 2971223, FACULTY OF EDUGATION SURVEY ON QUALITY OF TRAINEE TEACHERS (ATTITUDE AND COMMITMENT TOWARDS TEACHING) hmaorreince .WAN SHOH2LLANTE SHAH Or. Shana ‘Student 1D :DOlgan 6334 ‘School omic: St. eeenape tte’ CONVENT . Kindly rate the trainee teacherls under your care based on the statementsldescriptors bolow. Please CIRGLE atthe number whith best ‘corresponds ‘with your epinion. strongly disagree, 2=disagree, S=agree and 4= strongly agree 4, Trainee teacher exhibits good behavior and dlacpine, He/she conducts timecithvrself in an exemplary mennet as expected of @ teacher. Taste 2, Tames teachor ffl, compassionate and willing to help students and eke ino consideration thelr welfare and safoty. ToT Trance teachor dresses, talks and conducts herseifhimsa! in an exemplary manner 28 expected of a teacher. «4. Trange teacher he a postive allude toward stents and teaching, Helse dsPays com iment to histher work and also the school. eee Gwe lacher respects theres and perma otha school. He she is punctual spines efcenk responsible and honest in carrying out his/her duties. Cet Te 6. Further comments, FACULTY OF EDUCATION ‘SURVEY ON QUALITY OF TRAINEE TEACHERS (ATTITUDE AND COMMITMENT TOWARDS TEACHING) , To calculate the “Attitude and Discipline” Score (example) TEM SCORE 1 a Final Score of Trainee Teacher atbtcrdte Raw Score (x) Raw score (X) - 20 Final Score Final score Xe2 fe) ___," Please transfer the final score tothe Practicum Overall Score Sheet (Form 6) Endorsed by. - TEACHING EVALUATION FORM (FORM A) FAKULTI PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOG! MARA TEACHING PRACTICE EVALUATION FORM NAME, WAN SH@HOLDANTE HAH BT SHRA AR scHool _ ; SME ST BERNADETTE’ CONVENT, Batu GATAH FORM Pech eeecer eee DATE: pote supsect , ENGUTSA TIME 10 om ° TOPIC, Reduc Reuse ond feng = GRADING % Please use the following scale 0 None 2 Weak 4 Good 4_Poor 5 Excellent _ PLANNING Eee NOTES 1. Statement of Objectives ‘Teaching objectives are clearly and specifically stated. 2. Appropriatoness of Objectives Teaching objectives are appropriate to the level and abilty ofthe majority. of stidents. H > *] [8] 3, Selection of Teaching Content Teaching content is appropriaily adjusted tothe objectives, values and | Jy abllties of students. 4, Organization of Lesson Plan - ‘Lesson plan Is complete and neat, and is structured according tothe = | 5 level and sequence of presentation. [IMPLEMENTATION — NOTES Introduction of lesson/Set induction Student attention and interest are quickly and effecvely directed tothe | lesson with a well signaled topic. 6 Presentation LLescon is presented in a clear manner and according to the sequence land use of appropriate examples. Pace of lesson and Time Management Lessons paced according to the students’ level of comprehension ability and sufficient activities for the duration of lesson, 8, Command of Subject Matter ‘The teacher exhibits 2 good command of the subject matter. 8, Teaching Method and Strategy ‘Teaching method and stralegy are varied and suitable to the objective and topic. 4 10. Use of Teaching Aids ‘The eachar makes aystematic and effective use ofthe boar, Teaching [Z aids are suitable to the topic and used affectvely to reinforce teaching, TEACHING EVALUATION FORM (FORM A) 44. Speech and Language “The teachor exible 2 well moduated vols; Muent and profient inthe [3 language. 42. Class Interaction/Learning Environment Studenttgacerniaracion is corn ston-studont teraction [Up cordial, Equal attention is given to all students; active students? participation. a 13, Glass Management Classis managed appropriately and efficionty ¢ 44 Questioning Technique Effective questioning technique; form and styl of questioning stimuate [ ~ students thinking. 48. Method of Evaluation Evaluation method, technique and activity are appropriate to ensure 4 that the objectives are achieved. [CLOSURE Rear a Serr NOTES | 48. Conclusion of Lesson ‘The teacher concludes the lesson by summarizing and reinforcing facts effectively. Follow-up activities are appropriate and related to the ¢ ‘objectives, | 147. Achievement of Objective and inculeation of Moral Values {4 ‘The lesson covers all objectives. Teacher effectively inculeates moral | values. 18. Overall’ Effectiveness of Teaching Overall teaching is effectively carried out. y (TEACHER CHARACTERISTICS cs oe NOTES, 49. “Teacher Reflection “Teacher {s able to reflect on strengths and weaknesses ofthe lesson and is aware of improvements to be made. 20. Teacher Innovativeness mo ‘The teacher exhibits positive, innovative and creative approach to % teaching, Ls. TOTAL 7 g *Supervisors/Mentors are required to spend some time with the trainee teacher at the end of every observation to evaluate whether or nol the trainee is able to reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of his/her teaching. JuctawA Bt ZAmMrE Name of Mentor ure TEACHING EVALUATION FORM (FORM A) NAME OF TRAINEE TEACHER: st SHAHOLEANTE SHAH BT SHAHAR. SUBJECT rsa FORM oe DATE e is 3 iY 02> TIME :_ Yen ge Topic » Rednee Cause armel Reet. MENTOR'S COMMENTS Strengths of the lesson, areas for improvement and other comments. Th tg ute op rel ancl woe 2 student So Conder + Ths el _claes is among to weakert i Bovm 2 fore Englth Tat Pieefee, te t,o lacoh opacity ae ee geen aoe mote tem rae During Foexp tual ian were. ray) ond Mranrign” teair tables. Tare. tork sone fimts . a I fin the. sooat | Ame she oe va aciording ke fair” min -able H push a respecte Atel nh Cpls og eget sls i TIME 3& TOPIC : Congunreni MENTOR'S COMMENTS Sirengths of the lesson, areas for improvement and other comments. Te Gorton ca all euperet and pupil's Ctudered, Thee afin afity 4-d p ee) aches Tava{vedt (ett. He Gram: Ean a bf ae Pred fe Eg fee otek ae lt Paes Hire wwao te time - Seabees wold be AY lowed she ga ime ete Name of Mentor and Signature : SMC TAA 67 FAmIe Signature (trainee)

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