Part 2 Civil Law Lecture

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OBLIGATIONS the creditor is authorized to retain the

payment; (if) it can be novated and
35. Sources of obligation; solutio indebiti: converted into civil obligation; and (ili) it
Solutio indebiti applies only where no can be secured by a contract of guaranty,
binding relation exists between the payor suretyship, mortgage, antichresis and
and the person who received the payment. contracts of security involving personal
Stated otherwise, solutio indebiti is not property. Examples of natural obligation:
applicable if the parties are bound by a (®) when a debt has already prescribed - it is
contract, i.e., a contract of lease. no longer civil, but converted into natural
obligation; and (in) when the agreement for
PROBLEM NO. 12: DOMESTIC the payment of monetary interest is made
PETROLEUM RETAILER CORP. V. verbally - it is not a civil obligation but case
MIAA (2019) of natural obligation.

DPRC leased a portion of the property of 37. Potestative, Casual and Mixed: Affects
MIA. Thereafter, MIAA increased the the validity of the obligation. But pursuant
rentals to be paid by DPRC. DPRC paid the to Article 1182, the obligation becomes only
increased rentals under protest. when the condition is potestative on the part
Subsequently, the court nullified the of the debtor and it is at the same time
resolution of MIÄA increasing the rate of suspensive in nature. If potestative on the
rents for failure to observe the requirements part of the debtor but resolutory, the
of the Administrative Code. DPRC sued for obligation is valid. If potestative on the part
recovery of the overpayments. When the of the creditor, the obligation is valid. If
case reached the CA, the appellate court condition is casual, obligation is valid.
ruled that the claim of DPRC, being in the When condition is mixed, obligation is valid
nature of a claim based on the quasi- even if it is partly dependent upon the
contract of solutio indebiti, had already debtor's will.
prescribed because the same must be filed
within a period of six years. 38. Doctrine of constructive fulfillment of
suspensive condition: If the condition is
PROBLEM NO. 12: DOMESTIC dependent partly upon the debtor's will and
PETROLEUM RETAILER CORP. V. partly upon chance or will of a third person,
MIAA (2019) the obligation is valid. In this situation, if the
debtor intentionally and actually prevents
Q: is the CA correct in holding that the the fulfillment of the condition dependent on
claim of DPRC for overpayment is a case of him and the condition is also suspensive, the
solution indebiti? entire condition is deemed constructively
fulfilled under the "doctrine of constructive
ANSWER: No, because there is a juridical fulfillment of suspensive condition" in
relationship of lessor and lessee between the Article 1186. On the other hand, if it is the
parties. Solutio indebiti applies only where debtor who did all in power to comply with
no binding relation exists between the payor the condition but the entire condition is not
and the person who received the payment. fulfilled because of the third person, the
Stated otherwise, solutio indebiti is not entire condition is also deemed constructive
applicable if the parties are bound by a fulfilled under the "rule on constructive
contract, i.e., a contract of lease. As such, fulfilment of a mixed conditional obligation.
the cause of action against MIAA for
recovery of overpayment is deemed to be 38. Power of court to fix period: Applicable
based on the violation of a contract instead only when the obligation is one with a
of a quasi-contract. Such being the case, the period, in the following instances: (i) the
cause of action is based on a contract, and parties failed to fix the period; (ii) duration
the prescriptive period is ten, not six years. of period is dependent upon the sole will of
the debtor; and (iii) in reciprocal obligations,
36. Natural Obligation: Cannot be when there is just cause for fixing of period.
compelled in court; performance must be Court cannot fix the period in the following:
voluntary. It produces the following legal (i) when obligation is payable on demand
consequences: () if performed voluntarily, because it is a pure obligation; and (ii) when
the obligation is to be performed within a the spouses’ obligation was to pay for the
reasonable time because the period is total purchase price, payable in installments.
already fixed - all the court has to determine The intention of the parties to bind
is whether such reasonable time has already themselves to an indivisible obligation can
lapsed. be further discerned through their direct acts
in relation to the package deal. There was
Joint and solidary obligation: In joint only one agreement covering all three (3)
obligation, each of the debtors is responsible units of the purpose for the buyer, which
only for his share in the indebtedness and was to obtain these units for three different
each of the creditors is entitled only to outlets. If the intention of the parties were to
collect his share in the credit; each share have a divisible contract, then separate
being considered separate and distinct from agreements could have been made for each
the other shares, Example: A, B and C Minilab Equipment unit instead of covering
borrowed P1.8 Million from X, and Y, how all three in one package deal.
