Cuis, Activity Output

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During my years of being a Junior High school and Senior High School student, I already
engaged in different activities related to prophetic dialogue and characteristics of dimension. I
already went to different barangays in our place just to engage to such activities. Some of those
are required for our school project, while some are voluntary. I will only show two (2) events in
this paper because I was not able to find my other photos and documentations of it.

This even happened when I was still in my 11th grade or during my Senior high school days.
This is not required by the school, hence making it voluntary. Instead of conducting a Christmas
party, we instead shared our moneys and foods to the Home for the Aged in Sorsogon City. We
sang for them and
talked to them during
those times. We are
able to make them
laugh even for a short
period of time. We
prayed before the start
of the said program, as
well as at the end of it.
Some of my classmates
are left in tears because
they have missed their grandparents. Some have not seen their grandparents, that is why seeing
those old people in the Home for the Aged made them cry. Also, part of the said voluntary
program is for us to read the bible for them. Some are able to share how great is God and how
Gid changed their lives. Despite of the fact that the said program only lasted for 4 hours, we are
still happy and contented. Even though we are able to conduct a Christmas party, still we are able
to share those to those who are in need of it. Being in that situation, and helping others made us
think that we still have a
purpose in our lives.
Conducting the said activity
able us connect with the old
them. Some might not clearly
hear our voices due to old age;
some might not clearly see us,
we might not understand
what they said, still we are
able to connect with each
other. The laughter and smiles
on their faces are the proof that our hearts connected. It is God who connected us. There is a
purpose why we are sent to the Home for the Aged, and that is to connect with them.

This photo is also conducted when I was still in my 11th grade. This is one of the activities
in one of our subjects in Personal Development. Our topic in here is being able to connect with
different people. The students engaged in the said activity are from different sections, and most
of them are not familiar to us since we are from different classes. But since we belong to only
one professor, our instructor created an activity
for us to befriend and connect with other
students. Our topic for that time is developing
oneself, which is in connection of different
religions and beliefs. In order for the students to
participate, he made it like a picnic and divided as
into different groups wherein the members are
from different classes. Each group must talk to
each other and share whatever religious beliefs they are in. I belong to a group wherein some of
my members are from Iglesia ni Cristo, while some are Born again, and Roman Catholic. By
conducting the said activity, we are able to share our own beliefs with each other. We are able
to communicate with them despite of not having the same beliefs and culture. We are able to
discover each other’s
experiences which is
connected with the grace of
God. Each group have brought
a bible and each member have
read 1 verse and shared to the
other their own interpretations
of it. After the conduct of the
said activity, we are able to
build a connection with the
students from different class, which in turn created a friendship that we never thought will
happen. The simple, yet fruitful activity that we engaged into helped us to build connection with
other students/people and helped us to befriend with them.

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