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Polymers and the Periodic Table: Recent Developments in

Inorganic Polymer Science
Ian Manners*
Dedicurcd lo [he memorj of Dai.vy Muud Manners

Polysiloxancs [-RzSi-O-L. polyphos- been held back by the synthetic problem main chain of tin atoms. Transition
phatencs [-R,P=N-],. and polysilancs of finding ways to join atoms of inor- metal based polymer science has also cx-
, [-R2Si-]. illustrate that the i n c o p r a - ganic elements together into long pcriennd a n u m b of synthetic brcak-
tion of inorganic clements into a poly- chains. This review surveys many of the throughs and new materials include high
mer main chain can lead to useful p r o p exciting advances in the field of inorga'n- molecular weight metalloccne-bascd
erties. These include low tempcrature ic polymers over the past decade and fo- polymers. polymetallayncs incorporat-
flexibility, high thermal and oxidative cues mainly on the new inorganic poly- ing elements such as iron. nickel, and
stability, flame retardancy. novel forms mer systems that have been prepared rhodium, liquid crystalline organocobalt
of chemical reactivity. and intriguing during this pcriod. These include ran- and organochromium polymers. and
electrical and optical characteristics dom-network polysilynes. poly(mrbo- lanthanide-based polymers.
arising from unusual electronic effects phosphateneb. sulfur - nitrogen phos-
such as the dclocalization of u electrons. phorus polymers. poly(organooxothi- Keywords: inorganic polymers * liquid
However, until recently. the develop- iuene)s. and, very recently. the first ex- -
crystals * main group elements x m i -
ment of inorganic polymer science bas amples of polystonnanes that posscss a conductors transition metals

1. Introduction ment. Even seemingly simple small molccules can be surprising-

ly elusive."' and the development of routcs to long polymer
Dcspite thc fact that carbon is not a particularly abundant chains constructed mainly or entirely from inorganic elements
terrestrial element. carbon-ba.4 or "organic" macromolecules has been a particular challenge.
form the basis of life on our planet, and natural or synthetic
macromolecules hascd on carbon chains fill the world around
US.^'.^* Organic polymers are used as plastics and elastomers. 2. The Constrt~ctioaof Loag laoganic Chains:
films, and fibers. in arcas as diverse as clothing, car rim, com- A Syntbetic Problem
part discs. packaging materials. and prostheses.l'l Moreover.
exciting new applications in electroluminescent and integrated One might anticipate that application of the tcchniques that
optic devices and sensors are also now under development."l have worked so well for the preparation of organic polymers
The massive growth in the use of organic polymeric materials in would allow similarly facile access to inorganic macromolecules.
the past 50 years can mainly be auributed to their ease ofprepa- However, consideration of the main synthetic routes to organic
ration, lightweight nature, and unique ease of fabrication. Their polymers (Scheme 1 ) illustrates the problems associatcd with
ease of preparation is a consequence of not only the advanced this approach. Traditional synthetic protocols that involve a
state of organic synthcsis. which reflects both the intrinsic logic chain-growth mcchanistn such as addition polymerization
of this subject and the creativity of scientists interested in the (Scheme 1, Route A ) arc very dificult to use for inorganic p l y -
area. but is also due to the accessibility of cheap petroleum- mer synthesis. since suitably reactive but stable multiple bonds
derived monomen.lzl involving inorganic elements are gencrally dificult to prepare.
.In contrast to organic chemistry. the chemistry of inorganic In contrast to the situation for unsaturated organic molecules
elements is generally at a much more primitive state of develop (r-olefins, acetylenes, nitriles. ctc.). the isolation of stable spe-
cies with multiple bonds W e e n inorganic elements usually
1') Prof.I h4anncr.i requires the prucnce of sterically demanding. oligomcrization-
Ucpirrtmcnr of ( k m i s t q . IJniwnit!- of Toronto inhibiting ancillary groups.1'' Most of the early attempts to prc-
WO SI G c a r y Strcct. Toronto. ON (('anrda)
Fax' Inl. codc +(41bWX-X77J pare inorganic polymers focusad on the use of polycondenw-
c.miiil: irrmnncnm ukhcm) chcm utor0nto.u tions (Scheme I . Route B). These slep-growth routes work well
REVIEWS I. Manners

"\ /" condensation polymerization is to use monomers that possess
,E=E, (or R-EEE-R) groups X and Y, which can be eliminated from the same mole-
cule (Scheme 1, Route C). This circumvents the need for careful
control of reaction stoichiometry and, in certain cases, polymer-
ization of monomers of this type can follow a chain-growth-type
mechanism, which leads to polymers with high molecular
I I I I weights much more Another chain-growth ap-
X-E-E-X + Y-E-E-Y B
I I I I proach that appears very promising is ring-opening polymeriza-
R R R R - XY
or tion (ROP) (Scheme 1, Route D). Inorganic ring chemistry is
C very well-developed and thus many potential ROP monomers
I 1 - XY are a~ailable.'~]
As a result of the synthetic difficulties, until recently only
three well-characterized inorganic polymer systems existed :
polysiloxanes or "silicones" 1, polyphosphazenes 2, and polysi-
lanes 3."01Significantly, these materials all possess remarkable
properties, which differ substantially from those of convention-
al organic macromolecules.

Scheme 1. Syntheses of inorganic polymers (E = inorganic element)

for the synthesis of carbon-based polymers when difunctional

organic monomers are used because such species are generally 1 2 3
easily accessible in a high degree of purity.[61This allows the
stringent stoichiometry and conversion requirements which
need to be fulfilled for the formation of high molecular weight This review aims to provide an overview of the current status
condensation polymers to be satisfied."] However, inorganic of inorganic polymer and will focus mainly on
functional group chemistry is poorly developed and difunction- recent developments in the field with particular attention given
a1 inorganic monomers (dilithiated species, for example) are to the new, well-characterized polymer systems prepared in the
often so reactive that they are difficult to prepare and purify. last 10 years. Excellent reviews and books have been published
Thus, exact reactant stoichiometries for polycondensation reac- that describe the synthesis, properties, applications, and tech-
tions cannot be achieved.['l This generally results in the forma- nology of polysiloxanes, polyphosphazenes, and polysilanes
tion of low molecular weight oligomeric products, which are in detail. In this article, the main features of these three well-
well below the critical molar mass (typically M , = ca. 10000) established polymer systems are briefly summarized, as
needed to obtain the necessary interchain entanglement and their unique properties help provide the motivation for the
materials mechanical strength for fabrication into free-standing further expansion of inorganic polymer science to elements
films, fibers etc. The advantageous processability characteristics other than Si, P, 0, and N in the periodic table. Recent
associated with macromolecules, which generally constitute the developments concerning new classes of inorganic polymers
major motivation for making polymers in the first place, cannot based on main group elements and transition metals are then
therefore be realized."] A very promising variant on this type of described.

Ian Manners was born in London, England in 1961. He received his BSc degree in Chemistry
in 1982 at the University of Bristol where he also completed his PhD (in 1985) with Professor
Neil Connelly on organotransition metal radicals. From 1986-87 he was a Royal Society
European Postdoctoral Fellow at the R W T H , Aachen, Germany working Iiith Professor Peter
Paetzold on the chemistry of' iminoboranes. Following work as a Research Associate on
polyphosphazenes andpoly(heteroph0sphazene)s "ith Professor Harry R . Allcock at the Penn-
sylvania State University, U S A , he joined the Faculty at the Department of Chemistry, Univer-
sit-v of Toronto, Canada in Ju1.v 1990. He became an Associate Professor in 1994 and a Full
Profkssor in 1995 and he is currently a Fellow of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (1994- 1996)
and is the recent recipient of the Rutherford Memorial Medal in Chemistry (1996). His
research interests,focus on the synthesis, properties, and applications of' novel inorganic mole-
cules, polymers, and solid-state materials. He is the author or coauthor of over 120publications
and holds or coholds five patents.

1604 Ang:ew. Chrm. Inl. Ed EnRI. 1996. 35. 1602-1621

Inorganic Polymers REVIEWS
3. Well-Established Inorganic Polymer Systems lizes at T,, = - 40 "C, and for many elastomer applications the
introduction of a small percentage of phenyl substituents by
3.1. Polysiloxanes or Silicones random copolymerization is necessary to ensure amorphous
character. Crosslinking for elastomer applications can be
Polysiloxanes, which were first developed in the 1930s and achieved by a variety of techniques including heating with per-
1940s, currently represent the most commercially important in- oxides or vulcanization at room temperature by which
organic polymer system and comprise a billion dollar global crosslinking can be induced by the transition metal catalyzed
industry." '. 1 6 ] Indeed, these materials are now often regarded hydrosilylations between vinyl substituents and Si-H groups
as commodity polymers rather than specialty products. The introduced along the polymer chain. In general. the addition of
main methods of synthesis involve condensation and anion- or reinforcing agents or fillers such as high surface area silica is also
cation-induced ring-opening routes and these are illustrated for necessary to improve mechanical properties.["]
the synthesis of the most common siloxane polymer, poly- Polysiloxanes also have a variety of other useful properties
(dimethylsiloxane) (4) [Eqs. (1) and (2)]. The starting materials such as hydrophobicity and their exceptionally high permeabil-
ity to gases. Indeed, snails can live submerged beneath the sur-
face of low molecular weight poly(dimethylsi1oxane) fluids for
up to 72 h by breathing oxygen that diffuses through the mate-
ria1.I' 71 Other applications in the biomedical field that take ad-
vantage of the high permeability of polysiloxanes include uses as
soft contact lenses and artificial skin. However, the leakage of
silicone-based materials through polysiloxane membranes in
breast implants has raised considerable public concern. Never-
Me Me theless, claims of health problems arising from the consequen-
\ '
' ,Sic'
tial presence of silicones in the body appear unproven to
Me- Me date.['8]
Me heat and/or anionic
Although poly(dimethylsi1oxane) is the most well-studied ex-
ample, a wide variety of other polysiloxanes with aliphatic or
or cationic initiators
and/or aromatic side groups are known and these are accessible either
Me Me by condensation or by cationic- or anionically-induced ROP
\ / routes. These other polysiloxanes also have very interesting
o's'' 0 4 properties and many have been the subjects of recent studies.
Me, / \ ,Me
Si For example, the morphology of simple high molecular weight
Me' \ Me ( M , = ca. lo5- lo6) n-alkyl-substituted polysiloxanes that are
available by ROP has been studied in detail.['91 Many, such as
Me' 'Me
poly(di-n-pentylsiloxane) , poly(di-n-hexylsiloxane) , and poly-
(di-n-decyl)siloxane, are liquid crystalline and each forms a
are organodichlorosilanes of which the most common, disordered mesophase. Polysiloxanes with fluoroalkyl sub-
Me,SiCI,, is readily available by the Rochow -Miiller process. stituents (e.g. trifluoropropyl), also known as fluorosilicones,
The cyclic starting materials used in the ROP route are available possess novel surface properties and are technologically impor-
by controlled hydrolysis of the corresponding organodichlorosi- tant with a range of applications.['71 The living anionic ROP
lane. of strained cyclic siloxanes such as (Me,SiO), is also important
The exceptional properties of polysiloxanes are a direct result as this permits access to block copolymers with organic
of their inorganic backbone of silicon and oxygen atoms and monomers.[20'
have resulted in their widespread use as high performance elas- A very versatile methodology for controlling the properties of
tomers and fluids, surface modifiers, adhesives, and biomedical polysiloxanes involves hydrosilylation [Eq. (3)J. Reaction of
materials.['0, - '*I The siloxane backbone, which contains
long Si-0 bonds (1.64 A compared to 1.54 A for a C-C bond),
the absence of substituents on every other skeletal atom (oxy-
gen), and a wide bond angle at oxygen (Si-0-Si 143" compared Pt catalyst
to C-C-C 109"), possesses unique dynamic flexibility. This leads R
to materials that retain elasticity and do not become brittle even
at very low temperatures. For example, poly(dimethylsiloxane),
the most common polymer, has a glass transition temperature
(T,) of - 123 "C, and for poly(methylhydrosi1oxane) the T, value poly(methy1hydrosiloxane) or poly(methylhydrosi1oxane)-
is even lower ( - 137 "C). In addition, Si -0 bonds are stronger poly(dimethylsi1oxane) copolymers with vinyl-capped species
than C-C bonds (bond energies: Si-0 ca. 450 kJmol-', C-C allows the introduction of side groups that give rise to a variety
ca. 348 kJmol-I) and are more stable to oxidation and UV of interesting properties." "1
' 9

