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1, JANUARY 2021

Enhancing Hardware Trojan Detection Sensitivity

Using Partition-Based Shuffling Scheme
Ahmad Shabani and Bijan Alizadeh , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This brief presents a new test pattern generation the PMTP rules and conflicts to ensure the proper prop-
scheme alongside a design for trust (DfTr) methodology for agation of the maximum transition probability. Then, the
detecting hardware Trojan through side channel-based analy- PMTP rules are satisfied through MAX-SAT and conflicts
sis approaches. The proposed scheme takes advantage of the are resolved by inserting AND/OR into the main circuit. The
proposed Hamming distance-based reordering and partition- existing DfTr methods mainly focus on the fully activation
based shuffling methods. The key idea behind the proposed work of Trojans through logic testing or side channel-based analy-
is that instead of distributing the circuit activity profile among
sis approaches and they do not provide a unified solution for
all the nets with low transition probability at once, it can only be
restricted to the smaller subsets of rare nets one at a time, while detecting Trojans through both ways. However, the standalone
the rest of subsets remain at the lowest activity. As a result, application of logic testing or side channel-based approaches
a remarkable reduction in the background circuit activity by is not sufficient for reliable detection, and in most of the cases
more than 41% and favorable enhancement of detection sensi- the combination of both approaches is required [8]. The main
tivity about 31% are achieved compared to the state-of-the-art weakness in the existing methods [2]–[5] is that any effort to
method. increase the Trojan activity for raising the number of full acti-
vations of Trojan will increase the background circuit activity
Index Terms—Hardware Trojan, set partitioning, Hamming
distance, Trojan detection, side channel analysis. as well, and in turn this might adversely affect the side channel
detection sensitivity.
In this brief, to provide a unified methodology for detecting
I. I NTRODUCTION hardware Trojans, a new test pattern generation (TPG) scheme
is integrated with PMTP approach [5] using Hamming-
ARDWARE Trojans are the malicious circuitry which are
H intentionally mounted by an untrusted person or entity
aiming at altering the functionality, degrading the reliability,
Distance (HD)-based reordering and partition-based shuffling
schemes. The main objective is to enhance the side channel
sensitivity by reducing background activity while maintaining
and leaking vital information of the chip [1]. The common the number of Trojan full activations sufficient for logic testing
assumption in hardware trust community is that an intelligent approach. The contributions of this brief are as follows:
adversary would likely employ a Trojan trigger circuit by sup- 1) We integrate the proposed TPG scheme with PMTP
plying it with the low transition probability nets (i.e., rare nets) approach to enhance the detection sensitivity using HD-
for preserving its rarity of activation. based reordering and partition-based shuffling methods.
One promising way to alleviate the stealthy nature of 2) The partitioning problem is converted to a Set
Trojan is to increase the transition probability of the rare Partitioning Problem where some primary inputs are
nets by inserting some additional circuitry into the main partitioned into multiple subsets, each of which covers
circuit [2]–[6]. These modifications are referred to as design different but almost the same number of rare nets.
for trust (DfTr) approaches [7]. Authors of [2], [4] developed 3) The proposed test set is generated by using shuffling
two different DfTr methods for increasing the transition prob- method where a random set is reordered according to
ability of the rare nets by inserting the scan flip-flops and the maximum and minimum HDs, then the generated
a MUX-based structures into the main circuit. Later, authors sets will be shuffled based on the partitioning results.
of [3] proposed another insertion procedure which is based The rest of this brief is organized as follows. The problem
on XOR gates followed by flip-flops. In [5] authors developed specification and the proposed methodology is introduced in
a novel DfTr approach called PMTP with the aim of maximiz- Sections II and III. Then, the experimental results are extracted
ing the transition probability of the rare nets. They introduced in Section IV. Finally, a conclusion will be presented.
Manuscript received February 28, 2020; revised April 29, 2020; accepted
June 7, 2020. Date of publication June 10, 2020; date of current version
December 21, 2020. This brief was recommended by Associate Editor X. Li.
(Corresponding author: Bijan Alizadeh.) THE P ROPOSED M ETHOD
Ahmad Shabani is with the Design, Verification and Debugging To the best of our knowledge, the PMTP method [5] out-
of Embedded Systems Laboratory, School of Electrical and Computer performs the existing DfTr approaches in terms of the number
Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran 14395-515,
Iran (e-mail: of full activations of Trojan. To maximize the activity of
Bijan Alizadeh is with the Design, Verification and Debugging of Embedded the rare nets, they specified the full transition (FT) paths
Systems Laboratory, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College between the rare nets and the primary inputs of the circuit.
of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran 14395-515, Iran, and also with These paths are specified based on the minimum logical depth
the School of Computer Science, Institute for Research in Fundamental rule and are sensitized through some primary inputs fed by
Sciences (IPM), Tehran 19538-33511, Iran (e-mail:
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available random-based test vectors to increase the transition at the
online at rare nets. The rest of the primary inputs are stuck at their
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCSII.2020.3001263 controlling values of ‘0’ or ‘1’ specified by the MAX-SAT
c 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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Algorithm 1 Stimulating Inputs Partitioning