much can X collect from A? Answer is
P300,000 only. This is because X is entitled Q2: Are the parties entitled to recover what
only to P600,000 which he must collect they delivered to each other?
from A, B and C, in equal shares.
ANSWER: Yes, since they mutually
In the same example, if A, B and C are cancelled the contract. When rescission is
solidary debtors but X and Y are merely sought under Article 1191 of the Civil Code,
joint creditors, X is entitled to collect only it need not be judicially invoked because the
his share of P600,000, but this time he can power to resolve is implied in reciprocal
collect the entire P600,000, either from A, B obligations. The right to resolve allows an
or C; or from all of them, or from a injured party to minimize the damages he or
combination of them. in the same example, she may suffer on account of the other
if A, B and C are solidary debtors and X and party's failure to perform what is incumbent
Y are also solidary creditors, X may now upon him or her. When a party fails to
collect the entire P1.2 Million either from A, comply with his or her obligation, the other
B or C; or from all of them, or from a party's right to resolve the contract is
combination of them. triggered. The resolution immediately
produces legal effects if the non-performing
41. Divisible and Indivisible Obligation: party does not question the resolution. Court
Under Article 1225, even though the object intervention only becomes necessary when
or service may be physically divisible, an the party who allegedly failed to comply
obligation is indivisible if so provided by with his or her obligation disputes the
law or intended by the parties. resolution of the contract. Since both parties
in this case have exercised their right to
PROBLEM NO. 13: LAM V. KODAK resolve under Article 1191, there is no need
PHILIPPINES (2016) (J. LEONEN CASE) for a judicial decree before the resolution
produces effects.
Q1: Are the obligations of the parties
divisible or indivisible? Legal tender: Applicable only when the
obligation is to pay a sum in money. If the
ANSWER: The Letter Agreement contained problem involves payment of the price, the
an indivisible obligation. Under Article following rules should be applied: (i) if the
1225, payment of the price can be compelled by
Even though the object or service may be way of an action for collection of the price,
physically divisible, an obligation is i.e., payment of the purchase price in a
indivisible if so provided by law or intended contract of sale, it is an obligation to pay a
by the parties. sum of money, hence, the rule on legal
tender applies; (ii) on the other hand, if the
Here, the intention of the parties is for there payment of the price is merely incidental to
to be a single transaction covering all three the exercise of a right, i.e., payment of
(3) units of the Minilab Equipment. Kodak’s redemption price, repurchase price in pacto
obligation was to deliver all products de retro sale, payment of price in exercise of
purchased under a “package,” and, in turn, right of refusal or option contract, such
payment is not an obligation to pay a sum of consecutive months. When the economy re-
money because the right may not be opened again, the lessor made a demand
exercised. In the latter, the rule on legal upon Dr. No for the payment of the unpaid
tender does not apply. Instead, the tender of rentals. Dr. No claimed, however, that his
the price in the form of manager's check or obligation to pay rentals was already
cashier's check is sufficient to preserve the extinguished pursuant to the doctrine of
right. If the tender is not accepted, the unforeseen event under Article 1267 of the
remedy is to compel redemption or Civil Code.
repurchase by depositing the payment in
court; the remedy is not consignation Q1: May the pandemic caused by the Covid-
because there is no obligation to be paid. 19 virus qualify as an unforeseen event that
may result into the extinguishment of
43. On fortuitous event and loss: If the obligation under Article 1267 of the Civil
obligation is to deliver a determinate thing Code?
and thing is lost by reason of fortuitous
event, the debtor's obligation is extinguished ANSWER: Yes, because the pandemic
because the loss is without his fault provided caused by the Covid-19 virus satisfies the
the following requisites concur: (i) at the requirements of Article 1267 based on
time of loss, the debtor is not yet in delay: prevailing jurisprudence, as follows: (i) it is
(ii) the event is either unforeseeable or an unforeseen event: (ii) it is an extra-
inevitable; (iii) the event is independent of ordinary event; (iii) it may render the
the will of the debtor; (iv) the event rendered performance of an obligation to do
the normal fulfillment of the obligation extremely difficult; and (iv) the event and its
impossible; and (v) the debtor has no effects are manifestly beyond the
participation in, or aggravation of the injury, contemplation of the parties.
suffered by the creditor. If the obligation, on
the other hand, is to deliver a generic thing, Q2: Is the obligation of Dr. No to pay rentals
it cannot be extinguished by reason of loss extinguished under the doctrine of
of the thing due because the genus of a thing unforeseen event under Article 1267 of the
never perishes. Civil Code?