radiation. This results in higher thermooxidative stability and For example, ferroelectric side-chain liquid crystalline
leads, for example, to the use of polysiloxanes in oil baths found polysiloxanes 5 with short switching times have recently been
in most chemical laboratories. Poly(dimethylsi1oxane) crystal- reported.[231Another exciting recent development involves the

Angea. Chrm. Inr. Ed. Engl. 1996. 35. 1602-1621 1605

REVIEWS I. Manners


use of polysiloxanes functionalized with polar cyanopropyl and OR
crosslinkable methacryloxypropyl groups as the matrices of 8 9
Na' sensing membranes for chemically modified field-effect
transistors (CHEMFETs) .[241 The advantages of polysiloxanes The phosphazene backbone also inherently possesses a
for this type of application revolve around their high diffusion unique range of unusual properties. For example, it is extremely
and permeability coefficients. flexible, and poly(a1koxyphosphazene)s such as the n-butoxy
derivative have glass transitions of below - 100 OC.['O1 Further-
more, it is thermally and oxidatively stable, optically transpar-
3.2. Polyphosphazenes ent from 220 nm to the near IR region, and it imparts flame-re-
tardant properties. Some of the most important polymers are
Polyphosphazenes 2 have a phosphorus- nitrogen backbone. fluoroalkoxy derivatives and amorphous copolymers are very
The first example, poly(dich1orophosphazene) (6)[Eq. (4)],was useful as flame-retardant, hydrocarbon-solvent and oil-resistant
prepared in crosslinked form by Stokes at the end of the last elastomers and have found aerospace and automotive applica-
tions. Polymers such as the amor-


