Client Interview 2

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The aqrttment a epard ahtax Ihe

SamP fa as puuhansd the

bo Nen and gen to my Uent. My ent

agreed to had oeA th chgu ah The

Kaon amount 9lealed.

A cent by nanne radarp Kumal

Came om a problam kat tenant

- s t t nd au w'sanc to omu
Corenunts th rematAs told to taee
fhstucon tke h nomu a e n t on
ahoRhalb otiu Rad be u d and
Lshen hs asrcesnant oas a n d Lshno
tRnant sho hou) not fadd he n t ad

sh2n hon. alue ouc R e n t to fuh

g h Sha dule atu Propertg So he

alue my Resty to my Seny.My
gen smoluuials
Serson th dulb?
daadt the
lgal notie tos eidana ,acc
-dhay a ltga to notu prpad
and shoan to my Senfo, Aht necMasy
Cometion ond mMdcation tt Lgal n
Pe spauted 0n -01- 20o ahw
takiog 9gnalure my ient
30- 01- 2o20

cRnt had Coma to thu

On 20 -O1- 0 h
o b Complaht batt hs
Sanha Cheaid n Ond hs te
Son has Crtatia n ad h he
HS h
ov-t maansi Le hoA Maved
te SeniR Cen i nd algo he
COmanesnu dpoice , bmt no Post r e
-- a , Ceat oppeherds tha h
bonlc May hro-R-out Sat popeuly
eed Une to more he gh Cout
and he

t u dPeton Ah tale ng nee

a , euthd Coy h i dde
ffffffftttt1 17.


he daawea u haqne The e n t a l g
Scas a pro pasiule shp Con Coun ho
clent belma d he sust an Le led
to e Covel tke amount
to h e ohbr oh
Todaa clent Aad Coma
a Summon and t0as Ro fanf Tt a kure
m h ahbica and te Seon was not h
m_eet th Senl
t htfce. He Lanted to
o n mado a Call y Sente staing
a pauon had
Cone to tKe ohbsce h a
and ell
Summon and h e s anic
Ony a rotfe m
t sotis fed
not to anc ond l ay
sunie, at
Qnd oanted to speak i K
t egt
tne Senn h o d jue
nloventenle and
duue peional
ehtice to ut e u-e
told y efet
-RnLe Cauu, c dly ge hue cten
Sende Ne ? s k you Ceutan n t i

0n plame anMnea it nd lent goe ne

tho notiu
tko ral kath Than I ngu&ed h
clent ond e n t oun d ent 9 e

Otce on gog hough

t ob ane
to eno Kat a a Sut rloen h i

braktag Omount han F tod im nosalivn

n t plounb-he dlert go a Cloa picta
-ure e
wtre ok
He Safd thab h and uotte
Bangalure, Rn ty ame
ng ta a tak
ho deals
uCLreya ms Creatka
Sa d amovaliol n
nanqalre tn
Peusonby ane tayag wa a agent ho
helped them Some xtent sha9
at But thi n t
tad re had bo do the
y atfe, h uath
rat gog trom ae
ytonanc wek
nSeah do tumonta beCoue th gtt
and Mo d oh e laksit ky he

Pruti'ge goup
Rir mis dacd
had to Ogag Sorne odha
A3 a ruult
ogent dnd O nCoMay doCm
agohst e
at Lha
entoatf on and alovg tation
royng 0u done this ogert hay reonstd

On lahing inu bucte T S0 old y
pLaae 9 Agon o voakalth and ale bnn t

Sgn0nd a ut tStanature d hy
ke vakalh alarg Lof h te

anaue d t e On he vakollh
sfonalune Rat tCould
be d dn the nert date hearq

o day On agd fnon about so a e to

ce and oontd make n umant to a

h a H nguded taith e ohat lc^d o

bsonwher 9loutd T male I am ekthg old.

ked ma to tall shat u tum ent d Day

an yoU malce shh s l e exfoui

veand auso s ohe quad tut .