44. Doctrine of unforeseen event in Article ANSWER: No, because such doctrine is
1267: The doctrine is applicable only to applicable only to an obligation to do. It
obligation to do and the obligation is does not apply to an obligation to give. The
extinguished if the following requisites are obligation of Dr. No to pay rentals is an
satisfied: (i) prior to the fulfillment of the obligation to give and not an obligation to
obligation and prior to the debtor incurring do.
delay, an unforeseen event occurred; (ii) the
event is extra-ordinary; (iii) such event Q3: May the obligation of Dr. No. to pay
rendered the performance of the obligation rentals be considered extinguished by reason
to do extremely difficult; and (iv) and such of fortuitous event?
event and its effects are manifestly beyond
the contemplation of the parties. ANSWER: No, because the obligation of
Dr. No to pay a sum of money in the form of
PROBLEM NO. 14: rents is an obligation to deliver a generic
thing. Hence, such obligation may not be
Dr. No, a dentist, leased a commercial unit extinguished by reason of loss because the
in Pergola Mall for two years. The contract genus of a thing never perishes.
was entered into prior to the pandemic.
Several months after the execution of the 15. Conventional subrogation vs. assignment
contract, a world-wide pandemic occurred of credit: (i) CS is a mode of
brought about by the Covid-19 virus. As a extinguishment; while AC is not. In other
consequence of the pandemic, several words, in CS, the credit transferred to the
lockdowns were ordered by the government third person is no longer the same obligation
which affected the operations of Dr. No's of the debtor to the previous creditor, it is a
dental clinic. Subsequently, Dr. No was new one; while in AC, the credit transferred
unable to pay monthly rents for seven to the third person is the very same
obligation of the debtor to the previous
creditor. (ii) In CS, consent of debtor is
necessary because it is a contract involving
the parties to the original obligation and the
third person; while in AC, the consent of the
debtor is not necessary, because it only a
contract between the creditor (assignor) and
the third person (assignee). (iii) in
determining whether it is CS or AC, the 48. Statute of Frauds: A contract in violation
intention of the parties must be looked into. of the Statute of Frauds is not void, but
If they intended that the transfer of rights to merely unenforceable. However, the defense
the third person does not become effective of the Statute of Frauds applies only to
without the debtor's consent, it is a case of executory contracts and not to those which
CS; otherwise, it is simply AC. have been executed either fully or partially.