phous comb polymer poly[bis(meth-
oxyethoxyethoxy)phosphazene] 9
are of considerable interest as
components of polymeric elec-
trolytes in battery technology.["]
Polyphosphazenes are also of inter-
6 R = OR, OAr, NHR, etc.
est as biomedical materials, and
bioinert, bioactive, membrane-
century by the thermal ROP of the cyclic trimer (Cl,PN), .["I forming, and bioerodable materials and hydrogels have been
However, this material, referred to as "inorganic rubber," re- prepared." O1
mained only a chemical curiousity due to its intractability and The reaction of poly(dich1orophosphazene) with organometal-
hydrolytic instability. The key developments concerning this lic reagents such as Grignard or organolithium reagents general-
polymer system took place in the mid-1960s when it was shown ly leads to chain cleavage as well as substitution and does not
by Allcock and Kugel that if the ROP of pure (Cl,PN), is provide a satisfactory route to polymers with only alkyl and aryl
carried out carefully, uncrosslinked 6 is formed which is soluble side groups bound by direct P-C bonds.["] In the early
in organic solvents.[251This permitted replacement of the halo- 1980s a solution to this problem was provided by the discovery
gen substituents by reaction with nucleophiles to yield hydrolyt- by Neilson and Wisian-Neilson of a condensation route
ically stable poly(organophosphazene)s [Eq. (4)].1'032 6 - 2 8 1 to poly(alkyl/arylphosphazene)s from phosphoranimines
The unique reaction sequence comprising ROP followed by [Eq. (5)].1351The polymerization is in fact a chain-growth reac-
nucleophilic substitution with oxygen- or nitrogen-based nu- tion, and allows access to high molecular weight polyphos-
cleophiles (generally alkoxides, aryloxides, or primary amines) phazenes such as poly(dimethy1phosphazene) and poly-
has been pioneered by Allcock and co-workers, and permits the (methylphenylphosphazene) .
immense structural diversity of poly(organophosphazene)s and
allows the properties to be tuned and specific properties to be
introduced.["] Recent highlights concerning the use of the R
macromolecular substitution route with 6 and related materials R-P=N--SiMe3 190"c +
include the introduction of side groups which lead to liquid I
- Me3SiOR
crystallinity (see polymer 7)>291 p h o t o c h r ~ r n i s m , [photo-
~~~ n
cr~sslinkability,[~'-331 and the preparation of novel polymers
such as 8 with short chain branching.1341 R = alkyl or aryl

1606 Angrrt-. Chern. I n t . Ed. Engl. 1996, 35, 1602-1621

Inorganic Polymers REVIEWS
Although several polyphosphazenes have been commercial- The first report of a soluble polysilane by West and co-work-
ized, recent work has focused on the development of cheaper ers appeared in 1978, and the material was prepared by the
and more convenient methods for making these materials. The treatment of a mixture of organodichlorosilanes with sodium
thermal R O P route requires the synthesis and careful purifica- Instead of only the expected cyclic oligomers, a poly-
tion of the cyclic trimer (CI,PN), and the use ofelevated temper- meric product, termed "polysilastyrene" (lo), was formed
atures where control of molecular weight is difficult and [Eq. (1O)] . Poly(dimethylsi1ane) had been previously prepared
crosslinking can take place at high conversion which can limit
the yield. Recently, condensation reactions have been developed
by Matyjaszewski and co-workers that provide an alternative, MezSiClz
direct route to fluoroalkoxy phosphazene polymers and aryl + Na, toluene
derivatives, and also permit access to block copolymers [Eqs. (6) 110°C
and (7)].[363 3 7 1 The development of condensation routes to PhMeSiCl2
poly(dich1orophosphazene) have also been reported. De Jaeger
and co-workers have described a promising route that operates
at 200 C [Eq. (8)] .I3'] Very recently Manners and Allcock and
their respective co-workers reported details of a synthesis of as a highly crystalline insoluble material.['0341*421
The introduc-
poly(dich1orophosphazene) that operates at room temperature tion of phenyl groups in the random copolymer reduces the
and allows molecular weight control [Eq. (9)].[391These devel- crystallinity and allows the material to be soluble and process-
opments offer the prospect of improved routes to phosphazene able.
polymers that may well facilitate more rapid and extensive com- The use of this Wurtz coupling route has allowed the prepara-
merciah~ation.'~~] tion of a range of high molecular weight polymers ( M , > lo5)
with alkyl o r aryl subtituents at silicon. Since 1980 the interest
in these polymers has grown tremendously and they have been
I [Bu~NIF,1 10°C found to possess a variety of fascinating properties.
RO-P= N- SiMe,
I - Me7SiOR One of the most remarkable features of the all-silicon back-
RO bone is that it leads to the delocalization of o electrons, a phe-
nomenon that is virtually unknown in carbon
This can be understood in terms of the nature of the molecular
Arz(R0)P orbitals associated with the Si-Si o bonds. These are more
160"C, - Nz diffuse than those associated with C-C o bonds, since they are
+ constructed from higher energy 3s and 3p atomic orbitals. This
- Me3SiOR
Me3SiN3 n leads to significant interactions between the adjacent Si -Si o
bonds along a polysilane chain, a situation analogous to that for
the x bonds in n-delocalized polymers such as polyacetylene.
Thus a band model rather than a localized model is more appro-
priate.['0,421As a consequence of the delocalization of o elec-
trons, the o-o*transition, which occurs at 220 nm in Me,Si-
SiMe,, moves to lower energy as the number of silicon atoms
' n in the chain increases. In the high polymers the o-o*band-
gap transitions occur in the near UV region at about 300-
400 nm.[461The electron delocalization also leads to appreciable
CI electrical conductivity following doping. For example, conduc-
I =N- trace of PC15,25"C tivities of up to 0.5 Scm-' have been reported for 10, after
CI-P SiMe,
- Me3SiCl
doping with AsF,.~") In addition, many of the polymers are
thermochromic as the conformations adopted by the polymer
change with temperature, which alters the degree of o delocal-
ization along the main chain. Due to their low energy c-c*
3.3. Polysilanes transitions, polysilanes are photosensitive and have attracted
considerable attention as photoresist materials in microlithog-
Since the first reports of soluble and processable polysilanes raphy,[l 0.41.421
3 in the late 1970s, these macromolecules have attracted tremen- The main method used to synthesize polysilanes involves the
dous interest from both a fundamental and an applied perspec- thermally induced Wurtz coupling reaction of organodichlorosi-
tive,[10.41-431 The backbone of silicon atoms gives rise to lanes with alkali metals [Eq. (1 l)] . Although improvements in
unique electronic and optical properties as a result of the delo-
calization of o electrons. Several polysilanes also function as
useful thermal precursors to silicon carbide fibers and these
materials have also attracted attention with respect to mi-
crolithographic applications and as polymerization initia-
tors,[lO. 41.421

Angrjr. Chem. I n i . Ed. Engl. 1996,35. 1602- 1621 1607

REVIEWS I. Manners

this process have been reported, for example the use of ultra- the best materials currently available.[s41Remarkable, optically
sound, the harsh conditions for this reaction tend to limit the active[551and dendritic polysilanes with extensively o-delocal-
side groups that can be successfully introduced to nonfunction- ized structures[56.571 have also recently been prepared.
alized alkyl and aryl units and makes scale up unattractive."']
Because of these limitations, considerable effort has been fo-
cused on the development of new synthetic routes to polysilanes. 4. New Polymers Based on Main Group Elements
The dehydrogenative coupling process catalyzed by early transi-
tion metals, which was discovered by Harrod and co-workers in Polysiloxanes, polyphosphazenes, and polysilanes illustrate
1985 [Eq. (12)]. is potentially very attractive; however, the that incorporation of main group elements within a polymer
main chain can influence chain flexibility, flame retardancy, and
electron delocalization, and can also permit access to new syn-
thetic avenues for the control of polymer microstructure and
hence properties. Over the last decade, attention has also fo-
cused on the development of a range of new polymer systems
based on p-block elements, and these are now reviewed.

molecular weights of the polysilanes formed to date are general-

ly quite low ( M , < 8000).[471The catalysts used for these cou- 4.1. Poly(carbosi1ane)s
pling reactions are usually titanocene or zirconocene deriva-
tives.[47.481 Polymers with a carbon -silicon backbone have been known
The catalytic dehydrogenation route yields novel polysilanes since the 1 9 6 0 ~ . [591
~ ~Thermal
, and transition metal catalyzed
with Si-H functionalities that are of interest as ceramic precur- ROP routes were used to prepare these materials. A range of
s o r ~ . [In
~ ~addition,
] Waymouth and co-workers have recently polymers with silicon and unsaturated hydrocarbon linkages in
shown that a variety of new side groups can be introduced by the backbone are also known and several of these materials
using a derivdtization approach [Eq. (13)] .1501 exhibit significant electrical conductivity upon d ~ p i n g . [ ~ ' - ' ~ ~
Dendritic poly(carbosi1ane)s have also been prepared recent-
ly.[66,671Over the past 10 years the main interest in poly(car-
bosi1ane)s has focused on their use as precursors to silicon car-
bide ceramics.141.42,6 8 - 7 0 ]
One of the recent highlights of this area is the synthesis and
study of the properties of poly(silaethy1ene) ( l l ) , a novel ana-
logue of polyethylene, by Interrante and co-worker~.'~ l ] This

polymer was prepared by the platinum-catalyzed ROP of

In 1991 Matyjaszewski and co-workers reported a novel ROP
1,1,3,3-tetrachlorodisilacyclobutane to yield poly(dich1orosi-
route to polysilanes [Eq. (14)] .["I The key to this approach is to laethylene), followed by reduction with LiAIH, [Eq. (16)].[721

Me- Si-
Si Ph
Ph -si-si- Me (14)
Me/ Ph

take readily accessible octaphenylcyclotetrasilane, which is too
sterically crowded to undergo ROP, and to replace some of the
phenyl groups by smaller methyl substituents (by a two-step Poly(silaethy1ene) is air-stable, soluble in organic solvents,
process) to make the ring polymerizable. and has been well-characterized. In contrast to polyethylene,
Sakurai and co-workers have also recently described another which is a fairly high melting point solid (T, =138"C),
novel route to polysilanes that involves the anionic poly- this material is a viscous liquid at room temperature but on
merization of disilabicyclooctadienes, which function as masked cooling to just below room temperature forms a translucent
disilenes [Eq. (1 5)].[521 white solid. Below the T, at about 25°C the powder X-ray
diffraction pattern shows no obvious similarity to that for any
of the known forms of polyethylene. The T, for this material