Input: Circuit netlist, List of FT paths (X), number of partitions (K), List of
rare nets (LT);
Output: Generating subsets S = (S1 , S2 , . . . , SK )
STAGE #1: /* Stimulating Inputs Extraction */
For each rare node ni ∈ LT do
sel = ni ;
While (Fain_in(sel)  = Primary input) do
sel = Fain_in(sel)|Fain_in(sel) ∈ X
P = Push sel // P: Set of stimulating inputs
STM{ni } = sel // selis the stimulating input of a rare net ni
CC{pi } = Find coverage counts of all pi ∈ P
STAGE #2: /* Greedy Partitioning */
P = Sort P in descending order of coverage count (CC).
For each stimulating input pi ∈ P do
Si = Find the set (S1 , S2 , . . . , SK ) with smaller sum of coverages.
Assign pi to Si

and maximum HDs. Then, the two reordered sets are shuf-
fled based on the partitioning results to generate the mutable
Fig. 1. The proposed integrated DfTr methodology. part. Finally, the mutable and immutable parts are combined
to generated the complete test set.

solver to let the maximum transition be propagated. However, III. P ROPOSED T EST PATTERN G ENERATION S CHEME
these high activity random-based vectors not only increase the Stimulating Inputs Partitioning Method: The stimulating
Trojan activity, but also the background circuit activity, result- input partitioning method is described in Algorithm 1. Before
ing in a low side channel detection sensitivity. Developing partitioning process, we need to extract the stimulating inputs
a pattern generation strategy to localize switching activity (P = {p1 , p, . . . , pN }), where N is the total number of stim-
and reduce the background noise is an extremely challeng- ulating inputs, by following each of the rare nets (ni ∈ LT)
ing task since there is correlation between the Trojan activity through FT paths (X) towards primary inputs (Stage #1). In
and the total number of background transitions. Accordingly, this backward process, when the primary inputs is reached, it
we present a pattern generation strategy alongside the PMTP is added to the P list and assigned as the stimulating input of
approach to enhance the side channel sensitivity by localizing the rare net ni (STM{ni }). Then, the coverage of each pi ∈ P
the circuit activity on the target partitions covering a subset (CC{pi }) is calculated by checking how many rare nets are
of rare nets, while keeping quiet the rest of the partitions. covered by each stimulating input. The number of rare nets
Fig. 1 shows the proposed integrated DfTr methodology incor- which are sensitized by a stimulating input is defined as the
porating 1) the PMTP approach [5] and 2) the proposed TPG Coverage Count (CC) of that input.
scheme. The test set generated by the PMTP approach can be Since the test designer is not aware of which rare nets are
divided into two parts of mutable and immutable parts. The selected as Trojan’s trigger and we assign an identical portion
immutable part remains constant for all the test vectors where of test vectors to each generated subsets, we need to make
its logic values are specified by MAX-SAT, while the mutable sure that each subset covers relatively the same number of rare
part refers to the part that frequently varies where it is sup- nets (i.e., the balanced subsets in terms of the coverage count)
plied by the random-based test vectors. To localize activity, which is translated to the same amount of activity assigned
we develop our TPG scheme on the mutable part since this to each subset. The problem ahead is to partition the set of
part is responsible for generating activity in the circuit. This stimulating inputs (P) into K balanced subsets (Si ) such that
part of test vector injects activity into the circuit through some the difference between the sum of the coverage counts of each
primary inputs called Stimulating Input (SI) which affects both subset is minimized. In fact, this is an optimization version of
Trojan and background activity simultaneously. Thus, instead the Set Partitioning Problem [8], which is a task of deciding
of random test pattern, we proposed a guided test patterns whether a given multiset P of positive integers can be parti-
which can target the subsets of rare nets one at the time while tioned into two subsets of s1 and s2 such that the sum of the
reducing background circuit activity. numbers in each subset is equal.
In Fig. 1, the proposed unified methodology takes the circuit According to Stage #2 of Algorithm 1, one simple heuris-
netlist as input and using the PMTP approach generates the tics approach to the above problem is the greedy algorithm,
modified circuit netlist by employing AND/OR insertion-point which iterates through the set of stimulating inputs sorted in
structures into the main circuit. The proposed TPG scheme descending order of coverage count, assigning each of them
consists of two main phases: 1) Stimulating input partitioning to whichever subset has the smaller sum of the coverages. The
and 2) Partition-based shuffling. In this concept, the stimulat- proposed partitioning process is shown in Fig. 2 in which the
ing inputs are the primary inputs (i.e., endpoints) of the FT set of stimulating inputs P = {p1 , p2 , . . . , p13 } is partitioned
paths. In the first phase, the stimulating inputs are extracted into three subsets S = {S1 , S2 , S3 }, K = 3 with relatively the
and then partitioned into multiple subsets. In the second phase, same number of total coverage counts. In Fig. 2, the number
the random test vectors are reordered based on minimum in the boxes represents the coverage count of each pi and the