46. Option vs. Right of First Refusal: (i) in
option, there is already a definite offer, what Alido owned a parcel of land. In 1978,
is lacking is acceptance of the offer; in RFR, Campano was able to take possession of the
only the object is definite while the price land and the owner's duplicate of OCT No.
and other terms are still to be fixed in the F-16558, and paid its realty taxes. Allegedly,
future; (ii) in option, the period for the Alido had sold the property to her. In 1996,
exercise of the privilege is always a definite Alido died. His heirs executed a deed of
period; while in RFR, the period may either extrajudicial settlement over the property
be definite or indefinite; and (iii) in case of and demanded from Campano the surrender
breach of contract of option, the remedy is to of the title. The heirs filed an action before
recover damages; in case of violation of the RTC for the surrender of the title. The
RFR, the contract in violation of such right RTC ruled that the purported sale between
can be rescinded if the third party acted in Alido and Campano was void because it was
bad faith. an oral sale. On appeal, the CA ruled that an
oral sale of real property is not void, but
47. Annulment of voidable contract only unenforceable under the Statute of
requisites on the ground of fraud: The Frauds. Nevertheless, it elucidated that it
requisites for annulment of contract on the was only applicable to executory contracts
ground of FRAUD: (1) it must have been and not to partially or completely executed
employed by one contracting party upon the contracts. The CA highlighted that the oral
other: (2) it must have induced the other sale of the subject parcel of land between
party to enter into the contract; (3) it must respondent and Alido had been executed.
have been serious; and (4) it must have The appellate court noted that respondent
resulted in damage and injury to the party possessed the owner's duplicate of title, she
seeking annulment. had paid the realty taxes, and was in
peaceful possession of the land since 1978.
UNION BANK (2017) (J. LEONEN CASE) O: Is the CA correct?

ANSWER: Yes, the CA is correct. While a

contract of sale over a parcel of land is
required to be in writing under the Statute of
Frauds, failure to comply with said
requirement does not render the contract
void but merely unenforceable. In this case,
however, the oral contract of sale is both
valid and enforceable because the defense of
Statute of Frauds may no longer be invoked
because there was already performance of
the contract. It is the rule that the defense of
Statute of Frauds applies only to executory stipulation to the contrary, shall be the
contracts and not to those which have been payment of the interest agreed upon, and in
executed either fully or partially. the absence of stipulation, the legal interest,
which is six percent (6%) per annum."
49. Two Kinds of Interest: There are two
types of interest - monetary interest and PROBLEM NO. 17: ABELLA V. ABELLA
compensatory interest. Interest as a (2015) (J. LEONEN CASE)
compensation fixed by the parties for the use
or forbearance of money is referred to as There is written contract w/c stipulated that
monetary interest; while interest that may be with interest, but no rate specified.
imposed by law or by courts as penalty for Q1: is the CA correct?
damages is referred to as compensatory
interest. Right to interest therefore arises ANSWER: No. Jurisprudence is clear about
only by virtue of a contract or by virtue. the applicable interest rate if a written
instrument fails to specify a rate. According
50. Monetary Interest: The interest referred to jurisprudence, if the parties failed to
to in Article 1956 of the Civil Code is specify the rate, what will apply is the legal
monetary interest. Monetary interest under rate. In loan or forbearance of money, the
Article 1956 serves as compensation fixed applicable legal rate is 12% per annum prior
by the parties for the use or forbearance of to July 1, 2013 and 6% per annum beginning
money. As can be gleaned from the July 1, 2013.
foregoing provision, payment of monetary
interest is allowed only if (i) there was an Q2: Is the Creditor correct?
express stipulation for the payment of
interest; and (ii) the agreement for the ANSWER: No, because Article 1956 of the
payment of interest was reduced in writing. Civil Code, read in light of established
The concurrence of the two conditions is jurisprudence, prevents the application of
required for the payment of monetary any interest rate other than that
interest. If both conditions are satisfied, the specifically provided for by the parties in
payment of monetary interest becomes a their loan document or, in lieu of it, the
case of civil obligation which can be legal rate. Here, as the contracting parties
compelled in court. On the other hand, if the failed to make a specific stipulation, the
requisites are not complied, the payment of legal rate must apply.
interest is not civil obligation but only a case
of natural obligation. PROBLEM NO. 18: HUN HYUNG PARK
51. Compensatory Interest: On the other
hand, compensatory interest (i.e., interest On June 28, 1999, Park, who was engaged in
awarded as damages under Articles 2209 to the business of lending money,
2213 of the Civil Code) is that which is extended a loan to Choi in the amount of
"allowed in actions for breach of contract or P1,875,000.00. As payment for the loan,
tort for the unlawful detention of money Choi issued PB Check No. 0077133 in the
already due." As the governing provisions same amount dated August 28, 1999 in
indicate, compensatory interest may be favor of Park, On October 5, 1999, Park
imposed by law or by the courts as penalty attempted to deposit the check to his bank
or indemnity for damages. The obligation to account but the same was returned to him
pay compensatory interest need not be dishonored for having been drawn against
stipulated in writing because from the a closed account. The agreement did not
moment a debtor incurs in delay in the provide for the payment of interest.
payment of a sum of money, the creditor is
entitled to the payment of interest as
indemnity for damages arising out of that
delay (compensatory). Article 2209 of the
Civil Code provides that: "If the
obligation consists in the payment of sum of
money, and the debtor incurs in delay, the
indemnity for damages, there being no
otherwise, the encumbrance is void even if
the debt had redounded to the benefit of the