is extremely low (ca. -135 to -140°C). Significantly, poly-
(silaethylene) converts to stoichiometric silicon carbide in excel-
lent yield (87 %) on pyrolysis to 1000 "C.

Recent exciting developments in polysilane research include

the use of these materials as hole transport layers in electrolu-
minescent devices.i531In addition, the photoconductivity of
poly(methylpheny1silane) doped with C, is comparable with
Very recent work by Isaka et al. sug-
gests that "saturated" poly(carbosi1ane)s
may possess interesting electronic proper-
ties.[731Periodic poly(carbodisi1ane)s 12
were prepared by Wurtz coupling and
F::: 1.
si-si- CH2


1608 Angew. Chem. In[. Ed. En$ 1996. 35. 1602-1621

Inorganic Polymers REVIEWS
show evidence of significant o conjugation despite the presence
o f a saturated carbon atom inevery repeat unit. Indeed, a b initio
calculations for poly(carbodisi1ane)s indicated that the effective
hole masses at the valence band edge were inbetween those in
polysilanes and polyethylene.

4.2. Random-Network Polymers of the Group 14 Elements:

Polysilynes and Polygermynes

In 1989 Bianconi and Weidman prepared the first members of

a class of random-network silicon polymers termed polysilynes
[RSi], .[741 These yellow, film-forming materials (13) were syn-
200 300
Alnm - 400

Fig. 2. UV/Vis spectra in cyclohexane of the polysilyne 13 (R = n-hexyl) (filled line)

compared to that of the polysilane 3 (R = n-hexyl) (broken line) (reproduced from
thesized by the Wurtz coupling reaction of organotrichlorosi- ref. [75] with permission). A =absorption (arbitrary units).
lanes promoted by high intensity ultrasound [Eq. (17)].

photoresists are under investigation; exposure to air or light

leads to a pattern that remains after dissolution of unoxidized
RSiCI, polymer.
THF, ultrasound
L All
Very recently random-network polymers have been made for
other Group 14 elements.[771Polygermynes 14 are coffee-col-
ored materials prepared from organotrichlorogermanes by a
similar synthetic methodology [Eq. (1S)]. These materials have
Polysilynes 13 are soluble in organic solvents, providing that
the organic group R attached to silicon has at least four carbon
atoms, and have molecular weights ( M , ) of between 10000-
15 000 by gel permeation chromatography (GPC). Differential NaK
scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray powder diffraction stud- RGeC13 THF, ultrasound *
ies showed that the materials are amorphous, and N M R studies
are consistent with the presence of a randomly constructed rigid 14

network of monosubstituted sp3-hybridized silicon units

(Fig. 1). The electronic properties of these materials are particu- UV/Vis absorptions that tail into the visible region up to
800 nm. Copolymers with polysilynes have also been prepared
by using mixtures of RSiCI, and RGeCI, and have properties
intermediate between those of the homopolymers. For example,
[(nBuSi),,(PhGe),,], shows a UV/Vis absorption band that
tails u p to about 650 nm.[771

4.3. Linear Polymers Containing Heavier Group 14

Elements: Polygermanes and Polystannanes

The remarkable properties of polysilanes has led to consider-

able interest in the development of polymer chains based on the
heavier Group 14 elements germanium and tin. Polygermanes
were prepared in the mid 1980s by Wurtz coupling techniques
Fig. 1. Random-network structure of the polysilyne 13 (R = n-hexyl) (adapted
similar to those used to prepare the silicon polymers [Eq. (19)]-
from ref. [75]with permission).

lady interesting and are significantly different from those of Na, toluene
linear p o l y ~ i l a n e s . ' ~761
~ . Poly(n-hexylsilyne), for example, 1l0OC
shows an intense near-UV absorption band edge that tails into
the visible region up to 450 nm, which is associated with CJ
conjugation extended in three dimensions (Fig. 2). The three-di- Studies of these materials indicated that the o delocalization is
mensional structure of these materials leads to additional pho- even more extensive than for polysilanes and that the O-CT*
tostability in comparsion to that for polysilanes. In air, insolu- band-gap transition for the high polymers is significantly red
ble polysiloxanes are formed by insertion of oxygen atoms into shifted by about 2 0 n m in comparison to that for the silicon
the Si-Si bonds. Potential applications of these materials as 791

Angeii.. Chew?.h r . Ed. Engl. 1996, 35. 1602-1621 1609

REVIEWS I. Manners

Polystannanes would be expected to have even more (J delo- phosphorus atom is replaced by carbon. The first examples of
calized structures.180-*z1Indeed, elegant work by Drager and these materials were discovered in 1989 by Allcock, Nuyken and
co-workers in 1987 showed that linear oligostannanes with up to co-workers.r8s1Thermal R O P of a cyclic carbophosphazene was
six tin atoms can be prepared and that the (J-(J*transition used to prepare the chlorinated polymeric spucies 16, which
moves dramatically to lower energy as the chain length is in- undergoes halogen replacement reactions with nucleophiles
creased. This led to the proposed term “molecular metals” for such as aryloxides to yield hydrolytically stable poly-
prospective high molecular weight analogues.[80]However, at- [(aryloxy)carbophosphazene]s 17 ( M , = ca. lo5, M , =lo4)
tempts to generate high polymers by Wurtz coupling of organ- [Eq. (21)].[8s-R81The polymer backbone in these materials is
odichlorostannanes have yielded only low molecular weight
oligomers and reduction products. A key breakthrough in this
area was reported in 1993 by Tilley and co-workers who showed
that transition metal catalyzed dehydrogenative coupling reac-
tions, which had been extensively applied to the synthesis of
polysilanes (see Section 3.3), could be applied to secondary stan-
nanes K,SnH, [Eq. (20)].[831Yellow polystannanes 15 (R = e.g. 16

Zr catalyst C=N-P=N-P=N
15 17

n-butyl, n-hexyl. or n-octyl) of substantial molecular weight (up

to M , = ca. 96000, M , = ca. 22000) were prepared by using less flexible than in classical polyphosphazenes. For example,
various zirconocene catalysts. These materials indeed possess cr the halogenated polymer 16 has a T, value of - 21 ”C compared
electrons that are extensively delocalized, as illustrated by the to a value of -66 “Cfor poly(dich1orophosphaene) (6).
band-gap transition that occurs at 384-388 nm (in T H F ) . In The reaction of 16 with alkylamines has also been
addition, exposure of thin films of the polymers to the oxidant The resulting poly[ (alkylamino)carbophosphazene]s are sensi-
AsF, leads to significant electronic conductivities of about tive to hydrolysis. However, arylamino derivatives are moisture-
0.01 - 0.3 Scm - * .Ia4] stable, and, in addition, a novel, regioselectively substituted
The properties of these remarkable materials are now under polymer 18 was successfully prepared by the sequential reaction
detailed scrutiny. They are highly photosensitive and exhibit with NHPh, and trifluoroethoxide anions [Eq. (22)].
photobleaching behavior, and on irradiation with UV light
depolymerize to yield cyclic oligomers (Fig. 3). The materials
are thermally stable to temperatures between 200 and 270°C in
air, and at more elevated temperatures function as interesting
precursors to SnO, .[841 1 NPhz OR OR 1,


4.5. Sulfur - Nitrogen- Phosphorus Polymers

Sulfur -nitrogen-phosphorus polymers have backbones that

can be regarded as compositional hybrids of those present in
sulfur-nitrogen polymers,rsuch as the solid-state polymer
poly(sulfur nitride) [SN], or poly(oxothiazene)s [RS(O)=N],
200 250 300
- 400 450 500

Fig. 3. UV:Vis spectrum of polystannane 15 (R = nBu) illustrating photobleaching

(see Section 4.6), and classical polyphosphazenes, [R,P=Vn
(Z).[89* 901 The first well-characterized examples of these materi-
als, poly(thiophosphazene)s, were also reported by Allcock,
behavior in pentane upon irradiation by room light. Measurements wcrc taken Nuyken and c o - w ~ r k e r s .These
~ ~ ~ ] polymers were prepared by
every 30 s. The final spectrum is given by the dotted line. (reproduced from ref. 1x41
with pcrmission). A = absorption (arbitrary units)
the thermal ROP of a cyclothiophosphaiene [Eq. (23)]. This
yielded the hydrolytically sensitive poly(thiophosphazene) 19
with a backbone comprising three-coordinate sulfur(lv), nitro-
4.4. Poly(carbophosphazene)s gen, and phosphorus atomaWlthough reaction of 19 with nu-
cleophiles such as aryloxides yielded polymers of the type 20
Poly(carbophosphazene)s have a backbone comprising phos- with improved hydrolytic stability, degradation was still rapid
phorus, nitrogen, and carbon atoms and can be regarded as except where very bulky substituents such as o-phenylphenoxy
derivatives of classical polyphosphazenes 2 in which every third were present.

1610 Angew. Chern. Int. Ed: Engl. 1996,35, 1602-1621

Inorganic Polymers REVIEWS
poly(thiophosphazene) 19 described above. in which the sulfu-
r(w) halogen bond is more reactive. In contrast to the reactions
with aryloxides, reaction with amine nucleophiles leads to sub-
stitution at both the phosphorus and the sulfuflvr) centers t o
give poly(aminothiony1phosphazene)s 26.[9x1
20 (X = CI, F) R = Alkyl. Aryl
25 26
Although the backbone of poly(thiophosphazene)s appears Ab initio calculations on isotactic poly(thiony1phosphazene)s
to bc quite fragile. a particularly interesting feature of the substi- (24; X = CI or F ) indicate a localized electronic structure for the
tution reactions of 19 is that the S-CI bond is much more polymer backbone and predict that a cis trczns helical confor-
reactive than the P - CI bonds. Regioselective substitution is mation is the most energetically favorable for isolated macro-
possible at the sulfur center, yielding macromolecules 22 with molecules (Fig. 4) .["] 'This is in contrast to the analogous classi-
different aryloxy substituents at sulfur and phosphorus cal polyphosphazene 6 in which a cis--rrans-planar conforma-
[Eq. (24)].[y1.921


Fig. 4. Helical structurc of the poly(thi[)nyIphosphazent.) 24 ( X = CI) according to

a h initio calculations. S: yellow. N : blue. P: red. 0: white. C1. green (picturt
courtesy of R. .laeger and G. J. Vancso).
In 1991 another class of sulfur-nitrogen-phosphorus poly-
mers. poly(thionylphosphazene)s, were reported by Manners
and ~ o - w o r k e r s . ["I ~ ~These
. materials, which possess four-co- tion is preferred. Studies of the properties of the poly(thiony1-
ordinate sulfur(v1) atoms in the backbone, have considerably phosphazene)s also reveal significant differences in thermal
improved stability and were prepared by a thermal ROP of transition behavior and polymer morphology compared to
cyclic thionylptiospha/.cnes 23 with either chlorine or fluorine at that for the classical polyphosphazenes. For example, the poly-
the sulfur(v1) center [Eq. (2S)] . [ y s l mer [NSOF(NP(OPh),J,], is an amorphous elastomer (Tg=
- 15 T), whereas the analogous classical polyphosphazene

pP(OPh),], is a microcrystalline thermoplastic (T, = 390 'C,

= - 6 'C). The T, values of the fluorinated poly-
(thiony1phosphazene)s are lower than those of the analogues