thorized licensed use limited to: AMRITA VISHWA VIDYAPEETHAM AMRITA SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. Downloaded on September 15,2021 at 06:44:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions app

Fig. 2. An example of stimulating inputs partitioning problem.

Algorithm 2 Partition-Based Shuffling Method

Fig. 3. An example of partition-based shuffling algorithm.
1. Input: Random test pattern Torig = {t1 , t2 , . . . , tNtest }, Partitions S =
{S1 , S2 , . . . , SK }
2. Output: Shuffled test patterns Tshuf = {Tshuf 1 , T2 , . . . , TK }
shuf shuf
3. THam = Sort Torig based on minimum hamming_dist(ti , tj )
Max = Sort T
4. THam orig based on maximum hamming_dist(ti , tj )
5. /* hamming_dist(ti , tj ) returns the total number of 1s in XOR(ti , tj )*/
6. For each partition Si ∈ S do
7. Initial count=0; i=0; i++;
8. While (count<(Ntest /K)) do
9. tmin = Pop (THam Min ); t Max
max = Pop (THam ); count++; /* Pop function
removes and return the first item in the list*/
10. For each partition element pi ∈ Si do Fig. 4. Relative inaccuracy of partitioning versus different K values.
11. tmin [Index(pi )] = tmax [Index(pi )] // Index(pi )= i
12. endfor
13. Push (Tshufi , tmin ) selected and then the shuffling process is performed for that
14. endwhile partition (Lines 7-8). During the shuffling process, we take
i 1 , T2 , . . . , TK } the headmost test vector from THamMin (i.e., t Max
15. Push (Tshuf , Tshuf ) // {Tshuf shuf shuf min ) and THam (i.e.,
16. Endfor tmax ) set (Line 9). The Pop function removes and returns the
first item in the list. For each tmin of the target partition Si ,
some bits where their positions are specified by the target par-
P set is initially sorted in descending order of coverage count. tition are replaced with the corresponding bit positions of tmax .
We can evaluate the partitioning efficiency as the maximum These bit positions are specified by the index of elements of
difference of sum of coverages (Inaccuracy) as a percentage of target partition (Index(pi ) = i) (Lines 10-12). For example,
the average sum which is called the Relative Inaccuracy (RI). if partition #1 includes the elements of {p2 , p4 , p8 }, the sec-
Partition-Based Shuffling Method: The key idea to lower the ond, fourth, and eighth bit positions of each tmin is replaced
background circuit activity as well as enhancing the detection with the corresponding bit positions of tmax . This process is
sensitivity is to generate the guided test patterns associated repeated for the rest of partitions as shown in Fig. 3.
with each partition in such a way that once a target partition
is under high activity, the rest of the partitions remain idle as IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS
far as possible. A simple heuristic to lower the background cir- We have implemented the entire proposed methodol-
cuit activity is to have similar input vectors, which represents ogy using Perl and used a greedy algorithm described in
the sorting of test vectors with minimum HDs. Similarly, to Algorithm 1 with complexity of O(NLogN) to partition a set
maximize the activity of the target partition, the random test of N stimulating inputs into K balanced subsets. Fig. 4 shows
vectors are sorted based on maximum HDs. Finally, the sorted the relative inaccuracy (RI) of partitioning process for differ-
sets are shuffled based on the partitioning results (i.e., shuffling ent partition cardinalities K. It is concluded from Fig. 4 that
step). We called this solution as the partition-based shuffling there is not a clear trend between RI and K value since the
method. partitioning inaccuracy mainly depends on the coverage counts
Algorithm 2 takes the random test set {t1 , t2 , . . . , tNtest } and which is a circuit-dependent parameter. However, the analysis
the partitioning results {S1 , S2 , . . . , SK }, where K is the num- shows that the average RI for K = 4 is lower than the other
ber of partitions and Ntest is the number of test vectors (Line 1). K values and it generates more balanced subsets. The RI and
Each partition Si includes one or multiple elements of stimulat- the rare nets covered by each subset (CC (subset #i)) have
ing inputs pi . This algorithm produces the shuffled test patterns been provided in Table I. From Table I, the average RI of
i ) individually targeting each of the partitions (Line 2). In partitioning process is 2.58% for K = 4 which is satisfying
the first step, the random set is sorted based on the maximum as the generated subsets cover relatively the same number of
and minimum HDs (Lines 3-4). For two test vectors of equal rare nets.
length, the HD is the number of bit positions in which the One metric to assess the side channel sensitivity is the
two bits are different. In order to calculate the HD between Trojan to circuit activity (TCA) which is defined as the ratio
two test vectors, we perform their XOR operation, and then of Trojan activity to the background activity. Also, to measure
count the total number of 1s in the resultant output [10]. Thus, the efficiency of the logic testing approach, we analyze the
two test sets sorted based on maximum HD (THam Max ) and mini-
number of full activations of Trojans. To expose the superior
mum HD (THam ) are generated. Then, for each partition Si , an efficiency of the proposed methodology in detecting Trojans
identical number of test vectors (i.e., Ntest /K) from THam Min is through both logic testing and side channel-based analysis