BANK (2017)

Mother requested her daughter to borrow her

land and mortgage it as collateral for the
mothers loan in behalf of their cooperative.
June 21, 1996 agreed with the bank, but the
proceed was released June 25, 1996.
Contract of loan?

Q1: is the trial court correct that the contract

of loan was perfected on June 21, 1996, at
the same time with the contract of mortgage
was executed?

ANSWER: The trial court is not correct

53. As to legal rate for compensatory when it ruled that the contract of loan was
interest for loan or forbearance of money, perfected on June 21, 1996 because a
the rate is still 12% p.a., for interest accruing contract of loan is a real contract which can
until June 30, 2013; but beginning July 1, only be perfected upon the delivery of the
2013, the rate of interest is reduced to 6% object of the contract. In the problem, the
p.a, pursuant to a BSP circular. contract of loan was perfected only on June
25, 1996 when the proceeds of the loan were
PROBLEM NO. 19: PNB V. REYES (2016) released to the borrower. What may be
J.LEONEN CASE) considered perfected on June 21, 1996 is the
accepted promise to deliver something by
Lilia obtained a loan from PB, without the way of simple loan, which is a consensual
consent of her husband, Venancio, She also contract, but not the contract of loan itself.
mortgaged three parcels of land belonging to
the conjugal partnership, also without the
consent of her husband. When the loan was
not paid, PB foreclosed the mortgage.
Venancion questioned the validity of the
mortgage on the ground that he did not give
his consent to the same. The bank argued,
however, that since the loan redounded to
the benefit of the family, the validity of the
mortgage should be upheld.