with chlorine at sulfur. For example, for 24 (X = F )
T, = - 56 T, whereas for 24 (X = CI) T, = -- 46 C.1971
Recently preliminary reports of the first poly(thiazy1phos-
( X = CI, F) 165°C (X = C1);185"C ( X = F) phazene)s 27, which possess threecoordinate sulfur(rrr) atonis,
23 24 have appeared [Eq. (26)].['"'I These materials would represent

The halogenated poly(thionylphosphazene)s 24 that are

formed in these KOP reactions (together with small quantities of
macrocyclic by-products) are quite sensitive to hydrolysis but a
variety of moisture-stable derivatives have been prepared by
reaction of this species with aryloxides or amines.[" 981 Mixed-
substituent aryloxy--alkoxy polymers have also been pre- N(SiMe:Jz

pared.[*"] Interestingly, with aryloxides, regioselective substitu-

tion at phosphorus is observed and in the resulting polymers true hybrids of poly(sulfur nitride) and polyphosphazenes and
(25), the sulfur(vr) - halogen bond remains intact. Remarkably, further developments in this area should prove to be particularly
this rcgioselectivity is the exact reverse of that detected for the interesting.

REVIEWS- I. Manners

4.6. Polp(oxothiazene)s

Partially characterized poly(oxothiazcne)s were briefly re-

ported in the early 1 9 6 0 ~ . [ ' ~However,
'] in 1992 the first well-
characterixed examples (28) with alkyl or aryl substituents a t
sulfur were described by These polymers, which have
estimated molecular weights of M , of about lo5 and M , of
about 1 04. were synthesized by the condensation polymerization
of ,h'-silylsulfonimidates at 120 170 C over two to eight days

[Eq. (27)]. These reactions are catalyzed by added Lewis acids
RO- S=N -SiMe3
- ROSiMe3


B R = alkyl, aryl 30
R 28
Poly(1minoborane)s 31. boron-nitrogen analogues of poly-
(e.g. BF,.OEt,) and bases (e.g. fluoride). By using a mixture of (acetylene), have also been briefly reported as white insoluble
different sulfonimidates, copolymers such as [MeS(O)=N],- materials, which swell in certain solvents.[' ' ' I These materials
[PhS(O)= N],, were also successfully prepared. Free sulfonimi- are clearly worthy of further
dates also thermally condense to yield poly(organooxothi-
azene)s at lower temperatures than their N-silyl analogues
[Eq. (27)].[IoZ.'03]
Poly(oxothiazene)s appear to be very polar. For example,
investigation. Cyclodibora-
zane-based polymers have al-
so been prepared and well-
characterized.[' 'I In addition
R' n
R R'

[MeS(O)=N], is soluble in DMF, DMSO, hot water, and con- to boron-based systems, poly- 31 32
centrated H,SO,. Studies of the thermal transition behavior of mers with a silicon-nitrogen
these materials have indicated that they are amorphous. which backbone, polysilazanes 32, have also attracted considerable
is consistent with an atactic structure. Interestingly, the value attention as precursors to ceramics such as Si3N4.11131 Novel,
of [MeS(O)=N], is about 60 'C, which is dramatically higher well-characterized polymers with backbones of silasesquioxane
than that for [Me,P;N], (T, = - 46°C). This suggests a much cages, which in some cases possess spacer groups containing
less flexible backbone for poly(oxothiazene)s than for polyphos- transition elements such as zirconium, have also been prepared
phazenes. as might be expected from studies on poly- recently by Lichtenhan et al, and these materials have high
(thiony1phosphazene)s (see Section 4.5). Thermogravimetric stability and also exhibit preceramic potential." l41
analysis (TGA) showed that the polymers are stable to weight
loss up to about 270°C (at a heating rate of 10"Cmin-'). The-
oretical studies on [MeS(O)=N], have indicated that a cis -trans 5. Transition Metal Based Polymers
helical conformation is the most stable for this
Transition metal complexes and metal-containing solid-state
materials display a diverse array of interesting and useful redox,
4.7. Other Polymers Based on Main Group Elements magnetic, optical, electrical, and catalytic properties.[' ' l61 ' '8

The incorporation of transitibn metals into a polymer main

The use of new synthetic methodologies has provided access chain therefore clearly offers considerable potential for the
to a range of other polymers incorporating main group elements preparation of processable materials with properties that differ
in the main chain. Examples include interesting 2:l periodic significantly from those of convenfional organic poly-
copolymers 29 prepared by Kobayashi and co-workers by the mers." " - ' In addition, the diverse range of coordination
reaction of cyclic germylenes with pc~rtr-benzoquinones.~'~~~ numbers and geometries that exist for transition elements offer
Boron-containing polymers are of considerable interest as the possibility of accessing polymers with unusual conforma-
reactive intermediates and as precursors to boron-based ceram- tional. mechanical, and morphological characteristics. Transi-
ics,"05- 1 I 0 1 Sneddon and co-workers have synthesized polybo- tion metal based polymers might also be expected to function as
razines 30 ( M , up to about 7600, M , up to about 3400) by convenient and processable thermal or photochemical precur-
thermally induced dehydropolymerization of borazines sors to metal-containing ceramic films, fibers, and coatings with
[Eq. (28)].['091The polymers were isolated as white solids and high stability and desirable and useful physical properties.lrZo1
characterization suggested the presence of a significantly However, once again the development of this arca of inorganic
branched structure. Pyrolysis at 1200 T yielded white boron polymer science has been held up by considerable difliculties
nitride in 85 -93% yield. associated with the synthesis of these materials.

1612 AnRew. Chctn. Inr. Ed. End. 1%. 35. 1602-1621

Inorganic Polvmers REVIEWS
Much of the early work in the field utilized polycondensation metal atoms. The development of materials with interesting
routes in which the difunctional precursors were often impure, physical (e.g. electronic and/or magnetic) properties might be
making low molecular weight, poorly defined materials the log- anticipated based on the properties of molecular species in
ical products. In addition, the resulting products were often which two ferrocene units are linked close together. Thus, in
insoluble and poorly characterized. Indeed, at the end of a com- such systems the iron atoms can interact and in some cases yield
prehensive review of the field of metallocene-based polymers in delocalized, mixed-valent species upon one-electron oxidation,
1970 the authors made the critical analysis that many of the even when the metal atoms are up to 7 apart.['27.1281 U ntil
structures assigned to the polymers in the article were "hypo- recently, work in this field had only yielded materials of low
thetical and need rigorous analytical verification, and the de- molecular weight ( M , < 10000) that were often poorly de-
scription of experimental procedures and polymer properties fined.[121. 1291
more often than not has been superficial or has been lacking
altogether".[" 'I
5. I .2. Poly(fevroceny1ene)s
Over the past five years or so, however, a number of signifi-
cant synthetic breakthroughs have taken place which have A typical early route to poly(ferroceny1ene)s 35 with
paved the way to the establishment of several examples of sol- M , < 5000 involved polycondensation processes such as the
uble. high molecular weight materials that have been well-char- recombination of ferrocene radicals generated by the thermoly-
acterized. sis of ferrocene in the presence of peroxides. However, these
materials possess other fragments such as CH, and 0 in the
main chain.['301 More structurally well-defined poly(ferr0-
5.1. Metallocene-Based Polymers cenylene)s such as 35 ( M , < 4 000) have been prepared by Neuse
et al.['311by the condensation reaction of 1.1 -dilithiofer-
5.I . I . Early Work on Ferrocene-Based Polymers rocene.tmeda with 1,I-diiodoferrocene and, significantly, the
reaction of I ,l'-dihaloferrocenes with magnesium [Eq. (29)] has
The excellent thermal stability and interesting physical (e.g.
redox) properties associated with the ferrocene nucleus have led
to extensive efforts aimed at the incorporation of this moiety
into polymer structures. The inclusion of this moiety in the side I Me I I I
group structure of polymers has been very successful because Fe

the synthesis of such materials generally requires only minor
modifications of previously estab-
lished synthetic methodologies. For 35
example, poly(viny1ferrocene) (33)
can be prepared by the free radical
been shown to afford low molecular weight materials ( M , =
addition polymerization of vinylfer-
4600 for soluble fractions) with appreciable crystallinity.[' 321 In
rocene.['"l The incorporation offer-
the latter case, oxidation with 7,7,8,8-tetrdcyano-p-quino-
rocene moieties into the main chains
dimethane (TCNQ) afforded doped polymers that were delocal-
33 of polymers in which the metal
ized on the Mossbauer timescale (ca. IO-'s) at room tempera-
atoms are separated by a consider-
ture and which exhibited electrical conductivities of up to
able distance has also been achieved. Here, by exploiting the
extensive organic chemistry of the metallocene nucleus, well-de-
fined difunctional ferrocenes have been prepared, and con-
trolled polycondensation reactions have then been used to 5.1.3. Poly(ferrocenylsi1ane)s Prepared by
yield well-defined products of appreciable molecular weight. Ring-Opening Polymerization
Examples of products derived from such reactions include
Early attempts to prepare macromolecules in which the fer-
the poly(ary1ene-siloxane-ferrocene)s (e.g. 34),11231ferrocene-
rocene units are separated by an organosilane spacer group also
focused on the use of polycondensation reactions.['33. 341 Im-
pure, partially characterized poly(ferrocenylsi1ane)s were pre-
pared by the reaction of dilithioferrocene with organ-
odichlorosilanes at subambient temperature." 331 The molecular
weights of 1400-7000 reported for these materials are charac-
teristic of those obtained from polycondensation processes in
which exact reaction stoichiometries are virtually impossible to
achieve because one reactant, in this case dilithioferrocene, can-
not be readily prepared in pure form.
containing polyesters," 241 and novel "accordian" type poly- In 1992 Manners and co-workers reported the first synthesis
mers.ll". 1261
of high molecular weight poly(ferrocenylsi1ane)s 37 ( M , =
In contrast, very few examples of polymers with ferrocene IO5-1O6, M , > lo5) by a thermal ROP This process
units in close proximity have been prepared. Such materials are involved heating silicon-bridged [l]ferrocenophanes 36 in the
desirable if advantage is to be taken of interactions beween the melt at 130-220°C [Eq. (30)J. The presence of a single atom

REVIEWS I. Manners

It was recently shown that silicon-bridged [l]ferrocenophanes

undergo "living" anionic ROP a t 25 "C by using initiators such
as nBuLi in This has permitted the synthesis of poly-

(ferroceny1silane)s with con-
trolled molecular weights and

36 R, R' = Alkyl, Aryl, Ferrocenyl narrow