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Fig. 5. Distribution of maximum TCA, Trojan activity, and background activity over 100 random Trojan samples of Trojan #3 and #4 for s5378.




of full activations of Trojan will be lessened through logic

testing approach according to Table II.
In Table IV, we consider four different cases of Trojan
approaches, we apply the proposed test set to 100 randomly trigger selection. In each case, trigger’s inputs are randomly
inserted Trojan samples and compute these two metric for selected from the rare nets covered by a single or multiple
each Trojan instance. We would then take the average of subsets. Tables V and VI report the background activity and
these two metrics, which reflects the efficiency of our test detection sensitivity in different cases of trigger selection for
set to enable detection of different Trojans. Also, we have Trojan #4 and using K = 4. The results show that the proposed
randomly inserted different Trojan circuits with different sizes scheme can drastically lower the background circuit activity
and difficulty of activations into the main circuits. The charac- to more than 43%, on average, compared to the PMTP [5].
teristics of employed Trojan models are described in [4], [5]. Moreover, the detection sensitivity is favorably augmented by
The stimulating inputs of each circuit are partitioned into four more than 31%. Fig. 5 shows the distribution of maximum
subsets and 1000 test patterns are generated by the proposed TCA and maximum Trojan activity over 100 random Trojan
scheme to individually trigger each partition. Table II shows samples of Trojan #3 and Trojan #4 for s5378 circuit. The box
the average number of Trojan full activations over 100 random plots indicate the minimum, first quartile, median, third quar-
Trojan samples with different Trojan circuits after applying tile, and maximum value of the distribution during applying
the proposed partition-based shuffling scheme. The trigger’s 1000 test patterns. From Fig. 5, it can be seen that the distribu-
inputs of Trojans are randomly selected from the rare nets tion of maximum TCA for both Trojans #1 and #2 is enhanced
whose transition probabilities are below a specified threshold in our approach compared to the other approaches [2], [3], [5],
(Pth ). From Table II, the proposed methodology can fully acti- with relatively the same Trojan activity. Also, the back-
vate all the Trojan circuits excluding Trojan #4. None of the ground circuit activity shows a considerable reduction around
existing DfTr approaches [2], [4], [5] can also activate such 50% compared to PMTP approach. Fig. 6 shows the tran-
a large Trojan since it incorporates 12-input trigger and it is sient TCA over 100 random Trojan samples during applying
hard-to-detect through logic testing in a limited number of test 1000 test patterns. We assigned an identical portion of test
vectors (Ntest = 1000). Luckily, the contribution of this Trojan patterns for each partition and consider four different cases
into circuit activity is high and it can be detected through of trigger selection based on the partitions from which the
power-based analysis approaches. Table III shows the average trigger’s inputs are selected. In CASE #1, all the Trigger’s
side channel detection sensitivity of different Trojan circuits inputs are randomly selected from partition #1. According to
after applying the proposed partition-based shuffling scheme. the CASE #1, the transient TCA values are mostly restricted
As the size of Trojan increases from Trojan #1 to Trojan #4, to the partition from which the rare nets are selected (i.e., par-
so does the side channel detection sensitivity, but the number tition #1), while the TCA values of the rest of the partitions

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Fig. 6. Comparison of side channel sensitivity over 100 random Trojan samples, a) CASE #1; b) CASE #2; c) Random (s5378, k = 4, Ntest = 1000).



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