ngued h R elduy peon to
do you 0At to ge ho orexty
and son.Then
he veplkd to hie dough
Can malle
Seni thod Q
2 told u
ded S Then ny tnon
a gt
U, s
nn sush cRumslan tay
me il
he eron
tldey eaon
Sabe and t e vest
o k e d h e e l d e r y

Ue protced
the han xe Cul+d ony
Oreywu ofu an d dita s Dh popey
Took doLsn nama Son Son and
daug hlea hom h bequest has

te elduy puon ploa get tu

Peop le s h Should donthu you sheo
yo sPgn the uman taAament and
hay s? u be o?tneu he
Tanked tk e lduy Peo to Cme

O n the next day o Colleee

RoBuent A j t toruul m seeA
RU efo d Behdre
The snaure he
eldealy On the bucors g a y hn

tha ane le bea
a a told to study
-fng No GHnna Appeal vD 206/9o13 A

reang thi fla L &qatd w? h ny enSo

okat d i s apeal akout and y

Seunl0) jield u 8tfondent T ay

to the 3udgnent tha bial

tol study
Coust ad lalI aptlal On a d

Coe deal h
Came to Cno

ds hore haqua and aCue d ha ba

Coailte d nd apgtal ha been fhd by
e sessoru Couat
Ah aCcu wd behore
Sen 274 (3)

Lol y 9ueny wa nyXYe d by he

gau tat ture roson in

ke At (3)2 h pesta
e l t a the
mplafnt Cout
tke aouunt n faa d he COmp laut

slh s degostd h bl Coutby

a Cunsd. M Suuh th Rinpondunt ha Grld

ss applcaton elaw ts amounk- alu

Ta told by my sente shengveA you

Cona a CreAs a se ton pl0anl do ba tnla

t h and you doubt ofU a0ved o

may rtnber t t fome me and

yo, ov

La tolgak lhme.

A tadng u on
d cleasing M

the fsle So hat my

doubt , Jwt lcept
tu Cot n' heuk dTB'ulty
Seso Con
x t day to tho Cout

Pad attended h C CAl

loday T

Cdra APkal So69/ ànie

Cowt L H -

Ycul ohata
vr Gutha alt Coring trom
d'a had e

honext dat and

htaeq and
And okat wa th nExt stag e.
On Conp leting thu dau my ne
aed me L»laha the cent ha d Contoctad
he datu h ore t»ld
to CO
hon ttat than was Com mu Cation rom

thu cnt Then m

my Senid Calle d e ent

omhom tk nx dat hea an d

alw ated hno ome tooteba fulher
b don. hen 2 gued i h my 3e

Should hhoun tu dhent Lout

sy h

CoL, e n t shoul be hteestd

his Cane ond lcee n touh m

Senros Caae dd y doub F

prmownad eth Ond oways Ceep youelg

m Mako- k e n t add'ton
Cloan Oud
reunbehove tket
a n appeal,wis

ot o u e d hohan you arc Hry-

Q srail ust
u t
-inthg tE woay
then he stuoton oold be dient
O-0l - 20o

oa told to pepore daabt bal

th hbente Undes Seulion
ppcatin fet
s o 506, 4448rad g
h Seton 3p
tash Studt
IPc n d alo an diakt fol
n e evenrg h e n y SenfotAued

appi?cion Cnd Cash

abouut the bar
Doat o hith T prepored dan fmlo
all menEn mto 5 6 Paguu y sund
me hat do you hant om he

Coust? I a0-re d o . Than my Sen?en txpla

8hould be p
-ne d upu bosl uCCavo
and to pofnt A otnte ore

elaboate e Cane The

nud ot
ond you
me n
druonne deo:
Cout voU
bail aad you
Couuut wiU aont you
o uash he Surt
p The
Sotsa ton he Cot On he the
Bu ctn and unde h% Suyeisfon pefaed
bal apl Cathn undu Setion 369
Crf-C nd a h Surely undex e ton GltS
Cr-P.C aht ncomary Coredtten afadr
Co tsas madds be