has also allowed
the prepara-
and -f!:o+
37 tion of the first block copoly-
mers such as 38 containing S i A ,,
bridging the ferrocene unit in the monomer leads to a strained skeletal transition metal Me Me
structure in which the planes of the cyclopentadienyl rings are atoms. Very recently the tran- 38
tilted with respect to one another by an angle of about 21 '; in sition metal catalyzed ROP of
ferrocene the cyclopentadienyl rings are parallel. The presence silicon-bridged [l]ferrocenophanes, which occurs in solution at
of strain in the ferrocenophane, which has been measured to be room temperature, has also been reported." 5 3 , 541
about 80 kJ mol- for 36 (R = R' = Me), is believed to provide Novel random copolymers 39 with oligosilane spacers have
the driving force for the R O P process. been prepared by Matyjaszewski, Manners, and their co-work-
Since this initial discovery, a wide range of silicon-bridged
[l]ferrocenophanes with either symmetrically or unsymmetrical-
ly substituted silicon atoms have been prepared and similarly
polymerized.['36- 1461 C onsiderable effort has also been direct-
ed towards investigating and understanding the properties of
the resulting poly(ferrocenylsi1ane) materials, the vast majority
of which are soluble in organic solvents despite their very high
molecular weights.[1411It was initially noted that the electro-
chemistry of the high polymer 37 (R = R' = Me) showed two 39
reversible oxidation waves in a 1 :1 ratio.[1351This provided
clear evidence for the existence of interactions between the iron ers by using a thermal copolymerization process." 551 These
atoms and led to the proposal that initial oxidation occurred at polymers, which possess backbones containing transition metal
alternating iron sites along the main chain. Recent work on atoms together with o-delocalized polysilane segments, are ex-
model oligomers has provided clear evidence in support of this pected to exhibit interesting photophysical and charge transport
postulate.[1421Similar electrochemical behavior has subsequent- properties. Indeed, the materials are photosensitive and the
ly been detected for a range of other poly(ferroceny1si- skeletons of the polysilane segments can be selectively cleaved
lane)^.['^'* 1 4 3 - '451 The polymers also exhibit interesting mor- by using UV light.
phology and several of the symmetrically substituted derivatives Polymerization of a mixture of different silicon-bridged
will crystallize. For example, the dimethyl derivative 37 [l]ferrocenophanes also yields random copolymers.11401 In addi-
(R = R' = Me) is an amber, film-forming thermoplastic with a tion, R O P of silicon-bridged [l]ferrocenophanes with silicon-
T, of 122 "C and a T, of 33 "C (see Fig. 5 ) , whereas, the rz-hexyl bridged bis( benzene)chromium complexes[' has very recently
analogue 37 (R = R = n-hexyl) is an amber, gummy amor- been shown to yield unusual bimetallic poly(ferroceny1silane)-
phous material with a T#of -26"C.['41.1471 poly(chromarenosi1ane) copolymers.[' 571
Poly(ferrocenylsi1ane)s exhibit excellent thermal stability to
weight loss (up to 350-400°C) and yield interesting ferromag-
5.1.4. Other Polymetallocenes Prepared by
netic Fe/Si/C ceramic composites at 500-1000 0C.[148- 501 0X-
Ring-Opening Polymerization
idative doping of poly(ferrocenyldimethylsi1ane) with I, yields
semiconducting materials (cr = ca. lo-' S C ~ - ' ) . [ ~ Signifi- ~'] The ROP route has also been extended to the synthesis of
cantly, a recent report by Garnier and co-workers indicated that other polymers from [llferrocenophane precursors. Poly(ferro-
several tetracyanoethylene ceny1germane)s 40 were first reported in 1993 and have been
(TCNE)-oxidized low well-characterized and exhibit quite sim-
molecular weight poly(fer- ilar thermal transition behavior, mor- R R
rocenylsi1ane)s ( M , = ca.
1500) show electron delo- phology,
to the analogous
and electrochemical
behavior L
T Gl

calization on the Moss- lane)s,[ 1 5 8 - 1601

bauer timescale (ca. Poly(ferroceny1phosphane)s 41 (and
10 ' s) and also ferromag- the corresponding phosphane sulfides
netic ordering at low tem- 42) are also accessible by the thermal R = Me, Et, nBu, Ph
p e r a t u r e ~ . ~This
' ~ ~ discov-
' R O P of phosphorus-bridged [llferro- 40
ery should certainly stimu- cenophanes.['611 Polymers of type 41
late further research ef- have been previously prepared by condensation routes and the
Fig. 5. A solvent-cast film of the poly(fer- forts On these materials in catalytic potential of some of their transition metal derivatives
rocenylsilane) 37 (R = R = Me) the future. has already been noted.[162.1 6 3 1 In addition, very recently the

Inorganic Polymers REVIEWS
R R The presence of a butyl substituent on the cyclopentadienyl
ring is necessary for the polymer to be soluble. The molecular
weights (M,) of 47 (R = nBu) have been determined to be be-
tween 12000 and 359000 (by GPC), depending on the solvent
used for the desulfurization reaction. The [3]ferrocenophanes 46
R = alkyl, aryl R = alkyl, aryl (R = H) and 46 (R = nBu) can be copolymerized to give soluble
copolymers with M , = 25000.
41 42 43
Poly(ferroceny1ene persu1fide)s exhibit a range of very inter-
esting proper tie^."^^ - 1701 They are photosensitive in air. and
first sulfur-bridged [llferrocenophanes have been prepared and the S-S bonds can be reversibly reductively cleaved with
polymerized to give poly(ferroceny1sulfide)s such as 43.[1641 Li[BEt,H] and then regenerated upon oxidation with I,.
Although disilane-bridged [2]ferrocenophanes have very Their electrochemical behavior is similar to that detected for
small ring-tilt angles (ca. 4-5") and are insufficiently strained poly(ferroceny1silane)s except that the interaction between
to undergo thermal ROP. hydrocarbon-bridged [2]ferro- the iron sites appears to be even greater. The atom abstraction
cenophanes 44 have strained ring-tilted structures (tilt-angles = route using PBu, as a desulfurization agent has very recently
ca. 21 - ) as a result of the smaller atomic radius of carbon com- been extended to the preparation of other poly(ferroceny1ene
pared to that of silicon.r1411These species yield poly(ferr0- persu1fide)s with tei-1-butyl substituents, and also to high molec-
cenylethy1ene)s 45 by ROP at 250-300°C [Eq. (31)].['651 As a ular weight ( M , = 50000-1 000000) network polymers by the
use of [3]ferrocenophanes with two trisultido bridges as
monomers.[1681Linear poly(ferroceny1ene perse1enide)s have al-
so been prepared but these materials are of lower molecular

5.1.6. Face-to-Face Metallocene Polymers

44 45 The development of rigid-rod metallocene polymers with a
multistacked structure has been reported by Rosenblum and
co-workers by using condensation routes.["' - "'I Palladium-
consequence of the presence of a more insulating bridge, the catalyzed coupling of chlorozinc ferrocenes with 1.8-di-
interactions between the iron atoms in these polymers are much iodonaphthalene yielded low molecular weight materials
smaller than those in poly(ferr~cenylsilane)s.~~~~~ ( M , < 4000). as the sensitivity of the ferrocene reagent made the
The inclusion of the larger ruthenium atom into a metallo- accomplishment of exact stoichiometries very difficult. With
cenophane structure gives rise to even more tilted and strained this in mind, an improved coupling procedure was developed
molecules, and hydrocarbon-bridged [2]ruthenocenophanes [Eq. (33)] in which treatment of the ferrocene monomers 48 with
(tilt-angles = ca. 29-30") undergo thermal
ROP to yield poly(ruthenocenylethylene)s.[1661
These materials exhibit significantly different
electrochemistry from their iron analogues.

5.1.5. Polylferrocenylene persu1fde)s

Prepared by Atom Abstraction Induced
Ring-Opening Polymerization
In early 1992 Rauchfuss and co-workers re- R = H, 2-octyl
ported that [3]trithiaferrocenophanes. which 48 49
are essentially unstrained, function as precur-
sors to poly(ferroceny1ene persu1fide)s by
a novel atom abstraction polymerization route [Eq. (32)].[1671 FeCI, and Na[N(SiMe,),] yielded purple polymers 49 with
Thus, reaction of [3]trithiaferrocenophanes 46 with PBu, led to molecular weights up to M , = 18 000; higher molecular com-
the formation of the phosphane sulfide. S=PBu,, and the poly- ponents components were also present. Novel mixed-metal co-
mers 47. polymers containing Ni and Fe whose soluble fractions were of
low molecular weight ( M , < 3000) were also obtained by using
[Ni(acac),] instead of FeCI, .["'I The electrical and magnetic
properties of these novel polymers and copolymers have been
investigated and conductivities up to 6.7 x Scm-' have
been determined for I,-doped materials." 711 Interestingly,
structural work on well-defined oligomers suggests that the
stacked metallocene units in the polymer form a helical
structure.[' '1

REVIEWS I. Manners

5.2. Coordination Polymers Phthalocyanine-based polymers, such as the "shish-kebab"

polymers 53, are also of considerable interest and significant
In the past, attempts to prepare coordination polymers have electrical conductivities of up to about 0.1 Scm-' have been
been hindered by the insolubility and consequent intractability detected for chemically or electrochemically doped materi-
of the products. These problems arise from the inherent skeletal als.['80. "'l If flexible organic substituents are present on the
rigidity of these materials, and the introduction of solubilizing periphery of the phthalocyanine ring these materials can also be
or flexibilizing groups either in the polymer backbone or side soluble (at least low molecular weight fractions).
group structure is necessary for useful products to be obtained. The generation of dendrimeric coordination polymers has
Recent work has yielded a range of interesting and well-charac- also been an area of significant recent activity and imaginative
terized materials with intriguing properties. For example, novel routes to novel Ru- or Pt-polypyridyl systems (Fig. 6) have been
liquid crystalline polymers 50 containing paramagnetic Cu" cen- These materials are of interest with respect to
their photophysical and electrochemical proper-
ties and possibly their catalytic behavior.

5.3. Rigid-Rod Organometallic Polymers
Together with several of the classes of ferrocene-

c-C' = , based polymers described above, macromolecules

with backbones that contain conjugated C-C
C C units and transition metal atoms. termed poly-
50 51 metallaynes, represent the best-characterized ex-
amples of transition metal based polymers pre-
pared to date.['871The synthesis and study of these materials is
currently an exciting and active area of polymer science.

Ln =La, Gd, Y, Yb


ters have been prepared by Serrano and co-workers, and sol-

uble, luminescent silver-containing polymers 51 have been re-
ported by Harvey, Michel and co-workers.[176'''?]
In addition, well-characterized lanthanide-containing poly-
mers such as 52, which show polyelectrolyte behavior and which
should exhibit interesting photophysical properties, have been
reported by Archer and Chen.[1781Several of the polymers are
