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Elementary - Your First Mooncake (B1504)

A: 你在吃什么?
nı̌ zài chı̄ shénme?
What are you eating?

B: 月饼。

A: 月饼?

B: 对啊!你看,它像不像今天的月亮?又大又圆。
duı̀ a! nı̌ kàn, tā xiàng bu xiàng jı̄ntiān de yuèliàng? yòu dà
yòu yuán.
Right. Look, doesn’t it look like today’s moon? Big and

A: 有一点儿像。
yǒu yı̄diǎnr xiàng.
Yeah, a little bit.

B: 今天是中秋节,要吃月饼。你也吃一个吧。
jı̄ntiān shı̀ Zhōngqiū jié, yào chı̄ yuèbı̌ng. nı̌ yě chı̄ yı̄ ge ba.

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2010

c Praxis Language Ltd.
Today is Mid-Autumn Festival, so we have to eat moon-
cakes. You have one too.

A: 谢谢啊!
xièxie a!

Key Vocabulary

在 zài currently

吃 chı̄ to eat

月饼 yuèbı̌ng mooncake

看 kàn to look

它 tā it

像 xiàng to resemble

今天 jı̄ntiān today

月亮 yuèliàng moon

又...又... yòu ... yòu both...and...

大 dà big

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2010

c Praxis Language Ltd.
圆 yuán round

有一点儿 yǒu yı̄diǎnr a little bit

中秋节 Zhōngqiū jié Mid-Autumn Festival

要 yào must

也 yě also

Supplementary Vocabulary

做 zuò to make

饿 è hungry

冷 lěng cold

热 rè hot

秋天 qiūtiān autumn

台湾 Táiwān Taiwan

烧烤 shāokǎo to barbecue

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2010

c Praxis Language Ltd.

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