Sente aAced mo abb'x oelkare

stame R dolOn he appliltR nd 3o/
he uynCans an d o5taine d he S
asttes on the vakalah and
as- e b t c ed welee stamp En

ddHon old the pouty bpr1e


-nt m the Cou to l04 S_AM (onagis-

Coust &orgalort Tommotos
O-01- aoao
Twa told pryoAre dsabt bas l oppli-
-Cotion tel thebtnte Unduu sutien 42

So 506 448 ead 1h eution 34 IPC

Qnd alo dayt fot Cash suny. T ehe
ven shen my Senior gped alsout
the bel appVaSan and Cash lur Daht
h 1 prered ban nt all mes t yan

Sto5 6 nags my ndoi

ak do y 0ant m thu Cout
amee ba han o SnM txp nd
gouY ba1 appltathn houd he chp a.d

t fonb A Che ohteoee bedlable

ond dou t d o t tLobat a u The

Cowub s?U not hur t me d

Cowt pant you aland pu
han t
hat to bush Sure to the
Salbraton tke
nd ndu nis
Sp UnAskon .
thu ho appU(aton Jndu Secton (26

Crc.and oh Surty Undu seuton ¢LS

C-.cahta eCOaIM Cometion a a

made tobe eentd n the

Cofy y

Cout tmmoo

My sente ked
Sunp áR2o Gn tho anplons nd
R-20 on he vakalah
repot d te appVCatrns n d obtained

Signalure o he faey On valeCa-

th ad aluo atxed ofth elhare

slnp E Am. CMaastrut aut, ang

Care) tomgro


entexed tday Poudng he onpie

dofry o?m a b v o te Bol grantd
nd a(ued bo exeute
PRsona bond n
ohbie. 0n oiting hs ud ega

Coo-3n shy ke Cout did not haa appli-

Caton u Jwt and ru O rdes mech

-Caly M Snfel exp Cakned that hhen

Co allabll o ne an d ouat nelmaly
o gront bal, 0 Suth her wa n

opf? e D. 0seion.

As y Stnf had got the do amankh ron

U oust d Add dhie gudical mogky-

5at Bangalre Rual
Dirtct n Ct

IL99 2o19. Tas aked stast Pepask


aiuhtamrdto be
I rtad the ilas
alcn tmo m o te ouk

586oLNDJo19. 34 Add'1onaN
trov gh
tan magistat 1Mayo Hald,
Che m e pob

PBanqolret . y Cane (out had tatan

Congnon an h R Lhih was

dishoaor chequL, I was akd to laib

hhad to 9en

n k Coust ahtzu lagig

t RMay
Chae Ro gitry A CCondy
-are d he pro memo and cupt

ady l b handy bn omy


3 t aluw
stnE throvgh th pautfton
oneteo ohtakng
snh s ted
Cotbangalort tcH4
ehore d
hos 3469/Do b.The Swt iled the
SuWE Rahnamma agahs Somjamma
Cund othe o Paatblon Atrey

and E a ,vielnagou 8an galare

Gn d Syt Ratnamma hare
Sold he shata to Some otnu on
ntt &al yoltton. No- ka Kai d
agi ultureal an d
Acre y m ove

Come oP h n guusd'tho Gemp. A

4Fag St o pautston , planti

hos Rnp leoled m9) petive Rhan

Kanllkn to Pati tko Rath Rath namma had

ld a Sust ter fun bio agasnut Re

Preucte puachanen on d Sama Came

dAmue d a plaintb6 30 vot n

peMn o h a yroyeiky nd Propee

puuLthwneAJ had ut op ConuOudion, cih

N taut te Sut
-out teahg
prbton sas tlkd

npleadg r peite outhas

soe Sut
dukndanb rlod olfection

Asy he dahendaat dc rofeu fauty

tke Swt tu ppbcatton t
planBb a allo-sed ND l planbib
has i d app Ptatno undn Setton sldu
30 ul A and Caole C protaour.

A e profose d duhendantahan tle d


S a d Cane Pos kdhol heaan9

appbCaton.My sen
ol d me
old me

Ehvte ta
t n a tave ant, neparable injuy

nd balan (o Convknte.