O: Is the Bank correct? On defective contracts: A. Rescissible: (1) it

is valid, enforceable, therefore obligatory
ANSWER: No, the fact that the debt between the parties until it is rescinded by
contracted by the wife without the consent the court; (ii) the defect cannot be used as
of the husband redounded to benefit of the defense without judgment of rescission,
family will only make such debt chargeable hence, cannot be subjected to collateral
to the conjugal partnership. With respect to attack; (iii) the only way to raise the defect
the mortgage of the conjugal properties is to file an action for rescission; (iv) In
without the consent of the husband, the same Article 1381, paragraphs (1) and (2), the
is void. In order for the encumbrance of a contract must not involve disposition or
conjugal property to be valid, it must be encumbrance of real property of the ward or
made with the consent of both spouses or absentee without judicial authorization;
there must be court authorization if the otherwise, the contract is unenforceable
consent of one cannot be obtained; under Article 1403 (1) of the Civil Code; (v)
In Article 1381 (3), the contract in fraud of E. TORTS (QUASI-DELICT)
creditor must not be absolutely simulated;
otherwise, the contract is void and 55. Requisites for Employer'» Vicarious
inexistent. Liability Under Article 2180 of the Civil
Code: In order for the vicarious liability of
the employer to attach, Article 2180 requires
proof of two things: (i) existence of
employer-employee relationship; and (ii)
that the employee acted within the scope of
his or her assigned tasks. It is only after
proving such requisites that the employer
may find it necessary to interpose the
C. Unenforceable: it is valid but cannot be defense of due diligence in the selection and
enforced in court unless the defect is supervision of the employee.
ratified, hence, it is not obligatory; (i) 56. Registered-owner rule: Under the
however, the defect may be ratified and if registered owner rule, the registered owner
ratified, the contract becomes obligatory: of
(ili) the defect can only be raised as a matter a motor vehicle is liable for death or injuries
of defense, hence, the concept of caused by the operation of the vehicle. The
prescription does not apply: (iv) In Article principle upon which this doctrine is based
1403 (1), if the contract is not authorized by is that in dealing with registered motor
the principal it is generally unenforceable vehicles, the public has the right to assume
and the defect is subject to ratification; (v) or presume that the registered owner is the
however, if the contract entered into by the actual owner thereof, for it would be
agent without authority of the principal is difficult for the public to enforce the actions
the sale of parcel of land of the principal, the that they may have for injuries caused to
contract is void applying Article 1874 of the them by the vehicles being
Civil Code which requires the authority of negligently operated if the public should be
the agent to be in writing, otherwise the sale required to prove who the actual owner is.
is void. The registered-owner rule only requires the
plaintiff to prove that the defendant is the
D. Void and Inexistent: (1) the contract is registered owner of the vehicle.
invalid from the very beginning, hence, not
obligatory; (ii) the defect is permanent and PROBLEM NO. 21: CARAVAN TRAVEL
not susceptible of ratification; (iii) the defect & TOURS INTERNATIONAL, INC. V.
can be raised as a matter of defense only if ABEJAR (2016) J. LEONEN CASE)
the contract is still purely executory; but if
the contract is already performed and a
contracting party wants to recover what was
delivered, an action to declare the contract
void may be filed, with a prayer for
recovery; (iv) the defense or the action is
imprescriptible, but the recovery may be
barred by laches; (v) ordinarily, the party to
a void contract is entitled to recovery except
when the principle of in par delicto is
applied or when he is guilty of laches; (vi) in
pari delicto rule is applicable only when the Ql: is Caravan's contention that Abejar has
contract is void because it is illegal (the no personality to file the action meritorious?
object, cause or purpose is contrary to law,
morals, good customs, public order or public ANSWER: No, because Abejar exercised
policy) and both parties are equally at fault; substitute parental authority over Mary when
(vii) if the rule of in pari delicto is the latter was still below 18. Thus, she
applicable, the court cannot aid any of the suffered actual loss and is, therefore, a real
parties and will simply leave them where party in interest in thin case. The fact that
they are. Mary was already emancipated when the
accident occurred does not preclude Abejar
from recovering damages for the death of culpa aquiliana or quasi-delict when the
Mary because, in principle, anybody who reason for the breach of the contract is
suffers any damage from culpa aquiliana, negligence itself (or "when the act that
whether a relative or not of the victim, may breaks the contract is also a tort”).
recover damages from the person
responsible therefor.

Q3: Is Abejar entitled to recover damages

considering that under Article 2206(3), in
case of death arising from crime or quasi-
delict, only the spouse, legitimate and
illegitimate descendants, and ascendants of
the decease, may recover moral damages?