soluble in polar organic solvents such as DMSO, and molecular
weights (M,) up to 18000 have been established. Polymers con-
taining cerium in the main chain possess M , values up to Fig. 6. Structure of a dendrimeric organoplatinum complex (reproduced from ref.
30 000." [I831 with permission).

The first polymetallaynes contained nickel, palladium, or

platinum atoms in the main chain and were isolated in 1977 by
Sonogashira, Hagihara, and Takahashi as yellow, film-forming
These were prepared by efficient copper
halide catalyzed coupling processes IEq. (34)] and have estimat-
ed molecular weights (M,) between 13000 and 120000.

0 = phthalocyanine L = bipy, CN-

M = Fe, Ru, Os, Co, Rh, Mn, Cr


-~ C ~ C - H
H - C E C
zz +i:TC, OCE

53 54

1616 Angew. Chrm. In!. &(I. Engl. 1996. 35. 1602-1621

Inorganic Polymers REVIEWS
The last few years have seen an important expansion in this rigid-rod structures and their conjugated backbones.'lg8 - ' 0 7 ]
area that has yielded a range of new rigid-rod materials by the Thus, polyplatinaynes form ordered, liquid crystalline
creative use of a variety of new and well-defined polycondensa- mesophases in solvents in which they are soluble such as
tion strategies. For example, Lewis and co-workers reported a t r i c h l o r ~ e t h y I e n e , [and
' ~ ~ ~these materials also possess novel,
new route to the polyplatinynes 54 based on the reaction of third-order nonlinear optical properties,[lg9] which are of in-
trans-[PtCI,(PR,),] complexes with bis(trimethylstanny1)diynes tense current interest for electrooptic device applications. Opti-
[Eq. (35)].["'] These rigid-rod polymers possessed estimated cal absorption and photoluminescence spectroscopic studies
weight-average molecular weights up to about 100000 accord- and extended Hiickel calculations have shown that polymetal-
ing to GPC measurements. laynes possess a delocalized polymer backbone whose electronic
structure is modified by the nature of the transition metal, coli-
gdnds, and the unsaturated hydrocarbon spacer.[L00-2021 For
trims-[ PtC12(PBu3)21
example, optical band gaps for a series of polyplatinaynes with
- ClSnMe3
+ * 54 (35) platinum centers joined by x-conjugated acetylide-arene link-
ages of varying length have been measured to be in the range of
2.5-3.1 eV, which is lower than for model complexes and is
consistent with conjugation through the metal centers.[20i1
Other recent highlights in the area of rigid-rod transition
Lewis and co-workers have also shown that this synthetic metal based polymers include the synthesis by Bunz and Alt-
procedure could be extended to allow the incorporation of other mann of a range of interesting thermotropic liquid crystalline
transition elements such as iron into the polymer main chain (to organocobalt polymers such as 58 in which the metal is bound
give 55) by using [FeCI,(Et,PCH,CH,PEt,),I as the transition to skeletal cyclobutadiene units [Eq. (37)] . [ ' 0 8 ] Novel analogues
of such materials in which thiophene units are also incorporated
in the polymer main chain have also been prepared and these
can form smectic lyotropic liquid crystalline phases.[2091
In addition, the preparation and characterization of novel
lyotropic liquid crystalline aramides 59 with complexed chromi-
um (tricarbonyl) units have been reported by Dembek et a1.[2101
These materials are soluble in organic solvents. which leads to
55 56 potential processing advantages for the uncomplexed organic

metal containing reactant.[1921In addition, HC=C+C=CH

Hunter and co-workers have devised conden- I
sation routes to the unusual organonickel
polymers 56. and interesting organocobalt
and organozirconium polymers containing
metallacyclopentadiene moieties in the main i
1 Pd", CuI
chain have been recently reported by the ,C12H25

groups of Nishihara and Endo, and by Tilley

and co-workers. respectively.['93-'961
In another interesting synthetic develop-
ment, Marder and co-workers showed that
[-PI L b

a range of rhodium-containing polyynes 57

are accessible by the reaction of the unsubstituted diynes with
[Rh(PR,),Me] in a reaction that involves reductive elimina-
tion of methane and the loss of a phosphane ligand
[Eq. (36)] . L 1 y 7 1 In the case where trimethylphosphane hgands
are attached to the rhodium center, the polymers are insoluble
but the tri(n-buty1)phosphane analogues are soluble and yield 59 60 61
free-standing solvent-cast films from T H E
Over the past I0 years the physical properties of polymetal- polymer, since the Cr(CO), groups can be easily added and
laynes have received continued attention because of their novel removed, and poly( p-phenyleneterephthalamide) is only soluble
in concentated sulfuric acid.[2'o-2121
Related to polymetallynes are polymeric

+ -PBu3,-CH4t t;"';..oc~c]I
r u
metal nitrides (e.g. 60 M = M o or
W)!187*213.2141 Examples of these materials
are known in the solid state but these generally
dissociate into monomers with M-N bonds
L =PBu~ in solvents in which they are soluble. To date,
57 reports of soluble polymers such as 61 and

Aiigeii.. (%em. Inr Ed. Engl. 1996. 35, 1602-1621 1617

REVIEWS I. Manners

related species have been very brief[2141but such materials polymer materials. For example, preliminary synthetic develop-
are of considerable interest and warrant further study. ments targeting polymers based o n metal metal-
metal quadruple bonds,12221multidecker and
metal-carbon multiple bonds[2241illustrate the remarkable po-
5.4. Polymers with Metal-Metal Bonds in the Main Chain tential for inorganic and organometallic chemists to make excit-
ing and important synthetic contributions towards the develop-
Polymers containing metal-metal bonds in the polymer ment of new inorganic macromolecules with unprecedented
backbone might be expected to have novel conductive and pho- structures and exciting properties. It is clear that considerable
tochemical properties.“ 51 In general, little work has been car- opportunities for both fundamental scientific studies and also
ried out in this area; however, in 1989 Tyler and co-workers applications-oriented work exist for the future.
reported polycondensation routes to polyurethanes containing
Mo-Mo bonds (62) (R = urethane linkage) or Fe(p-CO),Fe Received: October 4. 1995 [A1371E]
units (63) in the polymer backbone.12’ 5 , These polymers German version: Angew. Chem. 1996. 108, 1712-1731

111 Carbon is the 14th most abundant terrestrial element comprising only 0.08
mass % of the earth’s crust. oceans. and atmosphere: see S . S . Zumdahl
Chemicol Principles 2nd ed., D. C. Heath, 1995. p 835.
(CO)3Mo- Mo(CO), [2] E n c y l . Po/?m. Sci. Eng. [Znd Rei7is. Ed.] 1985.
[3] a) Q. Zhou, T. M. Swager, J Am. CIiem. Soc. 1995, 117, 7017; b) W. E.
Moerner. Nururr. 1994, 371, 475.
[4] See, for example, “Gallane at Last” A J. Downs, M. J. Goode, C. R. Pulham.
62 63 J. A m Clieni. Soc. 1989. 1 1 1 , 1936.
[S] For details of isolable. sterically stabilized species with Si=Si and BEN
bonds. inorganic analogues of C=C and C & bonds, see a) R. West Angeil.
Chcm. 1987, 9Y. 1231; Angew. Ckcni. Inr. Ed. Engl. 1987, 26. 1201: b) P.
have M , values between 5000 and 20000, and are of interest as Paetzold. A d i . Inwg. Ciicwi. 1987. 31. 123.
photoreactive materials since the metal-metal bonds could be 161 For details of the key differences between chain-growth and step-growth
cleaved photochemically by visible light. In contrast, existing polymerizations see, for example R. J. Young, P. A. Lovell, Inrrodircrron lo
Po/i.rncw. Chapman & Hall. 2nd ed.. New York, 1992, p. 15-108.
polymers generally require ultraviolet light for photodegrada- 171 According to Carothers theory of polycondensation reactions. to obtain a
tion. The quantum yields for the degradation of the polymers polymer with M, > 10000 from a monomer with a molecular weight of 100,
even if 100% extent of reaction can be achieved. the ratio of the two difunc-
were found to decrease with increasing molecular weight.
tional monomers must be better than 0.9X:l. See R. J. Young. P. A. Lovell,
Interestingly, Moran, Cuadrado, and Mosada and co-work- lnrrodiwrion IO P o / I . ~ P I . .Chapman
s. & Hall. 2nd ed.. New York. 1992. p 24.
ers have recently reported the synthesis of a further class of [XI For a discussion of the need for long chains to obtain the valuable properties
that are characteristic of polymers see 1. M. Campbell, Introdrrcrion 10 Sin-
polymers of structure 63 in which the R group is an oligosilox- thrtic f‘o/~mw.vOxford University Press. New York. 1994, pp. 36- 39.
ane linkage, and these materials display interesting electrochem- [9] The C/iwni.\rr~,o/ Inorganic. Homo- und Heterocyc/(~s,h/.1 und 7 (Eds.:
ical properties.[’l’] I. Haiduc, D. B. Sowerby). Academic Press, Toronto, 1987.
[101 J. E. Mark, H. R . Allcock. R. West. Inorgunic Polxmers. Prentice Hall, 1992.
[l 11 Inorgrrn~cwid Orgunom~~iolli~ Oli,qom~r.sonti Po1wner.s (Eds.: R. M. Lame.
J. F. Harrod). Kluwer, Amsterdam. 1991.
[12] a ) ”Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers”. ACS Sjinp. Ser. 1988. 360,
6. Future Prospects b) ”Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers 11”: ACS Ssmp. Ser. 1994. 572.
[13] For annual reviews of the inorganic polymer literature from 1990 onwards see
Inorganic polymer science represents an area that until re- I. Manners. Ann. Rep. Puig. Chem. Scvr. A Inorg Cheni. 1994, 91, 131. and
references therein.
cently has been held back by the synthetic problem of construct- (141 “Silicon-Based Polymer Science”: A h , . Cliem. S e r . 1990, 224.
ing macromolecular chains. Even ten years ago relatively few [15] .Si/o.wnc P o / w i w . s (Eds.: J. A. Semlyen. S . J. Clarson), Prentice Hall. Engle-
well-characterized polymer systems were known. Recent ad- wood Cliffs, NJ. 1991.
[16] For an entertaining account of the history and applications of polysiloxanes
vances have led to the preparation of a variety of new polymers see E. G. Rochow, Sillcon und Siliconcs, Springer. Heidelberg, 1987.
that contain main group elements, transition metals, and even [17] B. Arkles CHEMTECH., 1983. 13. 542.
[I81 For a recent overview of the silicone breast implant controversy see Clicnf.
lanthanides. In the next few years it will be critical to examine Eng N F I ~ S1995.
. December 11. 10- 17. See also, for example, a ) P. Macdon-
the physical properties of these new materials in detail in both ald. N. Plavac. W. Peters. S. Lugowski, D. Smith. A n d Cliem. 1995.67.3799:
solution and in the solid state. New fundamental science can be b) D. M. Gott, J J. B. Tinkler. Silkon<>Imp/un/s und Connecriw Tfssuc~Dis-
CUSP, Eidirurimr vf E w k n w .for on A.ssociurion between Ihe Impkuniutron of
expected to emerge as structure-property correlations are es- Si/icona mid Comier.rii,r,,eDisrrr.w Medical Devices Agency. 14 Russell
tablished for these novel polymer structures. It is also plausible Square. London. December 1994.
that some of these new materials with properties that are diffi- 1191 G. J. 1. Out, A. A. Turetskii. M. Moller. D. Oelfin, Mucromolecules 1994. 27,
cult or impossible to achieve with existing organic materials may [20] J. Chojnowski, J. Inorg. O r g u n o m ~ rPol~.m.