Te tile to
t alto lcept handy hol
My Jene obe takn to Courb
fo O1- o
As ual had t t t th bre not
o u Count roto edg n te
the tite
oas nd nttd Re nx dat d

fosPg TRu daRy Twan alr tat

L t e that rocew taken n lh Cc

ND 560 dol9, 3 Acld:tRonal h mut

Poltien magistvadth, Mayo Hau Konqalore So

that lkL nlxt dati a) hRaag e an

nenbe that proLen fald n h

Couat ond slep s talen

3-o1- 0 LA.
e n t hough aboe l e , he 0bove

Cont ted tet Cbo raminaion o

anes aot
. Theat h
o ygh
rtpeatrd TSupt tnk

bfdait and the Sogorthg

evidante h h the
et°Ronen has l
to Seelk man anan ce
trom fon dunt &n
add tfon to th TSust tad aay Couut

AE On d Setton o C P.C al
Tkept tR tle nl ke t 1t
handu fet
nRelte to mgmo

The aore
vetted Cone, eo pondest kaol
o Ce xam t t i tfonon Cn. ma

436 2al&, dut u tpan dent had tdeen

t m o T made ny h Same the

duf n d Cauded orh y Senon y h

ouat had Cpron ted me oA[on dent

when E Po4 tt a wa o ( Uxansdrodorn

o e t itoro my &entoy
Cones an d
aa got &me
umber d mes
Cart ofU Laole nto

&dr shert ard ee enda

Sustto net hh ont may n k

tma, r i s o a ad
and ast o

lime ho d grankd.

h aboe al d Cane v3 m 6030/ aol8 Loa

Potedet leadkng9 iden te neU tfonen

hire Subbcent Bdon time
s0o en t ane oday Sama sa

Lattnd &nto the chtf ce dofry Cund naxt

htanin9 dat celdsd

bienu alho e celde å oat cleent

has bo gR 0 doumnbst
nLxE heasu dabei dona an
e Codt ôn o-Jslo.

CAt(8al Cunt a Ceaal a l 06 9

aul Dhaka
An his
an fa Ohakar ho
hay en
bun Comic
ed th ta Cot n
Ccno- |Dols
Ond te Sa d ddu to tonition ha
np ugnad
saPeal On(S~0) 2»
sea 3t¢ dCr.P.C.
k Same
appCton s alzo fle d fet
Su1tnuDn oSen ttne uder getkan q
C . c TR Arp ellat ouat wOJ plCad
Send Sen Sentente ydrety he
Appellant Catnid) to dop os?a jo/. d u
A aount
AccodRrgly t
afpullant hay
Comp ed o?h h Ovda N n he Sai d
DroLeg pondur CComplaRnt) has tled
uppton undu Seon I(48 (3)
NotL hu tumuutAt Sas d
adreution Sovght y e
gU Cation
epon don E to tleaRe (0 aount
datosited a a: I hea d. t br
agumort Da behalt tt t ondant
hat rove d h Coune a sCauin d adu seublan

8 o N At, 0s ^uch as Yea Setkon ¢8

C3) At Cwt ha Oot alll he

o s e to tane out

La addtfon ko s STAOndenk s Lf
t o abde y Ke Candrtion *m foird
m Se tRon l 3) ohthe NIAttThe

argumunt adran e d an behalt ke ap-

elant that thsappeal &Lon nuoti
th Sama pro Cedin9 On d appellant
n noant Tn ohea d
Cane and
0nden t has Aot roAd

the amount &hould hot he relened

Coun| whol
Ao hn. n ltayo

Hrbe9 Cypeal fu e
o tore k amount ohich
ds buumedaaSetton \
Cothte The afellans U e unne
Canybned to trle onothe
and din Ch tn Hon'ble
he abore Cone sa tdot ddu.2
ued fth my sende abou t oe,
asaut k aagumtnt Ond he tol4 me that
N ct ban een amendud ana Coult
to rtlene do/. he amaunt

ko e Complaknant m a
hsapUatfon and st prouLdad
On o l d ape Gato n.he Cout may txe
SLdsenton Ond fau Oduu

LCLndRg aht t r gh k appi caton

und Urte l , lcept lk e
0n dsk o tommd
Eady y

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