********* ANSWER: Yes, because for the

purpose of recovering moral damages under
Article 2206(3), persons exercising
substitute parental authority are to be
considered "ascendants." They are intended PROBLEM NO. 23:
to stand in place of a child's parents in order
to ensure the well-being and welfare of a P rode on a taxi, driven by D and owned by
child. Given the policy underlying Articles O. Because of the recklessness of D, the taxi
216 and 220 of the Family Code as well as collided with another vehicle resulting to
the purposes for awarding moral damages, a serious injuries to P. Discuss the possible
person exercising substitute parental sources of obligations, the person/s liable,
authority is rightly considered an ascendant nature of liability and possible defenses.
of the deceased, within the meaning of
Article 2206(3) of the Civil Code. Hence, ANSWER:
Abejar is entitled to moral damages. 1) Breach of contract is one of the sources
of obligation here. For breach of
57. Articles 1170, 20 and 2176 on contract, only O is liable to P because D
negligence: (i) In Article 1170, the is not a party to the contract of carriage.
negligence is called "culpa contractual. In Hence, under contract, it is not possible
culpa contractual, the source of obligation is for the driver and the employer to be
contract and not the negligence. In culpa solidarily liable because only the
contractual, the negligence occurred only employer is liable. If the cause of action
duringithe performance of the obligation. is breach of contract, the defense that the
(if) In Article 20, there is no contract employer exercised due diligence in the
between the parties but the negligence is selection and supervision of his
contrary to law or a breach of an existing employee is not applicable.
provision of law. (iii) In Article 2176, the
negligence is called "culpa aquiliana or 2) Delict is another source of obligation.
culpa extra-contractual. In Article 2176, as a Under delict, the driver (D) is primarily
rule there must be no contract between the liable while the employer (O) is
parties and the negligence is not a breach of subsidiarily liable. Hence, under delict, it
an existing provision of law. (iv) However, is not possible for the driver and the
the existence of a contract between the employer to be solidarily liable because
parties may not prevent recovery under only one of them is liable. The
subsidiary liability of the employer will civil liability has been filed or when
attach only if the employee is convicted exemplary damages are awarded); and
and turns out to be insolvent. If the cause 6) interest in proper cases. [Torreon v.
of action is delict, the defense that the Aparra (2017)]
employer exercised diligence in the
supervision and selection of employee is 59. Loss of earning capacity: Testimonial
not a defense. evidence is allowed to prove loss of earning
capacity. The testimony of the deceased's
C. DAMAGES widow as basis to estimate his earning
capacity is allowed by the Court. The Court
58. Moral damages in case of death in delict also accepted testimony from co-workers of
or quasi-delict: (a) Rule: In case of death the deceased to establish his income before
caused by delict or quasi-delict, moral his death. With more reason, the employer
damages may be recovered by only the should be deemed competent to testify on
following: spouse, legitimate and the compensation that the deceased was
illegitimate descendants and ascendants of receiving. [Torreon v. Aparra (201 7)]
the deceased [Art, 2206(3), Civil Code]. (b)
brothers and sisters and other collateral PROBLEM NO. 25: TORREON V.
relatives are not allowed to recover (Sulpicio APARRA (2017) (J. LEONEN CASE)
Lines, Inc. v. Curso (2010)]. (c) However, At the time of the victim's death, he was 48
given the policy underlying Articles 216 and years old and was earning P1 5,000.00
220 of the Family Code as well as the monthly. Compute the loss of earning
purposes for awarding moral damages, a capacity,
person exercising substitute parental
authority is rightly considered an ascendant ANSWER:
of the deceased, within the meaning of First, subtract 48 from 80, which gives 32
Article 2206(3) of the Civil Code. [Caravan years as answer.
Travel & Tours International, Inc. v. Abejar
(2016)] Next, multiply 32 by 2/3, which results into
21.33 which is the life expectancy.
Then, determine his annual gross income by
Q: What are the recoverable damages when multiplying the monthly income of P15,000
death occurs as a result of crime or quasi- by 12. Hence, the annual gross income is
delict? P180,000.00.

