Day 1 - Lec2 - Genres

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SENG 31353
BSc (Hons) in Software Engineering
Why we play games?
Why we play games?
• Entertainment
• Social Interaction
• Educational purposes
• Recruitments & Training purposes
• Health & Fitness
• Consciousness & Change
• Aesthetics & Creativity
• Marketing & Advertising
Provide examples for each genre…
Game Genres
• What separates them from each other??
emphasizes physical challenges, including hand–eye coordination and reaction-time

Sub genres of Action

• Platformer
• Shooters
• Racing
• Fighter
Game is about adventure and exploration
The action component allows for quick, reflexive movements as the character dodges and hunts down
enemies—while the adventure component adds conceptual puzzles and story elements to the game
Addiction is the main motivation to play the game. The addiction motivation is closely tied to gambling
Pure focus is solving a puzzle or a series of puzzles. Not much attention to story or character
Role-Playing Games
Steer a character through a difficult world
attempt to replicate systems, machines, and experiences using real-world rules
players are required to manage a limited set of resources to achieve a particular goal

Sub genres,

• Real time strategy

• Turn based strategy
Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMO)
Online game with large numbers of players. Players can compete, corporate with each other through
The game.
And More…

Genres keep changing with time.

Thank you…

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