. 1991. 1 , 299.
fulfill the requirements of niche markets, providing that their [21] J. Stein. L. N. Lewis. K. A. Smith, K. X. Lettko, J. Inorg. Orgunofnet. PolFtn.
1991, 1 . 325.
synthesis is straightforward and the reactants cheap. Polysilox- [22] S. Boileau, D. Teyssie. J Inorg Orgunomcr. Polim. 1991, 1, 247.
anes, and to a lesser extent polyphosphazenes and polysilanes, [23] H. Poths. R. Zentel. Mucromol. Rupid Coiniiiun. 1994, f5. 433.
have already found applications in this way.[”] Ferrocene- 1241 H. Gankema. R. J. W Lugtenberg. .I.F. J. Engbersen. D. N. Reinhoudt. M.
Moller, A d i . Murar. 1994. 6. 944.
based polymers have also attracted significant interest, both as
[XI H R. Allcock. R. L. Kugel. J Am. Ciwm. SOL.1965, 87. 4216.
electrode mediators and as materials for the construction of [26] H. R. Allcock, J. /nor,q. Orguninnrr. Poljm. 1992. 2. 197.
electronic z20] [27] H. R. Allcock. CIwm Murcr. 1994, 6. 1476.
[28] H. R. Allcock. A d i Mutor. 1994, 6, 106.
With the whole periodic table available there is clearly almost [29] H. R. Allcock, C. Kim, Mucrorno/[,cu/[,.~1989. 72. 2596.
infinite scope for the design and synthesis of new inorganic I301 H. R. Allcock, C . Kim, Mutronio/ecuk~.s1991. 24, 2846.

1618 Angeit,. Chem. In!. Ed. Engk. 1996. 35. 1602-1621

Inorganic Polymers REVIEWS
[31] H. R Allcock. A. A. Dembek. E. H . Klingenberg, Macromolecules 1991. 24. [72] H. J. Wu. L. V. Interrante, Mucromolecules 1992. 25, 1840; I. L. Rushkin,
5208. L. V. Interrante, Mucromolecules 1995. 28, 5160
[32] H. R. Allcock. C G. Cameron, Mucromolrciiles 1994, 27, 3131. [73] H. Isaka. H . Teramae, M. Fujiki, N. Matsumoto, Mucromolecules 1995, 28,
[33] For other work on the photophysical properties of polyphosphazenes see. for 4133
example, G. Facchin. F. Minto, M. Gleria. R. Bertani. P. Bortolus, J Inorg. [74] P. Bianconi. T. W. Weidman, J Am. Chem. Soc. 1988, 110, 2342.
Or~unomrt.Polym. 1991, I , 389. 1751 P. Bianconi. F. C. Schilling, T. W. Weidman. Mucromolecrrles 1989, 22. 1697.
[34] D. C Ngo. J. S. Rutt, H. R. Allcock. J A m . Cliem. So<.1991, 113.5075; H. R. [76] T. W. Weidman, P. Bianconi, E. W. Kwock, Ultrusonm 1990, 28, 310.
Allcock. S. E. Kuharcik, C. T. Morrissey. D. C . Ngo, Mucromolecules 1994. [77] W. J. Szymanski. G. T. Visscher, P. A. Bianconi, Mucromoleculrs 1993, 26,
27. 7556. 869.
[35] R . H Neilson. P. Wisian-Neilson, Chem Rev. 1988. 88. 541. [78] P. Trefonas 111.. R. West, J. Polym. Sci. Polym. Chem. Ed. 1985, 23, 2099.
[36] R. A. Montague. K . Matyjaszewski, J Am. Cliem. Soc. 1990, 112, 6721. [79] R. D. Miller, R. Sooriydkumaran. J. Polym. Sci. Polym. Chern. Ed. 1987, 25,
[37] a) K. Matyjaszewski. J. Inorg. Orgunomer. Polym. 1992, 2, 5 ; b) K . Maty- 111.
jasrewski, R . A. Montague. J. Dauth. 0. Nuyken J P o l ~ m Sci. Purr A : [80] S. Adams, M. DrPger. Angew. Chem 1987. 99, 1280; Angew. Chem. Inr. Ed.
Po/J.m Chrrn. 1992, 30, 813; c) K . Matyjaszewski. U. Franz. R. A. Mon- Engl. 1987, 26, 1255. and references therein.
tague. M. L White Polymer. 1994, 35. 5005. [Sl] L. R. Sita, K . W Terry. K. Shibata. J Am. Chem. Soc. 1995, 117, 8049, and
[38] G. DHalluin. R. de Jaeger. J. P. Chambrette, P. Potin Mucromolecules 1992, references therein.
25. 1254. [82] K . Takeda, K . Shiraishi, Chem. Phys. Letr. 1992, 195, 121.
[39] C. H. Honeyman. I. Manners, C. Morrissey. H. R. Allcock. J Am. Chem. Soc. 1831 T. Imori. T. D. Tilley, J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun. 1993. 1607.
1995. 117. 7035. [84] T. Imori, V. Lu, H. Cai, T. D . Tilley, J Am. Chem. Soc.. 1995. 117, 9931.
[40] Organic polymers with phosphazene side groups also have interesting proper- 1851 1. Manners. G. Renner. H. R. Allcock, 0. Nuyken, J Am. Chem. Soc. 1989,
ties and may also be commercially attractive. See, for example. D . E. Brown. 111,5478.
C. W Allen. J. Inorg. Orgunomet. Polym. 1991. 1. 189. [86] H . R. Allcock. S. M. Coley , I. Manners, 0. Nuyken, G. Renner, Mucro-
[41] R. West. J. Orprromrt. Chem. 1986, 300, 327 inolecules 1991, 24. 2024.
[42] R . D. Miller. J. Michl, Chem. Rev. 1989. 89. 1359 1871 H. R. Allcock, S. M. Coley, I. Manners, K. B. Visscher, M. Parvez, 0.
[43] K. Matyjaszewski. J Inorg. Orgunomer. Polym. 1991, 1.463. Nuyken. G. Renner, Inorg. Chem. 1993.32, 5088.
[44] K. S. Madiyasni. R. West, L. D. David. J h i . Cerum. Soc. 1978, 61, 504. [88] H. R Allcock, S. M. Coley, C. T. Morrissey, Macromolecules 1994.27,2904.
[45] For theoretical analyses of the phenomenon of 0 delocalization in polysilanes [89] I. Manners, Coord. Cliem. Revs. 1994. 137, 109.
and related materials see, for example: H. Terdmae, K. Tdkeda. J. Am. Chem. [90] Poly(su1fur nitride). [SN],, possesses remarkable properties such as electrical
S o . . 1989. 111. 1281: J. Nelson. W. J. Pietro. J Plivs. Chein. 1988. 92, 1365; A. conductivity at room temperature and superconductivity below 0.3 K ; see
Savin. 0. Jepsen. J. Fldd. 0. K . Andersen, H. Preuss. H. G . von Schnering, M. M. Labes. P. Love, L. F. Nichols, Chem. Rev. 1979,79. 1. [SN], is insoluble
A n ~ c i i .Chem 1992. 104, 186; Angrir. Chem. Int. EN‘. Engl. 1992, 31, 187. and has a polymeric structure in the solid state with interchain S. . . S interac-
1461 The lowest absorption bands of polysilanes have also recently been assigned tions. As these interactions are crucial to the properties of the material, [SN],
to excitonic rather than interbdnd transitions. See H. Tachibana, M. Mat- is best regarded as a solid-state polymer rather than a polymeric material with
sumoro. Y. Tokurd. Y. Moritomo. A. Yamdguchi. s. Koshihdra, R. D. Miller. discrete macromolecular chains of the type discussed in this review article.
S. Abe. Phy.!. Rev. 5. 1993, 47, 4363. [91] J. A. Dodge, I. Manners, G . Renner, H. R. Allcock. 0. Nuyken, J Am. Chem.
1471 a) C. T. Aitken. J F. Harrod, E. Samuel, J. Orgonomet. Chem. 1985.279. C11; Soc. 1990, 112, 1268.
b) C T. Aitken. J. F. Harrod. E. Samuel. J Am. Chem. Soc. 1986, 108.4059. [92] H. R. Allcock, J. A. Dodge, I. Manners, MucromolecuieA 1993, 26. 11
[48] T. D. Tilley. Ace. Chem. Res. 1993, 26, 22. and references therein. [93] M. Liang, I. Manners, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1991, 113, 4044.
[49] M. Scarlete. S. Brienne, I. S. Butler, J. F. Harrod, Chem. Muter. 1994, 6.977. [94] M . Liang. I. Manners, Mukromol. Chem. Rapid Commun. 1991, 12. 613.
[SO] Y Hsiao, R. M. Wdymouth, J Am. Chem. Sue. 1994, 116, 9779. [95] a) J. C . van de Grampel, Rev. Inorg. Chem. 1981, 3. 1: b) Coord. Chem. Rrs.
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1046: b) E. Fossum, K . Matyjaszewski, Mucroniolrccrles 1995, 28. 1618. 1961 Y. Ni, A. J. Lough, A. L. Rheingold. I. Manners, Angni.. Chem. 1995, 107,
[52] K. Sdkamoto. K. Obdta. H. Hirata. M. Nakajimd, H. Sakurai. J. Am. Chem. 1079; Angew. Chem. Inr. Ed. Engl. 1995, 34, 998.
S o i . 1989. 111. 1641. [97] Y. Ni, A. Stammer, M. Liang, J. Massey, G . J. Vancso. I. Manners, Macro-
(531 H. Suzuki. H. Meyer. J. Simmerer, J. Yang, D. Haarer, Ad:*. M u m . 1993, 5. moiecules 1992, 25. 7119.
743. [98] Y. Ni. M. Liang, J. Massey, I. Manners, MucromoieculeJ 1996. 29, 3401.
1541 Y. Wang, R. West, C. H. Yuan, J Am. Cliem. Soc. 1993, 115. 3844. [99] R. Jaeger, J. Lagowski, I. Manners, G. J. Vancso Macromolecules 1995, 28,
1551 H. Frey. M. Moller. K. Matyjaszewski. Macromolecules 1994, 27, 1814. 539.
1561 J. B. Lambert. J. L Pflug. C. L. Stern. Angew. Chem. 1995, 107, 106; Angew. [loo] T. Chivers, D. D. Doxsee, M . Edwards, R. W. Hilts, in The Chemisrry of
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[57] A. Sekiguchi, M. Nanjo, C. Kabuto, H. Sakurai, J Am. Cliem. Soc.1995. 117, sevier, 1992. p 291.
4195; H. Suzuki, Y Kimdtd. S. Satoh, A. Kuriydma, Chem. Lerr. 1995, 293. [loll a) F. Seel, G. Simon, Angew. Chem. 1960, 72, 709; b) G. W. Parshall, R.
1581 D R. Weyenberg, L. E. Nelson, J. Org. Chem. 1965. 30,2618; C. S. Cundy, Cramer. R. E. Foster, Inorg. Chem. 1962, 1, 677.
M F Lappert. J Chem. Soc. Dulton Trans. 1978,665. and references therein. [lo21 A. K. Roy. J Am. Chem. Soc. 1992, f14, 1530.
[59] For some recent work on transition metal catalyzed ROP of silacyclobutanes [lo31 A. K. Roy. G. T. Burns, G . C. Lie, S. Grigoras, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1993, 115,
see H. Yamashitd, M. Tanaka, K. Honda. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1995. 117. 8873. 2604.
[60] R J. P Corriu. P. Gerbier. C. Guerin. B. J. L. Henner, A. Jean. P. H . Mutin. [lo41 S. Kobayashi, S. Iwata, M . Hiraishi, J A m . Chem. Soc. 1994, 116, 6047.
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[61] J. L. Breyfort. R. J. P. Cornu, P. Gerbier. C. Guerin. B. J. L. Henner, A. Jean. [lo61 Y. Chujo in “Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers 11”: ACS Symp. Ser.
T. Kuhlmann. F. Gamier. A. Yassdr, Orgunometullrcs 1992, 11, 2500 1994, 572. 398.
[62] M. Ishikaaa. T. Hatano. Y Hasegawa, T. Horio, A. Kunai. A. Miyai. T. [lo71 a) R. T. Paine. C. K . Narula, Chem. Rev. 1990, 90. 73; b) R. T. Paine.
Ishida, T. Tsukihara. T. Yamanaka, T Koike. J. Shioya, Orgunomerullics 1992, J Inorg. Orgunomet. Polym. 1992, 2. 183.
11, 1604. [lo81 For a n excellent overview of recent developments in bordzine-based polymers
[63] a) S. J. Sargeant. S. Q. Zhou. G. Manuel. W. P. Weber. Macromolecules 1992, see R. T. Paine. L. G. Sneddon in “Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers
25. 2832; b) M. Theurig, S. J. Sargeant, G. Manuel, W. P. Weber. Mucro- 11”: ACS S m p . Ser. 1994, 572, 358-374.
innieculi~s1992, 25. 3834. [lo91 P. J. Fdzan. J. S. Beck, A. T. Lynch, E. E. Remsen, L G. Sneddon, Chem.
[64] R. West. S. Hayase and T. Iwahdrd, J Inorg. Orgunomer. Polym. 1991. 1, 545. Murer. 1990, 2. 96.
[65] For the use of acyclic diene metathesis polymerization (ADMET) and ring- [110] P. J. Fazan, E. E. Remsen, J. S. Beck, P. J. Carroll, A. R. McGhie, L. G. Sned-
opening metarhesis polymerization (ROMP) to prepare poly(carbosildne)s don, Chem. Muter 1995, 7, 1942.
see. for example. a) K. B. Wagener, D. W. Smith. Macromolecules 1991. 24. 11111 a) See ref. [Sb], pp- 141 -143; b) P. Paetzold. T von Bennigsen-Mackiewicz.
6073: b) J. T. Anhaus. W. Clegg. S. P. Collingwood, V. C. Gibson, J Cheni. Cliem. 5 e r . 1981, 114. 298.
Soi. Chrrii. Con?mun.1991, 1720. [112] Y. Chujo, I. Tomitd, T. Saegusa, Mucromolecules 1992. 25, 3005.
[66] A. W van der Made, P. W. N. M. van Leeuwen, J Chem Soc. Chrm. Coni- [113] See ref. [lo], pp. 241-243, and references therein; H . N . Han. D . A .
mini 1992, 1400. Lindquist. J. S. Haggerty, D . Seyferth, Chem. Muter. 1992.4, 705.
[67] L. L Zhou. J. Roovers. Mucromolrcriles 1993. 26. 963. [114] a) T. S. Haddad, J. D. Lichtenhan J Inorg. Orgunomet. Polym., 1995,5, 237;
[68] R. Lame. F. Babonneau. Chem. Muter. 1993, 5. 260. b) J. D. Lichtenhan, N. Q. Vu, J. A. Carter, J. W. Gilman, F. J. Feher, Macro-
[69] a) J. Bill. F. Aldringer, Ad\,. Muter. 1995. 7. 775; h) J. P. Pillot. Cliem. Rev. molecules 1993. 26, 2141; c) J. D . Lichtenhan, Y A. Otonari, M. J. Carr.
1995. 95, 1443 Mucromolecules 1995,28.8435; d) J. D . Lichtenhan, Comments Inorg. Chem.
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