ANSWER: The following may be After getting the annual gross income, get
recovered: 50% of it. Here it is P90,000.
1) indemnity for the death of the victim - in
the amount of P50,000 under existing To arrive at the loss of earning capacity,
jurisprudence, without need of any multiply P90,000 by 21.33. Hence, the loss
evidence or proof of damages; of earning capacity is P1,919,700.
2) indemnity for loss of earning capacity,
which is recoverable in addition to PROBLEM NO. 25: TORREON V.
indemnity for the death of the victim in APARRA (2017) (J. LEONEN CASE)
the amount of P50,000;
3) moral damages, which can be recovered Simolde operated a truck. The official truck
in addition to indemnity for the death of driver was Caballes. However, Caballes
the victim in the amount of P50,000 and allowed Aparra, the truck's mechanic to
loss of earning capacity; drive the vehicle. Due to Aparra's
4) exemplary damages – when the crime is negligence, the truck fell into the wharf
attended by one or more aggravating killing several passengers and injuring
circumstances, the same to be considered others, Vivian and Abella filed criminal and
separate from fines; civil action for damages against Simolde,
5) attorney's fees and expenses of litigation Caballes and Aparra for the death of her
- the actual amount thereof, (but only husband, Rodolfo, who was one of the
when a separate civil action to recover passengers of the truck. The trial court found
the defendants solidarily liable for the mortgage. The trial court declared the
commission of quasi-delict, which decision mortgage void on the ground that the
was affirmed by the CA. However, the CA mortgagor was not the absolute owner of the
deleted the award of damages for Rodolfo's property. The TC also ruled that moral
loss of earning capacity. The CA concluded damages were proper under Article 309 of
that documentary evidence should be the Civil Code based on the showing of
presented to substantiate a claim for loss of disrespect to the dead.
earning capacity. In this case, it was the
employer who testified on the earning O: is the award of moral damages under
capacity of Rodolfo. Article 309 of the Civil Code proper?

O: Is the CA correct? ANSWER: No, the RTC committed an error

in awarding moral damages based on Article
ANSWER: No. In civil cases, Vivian is only 309 of the Civil Code. The Civil Code
required to establish her claim by a provision under Article 309 on showing
preponderance of evidence. Allowing disrespect to the dead” as a ground for the
testimonial evidence to prove loss of earning family of the deceased to recover moral and
capacity is consistent with the nature of civil material damages, being under the title of
actions. The Court has previously accepted a "Funerals", obviously envisions the
competent witness' testimony to determine commission of the disrespect during the
the deceased's income. In one case, the period of mourning over the demise of the
Court used the testimony of the deceased's deceased or on the occasion of the funeral of
widow as basis to estimate his earning the mortal remains of the deceased. Neither
capacity. In another case, the Court also was true herein. Hence, the act of Eleanor
accepted testimony from co-workers of the Tabuada of fraudulently representing the late
deceased to establish his income before his Loreta Tabuada did not amount to disrespect
death. If co-workers were deemed to the dead as basis for the recovery of moral
competent to testify on the compensation damages.
that the deceased was receiving, all the more
should an employer be allowed to testify on
the amount she was paying her deceased

61. Disrespect to the dead: Under Article

309 of the Civil Code, any person who
shows disrespect to the dead, or wrongfully
interferes with a funeral shall be liable to the
family of the deceased for moral damages.

PROBLEM NO. 27: TABUADA V. 63. In an action for breach of contract of

TABUADA (2018) carriage, moral damages may be awarded
only in case (1) an accident results in the
Loreta Tabuada died in 1990. She left a death of a passenger; or (2) the carrier is
parcel of land registered in her name. She guilty of fraud or bad faith, pursuant to
was survived by her son and only heir, Article 1764, in relation to Article 2206(3)
Simeon Tabuada. In 1994, Eleonor Tabuada, of
the sister-in-law of Simeon, misrepresented the Civil Code, and Article 2220 thereof.
herself as the deceased Loreta Tabuada and [Darines v. Quinones (2017)]
mortgaged the property without the
knowledge of Simeon and the latter's wife,
Sofia Tabuada. The mortgage was in favor
of the Spouses Certeza. In 1997, Simeon
died, leaving Sofia and their children as his
heirs. Äfter the death of her husband, Sofia
learned of what Eleanor did. Hence, she
filed an action against Eleanor and the
Spouses Certeza for the nullification of the

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